Slow Update With A Linked Server

May 11, 2007

I have a linked server set up on my local SQL 2000 instance. I try and run an update against an SQL 2005 database and it take 29 seconds. I checked the execution plan and it says it takes the entire time on the Remote Scan. Is there something I need to do to speed this up? There is an index on the PK that I am searching against.

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Remote Scan On Linked Server - Fast SELECT/Slow UPDATE

Aug 14, 2001

In an ASP, I have a dynamically created SQL statement that amounts to "SELECT * FROM Server1.myDB.dbo.myTable WHERE Col1 = 1" (Col1 is the table's primary key). It returns the data immediately when executed.

However, when the same record is updated with "UPDATE Server1.myDB.dbo.myTable SET Comments = 'blah blah blah' WHERE Col1 = 1", the page times out before the query can complete.

I watched the program in Profiler, and I saw on the update that sp_cursorfetch was being executed as an RPC once per each row in the table. In a table of 78000 records, the timeout occurs well before the last record is fetched, and the update bombs.

I can run the same statements in Query Analyzer from a linked server and have the same results. The execution plan shows that a Remote Query is occurring on the select that returns 1 row, and a Remote Scan is taking place on the update scanning 78000 rows (I guess this is where all the sp_cursorfetch calls are happening...?).

How can I prevent the Remote Scan? How can I prevent the execution of the RPC sp_cursorfetch for each row in the remote table?

Thank you!

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Oracle Linked Server TOO SLOW!!

May 30, 2001

I need to push 40k rows daily to an Oracle database. I am on a Win2k Pro box with the 8.1 client and ADO 2.6 loaded. I've configured the linked server with the Oracle as well as the Microsoft provider and it takes over a minute to push just 24 rows, less than 100 bytes each, at it. Any suggestions?

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DBase IV Linked Server Very Slow

Mar 6, 2001

I've connect some .DBF file to SQL server 7 with linked server option. My table have about 200.000 records. I've tried with ODBC and Jet 4.0 option (found in but I've very slow response if I use a "where" in the select instance.
In fact I've the response after 10 seconds and during this seconds the processor go to 100%.
Does anyone found a most speed way to do this?


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Sql Server Linked To Oracle Database...very Slow...why?

Dec 26, 2003

Hi i have a sql server instance on my system and it is linking into an oracle database on another server. When i run queries against this other takes forever...

However, when i use access, and link the table and run the same query against the oracle runs immediatly.

I am very confused as to why there would be such a performance difference and why sql server would run so slow.

I am wondering if it has something to do with the way i configured the linked server. there are several options that I didn't know what they meant.

collation compatible (not selected)
Data access (selected)
RPC (not selected)
RPC Out (not selected)
collation name
connection timeout
query timeout

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Slow Query Response From A Linked Server

Oct 17, 2006


I have 2 servers (say MAINSRV e SECSRV) running SQL2000 Standard SP3 on Windows 2000 Advanced within a NT (!) domain and each server is linked to the other.

My problem is that if I run a query returning few dozens of rows like:

WHERE Fieldx = 'anyval'

from a client connected to the SECSRV server, it takes something like 35 minutes to complete, while the same query completes in no time when run on clients connected to MAINSRV.

Even the simplest SELECT Count(*) FROM... takes more than one minute from SECSRV while completing in a fraction of second from MAINSRV.

I tried to change the linked server security options (SQL/Windows), but the remote query remains slow.

There are no locks active on the table, both the servers have almost no load (CPU less than 10%, when tested) and the query returns just a few KBytes, so communication overhead will not be the problem.

Any suggestions will be very appreciated, thank you!!!

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Linked Server Slow Query Return

Jun 14, 2006

Hello can some one explain this to me and give me some advice. I have sqlserver1 and sqlserver2 I have a linked server set up [ipaddress] on both servers. When I pass a variable to the stored proc or the query it takes up to 20 seconds to return 1 row but if I replace my varibles like email='sqlboy@coxnet' and firstname='ted' and lastname='clien' it returns the one row im looking for in about 2 seconds but if I pass email =@email ,fname=@fname,lname=@lname I get the 20 second thing. The query is a stored proc being called from an asp app. I get the same results when I run this in query analyzer.

