Slightly OT: Where Is The Server Name MRU Stored?

Mar 23, 2008

In Connect To Server dialog, I have a dropdownlist of recently used server names. I am curious to know where these names are stored so that I can remove an invalid entry.


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Does RAISERROR Cause Performance To Go Down 'slightly'?

Sep 8, 2007

I was curious if using RAISERROR in the catch block of a stored procedure does actually causes some hit on performance? I think it would, as compared to simply returning an error code in this sp's output parameter.

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Slightly Complex Data Ordering

Jul 18, 2006

I'm a SQL noob still and need some help figuring out a weird problem. I have directory information I am trying to pump out in the correct order, no big deal except some entries need to be categorized based on a simple hierachy. So for example, there is an entry for a company division, and then there are all the subdivisions, and then a few offices. So it goes like this:


In other words, Desktop is an office in Support which is a part of Computing.

Now what I want is to basically pump all that data out via SQL in that exact order. So I have 3 fields that I am using and then trying to arrange it using Order By - except it doesn't come out correctly.


SELECT Division, Subdivision, Office
FROM directory
ORDER BY Division, Subdivision, Office

What happens with this is that I end up with all my Divisions in order only. So for example, the main entry for Computing has "Computing" as it's Division and Office, but I want it to appear first in the list so I set Subdivision to be "A" - Instead of it appearing first it appears second below an entry for a different Division that also has it's Subdivision set as "A". I end up with Divisions mixed into the wrong cluster of subdivisions and offices.

Anyone have any ideas? It seems like this should be fairly simple and yet somehow it isn't. Thanks in advance for any help!

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Query Keeps Returning Slightly Different Results?

Feb 9, 2015

I have a query with a nested query that is used as an in line view. When I run the whole query I keep getting slightly different results each time (10000, 10002, 10001, 9999 etc.), nothing is being changed, no jobs are running on the DB to affect the tables etc.

When I run the inline view query with the nested query, or nested query on its own, it returns same number each time.

What could potentially be the cause of this?

Using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition on local W7 PC

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Slightly Dumb Question About JOIN

Jul 20, 2005

Hello All,I'm trying to find out exactly what JOIN doeseg.SELECT A.NameFROM Author A JOIN Publisher PON A.SomeID = P.SomeIDWHERE P.Country = 'X'I know what inner, outer, right and left joins do, but what does justJOIN on its own do? (Can't find it in help either)Thanks,K Finegan

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Reporting Services Help - Getting SLIGHTLY IRRITATED!!!!!!!

Mar 13, 2007

Why, when I have SQL 2005 SP1 on Windows Server 2003 do I get, when I set up a new database WITH CONTENT IN IT, a polite message on the report builder informing me that:
"The selected datasource does not have any content associated with it."??!??!??!?!
When it quite clearly does because I can see it.

This appears to be an extension of the previous problem (that I am still encountering) wherein I can only see some but not all of the content of a database via ReportServer; but more - when I copy the content that I could see into the new database, I can NO LONGER SEE IT.

Please will somebody give some suggestions because this is starting to get ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!

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Slightly Off-topic Topic

Feb 14, 2006

Hi,I wanted to know how actually a database converter works.I am working on a converter from DBF to MS SQL server 2000using Visual Basic 6.0. I wanted to know that once a legacy databaseis enterd in the program, how does it get normalised.I have aboout 40 tables in DBASE IV format. I want to convert theminto relational database and store them on server. But on conversion,how can the converted data be normalised by itself.Awaiting the replies,Thanks

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Execute Stored Procedure Y Asynchronously From Stored Proc X Using SQL Server 2000

Oct 14, 2007

I am calling a stored procedure (say X) and from that stored procedure (i mean X) i want to call another stored procedure (say Y)asynchoronoulsy. Once stored procedure X is completed then i want to return execution to main program. In background, Stored procedure Y will contiue his work. Please let me know how to do that using SQL Server 2000 and ASP.NET 2.

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FoxPro Triggers Call FoxPro Stored Proc Calls SQL Server Stored Procedure

Mar 10, 2005

I didn't want to maintain similar/identical tables in a legacy FoxPro system and another system with SQL Server back end. Both systems are active, but some tables are shared.

Initially I was going to use a Linked Server to the FoxPro to pull the FP data when needed. This works. But, I've come up with what I believe is a better solution. Keep in mind that these tables are largely static - occassional changes, edits.

I will do a 1 time DTS from FP into SQL Server tables.

I then create INSERT and UPDATE triggers within FoxPro.

