Small Clarification On Indexing

Jun 2, 2006

Can come one help me how to disable an index using select query.

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How To I Enter A Small Square Or A Small Circle In A NVARCHAR Field?

Dec 25, 2006

I want to store a small cirle in a text field. Can anyone tell me how I can enter it in ascii code.


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FLAT File Indexing Vs RDBMS Indexing

Sep 22, 2006


I want to know is a flat file faster than a RDBMS for indexing for example a search engine indexing would a flat file be better in terms of performance, scalability etc than a RDBMS?

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Online Re-indexing Vs Offline Re-indexing

Sep 10, 2007


The other day we tried online re-indexing feature of SQL 2005 and it€™s performing faster than offline re-indexing. Could you please validate if it€™s supposed to do be this way? I always thought offline should be faster than online.


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One Clarification

Jan 20, 2000

Hi friends,
How r u?..i have one clarification..Curently, i am doing one search engine stuff...for that, i have to populate data from sql server database to flat file..i got java script search engine code from one web-site,in that code,data's are fetching from flat-file i have populate the data from sql server to flat-file, and then get the key-word value from that flat-file according to the user input..Is it possible?..send mail..

Bye from
Jan Reddy

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Jan 22, 2008

I just finished getting a local database mirrored to an offsite "DR" server. Interesting experience getting that working, but that's another story! It's set up as "High Safety without automatic failover (synchronous) (without a witness). I was hoping I could get a sanity check in this flow....

Local database gets updated each morning with a few meg of data, so it's pretty low use. It's mirrored through a T1 (soon to be dual). My remove copy was restored from yesterday€™s backup, and the mirror was sync'd in less than 10 minutes, so I don't expect bandwidth to be an issue...

In the event that my local server or network is down, I'd be able to log into my remote server, and run my application remotely. From what I've seen, the "Failover" option is only available on the "Primary" server? Will this become an option if the remote no longer sees the primary, or do I need to do this through the command: ALTER DATABASE <dbname> SET PARTNER FORCE_SERVICE_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS?

Since the updates are so limited, I'm not too concerned with data loss, but will need to make sure I can get this running quickly if needed...

As I understand it, this will put the mirrored database as the primary, and when the old primary comes back only, it'll become the new mirror? I can then let them sync, and force a failover from the remote system to put the primary back to the local network.

I just want to make sure I understand this correctly before I start testing. Thanks for any assistance!


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Clarification On DataReader

Jan 19, 2006

I want to create a DataList that shows products, which will be on
multiple pages. I have my stored proc to show paged results, which
contains a return value for more records.
I have found examples of coding the DataReader, defining all the
parameters etc, but what about the drag and drop SqlDataSource?? You
can select the DataSource Mode to be "DataReader". I can put select
parameters in, with input and my return value. I don't know how to then
access the return value, or output value if needed, from this? My
DataList references the SqlDataSource, but I don't know how to get the
return/output value out??? This is very frustrating, cause I can't find
any info about it anywhere. Always input parameters, but no output.
This is my current SqlDataSource...

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
DataSourceMode="DataReader" ConnectionString="<%$
ConnectionStrings:Personal %>" SelectCommand="sp_PagedItems"
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="Page" QueryStringField="page" />
            <asp:Parameter Name="RecsPerPage" DefaultValue="10" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="CategoryID" QueryStringField="cat"
<asp:Parameter Name="RETURN_VALUE" Direction="ReturnValue" Size="1"

If I take out the RETURN_VALUE Parameter, my results display in my data
list, but that's useless if I can't access the return value to
determine the remaining number of pages etc. Is my RETURN_VALUE
parameter wrong? How do I access that? My stored proc is shown below...

    @Page int,
    @RecsPerPage int,
    @CategoryID int

-- We don't want to return the # of rows inserted
-- into our temporary table, so turn NOCOUNT ON

--Create a temporary table
   No varchar(100),
   Name varchar(100),
   SDescription varchar(500),
   Size varchar(10),
   ImageURL varchar(100)

-- Insert the rows from tblItems into the temp. table
INSERT INTO #TempItems (No, Name, SDescription, Size, ImageURL)
SELECT No, Name, SDescription, Size, ImageURL FROM Products WHERE CategoryID=@CategoryID

-- Find out the first and last record we want
DECLARE @FirstRec int, @LastRec int
SELECT @FirstRec = (@Page - 1) * @RecsPerPage
SELECT @LastRec = (@Page * @RecsPerPage + 1)

-- Now, return the set of paged records, plus, an indiciation of we
-- have more records or not!
       MoreRecords =
    FROM #TempItems TI
    WHERE TI.ID >= @LastRec
FROM #TempItems
WHERE ID > @FirstRec AND ID < @LastRec

-- Turn NOCOUNT back OFF

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Licensing Clarification

Jan 15, 2008

mine is a small organisation and we have deployed an ERP on windows 2003 server. their are total 60 ERP users and we have 25 concurrent licences for ERP.

at the backend we are running MS SQL 2000 standard edition. we have created one user in Database and ERP accesses data through this user only.

now i need to understand how many CAL for database i need to purchase. either 60 or 25 or 1.