Here is the query.

DECLARE @email VARCHAR(75),@fname VARCHAR(50),@lname VARCHAR(100)

FROM [ipaddress].{database}.dbo.{tablename}--server1
WHERE email = @email )
set nocount on
SELECT TOP 1 email,
FROM [ipaddress].{database}.dbo.{tablename} --server2
FROM [ipaddress].{database}.dbo.{tablename} where email=@email--server1)
AND RecordStatusID ='1' and FirstName=@fname and LastName=@lname

IF EXISTS (SELECT top 1 email,
FROM {databases}.dbo.attendees--server1
WHERE email =@email and FirstName=@fname and LastName=@lname)
SELECT TOP 1 email,
FROM {database}.dbo.attendees --server1
FROM server1.dbo.ebooksrequests--server1
where email=@email) and email=@email and FirstName=@fname and LastName=@lname


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MS Access Linked Tables To SQL Server 2000 Slow On Vista

Mar 13, 2007

I am using two almost idential laptops, one with XP and one with Vista, the only differences is that the XP laptop has 1G of RAM and running Office XP and the Vista has 2G RAM and is running Office 2007.

I have a MS Access database that has linked tables to a SQL Server 2000 database. The performance of the Access database on Vista is 5-10 times slower on the Vista machine. Just flipping through records or opening forms can take 5 - 15 seconds on the Vista machine while the XP machine takes 1 sec or less.

What gives? I looked at the CPU performance and the network performance while the Access database was busy flipping through records, the network traffic was < 2% and the CPU would spike to 40% on one of the CPUs (dual core) but would remain under 5% most of the time.

I also previously had Office XP installed on the Vista machine and it had the same performance issue so bought and install Office 2007 on the Vista machine and it did not solve the problem.

It seems that Vista is doing something that is slowing down Access with linked tables. Is this a issue between Vista and using an ODBC connection to SQL Server?

Thanks in advance for any help on this

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Slow Connection. ASP Page Querying A Linked Server On MSSQL 2005

Dec 28, 2006

Creating a web application.  Running a simple query "SELECT username FROM vwCustomer"

vwCustomer is a view built on top of an Access DB which is set up as a linked server.  Within SQL Server that view responds immediately.  But when I try to access it from an ASP page it takes over 20 seconds to respond.

Used the following to create the linked server:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'DBName', 'Jet 4.0', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'c:databasesdatabase.mdb'


EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'DBName', FALSE, NULL, 'Admin', ''


The view is simply(this works fine in SQL Server):

SELECT * FROM DBName.db.dbo.customer

The ASP page:

SELECT * FROM vwCustomer

Can anyone give me a hint as to where the bottleneck is?  Or how I can figure that out using SQL Profiler or something?

Please help!

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Update On Machine Runs Immediately, Update On Linked Server Takes 8 Minutes

Jan 2, 2008

What's up with this?

This takes like 0 secs to complete:

update xxx_TableName_xxx
set d_50 = 'DE',modify_timestamp = getdate(),modified_by = 1159

where enc_id in




but From linked server this takes 8 minutes????!!!??!:

update [xxx_servername_xxxx].xxx_DatabaseName_xxx.dbo.xxx_TableName_xxx
set d_50 = 'DE',modify_timestamp = getdate(),modified_by = 1159

where enc_id in




What settings or whatever would cause this to take so much longer from the linked server?

Note) Other queries from the linked server do not have this behavior. From the stored procedure where we have examined how long each query/update takes... this particular query is the culprit for the time eating. I thought it was to do specefically with this table. However as stated when a query window is opened directly onto that server the update takes no time at all.

2nd Edit:
Could it be to do with this linked server setting?
Collation Compatible
right now it is set to false? I also asked this question in a message below, but figured I should put it up here.