These triggers fire a stored procedure in FoxPro that establishes a connection to the SQL Server and fire the appropriate stored procedure on SQL Server to CREATE and/or UPDATE the corresponding table there.

In the end - the tables are local to both apps.

If the UPDATES or TRIGGERS fail I write to an error log - and in that rare case - I can manually fix. I could set it up to email me from within FoxPro as well if needed.

Here's the FoxPro and SQL Server code for reference for the Record Insert:

FOXPRO employee.dbf InsertTrigger:
employee_insert_trigger(VAL(Employee.ep_pk),Employ ee.fname,Employee.lname,, er_login,

FOXPRO corresponding Stored Procedure:
PARAMETERS wepk,wefname,welname,weemail,WEUSERID,WEPHONE

nhandle=SQLCONNECT('SS_PDITHP3','userid','password ')

IF nhandle<0
IF !USED("errorlog")
USE tisdata!errorlog IN SELECT(1)

SELECT errorlog
INSERT INTO errorlog (date, time, program,source,user) ;
values (DATE(), TIME(), 'EMPLOYEE_INSERT_TRIGGER','nhandle<0 PARAMS: '+STR(wepk)+wefname+welname+weemail+WEUSERID+WEPHO NE,GETENV("username"))

IF m.errclose
USE IN errorlog

nquery="exec ewo_sp_insertNewEmployee @WEPK ="+STR(wepk)+",@WEFNAME ='"+wefname+"',@WELNAME ='"+welname+"',@WEEMAIL ='"+weemail+"',@WEUSERID ='"+weuserid+"',@WEPHONE='"+wephone+"',@RETCODE =0"


IF nSucc<0
IF !USED("errorlog")
USE tisdata!errorlog IN SELECT(1)

SELECT errorlog
INSERT INTO errorlog (date, time, program,source,user) ;
values (DATE(), TIME(), 'EMPLOYEE_INSERT_TRIGGER','nSucc<0 PARAMS: '+STR(wepk)+wefname+welname+weemail+WEUSERID+WEPHO NE,GETENV("username"))

IF m.errclose
USE IN errorlog


SQL SERVER Stored Procedure called from FOXPRO Stored Procedure
CREATE procedure ewo_sp_insertNewEmployee (
@WEPK int,
@WEFNAME char(20),
@WELNAME char(20),
@WEEMAIL char(50),
@WEUSERID char(15),
@WEPHONE char(25),


insert into WO_EMP (


IF @@ERROR <> 0

return @RETCODE

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SQL Server 2014 :: Embed Parameter In Name Of Stored Procedure Called From Within Another Stored Procedure?

Jan 29, 2015

I have some code that I need to run every quarter. I have many that are similar to this one so I wanted to input two parameters rather than searching and replacing the values. I have another stored procedure that's executed from this one that I will also parameter-ize. The problem I'm having is in embedding a parameter in the name of the called procedure (exec statement at the end of the code). I tried it as I'm showing and it errored. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything related to this. Maybe I just don't have the right keywords. what is the syntax?

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[runDMQ3_2014LDLComplete]
@QQ_YYYY char(7),
@YYYYQQ char(8)
select [provider group],provider, NPI, [01-Total Patients with DM], [02-Total DM Patients with LDL],

[Code] ....

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Connect To Oracle Stored Procedure From SQL Server Stored Procedure...and Vice Versa.

Sep 19, 2006

I have a requirement to execute an Oracle procedure from within an SQL Server procedure and vice versa.

How do I do that? Articles, code samples, etc???

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SQL Server 2012 :: Executing Dynamic Stored Procedure From A Stored Procedure?

Sep 26, 2014

I have a stored procedure and in that I will be calling a stored procedure. Now, based on the parameter value I will get stored procedure name to be executed. how to execute dynamic sp in a stored rocedure

at present it is like EXECUTE usp_print_list_full @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT

I want to do like EXECUTE @SpName @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT

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Oracle Stored Procedures VERSUS SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!

