Slow MDB Linked View
Jul 23, 2005
I previously posted re. this, but thought I'd try again with a summary of
I have an Access 2000 MDB with a SQL Server 7 back end. There is a view that
is linked to the database via ODBC and has been in place for several years
without any performance problems.
Recently I added a couple of fields to the output of the view, and it became
very slow when scrolling. When just opened in the database window, the
linked view takes about a second to scroll down one screen. When opened in
the form (in Continuous Form view), it takes about 2-3 seconds. It used to
scroll just about instantaneously.
I tried removing the few fields I added to restore the view to its previous
form, but it had no effect. The view was still much slower than it had been.
The total number of records returned from the view is about 1300, so it's
not a large number of records. The view has about 25 fields.
I found that when I link the view in the MDB without specifying a unique
index, it scrolls very quickly -- almost instantaneously. But when I specify
the unique index, it is slow. Since the view needs to be edited, it needs
the unique index defined.
As noted, it's been in place for years, with a unique index defined, yet
without the slowness. Any ideas as to what might have caused this and what
might be done would be appreciated. I've included the SQL for the view
INVTRY.attFirstEdition, INVTRY.attSigned,
ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD, ' ') SignedCond, INVTRY.YRPUB,
INVTRY.WebStatusPending, INVTRY.ActivateDate,
INVTRY.DeactivateDate, INVTRY.WebAddedBatchID,
INVTRY.AllowDuplicate, INVTRY.WebAction,
INVTRY.WebActionPending, INVTRY.DateModified,
INVTRY.DateWebActionApplied, INVTRY.JIT, INVTRY.MImage,
FROM vwInventory_Dupes INNER JOIN
tabStatus ON INVTRY.Status = tabStatus.Status) ON
WebStatus.WebStatus = INVTRY.Web) ON
(vwInventory_Dupes.YearPub = INVTRY.YRPUB) AND
(vwInventory_Dupes.SignedCond = ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD,
' ')) AND (vwInventory_Dupes.Signed = INVTRY.attSigned) AND
(vwInventory_Dupes.FirstEd = INVTRY.attFirstEdition) AND
(vwInventory_Dupes.Author = INVTRY.AUTHILL1) AND
(vwInventory_Dupes.TITLE = INVTRY.TITLE)
WHERE (((tabStatus.ForWeb) = 1) AND ((WebStatus.IncludeDupe)
= 1))
SQL FOR vwInventory_Dupes:
Cast(attFirstEdition AS tinyint) FirstEd,
Cast(attSigned AS tinyint) Signed,
ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD, ' ') SignedCond,
tabStatus ON INVTRY.Status = tabStatus.Status) ON
WebStatus.WebStatus = INVTRY.Web
WHERE (((tabStatus.ForWeb) = 1) AND ((WebStatus.IncludeDupe)
= 1))
Cast(attFirstEdition AS tinyint), Cast(attSigned AS tinyint),
View 12 Replies
May 30, 2001
I need to push 40k rows daily to an Oracle database. I am on a Win2k Pro box with the 8.1 client and ADO 2.6 loaded. I've configured the linked server with the Oracle as well as the Microsoft provider and it takes over a minute to push just 24 rows, less than 100 bytes each, at it. Any suggestions?
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Mar 6, 2001
I've connect some .DBF file to SQL server 7 with linked server option. My table have about 200.000 records. I've tried with ODBC and Jet 4.0 option (found in but I've very slow response if I use a "where" in the select instance.
In fact I've the response after 10 seconds and during this seconds the processor go to 100%.
Does anyone found a most speed way to do this?
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May 11, 2007
I have a linked server set up on my local SQL 2000 instance. I try and run an update against an SQL 2005 database and it take 29 seconds. I checked the execution plan and it says it takes the entire time on the Remote Scan. Is there something I need to do to speed this up? There is an index on the PK that I am searching against.
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Jan 31, 2000
I have the same database on two different servers. One for production and one for testing. A view that I use runs in less than 2 seconds on the test system, but takes almost 2 minutes on the production server.
What I have noticed is on the test server the view will use an index. The production server ends up scanning a whole table. All indices are the same on both machines for the tables involved and I have updated the statistics. I even went through the process of creating a new table with its indices for the table that is being scanned. Both machines have had service pack 1 installed on them.
Any ideas?