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Update In SQL Server 2000 Slow?

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables:T1 : Key as bigint, Data as char(20) - size: 61M recordsT2 : Key as bigint, Data as char(20) - size: 5M recordsT2 is the smaller, with 5 million records.They both have clustered indexes on Key.I want to do:update T1 set Data = T2.Datafrom T2where T2.Key = T1.KeyThe goal is to match Key values, and only update the data field of T1if they match. SQL server seems to optimize this query fairly well,doing an inner merge join on the Key fields, however, it then does aHash match to get the data fields and this is taking FOREVER. Ittakes something like 40 mins to do the above query, where it seems tome, the data could be updated much more efficiently. I would expectto see just a merge and update, like I would see in the followingquery:update T1 set Data = [someconstantdata]from T2where T2.Key = T1.Key and T2.Data = [someconstantdata]The above works VERY quickly, and if I were to perform the above query5 mil times(assuming that my data is completely unique in T2 and Iwould need to) it would finish very quickly, much sooner than theprevious query. Why won't SQL server just match these up while it ismerging the data and update in one step? Can I make it do this? If Iextracted the data in sorted order into a flat file, I could write aprogram in ten minutes to merge the two tables, and update in onestep, and it would fly through this, but I imagine that SQL server iscapable of doing it, and I am just missing it.Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

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Linked Server Update

Sep 4, 2003

Updating the sp's fixed the error I was getting but the update takes forever on the linked server. Any way to speed things up?

I just reference the server.db.dbo.table in the update statement.


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Linked Server Update

Feb 6, 2002

I know how to do a select statement using linked servers but I need to update a table in Oracle using SQL Server.

For example:

I now need to update TEST using a table in SQL Server. Can someone help?

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Slow MDB Linked View

Jul 23, 2005

I previously posted re. this, but thought I'd try again with a summary offacts.I have an Access 2000 MDB with a SQL Server 7 back end. There is a view thatis linked to the database via ODBC and has been in place for several yearswithout any performance problems.Recently I added a couple of fields to the output of the view, and it becamevery slow when scrolling. When just opened in the database window, thelinked view takes about a second to scroll down one screen. When opened inthe form (in Continuous Form view), it takes about 2-3 seconds. It used toscroll just about instantaneously.I tried removing the few fields I added to restore the view to its previousform, but it had no effect. The view was still much slower than it had been.The total number of records returned from the view is about 1300, so it'snot a large number of records. The view has about 25 fields.I found that when I link the view in the MDB without specifying a uniqueindex, it scrolls very quickly -- almost instantaneously. But when I specifythe unique index, it is slow. Since the view needs to be edited, it needsthe unique index defined.As noted, it's been in place for years, with a unique index defined, yetwithout the slowness. Any ideas as to what might have caused this and whatmight be done would be appreciated. I've included the SQL for the viewbelow.Thanks,NeilSQL FOR MAIN VIEW:SELECT INVTRY.[Index], INVTRY.TITLE, INVTRY.AUTHILL1,INVTRY.attFirstEdition, INVTRY.attSigned,ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD, ' ') SignedCond, INVTRY.YRPUB,INVTRY.PRICE, INVTRY.Web, INVTRY.Status,INVTRY.WebStatusPending, INVTRY.ActivateDate,INVTRY.DeactivateDate, INVTRY.WebAddedBatchID,INVTRY.AllowDuplicate, INVTRY.WebAction,INVTRY.WebActionPending, INVTRY.DateModified,INVTRY.DateWebActionApplied, INVTRY.JIT, INVTRY.MImage,INVTRY.HImage, INVTRY.AdCode,CASE WHEN INVTRY.WebAddedBatchID IS NOT NULLTHEN - 1 ELSE 0 END AS OnWebFROM vwInventory_Dupes INNER JOIN(WebStatus INNER JOIN(INVTRY INNER JOINtabStatus ON INVTRY.Status = tabStatus.Status) ONWebStatus.WebStatus = INVTRY.Web) ON(vwInventory_Dupes.YearPub = INVTRY.YRPUB) AND(vwInventory_Dupes.SignedCond = ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD,' ')) AND (vwInventory_Dupes.Signed = INVTRY.attSigned) AND(vwInventory_Dupes.FirstEd = INVTRY.attFirstEdition) AND(vwInventory_Dupes.Author = INVTRY.AUTHILL1) AND(vwInventory_Dupes.TITLE = INVTRY.TITLE)WHERE (((tabStatus.ForWeb) = 1) AND ((WebStatus.IncludeDupe)= 1))SQL FOR vwInventory_Dupes:SELECT INVTRY.TITLE, INVTRY.AUTHILL1 Author,Cast(attFirstEdition AS tinyint) FirstEd,Cast(attSigned AS tinyint) Signed,ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD, ' ') SignedCond,INVTRY.YRPUB YearPubFROM WebStatus INNER JOIN(INVTRY INNER JOINtabStatus ON INVTRY.Status = tabStatus.Status) ONWebStatus.WebStatus = INVTRY.WebWHERE (((tabStatus.ForWeb) = 1) AND ((WebStatus.IncludeDupe)= 1))GROUP BY INVTRY.TITLE, INVTRY.AUTHILL1,Cast(attFirstEdition AS tinyint), Cast(attSigned AS tinyint),ISNULL(INVTRY.attSignedPD, ' '), INVTRY.YRPUBHAVING (((COUNT(INVTRY.[INDEX])) > 1))

