SnapshotAgent Cant Be Executed, Not Sufficient Rights

Sep 12, 2007

Hi all,

i'm trying to create a publication and its snapshot in the default snapshot folder of MS SQL Server 2005.
It's all done by RMO.

Following Scenario:
1. PublicationDB was created by User1(sysadmin) ... successful
2. Enable PublicationDB for Publishing ... successful

2. Creating the publication: executed as User2(db_owner)
2.1 publication.Create(); ... successful
2.2 publication.CreateSnapshotAgent(); ... successful
2.3 Add Articles to publication ... successful
2.4 Generate Snapshot with
agent = new SnapshotGenerationAgent(); and setting all parameters for it, then execute by

And at this point,i got an error message, because the snapshot agent cant be executed ...

2007-09-12 12:05:46.58 User-specified agent parameter values:
2007-09-12 12:05:46.58 --------------------------------------
2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -Publisher EDOM04SQLstandard
2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -PublisherDB TMS4X_PublicationDB
2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -Publication TMS4X_PublicationTest
2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -ReplicationType 2
2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -Distributor EDOM04SQLstandard
2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -DistributorSecurityMode 1
2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -PublisherSecurityMode 1
2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 --------------------------------------
2007-09-12 12:05:46.63 Connecting to Distributor 'EDOM04SQLstandard'
2007-09-12 12:05:46.96 The replication agent had encountered an exception.
2007-09-12 12:05:46.96 Source: Replication
2007-09-12 12:05:46.96 Exception Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationAgentSq lException
2007-09-12 12:05:46.96 Exception Message: You do not have sufficient permission to run this command.
Contact your system administrator.
2007-09-12 12:05:46.96 Message Code: 14260
2007-09-12 12:05:46.96

-All Users have rights for read and write on the snapshotfolder including the Agent
-All users are defined in the same windows domain
-the snapshotagent account has sysadmin rights on the server and is assigned to the predefined MS SQL User Role

This scenario is workin completely fine when i execute everything as a "sysadmin"!
But when executing it all as "db_owner" of the database, its not workin!!!

Does anybody has any resolutions for this problem?
I appreciate any support.

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I Need To Give DBA Full Admin Rights To SQL 2005 Without OS Windows Rights, Can Anyone Help Please!!

Jul 12, 2007

The DBA at our location is demanding local admin (windows) right's to the box so he can function. Right now when he logs in i have given him right's to the inetpub directory, sql directory, i have set him as a sysadmin on sql2005 and gone into the http:\localhost
eports and set him up as a system manager and under site priveledges set him as a sys admin. When he tries to login and configure the report server he gets the following error:

Title-Reporting services configuration manager

Error-There was an error refreshing the UI. bla bla bla

A WMI error has occurred and no additional error information is availiable

Title-Reporting services configuration manager

Error-There was an error while switching panels. The most likely cause is an error retrieving WMI properties. bla bla bla

A WMI error has occurred and no additional error information is availiable

then when he's in sql server 2005 surface area configuation

Title-Surface Area Configuration

Error-Access denied (

Is there any documentation or anythign anyone can tell me that i can do to give this DBA full access to configure and admin the SQL portion of his system without giving him admin rights to the OS???

Please help!!

Thanks for any time anyone has taken to review this thread!!

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Same DTS Fails Executed As Job ,but Run Fine When Executed From DTS Designer

Mar 13, 2002

I created DTS a while ago and placed in job to run once a day (it worked fine for 3 months)
2 days ago I changed sa password and now job fails with error (Login failed for user 'sa'.), but it run fine from DTS !!!

1. My DTS created with domain Account DomainSVCSQL2000( sa rights and local admin)
2. SVCSQL service use DomainSVCSQL2000 to run
3. SVCSQL agent use DomainSVCSQL2000 to run
4. DTS use 'osql -E

Where should look for reference to sa ?

