Sizing An OLAP Server

Apr 16, 2008

Hi there,

We are experiencing some contention of resources between our RDBMS and our OLAP environment; both SQL2005; so we are going to put the OLAP side of life onto another seperate box. Therefore I need to work out what sort of requirements we are going to need; and this is where i have no idea.

I have had a look at the HP sizers, however this is looking primarily at normal RDBMS setups rather than specifically for OLAP. Is there any specifics that I need to consider/nail down before working this out?

To give you an idea:
We currently have 210 million rows in our main fact table, and each row is averaging about 330 bytes
The size of our current OLAP database is only 4GB
It appears as though we are currently getting anywhere between 6 and 20-30 concurrent users

Considering the above; I would have thought a dual core cpu setup (maybe x2) with 8-10GB of ram would have been the ticket?
Now I have done a server sizing exercise for a normal SQL2005 installation; considering temp db on seperate spindles to the log and database tables etc; but what sort of considerations do I need to do for a server running SSAS?

Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can offer on this front


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Sizing For SQL Server 7.0

Mar 31, 1999

We are considering migrating our Oracle database over to SQLserver 7.0. I'd like to do some sizing estimates, but I have not been able find any methods for sizing SQL server 7.0 databases. There didn't seem to be any calculation guidlines or formulas in the manual or the online documentation. The only formulas I have found on the WEB are for version 6.5. Does anyone have (or know where I can find)formulas that are valid for sizing SQL server 7.0 databases?

Note: an archived message on this site referred to an attachment containing sizing formulas, but the attachment was not accesible.

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SQL Server Sizing

Mar 8, 2007

HI everybody,

We are designing a system using .NET/ASP.NET and SQL Server (2000 Standard as a customer requirement). The system will be hosted into 2 dedicated servers (an web/application and a db server) and we need to estimate the hardware requirements needed.

Could anyone help me on sizing this? Is there any literature on how to do this? I found some sizing web sites but I'd like to double check them. I already have some estimation on data storage size/growth based on some information I've got from the customer.

Thanks in advance!


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Sizing Server

Mar 13, 2007

I am sizing a database server for Business Objects Enterprise XI R2. In addition to housing this database we plan on consolodating a few other databases to this server. I am wondering what type of array I should be considering for these databases.

I will be installing on HP DL380


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Sql 7 Server Hardware Sizing

Mar 5, 2002

Can someone please point me in the right direction for calculating SQL server 7 hardware. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Sql 7 Server Hardware Sizing

Mar 23, 2002

Can someone please point me in the right direction for calculating SQL server 7 hardware. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Sql Server Sizing Planning - Architecture Help

Jul 20, 2005

HiI joined a project where 100,000 rows were added everyday. Now due toadditional customers the expectation is 2 million reocrds/day ie 10 GB worthof textfiles. We have to estimate the hard disk, memory, # of CPUs etc.Wewill have one yearworth of data in the db. Rest will be in tapes etc.We will be using WIN2000, SQL Server2000.- Any comparable server sizing willbe appreciated.1. Tohandle every day load, I thought that we will have a table for each day(pre created in the database )and have a view with union all selectingfromall these 365 tables. (This is the only way to partition in MSSQL Serverright?).2. The requirement is to populate datawarehouse tables with all the data.However there will be only inserts mostly but there can be updates too whichhappenned in the past 12 days.Hence we have to use the data from the last12 days and massage it etc and populate into datawarehouse tables.How can I do this so that I will have the datawarehouse tables with n-12days of data and I will alwys add the last 12 days data to it.Do you have any suggestions?Ragu

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Best Practises For Server Sizing For MS Reporting Services

Jul 23, 2005

We are planning to deploy the MS Reporting Services. Unfortunately,there isn't much guidance on how to effectively size a server.Here are my questions:1) In an environment with 1 reporting server (hosting the reportingdata layer, application, and management layer) connecting to 1 or moreSQL servers (over 2 trunked 1Gbps switches connections), what is theconstraining resource when running large reports against a database ofsay 4GB in size? CPU, RAM, DISK, or Network speed on the ReportingServer? Or the Data hosting SQL server? Or does it depend on code?2) If I have a Duel Core CPU, do I buy 1 CPU license. MS had respondedto the HyperThreading as 2 virtual CPUs with the statement that you buyCPU licenses based on socket count effectively. This would imply thatif I buy a 4 Duel Core AMD Opteron Proliant 585 (8 CPU cores in 4packages / sockets), I can run MS Reporting Services Standard Edition.Is that true?Any input or direction would be appreciated.Paul V.