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Clarification Needed

Jul 23, 2007

I hope someone can help here. I found that I was having replication failing due to the fact that there is a foreign key being referrenced, here is the error:
Could not drop object 'dbo.tblName' because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.
(Source: Database Name (Data source); Error number: 3726)

In searching for some sort of answer - I came across this:
Join Filters

Foreign key relationships are central to most database designs. For example, in a database that tracks product orders, you often see a CUSTOMER table with a CustID primary key and an ORDER table with a CustID foreign key that references the CUSTOMER table. In merge replication, if you filter the CUSTOMER table with a subset filter clause, you must also filter the ORDER table, so that only the rows that reference the filtered subset of rows from the CUSTOMER table are replicated. Filtering requirements that are based on a foreign key relationship must be explicitly represented in the merge replication configuration through a join filter (which lists the two related table articles and a logical expression that identifies the relationship), as shown in the following example:CUSTOMER.CustID = ORDER.CustIDThe effect of this join filter between the CUSTOMER table and the ORDER table, together with the subset filter
clause on the CUSTOMER table, is that Subscribers to the publication receive only those rows from the CUSTOMER
table where State = 'WA' and only those rows from the ORDER table that correspond to the CustID
values in the filtered CUSTOMER table.
Am I reading this right? If I have only one table that I need to replicate, I would need to included the other tables connected by
the foreign key for the replication to work, and in doing so - the table I designate for updating in this replication will be the only
one affected and the others that have go with this - won't update their corresponding dupe tables? Sorry - I hope this makes sense.

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Clarification On Variables!

Apr 1, 2008

I have a question , because I€™m not very experienced with VB.

The function declares

Public myString
Public myKey

When something is declared this way, what happens if two or more users happen to execute the report at the same time? Is myString and myKey public to all of those reports at the same time, or does the Report Server manage those variables separately for each of the reports running concurrently?

Any clarification on this......................?


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Clarification For 'WHERE' Statement In A Dropdownlist

Feb 12, 2008

My goal is to populate a dropdownlist with only with users that are "Techs".  I am using the membership database that you ccan set up through VWD.  I added this column to the aspnet_Users table: IsTech as bit datatype. I thought I had the right SQL statement but apparently not, because I get an Invalid column name 'True'.Here is my statement: <asp:SqlDataSource                                     ID="SqlDataSource3"                                     runat="server"                                     ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:HRIServiceConnectionString1 %>"                                                                    SelectCommand="SELECT [UserID], [FirstName]+ ' ' + [LastName] AS techid FROM [aspnet_Users] WHERE [isTech] = True ORDER BY [LastName], [FirstName]">                                </asp:SqlDataSource>  

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Basic Concept Clarification

Oct 2, 2007

The distinction between Entity and Relationship is obvious to me. But I am confused by Table. Table describes Entity, Relationship, or both?

Thanks for any input.

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Clarification On Product Specification

Sep 15, 2007
The above link says the pros and cons of two SQL Server 2005 editions.
Document says Compact Edition is not good for €˜When you need a multi-user database server
What is the meaning of multi-user database?
Does this means the database strictly will not support two database connections at a time?
-Thank you,

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Collation Clarification/ Internationalisation

Nov 21, 2007


I am working on a SQL Server database that will be accessed (mainly) via a web interface that will have users from various countries. As I understand it, the best way to store data is to use 'n' (nvarchar etc) datatypes for columns, which allow users to enter data and it will be stored in the raw Unicode format. For other reasons the collation of the db has been changed (to Slovenian) but I understand that this will only affect how data is sorted. However, whenever I try to put certain data into the nvarchar field (Such as the £ symbol) the data get transferred to a letter L. Is that how it would be expected to work and if so am I missing something here - note I Know ent manager sometimes shows data incorrectly, but this happens when I add/view data from anywhere (i.e. end manager/ the website/ query analyser).

Any clarification would be much appreciated.


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Clarification On Mixed Join Types

Apr 10, 2008

I'm seeing confusing results coming back from a query and I want to make sure my joins are working as expected.

