Slow Response Time After Converting DB From SQL 6.5 To 7.0
Feb 10, 2000
We did an in place convertion of our data base from MS SQL Server 6.5 to 7.0.
Our application is much slower now on SQL 7.0. Any idea why?
The following is a sample SQL statement that runs quickly on SQL 6.5 and takes a long time on SQL 7.0 I also attached the query plans from SQL 6.5 and 7.0.
SELECT Person_Name.PerNam_Person_Name_PK ,
Person_Name.PerNam_Row_Status ,
Person_Name.PerNam_Last_Name_Sndx ,
Person_Name.PerNam_Last_Name ,
Person_Name.PerNam_Name_Suffix ,
Person_Name.PerNam_First_Name ,
Person_Name.PerNam_Name_Prefix ,
Person_Name.PerNam_Middle_Name ,
Person_Name.PerNam_Event_Person_FK ,
Event.Evn_Event_Nbr ,
Event.Evn_Event_Type ,
Event_Person.EvnPer_Last_Name ,
Event_Person.EvnPer_First_Name ,
Event_Person.EvnPer_Middle_Name ,
Event_Person.EvnPer_Name_Prefix ,
FROM Person_Name , Event , Event_Person
WHERE (Person_Name.PerNam_Agency_ID = "CL")
AND ( Person_Name.PerNam_Event_Person_FK = Event_Person.EvnPer_Event_Person_PK )
and ( Event_Person.EvnPer_Event_FK = Event.Evn_Event_PK )
and (Person_Name.PerNam_Person_Name_PK = 0 or ( Person_Name.PerNam_Event_Person_FK = 581541) )
and ( Person_Name.PerNam_Row_Status <> "D" )
Query plan in SQL 6.5
SQL Server Execution Times:
cpu time = 0 ms. elapsed time = 31250 ms.
The type of query is INSERT
The update mode is direct
Worktable created for REFORMATTING
Nested iteration
Index : PK_Person_Name
Nested iteration
Index : PerNam_Event_Person_FK
Nested iteration
Using Dynamic Index
Nested iteration
Index : PK_Event_Person
Worktable 1
The type of query is SELECT
Worktable 1
Nested iteration
Table Scan
Nested iteration
Index : PK_Event
SQL Server Parse and Compile Time:
cpu time = 0 ms.
Table: Person_Name scan count 2, logical reads: 6, physical reads: 5, read ahead reads: 0
Table: Event scan count 0, logical reads: 0, physical reads: 0, read ahead reads: 0
Table: Event_Person scan count 0, logical reads: 0, physical reads: 0, read ahead reads: 0
Table: Worktable scan count 0, logical reads: 0, physical reads: 0, read ahead reads: 0
Table: Worktable scan count 1, logical reads: 1, physical reads: 0, read ahead reads: 0
SQL Server Execution Times:
cpu time = 0 ms. elapsed time = 62 ms.
Query plan on SQL 7.0
SQL Server parse and compile time:
CPU time = 431 ms, elapsed time = 535 ms.
Table 'Event'. Scan count 1, logical reads 3, physical reads 3, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Event_Person'. Scan count 1, logical reads 6, physical reads 5, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Person_Name'. Scan count 1, logical reads 4588, physical reads 2, read-ahead reads 4092.
SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 7921 ms, elapsed time = 13519 ms.
SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 13781 ms.
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Aug 21, 1998
I have Problem, My response time is too Low. Is Any one Know how to improve my response time. My DATABASE SIZE IS 11 GB. I didn�t change any configuration parameter after installing SQL Server. Right my server Having default configuration parameters. Whether I have to change any parameters or not. My queries will generate lot of temporary tables.
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Apr 5, 2007
i had a problem with the SSIS response time - its very slow.
When I try to open the solution and than click to open the Pakage it's take at least 6-10 minutes until it's open.