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Jul 20, 2005
HiI have a procedure that calls a view. The view is built with some outerjoins but it performs fine.If I run in Query Analyzerselect count(*) from long_name_viewwhere name_id = 'AAA'it returns instantlyThe procedure has the same code. I juststripped down the code to narrowthe problem:create or replace procedure my_name_proc@nid VARCHAR(32)ASDECLARE@nidkey_count INTEGERselect @nidkey_count = count(*)from long_name_viewwhere name_id = @nidprint 'The count: ' + CAST(@nidkey_count as varchar)GOWhen I call in Query Analyzer:exec my_name_proc 'AAA'it takes a while to run, over 20 sec and the execution plan isdifferent. What is the reason that the same view is used in differentways?Thanks*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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Jun 22, 2006
i have written a query and created it as a view
when i run the query it takes less that 5 seconds to give results
but when i run the view it takes about a minute
can anyone help please, it keeps giving me time out errors
here is the query.
MAX(B.Code) AS Code,
MAX( T.Description) AS Type,
MAX( WH.Description) AS Warehouse,
MAX(B.Barcode) AS Barcode,
MAX(B.BatchNo) AS BatchNo,
MAX(B.CustomField) AS CustomField,
MAX(B.Colour) AS Colour,
MAX(Q.Quality) AS Quality,
MAX(round( M.ConvFactor, 2, 2)) AS ConvFactor,
MAX( M.Multiply) AS Multiply,
round((B.BoughtQty + B.TransferQty + B.IssuedQty + B.ReturnedQty + B.AdjustmentQty), 2)))
+ ' ' + MAX( M.UoM) AS Available,
CASE WHEN MAX( M.Multiply) = 'M'
round(((B.BoughtQty + B.TransferQty + B.IssuedQty + B.ReturnedQty + B.AdjustmentQty) * M.ConvFactor), 2)))
+ ' ' + MAX(M.AUoM)
ELSE max(CONVERT(Varchar(50),convert(float,
round(((B.BoughtQty + B.TransferQty + B.IssuedQty + B.ReturnedQty + B.AdjustmentQty) / M.ConvFactor), 2))) )
+ ' ' + MAX( M.AUoM)
END AS AvailableAlternative,
MAX(BC.Supplier) AS Supplier,
MAX( OD.SupplierCode) AS SupplierCode
FROM cvrbatches B
LEFT JOIN SciposA.dbo.cvrmaster M ON M.Code = B.Code
LEFT JOIN cvrbatchctrl BC ON B.Code = BC.Code
AND B.Type = BC.Type
AND B.BatchNo = BC.BatchNo
INNER JOIN SciposA.dbo.cvrwhcontrol WH ON WH.Warehouse = B.Warehouse
INNER JOIN SciposA.dbo.cvrtypes T ON T.CoverType = B.Type
INNER JOIN cvrquality Q ON Q.Code = B.Quality AND B.Type = Q.Type
LEFT JOIN SciposA.dbo.cvrgrndetail GD ON GD.BatchNo = B.BatchNo AND B.Warehouse = GD.Warehouse
LEFT JOIN SciposA.dbo.cvrorderdetails OD ON OD.OrderNo = GD.OrderNo AND OD.LineN = GD.LineN
GROUP BY B.Barcode
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Dec 26, 2003
Hi i have a sql server instance on my system and it is linking into an oracle database on another server. When i run queries against this other takes forever...
However, when i use access, and link the table and run the same query against the oracle runs immediatly.
I am very confused as to why there would be such a performance difference and why sql server would run so slow.
I am wondering if it has something to do with the way i configured the linked server. there are several options that I didn't know what they meant.
collation compatible (not selected)
Data access (selected)
RPC (not selected)
RPC Out (not selected)
collation name
connection timeout
query timeout
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Oct 17, 2006
I have 2 servers (say MAINSRV e SECSRV) running SQL2000 Standard SP3 on Windows 2000 Advanced within a NT (!) domain and each server is linked to the other.
My problem is that if I run a query returning few dozens of rows like:
WHERE Fieldx = 'anyval'
from a client connected to the SECSRV server, it takes something like 35 minutes to complete, while the same query completes in no time when run on clients connected to MAINSRV.
Even the simplest SELECT Count(*) FROM... takes more than one minute from SECSRV while completing in a fraction of second from MAINSRV.
I tried to change the linked server security options (SQL/Windows), but the remote query remains slow.
There are no locks active on the table, both the servers have almost no load (CPU less than 10%, when tested) and the query returns just a few KBytes, so communication overhead will not be the problem.
Any suggestions will be very appreciated, thank you!!!
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Jun 14, 2006
Hello can some one explain this to me and give me some advice. I have sqlserver1 and sqlserver2 I have a linked server set up [ipaddress] on both servers. When I pass a variable to the stored proc or the query it takes up to 20 seconds to return 1 row but if I replace my varibles like email='sqlboy@coxnet' and firstname='ted' and lastname='clien' it returns the one row im looking for in about 2 seconds but if I pass email =@email ,fname=@fname,lname=@lname I get the 20 second thing. The query is a stored proc being called from an asp app. I get the same results when I run this in query analyzer.
Here is the query.
