Trying to develop a smart client which will have data centric approach for storage of local data. The server is SQL Server 2000 and foot print database is going to SQL Server Express 2005. Is Merge replication a vaiable option. Can somebody guide me on this approach
Is there any other architecture proposed for Smart client arcjitecture where the data tranfer will be in a couple of GBs. Can somebody tell me more about SOA as well
I have an 05 VB.NET windows application that will be used as a smart client for our folks in the field. The windows application includes 05 SQL Server Express. I have included in the Data Sources of my project and attached file going through the wizard Microsoft SQL Server Database File (SqlClient) ='s (myfile.mdf) and then selected all tables, views, stored procedures, and functions... the corresponding myfileDataSet.xsd with the myfile.mdf are now located in the root of the project. I now recompile the project without error and go to the properties section Publish tab... select the Application Files button and myfile.mdf Publish Status is set to Include and the Download Group set to Requried. With this in place I right click on the myfile.mdf from the Soultion Explorer and under the properties section have set the build action to compile and use the copy always setting for the Copy to Output Directory.
After the publish is completed on the client machine... install for Windows Installer 3.1, SQL Server Express, and the Windows Application contains no data but everything else works fine.
My problem is that I need to attach the myfile.mdf to the new SQL Server Express instance on the client machine during the installation process so that when the application fires it will be pointed to the above location on the client.
Any ideas... scripts... includes for an ApplicationEvents.vb on how to do this? Thanks a ton... :)
Kind regards,
Your mind is like a parachute.. It has to be able to open, for it to work.
So in a previous thread I discovered that in order to actually subscribe to any publication, the publisher needs to be a well-known network name, requiring DNS resolution. You can't simply point a SQLExpress instance at an ip addressinstance and have it resolve the communications.
Cool place! Has anyone deployed SQL Express silently using one click and an attached a smart client DB from within the app ... would love to see some of the best practices or horror stories! Just kidding... :) I'm about to deploy a smart client using SQL Express and could use some tips from someone who has been there.
How to create a db in clients local machine with sql server ce and .net?Is any sample applications available?so,that later i can sync the data to the sql server db. Please help.I am new to sql server ce.
Hello All, I am trying to create a local database.............using a simple tool called BuildDatabase.cmd for example this is what i pass in the command prompt C:My.databaseBuildDatabase SAMPLE1SQLEXPRESS MyTestDatabase this is the error i am getting........ [SQL Native Client]SQL Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/InstanceSpecified [xFFFFFFFF].[SQL Native Client]Login timeout expired[SQL Native Client]An error has occurred while establishing a connection tothe server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused bythe fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remoteconnections. WARNING! Drop/Create Errors can someone please help me to fix this. Thanks a lot
I just installed SQL Server for the first time on a windows 2003 OS which is on its on server. Then, I installed the client tools on my local computer. Now how do I connect to the sql server with my client tools? What I wanted to do is from my local computer use the enterprise manager and pull up the databases that are located on the server that contains the sql server.
One of my co-worker changed the sa password today. After that we are getting this error. The SA account gets locked every time. Even within few seconds of unlocking the SA account, it gets locked again. Error message is not clear as what session still using old password and causing the SA account to get locked? Any of our application does not use SA user to connect to databases. We have Tivoli installed on the same system and the GUI of tivoli has the correct password.
I am getting the below error while installing CSF DevLite edition on
Following is the breif Info
Server Is : Win2003
SQL SERVER 2005 Installed on Same PC
Domain Name is : Test
User : Administrator he is a build in Admin,
PLEASE HELP ME!!!! Thanking in advance.
Login failed for user 'TESTadministrator'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
The description for Event ID ( 11609 ) in Source ( MsiInstaller ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: Product: Microsoft Connected Services Framework 3.0 Developer Edition Lite -- Error 1609.An error occurred while applying security settings. Power Users is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, or a problem connecting to a domain controller on the network. Check your network connection and click Retry, or Cancel to end the install. Unable to locate the user's SID, system error 1332, (NULL), (NULL), (NULL).
I just did a fresh install of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and SP1. I elected Windows auth during install. After rebooting I get 2 errors in my Application Event Log: MSSQLSERVER Login failed for user 'COMPUTERuser'. [CLIENT: <local machine>] (event ID 18456) and Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) (event 107) which says: Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) cannot connect to the report server database. In the data section it says it can't connect to the machines "master" database. I can manually login. How can I fix the problem and get rid of these messages? Thanks. Mark
Maintenance plan for bakcup is failing with "Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]"
I went to the Maintenance Plan and opened the Subplan. I clicked the "Manage Connections"
It has three tabs:
Name: Local Server Connection Server: prod Authentication: SQL Server Authentication
I clicked the Edit and it shows the Connection Properties:
It says: Enter information to logon to the server. "Use a specific Username and Password" is checked. Username is set as "sa" while the password is empty. I typed in the correct password and pressed Ok. When I go back again, the password still shows empty. I tried to run the plan and it again fails. Do you know why it is not showing the password as blank even if I try to save the password.
