Single Update Query Using In Clause In SP
Jan 4, 2008
I'm collecting id based on user's selection and storing to ArrayList/String[in]. Now want to pass those ids stored to stroed procedure. I want SP to update all records in single statement using in like update table set field in (value).
I'm storing id with comma (,) separator. Below is my code:
string sId=string.Empty;
for(int a=0;a<Id.Count;a++)
Id += Id;
sId +=",";
In database id column is int type. I'm passing id collected with comma separator and passing it as a parameter to SP. but it is giving error related converting to int or similar.
Plz help me create Stored Procedure in SQL 2005 based on above scenario.
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Apr 29, 2008
Table Name:-emp
table structure:- Name Gender
A Male
B Male
C FeMale
D FeMale
I want only one update query to update this table like this
table structure:- Name Gender
A FeMale
B FeMale
C Male
D Male
please help me?
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May 7, 2012
I could write a query with a sub-query in order to perform an UPDATE on the most recent 60,000 records of a table based on a date field, but unfortunately I am receiving an error.
SET transmit_date = '2012-05-07 00:00:00.000', transmit_status = '1223'
WHERE temp_pk in
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Jun 14, 2008
hi friends
in my sqlserver 2005 i want to update two tables in a single query.
is it possible? or is it possible by creating a view?
thanks in advance.
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May 5, 2004
I need to write a single query that will append the values from one table into another table but I need to update a single field in the table with a static value. What I'm working with is an Access .adp with an SQL 2000 backend. The database is used to track ticket sales, payments, and contact info for season ticket holders. Prior to upsizing, each year the database would be copied and then choice bits modified for the next year.
In other words, the history was in several databases, i.e. db2001, db2002, db2003 and for the current year dbcurrent. I decided to create a historic tables in the current DB rather than have umpteen DBs on my SQL server.
My problem is that I need to create a query that appends to my table the previous years data and then updates the season field to reflect the season that the data came from.
In short, say I have a table named accounts
with fields
account, customer, addr1, addr2, ..., ticket type
and I want it to end up in
account_hist with fields
account, customer, addr1, addr2, ..., ticket type, SEASON
and make the season equal say 8 which represents the 8th season the team has played.
I can get both queries to work seperately :D , but for end user ease, I want to perform both actions at the same time :confused: .
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
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Jul 30, 2007
I know this isn't right but I'm trying to build a single query in PHP to re write the sortorder column starting at 0 and writing every row in order.
update categories set (sortorder=0 where catid=32), (sortorder=1 where catid=33),(sortorder=2 where catid=36) where userid=111
PHP Code:
$qt="update categories set ";
$qt.=", ";
$qt.=" where userid=111";
Using PHP I can amend the loop above to slot in a row I want so I can change the sort order.
unfortunately I'm not sure how to build such a query in mssql, can anyone help?
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Apr 3, 2008
Hello All,
I want to update multiple tables using single query and fields name are same of tables.
I am trying like:
update tablename1 t1,tablename2 t2 set t1.fieldname1 = t2.fieldname1 = 'value' where condition;
update tablename1 t1,tablename2 t2 set t1.fieldname1 = 'value' t2.fieldname1 = value where condition;
Plzzzzzz help me.Thanx in advance.
Thanx & Regards,
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Nov 6, 2007
I am using SQl server 2005.
want to update rows in 2 tables,which have a relation on Id field.
Some thing like
Update tblA a , tblB b
Set a.UpdatedDt=getdate(),b.Updateddt=getdate()
where a.Id=b.Id and a.Name='xyz'
can anyone out there help me?
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Sep 25, 2014
I have two tables table1 and table2 and having a common column "col1"
When i ran the following query
UPDATE table1, table2 SET col1=FALSE WHERE id = 1;
getting the following error
Error Code: 1052
Column 'col1' in field list is ambiguous
id column exist in both the tables and need to update both the tables to false where the id is equivalent to 1.
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Sep 25, 2014
I have two tables table1 and table2 and having a common column "col1"
When i ran the following query
UPDATE table1, table2 SET col1=FALSE WHERE id = 1;
getting the following error
Error Code: 1052 Column 'col1' in field list is ambiguous
id column exist in both the tables and need to update both the tables to false where the id is equivalent to 1.
how to achieve this in single query?
