Small Business Application: Best RAD Tool

Jul 20, 2005

I've developed years ago a small business application (about ten tables,
basic relationships, 10 forms, 3 reports a few queries) with Borland Paradox
7, most of it developed with wizards and little ObjectPAL coding.

Seriuosly thinking rewriting it from scratch using MS SQL server 2000 as the
DB platform.

Low on time.

My knowledge: BASIC: good, C & C++: fair, Pascal: almost nothing;

Looking for a RAD tool:
- client application will be running on P4 with XP/2000 & 128MB RAM - Must
be FAST (light .exe)
- easy learning curve
- Hopefully with wizard: design tables for SQL Server 2000, create
relationships, build automatically forms & reports on existing tables.


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How To Integrate SQL Server Business Intelligence Tool Into ASP.Net Web Application

Jan 10, 2007

How to integrate SQL Server Business Intelligence Tool into ASP.Net web Application.
Anybody can send the answer for above one it is great help for me, just I want to open this tool through >net application and I can able to create some reports from there.

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Synchronization Of Business Contacts In Outlook With Small Business Accounting

Jun 10, 2006

Can anyone take me through synchronization of contacts within Business Contacts Outlook into Microsoft Small Business Accounts?

I run a stand alone PC with NO network. When SBA came SQL was also installed. Apparently you can synchronise Contacts within Business Contacts with SBA but both SBA & Outlook should work through the same SQL server.

Has anyone tried this?

Can someone walk me through the process?



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Small Business Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am not familiar with SQL at all any good sites on install I understandthat best practice is to use two aprtitions one foe logs and one for data.I have it as part of a SBS package.Many thanksNic

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BCM Migartion To Small Business Server

Nov 24, 2007

Hello all, has anybody migrated the BCM database from a stand alone PC to Small Biz Server? We fail to import the data in a correct way. After importing the data into BCM on SBS the clients do not recognise the BCM database any more. Thank you!

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SQL Express Running Slow On Small Business Server

Jan 5, 2007


We have SQL Express running very slowly on Small Business Server. Does
anyone know if there is a conflict between the two? Or any ideas on how
to solve our problem?

(Autoclose is set to


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Tool To Create Small Database With MSDE

May 12, 2004


I'm a newbie with SQL so excuse my igorance. I'm running an application that uses MSDE2000 as its source db and would like to create a small [10 field] db that would also use MSDE. I want to use a separate db though and not share the first one. What I'm looking for is suggestions on a development tool to create the database with as I'm not familiar with SQL tools. I have a lot of Access experience though so the concepts are not new.

Database requirements are pretty basic.

10 fields [8 text, 2 numeric]
A button field to Add New Record
A search field
Column sorting.

That's it. I could do this in a pinch with Access so knowing what tool to use should make it easy. Any chance that I could do it with Access and then port it to a SQL db?


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SQL 2005 Workgroup Edition On Small Business Server 2003 R2

Dec 13, 2006

I have an SBS 2003 server that is running SQL 2000 standard edition which was recently upgraded to Small Business Server 2003 R2.

I have installed SQL 2005 workgroup edition on the SBS 2003 R2 server which acts both as an AD server and Exchange server. I installed SQL 2005 for the purpose of using SQL 2005 for my sharepoint services on the Small Business Server R2.

Now I have SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 workgroup edition installed, but I'm unsure whether I can uninstall the SQL 2000 and how to know whether the sharepoint instance is running in SQL 2005 or SQL 2000?

Additionally, I have some MSDE's running for WSUS and Server Reporting which are installed by the Small Business Server installation.

Which tools should I use to become familiar with identifying the databases and which version of the database engine is used for which database regardless of whether it is a SQL instance or a MSDE instance.

How can I identify which SQL versions are not in use and whether I can uninstall if not needed.


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Microsoft##EESS And MSDE SQL 2000 On Windows 2003 Small Business Server

Jan 25, 2007

Currently a server running 2003 small business operating system has MSDE 2000 and Microsoft##SSEE.