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SQL Server 2005 - Database Sizing Estimations

Jun 18, 2007

Hi there,

I've been searching the net the entire day for accurate information regarding SQL Server

database sizing estimations. I currently need to find an accurate link that will display all of

the data types supported by SQL Server 2005, the characteristics of each data type (Max

and Min Values, etc), and the physical storage size (KB and / or MB) of each data type.

The reason why I want this information is because I want to work out the current size

of each table in a Database as well as all Index sizes, and with the calculated information

predict what size the database will be in a few months and / or years.

It has been quite a mission to find the information, and when you do it isn't very clear at


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have a good one,


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SQL Server Sizing - Hardware Requirements For SQL Server 2005

Oct 24, 2006

Hi allI am having a SQL Server database of arround 110GB and 250 Users. Whatis best suited hardware requirements for handling of such a database. Iam having following requirements from the server:1. Feeding purpose : On which continously feeding is done by average200 users.2. Reporting purpose : on which average hundred of repords are runningat a time.Right now i am having two servers for both of the above said purposeswith the following configuration.Feeding ServerHPSERVER 370G43.2 Xeon Single processor3GB RAM1 SCSI 73GB 15000 RPM(OS & Transaction Log), 4 SCSI * 73GB with RAID 0(Data Files) and 2 IDE * 300GB (Backups)Reporting ServerBoard SE7520BD2V2 x XEON 3.2 GHz CPU 800 FSB with 2MB Cache4GB RAM3 SCSI * 73GB with RAID 0 (Data Files and Transaction Log), 2 SATA *300GB (Backups) , 1 80GB IDE(OS)I want to fullfill both of my requirements from a single . I want toknow what upgrades or changes I need to do in the configurationaccording to the load and performence on existing servers. Here is thetable of performence counters along with their values to show the loadand performence for both of the servers.ReportServer ValueFeedingServer ValueCounter Instance Avg. Min. Max. Avg.Min. Max.Pages/sec 0.081 0 8.001 0.020 1.993Avg. Disc Queue length _Total 18.658 13.592 51.89634.421 0 175.783% Processor Time _Total 36.841 5.469 64.45379.837 54.688 100Buffer Cache hit ratio 97.702 93.595 99.46397.41 77.261 99.989Checkpoint pages/sec 0 0 00 0 0Lazy writes/sec 1.243 0 30.003 14.2630 97.194Page life expectancy 17 4 8110 6 14Avg. DiskBytes/transfer _Total 37934.133 7903.004128427.747 53806.538 8025.801 141750.562Avg. DiskBytes/Read _Total 16737.419 8192 42895.86254228.822 8170.499 143489.965Avg. Disk Bytes/Write _Total 12298.494 0 6553611708.014 0 92842.667% Disk Time _Total 77.555 49.976 261.966 760.35612.534 4890.383Users Connections 17 17 18195 185 212Batch Requests/sec 0.859 0 2373.215 0 205.009Transactions/sec _Total 1.768 0 18.00159.314 3 241.814Page splits/sec 0 0 0 1.030 5.007Please suggest what should be the configuration for my new server.Should I consider buying an Dual Itanium Processor based system with 16Gigs of Ram and 8 Hard Disks in Raid 0. Or Should I consider buying aQuad Xeon Dual Core Processor based system. Or may be my existing HPserver can be upgraded to dual processor and 8 Gigs of Ram and 2-3 morehard disks? Pls recommend what should be the factors that sould beconsidered, guiding priciples and my approact to reach a decision.With Best RegardsParveen Beniwal

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OLAP Services: Automating Archival/Restore Of OLAP Databases

Sep 19, 2000

Hello All,

Our OLAP environment involves an ETL/Data Warehouse/Data Mart server and a cube publisher server.
We would like to learn how to automate the Archival/Restore of OLAP databases. We are currently doing
it manually though OLAP Manager. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. James.

James E. Bothamley
Senior Database Administrator
Dave & Buster's, Inc.
2481 Manana
Dallas, TX 75220

Phone (214) 904-2296
email jbothaml@DaveAndBusters.Com

"Once in a while you can get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right"

JG 1942-1995 RIP

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Rule Of Thumb For Sizing Log Space During Index Maintenance?

Sep 13, 2014

I've been fixing some issues lately where weekly maintenance has been causing logs to grow and filling disks.