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Jan 18, 2008
I have an application that needs user parameters for some reports, and it allows them to enter any amount of said parameter, so the query is built like this:"Select ... Where ParameterColumn IN (" + txtParameters.Text + ")";the parameters textbox only allows numbers and commas to be on the safe side of SQL injection. now, due to this the query has to be built dynamically in the code behind page. is there any way to use a single parameter to add all of those values? and set the parameter to the text in the control during design mode to the datasource control?something like: Select ... Where ParameterColumn IN (@Parameters) <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtParameters" Name="Parameters" PropertyName="Text " />whenever I try that I get something along the lines of "Error converting nvarchar '1,2,3' to datatype int"Thanks!
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Nov 11, 2007
I am hoping someone can shed light on this odd behavior I am seeing running a simple UPDATE statement on a table in SQL Server 2000. I have 2 tables - call them Table1 and Table2 for now (among many) that need to have certain columns updated as part of a single transaction process. Each of the tables has many columns. I have purposely limited the target column for updating to only ONE of the columns in trying to isolate the issue. In one case the UPDATE runs fine against Table1... at runtime in code and as a manual query when run in QueryAnalyzer or in the Query window of SSManagementStudio - either way it works fine.
However, when I run the UPDATE statement against Table2 - at runtime I get rowsaffected = 0 which of course forces the code to throw an Exception (logically). When I take out the SQL stmt and run it manually in Query Analyzer, it runs BUT this is the output seen in the results pane...
(0 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
How does on get 2 answers for one query like this...I have never seen such behavior and it is a real frustration ... makes no sense. There is only ONE row in the table that contains the key field passed in and it is the same key field value on the other table Table1 where the SQL returns only ONE message (the one you expect)
(1 row(s) affected)
If anyone has any ideas where to look next, I'd appreciate it.
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Jun 25, 2004
how does one specify multiple values for a single column in a where clause?
SELECT fname, lname
FROM tblContacts
WHERE (state = 'MI','CA','AZ','TN','NJ')
if my memory serves me there is an IN() value list operator but I can't remember the syntax :confused:
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Mar 18, 2005
we show record from multiple table using single 'selectcommand'.
select *
from cust_detail,vend_detail
i want to insert value in multiple database table(more than one) using single 'insert command'.
is it possible?
give any idea or solution.
i want to update value in multiple database table(more than one) using single 'update command'
i want to delete value in multiple database table(more than one) using singl 'delete command'
it is possible?
give any idea or solution.
it's urgent.
thanks in advance.
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Sep 29, 2007
I'd like to update the attribute Active of the table COMPANY_BRANCH to the value 0 (or false, since it is a bin field) on the below recordset:
HAVING (MAX(PLACEMENT.ExpirationDate) < DATEADD(yyyy, - 1, GETDATE()))
yet, I am unable to understand the concept on how this can be done. If I put it into query designer and change the query type to update, the code that gets generated is not correct - can someone help me?
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Aug 14, 2001
I'm trying to inner join an update statement.
Something like this:
update #point_connection_temp AS a inner join #point_connection_temp_two as b on a.key_fld = b.key_fld set a.next_point = b.next_point
where #point_connection_temp.next_point is null
order by a.key_fld
I'm getting an error message:Incorrect syntax error near AS
Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thank you!!!!!!!!!1
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Sep 27, 2006
MySQL has a ON UPDATE clause which can be used as given below:create table t(col1 varchar(90), time_col timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);Whenever a column (col1) is updated time_col will also be updated with curren time stamp. Is there any equivaent in SQL ServerAm aware that this could be handled using Triggers, is there any other better solution.
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Sep 26, 2014
I need to update the account_status and show the audit in the ssrs report.
I wrote the following query in the ssrs report but when I click on refresh fields it is throwing error incorrect syntax near output
Declare @username nvarchar(50)
Declare @UserStatus Table
(id bigint,
Username nvarchar(50),
Oldaccount_status varchar(255),
Newaccount_status varchar(255))
[Code] .....