DECLARE @email VARCHAR(75),@fname VARCHAR(50),@lname VARCHAR(100)
FROM [ipaddress].{database}.dbo.{tablename}--server1
WHERE email = @email )
set nocount on
SELECT TOP 1 email,
FROM [ipaddress].{database}.dbo.{tablename} --server2
FROM [ipaddress].{database}.dbo.{tablename} where email=@email--server1)
AND RecordStatusID ='1' and FirstName=@fname and LastName=@lname
IF EXISTS (SELECT top 1 email,
FROM {databases}.dbo.attendees--server1
WHERE email =@email and FirstName=@fname and LastName=@lname)
SELECT TOP 1 email,
FROM {database}.dbo.attendees --server1
FROM server1.dbo.ebooksrequests--server1
where email=@email) and email=@email and FirstName=@fname and LastName=@lname
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Nov 2, 2007
I have a query that takes 15minutes to run the first time after sql server start but then for subsequent querys is superfast (less than 10 secs).
Why? What could I do to speed up the first run?
Here is the source:
Code Block
SELECT Articoli.Articolo, Articoli.BarCodeVen, Articoli.Descri, Articoli.Merce, Articoli.CodIVA, Articoli.UMBase, Articoli.PrzBase, Articoli.Sconto1, Articoli.Sconto2,
Articoli.ScontoFormula, Articoli.Ricarico, Articoli.TipoArt, Articoli.CatMerc, Articoli.CatOmo, Articoli.CatProvv, Articoli.CntrprtVen, Articoli.CntrprtAcq,
Articoli.Dispniblta, Articoli.Vendita, Articoli.SiCli, Articoli.SiFor, Articoli.NotaPriv, Articoli.NotaPubb, Articoli.Immagine, Articoli.Produttore, Articoli.SiMatr,
Articoli.OldCodArt, Articoli.Disattivo, Articoli.CatProd, Articoli.SotCatProd, Articoli.EsplKit, Articoli.ScaricoCom, Articoli.ImmagLun, Articoli.DataModCS,
Articoli.ValorizPr, Articoli.Natura, Articoli.UMSecScelta, Articoli.SecScelta, Articoli.Acquisto, Articoli.CntConsumi, Articoli.NonMovimentabile,
Articoli.ProvAgente, Articoli.Taglia, Articoli.Colore, Articoli.CodArtNeutro, Articoli.Collezione, Articoli.Assortimento, Articoli.Centro,
Articoli.InibisciRicercaUnMis, Articoli.Commessa, Articoli.DescriTesto, Articoli.Disattivabile, Articoli.KwTipoArt, Articoli.KwTipoArtNeutro,
Articoli.KwNeutro, Articoli.KwCollezione, Articoli.KwLinea, Articoli.KwModello, Articoli.KwMateriale, Articoli.KwComposizione, Articoli.KwPosRiga,
Articoli.KwVarRiga, Articoli.KwPosColonna, Articoli.KwVarColonna, Articoli.KwPos3D, Articoli.KwVar3D, Articoli.KwGrpVarRiga, Articoli.KwGrpVarColonna,
Articoli.KwGrpVar3D, Articoli.KwEtiMan, Articoli.KwAssortimento, Articoli.KwGrpFormule, Articoli.KwSpecimen, KwVarArticolo.TipoVariante,
KwVarArticolo.Variante, KwVarArticolo.Posizione, KwVarArticolo.Categoria, KwVarArticolo.DescriVariante,
KwVarArticolo.P07009Descrizione1 AS Descrizione1, KwVarArticolo.P07009Descrizione2 AS Descrizione2, CatOmo.Descri AS CatOmoDescri,
KwModelli.Descri AS DescriModello, KwMateriali.Descri AS DescriMateriale, MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.DatoTecnico,
MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.DBPosColonna, MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.DBPos3D, MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.CompNeutro,
MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.CompVarRiga, Articoli_1.Descri AS DescriCompNeutro, MFKwVariantiRiga.DescriVariante AS DescriRigaCompo,
CatProvv.Descri AS CatProvvDescri, MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroT3,
MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.CompVarRiga AS CompVarrigaT3, Articoli_2.Descri AS DescriCompNeutroT3,
MFKwVariantiRiga_1.DescriVariante AS DescriRigaCompoT3, MFDBCompon_Acc1.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroAcc1,
MFDBCompon_Acc1.CompVarRiga AS CompVarRigaAcc1, Articoli_3.Descri AS DescriCompNeutroAcc1,
MFKwVariantiRiga_2.DescriVariante AS DescriRigaCompoAcc1, MFDBCompon_Acc2.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroAcc2,
MFDBCompon_Acc2.CompVarRiga AS CompVarRigaAcc2, Articoli_4.Descri AS DescriCompNeutroAcc2,
MFKwVariantiRiga_3.DescriVariante AS DescriRigaCompoAcc2, MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroSottop,
MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.CompVarRiga AS CompVarRigaSottop, MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.DescriCompNeutroSottop,
MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.DescriRigaCompoSottop, MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.DatoTecnico AS DatoTecnicoSottop,
MFDBCompon_RicSol.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroRicSol, MFDBCompon_RicSol.CompVarRiga AS CompVarRigaRicSol,
MFDBCompon_RicSol.DescriCompNeutroRicSol, MFDBCompon_RicSol.DescriRigaCompoRicSol,
