I have been working with SSIS and find myself stopped on what seem like very basic tasks.
Am I right in thinking that, if you want to import a flat file into a SQL datatable, in most PC based systems, that you have to manually cast EVERY SINGLE COLUMN to unicode string, if you don't want to get the 'cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types'? I mean, this is surely a VERY COMMON task, taking a CR/LF delimited ASCII file and dumping it into a database tables? What if you have 50 fields to import?
Am I the only one who finds it very difficult to cast a string from a textfile to a date format? At this point, I always just dump the date to a 8 character string and save it that way, and use a SQL view to cast it to a date. At least SQL Server can do 'basic date conversions'. Is there any way to freeze execution and find out what data was provided to a derived column, if you're trying to do some substring operations and hodge together a date? I couldn't find any. I usually put a extra column in a datatable and plunk some data there to find out 'what it looked like', how else can you debug an SSIS program?
Is there a planned service pack or update to SSIS that will make this more usable? Does Microsoft ever intend to implement an UPSERT type module? Or a File Move operation that handles directories that fill up with log files, each of which have to be added to a datatable and then moved to an archive directory (surely, another very common task - I figured out how to accomplish this but it is far from intuitive, the way it currently works). Sorry for grumbling, but honestly, I find turnaround time to develop a very simple import program is RIDICULOUS. It's quicker to write a COBOL program to issue a bunch of formatted SQL UPDATE statements than using this application.
Hello all, this is my first post, I have a couple of basic questions regarding the use of SSIS. I have used SSIS for a couple of years for on off table loads but never implemented production jobs with it so please bear with these questions.
1. When making scripts that connect to one or more databases, is there a way to store the userid and password somewhere besides embedded within the package, such as a web.config file, this would make routine password changes much more manageble.
I guess it was only one question but any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've not touched SQL server programming since 1999. I have very littlememory of it and need some clarifications on some basic questions thatI could even use a book for. Until I get myself a good book, someoneplease help me with the answers:1) What are SQL functions and how are they different from storedprocedures? Do both of the programming objects not achieve the samething? What was the need of having one in addition to the other?2) How do we use an "if construct"/if clause within a SQL statement?Can we use conditional checking with the if construct within a storedprocedure? Can you please post a trivial example of a stored procedurewith an if clause?3) Stored procedures can have input parameters as well as outputparameters. Can they also have in/out parameters that are like "byreference" parameters? What's the syntax on Microsoft's T-SQL version?4) How does one check the return value of a stored procedure?Thanks for helping out.
Hi All,I am used to other SQL engines, and have a few basic questions--1)If I wanted to conditionally drop a table, does SQL Server have away to natively do this? Many SQL implementations will allowsomething like:CREATE OR REPLACE tablename ASSELECTx,y,zFROM sourcetable;Does SQL Server have something like this? This syntax, both the"create table as select" syntax and the "create or replace" syntaxseem to cause problems.2) Some of our existing queries have a keyword, "GO" where I wouldotherwise expect a semi-colon. Is there a functional differencebetween the two? I seem to be able to replace the "GO" keywords withsemi-colons without any changes in how the script behaves, but Ithought I would check and see if anyone has advice about thedifferences here.Thanks in advance,Ben
Im studying sql server clustering at the moment and have come across many points which confuses me. Can any SQL Clustering Guru clarify some of them for me or point me in the right direction. thanks.
1) Single Instance clustering now replaces Active/Passive clustering? If so, doesn't this mean the you cant run an 'Active/Active Cluster' by installing 2 instances of sql server on each node?
2) Multiple Instance clustering now replaces Active/Active clustering?
3) You can only have 1 instance of SQLSERVER on each node in a single instance cluster (2 nodes). However u have more than 1 sqlserver in a multiple instance cluster?
And last but not least, do u know where i can get the latest resources on sql server clustering? apart from microsoft.com. thanks.
I have two questions concerning formatting output in SQL.
