I implemented Pull snapshot replication about 3 weeks ago on a live server. Everything has been working very well and I really have no complaints. However, I am currently working towards optimization, which brings me to my question.
I have noticed that the snapshot agent will vary in the duration of time it takes to generate the snapshot.
Here is the job history:
9/25 - 3.48min
9/24 - 17min
9/23 - 17min
9/22 - 3.3min
9/21 - 17min
9/20 - 17min
9/19 - 3.39min
The distribution agent currently retains history for 12 hours and the snapshot agent runs once every 24 hours so I don't think this variation in performance could be related to a cache issue.
There are no sql jobs that are scheduled during this timeframe and both severs, Publication and Subscription, are decent boxes with very little load during the replication window.(currently 1am - 2am)
Any ideas why this variation in snapshot generation exists?
I seem to have a strange problem when applying a snapshot when the tables in the publication have been updated while the snapshot was being generated.
Say for example there is a table called RMAReplacedItem in the publication. When the snapshot starts being applied to the subscriber, a stored procedure called sp_MSins_RMAReplacedItem_msrepl_css gets created that handles an insert if the row already exists (ie it updates the row rather than inserting it). However, after all the data has been loaded into the tables, instead of calling this procedure, it tries to call one called sp_MSins_RMAReplacedIte_msrepl_cssm - it takes the last letter of the table name and adds it to the end of the procedure name.
The worst part is that this causes the application of the snapshot to fail, but it doesnt report what the error is, and instead it just tries applying the snapshot again. The only way i have managed to find which call is failing is to run profiler against the subscriber while the snapshot is being applied and see what errors.
I have run sp_broswereplcmds and the data in there is what is applied to the subscriber - ie the wrong procedure name.
All the servers involved are running sql 2005 service pack 2. The publisher and subscriber were both upgraded from sql 2000, but the distribution server is a fresh install of sql 2005.
I am running RS 2005 and Analysis Services 2005. I was able to get RS to connect to the OLAP database (via stored credential) when generating snapshot. However, it failed when processing MDX script in the report dataset. The same report works fine in browser and VStudio, but only failed during snapshot or cache generation. Below is the error message and the affected MDX script. Any help would be appreciated!
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help Get Online Help
Query execution failed for data set 'PU_Floorcovering'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Get Online Help
Incorrect syntax near '{'. Incorrect syntax near 'Business Type'. Incorrect syntax near 'Facility'. Incorrect syntax near 'Production Units Reporting UOM'.
I have the below CTE that I just can't seem to get to give me the right results. Basically what im trying to do is use the first query to show the "sources" that are involved in each inquiry and the second query to show which of those have became "admissions" the thing is the counts of the sources when the CTESource query is ran alone is different than my query to join the two tables.
Code: With CTESource(Total, ID, Source, Program) AS ( SELECT count(Inquiry.ID) as Total, Referral.InquiryID_fk, Source, Inquirer.Program from Referral Inner Join Inquiry on Inquiry.ID = Referral.InquiryID_fk Inner Join Inquirer on Inquirer.ID = Inquiry.InquirerID_fk
The total inquiries can be higher than the source totals since a source isnt required in the system as well as there does not have to be admissions regardless of inquiry count.
Is it possible to set up at dataflow with for example an excel source that points to a sheet with varying number of colums.
In the file there is some information about number of columns. But the question is here how you use that information to define the columns in the dataflow ?
trivial example, i have a tabular model for orderlines.Each line has a product.A product fits under a hierarchy Category > Product.I need to display the top N rows by quantity under each category. My can break down as follows: Warehouse, Â Product category, Product, PurchaserID
If im to do the top N in excel i use pivot table functions to get the top N by whatever measure i pick from the dropdown:I cant do this in powerbi builder though, as it works very differently, or powerview which again is done differently.Do i have to take a different approach depending on the report platform, Â or is there a way to do this in the tabular model that will work on any platform?
We are trying to work out a memory problem associated with a SQLCLR procedure we have developed.
This procedure will run properly on a SQLExpress box, but fails with an Insufficient Memory error (701) when run on our 32-bit enterprise edition server on W2K3 Enterprise Server. The server has 3.25 GB of RAM, and does *not* have the /3GB switch enabled; AWE is *not* enabled on SQL Server.
I initially suspected the problem was due to the idiosyncracies of how the BPool is allocated on SqlExpress and its 1GB buffer pool limitation, giving a 1GB MemToLeave region for SQLCLR allocations -- substantially larger than the default available on the server with it's default 256MB allocation (+128MB for thread stacks). That seemed to explain why a memory problem might not manifest itself on the client, but would on the server. I then altered the server to include an explicit "-g" parameter at startup, reserving 512MB for MemToLeave, but the query still fails with the same memory errors. I've tried values as high as 1GB (-g1024), but none have worked Our DBA has installed a recent hotfix associated with certain memory errors, to no avail.