Is there any rule of thumb for allocating log space for doing reorgs and rebuilds in a worst case scenario? I'm thinking 3x the largest database size?

I've been watching them run on databases in the range of 50GB where the logs are growing well over that for rebuilds or even reorgs. Once you have a few databases like this on a server, you can suddenly eat through a lot of disk space just for holding logs during maintenance.

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How To Repair A Corrupted OLAP Database? (was Olap!:)

Jun 12, 2007

How to repair a corrupted OLAP database?

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Database Sizing

Oct 2, 2001

can anyone answer me this? I recently inherited a SQL Server database set up. The user database size is about 3 times as big as necessary - does this matter? Does it have an impact on performance and if so is there anything I can do to reduce the size? From what I have managed to gather so far you cannot use alter db to change the database to a smaller size than it was originally created at. If anyone can help it would be most appreciated!



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Sizing Db Objects

Dec 28, 2004

Hello, I'm looking for a sizing Excel (or any other format) file, that permits me evaluate the size of my sql server database, actually I have one excel file for Oracle, where I only put the expected # of rows, the average size of the columns, and other few data, and I can get the size (in Megabytes) of a table or an Index.

Could you provide me something similar??

Thanks !

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Re-sizing Output Columns

Apr 2, 2002

I've got a question that I can't seem to find an answer for, I was hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction. I've set up a stored procedure that will email someone if any entries are added to a table . However, the output is garbled looking (see below)

Client Number SSN Client Name Old SD
New SD
------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------- --------
800901 899-34-3482 John Smith 04/20/20
400909 144-23-0029 John Smith 04/09/20
447788 445-89-9967 kjl;j;j 04/05/20
300099 234-90-7815 John Johnson 04/08/20

What's happened is the client name field is too wide, so the New SD field kicks down to the next line. I'd like to clean this up. Is there a way I can either increase the length of the row before it moves to the next line, or can I re-size the client name field to match the size of the data. In other words, cli_name_vc is declared as a varchar(40). If the longest name that comes up in the query is 18 characters long, can I re-size the output so that it does not take up 40 characters?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Change List Sizing

Nov 30, 2007

I have defined a list with one row of data and three more optional rows of data

Row 1 is always shown - rows 2, 3, and 4 are shown if there is data available in those fields

By using the visiblity property I can have rows 2, 3, and 4 disapper when no data is available and appear when data is available

What I would like to do now is change the height of the list item based on if rows 2, 3, or 4 are visible (have data)

So if no data is available then the list item would only be one row high

If only one of rows 2, 3, or 4 contain data then the list item would be two rows high

so forth and so on

I noticed that the textbox can increase and decrease height to accomodate content. Looking for something similar in a list item.


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OLAP Server

Apr 15, 1999

Anyone managed to get the OLAP server installed onto SQL7 Desktop?

I'm running it on Win98 and the installation only offers the Client and sample applications.

Obviously the client won't connect as there's no server to connect to.

The documentation on what does/doesn't run in Desktop version doesn't mention OLAP server.

Please email reply to me at


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Olap Server

Mar 16, 2006

Hi everyone, Sql express support olap server?, because I try it to make an a Pivot table in Ms Excel, but i can't, then Sql server have this feature?thx.p.d: sorry but my english :P

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Guidelines For Sizing Log Files In SQL 2005

Apr 16, 2008

I am looking for guidelines for log file sizing, specifically where database reorgs are required

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Integration Services :: SSIS CPU And RAM Sizing

Oct 20, 2015

if there is any way to accurately size a single server using SSIS.  The server will be a virtual machine.  The data being loaded will be approximately 200 MB per load with loading to a 150 GB database on a separate server.

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Sizing A Reporting Services Installation

Jan 26, 2007

I am converting an old Crystal Reports environment to 2005 Reporting Services. I've seen the basic memory requirements for the SSRS programs themselves, but I was wondering if there are any other guides available that will help me size the H/W based on anticipated users and reports.


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OLAP In SQL Server 2005

Mar 21, 2007

HI, i am new to OLAP in Sql Server 2005, bascially  i have read through lots of article on this OLAP and basically i get to know how it works and function theorically, but i could not find an article to show me step by step on how to create the cube and how to query the data from the cube. Would very much appreciated if somebody out there can explain to me in details how to i create cube from sql server 2005 as i totally no idea at all. Though i can view the sample cude in sql server 2005, but i dunno how to create it from my relational database. I need it very urgent as needed by my job functionality. Hope to get some explanation from you guys asap. Just assume i am totally new and please guide me step by step to create a normal and simple cube and query from the cube. I just need to create simple prototype. Thanks alot yea guys :)

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Connecting To OLAP Server

Jun 7, 2001

I keep getting this error when trying to connect users to the OLAP server from Excel (using SQL 7.0).