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How Can I Update Linked Server (AS400 DB)?

May 16, 2000



I got the following Error Message when trying to update a AS400 Database
"(Table Name) on (Data Source) not valid for operation"

My question is? Does Sql Server require journaling the files? How Should I change this option?. Please Help!

I did try to fix the above error, but then I got a new message:

OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' supplied inconsistent metadata. The object '(user generated expression)' was missing expected column 'Bmk1000'.
Could you help me?

I will appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance

Ivette V

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Linked Server Update Error

Jan 20, 2004

Does Anyone know what this means?

I run the query in the attached file on multiple servers with success but some of them refuse to cooperate. I've tried recreating the linked server on the problem servers but this doesn't help. All I want to do is check db file size and free space and get it to work. Why does it have to be so damn complicated?

Any ideas welcome - including an entirely different way of doing this.

The script and table definitions in question are attached

Could not open table '"Helpdesk_New"."dbo"."LogStats"' from OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'. The provider could not support a row lookup position. The provider indicates that conflicts occurred with other properties or requirements.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.]

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Linked Server Update Problem

Mar 15, 2004

I am getting an error trying to update a table in DB2 via SQL Server using a Linked Server. I can query the table using OPENQUERY but not via four-part name.

I can do this...


Select * from OpenQuery(db2link, 'Select frst_nm from yccfssc9.person where id_prsn = 2')

When I try to Query using four-part names I get the following error...

7399 OLE DB Provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. The provider does not support the necessary method.


When I try to update using this...

Update OpenQuery(db2link, 'Select frst_nm from yccfssc9.person where id_prsn=2') Set frst_nm = 'Fred'

I get the following error...

The OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' indicates that the object has no columns.

When I try to update using four part names I get the error that says that the provider does not support the necessary method.


I was originially using version 6.1 of the db2 client (db2odbc.dll) but tried the 7.1 client and got the same error.

I believe we are using version 6.1 of db2 connect.

The mainframe db2 is version 7.0 release 1.0

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I referenced Microsoft Knowledge Base Article #270119 to get the workarounds that I attempted...


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Dynamic Update Linked Server

Nov 28, 2014

How to write this query so that I can pass a variable (from a cursor) for the were ORDER_ID =.


