Site Settings In Report Manager Missing

Nov 7, 2007

I want to be able to view site settings in Report Manager, but when I connect to http://localhost/Reports in the upper right all that is shown is:

Home | My Subscriptions | Help

Does anyone know how I can get Site Settings to be displayed? example -> site settings

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Site Settings In Report Manager Missing

Nov 8, 2007

I want to be able to view site settings in Report Manager, but when I connect to http://localhost/Reports in the upper right all that is shown is:

Home | My Subscriptions | Help

Does anyone know how I can get Site Settings to be displayed?

Also I am using Windows Vista Ultimate & IE 7 - I run IE7 as Administrator

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Reporting Services :: Missing Tabs And Site Settings Link In Report Manager?

Aug 5, 2010

Installed SQL Server 2008 with Reporting Services to a Windows Server 2008 box.  Tried to open the Report Manager and had no tabs and no Site Settings link - just a blank home page. I am logged onto the server with local administrator rights, so it shouldn't be a permissions issue.

Thinking the installation was bad (IIS was not installed before installing SSRS), I uninstalled and re-installed SSRS after setting up IIS 7 on the server.  Still the same issue - just a blank home page in report manager with no ability to add users or assign roles or see anything except the links for "Home", "My Subscriptions", and "Help".

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Change Default Zoom Setting For Reports Viewed On Report Manager Web Site

Sep 14, 2007

I've tried changing the default zoom setting by editing the RSReportServer.config file to include



<Zoom>Page Width</Zoom>
under the


<Extension Name = "HTML4.0" etc.
However, all reports still show up with the zoom setting at 100% on the toolbar.
I stop and restart the Report Server Service and it comes up OK so I know my XML syntax is cool. What am I doing wrong?

This is on a 2005 Report Server. Reports are built in VS2005 Report Designer and deployed to the Report Server directly. Reports are accessed via IE7 browser.

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Missing Elements In Report Manager

Nov 30, 2005

Has anyone run across this before? I'm missing the Contents and Properties tab along with the button bar containing the "New Folder", "New Data Source", "Upload File" and "Show Details" buttons in the Report Manager. Also, which I think may be related, when I attempt to deploy a report I get the error: "A connection could not be made to the report server http://MyServer/Reports.

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Site Settings

Oct 16, 2006

I need to place some site settings in my Report Manger.But in my Report Manager there is no Site Settings Icon.Is this installation problem please help me.

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~* Data Driven Subscription Button Missing In Report Manager *~

Dec 6, 2007


I am using SSRS 2005 for reporting. I am not able to see the "New Data-driven Subscription" button in Report Manager. But I am able to see "New Subscription".

Thanks in advance.

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SQL 2012 :: Configuration Manager TCP / IP Settings?

Apr 7, 2015

We changed the IP addresses for several SQL Servers and we're a little confused by what we see in Configuration Manager. The TCP/IP properties "IP Addresses" tab still shows the old IP address, even after a restart. On "Protocol" tab, Listen All is set to "Yes".

We've found one source that says this setting causes the listening on an individual IP to be ignored.

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Confused About Configuration Manager's TCP/IP Settings

Jun 26, 2006

I need another opinion about the SQL Server Configuration Manager's TCP/IP settings...

Recreation steps:
Start, (All) Programs, SQL Server 2005, Configuration Tools, SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Expand the "SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration"
Select the "Protocols for x" where "x" is the named-instance or "MSSQLServer" for default.
On the right-hand pane, right-click "TCP/IP" and select "Properties."
Select the "IP Addresses" tab.

Visually on the screen I have this:
- IP1
Active            Yes
Enabled           No
IP Address
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port          1433

- IP2
Active            Yes
Enabled           No
IP Address <-loopback
TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port          1433

TCP Dynamic Ports
TCP Port          1433

1. If I want to change the listening port, I change all three at the same time?
1a. Does a value in the IPAll section override the individual IPx sections?
2. What does "enabled" mean? How can IP1 and IP2 not be enabled?
3. What does "active" mean? How can something be both active yet not enabled?
(4. Any plans to change the "NULL=False, 0=True" values for the Dynamic Ports?)