Executed as user: MONTREALsvcsql2000. DTSRun: Loading... Error: -2147217843 (80040E4D); Provider Error: 18456 (4818) Error string: Login failed for user 'sa'. Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

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Differentiate Between Whether Stored Procedure A Is Executed Inside Query Analyzer Or Executed Inside System Application Itself.

May 26, 2008

Just wonder whether is there any indicator or system parameters that can indicate whether stored procedure A is executed inside query analyzer or executed inside application itself so that if execution is done inside query analyzer then i can block it from being executed/retrieve sensitive data from it?

What i'm want to do is to block someone executing stored procedure using query analyzer and retrieve its sensitive results.
Stored procedure A has been granted execution for public user but inside application, it will prompt access denied message if particular user has no rights to use system although knew public user name and password. Because there is second layer of user validation inside system application.

However inside query analyzer, there is no way control execution of stored procedure A it as user knew the public user name and password.

Looking forward for replies from expert here. Thanks in advance.

Note: Hope my explaination here clearly describe my current problems.

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Unable To Allocate Sufficient Memory

Dec 8, 2005

Any help would be appreciated.

This message is received on the client. Client pc has Intel 2Ghz or better processor, 512MB Ram, sufficient hard drive space, connecting to MS SQLServer 2000 thru TCP/IP.

Database server is running Windows 2000 Advanced Server w/ SP3 and MS SQLServer 2000 Enterprise Edition w/ SP3, with 4 way 700Mhz PIII Xeon processors and 4GB Ram (I'm not certain about network connectivity, but it's at least 100MB Ethernet). The database is approximately 87GB, with an average of 250 to 300 connections.

The application is vendor supplied, written in Visual Basic 3.0. Therefore I am using 16 bit SQL drivers, the latest I am aware of, dated 6/15/1997.

This database was previously running on SQLServer 7, and this error did not occur. It started after the upgrade to SQLServer 2000. We discovered this error in testing the upgrade and found that by decreasing the "Network Packet Size" setting on SQLServer w/ sp_configure, we were able to make the message go away. However now that we are in a production environment, the message seems to be coming back randomly. We have the NPS set to 1024 (default is 4096). I'm worried about performance if it is dropped much farther.

Any ideas? Thanks again for any help!

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Create Snapshot -&&> FAILED! You Dont Have Sufficient Permission To Run This Command

Sep 12, 2007

Hi all,

i'm trying to create a publication and its snapshot in the default snapshot folder of MS SQL Server 2005.
It's all done by RMO.

Following Scenario:
1. PublicationDB was created by User1(sysadmin) ... successful
2. Enable PublicationDB for Publishing ... successful

2. Creating the publication: executed as User2(db_owner)
2.1 publication.Create(); ... successful

2.2 publication.CreateSnapshotAgent(); ... successful
2.3 Add Articles to publication ... successful
2.4 Generate Snapshot with

agent = new SnapshotGenerationAgent(); and setting all parameters for it, then execute by


And at this point,i got an error message, because the snapshot agent cant be executed ...

2007-09-12 12:05:46.58 User-specified agent parameter values:2007-09-12 12:05:46.58 --------------------------------------2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -Publisher EDOM04SQLstandard2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -PublisherDB TMS4X_PublicationDB2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -Publication TMS4X_PublicationTest2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -ReplicationType 22007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -Distributor EDOM04SQLstandard2007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -DistributorSecurityMode 12007-09-12 12:05:46.60 -PublisherSecurityMode 12007-09-12 12:05:46.60 --------------------------------------2007-09-12 12:05:46.63 Connecting to Distributor 'EDOM04SQLstandard'2007-09-12 12:05:46.96 The replication agent had encountered an exception.2007-09-12 12:05:46.96 Source: Replication2007-09-12 12:05:46.96 Exception Type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.ReplicationAgentSqlException2007-09-12 12:05:46.96 Exception Message: You do not have sufficient permission to run this command. Contact your system administrator.2007-09-12 12:05:46.96 Message Code: 142602007-09-12 12:05:46.96

-All Users have rights for read and write on the snapshotfolder including the Agent
-All users are defined in the same windows domain
-the snapshotagent account has sysadmin rights on the server and is assigned to the predefined MS SQL User Role

This scenario is workin completely fine when i exceute everything as a "sysadmin"!
But when executing it all as "db_owner" of the database, its not workin!!!

