Size Occupied Of The Table In Database.

May 13, 2008

Hi all

How to find out size occupied of the table in Database in SQL Server2000

Help me reg.

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Unable To Release Space Occupied By A Dense Populated Table

Aug 22, 2007

Hi ,
I have a table let say TableA , which have a size of 22 GB.Due to its size i down size this table by deleting 40% rows.So ideally it should size to 15 GB but space is not released by TableA. How i can do it ? I tried shrink database, shrink data file wizards and DBCC command , Reorganize the index but all is in vain.

Any suggestion /solution?

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Table Size And Database Size

Mar 2, 2008

i use this script that show me the size of each table and do the sum of all the table size.

REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[rows]), 1), '.00', '') AS [rows],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[reserved]), 1), '.00', '') AS [reserved],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[data]), 1), '.00', '') AS [data],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[index_size]), 1), '.00', '') AS [index_size],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[unused]), 1), '.00', '') AS [unused]
CAST(object_name(id) AS varchar(50)) AS [name],
SUM(CASE WHEN indid < 2 THEN CONVERT(bigint, [rows]) END) AS [rows],
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved)) * 8 AS reserved,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS data,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, used) - CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS index_size,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved) - CONVERT(bigint, used)) * 8 AS unused
FROM sysindexes WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE sysindexes.indid IN (0, 1, 255)
AND > 100
AND object_name( <> 'dtproperties'
ORDER BY X.[name]

the problem is that the sum of all tables is not the same size when i make a full database backup.
example of this is when i run this query against my database i see a sum of 111,899 KB that they are 111MB,but when
i do full backup to that database the size of this full backup is 1.5GB,why is that and where this size come from?


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Possible To Find Table Size And In That Table Each Row Size

Jun 10, 2014

It is possible to find table size and in that table each row size.

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Finding Table , Database Size

Sep 29, 2005

Hii all,

I want to find the database , table size in MS SQL Server.

Is there is any query /procedures to find out the database and table size.

Thanks in advance .,



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How To Report The Size Of Each Table In A Database?

Jul 23, 2005

Hey guys,Does anyone know a way (in Enterprise Manager or thru a SQL statement)to get the number of rows and the size of each table in a database?Thks,

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Create List Of Table Names And Size For A Database

May 5, 2004

Hi there,

I am trying to create a list of all the tables in one database and then list the size of each table. So for example I want to create a table with the table name and table size for one DB


Table1 1111KB
Table2 123300MB
Table3 120448KB

etc for all the tables in a particukar DB

I know there is a stored procedure to list the sizes: 'sp_spaceused' but not sure how to script all this together.

can anyone help please!!



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How Calculate Space That Occupied?

Jun 12, 2007

I want to know following memory space related question.1 . How can i get a Database Size by means of a SQL query?2. How can i Get a field size (not allocated space) .. ie. i amstoring some textual data to a field..after a insertion i want to know how much space has been occupied bythat particular field .ex sno product_name Description1 sample1 dfkjsdkfj kldsjfkdjksdkjdfskdjk vcmvxcvmcvnksdjfkdsn mHere i want know the space occupied by the field name "description"for the product id=1.Thanks in adavanceRegardsVisu.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Table Size Difference In Two Database

Jul 20, 2015

I am having an issue in determining the correct size of a table.

I have a tableA in some DB on transaction server (Enterprise Edition), this table is being replicated in reporting server DB (Standard edition).

When I check the space used by this table in both the databases i see noticeable difference.

I am using EXEC sp_spaceused 'tableA' to determine the space.

Transaction Server
name rows reserveddata index_size unused
TableA1439999 695416 KB507048 KB182912 KB 5456 KB

Reporting Server
name rows reserveddata index_size unused
TableA1439999 656904 KB483664 KB172680 KB 560 KB

So I wanted to know what could be the possible reasons for this difference ?

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Space Occupied By SISS Raw File Is More

Oct 23, 2007

The system I had developed is having a data flow as following:

Source received as file, .dat file
For better performance I€™m doing little transformation between .dat file to SSIS Raw file then from Raw files doing Type2 and Type3 mappings to adhere the business rules and loading the data to destination tables.