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Microsoft OLEDB Provider For DB2 Performance Issue (Missing Where Clause On DB2 Site)

Aug 17, 2007

I have just installed Microsoft OLEDB provider for DB2 on a SQL server 2005. I created a Linked server against our DB2 V.8 Z/OS database. I tested the connection via execution of a simple select call, something like:


I traced the call on the DB2 site. The SQL running on DB2 site was to my surprise without the €œwhere clause€?:


So, all rows are moved to SQL server before the where clause is executed, resulting in bad performance. The index on FIELD_A is not used and so on €¦ !

If anyone out there has an idea of what could be wrong, please let me know!

NB. I know that by using OPENQUERY pass-through query, all execution is done on the DB2 site.

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How To Connect To My Web-Site'SqlServer Through Enterprise Manager?

Aug 19, 2006

Hi all,
I have Sql Server 2000 installed in my home and also i have a website that works with Sql Server2000 and .Net FrameWork v1.1 ,now i want to know is it possible to connect from my home SqlServer to Host SqlServer( where my Website resides )  through Enterprise manager or Query Analizer to do some data-manipulation And how?
Thanks in advance.Regards.

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Problem Connecting To Remote Site With Enterprise Manager

Apr 22, 2004

Hi All,

Recently had to rebuild our SQLServer installation from scratch! major pain!! We had a remote server running a replicated version of the internal database system for the website. We also have a SQL DB hosted with a new ISP which is in test mode. All managed via EM.

Re-installed software, upgaded tp SP3, new MDAC. Set up the references for the two external DB's with the Client Network Utility. In EM set up a connection to DB on the new ISP, works perfectly, tried on the old DB and get 'SQL Server is not running or access denied' error message.

I confirmed the server is running, as its our live site. Cant connect using Query Analyser. I can ping the adress successfully. I've created new user logings that mach on both machines/servers, still no luck!

Can anyone suggest what the problem is/might be or how to fix... I'm flat out of ideas!

Major THANKS! for any gems...


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A User Group Account Acting Like A Content Manager And Admin On The Report Manager????

Nov 2, 2007

A user was created with a limited privilege under the USERS group. Once this user loged in the Report Manager he is acting like an Admin and Content Manager, though he is not given even a browser role.

What do u think that this guy is acting like a Super User evenif he is restricted to a browser role on the Report Manager ????????????

I did all my best, but no luck so far

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Server Manager Missing

Jun 26, 2002

I've recently upgraded my PC from ME to XP and now have a multi-user setting in my computer. I've tried reinstalling SQL 7; it did install but the Server Manager is missing, so I couldn't start the server. (By the way, what I have is the stand-alone type). Whenever I try to start the query analyzer, I get this error message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. Whenever I try looking for the server manager in the start-up menu, it always says a .exe file (if I'm not mistaken the sqlmangr.exe) is missing or has been moved. What could be the problem? I'm just beginning to learn SQL so if anybody can help me, please.

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Missing DB2 Connection Manager

Jun 12, 2007

I'm trying to connect to DB2 database across a vpn. When I test locally there's a connection manager: "Native OLE DBMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for DB2" option that I assume will work. I actually need to do this on a remote computer that is able to authenticate with AD to connect to a couple other DBs, and on that install there're no DB2 connections to be found.

Any ideas on why the list of available connections on that install would be different? Do I have to put the drivers in the classpath then to get SSIS to pick them up?

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Missing Options In Enterprise Manager

Nov 10, 1999


Does anyone happen to know what authority is required to view the following in Enterprise Manager:

Database Maintenance Plans
Current Activity
SQL Server Logs

When I use EM to log onto SQL Server with a login that does not have sysadmin authority, I do not appear to have these options available when I expand the Management folder. I can find no reference to any specific authorities that are required in Books online and unable to find anything in the Knowledge Base about it either.
I can't believe that sysadmin authority is needed to view these.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ian Brennan

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Drive Missing From Enterprise Manager

Jun 14, 2004


I have an SQL cluster on Windows 2003 with 2 drives (1 for dbs and 1 for logs). Both of these drives are accessible from Windows explorer.

In Enterprise Manager only the db drive appears as a location to house dbs and logs.

I can't work out how to get the second drive to appear and adding the path manual doesn't work as I end up with the other drive letter appending to the front eg "y:z:logs"

Has anyone seen this or have any ideas how to fix it?

Help much appreciated.