I have 3 tables, tbl_family, tbl_familyPhone, and tbl_phone. tbl_FamilyPhone is a linking table between families and phones that specifies if it's the primary number.

tbl_Family tbl_FamilyPhone tbl_Phone
--------------- ------------------------- ----------------
pk_FamilyID pk_FamilyPhoneID pk_phoneID
fName fk_FamilyID fk_TypeID
lName fk_PhoneID ...
... ...

So a family has many familyPhones and a phone has many family phones. I'm trying to get all the families and their home phone only, if they have one. I don't want families to duplicate and I don't want any left out. Here's what I've got

Code Snippet
select [whatever]

from tbl_family
LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_familyphone on tbl_family.pk_familyid = tbl_Familyphone.fk_familyid
inner JOIN tbl_phone on tbl_familyphone.fk_phoneID = tbl_phone.pk_phoneid and tbl_phone.fk_phonetypeid = 'E6F1688E-015B-481D-8C41-DCC1FEA5D5AB'

My thinking is the inner join between tbl_Phone and tbl_FamilyPhone will cause any FamilyPhone record without a phone record to be left out (fk_phonetypeid is the id of a home phone). Though some FamilyPhone records may be left out, I will not lose any families because it is left outer joined to familyphone. Is this right? Because if I just do select count(*) from families I get 4517 records, but when running the query above with the joins, I get 4383 records.

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Table Lock Option Clarification

May 5, 2008

Does the Table Lock option in the OLE DB Destination task in a data flow refer to a lock on the destination table or on the source table from which the table is loading from?

The reason I ask is because I have a package run twice simultaneously pulling from the same server and table onto two different tables on two different servers. When I kick off my job to run the two data pulls, one of the jobs terminates with a

"TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host." message. I believe this is due to a table lock on the server, but can't figure this out.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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DB Engine :: Clarification On MDF / LDF Sizes And Backups

Jun 7, 2015

My environment looks like:

- Windows 2008R2 SP2 VM (VMware 6)
- SQL 2012 SP2 Std.
- NetApp iSCSI LUNs, Snapmanager for SQL

So I have created a test database and configured the logs to grow to max. 120MB in size.

To check the allocated and free space I right-clicked the database -> tasks -> shrink file

I see currently allocated: 5,00MB and 2,50MB free space for the MDF Database
I see currently allocated: 1,00MB and 0,63MB free space for the LDF Logfile

Next I use a data generator to fill the database with random data.

After adding around 500k rows I check the size again:

I see currently allocated: 17,00MB and 0,44MB free space for the MDF Database
I see currently allocated: 61,94MB and 0,27MB free space for the LDF Logfile

Next I take a full backup incl. truncating log files. After that I check the size again:

I see currently allocated: 17,00MB and 0,44MB free space for the MDF Database
I see currently allocated: 61,94MB and 57,24MB free space for the LDF Logfile

So now my question is where are those 56,97MB? I imagined they should now be added to the MDF file but they seem to be just gone. I did this procedure 2x more time and the MDF stays the same size while the LDF is almost empty after backups. Then I thought maybe its in the memory of the server so I rebooted it. But still the MDF has the same size... Is this normal? How it should work?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Modify Size For Datafile Clarification

Mar 25, 2014

From BOL, I see these remarks with respect to the MODIFY FILE subcommand (my underline added):

Initializing Files
By default, data and log files are initialized by filling the files with zeros when you perform one of the following operations:

Create a database

Add files to an existing database

Increase the size of an existing file

Restore a database or filegroup

Which leads me to believe that expanding the size of a datafile will also wipe out (my definition of 'initialize') any existing data within that file.

I may be misunderstanding 'initialize', because when I tested it out, I found this wasn't the case - my table data written to the file was still there after a resize.

Need to clarify to what degree I'd be taking a risk by increasing the file size on a datafile which already has data in it.

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Setup And Upgrade :: Clarification On Non-integer Constants Are Not Allowed In ORDER BY Clause In 90

May 15, 2015

We're upgrading our SQL Server database from 2005 to 2012.I ran the Upgrade Advisory report and got this issue "Non-integer constants are not allowed in the ORDER BY clause in 90" because of the script below

gp.BRAND+' <> '+gp.CATEGORY AS 'full name',
'full name'

I tried running the same query in our test SQL Server 2012 and it ran successfully. Now I'm confuse if i still need to change it.I google the issue a bit and came across this link and mentioned this.

1.) Non-integer constants are ... constants that are not integer number.