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Force SQL Server To Recompile Stored Procedures Every Time They Run (SQL Server 7/2000)

Apr 27, 2005

This is a solution for a very specific problem, and it's one that you'll hardly ever use, but it's important to know about that one scenario where it can save your neck. Ordinarily, stored procedures are only recompiled if they're no longer in the procedure cache. But if a stored procedure's execution plan is still in the cache, then SQL Server reuses the compiled storedprocedure and its existing execution plan. This is almost always the best course of action. Almost always, but not always.Sometimes, however, reusing an existing plan doesn't offer the most efficient performance. Imagine, for example, that your stored procedure accepts a parameter that determines the natureof a JOIN operation. The results can vary in a big way, so you wouldn't want your procedure to be locked into an execution plan that might be completely inappropriate for that JOIN. In a highlyspecialized case like this, you might want to force SQL Server to recompile the procedure every time the procedure runs. Doing so comes at a performance cost, but this might be offset by thesavings you gain in not executing the procedure with an awful compiled execution plan. Consider carefully whether to use this approach (or whether to re-engineer the over-design of yourapplication to avoid this situation in the first place). Should you need to instruct SQL Server to recompile each time, add the WITH RECOMPILE directive to the procedure, like this:    CREATE PROCEDURE ProcName        @Param int /* ... other parameters */        WITH RECOMPILE    AS /* ... procedure code follows */
If we omit "WITH RECOMPILE", what will be the consequence? Thanks

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SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedures Running On Server 2003 Machines

Jan 20, 2006

Stupid question but please be gentle and answer anyway please....

Background: We have SQL Server 2003 (32bit) running on our servers. Our .Net applications (from old release of VS) are still running on them and using the old databases. From what I understand there is no immediate plans to upgrade the servers. However the developers were just given this new upgrade (2005) SQL Server and VS (and fixing depreciated code etc in the .net apps).

Question: Can the applications and new stored procedures written via the 2005 environment be deployed successfully on the 2003 Servers? Same goes with Reporting Services?

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SQL Server 2005: Copying Tables And Stored Procedures Between Databases On Same Server

Mar 5, 2008

This question is about SQL Server 2005:
I have been trying to figure out how to copy tables and stored procedures between 2 databases (on the same server) using SQL Server Management Studio. I have tried right clicking on the table name, "script table as", "drop to", "clipboard", then I click on the 2nd database, and then click on the "tables" . I change the name of the database and click "execute". This creates the table but does not copy the data. I have also tried "create to" "clipboard" and "insert to" "clipboard" and cannot seem to be able to figure out how to get the results that I want. I am new at this but need to get the tables with the data copied along with the stored procedures, even if I have to do them one at a time. When I was using SQL Server 2000, I was able to use DTS to copy objects to other databases easily. Can someone please tell me a way to accomplish what I need to do? I have gotten information here before that was very useful and was hoping that someone can help me again.Thank you so much. Carol Quinn

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Connecting To Datafiles Stored Remotely From SQL Server--not Locally From The SQL Server

Jun 18, 2001

I had asked a question last week and I realized that I had phrased it in a misleading way. Within a lab environment at my company, we are experimenting w/ accessing remote SQL data files stored separately on another machine from the SQL server itself (whether it be another client or server).

The experiment is this: You have one client machine accessing a SQL server via Enterprise Manager. The datafiles that you are trying to access are stored on another machine that does not have SQL Server installed. This remote machine only has the datafiles.

Can one map a static path via UNC from the SQL server to the datafiles on the remote machine and then access these datafiles (as long as the user's account has the appropriate permissions to the remote machine)? To my understanding, within SQL server you can only access datafiles that are stored locally on the SQL server itself.

The other thing that I was wondering was if the type of user account had some significance in this situation. More than likely, a local user account would not be able to access the remote machine w/ the datafiles even if the SQL server could map an UNC path and retain it. A domainuser account might be able to do this though.

Any help that you could provide would be appreciated.

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Issue With Sql Server To Sybase Linked Server Using Stored Procedure

Sep 27, 2007

I have a linked server from Sql Server 2000 to Sybase Adaptive Server 12.5.1.

When i try to call a stored procedure on Sybase from Sqlserver i get the following message:

"could not execute procedure sp_who on remote server 'linked server name'(42000,7212)

command executed from sql server:
exec <linked_server>.<database>..sp_who

i am able to user open openquery for selects and inserts, successfully

Help appreciated


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SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Is Very Slow Vs. SQL Server 2000

Apr 18, 2008

Hi there,

I was wondering if someone can point out the error or the thing I shouldn't be doing in a stored procedure on SQL Server 2005. I want to switch from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005 which all seems to work just fine, but one stored procedure is causing me headache.

