Howdy all. I have a query with bizarre results in Query Analyzer.
Box1; 4 x 3.0 processors, 4 gigs of RAM. Results never come back.
Box2; 8 x 3.0 processors, 16 gigs of RAM. Results never come back.
Both of the above boxes are extremely under utilized. The absolute max amount of CPU being used is 25%. Box1 had 1 gig free RAM and Box2 had 7 gigs free RAM.
Box3; 1 x 3.0 processor, 1 gig of RAM. Results in 15 seconds.
Box4, all the same as box 3.
I took a backup of the DB and restored it from box to box to box, so I know everything is identical.
I once had a deadlock issue where I had to use the maxDop hint and tried that here, but it didn't help.
I would like a form that has 3 text boxes. These 3 boxes are going to be used for entering search criteria. The first box is for searching a field called CasePK. The second is for searching a field called LinePK and the third is for searching a field called DOS. DOS is a date field. The other two are text fields.I am using a SQLDATASOURCE and a Gridview. What will the SelectCommand look like so that I can search the 3 fields using the data from the textboxes?
I know this won't be a lot to go on but, we has a quad processor box that is doing a lot of sql crunching. When we turn off three of the processors it runs the SQL queries faster. The requests are comming from COM objects. CPU, Memory, page faults, all that stuff is fine. Also SQL dosen't appear to be using all the processors as only 1 has any amount of usage?. Any suggestions of where to start would be most appreaciated.
Hi, Ive been told this, but I hope it is NOT true. I have an sqlserver2000 installation running on a server that has four processors.It is on a active network but is not the domain controller soessentially it is fully dedicated to servicing the needs of sqlserver, (a bit of browsing, a bit of ms Office, but almost whollydedicated to sqlserver. Now, the big question, why, when the serverproperties have been set to utilize all four processors, can any onejob never get more than 25% of cpu time? I can launch multipleinstance of QA and run the same job on each one and that will utilisemore and more cpu time, but if you launch multile QA windows fromwithin one insance of QA, you can NEVER get more than 25% CPUutilisation. Now i have to run a job (FTS is a good example,re-indexing lots of db's another, or even a huge query with multipleufd's on computed cols which I hoped would grab lots of CPU time thatthey need, but no. So do I have to live with this or can I tell eitherwindows or sql server to grab more cpu when it want to ie use my spareCPU capacity more efficiently or am i working on a misguided premiseand 25% per job is your lot?DMAC
Has anyone else experienced random SQL timeouts and checked the processor usage and found that processors 0 and 1's usage patterns are mirrored (when one goes up the other goes down)? We're running into this all of a sudden.
SQL 2000
fairly small db and very low usage at this time < 100 connections/hour.
only web services, SQL 2000 running on the machine, SQL 2005 is installed but currently stopped.
1GB memory
Windows Server 2003 SP 1.
2 processors (dual core) in use.
SQL Usage of the processors according to performance monitor becomes an exact mirror where proc 0 goes high proc 1 goes low, if proc 1 is 25% then proc 0 is 75%.
I have some queries that involve subqueries to select the appropriaterecord from a bunch of candidates. For example the following, whichselects the most recent transaction for a given customer:CREATE TABLE #Customer (CustID int, OtherInfo int)INSERT #Customer SELECT 1,7INSERT #Customer SELECT 2,8INSERT #Customer SELECT 3,9CREATE TABLE #Event (CustID int, EventID int, EventAmt int, EventDtsmalldatetime)INSERT #Event SELECT 1,1,1000,'20060224'INSERT #Event SELECT 2,1,2000,'20060224'INSERT #Event SELECT 3,2,3000,'20060224'INSERT #Event SELECT 3,1,5000,'20060225'SELECT c.CustID,c.OtherInfo ,e.EventAmt,e.EventDtFROM #Customer c JOIN #Event e ON c.CustID=e.CustIDWHERE EventDt = (SELECT MAX(EventDt) FROM #Event WHERE CustID=c.CustID)ORDER BY c.CustIDOver millions of customers and events, this takes forever. Creating atemp table which identifies the appropriate dates, and then joining tothat, speeds things up considerably -- the following two queriestogether take a lot less time the the one above.CREATE TABLE #Temp (CustID int,EventDt smalldatetime)INSERT #Temp SELECT CustID,MAX(EventDt)FROM #Event GROUP BY CustIDSELECT c.CustID,c.OtherInfo ,e.EventAmt,e.EventDtFROM #Customer cJOIN #Temp t ON t.CustID=c.CustIDJOIN #Event e ON c.CustID=e.CustID AND t.EventDt=e.EventDtThis seems pretty simple, and I would assume the query planner shouldbe able to figure it out without assistance. Is there a better way toforumulate the original query? BTW, as far as I can tell the indexesare appropriate for these queries; however the subqueries seem to bedone one at a time.