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Oct 29, 2015
I have a temporary table #Temp with, among others, a column CountryCode and a column Lastname.I would like to change the ü that appears in some names to u (u umlaut to a plain u), but only for those that have the nationality 'Ned'
My code so far:
Update #Temp
set LastName = replace(Lastname, 'ü', 'ue') WHERE CountryCode = 'Ned'
This code deletes all entries in the column Lastname
I think it must be easy, but I keep staring at the code.
What to do?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi All,In Oracle, I can easily make this query :UPDATE t1 SET (f1,f2)=(SELECT AVG(f3),SUM(f4)FROM t2WHERE t2.f5=t1.f6)WHERE f5='Something'I cannot seem to be able to do the same thing with MS-SQL. There areonly 2 ways I've figured out, and I fear performance cost in both cases,which are these :1)UPDATE t1 SET f1=(SELECT AVG(f3)FROM t2WHERE t2.f5=t1.f6)WHERE f5='Something'and then the same statement but with f2, and2)UPDATE t1 SET f1=(SELECT AVG(f3)FROM t2WHERE t2.f5=t1.f6),f2=(SELECT SUM(f4)FROM t2WHERE t2.f5=t1.f6)WHERE f5='Something'Is there a way with MS-SQL to do the Oracle equivalent in this case ?Thanks,Michel
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May 28, 2015
I am trying to update a table and then also use OUTPUT clause to capture some of the columns. The code that I am using is something like the one below
SET Exception_Ind = 1
OUTPUT s.Master_Id, s.TCK_NR
INTO #temp2
FROM Master_Summary s
INNER JOIN Exception d
ON d.Id = LEFT(s.Id, 8)
AND d.Barcode_Num = s.TCK_NR
WHERE s.Exception_Ind IS NULL
The above code is throwing an error as follows:
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Process_Step3, Line 113
The multi-part identifier "s.Master_Id" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Process_Step3, Line 113
The multi-part identifier "s.TCK_NR" could not be bound.
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Dec 12, 2007
I have a table (GLTRANS) with thousands of lines.
1 column in the table (ACCNO) has 300 different values which all need to change to a new value.
ie. 11100 all change to 8100
11200 all change to 8200
I know how to do a simple UPDATE
SET ACCNO = '8100'
WHERE ACCNO = '11100'
But how can i combine into 1 script rather than having to continually change this script 300 times??
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Oct 25, 2007
hi guys i have a problem;;;
i have to update table'''
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Apr 4, 2014
I Want to write a single SP which inserts and updates.
@UserName nvarchar(50),
@OldPassword nvarchar(50),
@NewPassword nvarchar(50)
INSERT INTO RGH_ChangePassword(vUserName, vNewPassword) VALUES(@UserName, @NewPassword)
UPDATE RGH_LoginMaster SET vPassword=@NewPassword WHERE vUserName=@vUserName and vPassword=@OldPassword
When i tried to create above sp it gives me an error saying
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Procedure sp_NewPassword, Line 8
Must declare the scalar variable "@vUserName".
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Oct 31, 2007
What is the single SQL statement to truncate the blank space on either side of data.
Table1 has Name as column.
I have records filled with blank space on both side for Name field.
With one query I want to correct (truncate the leading and trailing space) the data.
SQL Server 2005 SP2.
Thank you,
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Mar 21, 2008
Can an Update statement support multiple SET/WHERE clauses? The following example won't work, but this is what I'd like to be able to do:
Code Snippet
UPDATE [CPSAgacar].tmp_CTA2
SET [Admit Date] = NULL
WHERE [CPSAgacar].tmp_CTA2.CalcAdmitDate IS NOT NULL
SET CalcDischDate = Discharge
WHERE [CPSAgacar].tmp_CTA2.CalcAdmitDate IS NOT NULL AND CPSAgacar].tmp_CTA2.CalcDischDate IS NULL
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Jun 4, 2015
I have used the below update query. However, its updating only the first value. Like its updating AB with volume when c.Type = ABC, similarly for CD. Its not updating based on the 2nd or the next case condition.