Please advice what can be the reason
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Jun 26, 2015
Using SSMS 2012, we are experiencing extremely slow response times when opening SQL job steps to edit and also deploying SSIS Pkg's. Sysadmins have no problem. Users in the ssis_admin role have no problem. It's the rest of the users who have issues.
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Apr 29, 2008
I have a problem with querying systemjobhistory data. Response time is slow and it is vary from time to time, sometime it takes few seconds and sometime it takes more than 2 minutes. I understand that there is quite a number of jobs in DB server and which might result in slow response time.
Is it possible to shorten the response time? like using index? My application is always look like hang when the query take very long time to run.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Aug 10, 1998
At my location we are running Great Plains on SQL server with the Great Plains client on the front end communicating over IP Sockets. Occasionally the client will stop responding for up to 15 minutes. This occurs to all clients at the same time. While this is happening I have ran performance monitor on the SQL server using the SQL counters and everything looks fine. Performance on the server and the network does not degrade. Only the Great Plains client is affected. From this I feel this is not a network problem. I would like some suggestions on what could possible cause this type of problem. I am really just looking for a starting point on where the problem may be originating from. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
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Feb 29, 2008
Here is the configuration we have at our site:
64 bit virtual server - Clustered 64-bit SQL Server 2005 Standard SP2 listening on port 1433.
32 bit virtual server - 32-bit application that connects to above SQL Server 2005 via standard OLEDB driver installed with windows (String utilized: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=applicationdb;Data Source=ServerInstanceName).
We are experiencing a slow reponse of 45 sec to more than a minute on a simple select statement on a table having 5000 rows.
The same select statement on the Server locally in Studio returns results back in 2 seconds or less. But from Stuido on any other desktop (remote) it takes 45 secs or more. Same slow response is seen by the application which is using OLEDB.
I've looked into some of the Server parameters but didn't find any clues.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Sep 28, 2007
I ran into a situation that if I don't use sql server for a while, in MS SQL Server Management Studio, when I run some query again, it takes a long time to respond. I looked into it with Activity Monitor, seems like the query was waiting for something, in the process view tab, it shows that:
WaitType: LATCH_EX
Resource: LOG_MANAGER(112F88C8)
What is the latch-ex? What should I check next to find out the problem?
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Mar 16, 2006
Hi all,
I have a website which has a search feature on the front page. The problem is that whenever a search is submitted (without and filters) it processes extremely slow (if at all, sometime throws 'general network' errors). If working properly it will return about 500+ records. As far as i know if there should be no issues returning a recordset of this size. I have the site hosted in a shared environment and it uses a SQL2000 db. If you filter the search resutls, it's more reponsive (still fairly slow).
If you believe that the hosting server i'm using should be upgraded, what would be the best solution? Keep in mind that i want to be able to return way more than 500+ records in one go.
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Oct 31, 2007
I am working with a client that after every reboot of there SQL 2000 DB server, they experience slow response time for a couple of hours. The server has 12 GB RAM and a Dual 3.8 processor. It is believed that the slow response is due to as queries run after the reboot, they are re-building information in memory and after the memory is built up, it goes back to the normal performance utilizing the memory for speed. Is this an accurate assumption or is there something else to be looking at after the server is rebooted?
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Oct 17, 2006
I have 2 servers (say MAINSRV e SECSRV) running SQL2000 Standard SP3 on Windows 2000 Advanced within a NT (!) domain and each server is linked to the other.
My problem is that if I run a query returning few dozens of rows like:
WHERE Fieldx = 'anyval'
from a client connected to the SECSRV server, it takes something like 35 minutes to complete, while the same query completes in no time when run on clients connected to MAINSRV.
Even the simplest SELECT Count(*) FROM... takes more than one minute from SECSRV while completing in a fraction of second from MAINSRV.
I tried to change the linked server security options (SQL/Windows), but the remote query remains slow.
There are no locks active on the table, both the servers have almost no load (CPU less than 10%, when tested) and the query returns just a few KBytes, so communication overhead will not be the problem.
Any suggestions will be very appreciated, thank you!!!