Does anybody has any resolutions for this problem?
I appreciate any support.

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Receiving An Error Message That There Is Not Sufficient Disk Apce To Intall SQL Server (but There Is)

Feb 6, 2008

I downloaded this program, and when trying to intall I am receiving an error meesage that there is insufficient disk space to install.

I have 98GB available on C and 107 GB available on D. I am on an IBM Intellistation dual processor 3,08 Ghz with 4GB RAM and 240 GB Disk (those are "G"'s), so I have tons of capacity. This has to be a problem with the .msi - any suggestions?

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An Operation On A Socket Could Not Be Performed Because The System Lacked Sufficient Buffer Space Or Because A Queue

Jul 14, 2006

Hi Guys,

Can anyone help me with this error

An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue
was full.

I have three packages running in parallel. This package download data from different databases from ServerA into ServerB.
At some point one of the package is getting the error above at random time.

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An Operation On A Socket Could Not Be Performed Because The System Lacked Sufficient Buffer Space Or Because A Queue

Jul 18, 2006

Hi Guys,

Can anyone help me with this error

An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Protocol error in TDS stream".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue
was full.

View 11 Replies View Related

Oracle Publication Error:The Permissions Associated With The Administrator Login For Oracle Publisher 'test1' Are Not Sufficient

Jan 12, 2006


I am trying to make an oracle publiching from sql server 2005 enterprise final release, i installed the oracle client  10.2 (10g) on the same server where sql server already installed, i made different connection to oracle database instance and it was  ok.


from sql server : right click on publication -New oracle publication-Next-Add Oracle Publisher-Add button-Add Oracle Publisher-i entered server insttance test1 and their users and passwords--connect --->

the oracle publisher is displayed in the list of publisher but when press ok i got the following error :

TITLE: Distributor Properties

An error occurred applying the changes to the Distributor.

For help, click:


SQL Server could not enable 'test1' as a Publisher. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


The permissions associated with the administrator login for Oracle publisher 'test1' are not sufficient.
Changed database context to 'master'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 21684)

For help, click:



Any idea about this error ?


Tarek Ghazali
SQL Server MVP.


View 2 Replies View Related

Help With Rights

May 3, 2001

I want to give user right to create temp tables but I don't want to allow him modify any other tables, or any other rights. Any ideas?

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Sa Rights

Jul 8, 1999

Hello, I need to create a sp that allows a user(not sa) to reset passwords using sp_password. The part that I'm stuck on is how to login within the proc so that the user(not sa) can exec the sp_password as sa without having to give the user sa rights. I don't mind hard coding the sa password with the proc but I can not give sa password to the users. Do I need to somehow alter sp_password for this to work?

Any help is much appreciated.


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How Can I Know When A SP Was Executed?

Apr 18, 2007

Hi everyone, I've got a question. How can I Know when was the last time that a Stored Procedure was executed?

I'm thanking for your help.


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DBO Rights

Nov 22, 2000


Need to give a user permission to add logins and users to a database. Have tries to alias the user to DBO but it doesnt work. Is there a way to do it other than reassigning DBO permissions to the user.


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SA Rights

Jan 29, 2004

Is there a way in SQL server to grant "SA" rights to non-SA users for certain commands.

I know there's a way to do this in Sybase by creating a password protected role and then activating it within a stored procedure.

Thus, the specific right is only active for the brief duration of the stored procedure - which runs the particular command to be granted. The role is de-activated at the end of the stored procedure.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.



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Jul 20, 2005

I have a basic question regarding rights. What level of rights do Ihave to have to grant another user update rights? I don't want togive everyone owner rights. Can a person with update rights grantanother person update rights?Thanks.

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Why Is This Code Executed Twice?