Example: 'string1' represents
a string constant
0x01 represents
a varbinary constant
'2015-02-26 06:00:00'} represents a datetime constant

1.23 represents
a numeric constants

2) So single quotes are used to define a string constants / character string constants but SQL Server allows also to use single quotation marks use also as column identifier
SELECT ... expression AS 'Column1'
FROM ...

In this context is clear that 'Column1' is a column identifier but when used in ORDER BY : ORDER BY 'Column1' it generates confusion because SQL Server doesn't knows if it represents a string literal (character string constant) or it represents a column identifier / column name."Do I still need to change the existing code even though it's working fine in 2012? If yes, it is because of best practice reason or it will total get deprecated/not working in the future version?

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A Small Problem

Aug 6, 2005

How to retreive the value of last identity has been updated in a database (SQL Server)?

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Small Doubt

May 29, 2008

in command promt how to come out c drive to d drive

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I Need Sql Small Query

Mar 10, 2007

in my table have two column one post(varchar) and another one views(decimal).in table have no.of data's.......
sample data's

Ex i want this Result
post views post views

std 400 std 400
abc 100 abc 100
dbn 10 sdfe 75
sdfe 75 dbn 10
.... .....
..... ....

i need one query....... condition view best top 10 post based on views column

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Small Query

Sep 12, 2007


I need to display only the char having start with 'ACCT -AMOUNT',Now problem is that some records having the lower case character like 'acct amount'.
But i want to display only the upper case char start with 'ACCT-AMOUNT'.

I have to used the 'like ' statement but it is showing all the row inculding the lower case also.

Please give me some clue reg. the issues.


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A Small SQL Puzzle

Sep 26, 2007

Hi,Probable there is a simple solution for this, hopefully someone candirect me in the right direction.I have a table with a persons firstname, lastname, birthdate andaddress. However, I want to select only one person per address, namelythe eldest of all persons living on the same address.Can anyone provide me a solution?Thanks in advance.Duncan

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Small Problem

Jul 20, 2005

HelloI have a case where Partners are some kind of Super-Users and arestored in a SQL Server database. Best is IMO to put both in the sametable:table Customers:CustomerID[pr.key][blabla]PartnerIDBut of course I have to reference the partnerid from another table andI want SQL Server to maintain the integrity rules. I could splitCustomers en Partners into different tables, but that would not bewise i think.Or I could just reference the CustomerID from the other table and-know- that we are talking about a partner, but in that case it itpossible to reference a customer that is not a partner, and i want toavoid that.Any ideas?Freek Versteijn

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Small List Of How Do I's

Nov 27, 2007

Consider a recordset consisting of
Vendor, Invoice, InvAmt, Item,ItemAmt
1, 'A12345', 100.00,'Item1', 25.00
1, 'A12345', 100.00,'Item2', 50.00
1, 'Z22222', 200.00,'Item1',100.00

1, 'Z22222', 200.00,'Item3', 50.00
2, 'A12345', 300.00,'Item4,' 250.00

I have a report that groups by vendor and then by invoice within a vendor.

I want to create a report totals that contains

Number of vendors=2
Number of invoices=3
Total Inv Amounts=600.00
Total Item Amounts=475.00

Number of vendors is =count(distinct vendors) ??
Cant do that for # Invoices because of possible duplicate invoices used by different vendors.
How do i get the total invamt? Each occurrence of the invamt fld is in a list2 as =first(invamt).
I really need the sum of each first(invamt).

Thanx Up Front.
Jerry C

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Small Prob

Aug 17, 2007

i need to concatenate this two database fildes

PATNT_REFNO defined as numeric

out put of these tewo colomns like

PATNT_REFNO = 0125487

so i need to get a result like

any idea


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Small Version?

Jun 18, 2007

I currently use JET 4.0 as my database in a small app I distribute. SQL Server Express is way way too big to distribute. I am looking to move to a better database.

Is there a version of SQL that gives simple database CRUD support, but is super small to distribute? I am also considering Firebird as it's a full database and only 3MB on the client as an embedded tool.


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Small Question

May 22, 2006

i have table cosists of 3 columns
i need to select multiple rows from the table
example : i need to select rows with id=(1,5,9,7,11,15,20,23,42,65) in one select statement
can any body answer me?
and i will give him a( )

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SQL Or Access For A Small Forum

Jan 18, 2004


I'm just about to launch a forum, and right now its built in ASP classic with an Access db. I origianlly used Access because most hosts charge extra for MS-SQL server. Recently I switched to Jodohost who offers Access, MS-SQL and MySql for at no additional cost. So now that I have the option, I would like to pick the best solution before I launch.

* My questions are...

- What is the best db solution to go with for a currently small forum?