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Update Sql Errors Using Linked Server

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'm using sql server 2000 sp4.I've 2 databases linked, an instance and my local.I'm getting two different errors when trying to update the remote table(local server) from the instance.There is only one row of data in the table with an identity field.1st sql:-UPDATE [local].[database].dbo.NUMBERS SET [f 1]=3This gives me the error:-Server: Msg 8180, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Statement(s) could not be prepared.Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '1'.If I was to remove the space from [f 1] and use [f1] it would workfine."select [f 1] from [dev001].[fashion Master].dbo.numbers"will return the correct valueAny Ideas ?2nd sql:-UPDATE [local].[database].dbo.NUMBERS SET [field1]=isnull([field1],0)+1This gives me the error:-Server: Msg 7306, Level 16, State 2, Line 1Could not open table '"fashion Master"."dbo"."NUMBERS"' from OLE DBprovider 'SQLOLEDB'. The provider could not support a row lookupposition. The provider indicates that conflicts occurred with otherproperties or requirements.[OLE/DB provider returned message: Multiple-step OLE DB operationgenerated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No workwas done.]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' IOpenRowset::OpenRowsetreturned 0x80040e21: [PROPID=DBPROP_BOOKMARKS VALUE=TrueSTATUS=DBPROPSTATUS_CONFLICTING], [PROPID=DBPROP_COMMANDTIMEOUTVALUE=600 STATUS=DBPROPSTATUS_OK], [PROPID=Unknown PropertyIDVALUE=True STATUS=DBPROPSTATUS_OK], [PROPID=DBPROP_IRowsetLocateVALUE=True STATUS=DBPROPSTATUS_CONFLICTING],[PROPID=DBPROP_IRowsetChange VA...If I was to remove the isnull part, then it will work okAny ideas

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Trigger On Update No Linked Server

Sep 13, 2007

I have 2 database servers ( 2 hardware-servers : A and B ) and I ve written a trigger for update in server A to execute insert statement in server B through linked servers, is there other way to achieve this without linked servers?? All using T-SQL.

Best Regards


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Linked Server Update Statement

Jan 11, 2008

I've got the output from a cursor that generates the following sql statement.

Update SERVERNAME.DATABASENAME.dbo.TABLENAME set [update] = 'Y', status = NULL, completed = NULL where trigger_id = 10255

The statement generates the following error if the statement is run remotely

Msg 8180, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Statement(s) could not be prepared.

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'update'.

But the statement executes without error as formatted if run directly on the linked server.

Both servers are running 2000 sp 3a. The servers will be converted to 2005/2008 without patching to sp4.

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Update Trigger On Linked Server View

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,I'm pretty new to SQL and am having some porblems with a linked server.I have a table on a SQL server which stores employee information.I also have a view on a linked server which stores the same information.What I would like to happen is, whenever the view changes on the linkedserver I want the information to be changed in the table on my server.I've been trying to write a trigger to do this, but have had noluck so far.Can anyone help me?ThanksSimon--Posted via

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Update In Sybase 11 Linked Server Problem

Jul 27, 2005

When trying to update records in a Sybase 11 ODBC linked server got this error:

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Linked Server Update Table Error

Jul 31, 2015

We have 2 instances. One is sqlgpscluster and another is [sqlcdsclustersqlcds]. We have created linked server between sqlgpscluster and [sqlcdsclustersqlcds]. We run the below query on sqlgpscluster instance

UPDATE [sqlcdsclustersqlcds].CDSBusiness.dbo.tblInsertNowAppMonitoring
SET NoCabsDateTime = GETDATE(),City=@City
,Area = dbo.fn_FindAreaSubAreaBasedOnLatLong(@PickUpLat,@PickUpLng)
WHERE CustomerMobileNo=@CustomerMobileNo

We are seeing the below error:
The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "sqlcdsclustersqlcds" could not UPDATE table "[sqlcdsclustersqlcds].[CDSBusiness].[dbo][tblInsertNow AppMonitoring]". The rowset was using optimistic concurrency and the value of a column has been changed after the containing row was last fetched or resynchronized.