A memory problem exists with SQL consuming over 50% of RAM. Total RAM is 4GB.

There is a SQL 2000 patch for this type of problem. However, it calls for SQL to be upgraded to SP4.

Can this MSDE 2000 be upgraded with SP4 and have memory patch applied with Microsoft##SSEE also on this box?

Please let me know. Thank you.

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DB File Size Limit With SQLServer 2000 In Small Business Server 2000

Mar 15, 2006

Thanks in advance. What is maximum SQL Server database (*.mdf) file size with SQL Server 2000 as part of Microsoft Small Business Server 2000? (Database files were limited to 10 GB in SBS 4.5 with SQLServer 7.0... has this changed?).

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Send Mail From SQL Server 2000 Running On Small Business Server 2003

Nov 5, 2007

I'm trying to configure SQL server 2000 (standard edition) to send e-mail on a Small Business Server 2003. There's a great article on how to do this on a SBS 2000 server (KB304967), but it does not apply to SBS 2003. Can anyone point me to a article or white paper on how to configure SQL on a SBS 2003 server to send e-mail. Thanks.

David Neahusan

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Backup Fails In Windows Server 2003 For Small Business Server

Apr 23, 2008


MS Backup in Microsoft windows server 2003 for small business server reports:

<-- Volume shadow copy creation: Attempt 1.
"MSDEWriter" has reported an error 0x800423f4. This is part of System State. The backup cannot continue.

Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:800423f4
Aborting Backup. -->

The VSS events that I get are 8193 & 6013
The MSSQL$SHAREPOINT events are 17055, 18452 & 18456

These are the main Errors that I get:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: VSS
Event Category: None
Event ID: 8193

Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error calling routine IClientVirtualDevice::GetCommand. hr = 0x80770004.

Event Type: Error
Event Category: (2)
Event ID: 17055
18210 :
BackupVirtualDeviceFile:repareToFreeze: failure on backup device '{74A09E78-8845-47EB-9602-705E4406096C}1'. Operating system error 995(The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.).

Event Type: Error
Event Source: VSS
Event Category: None
Event ID: 6013
User: N/A
Sqllib error: OLEDB Error encountered calling ICommandText::Execute. hr = 0x80040e14. SQLSTATE: 42000, Native Error: 3013
Error state: 1, Severity: 16
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Error message: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

Event Type: Error
Event Category: (2)
Event ID: 17055
18210 :
BackupVirtualDeviceFile:repareToFreeze: failure on backup device '{74A09E78-8845-47EB-9602-705E4406096C}5'. Operating system error 995(The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.).

I need to get the Backup System working again urgently.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated

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SQL SERVER 2000 (Windows Small Business Server 2003)

Feb 13, 2006

Dear Sir,
I would like to use sql server 2000 as datasource with visaul web developer express.
My concern here is it compatilbe ?

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SQL-server With Small Business Server 2003 Premium Edition

Mar 29, 2004

In relation to my topic:

I'm curious as to how much of a difference SQL-server will make to our databases.

Is there anyone who can tell me what kind of version of SQL-server ships with Small Business Server 2003 Premium edition?

I looked on the Microsoft website and it just states that
SQL-server 2000 is included with Small Business Server 2003 Premium edition.

Is there anyone who can help me?
Any thoughts link redirects tips are appreciated

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SQL Server Std Vs Small Business Server 2003

Dec 25, 2005

Anyone knows what the difference is between SQL Standard edition OLPand SQL Server in SBS 2003?I'm interested in purchasing SBS2003 because the price is much lowerthan if you buy OS2003 + SQL2003 separately.

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.Net CF 2.0 Application Profiling Tool

Mar 26, 2007

hi all,

Could you please anyone help me to find the .Net CF 2.0 application profiling tool.

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Should SQL Server Act As A Business Layer In The 3-tier Application Layout.

