Slow Report

Jan 18, 2007

As I sit here waiting for a test run of the report to complete, I'm forced to wonder why it's taking over 10 minutes... so far.

The query itself, when run through Management Studio takes about 50 seconds, so why would it take over 10 minutes to generate the report?  It's the only query being run, and it's not doing anything especially tricky with the data.  It's all actually being processed in the query, returning some counts and displaying them in a simple list.

Any thoughts?

EDIT:  I should mention that the query itself isn't very simple, so I can understand the query itself being slow... just not the report being 10 times slower than the query in management studio.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Very Slow In Report Server?

Oct 21, 2015

I have a report which works fine with visual studio but when i uploaded the same into report server and tries to access it through IE or chrome or anything its dam slow.

how to get rid of this issue?

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Slow Report Generation

Dec 14, 2005

I have developed several reports with selectable parameters.  When the report is first requested three stored procedures are triggered and return the parameters (+2 min), following parameters being returned the default report is returned (+3 min), this time is unacceptable.  Is there anything I can do to speed up the report generation?  Any help here is greatly appreciated.

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Slow Initial Upload Of Report From .net

Jan 14, 2008

In a .net application there is a link that brings up a SSRS report.
I have noticed that if it is the first time this report is requested i.e. Application has just been opened and the report button is clicked, then it takes a while to get this report to appear on the screen. But if this report is requested again (i.e. for the second time or more) then it only takes a few moments for the report to appear on the screen.
So it seems that only the first time the report is requested it takes a longer time to get this report. Is there a way to reduce this initial load of the report?

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SSRS Slow Waking Up On First Report

Jan 8, 2007


I continue to see this similar post all over the place, but no resolutions.

We have SSRS installed and operational in production. There are reports that get accessed from either an aspx page or from the built in IIS site for SSRS.

First time access is the performance problem. Here are two scenarios:

1) from your browser, pull up the front page to SSRS: http://myserver/reports. This simple operation will take about 2 minutes to come up. Drill to the report in question and it runs fairly well first time through. Throw a different query at it and it runs faster. If you wait a while (maybe 15 minutes +) the whole thing will spin back down and take 2 minutes to come up again. If you exit the website and come back immediately, everything still stays quick.

2) from an aspx page, same thing... if the service is spun down, the end user will typically get tired of waiting or timeout. Once everything is spun up, the process runs fine.

We setup another report that just does some simple statistics and added in a timed subscription for every 15 minutes hoping it would keep the service up and running.... no joy. Still the same.

Also adjusted the app pool to about every option to see if we could keep it running, but no joy.


So -- any ideas? Forget about running a report.... just think about pulling the website up. 2 minutes to get it to display in the browser the first time...


Thanks in advanced.

Dan Ribar

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Slow Report From Simple Query

Apr 2, 2007

Hi all, I've been building a set of traffic based reports on our website and I've run into a strange problem.

The reports are pretty basic, and up till now I've been really impressed with RS overall.

Recently I've added a StartDate and EndDate and since then the performance has gone from ~10 secs to ~10 minutes.

I've taken a really simple query from my reports. Running this query in Management Studio on the same data returns in less than a second. When its run from a test report with nothing else in it it takes ~1 minute. Even stranger when I run the same query with the same values for parameters inside of RS in the data view it takes less than 1 second. ARG!

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SessionID) as Occurences
FROM WebAppSummary
JOIN WebAppLocalizations
ON WebAppSummary.ClientIp = WebAppLocalizations.ClientIp
where FirstTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

The last line that was just added is this part:
where FirstTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

So whats going on here? Is this a really poorly performing query that management studio is optimizing but RS isnt? Is RS messing up the databind and getting a bunch of DSs instead of just one?

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Initial Report Load Is Slow

Apr 14, 2008

Each day, the first user who launches our RS reports always gets a long wait time. Subsequent report launches are normal.
Does anyone know what is going on? If yes, what is the remedy?