The .dat file I receive (there are many file some where around 25 file) is dumped in a folder as €śsource€? and the Raw file are in other folder as €śSSIS files€?.

My concern is the source folder size is 6GB and the same files converted in SSIS raw files format present in SSIS FILE folder and the size of this folder is 10GB.

Why is that so? Where as there€™s no extra data and the transformations between source and SISS files are like substring for the different date format and data type conversion.

Any ideas, your help in this would be appreciated.

Thank you

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How To Free The Memory Occupied By Blob In MS Sql Server

Apr 18, 2006

i'm working in microsoft sql server and i got following problem:

I have a text files Asia.txt in E: folder with some data in it as shown below


1, Mizuho, Fukushima, Tokyo
2, Minika, Pang, Taipei
3, Jen, Ambelang, India
4, Jiang, Hong, Shangai
5, Ada, Koo, HongKong

And I have a table Region, in the database Companies, as shown below.


I queried all the data from Asia.txt, using the OPENROWSET function.


it occupied some memory then i deleted this record using follwoing query


then it deletes the record successfully but memory is not getting freed

can anyone help me out on this problem

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SQL 2005 Resize Initial Log Size: MODIFY FILE Failed. Specified Size Is Less Than Current Size.

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I€™m using€?


And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn€™t keep the changes.

Any help with this process?

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Getting Database Size And Log Size

Aug 11, 2000

I am using
exec sp_helpdb
dbcc sqlperf(logspace) for
getting database size and log size. Is this gives the correct
database size and log size or Is there any other way to get the logsize and database size by means of query analyzer.

Thanks in Advance.

Seenu. S

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The Database File Is Larger Than The Configured Maximum Database Size.

Mar 20, 2007

I'm getting this error while trying to insert records into a SQL Server Compact Edition database. I have pasted my connection string that was used when creating the database as well as for accessing that same database from my Windows application.

Thanks for any help any of you can give!

Data Source=OnTheGo.sdf;Encrypt Database=True;Password=<password>;Max Database Size=4091

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Database File Is Larger Than The Configured Max Database Size.

Feb 18, 2008


I am developing a smart device application with Visual Studio .Net 2005 and SQL Server Compact Edition database. And also using merge replication to synchronize the data from the mobile device to the SQL Server.

My database size is around 350MB. So when I am trying to synchronize this is the error message that I get.
" The database file is larger than the configured maximum database size. The setting takes effect on the first concurrent database connection only.[Required Max Database size ( in MB; 0 if unknown)=129].

I tried changing the Max database size in the connection string and my connection string looks as follows and still did not have any luck.

connstr= "Data Source=Storage CardItems.sdf;Max Database Size=500;"

Any help regarding this would be appreciated.

Thank you

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Table Size

Mar 1, 2002

I have some question and would like ask experts:

The largest table in our database eats up above 4G . we do "sp_spaceused" for this table.The length of all columns of this table ( just int, char, varchar, money ,numeric fields types) is about 200 bytes, and the table has around 1,300,000 rows, but the reserved spaced for this table is 4,800,000kb and the data space is around 4,600,00kb.

How can average each row take 3.7kb ( the total size of all columns just 200 bytes)? Any other things I need check?
Any one can give any suggestion what cause this problem? or it is normal?

Thank you very much.


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Table Size

May 18, 2001

Hello, Everyone,

Can anyone tell me how to find the size of a table in a DB?


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Table Size In SQL 6.5

Nov 21, 2000

I'm trying to run a query or sp that will give me a
list of tables and the number of rows in it.

Is there any way for me to do this?

I appreciate the assistance.

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Table Size

Dec 21, 1999

I am wondering if there is the limitation of maximum table size in SQL 6.5. I have a table with 2.6GB and 12,000,000 rows in SQL 6.5 database. Is this a problem?


Stella Liu

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Max Table Size?