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Oct 16, 2006
Hello.I have a slow response with a system that I am setting up. The OS isWin 2000 Server with SQL Server 2000. My first execution of the SQLprocedure is slow (about 40 seconds), while the second execution isfaster (approx. 3 seconds and what I expect).Using query analyser I can leave the window up and come back ( aftersay 10 minutes ) and my next response is will be slow (and fasterstraight after this).The query itself is the "TOP 10" rows from a table of a remote DB (MSDE2000 - NT station).This is similar to;---------------------DECLARE @SelectRowsFromRemoteDB NVARCHAR(400)SET @SelectRowsFromRemoteDB = "SELCT a.* FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'Remote', ....) a"EXEC sp_executesql @SelectRowsFromRemoteDB---------------------The CPU usage goes high (with Task Manager), but oddly the task withmost usage is the "Idle Process".Please help with an answeror a good starting point to known where the resources are being used.Regards JC.....
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May 14, 2008
When I launch Outlook, it takes forever for the program to finally open. With any inbound email, it stops processing whatever is underway at the time....and frequently there is a 2-3 second lag between keyboard input and what appears on the screen. SQLserver is usually consuming upwards of 1-gb of Mike
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Mar 6, 2008
Regarding SSRS, what is considered a good response time? We have some reports running 2 minutes and the users think that is too long. Is there a guideline as to what a user should reasonably expect and if so, what is that guideline?
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Nov 12, 2007
I Detached all databases and attached with new set of databases from SQL2005 Developer edition from different server.
Now My important SP response time increased from 00:00:00(before detaching old set of databases) to 00:00:08
How to improve query response time for SQLSERVER2005 EXPRESS
earlier it worked fine
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Mar 30, 2001
Why is the response time to run a query faster when the output is displayed in grid format as compared to text format?
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Nov 21, 2007
When I try to connect to a SQL server instance from Enterprise Manager, I'm getting a timout connection error. I have to change the timoeout parameter from 4 (the default) to 30 in order to work.
Also I realize that some applications (like sharepoint) are having the same problem connecting to that server.
My question is:
Why is that happening?
It used to work fine, and I'm getting this issue a couple of days ago.
Appreciate your help.
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May 26, 2008
I am currently migrating a DB from Oracle to SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86))
I've used ssma to do the migration, and I'm reviewing the prodedures to check them. I have find a performance problem in one of them, which worked perfectly under Oracle, and I have tried lots of things with no luck, so I guess I need some help
I insert a row in a table, and the time it takes for this is fine, but seconds later I need to read the row, and this Select lasts 1-2 ms more every time. This process is repeated lots of times.
Every insert-select takes 200 ms when it receives the first data (including some other operations that are not increasing the response time), and 200 insertions later it takes about 500 ms, which is really too much, considering it keeps increasing.
The table has 25+ columns, and some of them contain varchar of 3000+ characters.
I make the select using 4 columns in the where part. One of them is a numeric, and the rest are varchar (no one is the primary key).
I've got a clustered index for the primary key, and two more non-clustered indexes. One of them refers to the columns I use in the Select, and the parameters are Fill Factor: 90, and Recompute Statistics Automatically.
I hope I explained properly...
Any ideas?
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Sep 28, 2006
Is there a global variable or something of the sort that would tell me how long it took to execute a query??
I need to monitor my DB response times and we have a query that runs in under 2 seconds. So we want to run this query every couple of minutes and if it takes more than 12 sec to run, we want to send an email to our DB staff...
I know that I could take a time stamp before and after then subtract but I wanted to know if there was an easier way to do it..
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Apr 15, 2014
We have poor performance spikes on a drive containing our log file but this is only for reads and seems to be at a time when we run a re-index job. If this is a likely correlation as to poor performance in reading the log file, and what reads are done from a log file.
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Apr 21, 2015
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),attnc_chkin_dt,101) as INDATE,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),attnc_chkin_dt,108) as TimePart
FROM pmt_attendance
indate 04/18/2015
time part :17:45:00
I need to convert this 17:45:00 to 12 hours date format...