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Remote Update Having A Linked Server Takes Forever To Execute

Oct 17, 2006

UPDATE CD SET col1=SR.col1,col2=SR.col2,col3=SR.col3,col4=SR.col4,col5=SR.col5,col6=SR.col6,col7=SR.col7,



join Table2 USRI on USRI.col00 = CD.col00

join table3 SR on USRI.col00 = SR.col00

Here, I'm trying to tun this from an instance and do a remote update. col00 is a primary key and there is a clustered index that exists on this column. When I run this query, it does a 'select * from tabl1' on the remote server and that table has about 60 million rows. I don't understand why it would do a select *... Also, we migrated to SQL 2005 a week or so back but before that everything was running smooth. I dont have the execution plan from before but this statement was fast. Right now, I can't run this statement at all. It takes about 37 secs to do one update. But if I did the update on a local server doing remote joins here, it would work fine. When I tried to show the execution plan, it took about 10 mins to show up an estimated plan and 99% of the time was spent on Remote scan. Please let me know what I can do to improve my situation. Thank you

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Slow Update

Jan 18, 1999

UPDATE TABLE SET FIELD1=NULL WHERE FIELD2=something - is running veryvery slow. Table has 200 000 recors and on FIELD2 is index.
If number of records to be updated is about 40 000, it takes about 3-4 hours.

I tried this:
- create a new MSSQL DB.
- migration of TABLE from original databes to new test DB
- So, in new DB was only one table, with 200 000 records. Index was only on FIELD2.
- I ran that update and it takes about 3-4 hours

I tried that on Interbase and update takes under ONE SECOND!!!!!!!

Thanks for some notices

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Slow & Complicated Update

Mar 22, 1999

I have the following stored procedure that I use for an update. The table now has just over two million rows and the stored procedure takes days to run. I am looking for any help that would produce the same results faster. This runs on SQL Server 6.5, on an NT machine with 4 pentium pro 200 processors and 512 MB of RAM so I am relatively sure that the performance issue is in the below statement.

SET JobID = j.JobID
,HROrganizationID = j.HROrganizationID
,JobDetailID = j.JobDetailID
,GLAccountNumber = j.GLAccountNumber
WHERE j.EmployeeID = p.EmployeeID
AND j.HRActionEffectiveDate =
(SELECT max(HRActionEffectiveDate)
WHERE p.EmployeeID = jj.EmployeeID
AND jj.HRActionEffectiveDate <= p.PayDate)

AND j.HRActionSequence =
(SELECT max(HRActionSequence)
WHERE p.EmployeeID = jjj.EmployeeID
AND jjj.HRActionEffectiveDate =
(SELECT max(HRActionEffectiveDate)
WHERE p.EmployeeID = jjjj.EmployeeID
AND jjjj.HRActionEffectiveDate <= p.PayDate))
AND ISNULL(p.HROrganizationID,'A') = ISNULL(j.HROrganizationID,'A')
AND ISNULL(p.JobDetailID,1) = ISNULL(j.JobDetailID,1)
AND ISNULL(p.GLAccountNumber,'A') = ISNULL(j.GLAccountNumber,'A'))

Thanks for any help or suggestions you have.

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Slow Database Update

Nov 23, 2007

I have designed a 22 table database in sql server that is to act as a backup/alternate access to the data we have stored in an ADABAS database. I've also written a console program that will take data from ADABAS through a broker connection (one row at a time), checks the sql server database to see if that information is already stored, and then either performs an insert or an update.

I can write the rows from ADABAS to a text file (not using the broker), at the rate of about 1.3 million rows in 1.3 hours. Data can be imported (I'm not sure how this import is done, possibly via a CSV file. SELECTS/UPDATES are not done, just INSERTS) at about 1 million or so an hour. But when I do the update, receiving information via the broker from ADABAS to the VB program (with it's SELECT, then UPDATE/INSERT), I'm only doing about 20-25 thousand rows an hour.

I ran a trace using the SQL Server Analyzer on the database while running the update program, and then ran Profiler using the generated workload. It created a few indices, but I just restarted the update program (I'm still developing, so I delete all rows from all tables each time I rerun the update), but I haven't seen that it's really any faster.