Any expert can tell me why the query I captured in profiler in the form below
declare @P1 int set @P1=180150002 declare @P2 int set @P2=1 declare @P3 int set @P3=16388 declare @P4 int set @P4=0 exec sp_cursoropen @P1 output, N'SELECT .... ', @P2 output, @P3 output, @P4 output select @P1, @P2, @P3, @P4
is taken longer time if run using query analyzer? I tested the SELECT query in form above is only taken 26 seconds, whereas from profiler, it shown it tooks 3 minutes to run. My production server currently faced this slowness problem and hit timeout whenever the query is RPC from application.
Howdy all. I opened a 200 mb. file in Query Analyzer that is full of Inserts/ Updates/ and Deletes. I tried just to parse it, and killed it after 18 hours. There is no blocking. All of the appropriate indexes exist. I even removed them and retried JIC. The box is plenty powerful for this task. Does anyone have any ideas? I've tried several times with no luck. At the top of the file is SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON and then every 10,000 statements is COMMIT WORK. I've tried adjusting the number of commits to a lower number with no luck. This works fine on smaller files (3 - 20 mb).
I am doing a report that uses paging and in order to optimize it, i used row_number() so i could make it return x rows per page, so, in order to compute the number of pages needed, i have to count the total number of rows, which gets very slow because i'm using a cross apply with a table-valued function. Is there any way so i can get the number of rows processed by row_number() so i dont have the need to do count?
During testing a package repetatively that deletes/inserts into several tables, over the course of several days, my package, which took 45 minutes to load 1700 XML files, began to take over 6 hours. Turns out it was an I/O bottleneck, and the Avg Disk Queue Length was around 200 and I was incurring many PAGEIOLATCH_EX. My devl machine uses a single local disk, no raid, so I had no options there, but I ran the maintenance wizard to recreate indexes/statistics and defraged the hard drive, and regained my original 45 minutes time. I guess I'll have to put a maintenance plan together to do this nightly.
"Error: 8624, Severity: 16, State: 1 Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer Support Services."
I have traced this to an insert statement that executes as part of a stored procedure.
INSERT INTO ledger (journal__id, account__id,account_recv_info__id,amount)
There is also an auto-increment column called id. There are FK contraints on all of the columns ending in "__id". I have found that if I remove the contraint on account__id the procedure will execute without error. None of the other constraints seem to make a difference. Of course I don't want to remove this key because it is important to the database integrity and should not be causing problems, but apparently it confuses the optimizer.
Also, the strange thing is that I can get the procedure to execute without error when I run it directly through management studio, but I receive the error when executing from .NET code or anything using ODBC (Access).
Hi, I am doing a report in which i have to create Wall chart kind of layout and for that i have to place Text Boxes on the report at run time.Now In my Layout i have some Text Boxes which are going Out of the page(Starts from page 1 and Ending on page 2)but when i am looking my report in the Print Preview the Report Viewer is shifting the entire Text Box to Page 2. Can i do something to print the report as they are seen in the Normal layout.