Jul 15, 1999

Is there a practical size limit, in MB's, of a table in SQL Server 6.5?

Is there a size, that once exceeded, degrades performance signifigantly?

I am speaking of raw megabytes. The table in question will consist of only 3 int columns but has the possiblity of becoming VERY LARGE (+1,000,000 rows). I am still in the design phase and can change my strategy if this will prove to be a problem.

Thanks for any help!

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Table Size.

Jan 14, 1999

hello all,

I am trying to solve this problem for quite some time.. I was wondering if I can get some help..

These questions are all abt. MSSQL 6.5

1. Is there a limit on the size of the table ?
2. Does it make sense to have more tables if the size of the row size is more that the limit set by 6.5 or i should let have more rows in a different table with duplicate entries for a particular field.
3. What is the number of rows before the performance of a query starts getting affected..



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Table Size

Aug 26, 2002

I created a same table on two different server with same data. I run sp_sapceuse on both server and I got following result

it's useing 392 MB for table
name rows reserved data index_size unused
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
DUNS_SITE 100000 401288 KB 400000 KB 1264 KB 24 KB

its using only 97.3 MB

name rows reserved data index_size unused
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
DUNS_SITE 100000 99720 KB 99376 KB 328 KB 16 KB



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Table Size

Jul 19, 2004

How can i get the size of a table in sqserver 2000 ?
How can read a image field ?
Thanks for this answer.

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Max Size Of A Table

Mar 2, 2005

Is there a maximum or optimum number of rows I should have in a table so that I can have fastest search queries. I am a novice programmer just developed something for my work place.
The database has a table created by converting data from excel spreadsheets. There were 24 spreadsheets for 12 months each having approximately 500 rows. Designed this way the table will have approximately 24 * 500 = 12000 records. Should I consider redesigning the database to make searches faster

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Table Size ;

May 25, 2006

Hi all,

How can I find the exact size in the disk occupied by a TABLE ?

When I execute "sp_spaceused" it returns the following parameters for a table


Which of the parameters I should consider to calculate the exact space occupied by the table.

Thanks in advance,

Hari Haran Arulmozhi

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Table Size

Jan 19, 2006

Is there any way I can find the size of each table?

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Table Size

Jul 20, 2005

Is it better to have a table with 10,000 row or 10 tables of 100 rows?

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SQL Table Size

May 17, 2006


If i want to know the size of table then how can i do it in SQL Server 2000 and in SQL Server 2005.

-- how much amount of data can a table store in sql.

-- On which thing the size of table depends.

or Can anyone give me a introduction about the size of table in sql

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Database Log Size

Jun 7, 2007

my database on remote server i cannot access directly.
i can access it only with query analyzer.
my log file size is 9mb but nothing in database. only few tables there so how i can reduce log file size with query.

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How To Get The SQL Database Size

Jul 15, 2004

Is it possible to get the SQL Server database size programmatically?
I have an WEB application in c# ASP NET, but I can found any information about.

Thanks for your attention


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Database Size

Mar 1, 2002

We have a SQL server database most time for read only because the data source comes from another database( which is not SQL server database, now it is about 2G). Every day we have a job running as following:
Step 0. extra the data from another database, and create plain text files for each table for BCP job.
Step 1. drop all of the index
Step 2. truncate all of the tables.
Step 3. BCP in all of the data from plain text file.
Step 4. create all of the index again
Step 5. shirnk the database.

Everything runs fine but the database grows 1 G from yesterday's database. I am sure we do not have so much data entry in one day.
Any one can give some suggestion?
I wonder if I need do shirnk the database or shirnk the data file before create the index.
How can know how much size for all of the index file?
Thank you very much.

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SQL 7 Database Size

May 4, 2001

I am a beginner with sql and I have been inputting data (txt files) to my database and now have approached 4GB in size and it will not let me expand any further on the primary file group. My 'boss' said that sql has no size. I am using desktop

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Database Size

Aug 13, 2001

Is there a stored procedure that returns the current size of a database, and the maximum size of a database whose growth property IS NOT set to unlimited?



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