MFDBCompon_Fodera.CompNeutro AS CompNeutroFodera, MFDBCompon_Fodera.CompVarRiga AS CompVarRigaFodera,
MFDBCompon_Fodera.DescriCompNeutroFodera, MFDBCompon_Fodera.DescriRigaCompoFodera, MFDBCompon_Forma.Descri AS DescriForma,
MFDBCompon_Tacco.Descri AS DescriTacco, MFVar3D_Pos1.DescriVariante AS Descri_Pos1, MFVar3D_Pos2.DescriVariante AS Descri_Pos2,
MFVar3D_Pos3.DescriVariante AS Descri_Pos3, MFVar3D_Pos4.DescriVariante AS Descri_Pos4, MFListinoP00New.Prz AS P00,
MFListinoP00New.InVigoreDa AS DataP00, MFListinoP05New.Prz AS P05, MFListinoP05New.InVigoreDa AS DataP05, MFListinoPUSANew.Prz AS PUSA,
MFListinoPUSANew.InVigoreDa AS DataPUSA,
CASE WHEN KwVarArticolo.P07009Descrizione2 <> '' THEN KwVarArticolo.P07009Descrizione2 ELSE CASE WHEN Articoli.CatProvv = '30SPORT' THEN Articoli.KwNeutro
+ KwVarArticolo.Variante + '.jpg' ELSE Articoli.KwNeutro + '.jpg' END END AS MFFoto, MFListinoRUSANew.Prz AS RUSA,
MFListinoRUSANew.InVigoreDa AS DataRUSA, MFListinoRITANew.Prz AS RITA, MFListinoRITANew.InVigoreDa AS DataRITA, ArtMerce.Fornitore
KwVarArticolo ON Articoli.Articolo = KwVarArticolo.Articolo INNER JOIN
CatOmo ON Articoli.CatOmo = CatOmo.Categoria INNER JOIN
KwMateriali ON Articoli.KwModello = KwMateriali.KwModello AND Articoli.KwMateriale = KwMateriali.KwMateriale INNER JOIN
KwModelli ON Articoli.KwModello = KwModelli.KwModello AND Articoli.KwMateriale = KwModelli.KwMateriale LEFT OUTER JOIN
ArtMerce ON Articoli.Articolo = ArtMerce.Articolo LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFListinoRUSANew ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFListinoRUSANew.VarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFListinoRUSANew.Neutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFListinoRITANew ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFListinoRITANew.VarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFListinoRITANew.Neutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFListinoPUSANew ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFListinoPUSANew.VarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFListinoPUSANew.Neutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFListinoP05New ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFListinoP05New.VarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFListinoP05New.Neutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFListinoP00New ON Articoli.KwNeutro = MFListinoP00New.Neutro AND KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFListinoP00New.VarRiga LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFVar3D_Pos4 ON Articoli.KwNeutro = MFVar3D_Pos4.Articolo LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFVar3D_Pos3 ON Articoli.KwNeutro = MFVar3D_Pos3.Articolo LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFVar3D_Pos2 ON Articoli.KwNeutro = MFVar3D_Pos2.Articolo LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFVar3D_Pos1 ON Articoli.KwNeutro = MFVar3D_Pos1.Articolo LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFDBCompon_Forma ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Forma.DBVarRiga AND
Articoli.Articolo = MFDBCompon_Forma.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFDBCompon_Tacco ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Tacco.DBVarRiga AND
Articoli.Articolo = MFDBCompon_Tacco.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFDBCompon_Fodera ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Fodera.DBVarRiga AND
Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_Fodera.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFDBCompon_RicSol ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_RicSol.DBVarRiga AND
Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_RicSol.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet ON KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.DBVarRiga AND
Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_SottoP_Tallonet.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
Articoli AS Articoli_4 ON MFDBCompon_Acc2.CompNeutro = Articoli_4.Articolo INNER JOIN
MFKwVariantiRiga AS MFKwVariantiRiga_3 ON MFDBCompon_Acc2.CompVarRiga = MFKwVariantiRiga_3.Variante ON
KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Acc2.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_Acc2.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
Articoli AS Articoli_3 ON MFDBCompon_Acc1.CompNeutro = Articoli_3.Articolo INNER JOIN
MFKwVariantiRiga AS MFKwVariantiRiga_2 ON MFDBCompon_Acc1.CompVarRiga = MFKwVariantiRiga_2.Variante ON
KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Acc1.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_Acc1.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
Articoli AS Articoli_2 ON MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.CompNeutro = Articoli_2.Articolo INNER JOIN
MFKwVariantiRiga AS MFKwVariantiRiga_1 ON MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.CompVarRiga = MFKwVariantiRiga_1.Variante ON
KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_Tomaia3.DBNeutro LEFT OUTER JOIN
CatProvv ON Articoli.CatProvv = CatProvv.Categoria LEFT OUTER JOIN
Articoli AS Articoli_1 INNER JOIN
MFDBCompon_Tomaia2 ON Articoli_1.Articolo = MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.CompNeutro INNER JOIN
MFKwVariantiRiga ON MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.CompVarRiga = MFKwVariantiRiga.Variante ON
KwVarArticolo.Variante = MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.DBVarRiga AND Articoli.KwNeutro = MFDBCompon_Tomaia2.DBNeutro
WHERE (Articoli.KwCollezione = @KwCollezione) AND (Articoli.KwLinea = @KwLinea) AND (KwVarArticolo.TipoVariante = 52559872) AND
(Articoli.CatProvv IN (@CatProvv)) AND (Articoli.Disattivo = '0') AND (KwVarArticolo.Disattivo = '0') AND (ArtMerce.Fornitore IN (@Fornitore)) OR
(Articoli.KwCollezione = @KwCollezione) AND (Articoli.KwLinea = @KwLinea) AND (KwVarArticolo.TipoVariante = 52559872) AND
(Articoli.CatProvv IN (@CatProvv)) AND (Articoli.Disattivo = '0') AND (KwVarArticolo.Disattivo = '0') AND ('ALL' IN (@Fornitore)) OR
(Articoli.KwCollezione = @KwCollezione) AND (Articoli.KwLinea = @KwLinea) AND (KwVarArticolo.TipoVariante = 52559872) AND (Articoli.Disattivo = '0')
AND (KwVarArticolo.Disattivo = '0') AND (ArtMerce.Fornitore IN (@Fornitore)) AND ('ALL' IN (@CatProvv)) OR
(Articoli.KwCollezione = @KwCollezione) AND (Articoli.KwLinea = @KwLinea) AND (KwVarArticolo.TipoVariante = 52559872) AND (Articoli.Disattivo = '0')
AND (KwVarArticolo.Disattivo = '0') AND ('ALL' IN (@CatProvv)) AND ('ALL' IN (@Fornitore))
ORDER BY Articoli.CatProvv, Articoli.CatOmo, Articoli.Articolo, KwVarArticolo.Posizione
Thank you!
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Mar 13, 2007
I am using two almost idential laptops, one with XP and one with Vista, the only differences is that the XP laptop has 1G of RAM and running Office XP and the Vista has 2G RAM and is running Office 2007.
I have a MS Access database that has linked tables to a SQL Server 2000 database. The performance of the Access database on Vista is 5-10 times slower on the Vista machine. Just flipping through records or opening forms can take 5 - 15 seconds on the Vista machine while the XP machine takes 1 sec or less.
What gives? I looked at the CPU performance and the network performance while the Access database was busy flipping through records, the network traffic was < 2% and the CPU would spike to 40% on one of the CPUs (dual core) but would remain under 5% most of the time.
I also previously had Office XP installed on the Vista machine and it had the same performance issue so bought and install Office 2007 on the Vista machine and it did not solve the problem.
It seems that Vista is doing something that is slowing down Access with linked tables. Is this a issue between Vista and using an ODBC connection to SQL Server?
Thanks in advance for any help on this
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Sep 10, 2014
So we got ServerA.dbA and ServerB.dbB and looks like nobody thought about that MVew. IT works thru linked server now, so surely enough it sucks..
Then even more: we got piece of DW on ServerRep with replcicated pieces of ServerA and ServerB, how it works I asked: "Don't worry man, we took care of everything, go directly to ServerRep for everything..."
And I see that our MView sucks even deeper, practically 0 performance, I think what going on it's still hit that linked server between ServerA.dbA and ServerB.dbB on background.I still can use it on ServerRep WITH NOEXPAND hint, which means it was properly defined...
Can we have that scenario at all? Or we can replicate all Tables on ServerRep and then define/redefine this view directly on replicated server ?
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Aug 14, 2001
In an ASP, I have a dynamically created SQL statement that amounts to "SELECT * FROM Server1.myDB.dbo.myTable WHERE Col1 = 1" (Col1 is the table's primary key). It returns the data immediately when executed.