I've recently taken over management responsibility for an application that uses Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
My experience is primarily in Oracle and I've already self educated myself about some of the differences (such as needing to initiate a BEGIN TRAN if I want a rollback segment.)
I couldn't readily find any resources that would coach me in the core differences between Oracle and SQL Server and I wondered if someone could point me in the right direction.
Hello JoeOver the past several years, I have found your responses to jdbcusage/driver related issues to be extremely helpful. I am sure thatyou're very busy so I will make my question as brief as possible - thereason I didn't post this to a newsgroup is that I don't want to hearany more hype or links to benchmarks (since the vast majority of thebenchmarks don't test concurent/mixed-transaction environments). (I amalso posting a modified version of this message to some newsgroups, butbased on past responses - don't have too much hope that these will leadto a resolution.) If the only way to answer this question would be tohave a phone conversation, my company would be more than happy to pay aconsulting-service fee for your time.My situation:My company has a enterprise level web-app that targets SQL Server. Wedon't use J2EE - so we stick to a simple to administer web containers(JRun,Tomcat). Recently, we have been getting worse and worseperformance from our jdbc driver (we use the free MS jdbc driver) -things like strange transaction resource handling, chopy overallperformance, etc.. I have spent significant time tweaking it (followingvarious advice - many times yours - on newgroups... I can go intodetails, but I don't want to take up your time). As the project'sarchitect, I need to do something about this problem - but varioushigh-level tunnings that I have done to the way we use connections withthis driver haven't significantly improved perfomance under normaleveryday load. (Our queries often span tables with millions of records,and are relatively dynamic. We use a seperate pool of autocommit-offconnections for writes, and autocommit-on connecions for reads)So, then, my question - in your expert opinion - what is the BESTdriver from SQL Server 2000 given the following needs:Things I need it to have are solid jdbc 1.0, solid transactionhandling, decent concurrent load handling, stable implementation ofresource handling (i.e. auto closing result sets when parent statementsclose, closing of result sets & statements when connections close) andsupport for multiple open statements/result sets per connection.Things I do not have a direct need for:Connection Pooling (I keep my own pool of open connections), DataSourcesupport, distributed transactions or 2-phase commit support, RowSetvariants, jdbc 3.0 autokey generation, J2EE compliance. We do make useof updatable result sets - but I don't care if it isn't supported sinceI can still use MS driver for those, as they are mainly done it batchjobs).Things that are nice:It would also be good to have a driver that can handle prep statementcaching on a driver level (vs connection level) although this isn't anecessity, and if it is available - it would need to have aconfigurable caching strategy (or have a way to be turned off :)I very much appreciate your help in advanceThanksGary BogachkovSystem ArchitectStericycle Direct Return
This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database) Help pleaseee
We recently upgraded to SQL 2005 from SQL 2000. We have most of our issues ironed out however about every 1 minute there is a message in the Application Event log and the SQL log that states:
EVENT ID 18456 Login Failed for the users DOMAIN/ACCOUNT [CLIENT: <local machine>]
This is a state 16 message which I thought meant that the account does not have access to the default database. The account is actually the account that the SQL services run under.
Any ideas? We can't seem to figure this one out. We actually upgraded to 2005 from 2000 and had an error appear after every reboot that prevented the SQL Agent from running(This application has failed to start because GAPI32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.) We did a full uninstall of SQL and reinstalled fresh and restored the databases from .bak files and that is when the EVENT ID 18546 started occuring every minute.
We don't have any SQL heavy hitters here so please be detailed with any possible solutions. That you very much for any help you can provide!
I've been trying to get a range of values out of my SQL Server 2000 db without sucess. The field in question has the data type of char(8) and looks like this:
House_numbr_pub (leading spaces in front of each value) 140A 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 . . . 14500 . . .
Does anyone know how write a sql statement that will return 140-150, but excluding the ' 14500' and 100-1000. I tried the following where clause to return a range between 100-1000.
WHERE (cook.STREET_PUB LIKE 'lincoln%') AND (LEN(LTRIM(cook.HOUSE_NUMBR_PUB)) BETWEEN 3 AND 4) AND ( (LTRIM(cook.HOUSE_NUMBR_PUB) >= '100') and (LTRIM(cook.HOUSE_NUMBR_PUB) <= '1000') )
This where clause only return two records (100 and 1000). I want it to return 100-1000.