"Unable to open connection.
Cannot Connect to server 'OLAP Server Name'.
OLAP server error: The operation failed due to network problems."

When I use this excel on my machine it works just fine. Any ideas?

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OLAP Server Stability

Mar 19, 1999

Is anyone satisfied with stability of OLAP-services ?

We´ve got a cube with 103 Levels and about 1.100.000 rows in the
fact table.

After processing the cube everything works fine.
After changing the fact-table (new rows) the only option is to
process the cube (no incremental update or refresh offered).
After processing the cube (which sometimes failes) the cube sometimes
containes wrong data !?
Sometimes during operation with the OLAP-Client(inSight from arcplan)
the data changes.
Sometimes it is not possible to connect to the cube.

Did anyone have same or other or better experience ?
Keen to discuss !

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Connecting To OLAP Server

Feb 27, 2001

We are running SQL Server 7.0, Service Pack 3, on a NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5a?)
server. The server is running both SQL Server and OLAP.

When attempting to connect to the OLAP instance on the NT 4.0 server from a local
PC, also running SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3, the following error message is

"Cannot retrieve the repository information from the server [datamartact]."

Note: 'datamartact' is the name of the NT 4.0 server.

Does anyone encountered this message before? Could this mean that the person
who is trying to connect neads read or read/write permission to the partition
were the repository is kept?

Bill Zimmer -

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Register Server OLAP

May 6, 2005

I want register a server it is on other PC is a server, BUT IT SHOW TO ME A MESSAGE OF ERROR:
Errors ocurred while connecting to ----ip-----
Cannot open connection to Analysis server ----ip-----
Can not connect a server ----ip-----. not this in operation or this occupied
Do you still Want to register this server

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Setting Up OLAP Server: Need Help!

Aug 24, 2006

I am having trouble setting my SQL databases up as analysis services databases in SQL Server '05. Does anyone know how to help me???? I have lots of cubes to build, but I can't get the datasources there.
Thanks much for any advice.

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OLAP Server Connections

Sep 21, 2007

Hi all,

Is it true that connections to the OLAP server can only be made using a Windows Account?

Is there a way to setup those connections to the OLAP using a Standard Account?

Thanks in advance

Yukon DBA

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Unable To Connect To OLAP Server

Mar 1, 2000

I have SQL Server 7 SP1
OLAP Server SP1
installed on two WIN NT 4 SP5 machines.

On machine 1 I can connect to the locally installed OLAP Server, but cannot connect to machine 2's OLAP server. (and vice versa machine 2 cannot connect to machine1's OLAP server)

The error I am getting is the following:
"Error occurred while connecting to machine2
Cannot open the following registry key on the server computer(machine2):
SOFTWAREMicrosoftOlap ServerServer
Connection Info"

Can anyone give me a clue as to what is going on.
(note: I have tried the 'default' MS troubleshooting method of re-installing - no change)


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OLAP Server Connect Error

Jul 14, 1999

All of my client boxes connect nicely to MS OLAP Server except one which fails with the following message: "Cannot connect to the registry on the server computer (servername)" where servername is the name of the server on which OLAP server resides.

Anybody seen this???

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Registering Server In OLAP Manager

Jan 26, 1999

I'm trying to register a remote OLAP server under OLAP Manager.
After I enter the machine name I get the following:

Errors occurred while connecting to <server>.
Cannot open the following registry key on the server computer (<server>):
SoftwareMicrosoftOLAP ServerServer Connection Info
Do you still want to register this server?

The noticeable thing about this error message is that the registry key is missing the first level (HKEY_....). Has anyone been able to register a remote server? I can run OLAP Manager on the server without a problem. I just uninstalled and reinstalled OLAP services on the server and my desktop.
There is a registry key with this path under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on the server.

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Acces An Remote OLAP Server

Jul 22, 2005

I try to access an OLAP Server from a remote compute, using ADO MD Library with following string conection :
"Datasource=SERVNAME; Provider=msolap; Initial Catalog=FoodMart 2000;"
I recive the following error code: -2147467259 (0x80004005), "Unspecified error"
Can sombody help me

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