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Problem With Writting A Report (SQL Slow Running)

Jul 20, 2005

HiI am trying to write a report that calculates the average number of salesover 7, 14, 31 and 365 days for each hourly period of the day. the problemis it takes over 4 minutes to run.e.g.Average Xactions per Hour7 Days 14 Days 31 Days 365 Days00:00 - 01:00 1,141.6 579.2 261.6 28.801:00 - 02:00 1,298.0 649.6 293.4 30.0The report was use to be purely ASP running SQL Statements.I then changed it to ASP Running a SP 24 times - this reduced running timeby about 1 minute.I then changed it so that the stored proc looped internally 24 times andreturns the data.I have ran the Index Tuning Wizard on the SQL and Implemented the indexessuggested - this actually increase execution time by 20 seconds.Below is the stored procedure I am currently using that loops internally 24times and returns the data.Can anyone suggest a better way / any improvements I could make ?Many ThanksSteve-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE procedure ams_RPT_Gen_Stats@strResult varchar(8) = 'Failure' output,@strErrorDesc varchar(512) = 'SP Not Executed' output,@strTest varchar(1),@strCurrency varchar(3),@strVFEID varchar(16)asdeclare @strStep varchar(32)set @strStep = 'Start of Stored Proc'/* start insert sp code here */create table ##Averages (TheHour varchar(2),Day7Avge float ,Day14Avge float ,Day31Avge float ,Day365Avge float)declare @numHour varchar(2)declare @strSQL varchar(2000)declare @Wholesalers varchar(64)declare MyHours cursor FORWARD_ONLY READ_ONLY forselect convert(char(2), timestamp,14) as TheHourfrom xactionsgroup by convert(char(2), timestamp,14)order by convert(char(2), timestamp,14)if @strTest = 'Y'select @Wholesalers = VALUE FROM BUSINESSRULES WHERE NAME ='TEST_Wholesalers'open MyHoursfetch next from MyHours into @numHourwhile @@fetch_status = 0beginset @strSQL = 'insert into ##Averages (TheHour, Day7Avge) ( select ''' +@numHour + ''', ' +'count(*) / 7.00 ' +'FROM ' +'XACTIONS INNER JOIN ' +'RETAILER ON XACTIONS.RETAILERID = RETAILER.RETAILERID ' +'WHERE ' +'(DATEDIFF(DAY , xactions.timestamp , GETDATE() ) < 8) and ' +'xactions.xactiontotal <> 0 and ' +' convert(char(2) , timestamp, 14) = ''' + @numHour + ''' 'if @strTest = 'Y'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and retailer.BillOrgID not in (' +@Wholesalers + ') 'if @strCurrency <> '*'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and xactions.XACTIONCURRENCY = ''' +@strCurrency + ''' 'if @strVFEID <> '*'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and xactions.VFEID = ''' + @strVFEID + ''''set @strSQL = @strSQL + ')'exec ( @strSQL )set @strSQL = 'update ##Averages set Day14Avge = ( select ' +'count(*) / 14.00 ' +'FROM ' +'XACTIONS INNER JOIN ' +'RETAILER ON XACTIONS.RETAILERID = RETAILER.RETAILERID ' +'WHERE ' +'(DATEDIFF(DAY , xactions.timestamp , GETDATE() ) < 15) and ' +'xactions.xactiontotal <> 0 and ' +' convert(char(2) , timestamp, 14) = ''' + @numHour + ''' 'if @strTest = 'Y'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and retailer.BillOrgID not in (' +@Wholesalers + ') 'if @strCurrency <> '*'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and xactions.XACTIONCURRENCY = ''' +@strCurrency + ''' 'if @strVFEID <> '*'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and xactions.VFEID = ''' + @strVFEID + ''' 'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ') where TheHour = ''' + @numHour + ''' 'exec ( @strSQL )set @strSQL = 'update ##Averages set Day31Avge = ( select ' +'count(*) / 31.00 ' +'FROM ' +'XACTIONS INNER JOIN ' +'RETAILER ON XACTIONS.RETAILERID = RETAILER.RETAILERID ' +'WHERE ' +'(DATEDIFF(DAY , xactions.timestamp , GETDATE() ) < 32) and ' +'xactions.xactiontotal <> 0 and ' +' convert(char(2) , timestamp, 14) = ''' + @numHour + ''' 'if @strTest = 'Y'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and retailer.BillOrgID not in (' +@Wholesalers + ') 'if @strCurrency <> '*'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and xactions.XACTIONCURRENCY = ''' +@strCurrency + ''' 'if @strVFEID <> '*'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and xactions.VFEID = ''' + @strVFEID + ''' 'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' ) where TheHour = ''' + @numHour + ''' 'exec ( @strSQL )set @strSQL = 'update ##Averages set Day365Avge = ( select ' +'count(*) / 365.00 ' +'FROM ' +'XACTIONS INNER JOIN ' +'RETAILER ON XACTIONS.RETAILERID = RETAILER.RETAILERID ' +'WHERE ' +'(DATEDIFF(DAY , xactions.timestamp , GETDATE() ) < 366) and ' +'xactions.xactiontotal <> 0 and ' +' convert(char(2) , timestamp, 14) = ''' + @numHour + ''' 'if @strTest = 'Y'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and retailer.BillOrgID not in (' +@Wholesalers + ') 'if @strCurrency <> '*'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and xactions.XACTIONCURRENCY = ''' +@strCurrency + ''' 'if @strVFEID <> '*'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' and xactions.VFEID = ''' + @strVFEID + ''' 'set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' ) where TheHour = ''' + @numHour + ''' 'exec ( @strSQL )fetch next from MyHours into @numHourend -- while fetchclose MyHoursdeallocate MyHoursselect * from ##Averages order by TheHourdrop table ##Averages/* end insert sp code here */if (@@error <> 0)beginset @strResult = 'Failure'set @strErrorDesc = 'Fail @ Step :' + @strStep + ' Error : ' +CONVERT(VARCHAR,@@Error)return -1969endelsebeginset @strResult = 'Success'set @strErrorDesc = ''endreturn 0GO