I have a rather large set of data to transfer over, and this 20-25 thousand row time is not nearly fast enough.

Any help will be appreciated.


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Slow Sql Update MS SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

I have the following statement that takes quite a long time. Longestof any of my SQL statment updates.UPDATE F_REGISTRATION_STD_SESSIONSET PREVIOUS_YEAR_SESSION_ID = (SELECT s.previous_year_session_idFROM F_REGISTRATION_STD_SESSION R,DS_V4_TARGET.dbo.D_H_Session_By_SessQtr SWHEREr.STUDENT_ID = F_REGISTRATION_STD_SESSION.STUDENT_IDand s.previous_year_SESSION_ID = r.SESSION_IDand s.session_id = F_REGISTRATION_STD_SESSION.SESSION_ID)STUDENT_ID varchar(20) and SESSION_ID char(10) and are indexedWhat I want to accomplish:I want to know if there was a student registration from the prior yearof a registration.Example, if there is a registration for Fall 2004, was there also aregistration for the same student Fall 2003?Maybe there is a better way to approach this?TIARob

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Insert/Update Too Slow

Sep 9, 2007


I have a table with 110 nvarchar (255) columns in the database. I receive the data from the server (array) and them loop through it to insert the data into the database. The problem is it takes more than 3 minutes to insert (or update) (in memory) the 310 records it got from the array. I am reusing the Statement (with parameters). How could I improve the performance?

It's really a small quantity of data, the CPU in the device is 520Mhz... it should be alright!

Can aynone help me please?


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Update Query Running Very Slow

Apr 17, 2008

Hi all,

I'm having what you might call an optimisation issue - but I'm also not sure if my approach to this problem is right. I've spent the whole day trying various methods but none seem to be performing as admirably as I'd hoped.

Basically, here's the scenario:

1. Log files are being inserted into a SQL table via Log Parser 2.2.
2. I have a lookup table of ip address ranges to countries and other geographic data.
3. Once the log row has been inserted from Log Parser, I want to update the same log table with data from the lookup table.

The main problem seems to be the updating (the initial insert from Log Parser is lightning quick).

I initially wrote a trigger on AFTER INSERT on the log table that converted the actual user's IP address into IPNumber format using a simple algorithm, then pumped the IPNumber into a quick select query which retrieved the geolocation data. Then, in the same trigger, there was an update statement which basically said:

update dbo.Logs
set [Country] = @Country
where [IpNumber] = @IpNumber and [Country] = Null

Therein lies the problem. The update statement slows everything down to almost a standstill and also seems to obtain a lock on the table.

Critical factors:

1. The log table must remain readable.
2. The query must execute in seconds -- not over half hour :)

I've experimented with various combinations of indexing, so far to no avail.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


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Table Variable With Update Slow

May 30, 2007


I have an update query that joins with 2 table variables. this update updates about 50,000 rows in a table.

update table1

from @table2 t2

inner join @table3 t3

on =

where =

the problem is that sometimes this update takes forever. If I replace the table variable with regular tables, it only takes about 11 seconds.

I am not sure what the problem is. Could this be a problem with the tempdb. What should I be looking for in the tempdb that might cause a problem.

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Slow UPDATE - Running For 16 Hours And Counting...

Jun 7, 2004

The following basic UPDATE SQL statement has been running for 16 hours and counting. I need to get this done ASAP.

UPDATE Recipients SET UndeliverableTime = getdate()
FROM Recipients
INNER JOIN Domains ON (Recipients.DomainID = Domains.ID)
INNER JOIN Undeliverables ON (
Recipients.UserName + '@' + Domains.Domain =

Is there any way I can see how far this has gone and how long it will take to finish? Will this take another hour to finish or another week?

Both tables (Recipients and Undeliverables) have approximately 80 million records

I did a nearly identical operation with another table that had only 7 million records and it took 10.5 hours. I hope this doesn't scale linearly to 115 hours.

I am tempted to cancel, retune, and rerun but that may be trigger a really expensive rollback operation that could take days. Any ideas?


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