I also tried the following where clause:
WHERE LTrim(cook.HOUSE_NUMBR_PUB) like '1[45][0-9]' OR LTrim(cook.HOUSE_NUMBR_PUB) like '1[45][0-9]'
However, building this on the fly with .net will take some effort if someone is trying to search range 1-10000000.
Is it possible to do the following without cursors or creating an identity column:
I have a table from legacy data with ~ 1 million records. I need to insert this into the new table which has a unique varchar(11) key. For the new system this key is generated by calling a SP that returns the next key in sequence. To put the legacy data records in the same table I want to first create a new column at end of legacy data table and populate this using SQL without going thru using cursor and calling the SP for each and every record to get a unique varchar(11) key.
Hello forum. I have a problem that is kill me. Initial dates: a table (Tbl_1) to collect dates from users (within form in VB), a view (View_1) to compute some columns (is a part from business€™ logic) and a table (Tbl_2) designated for a trigger. I will try to resume the contents of above table€¦ create table Tbl_1 ( id int not null, code varchar(10) null, TBO int not null, -- (Time between Overhauling)..hours (life cycle) T_Hrs_AtLastOvh int null, -- total running hours from last overhauling TRH int null, -- total running hours (the life of equipment) ) GO Create view View_1 as select code, [TBO]-([TRH]-[T_Hrs_AtLastOvh])as HrsTo_NextOvh from Tbl_1 GO create table Tbl_2 ( id int not null, code varchar(10) null, Start_dt smalldatetime, Stop_dt smalldatetime, ) GO --drop table Tbl_1 --drop view View_1 --drop table Tbl_2
Let to insert some dates into Tbl_1:
Insert into Tbl_1 select 1,'cod1',2000,2500,3000 union all select 2,'cod2',3000,4000,7000 union all select 3,'cod3',1000,2000,2000 union all select 4,'cod4',1500,3000,3000 GO The result of View_1 is in Fig.1:
The operator perform requested job for the equipment and the life cycle starts counting again. Suppose to have:
Update Tbl_1 set T_Hrs_AtLastOvh=7000 where id=2 GO The result of View_1 is Fig.2. I wish to insert (within trigger) into table Tbl_2 all codes that have [HrsTo_NextOvh]=0 from View_1 and automatic to record the date when the record is done with a propertie like €™starting job€™. After the operator executed the job, he will update the Tbl_1 (the result is in Fig.2) and the trigger has to record this process with the propertie like €˜completed job€™. Depending by the time between overhauling and the operating hours of equipments, this task happens more or less often. My intentions are to record the time requested to executed a job and to make a history of events.
Any suggestion to solve my problem is full apreciated.
Hi, tell me please how I can trace the modification on the table such as "insert" record into one and syncronize mirror table at the same time once the insert has happend, BUT - no indexes no trace jobs, no any modification or objects on the master table... ha?
I'm still a database newbie so I would like to solicit thoughts aboutthe smartest way to do something in sqlserver.My company has a web application that we customize for each client.We can do this because everything is database driven. We havedatabase tables that contain our HTML and database tables as well assome standard tables for each database. We have an in house app thatlets us tweak both of these things and creates a new web site anddatabase tailored to each project.Each of these sites has a table that stores a schedule are clientsuse.The records in this schedule table change when information in othercustom generated tables change.My company currently uses a legacy foxpro app to update the scheduletable.The foxpro app contacts sqlserver, reads a table with a list of tablesand scheduling information to check, checks each of those items andupdates the schedule table.I would like to lose the foxpro app.At first a database newbie.......putting triggersin each of the tables to update the schedule when something changesseems the way to go.However, since we change a part of the schema ( we have an app thatgenerates the database tables unique to each client ) for each clientI would like a scheme that would not involve having to create adifferent trigger for each new table.I would also like something that updates in real time. Right now thefoxpro app is executed once a day.I was thinking of making a large stored procedure and putting anidentical call to that procedure in each table.Each table would have the same trigger in it that would get fired whenthe record was altered. It would call the stored procedure withrelevent arguments to update the schedule.Does this sound like a smart way to solve this problem or am I notthinking "database enough"?Any thoughts are welcome.I would like to build a better solutionSteve
I'm a bit stuck with this one... hope someone can help.
I'm trying to develop an application that will run on a pocket PC with Windows CE 4.2
I'm using .Net 2003 and the application is in VB.Net.
I can run the application on the pocket pc fine (ie. form paints, buttons work) , until I need to connect to Sql DB on the server.