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Report Design Environment - Tool Is Slow!

Mar 5, 2008

Does anyone else have problems with the speed of the design environment for SSRS reports? We are using visual studio to create and manage hundreds of production reports (Oil and Gas).

It literally takes 5 seconds for the design environment to react to each change in the report layout. For instance, a common change is to reposition a text box, change the length, text, font size, font weight etc...:

Grab the text box - 5 seconds until designer responds - then reposition

Grab the edge to change the length - ditto

change text - 5 seconds for designer to "save" the change and allow next action....

blah - blah - blah....
So, performing the simple change above takes at least 30 seconds in addition to whatever time it took to edit the text box.

I've talked to the other developers using SSRS here and they all report that's "just the way it is".

Is this normal or is there an environment issue/setting we are overlooking.

Thanks, Mike

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Charts Slow Report Rendering To A Crawl

Aug 23, 2006

I've searched the forums on this issue, haven't really found the answer.

I have several nifty little sales reports which crunch a ton of data quite efficiently and render in just a few seconds in Report Manager. I've pushed as much of the data processing back to the server as possible, use a stored procedure (with parameters) in a shared datasource, don't return unneccessary data, all that. It works great.

When I first developed the reports, I continued generating my charts (which use the same data as the reports, just grouped differently) in Excel and pasting them in as images. Now I want to stop that nonsense and use the SSRS charts. I fooled around with the charting function and got a reasonable facimile of my Excel charts, two per report, which use their own separate stored procedures and the same shared datasource.

Now, reports that used to render in 5-8 seconds may take 1-5 MINUTES. Help! It's definitely the charts--taking them back out fixes the problem.

I have complete control over the datasources--would it make more sense to use non-shared sources, or to create totally separate shared sources? I saw a post that recommended "making data calls non-synchronous," but I have no idea how to do that.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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ASP.NET Report Viewer, Slow Rendering, Image Broken

Jan 29, 2008


I have been using the report viewer to render my reports on a webpage. All worked fine for a time and now nothing is working correctly.

I have about ~8 report viewer on one page, all in an individual IFRAME. What happen is, sometimes I'm getting an error from IE (Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage) or the report starts loading (I see the title) but where the chart should be I have an X (broken image) icon.