Feb 22, 2007

this code inserts twice the same record. I thing  it is due to the "Selet Scope_Identity" in the sqlcommand.If i remove the Select part, the inserts occurs only once. If i remove the line "comd.ExecuteNonQuery()", then the inserts also occurs once.
Is there something wrong in my code?
Dim connection As SqlConnection        Dim comd As SqlCommand        Dim connectionstr, sql As String        Dim iden As Integer        connectionstr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("econn").ConnectionString.ToString()        connection = New SqlConnection(connectionstr)        comd = New SqlCommand()        comd.Connection = connection       sql = "INSERT INTO table(field,...) VALUES (@fld,...); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()"        comd.Parameters.Add("@var1", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10).Value = txtvnm.Text        ...        connection.Open()        iden = Convert.ToInt32(comd.ExecuteScalar())        comd.ExecuteNonQuery()        connection.Close()

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Sprocs- What Actually Got Executed?

Sep 21, 2005

I know you can use sql profiler to see what sqlcode actually executed when you run a sproc, but is there any way toget this information in After executing a sproc, I'd like to send the sqlcode that was sent, to my Audit class. Is there any wayto retrieve this in itself?cheers!

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DBA Role And His Rights

Oct 30, 2001

Hi everybody,
The below I posted on SQL 2000 Forum about a week ago.
Any new thoughts................
I would like to get an input from as many people as possible on the following:
In our organization DBA is responsible for 5 servers ( currently NT 4/SQL 7)and is a part of group of a 5 people including manager and 3 developers.
DBA currently has a FULL access to every server.
In a few months we will be replacing the existing system with Windows 2000/SQL 2000.
LAN group will give to DBA only a read rights for the Windows 2000 environment, saying that the AUDITORS, both internal and external, require that. In other words, if DBA needs to run a command prompt, move files from one directory to another in Production environment, he has to fill the request to LAN, so LAN group would do that.
So I guess the main question(s) is:
What is the degree of involmment of DBA with Operating system?
Is DBA suppose to be an NT administrator ( I dont think so, since DBA has a lot of other thing to do?
If DBA accidently makes an unwanted changes to the Operating System, who should be blamed for ( not personally, but in more general terms) and would it be an extra argument to take write rights away from a DBA?
What auditors saying about that?
Thanks a lot in advance,

View 3 Replies View Related

DBO Aliased And SA Rights

Aug 9, 2000

I have a user that is requesting sa rights on a test server. I prefer to give him aliased
dbo rights. What is the difference between the two?? What can he not do with dbo
that he could with sa??

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Access Rights

Oct 19, 2000

hi, I am having a database in sql server 7.0. it has a web front end database. how can I grant access to the tables. do I create a guest logins in the security folder, then in the database user tab, I give access as read,write. Or there is another way to do it.


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DTS Hanging When Executed Via A Job

Feb 12, 2001

I created a simple DTS which executes a VB standard exe that simply writes a string to an ascii file opened as append. SQL Server, the exe, and the ascii file are all on the same NT box (mine). If I execute the DTS myself the process works with no problems. When I attempt to execute the DTS via a job the job hangs with no apparent indications as to what may be the cause of the hangup. The SQL Server Agent is up and running and set to run under the system account. I have applied SQL Server SP3. The same problem was occuring prior to applying SP3.

Does anybody have any idea? All sugestions are appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Rights On SP/Urgent

Feb 20, 2001

I have public and dbo rights on a sp.
I am trying to call this sp thru a EntityBean(Java).
But I am getting an error.
Can anyone tell me what all rights do I need to execute this stored proc.?

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User Rights

Nov 28, 2005

Hi All,

I have a user that should only have the rights to view the jobs and database properties within Enterprise Manager. I am not sure how to do that. Can you please help? Thanks.

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Users And Their Rights

Nov 20, 2006

Hi All,

I've restored the dev db from the prod backup which overwrote the users and their rights in dev db. Is there any way that I can find out what those rights were? I have the list of users in dev db but not their rights . Thanks.