However, when the same record is updated with "UPDATE Server1.myDB.dbo.myTable SET Comments = 'blah blah blah' WHERE Col1 = 1", the page times out before the query can complete.
I watched the program in Profiler, and I saw on the update that sp_cursorfetch was being executed as an RPC once per each row in the table. In a table of 78000 records, the timeout occurs well before the last record is fetched, and the update bombs.
I can run the same statements in Query Analyzer from a linked server and have the same results. The execution plan shows that a Remote Query is occurring on the select that returns 1 row, and a Remote Scan is taking place on the update scanning 78000 rows (I guess this is where all the sp_cursorfetch calls are happening...?).
How can I prevent the Remote Scan? How can I prevent the execution of the RPC sp_cursorfetch for each row in the remote table?
Thank you!
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Dec 28, 2006
Creating a web application. Running a simple query "SELECT username FROM vwCustomer"
vwCustomer is a view built on top of an Access DB which is set up as a linked server. Within SQL Server that view responds immediately. But when I try to access it from an ASP page it takes over 20 seconds to respond.
Used the following to create the linked server:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'DBName', 'Jet 4.0', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'c:databasesdatabase.mdb'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'DBName', FALSE, NULL, 'Admin', ''
The view is simply(this works fine in SQL Server):
SELECT * FROM DBName.db.dbo.customer
The ASP page:
SELECT * FROM vwCustomer
Can anyone give me a hint as to where the bottleneck is? Or how I can figure that out using SQL Profiler or something?
Please help!
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May 16, 2015
I am running A View that INSERTS into #Temp Table - On Only Certain Days the INSERT Speed into #tempDB is so slow.
Attached snapshot that shows after one minute so many few records are inserted - and it dosent happen every day somedays its very fast.Â
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Feb 26, 2008
Hi,I have created a linked server to oracle, which works fine.But when I try and create a view joining the SQL table with the linked Oracle table, it only returns the primary key field in the Oracle table and nothing else.Anyone know why?ThanksN.B. I'm using SQL Server 2005 btw.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hii have created a new database and a new linked server that points to anAccessDB using an ODBC DSN.Now inside that new sql db i have create i need to created a new view soi open EM went to views and paste the followingselect * from openquery (AccessLinkedServer,'select * from mytable')i press run and i see the data ok .but when i try to save the view i getthe followingODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The operationcould not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' was unableto begin a distributed transaction.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server][OLE/DB provider returnedmessage: [DataDirect][ODBC dBase driver]Optional feature notimplemented.][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]OLE DB error trace[OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' ITransactionJoi JoinTransaction returned0x8004d00a].*** Sent via Developersdex ***
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Feb 7, 2008
I am working with Two Server €˜X€™ and €˜Z€™
In €˜X€™ server, I have a linked server named €˜CustSrv€™ which is connecting to €˜Z€™ server
In the €˜Z€™ server I have a Database named €˜SalesDB€™
I have a view name vw_CusgtomerData in my €˜X€™ server which is selecting data from SALESDB..Customer_Tbl from the €˜Z€™ server through that linked server (€˜CustSrv€™)
The View is simple selecting data from Customer_Tbl from SalesDB
[Note here using * for all columns?? Is it ok for performance aspects]
Now I have some Application which are using that view through some stored procedure.Few of them passing some parameters like Cust_Id etc
Now my query is that.. Am I fulfilling all performance issues?
What is the suggestive way to fetch data from that remote (Linked Server) server to get good performance benefit?
In my opinion we can fetch data 4 different way from that linked server€¦
B.exec GetCustomerData 65
[Sp_GetCustomerData is a Storedprocedure which is passing a parameter 65 that is Customer_ID and the procedure is selecting data from the view vw_CusgtomerData]
C.SELECT cu_customer_id, cu_customer_name FROM vw_CusgtomerData ORDER BY cu_customer_name
SELECT * FROM vw_CusgtomerData where Customer_ID=65 * FROM OPENQUERY
(CustSrv,'SELECT Customer_ID,cu_customer_name FROM SalesDB.dbo. CUSTOMER_Tbl ORDER BY cu_customer_name ')
Am I bypass the concept of view and fetch data directly in the stored procedure through the linked server ??
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Jun 3, 2015
I am trying to check if a view exists on a linked server using sys.views. I tried to fully qualify it but that produces an error telling me the below, which both the database name is correct as well as the server name. Is it possible to obtain a list of views from a linked server connection? Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 321 The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "alpha" does not contain the table ""salesdata"."sys"."views"". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
SQL Server 2008 is the server I want to query from and sql server 2000 is the server I want to query even if I try to use this syntax it still produces the above said error
I also tried to qualify the views by using the below and still same error
table_schema = 'dbo'
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May 20, 2014
Can i refresh view through linked server? I have full rights to modify the view?