I could pin the problem down to this query:

DECLARE @Package_ID bigint

DECLARE @Email varchar(80)

DECLARE @Customer_ID bigint

DECLARE @Payment_Type tinyint

DECLARE @Payment_Status tinyint

DECLARE @Booking_Type tinyint



SELECT @Customer_ID = NULL

SELECT @Payment_Type = NULL

SELECT @Payment_Status = NULL

SELECT @Booking_Type = NULL


PACKAGE_ID bigint,

















-- If this line below is included the request will take about 90 seconds whereas it takes 1 second if it is outcommented





The request is performing quite well on the SQL Server 2000 but on the SQL Server 2005 it takes much longer. I already installed the SP2 x64, I'm running the SQL Server 2005 on a x64 environment.
As I stated in the comment in the query it takes 90 seconds to finish with the line included, but if I exclude the line it takes 1 second.
I think there must be something wrong with the join's or something else which has maybe changed in SQL Server 2005. All the tables joined have a primary key.
Maybe you folks can spot the error / mistake / wrong type of doing things easily.
I would appreciate any help you can offer me to solve this problem.

On the web I saw that there is a Cumulative Update 4 for the SP2 which fixes the following:

942659 (
FIX: The query performance is slower when you run the query in SQL Server 2005 than when you run the query in SQL Server 2000

Anyhow I think the problem is something else, I haven't tried out the cumulative update yet, as I think it is something different, more general why this query takes ages to process.

Thanks again for any help

Best regards,

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Migrating SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedures To SQL Server 2005

Dec 20, 2007

I have successfully moved my data from a SQL Server 2000 hosting site to a SQL Server 2005 hosting site. I Made a backup of my database using Enterprise Manager (2000) and imported the database tables using SQL Server Management Studio (2005). I do not know how to move the 25 or so stored procedures that I have in SQL Server 2000. I have a very short amount of time to figure this out and am hoping that someone can give me a brief step by step answer on how to get this done. I would appreciate any information you can provide. Thank you!!

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Sql Server 2005: Cannot Add Stored Procedure To Database On Server

Apr 16, 2008

 I have been working with a c# project on my PC and was happy with it.  I added a stored procedure to the database on my machine and used it to run a Crystal report. It works really well.  I then logged onto the server and went into the production database and attempted to add the new stored procedure, but it did not behave the same way.I am not able to save it.  Does this have something to do with permissions?  Can somebody point me in the right direction?
Thank you

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Run Stored Proc From Local Server On Remote Server As A Job

Apr 30, 2002

Hi Listers
I am using sql7 on both servers
i would like to run a stored proc(which has a distributed query) as a job from my local server on a remote server.This proc checks for info on the local server zzdb and remote server xxdb for updated fields.
This info is then inserted into yydb.The stored proc is defined on the yydb.
I have set up the linked server and login.The services is using the local account.The master and target server will not serve my purposes as this job is defined on the local machine and needs to be run from the local machine.
this job fails? any help will be appreciated


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SQL Server 2014 :: Executing A Server Stored Procedure In PHP?

Jan 2, 2015

I've managed to get my Instance connected to the internet and I can query it using PHP and SQL, I can also look at views with no problem.

I have it working as an "ADODB.Connection" and like I said it connects and I can query data and display results.

Now I have coded a Stored Proc "GetMonthDays" in Sql Server:

Which returns days 1 through xxx in a given month and also returns the Day name eg... Sat for each date

2014-01-01 Thurs
2014-01-02 Fri

It works perfectly and very fast so All cool with that side BUT... I want to be able to query the Database through a Stored Proc, I've spent all day trying to find a way to get this to work and I've hit a wall

This T-SQL returns what it needs to

EXEC dbo.qselGetMonthDays '2015-01-01'

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Stored Procedure From SQL Server 2000 To SQL Server 2005

Oct 31, 2007

I had few stored procedures which were working in SQL server 2000. I upgraded SQL server to 2005 and one stored procedure does not work. It gives the Error Msg 102. "Syntax error near ',' "
I already tried set quoted identifiers ON & OFFAny help would be appriciated.

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How Can I Transfer Stored Procedure From SERVER A To SERVER B

May 17, 2008

How can I transfer stored procedure from SERVER A to SERVER B, running SQL Server.