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Question About DBA Rights

Apr 11, 2002

Here is a debated question:

Does the DBA need admin rights?

They are not responsible for the server, user accounts, software updates of any kind or odbc configurations. This is controlled by the LANWAN server support group.

With the assigned SYSADMIN role, service account as local administrator, they have NTFS permissions the the DATAApplication partition and rights to stop and start all related services to SQL.

They can also access event viewer, performance monitor and other MMC snap-ins as read only.

Can they do required functions?



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Why A DBA Needs Sa Access Rights

Jul 18, 2002

I remember seeing a document on this site a couple of years ago that explained reasons why a DBA needs sa access rights. I can go into BOL and generate a list of things you can only do with sa rights. However the article I am looking for was well written, much better than I could do.

My infrastructure team has decided that the DBA's and Sr. Developers will not have sa access rights. All schema changes, stored proc creation, view creation, database backups, maintenance plans, etc will go through their server engineers. They do not understand what they are getting into.

Does anyone have a nice document that would aid me in my efforts to convince the Infrastructure group to change their "new" policy?

Thanks for any info!!


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DBA Role And His Rights

Oct 24, 2001

Hi everybody,
I would like to get an input from as many people as possible on the following:
In our organization DBA is responsible for 5 servers ( currently NT 4/SQL 7)and is a part of group of a 5 people including manager and 3 developers.
DBA currently has a FULL access to every server.
In a few months we will be replacing the existing system with Windows 2000/SQL 2000.
LAN group will give to DBA only a read rights for the Windows 2000 environment, saying that the AUDITORS, both internal and external, require that. In other words, if DBA needs to run a command prompt, move files from one directory to another in Production environment, he has to fill the request to LAN, so LAN group would do that.
So I guess the main question(s) is:
What is the degree of involmment of DBA with Operating system?
Is DBA suppose to be an NT administrator ( I dont think so, since DBA has a lot of other thing to do?
If DBA accidently makes an unwanted changes to the Operating System, who should be blamed for ( not personally, but in more general terms) and would it be an extra argument to take write rights away from a DBA?
What auditors saying about that?
Thanks a lot in advance,

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Trace Executed SQL

Jun 29, 2004

Hi folks

Is there any (easy!) way in which I can see the SQL that has been executed. I'm using stored procs that create & execute other stored procs(via sp_executesql). At the early stages there are often trivial errors in the created procs that cause rather general exception messages that do not give much of a clue as to where the error is. (It's tedious to find these in the debugger) ... and was wondering if there's any trace output type option I can turn on to see what sql has been presented for execution.


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Rights Issue

Jan 14, 2005

How do I text base add my domain users group with full rights to my database. I am using teratrax to manage my database. This is what comes up when I click on new database user

-- Replace all lower case words with your own code.

EXECUTE SP_GRANTDBACCESS 'login', 'user_name'

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How To Get The Last Query Executed?

Feb 9, 2004

Hello, i have a trigger and i want to know the query that raised it, or want to retrieve the last executed query by the server. I think it's a hard question but i know that someone can help me... Thanks

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Begin End - Not Executed

May 14, 2008

hello, I have a big problem with a script.. some instructions seems to be not executed. I don't understand. If I execute line perline it's ok - but the entire block no.
Explain me and find the solution:




print 'end of script'



Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 9
Invalid column name 'ZoneUId'.

the error is on line:
UPDATE dbo.ACS_ACL SET ZoneUId = '000000001' WHERE ZoneUId IS NULL;

how is is possible because the preceding line is


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SQL Agent Rights

Jul 5, 2007

If I connect with SQL Management Studio to a server I cannot open or change SQL Agent jobs. (I can see them, but if I ask properties it opens a new job window).

At home I have no problem managing jobs.

I also cannot stop or start the SQL Agent.

What rights do I need? I am not in a domain, but with using the same username and password on my laptop as on the server and I have no problem connecting, add/changes databases and such.

There's no place like

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