Update XYZ Set AB = a.Amt * (CASE WHEN c.Type = 'ABC' THEN (c.volume)
WHEN c.TYPE = 'DEF' THEN (c.volume)
WHEN c.Type = 'GHI' THEN (c.volume)
Else 0
CD = CASE WHEN c.Type = 'MARGIN' THEN '4105.31'
WHEN c.Type = 'ABC' THEN '123.1'
WHEN c.Type = 'DEF' THEN '234.2'
WHEN c.Type = 'GHI' THEN '567.1'
from table1 a join table2 b
on a.Cust = b.Customer
join table3 c
on b.account = c.account and
Why its not working properly? But if i use Select statement instead of update query its working properly.
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Mar 13, 2008
Is it possible to update 2 tables in a single t-sql statement?
If Yes, whats the syntax?
Update Table1,Table2 ... is not working
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May 8, 2008
In VB6 using MDAC 2.8 I could do a single select statement that would act as either an Insert or an update. Is there a way to do this in
My old VB6 code
Dim dbData As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strParm As String
Dim strCusNo As String
strParm = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=SQL2000; Initial Catalog=DATA_01; User ID=UserName; Password=password"
dbData.Open strParm
strParm = "Select CusNo from CusFil Where CusNo = '" & strCusNo & "'"
rs1.Open strParm, dbData, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
If rs1.BOF And rs1.EOF Then
End If
With rs1
!CusNo = strCusNo
End With
Set rs1 = Nothing
Set dbData = Nothing
Is there an ADO.Net equivalent?
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Jun 11, 2014
I have this update statement that I need to have joined by MSA and spec.
I keep getting an error.
Msg 1011, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
The correlation name 't1' is specified multiple times in a FROM clause.
Here is my statement below. How can I change this?
SET [Count on Billed Charges] = (Select Count(distinct[PCS Number])
From MonthEnds.dbo.vw_All_Products t1
Inner Join MonthEnds.dbo.vw_All_Products t1 on t1.[MSA Group] = t2.[MSA Group] and t1.[Spec 1] = t2.[Spec 1])
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Mar 3, 2004
Got a beginner question here...
Let's say I have a database table that houses server information with four columns: make, model, serial #, ip address. And assume there are ten rows with that information filled out. How could I display all the rows of information on a single webpage (ASP.NET), with all the fields being editable; and a single save button that would send any changes to the database (in reality I guess it would be sending all rows and fields to the database, and just overwrite the previous data).
Could a page such as that be created using FrontPage 2003 or Dreamweaver MX 2004?
This would be strictly for updating information. I would have a separate form for adding a new entry.
Thanks for your help.
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Mar 29, 2001
I get a timeout expired error when running the following in a vb component.
'update cm_event_notification Set processed = '3/29/01 9:46:01 AM' Where dn = '{2E738808-23B4-11D5-B49A-00508BD934F8}'
The table dn column is a primary key, when I run it from sql Anyalzer it works. If there are two rows to update it works, just the single row update times out!
Thanks in Advance,
Phillip M. Tricoli
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Jul 27, 2006
A problem has come up in designing a Web page to maintain a small reference table in SQL Server 2000 (9 columns, about 25 records).
I tried to design the Web page to allow INSERT and UPDATE operations using a single page that posts back to itself. The page contains a set of empty form fields for a new record, followed by a set of filled-in form field for each row in the table. The form fields for existing records are given a unique name based on the field name concatenated with the primary key value for that row.
If I set up the page to INSERT only, it works properly. But when I add the fields for existing records, the INSERT operation malfunctions. Specifically, anytime a set of existing fields for a particular column is added to the page, the INSERT will no longer work properly for that column. This is true for all fields except the primary key field. It always INSERTs correctly. I tried adding only some columns to the set of existing form fields. In that case, the INSERT operation added the correct values for the fields that were not listed in the existing records section, but failed for the others.
I am using the INSERT INTO syntax for that operation and the recordset .Update syntax for the edits. I tried using the recordset .AddNew/.Update syntax for the insert, but it exhibited the same problems. The column data types contain smallint, bit, nvarchar, and ntext types.
I know that the correct values are being put into the INSERT statement. I also tried renaming the INSERT form fields to be totally different than the names of the existing record fields. But the problem comes back no matter what.
If necessary, I can split the logic so that inserts and updates are handled by different pages. But I would like to make this work if possible. If a reader knows why SQL Server is causing this problem, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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