- How problematic do you think a data migration would be in the future if I stayed with Access for now and upgraded to MS-SQL with a full forum?

- Is it just smarter to go with MS-SQL now, with an empty forum, regardless of any preformance issues because potential migration problems are a greater risk?

- At what point does the speed of MS-SQL at high volumes over come the potential lags in accessing MS-SQL if it is hosted on a different machine from the one hosting the webpages?

* And please keep in mind...

- I have no db training. I can muddle through Access well enough, but administrating MS-SQL I think might be another story

- This fourm will start off very small, but could grow to be quite large

- I may not stay with jodohost, and would therefore likely have to pay more for MS-SQL (which I woudl rather not do)

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Please Help With Small Table Design

Mar 10, 2004

Hello, could someone pls help me with this table design.

I have a project table and a code table. The code table has things like priorities (High, Medium, Low).

Now, I want all projects to be able to use these 'global' codes as well as define their own. So, they could define their own priority code 'Critical', that only their project can see.

Any help would be great.

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Please Help With This View - Small Modification

Nov 17, 2005

I have listed a view below and a portion of the result set that is returned when I run the code in Query Analyzer.  This is part of a timesheet application that logs hours per SCHLSTUID per SECTIONID per week.  This returns the SCHLSTUID(user's ID), SECTIONID, Date that the week starts, the first date that time was logged.  The user could be in several SECTIONID's for the same week.  I need to modify this so that it returns the date that the first time was logged for any of the SECTIONID's per week.  I know that this is probably something simple that I'm overlooking but I just can't get it to work correctly.Example:  SCHLSTUID   SECTIONID   ATTSTARTDT                     FirstTimeEnteredDOn601868445      EN4AR001      2005-09-18 20:59:21.120    2005-09-19 20:59:21.120601868445      MAA1R001      2005-09-18 20:59:21.120    2005-09-18 20:59:21.120This would need to return 2005-09-18 20:59:21.120------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------601868445      EN4AR001      2005-10-02 20:59:37.427    2005-10-02 20:59:37.427601868445      MAA1R001      2005-10-02 20:59:37.427    2005-10-02 20:59:37.427This would need to return either 2005-10-02 20:59:37.427------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------601868445      EN4AR001      2005-10-09 20:59:37.823    2005-10-09 20:59:37.823601868445      MAA1R001      2005-10-09 20:59:37.823    2005-10-13 20:59:37.823This would need to return 2005-10-09 20:59:37.823----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE VIEW dbo.vExportStartWeekASSELECT     TOP 100 PERCENT schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, MIN(TimesheetDate) AS FirstTimeEnteredOnFROM         (SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, ATTSTARTDT AS TimesheetDate, sunmns AS TimeEntered                       FROM          TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, ATTSTARTDT AS TimesheetDate, sunhrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 1, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, monmns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 1, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, monhrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 2, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, tuemns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 2, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, tuehrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 3, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, wedmns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 3, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, wedhrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 4, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Thrmns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 4, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Thrhrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 5, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Frimns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 5, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Frihrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 6, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Satmns AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance                       UNION ALL                       SELECT     schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDT, DATEADD(d, 6, ATTSTARTDT) AS TimesheetDate, Sathrs AS TimeEntered                       FROM         TimeSheetDailyAttendance) TimesheetDatesWHERE     (TimeEntered <> 0)GROUP BY schlstuid, sectionid, ATTSTARTDTORDER BY schlstuid----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a portion of what is returned:SCHLSTUID   SECTIONID   ATTSTARTDT                     FirstTimeEnteredDOn601868445      EN4AR001      2005-09-18 20:59:21.120    2005-09-19 20:59:21.120601868445      MAA1R001      2005-09-18 20:59:21.120    2005-09-18 20:59:21.120601868445      EN4AR001      2005-09-25 20:59:36.670    2005-09-25 20:59:36.670601868445      EN4AR001      2005-10-02 20:59:37.427    2005-10-02 20:59:37.427601868445      MAA1R001      2005-10-02 20:59:37.427    2005-10-02 20:59:37.427601868445      EN4AR001      2005-10-09 20:59:37.823    2005-10-09 20:59:37.823601868445      MAA1R001      2005-10-09 20:59:37.823    2005-10-13 20:59:37.823----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for any help that you can give me.Scott

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Sql Small Date Time

Dec 27, 2001

when i insert an empty date from an asp page, sql 7.0 generates a default value 1/1/1900. This is normal. However, I need to know how do I turn that feature off so I would not generate the default value.

Currently, my front in application uses asp--vb scripts. Please help.

I tried assigning a null value to my variant, but sql still generate that default date/time

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