When I try to create a connection object (Dim dbconnection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection)
I get an error stating .. "This application (test.exe) requires a newer version of .Net Compact Framework than the one installed on the device" .... "could not load System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection from assembly System.Data.SqlClient Version=1.0.5000.0"
The version that it is looking for is. 1.0.5000.0 . The VS2003 is using this version.
I've downloaded the compact framework v1. sp3 , ran all the cabs on the Win CE device ... it looked that it installed fine.... but the problem still exists.
declare @ContactId as integerset @ContactId = 5select *from Person.Contactwhere ContactId = @ContactIdOR @ContactId = -1If you run this in SQL 2005 on the AdventureWorks database,why the logical reads is 561Table 'Contact'. Scan count 1, logical reads 56and not 2 when you run without the second OR condition:declare @ContactId as integerset @ContactId = 5select *from Person.Contactwhere ContactId = @ContactIdHow can i use the same SP and either get one record returnedby passing the ID of the field, or pass a dummy parameter like-1 in order to get ALL the records returned.In this case even when i pass a parameter like ContactID = 5there is still a table scan (clustered index scan in this case)happening for the other OR condition.There's no method to tell SQL to start checking the first conditionwhether or not it is true then if it is false then check the second ORconditon. On the same topic does this mean all OR conditions areALWAYS verified regardless if one of them has already been determinedto be True?Thank you
First of all I would like to announce that this is my first time I post here.. However, I'm pretty sure that I'm in the best place to ask what I want. To cut the story short, I'm querying SQL database on a remote machine and having the result saved (mapped) to another table on another database on the same remote machine. The thing is the destination table was empty before the query was run the first time. I have been searching for some smart way so that when I modify the source tables that my query is based on, it doesn't affect except the modified rows. In other words, it should be like if the row is already there, do nothing. otherwise, it updates the existig record. else, it's a new record and it's inserted. I think what i need will include some coding for sure, yes? I don't know if i'm clear about the requirement or not though! but I know that you are experts and can direct me. Waiting for your valuable replies.
I've created a simple application that uses a SQLCE 3.5 database. When I debug it SQLCE 3.5 is deployed to the emulator. However, I made a "smart device cab project" for my application and copied the cab file to my windows mobile 6 device and it does not deploy SQLCE 3.5. I don't see a way to specify the prerequisites of the "smart device cab project" like you can in a normal setup project. How can I get SQLCE 3.5 to deploy with my application...or even just get it on my device? I've tried installing it on my desktop with the device connected via active sync, but it doesn't install on the device like the compact framework did.
What is the best way to compare two entries in a single table wherethe two fields are "almost" the same?For example, I would like to write a query that would compare thefirst two words in a "company" field. If they are the same, I wouldlike to output them.For example, "20th Century" and "20th Century Fox" in the companyfield would be the same.How do I do this? Do I need to use a cursor? Is it as simple as using"Like?"
I have created a Smart device application for Windows CE 5.0 device using Visual studio 2005 and i have added the smart cab project to the solution. When I add project out in teh appllication folder, the detected dependencies are not included. Instead dependent files appear with red circle in solution explorer.
My project uses .Net Framework 2.0 and SQL Server mobile 2005 and SQL Server mobile database file and some symbol files
I need included all of them in my cab project and when user clicks on it (in the device) it should install all of them.
Let me know why detected dependencies are not included in the Cab project and how can get all the above mentioned things to be installed along with my program
I am implementing an MSDE database and I would like to keep some data(like user preferences) in the Access project so that I can filter datafor each user based on their selected preferences. In Access I justkept user preferences in the application database on each workstationand used queries to get only the data I wanted from the linked tables.How can I do this in MSDE/Access projects?thanks!Jerry
I have both vs2005 and vs2008 installed. I'm working with a .Net Compact Framework 3.5 Smart Device Project.
If I refrence the System.Data.SqlClient.dll (Version 3.0.3600.0 Runtime v2.0.50727) C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.5DevicesClientSystem.Data.SqlClient.dll
When I deploy the application I get an error ".Net Compact Framework v2.0 could not be found Please install it and run the setup again"
Studio is : Deploying 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8SmartDevicesSDKSQL ServerClientv2.0wce500ARMV4isql.ppc.wce5.armv4i.CAB'
We tested this on a PC without vs2005 and it seems to work fine.
We have a 64-bit VM server running SQL Server 2005. The SQL Server on this particular VM server has 6 local instances installed. On the Management Studio logon screen I can type the full name of the local instance and connect to it, however if I press the drop down in the Server name field, choose Browse and select the Local Servers tab there is nothing listed under Database Engines.
Any idea why the 6 local instances don't show up under Database Engines? This is preventing me from installing a vendor application because their installer looks for local SQL Server instances on this server, but if SQL Server won't even show the local instances then the installer doesn't see them either.