I have a store procedure that pulls info for a meeting coming up. They can choose their meal choice which in this case is fish, chicken, beef. What is happening on the report, it's listing each person 3 times with each choice no matter which is was. How do I correct this? Code below:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetCourseEmailList1]( @Code1 char(9)) AS SELECT DISTINCT dbo.[names].lname as LastName, dbo.[names].fname as FirstName, dbo.[evser].ses as MealChoice, dbo.[evldg].paid as AmountPaid, dbo.[names].gp as PreferredAddress, dbo.[names].mi as MiddleInitial, dbo.[names].nname as NickName, dbo.[names].xname as Suffix, dbo.[names].hphone as HomePhone, dbo.[names].email as EmailAddress, dbo.[names].addr1 as HomeAddress1, dbo.[names].addr2 as HomeAddress2, dbo.[names].city as City, dbo.[names].st as State, dbo.[names].zip as ZipCode, dbo.[firms].fname1 as FirmName1, dbo.[firms].fname2 as FirmName2, dbo.[firms].faddr1 as FirmAddress1, dbo.[firms].faddr2 as FirmAddress2, dbo.[firms].fcity as FirmCity, dbo.[firms].fst as FirmState, dbo.[firms].fzip as FirmZip, dbo.[firms].fphone as FirmPhone, dbo.[names].udflist1 FROM dbo.[firms] INNER JOIN dbo.[names] ON dbo.[firms].firm = dbo.[names].firm INNER JOIN dbo.evldgON dbo.[names].id = dbo.[evldg].id INNER JOIN dbo.evregON dbo.[evldg].id = dbo.[evreg].id INNER JOIN dbo.evserON dbo.[evreg].code1 = dbo.[evser].code1 WHERE dbo.[evldg].code1 = @Code1 AND dbo.[evreg].code1 = @Code1 AND dbo.[names].xwebflag <> 'Y'ORDER BY dbo.[names].lname, dbo.[names].fnameGO
Wondering on how to script over the passwords from one 2000 box to another. We are cutting a box over from dev to production and need to copy userids and passwords from another box.
I follow sql coding for cascading combo boxes that populates them if the first one populates the cdname the second one should populate the cd group and the third one the composers with the songs or the samthing with music hymnals. I am trying the steps they aren't populating. Where are simple books on this?
Hi, i have created a database in VB05, i have a form and a few combo boxes. I am a total newbie to this so i only know the total basics.
two tables i have are Ratings and films.
Ratings: RatingID Rating
Films: filmID Title ratingID
above are the columns of my tables.
what i am trying to do is select a rating on the first combo box which will then only show the titles with that rating in the next combo box.
I have the whole database created, i have the relationships in place and the combo boxes are all connected to the datasources etc. The comboboxes are currently filled with data by the default sql query which is created. But it is showing the whole data for each when i only want to show the film titles for what rating is selected.
I have created several reports using sql server that have the end user enter a start and end date to run the query. I was just wondering if there was a way to just have a drop down/combo type box instead so the user could just pick the date instead of having to type one in.
I am a 2 node active/passive 2003 cluster. I have some maintenace where I need to shut down both of the servers at the same time.
Has anyone experience any issue in this approach?
I am planning to take the cluster offline and then shutdown the servers and bring it online after the reboot. I am also running SQL so any concerns or tips as what would be the best scenario.
I am have a reporting server which connects to a analysis server which connects to a sql server and a db2 server. I am using windows integrated security all the time except for the DB2 connection. That is a fixed username/password.
Reporting server (RS), analysis server (AS) and sql server are all on the same machine.
I created a local group and added the correct users to it. I gave that group browse rights on the reports so that works correctly.
I created a role in AS and added that group to that role. Gave all read rights to that role.
I created a login for that group on the SQL server and gave that group db_datareader role.
When I connect as an administrator every reports runs fine.
When the test user connects they can browse the reports but the drop down boxes for the parameters are empty.
hi , In my database I have table with column of datatype nvarchar in which I am writing the address of users.Now address field in aspx page is multiline because of which my address contains characters and . These special characters are getting inserted in database as square boxes. Is their any way to avoid it. Also the constraint is that I don't want to replace or by space before writing contents to database. Please write to me any solutions u are having. thanks in advance. Thanks and regards, Nita Jadhav.
I need to create forms for my users containing boxes and lines. When I get the boxes/lines looking correctly for PDF printing, they look really whacked out in HTML view. I understand this is caused by overlapping objects (lines on top of boxes, etc.) I tried a test to see if I could use all lines. This is VERY difficult to get aligned correctly for HTML view. Once I got my test completed, the HTML looked ok -- not great, but the PDF rendering looked REALLY bad.