Mar 7, 2007

Hello Everyone

I'm looking for outside opinion on how to implement the business layer of an application. The straight forward idea I know of would be to develop a component that encapsulates all the business rules under objects. Client applications would access this component, and the business component would talk directly to the database. This was great for me when I used Access databases.

Now I have been introduced to SQL server and the stored procedures. I think stored procedures are one of the best features because these procedures can enforce rules as sort of a "last line of defence". So this is where my question comes in. Where would the best place be to implement the business layer? Through a component, such as XML services that allow other clients to access the business rules OR stored procedures.

I do understand that components/dlls provide MUCH more flexibility then stored procedures.

But, if I do take the component route:

- Other then SQL queries that get called multiple times, is there any use for stored procedures?
- For some case scenarios such as web sites that access a Business Layer, should the business layer use ONE sql server login/role to access the data or create a sql login/role for each major segment/service? E.g. one login for the accounting side, one login for the
web site services, one side for HR and the business layer will have to decide which one to use depending on the service requested.
- Would it be in the best interest of security that I allow the business components to send SQL queuries such as Insert/Delete/Update? I loved the idea of stored procedures because if for some reason, someone steals the business layer userId/password, they are only exposed to the assigned stored procedures and cannot do "Delete From Table". Unfortunately, this practice has led to an abundance of stored procedures (the list is HUGE).

If I do take the Sql stored procedure route:

- If someone steals any user Id/password, they will only be exposed to the assigned stored procedures and THOSE stored procedures contain the business rules. Thus the damage can be minimized.

- If some developer makes a mistake down the road or forgets some sort of business aspect (and is not going through the business layer), again, stored procedures would offer a last "line of defense". Lets face it, there are some applications that do not necessary require a business layer

I'd like to get everyone's opinion on how they partition the business rules with SQL server? Do you use SQL server stored procedures to only enforce formating rules (such as upper case, lower, etc) while the business rules are stored in a component?

Do you use stored procedures to enforce all business rules? None?

Thank you for your time,


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Business To Employee Web Based Application, Is Sqlexpress Allowed

Mar 31, 2008

Hello, as a ISV we develop a software product called Ultimo (
I do have a license question: is it allowed for our customers to run our webbased application on IIS and use sql server express as a database.
The employees from the customer will use the application (intranet). For a small number of users sql express may do the job.
Untill now we always advice sqlserver with processor license.

With kind regards,


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How To I Enter A Small Square Or A Small Circle In A NVARCHAR Field?

Dec 25, 2006

I want to store a small cirle in a text field. Can anyone tell me how I can enter it in ascii code.


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Installing VS2005 And Business Intelligence Report Projects On A Vista Business Workstation

Oct 23, 2007

Does anyone have a successful prescribed sequence for installing VS2005 and Business Intelligence Reports Projects on a Vista Business workstation to be used to create reports for a server?

I've looked through everything I can find here and I don't seem to see a clear solution without a lot of trial and error.

Fact is, I've not been successful getting just the reports to install on a plain XP box. Of course, the report creation looks fine on the server but I don't want to work directly on the server.

Thank you

View 1 Replies View Related Confgiguration Tool. Tool Keeps Timing Out

Mar 2, 2006

is it possible to change the settings on this tool. i want to have it so that it does not time out at all? or is that possible??

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Looking For A Tool/ Middleware Tool Which...

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all.I'm looking for a tool which should act like some kind of middleware/logical layer bewtween the SQL server and the webbased user interface.- It should be possible to easily create simple web forms (only datainput and output) without programming effort by "clicking" the fieldsand their order on the web mask within an admnistrative interface.- It should also be bossible to add "new fields" to the database,including field type, permissions, value lists etc. (excluding anybusiness logic) without programming effort by administration.I know, that most workflow tools or "Trouble Ticket Tools", based ondatabases have this feature to easily configure new masks and add newfields to the database, but i need it as an tool-unspecific layer forthe MS SQL Server.Thank you very much for your feedback, any ideas are welcome!Best regards, Heiko.