Sometimes when I click on the image and choose "Display Image" the image will display.


Reports loads correctly on the report manager site (the Reporting Services webpage)
Once those errors starts appearing, the session seems to act funny and I can't even refresh the webpage (F5)
I have the latest report viewer patch installed
I have the SP2 for SQL Server 2005 installed
Running Windows 2000 Server
Running IIS 6
The website was developped using IIS 5, but was tested on IIS 6 for about 3 weeks and we started to have problems today.
The reports are linked with Analysis Services to get the data from cubes.
I'm really out of ideas right now. Maybe I should just restart the IIS server, but the thing is live and I can't do it right now. However, if I need to restart it, will the problem occurs another time? Will it become a solution to restart the server?

I already restarted Reporting Services and nothing has changed.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Run Very Slow Using Mdx In Cube On SharePoint 2013

Nov 21, 2015

I have developed the SSRS report and  deployed them on SharePoint 2013 BUt when I run report  through  broswer It take long time to execute.

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Report Running Very Slow Compared To Query Analyzer - High TimeDataRetrieval

Jun 26, 2007


I have a report in SQL Reporting Services 2005 which calls a stored proc and the report takes a very long time to run and sometimes returns zero records. But when i run the stored proc in query analyzer it takes about 4 seconds!!

I have checked the execution log on the RS using the below sql:

Code Snippet

use ReportServer

Select * from ExecutionLog with (nolock) order by TimeStart DESC

It shows that i have a large amount of time for the dataretrieval (601309ms, about 10mins) and does not return any records most likely because of a query timeout:

TimeDataRetrieval TimeProcessing TimeRendering Source Status ByteCount RowCount
601309 2227 3 1 rsSuccess 4916 0

The weird thing is that when i run it in query analyzer, i get about 400 records in 4 seconds !!

I dont understand what RS is doing to take up so much time like this to retrieve data.

The report is very simple - it basically returns the records straight out into a table.

The only thing I somewhat suspected was a parameter data type conflict between RS and SQL, specifically dates. I have a start and end date parameter in the report - i tried specifying this as date and string to see if it made any difference but it didn't.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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This Feature Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Report

Jun 16, 2006

SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.

error message:

This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service

I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.

Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?

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Reporting Services :: Add Sub-report To Main Report Using Report Builder?

Sep 9, 2015

I just created a report builder. I have a main report and i wanted to create a sub report. why i cant or i cant view the path or the folder of my  .rdl file to be use as my sub report.

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Modifying A Report Created In Report Builder In The Report Designer.

Jun 30, 2006

After I use the report builder to create a generic report, how do I actually get that report into the report designer so that I can modify it more effectivly?

The issue that I have now is that the file on the report server is not a .rdl file and if I simply save it as one and then bring it into VS to modify it the code file is a html structure rater than a XML file type.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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How Do I Jump To Another Report Based On A Value In My Current Report? Report Has No Parameters.

May 3, 2007

How do I jump to another report based on a value in my current report. The report that I am jumping from has no parameters, just values.

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Why So Slow?

Nov 13, 2003

I am writing a data access web page, but I find that the excution speed is too slow.
My data base is just a data table which have five columns: id, code, quantity, price and Date. The data base has about 45000 rows. When I use OSQL or Query function, speed is just fine.

Here is the main code which I think cause the speed slow:

string conn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["connectionstring"];
SqlDataAdapter adapter_2 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from table",conn);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
adapter_2.Fill (ds,"table");
DataTable YahooOrders = ds.Tables["YahooOrders"];
DataRow[] product = new DataRow[20000];


foreach (string s in split) // actually the split here has only one string in it
product = table.Select ("code like '"+s+"%' and Date >='"+minDate+"' and Date <='"+table.Select("Date = Max(Date)")[0][1].ToString()+"'");
foreach(DataRow myRow in product)
int count = Convert.ToInt32(myRow[2]);
itemQuantity = count + itemQuantity;
revenue = Convert.ToDouble(myRow[3]) * count + revenue;

// get product code, ignore repeated code
int myIndex=code.BinarySearch( myRow[1] );
if ( myIndex < 0 )
orderQuantity = product.Length + orderQuantity;
The first foreach actually excutes just one time, so it won' t cause any speed problem.
The second foreach' s job is to sum each column of specified rows which is product here.
So, any ideas about this?