It appears that the server will max out the CLR allocations at 102MB, regardless of the presence of the -g parameter. Could it be that the MemToLeave region really is that severely fragmented? There are still log messages indicating failures to reserve virtual memory...
One thing I notice is that the buffer's VM Reserved value never seems to change regardless of the value of the "-g" option. I would expect to see it decrease by the amount specified as reserved, eg -g 768 should leave, for example, something like 1.2GB VM Reserved for buffer pool allocation, but it doesn't. That tells me I'm not really establishing a larger MemToLeave area. Is this expectation incorrect?
Bottom line, we don't know why this procedure is running on the server, but not in SqlExpress. It is a procedure that connects to a remote Oracle database and collects about 14,000 records, but dies after sending about 7,000 or so records when run on the server. Again, the same query running against the same code on a SqlExpress box works perfectly.
Any thoughts or suggestions welcomed and greatly appreciated.
I am using CROSS APPLY instead of UNPIVOT to unpivot > one column. I am wondering if I can dynamically replace column names based on different tables? The example code that I have working is based on the "Allergy" table. I have thirty more specialty tables to go. I'll show the working code first, then an example of another table's columns to show differences:
select [uplift specialty], [member po],[practice unit name], [final nomination status] ,[final uplift status], [final rank], [final uplift percentage] ,practiceID=row_number() over (partition by [practice unit name] order by Metricname) ,metricname,Metricvalue, metricpercentilerank
Rheumatology Table:The columns that vary start with "GDR" and [GDR Percentile Rank] so I'm just showing those:
I have a quick question regarding SQL Server Enterprise Manager. I'm looking at setting up a job to automatically create DDL for a user database. This will be done along with our normal nightly backup routine. I'm very familiar with using EM to create SQL scripts, but is there anyway to schedule this task? I've considered DTS and some type of scheduled package, but can't seem to find anything similar. I'm thinking I may need a custom task. Could someone please shed some light on the subject? If not from within EM, how about any third party tools? FYI - I already own the Embarcadero suite and am trying it out wwith that.
A 3rd part app is requiring that I create a credential, whick in turn requires an SMK be set. When I try to create the credential, I get an error message indicating a decryption error. When I run the alter command to regenerate the key (without force) it throws an error indicating the key cannot be decrypted. According to a KB article I found, this may indicate that a key has never been generated.
My question is, I have a number of production databases in this instance, including SQL Reporting Services. Except for the SRS DB's, all other user db's are simple db's that don't use encryption. If I run the Force command to generate the key, am I going to break anything? I'm really concerned about report servioces.
I need a tool to generate sql code of database including all data like "insert into table values()". Same as sql file in IBuySpy portal. How can I generate a file like this? I tried with enterprise manager but it doesn't generate insert statements and default values of some fileds lost. Can someone help me?
I have a data driven subscription with the information about the file name/file extension/ path etc coming in from a database. The problem is that the subscription status after running tells me that things are done and there is no error but the file is not being generated in the specified directory and for that reason the file is not generated at all anywhere on the hard disk. can anybody please help.
The information in the database for the report is as follows
Hi all,I am following the procedure where I generate XMLs of tables and put itin a DataSet and read that dataset back into another database to bewritten into the tables.Although I am VERY close to completion a small problem that I am facingis that the XMLs being generated have as the table name "table" and notthe actual names.Is this a known issue or am I amiss? and, does anyone have a solutionfor this?Thank you.*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
Hi guys,Apologies Simon for not making it clearer last time. What i am doing isreading a table from the SQL Server 2000 database and using:SQLDataSet.WriteXml(strFileName, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);to write to the DataSet. But I realised that when I do that the XML isgenerated correctly, the only error being that<xs:element name="Table"> comes in as the tablename instead of theactual table name.Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
HelloFor my client, I need to generate reports from the information storedin the database. The client has fixed format forms (on paper e.g. USCustoms forms etc).Will I need to redesign the forms in the application and then show theinformation?Another approach is to scan the forms as image and print theinformation on top of that image, so when it is printed , theinformation will be displayed at the right places.Is there any other way? How is the reporting done if the forms arepre-defined and the information is stored in a databaseThanks for your input
I am working with SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service from few days, though I am not expert, for some reason I have to run on field without having sound knowledge of RDL, but need your help, gys. I am using SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio to design report.