When i choose Export/Import Wizard, it only let me transfer Tables and views , but not SPs,

Many Thanks,

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Calling A Stored Procedure Inside Another Stored Procedure (or Nested Stored Procedures)

Nov 1, 2007

Hi all - I'm trying to optimized my stored procedures to be a bit easier to maintain, and am sure this is possible, not am very unclear on the syntax to doing this correctly.  For example, I have a simple stored procedure that takes a string as a parameter, and returns its resolved index that corresponds to a record in my database. ie
exec dbo.DeriveStatusID 'Created'
returns an int value as 1
(performed by "SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName= 'Created') 
but I also have a second stored procedure that needs to make reference to this procedure first, in order to resolve an id - ie:
exec dbo.AddProduct_Insert 'widget1'
which currently performs:SET @statusID = (SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName='Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
I want to simply the insert to perform (in one sproc):
SET @statusID = EXEC deriveStatusID ('Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
This works fine if I call this stored procedure in code first, then pass it to the second stored procedure, but NOT if it is reference in the second stored procedure directly (I end up with an empty value for @statusID in this example).
My actual "Insert" stored procedures are far more complicated, but I am working towards lightening the business logic in my application ( it shouldn't have to pre-vet the data prior to executing a valid insert). 
Hopefully this makes some sense - it doesn't seem right to me that this is impossible, and am fairly sure I'm just missing some simple syntax - can anyone assist?

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Please Help Me With My SQL Server Stored Procedure

Oct 9, 2007

Can someone help me with my SQL stored procedure? I am trying to do a query. The query will return one  record. I then want to set a single valuedepending on the record returned from the query. Here is my sql stored proc. And below it is the error message. Please can someone help me?
USE [QMS07]GO/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetQuarterIdBasedOnDescription]     ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetQuarterIdBasedOnDescription](  @QuarterString nvarchar(10),  @TheQuarterId int output)AS
 BEGIN   SELECT QuarterId from Quarter WHERE Description=@QuarterString    @TheQuarterId = QuarterId  END
------------------------------------------------------------Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GetQuarterIdBasedOnDescription, Line 10Incorrect syntax near ','.

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How To Do This In SQL Server Stored Procedure

Jan 20, 2004

Here is my problem:

I am designing Support System. I have a stored procedure for storing new Support Ticket. This stored procedure internally gets next ticket number and inserts Support Ticket

CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_SaveSupportTicket]
@pid int,
@uidGen int,
@status VarChar (100),
@probDes text,
@probSol text,
@guestName VarChar (100),
@os VarChar (100),
@roomNum VarChar (100)
DECLARE @ticNum int
SELECT @ticNum = MAX(ticNum) + 1 FROM sup_TicDetails
INSERT INTO sup_TicDetails ( ticNum, pid, uidGen, status, probDes, probSol, guestName, os, roomNum,dateofsub)
VALUES (@ticNum, @pid, @uidGen, @status, @probDes, @probSol, @guestName, @os, @roomNum, CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),101))

Now... before this happens, on my ASP.NET Page I have a label Ticket# . This label displays next ticket number

CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_GetNextTicketNumber] AS
SELECT max (ticNum) + 1
FROM sup_TicDetails

Now.. how can I have only 1 stored Procedure so that I can obtain next ticket number and display it on ASP.NET page and when I hit "Submit Ticket" sp_SaveSupportTicket gets executed ??

I hope I have made my problem clear !! If not let me know.......

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SQL Server Stored Procedures/VB.Net

Mar 24, 2004

IS there a way inside code for to programmatically change sorting in a stored procedure???Reason is I need a two way sort and did not want to have to write a SP for each way ....If so Do you have an example.....

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Stored Procedures In Sql Server 6.5

Jan 4, 2000


Everytime after I restore any database on the sql server 6.5, I have to recompile all the stored procedures in that database.Is there any method to overcome this problem?


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ADO And SQL Server Stored Procedures

Apr 19, 1999

Trying to run a SQL Server 6.5 stored procedure via ADO 2.0 in Visual Basic 6. The stored procedure moves roughly 10000 records from one table to another within the same database. The procedure works just fine when run from a SQL editor such as I/SQL, but only transfers a few hundred records when it is executed from a VB application using ADO 2.0.
The guilty code can be seen below. Any thoughts?

Public cnSQL As New ADODB.Connection
Public qry As New ADODB.Command

With cnSQL
.ConnectionString = ConnectStringSQL
.ConnectionTimeout = 20
End With

Set qry.ActiveConnection = cnSQL
qry.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
qry.CommandTimeout = 120

qry.CommandText = "sp_VGInsertBOMStructure"


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ADO SQL/Server Stored Procedures

Jun 6, 2002

I have a stored procedure on SQL/Server 2000 that inserts into a #temptable. When I execute it from Query Analyzer it works fine.
When I execute it from an ASP using ADO it gives me an Open Error message. When I comment out the
#temptable the ASP works fine. Can someone shed some light on this? Do I have to do an ADO opent on the

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SQL SERVER Stored Procedures

Apr 11, 2006

Is there any application which can tell you the procedure called within a procedure.

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