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Too Slow

Mar 8, 2001


Actually from the application the developers are using count(column) to know the no. of rows resulted by a statement which joins many tables but its taking lot of time.

Is there an easy way to get the count of records(result set) of the output.

I cant use sysindexes b'z i need the count of the output genereted by the SQl Statement which joins many tables and retrieves many rows.


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MS SQL Slow Down

Mar 24, 2006

Hi fellas (and girllas),

Got a problem (duh!). My MSSQL Server lags. Now, mind, it doesn't lag all the time. And it seems to be independent of the # of users trying to access the server. And it random clears itself up. And the problem doesn't present itself in SQL MGR, just on the web app we're running on it.

SQL Server 2k running on 2k3 w/ IIS & backup exec.
All SQL data files are on a raid5 SCSI U160.

Intranet App developed by us for us. ASP.NET & VB.NET.

When queried server takes a LONG time to respond. So long infact it has become counter productive. When taking a look at the server, the CPU usage hovers between 50-75% and spikes up to 90% every now and then just for kicks. The memory usage is 2.35gb out of 4gb. To fix this we have to kill and restart all the SQL services.

Any thoughts on what to look at? There're indexes on the required FKs and the heavily queried columns. We're at a loss here.

Thanks for any helpful help!


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MS SQL Very Slow

Apr 7, 2006

Database has its few HUGE tables, but I experienced queries against few other very small tables to be incredible slow.

Anybody has the same or similar problem?

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App Slow.

Apr 15, 2008

A vendor's application is performing slow. Vendor tested it in QA and it's slow. End-users run it in PRD and it's slow. The application calls SP1, and SP1 calls SP2. Inside SP1 has a cursor. I believe as the db gets larger. The application is going to be even slower. What can I suggest to the vendor in order to fix it? Tell them to re-write the application code? Eliminate cursor?


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Why Is My CTE Very Slow ?

May 27, 2008


I have 4000 record in my table employee. it takes 13 sec to get data. It this normal ? What is wrong ?


Code Snippet

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[VrniStrukturo] (@id_sod int)
WITH tree(id, parent_id, naziv, nivo) AS
-- Base case
1 as nivo
FROM employee
WHERE id = @id_sod


-- Recursive step
eh.nivo + 1 AS nivo
FROM employee e
e.parent_id =

FROM tree
--ORDER BY nivo, priimek, ime

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Our DB Becomes Slow Sometimes

Sep 13, 2006

There re certian times when I want to execute a sql request (select for example) then It gets too long before I get an answer. (that happens only some times exceptionnaly). What does that mean, is it that somebody is using heavily the DB or may be using Entreprise manager or what exactly
and how can I know who is responsible for taking all SQL server resources at that specefic time. What command or what tool can I use pls for this purpose.
Thanks for your help.

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Slow DTS

Aug 20, 2005

Hello,Were using the data transfermation service to copy in an Ingres II 2.5database to an SQL Server 2000 database. Small databases don't present anissue, but when pulling one across that's about 20GB its been taking between12 and 24 hours. Both systems are relitively quick boxes and neither of themare tapped out on processor, disk I/O or network resources.I do have the "Boost SQL Server priority on Windows" checked under it'sproperties and all the processors are checked to be used.Does anyone know if there's a way to tweak SQL Server or Ingres to handlethis a little quicker? Or even an idea where the bottleneck could be may behelpful.Thanks,John.

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Nov 20, 2007

I've got a performance question about a clr tvf that I have created. When I query the function it takes about 30 seconds for it to execute as apposed to < 6 seconds when I execute the same code in a console app (the 6 seconds includes outputting the returned data to the console, without writing the output to console it executes in about 1 second). Both the function and the app are iterating (>40,000) and returning ( >10,000) the same number of rows. I've noticed the following when viewing the executions in the PerfMon:

* the sqlclr tfv kicks the % Processor Time up to 30 for 30 seconds, the console app has % Processor Time at 9 for about 2 seconds
* .NET CLR Memory - Allocated Bytes/sec spikes anywhere from 1 to 3 times during the sqlclr query at about 44MB/sec. It barely registers if at all when the console app runs.
* In either case, % Time in GC is at zero.