Here is the procedure of my work to populate a RDL report
I used a stored procedure for the DataSet of my RDL Then I drag and drop necessary field to my report layout. Put required parameters to preview tab and then run report.
This is quite simple, I didn't face any problem with this process, even though the process may not correct, but working perfect. My problem is when the stored procedure returns multiple result set. The data tab only shows the first result set though the SP returns multiple result set, I have run the SP in the Query Analyzer. I don't want change my stored procedure.
And please give me some suggestions about the best procedure to develop RDL report in real life.
Can any one tell me how can I create auto number (similar feature to MS Access) i.e. autmatic increament by 1 in MS SQL 2005 (without using any script)
Does anyone know an efficient method for generating a sequence number in the following form?
Starting with 2 columns 1 2 ---- A X A Y B X B Y B Z C X
I want to then generate a third column as follows: 1 2 3 ------- A X 1 A Y 2 B X 1 B Y 2 B Z 3 C X 1
The purpose being so that I can easily identify the previous row within a Column1 group. So given column1=A and column2=Y I know that the previous row is Column3 - 1 where column1 = A. Therefore I will be able to join to the previous result of any row within any group quickly for future calculations.
I am using a relation(table) which has a artificial key. I want to use this key as the primary key hence is unique. What datatype is associated with this attribute in MS SQL 2000. How can I generate unique id everytime I add a new record to this table ?
I want to make up a system that I can create barcodes for my students and scan books for checkout. I am using Windows xp and .net winforms to finish the task. But I have no source for doing that. I am also wondering if my HTC sense could be used for scanning.
I have been working on a Human Resource Management software in C# .NET. In its Employee Attendance module i need to keep records of attendance of all workers for one month in a single table.The problem I encounter is to auto generate an exact copy of the Attendance table after a particular month is finished. How can i accomplish this? I use SQL server 2008.
Hi, I have an error table that is to be updated by more than one package. There is a sequence number generated in the error table. It is generated by using the max value of the previous data present in the table. When more than one package runs parallely, conflict occurs in generating the sequence number. How can this be handled?
Hi.I have a database I need to supply something (I'm assuming a t-sql script..maybe something else is better) to update customer tables with.The operations include mostly changing varchar lengths, though a couple ofcolumns were renamed.I'd like to maybe figure out how to get Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzerto generate the scripts.I can't just send alter table scripts because I'm involving all sorts ofconstraints that have to be disabled/or dropped, the alter made, then havethem enabled/ or re-created.Basically I'm hoping to get the tools to do the rather large amount of workfor me. I'm targetting sql server 2000.Can someone make a knowledgeable suggestion?RegardsJeff Kish
Hi Everybody,I have a probs with dynamic generation.I am writing the probs======================================create proc testasdeclare @query varchar(500)set @query = 'select * from table'----------------------------------------------declare mycur Cursor for Select * from table |open mycur |----------------------------------------------but instate of above block how can I dynamically generate this query?---------------------------------------declare mycur Cursor for exec (@query) |---------------------------------------Or tell me the way.RegardsArijit Chatterjee
Hello all, Say I have a report that is running for a long time and I want to cancel it. Is there a way to cancel the report generation once we submit the Report Generation Button? If I close my Browser, Am I closing my session in the server side? If server is still churning out the old report and I open another browser to request the same report, I might easily crash the server if the requests for the same report keep growing?
select 'Delivery' as "@DeliverableName" ,'Path'Â Â Â as "@TargetDirectoryPath" for xml path('Deliverable'), type generates the following: <Deliverable DeliverableName="Delivery" TargetDirectoryPath="Path" />
We are interfacing to a third party package that only accepts single quoted attributes:
Is there any way to change the image "Report is being generated" to something else or at least change the location of it. I have a report that is very long and our users have to scroll down to see that. They think the report is frozen when in all reality it is still generating. It is postioning in the center of the page and I want it to position at the top.
I have developed several reports with selectable parameters. When the report is first requested three stored procedures are triggered and return the parameters (+2 min), following parameters being returned the default report is returned (+3 min), this time is unacceptable. Is there anything I can do to speed up the report generation? Any help here is greatly appreciated.
Ok, suppose I have created a new table with an Identity column, but I want to load the table from an existing table and I can€™t let SQL Ev reset the Identity values. In SQL Server I can turn off Identity generation using
SET IDENTITY_INSERT biblio.dbo.authors OFF
Is there an equivalent in SQL Ev?
My next question is (if this does not work), can I use ALTER TABLE to disarm the Identity value and re-arm it after the load?