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Report Builder Language Settings

May 14, 2007

How can I make Report Builder default to produce reports using UK date format (dd/mm/yyyy) rather than USA format (mm/dd/yyyy)?

When I produce reports using Visual Studio Report Designer, I can change the Language property to English (United Kingdom) and this works fine, but Report Builder does not seem to have this property.

I know I can change the date format in the text box, but I don't want the users to have to do this for every ad-hoc report they create.

For reference I believe all my regional settings on the server and client machines are all English (United Kingdom) and all the Internet Explorer settings and Database user settings.

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Enterprise Manager Missing Close Window

Aug 2, 2002

Hi, all:

I insalled SQL 2000 server standard version on Windows 2000 server, then I applied SQL 2000 sp2 to it. Every step told me installation was successful.

Everything sounds working except following:

I lauch Enterprise manager, serverName / databaseName(ex. pubs) / Stored Procedure, then double click one of Stored Procedures, Stored Procedures properties window pop up. On the right top corner those three small buttons (minimize, resize and close) are missing. No way to close Stored Procedures properties window except using task manager to kill it. That drives me nut.

Any idea?



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Reports / Report Server Default Settings

Nov 8, 2005


i have installed SQL RS and have a directory listing in the Reports directory via my browser. CAn anyone tell me which file / setting needs tweaking please?


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SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) : Issue Navigating From Report To Report: Parameter Is Missing A Value

Sep 5, 2007

I'm having problems navigating from one report to another one if the second report has a multi-valued report parameter. When I navigate to the second report, I don't pass any parameters, but I get an error "parameter is missing a value" for the multi-valued report parameter. I have it setup as allow "multi-value" and "blank value". Any idea what the issue might be?

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Report Viewer On Internet Site

Aug 16, 2007

Hi, I am developing a website that will use the VS Report Viewer control to display some business reports.....The website will be on the internet, but the report viewer will need to access an internal report server that the internet users don't have access to? Is this possible, or the correct way to do this? Any ideas / suggestions would be appreciated!


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SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager Snap-in Missing

Nov 11, 2006

After running virus cleaning software on my HD, I suddenly find my Enterprise Manager snap-in missing and fail to initialize. Is the MMC erased or damaged? What should I do? Reinstall SQL Server 2000 or repair it? Please advise. Thanks.

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Reporting Services :: Copy Subscription Settings From One Report To Another

Aug 8, 2013

I have three SSRS reports that I modified. The original reports had several subscriptions associated with them. When I deployed the new reports, I placed the old reports into a folder called Archive and renamed them. Now I have these new reports with the original names of the first versions of the reports.

My question is is it possible to somehow replicate the schedules of the original reports to the new reports? There are about 30 subscriptions with between 5-10 recipients, and it would be a real pain to have to manually recreate those subscriptions.

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Configure IIS For Reporting Manager And Reporting Server Site

Oct 4, 2006

Dear All:

My reporting manager and reporting server were working fine in IIS. But when I booted the system one day, one error message came "Unexpected error" for the IIS. So I removed the IIS and reinstalled he same.

But after that, I tried to give virtual directories to reporting manager and reporting server sites. But it ain't working. Could you please help me?

My IIS 5.1
Reporting service 2005 Express with SQL Server Express
ASP.NET 2.0 Express.

Please help.

Thanks in Advance

Emmanuel Mathew

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Unable To View Reports On Report Viewer After Publishing ASP.NET Web Site

Oct 31, 2007


I have couple of Web pages linking to my RDLs using report viewer Web controls. I have no problem running and viewing them in VS2005 debug mode and report manager until I published them to local folder and set the local folder as an application on my IIS7. When running the published version of the Web pages, all my calendar image buttons (which happen to be part of the report parameter fields) turned to red 'X':

When clicking the View Report button, the animated progress icon not appearing at all. Before the occurance of this problem, I did face the problem whereby the 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE' does not have enough permission to view the report. After referring to some threads, I finally be able to get rid of this error by assigning Browser role to 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE' from the report manager. I wonder could this solution be related to the problem that I'm facing now. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.


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SQL 2012 :: Add Report Of Type Power View In Web Part Of Site Of Sharepoint

Apr 25, 2012

I need add an report of type "Power View" in Web Part of Site of Sharepoint.What is category chose in Web Parts to add an report of type Power View ?My objective is create an tree menu with links to specific sites (created for me) that have web parts with "Power View".