I'm assuming that there are some configurations I'm ignorant of that can help me tune the execution. I can't imagine that it takes SqlServer that long just to iterate through the records.

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Dog Slow

Jul 17, 2007

I have recently decided to make the change from Microsoft access to SQL Server believing that it's a bigger faster beast with better parameterized queries and triggers and all that. BUT.I have some client data that I imported from their original paradox files.The invoice lineitem file contains over 1 milliion records.When I open this table in access and click show last record, the record is displayed in about 1 or 2 seconds.I used the upsize to SQL Server tool in Access to shift my data into SQL Server.When I use the Express Mangagement tool to open the same table and say show me the last record, it takes 17 minutes.I admit that most numeric data types have been translated to floats, so that's probably not good.But I cant alter them from floats to numeric or decimals using the table design tool.Do the conversion anomalies make up the whole reason why SQL Server seems so incredibly SLOW! ?????????

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BCP Out Slow?

May 1, 2007

I am running the following BCP to extract a table with 156641604 rows.

bcp out test3.bcp -T -b1000000 -a32000

When running this i notice that the disk read bytessec counter in performance monitor on the drive that has the database devices is only reading 30mbsec. I am writing the bcp file to a different drive. Both drives are far more capable of achieving much higher IO. Is this a limitation with BCP or are there futher switches available that would speed this process up. Also the drives are both local so the bottle neck is not network. Any ideas?

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My Sql Express Is So Slow?

Aug 25, 2006

Has anyone else noticed delays with SQL Express? I'm not really talking about delays on the queries but just delays in general response. For example: everything is running great, then for about 2 minutes I get connection timeouts etc can't even open stuff in the management studio without getting timeouts ... then as strangely as it started everything goes back to normal and requests are served again.
The server has nothing on except 1 website, its Win 2003 Server. 512MB Ram on a PIV. The memory usage is low and during the "lockups" the machine isn't showing any processor usage and SQL mem usage is around 40Megs.
I am not using User Instances either. Nothing in the event logs. What is odd, is its happening on 3 of my machines ..... all with different sites, the only thing in common between them is SQL.

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VERY Slow SQL Query

Mar 8, 2007

This sounds like a pretty easy one.  I have a SQL 2000 database with 2-3.4GHZ CPUs and 1GB of RAM.  I have one database on it.  I go in Query Analyzer on another machine and run a simple query like 'SELECT * FROM USERS'  which should return 15,000 rows. 
IT takes 30 (thirty) seconds to finish this query.  OMG
Where do I start to decipher why on Earth this takes more than .01 seconds?

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Slow Performance

Mar 24, 2007

Hi all...
I  need urgent help, about someting:
i've developed and deploy an aspnet web site (data works with sqlserver), but after a few minutes working with some users, the permormance slows and  stop the site.
please help me what should i do......

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Application Is Very Slow

Oct 7, 2007

 Dear All,Finally I completed my project. Thanks all you helped me to do it.Now I have the biggest problem. In my application the Data grid is filled with Data from SQL server table which has large number of records. When I run my queries in SS Management Studio it runs very fast. To fill data to datagrid it takes lots of time. How can I reduce this time. How can I increase the performance of my Application.Thanks,Janaka   

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Very Slow Connection

Mar 5, 2002

We have Sql Server installed on the Windows 2000 machine.
There are 2 databases that the employees access on it.
When the machine is just started, there are no problems but after some time the connections get really really slow and then eventually become impossible to connect. We did not have this problem before until we had a computer crash and then Sql server was installed on a new machine. The problems started here. We had 64mb of ram and we put in another 64mb thinking this would solve it but it did not.
On the task manager the cpu percentage stays constant at 100% and the virtual memory increases and increases very slowly until it has reached it's maximum (which is 600mb).
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much,

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