Is there a way to overlap objects and tell the package to 'group' all the objects as one (like in Word) for HTML rendering? I need to put a karge rectangular box with lines and textboxes on top of it.
I have three text boxes firstname, lastname, dob. It is set up to do a like search on the the text boxes. If a user wants to do a search for just the last name it will not work. You must type in something in all three boexes. Doesn't anybody know how to correct this. Here is the code. Thanks.
<%@ Page Language="VB" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <script runat="server"> Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load GridView1.Visible = False GridView2.Visible = False End Sub Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click GridView1.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1" GridView1.DataBind() GridView2.DataSourceID = Nothing GridView2.DataBind() GridView1.Visible = True End Sub Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click GridView2.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource2" GridView2.DataBind() GridView1.DataSourceID = Nothing GridView1.DataBind() GridView2.Visible = True End Sub
Protected Sub SqlDataSource1_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs) End Sub </script> <html xmlns="" > <head id="Head1" runat="server"> <title>Meditech Radiology Numbers</title> <link href="StyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div id="master_headertop"><asp:HyperLink ID="HomePageLink" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/headertop_img.jpg" /></div>
Hi,Hope if someone can help me here. Keep in mind I an fairly new to .NET and SQL and am learning to break my MS Access habit :) I have a web form that is using a SqlDataSource and a FormView control. In addition to this I have 2 text boxes. What I am trying to do is display results in the FormView based on what a user types into one of the Text Boxes (one or the other…Not both)
The SELECT statement in the SqlDataSource looks like this in concept. SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4FROM dbo.MYTABLEWHERE (Field1 = @Field1) AND (Field2 IS NULL)OR (Field2 = @Field2) AND (Field1 IS NULL)
I have the two text boxes pointing at the parameters (@Field1 and @Field2) so in theory I would expect that when a user populates one of the text boxes and clicks a button to databind the FormView it would display a record matching that criteria…. But it’s not all I get is a blank/missing FormView. I tried different variations on the SQL statement and tried using = '' instead of IS NULL but still the same results. However, if I populate one text box with a value that I know is not in my table and populate the other with a value of which I know exists in my table is…It works.What am I missing?
how visibility can be toggled between two textboxes in ssrs? For example if textbox1 is visible and textbox2 is hidden initially and textbox2 should be visible when clicked on textbox1 and textbox1 should go invisible when textbox2 is shown... and then again when clicked on textbox2, textbox1 should be visible and textbox2 should go invisible.In a short, it is like switching visibility between 2 textboxes... A click on first textbox should display the second textbox and another click on second text box should display first text box.I cannot provide parameter as it is not there in the requirement. how to toggle the text within a single text box to fulfill above requirement...
I have a package designed and working correctly for months now. My challenge now is to run this package on a box that does not have SQL 2005 SSIS install. It has SQL 2000 installed.
My question is - Can I compile the SSIS into EXE or any other kind of DTS package to run on a none-SQL 2005 box?
Disaster Recovery Options based on the following criteria.
--Currently running SQL 2012 standard edition --We have 18000 databases (same schema across databases)- majority of databases are less than 2gb-- across 64 instances approximately --Recovery needs to happen within 1 hour (Not sure that this is realistic -- We are building a new data center and building dr from the ground up.
What I have looked into is:
1. Transactional Replication: Too Much Data Not viable 2. AlwaysOn Availability Groups (Need enterprise) Again too many databases and would have to upgrade all instances 3. Log Shipping is a viable option and the only one I can come up with that would work right now. Might be a management nightmare but with this many databases probably all options with be a nightmare.
Several textboxes are being on a web form for date entry. and we want to allow the user to leave date fields blank (if particular date is unknown). However, when the field is left blank, the SQL Server 2000 database defaults to 1/1/1900 (datatype = datetime).My question is as follows: How is it possible to leave a date textbox field blank, and either send 00 0 000 or spaces to the SQL Server 2000 database datetime field?Any advice/insight is appreciated! Rob