Ex:ABC.MNC_DB.dbo.sp_refreshview 'view_ABC'
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Apr 14, 2008
Hey everyone. I've linke an access database and I am able to query the tables like so:
FROM QFinity...tblEmployees
I can do that to all the tables, however, I'd like to create a view to this linked database. Is this possible? I have a more complex query I'd like to run:
SELECT dbo_evaluations.eval_id, dbo_evaluations.quality_date, dbo_eval_questions.status
FROM QFinity...dbo_evaluations INNER JOIN dbo_eval_questions ON dbo_evaluations.eval_id = dbo_eval_questions.eval_id;
I get the error "Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'dbo_evaluations'."
I'm afraid I've reached the limit of my know how concerning sql server 2005... I think I read that I need to create a view? But I can't figure out how to do that.
Thanks for any help!
Windows XP, Office XP
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Oct 30, 2005
I have an Access 2000 MDB file with a SQL 7 back end. I have a main tablewith 50,000 records; and I have a selections table with 50,000 records foreach machine that uses the database (about 25-50). This allows each user tohave their own set of selections.The selections table has three fields: ID (int), Sel (bit), MachName(varchar). ID and MachName comprise the primary key.I have a view that combines the main table and the entries for theselections table for the current machine (SQL below). The view works finewhen opened in EM and QA. And if I create a pass-through query from myAccess MDB file, the results are displayed fine.However, if I link the view to the Access MDB file, I get "#Deleted" inevery field of every record (which seems to indicate that the records werethere and then they were gone). However, if I hard-code the machine nameinto the same view instead of using HOST_NAME and then relink the view tothe MDB file, the linked view opens fine. Only when I use HOST_NAME as aparameter in the view is there a problem with it.Anyone have any idea what's going on here, or have heard of any issues withHOST_NAME and ODBC linked objects? SQL for the view is below.Thanks!NeilSELECT INVTRY.*, InvtrySelections.Sel, InvtrySelections.MachNameFROM dbo.INVTRY INNER JOINdbo.InvtrySelections ONdbo.INVTRY.ID = dbo.InvtrySelections.IDWHERE (dbo.InvtrySelections.MachName = HOST_NAME())
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi there,I'm pretty new to SQL and am having some porblems with a linked server.I have a table on a SQL server which stores employee information.I also have a view on a linked server which stores the same information.What I would like to happen is, whenever the view changes on the linkedserver I want the information to be changed in the table on my server.I've been trying to write a trigger to do this, but have had noluck so far.Can anyone help me?ThanksSimon--Posted via
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Jan 24, 2008
This is the siuation:
I have on server A SQL 2005
on server B i have SQL 2000
I want to create in a database on server A a view which uses a linked server to get data from server B.
The linked server works fine.
But when I want to execute the creation of that view i get this error:
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "BI_AX_LINK" returned message "Unspecified error".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "BI_AX_LINK" returned message "The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server. Please contact your system administrator.".
Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Procedure VW_ASSETTABLE, Line 1
Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_TABLES_INFO" for OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "BI_AX_LINK". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.
I have checked and the collations between the to databases are the same.
Anyone an idea on who to do such thing?
The rights that i have an server B or not that much.
Thanx for the info
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Jul 29, 2004
Hi All,
How can I link a view into MS Access from MS Sql Server, that I can update as a tabble.