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Dec 26, 2014
I need to take a temporary table that has various times stored in a text field (4:30 pm, 11:00 am, 5:30 pm, etc.), convert it to miltary time then cast it as an integer with an update statement kind of like:
Update myTable set MovieTime = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(5),GETDATE(),108), ':', '')
how this can be done while my temp table is in session?
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Jan 26, 2000
I have a stored procedure which creates 3 temporary tables. Every table is about ten rows and 25 columns. The inserts in the tables goes fast (< 30 ms). The selects from them is also that fast. BUT the first select takes about 3200 ms one each of the temptables. (I first do insert, then select from them.) So the SP executes at about 13 seconds instead of 3.
Any suggestions, anyone, please?
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Oct 27, 1998
We have an application that has about 100 users at a time. Roughly once a day, we experience a complete
slowdown on the server. All users notice it. The network seems fine because I can ping the server. Also,
I can attach to drives on the server quite fast so I don`t think it`s server resources. When I manage to
get in and do an sp_who, certain processes are blocking others. Talking to the users who were blocking,
they were not doing anything out of the ordinary - one was even doing just a select. The error log is full
of 17824 and 1608 errors. Is there some configuration setting that I should change? This is getting serious!
Thank you.
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Jun 11, 2007
Hi, I have a query which returns normally in less than a couple of seconds. When coupled with a "TOP" statement however, the execution time changes in a way I can't explain.
When using "TOP 1000", the query returns in its normal time. Any top value greater than 10 seems to function normally. However, as soon as we hit this "magic number" the query begins taking 30+ seconds to return.
As far as we can see, there is nothing odd about this query or the data that it is searching, and this problem has us stumped! Can anyone explain why top is producing these results, and is there any optomisation changes that anyone can suggest to give us faster queries in these cases?
Many thanks, Andy J.
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Nov 28, 2007
Do we have any function that will convert US time(as in the database) to IST in the select query.
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Feb 10, 2007
I've noticed that after the database have been idle for some time, it takes up to 10 seconds to get it started when something needs to access it. In the event viewer it says that the database <name> have been started.
Obviously, there is some idle timeout setting.
I saw an option in the database properties that is called "Auto Close" which is set to true. I assume this is what i'm looking for. Can someone confirm that? (it could take some time to test myself...)
But what i'm actually wondering is:
1. Is it possible to adjust how long it would wait before timing out?
2. What advantages does closing the database bring? Does it free up (a noticeable amount of) ressources? Or is it only that it's unlocking the files, so that it's possible to copy the database source files?
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May 30, 2000
I am trying to create custom reports with Access by linking to SQL tables in the SMS 2.0 software metering database. The only problem that I am having is trying to convert the internal SQL time/date nine digit format for when programs started or ended to a standard format. Is there a special function within either SQL or Access that will do this? Thanks.
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Nov 1, 1999
I have a date field from a Unix machine (ex. 917478174). I need to convert this date to 1/1/1999.
Any help?
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Jun 14, 2007
Dear all,
i have one table that colum is
164020 ---- that on convert into hh:mm:ss like 16:40:20
advance thanks
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May 30, 2002
I have a table that has a nvarchar field of (12) I need to convert this to a smalldatetimefield.
I get the following message
Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Data Pump
Error Description:Insert error, column 1 ('timeid', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Error Help File:sqldts80.hlp
Error Help Context ID:30702
Can someone please tell me how to convert this field without getting this message?????
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Nov 18, 2005
how do you convert a numeric to time format if it shows hours but a decimal figure for Minutes. For example if I have hours in decimal format like this
but I want to show it in this format:
where 28 = hours, 30 = minutes, 00 = seconds
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Apr 28, 2008
In Reporting Services, I have a decimal time field (18,2) in my report which I wish to display as HH:MM. Similarly, I req a sum of total hours and minutes as a summary. Whats the expression for doing this. I've googled far and wide and cannot find a definitve solution.
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