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Distrib.exe Application Error , Application Failed To Initialize Properly(0xx0000142)

Apr 13, 2008

have SQL Server 2005 std edition SP1 installed on Windows 2003 Std edition .Configured Transactional (single Publisher and no clustered environment.)
Replication past two months working fine, Now
1.Distrib.exe application err is coming.

Due to which my job is failing (Distributor to Subscriber).
Iam attaching thw file.

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A Small Problem

Aug 6, 2005

How to retreive the value of last identity has been updated in a database (SQL Server)?

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Small Doubt

May 29, 2008

in command promt how to come out c drive to d drive

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I Need Sql Small Query

Mar 10, 2007

in my table have two column one post(varchar) and another one views(decimal).in table have no.of data's.......
sample data's

Ex i want this Result
post views post views

std 400 std 400
abc 100 abc 100
dbn 10 sdfe 75
sdfe 75 dbn 10
.... .....
..... ....

i need one query....... condition view best top 10 post based on views column

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Small Query

Sep 12, 2007


I need to display only the char having start with 'ACCT -AMOUNT',Now problem is that some records having the lower case character like 'acct amount'.
But i want to display only the upper case char start with 'ACCT-AMOUNT'.

I have to used the 'like ' statement but it is showing all the row inculding the lower case also.

Please give me some clue reg. the issues.


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A Small SQL Puzzle

Sep 26, 2007

Hi,Probable there is a simple solution for this, hopefully someone candirect me in the right direction.I have a table with a persons firstname, lastname, birthdate andaddress. However, I want to select only one person per address, namelythe eldest of all persons living on the same address.Can anyone provide me a solution?Thanks in advance.Duncan

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Small Problem

Jul 20, 2005

HelloI have a case where Partners are some kind of Super-Users and arestored in a SQL Server database. Best is IMO to put both in the sametable:table Customers:CustomerID[pr.key][blabla]PartnerIDBut of course I have to reference the partnerid from another table andI want SQL Server to maintain the integrity rules. I could splitCustomers en Partners into different tables, but that would not bewise i think.Or I could just reference the CustomerID from the other table and-know- that we are talking about a partner, but in that case it itpossible to reference a customer that is not a partner, and i want toavoid that.Any ideas?Freek Versteijn

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Small List Of How Do I's

Nov 27, 2007

Consider a recordset consisting of
Vendor, Invoice, InvAmt, Item,ItemAmt
1, 'A12345', 100.00,'Item1', 25.00
1, 'A12345', 100.00,'Item2', 50.00
1, 'Z22222', 200.00,'Item1',100.00

1, 'Z22222', 200.00,'Item3', 50.00
2, 'A12345', 300.00,'Item4,' 250.00

I have a report that groups by vendor and then by invoice within a vendor.

I want to create a report totals that contains

Number of vendors=2
Number of invoices=3
Total Inv Amounts=600.00
Total Item Amounts=475.00

Number of vendors is =count(distinct vendors) ??
Cant do that for # Invoices because of possible duplicate invoices used by different vendors.
How do i get the total invamt? Each occurrence of the invamt fld is in a list2 as =first(invamt).
I really need the sum of each first(invamt).

Thanx Up Front.
Jerry C

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Small Prob

Aug 17, 2007

i need to concatenate this two database fildes

PATNT_REFNO defined as numeric

out put of these tewo colomns like

PATNT_REFNO = 0125487

so i need to get a result like

any idea


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Small Version?

Jun 18, 2007

I currently use JET 4.0 as my database in a small app I distribute. SQL Server Express is way way too big to distribute. I am looking to move to a better database.

Is there a version of SQL that gives simple database CRUD support, but is super small to distribute? I am also considering Firebird as it's a full database and only 3MB on the client as an embedded tool.


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Small Question

May 22, 2006

i have table cosists of 3 columns
i need to select multiple rows from the table
example : i need to select rows with id=(1,5,9,7,11,15,20,23,42,65) in one select statement
can any body answer me?
and i will give him a( )

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