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Jul 20, 2005
Greetings,I have 3 servers all running SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.818. Lets callthem parent, child1, and child 2.On parent, I create a view called item as follows:CREATE view Item asselect * from child1.dbchild1.dbo.Item union allselect * from child2.DBChild2.dbo.ItemOn child1 and child2, I have a table "item" with a column named "id"datatype uniqueidentifier (and many other columns). There is anon-clustered index created over column "id".When I connect to the parent server and select from the viewSelect id, col1, col2, …. From item where id =‘280A33E0-5B61-4194-B242-0E184C46BB59'The query is distributed to the children "correctly" (meaning itexecutes entirely (including the where clause) on the children serverand one row is returned to the parent).However, when I select based on a list of idsSelect id, col1, col2, …. From item where id in(‘280A33E0-5B61-4194-B242-0E184C46BB59',‘376FA839-B48A-4599-BC67-25C6820FE105')the plan shows that the entire contents of both children item tables(millions of rows each) are pulled from the children to the parent,and THEN the where criteria is applied.Oddly enough, if I put the list of id's I want into a temp tableselect * from #bv1id------------------------------------280A33E0-5B61-4194-B242-0E184C46BB59376FA839-B48A-4599-BC67-25C6820FE105and thenSelect id, col1, col2, …. From item where id in (select * from #bv1)the query executes with the where criteria applied on the childrendatabases saving millions of rows being copied back to the parentserver.So, I have a hack that works (using the temp table) for this case, butI really don't understand the root cause. After reading online books,in a way I am confused why ANY of the processing is done on thechildren servers. I quote:================================================Remote Query ExecutionSQL Server attempts to delegate as much of the evaluation of adistributed query to the SQL Command Provider as possible. An SQLquery that accesses only the remote tables stored in the provider'sdata source is extracted from the original distributed query andexecuted against the provider. This reduces the number of rowsreturned from the provider and allows the provider to use its indexesin evaluating the query.Considerations that affect how much of the original distributed querygets delegated to the SQL Command Provider include:•The dialect level supported by the SQL Command ProviderSQL Server delegates operations only if they are supported by thespecific dialect level. The dialect levels from highest to lowest are:SQL Server, SQL-92 Entry level, ODBC core, and Jet. The higher thedialect level, the more operations SQL Server can delegate to theprovider.Note The SQL Server dialect level is used when the providercorresponds to a SQL Server linked server.Each dialect level is a superset of the lower levels. Therefore, if anoperation is delegated to a particular level, then Queries involvingthe following are never delegated to a provider and are always it isalso delegated to all higher levels.evaluated locally:•bit•uniqueidentifier================================================This suggests to me that any query having where criteria applied to adatatype uniqueidentifier will have the where criteria applied AFTERdata is returned from the linked server.Any ideas on the root problem, and a better solution to get the queryand all the where criteria applied on the remoted linked server?Thanks,Bernie
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Sep 4, 2015
A recent SharePoint upgrade has rendered several views obsolete. I am redefining them so that our upper level executive reports show valid data.(yes, I know that doing anything to sharepoint could cause MS to deny support, having said that, this is something I've inherited and need to fix, pronto) The old view was created like so:
/****** Object: View [dbo].[vwSurgicalVolumes] Script Date: 09/04/2015 09:28:03 ******/
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vwSurgicalVolumes] AS
As I said, this view is used in a report showing surgical minutes.SharePoint is now on a new server, which is linked differently (distributed?) I've used OPENQUERY to get my 'new' query to work;
,AL.tp_WebID as altpwebid
,AL.tp_Title AS ALTitle
My data (ie surgical minutes, etc) seems to be in the XML column, AUD.tp_ColumnSet . So I need to parse it out and convert it to INT to maintain consistency with the previous view. How do I do this within the context of the view definition?Here is a representation of the new and old view data copied to excel :
<datetime1>2014-08-14T04:00:00</datetime1><float1>2.000000000000000e+000</float1><float2>4.190000000000000e+002</float2><float3>1.600000000000000e+001</float3><float4>8.110000000000000e+002</float4><sql_variant1 xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:sqltypes=""
[Code] ....
can't format it to make it look decent. InHouseCases =2, InHouseMinutes=419, OutPatientCases =16, OutPatientMinutes=1230. This corresponds to the new data I can see in the XML column; 2.000000000000000e+000 is indeed 2 and 4.190000000000000e_002 is indeed 419.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am looking to create a constraint on a table that allows multiplenulls but all non-nulls must be unique.I found the following script works fine, but the following lineCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX idx1 ON v_multinulls(a)appears to use indexed views. I have run this on a version of SQLStandard edition and this line works fine. I was of the understandingthat you could only create indexed views on SQL Enterprise Edition?
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Jul 24, 2012
Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named Invoice Basic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.
This is what I have so far,
SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal
From Vendors JOIN Invoices
ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
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Aug 24, 2007
Hi guys 'n gals,
I created a query, which makes use of a temp table, and I need the results to be displayed in a View. Unfortunately, Views do not support temp tables, as far as I know, so I put my code in a stored procedure, with the hope I could call it from a View....
I tried:
EXEC pr_MyProc
and unfortunately, it does not let this run.
Anybody able to help me out please?
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Mar 9, 2006
I compared view query plan with query plan if I run the same statementfrom view definition and get different results. View plan is moreexpensive and runs longer. View contains 4 inner joins, statisticsupdated for all tables. Any ideas?
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Mar 25, 2002
Hi ,
On my Desktop i registered Production Server in Enterprise Manager
on that Server if i go to SecurityLinked Servers
There is another Server is already mapped, when i am trying to see the Tables under that one of the
Linked Server i am getting the Error message saying that
"Error 17 SQL Server does not exist or access denied"
if i went to Production Server location and if i try to see the tables i am able to see properly, no problems
why i am not able to see from my Desk top
i am using the sa user while mapping the Production Server on my DESKTOP using (ENTERPRISE MANAGER)
And i check the Client Network Utility in the Alias using Named Pipe only, i changed to TCP/IP still same problem
What might the Problem how can i see the Tables in Linked Server from my DESKTOP
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