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Reporting Services :: Domain User - Unable To Run Report In SSRS Report Manager?

Oct 9, 2015

I have done the following and a domain user would not access report created a login to the SQL server to the user (this SQL Server is where data source DB is)went to site setting in Report Manager and made this use a system userright clicked on report folder and made this user in the browser roleeven checked that in the report in question, the user is already in the browser role Still the user would not access the report! "User .......... does not have required permission" is the error message I am getting. 

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Runs In Visual Studio But Not Report Manager

Jul 5, 2012

I have written a report visual studio.  The report has 10 multi-value parameters that pull data from their individual data sets within the reports.  When running the report from within Visual Studio it renders fine.  There are no errors reported, only a warning related to a pathname I have use to retrieve image data and display on the report.Deployment of the report is error free.When I view the report I briefly get the "Loading" splash window, but then nothing.  None of the headers or static text is displayed.  The results window is blank.

The report defaults all the parameter values.  In trying to debug the issue I have found by reducing the number of parameter values the report will render.  Once I have all the values added, the report does nothing.Below is the query being used for the report.  The where clause in the query shows the parameters being used and the syntax.We are running on Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 R2.

a.USCATVLS_1 AS [Main Category], a.USCATVLS_2 AS Market, a.USCATVLS_3 AS [Alternate Retail], a.USCATVLS_4 AS Country, b.ITEMXTRAS_1_Type AS Type,
b.ITEMXTRAS_2_Finish AS Finish, b.ITEMXTRAS_3_SubCategory AS SubCategory, b.ITEMXTRAS_4_Department AS Department,


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Reporting Services :: How To Change Parameter Visibility When Accessing Report From Report Manager

Apr 16, 2015

I am working on reports in SSRS 2008 (not R2)... There are some reports with parameters that are hidden when the report is accessed through normal URL using ReportViewer.asx..The thing is that these hidden parameters need to be visible when the report is accessed using SSRS Report Manager.

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Custom Security Extension - Report Manager And Report Server On Different Machines

Sep 19, 2007


I'm trying to deploy Reporting Services on an Internet-facing web server using a custom security extension (forms authentication). We will be putting Report Manager on the Web Server outside of the firewall, and Report Server on another machine inside the firewall. When testing the solution in a development environment with Report Manager and Report Server on the same box, the solution works fine.

When testing it using the Internet-facing environment described above, it almost works but there seems to be an issue with the authentication cookie that is generated. Here's what happens:

1. User enters credentials on UILogon.aspx and submits form.
2. In the code-behind, LogonUser() is called through a web service proxy and the authentication cookie is returned successfully. The code used here to set the cookie is the same code used in the Forms Authentication sample that ships with RS2005.
3. The user is redirected to Folder.aspx, and the request hangs for a while, and eventually kicks you back out to UILogon.aspx, as if it lost the authentication cookie. When doing a trace on the HTTP header, the cookie is still there.

Is there anything special I need to do to make the Report Server "see" the cookie when I have Report Manager and Report Server on different machines?

Any help would be much appreciated!


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Unable To Launch Report Builder From Report Manager( But Works From Localhost !!!)

Jul 17, 2007


I am unable to launch report builder from the report manager from a client machine. But I am able to launch from the localhost.

Even I am able to launch report builder by clicking reportbuilder.exe on the local machine.

Please help !!

OS - Windows XP professional

SQL Reporting Services 2005.

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Custom Assembly Behaves Differently In The Report Designer And Report Manager

Mar 18, 2008

Hello everyone,

I created a custom assembly using C# to transform some binary data into text, and in this assembly I used one win32 dll developed by our customer to help me to do the tranformation.
The code I used to call the win32 dll is like below:
[DllImport("tdasuie.dll", EntryPoint = "AlrtLogConditionToText",
ExactSpelling = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern UInt32 AlrtLogConditionToText(Byte[] pbCondition, StringBuilder pszText, UInt32 dwSize);

I defined a C# method to call the above win32 method and return a string. Then in the report, I called this C# method to get the correct string.

In the report designer, the C# method in the custom assembly can return the correct string in the preview window. But after I deployed the report into the report server, the textbox will only display "#error" in the report manager web page.

Can anybody help me on it? Thanks a lot.


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