I have a processer speed column that I would like to make usable. A sample entry is 2793, which I would like to be returned as '2.8 GHz'. I am using the following successfully, but when I try to append the ' GHz' it gives me a conversion error (I have tried putting both a cast and convert around the round statement). ROUND(CONVERT(DECIMAL,PCCPUSpeed_IN) / 1000,1) + ' GHz'
Secondly, I have a RAM colum that stores values such as 534753280. I would like the results to fallin into 64 Mb buckets. So values between 512000 & 532480 should return '512 Mb'. I realize I can do this using a CASE statement, but is there a better way?
I've done some basic database stuff with Access and ASP, but I have a client who has told me that he is in over his head and wants me to try getting his "mini CMS" site to work. He told me that he set everything up in Dreamweaver using ASP and "MSSQL"
I have never used what he calls: "MSSQL" before. Do I need software to create an "MSSQL" database? or is it all coded?
Also, one other question. The whole purpose of this site is to have Admin users log in to a page where they can edit the content of a page and upload it. If there is a large block of text, does it all reside in a field in the database, or would it be a link to a text file? kind of like linking to an image since images don't actually reside in the database.
I have created two tables and inserted the data using insert statements. The two tables that I have created are Automobile and Dealer_Info and have a 1:M relation from Dealer_Info > Automobile.
I am trying to list the Vehicle_Model and the number of times they are repeated, but when I run the code (below) the Count is inserted into an arbitrarily made up attribute (No column name). When that happens I cannot sort in DESC order.
I am using SQL(2000)
Select Vehicle_Model, Count(Vehicle_Model) from Automobile Group by (Vehicle_Model) Order by count(*) ;
Vehicle_Model (No column name) Escort 1 F150 4 Explorer 6 Taurus 12
I am new to SQL 2005, can someone give me some details instructions about how to do below two tasks:
All my developers are in a window domain user group, I need to grant dbo privileges to that domain group so then can do the their development work. The rule is all objects they create need to be owned by dbo not by there ID. ( I can€™t do it because I got €ś The €śDeafult_Schema clause cannot be used with a windows group€?) Same as above but this time they only need select permission on tables nothing else.
I'm new to using SQL server and have a few setup questions. I'm setting up a database for the company I work for. Should I setup a different database for each division in our company (e.g. accounting, project management, estimating, etc.), or should I use just one database? It seems like it would be easier to use one database so I only have to use one connection, but is this ideal? I want all the info from the different divisions to be used together, but at this point I'm confused as to how to connect different databases together, if I were to go this way.
Hi. I'm reading about encryption and not totally up-to-speed on what the Service Master Key is all about...
Let me paraphrase this book: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance Training Kit by Microsoft Press, while I ask questions... ___________________________________________________________
The database engine uses the Service Master Key to encrypt... - Linked server passwords (example?) - Connection Strings (example?) - Account credentials (example?) - All database master keys
You should back up the Service Master Key and store it offsite. (Even if I never plan to use encryption?)
ALTER SERVICE MASTER KEY REGENERATE regenerates the service master key. (Is it building a completely different key, or regenerating the original?) (Why would I want to regenerate it?) (Does this void all database master keys encrypted by the original Service Master Key?) (If so, do I regenerate all database master keys voided by the regeneration?)
A database master key is optional. (So if I have Server A with encrypted database A, that I want to restore to Server B, I need the following items to perform restore? - a backup of database A - the Service Master Key of A at time of backup - associated password of Service Master Key at time of backup)
We have a small Ethernet LAN running SBS 2003 R2. I have installed SQL Server 2005 that came with that release on the server. I did not specify a named instance.
1) What is the name of the default instance?
2) When I go to a client computer I cannot see the SQL server instance.
For example on my PC I have VS2005. If I go to Server Explorer, all I see is the local copy of SQL Server 2005 Express I have installed on my PC. I see nothing for the server. Does the server need configuring within SQL Server to allow this. Do I need to change permisions on the folders where the SQL Server 2005 files are stored.
In short, what basic steps do I need to follow to get acces to SQL Server on my server from a client.
3) If I want to create a new named instance, do I have to do Run the whole setup again? There appears to be no managemnt tool for instances of SQL server.
I really confused , I wanna get an rowid on sql 2000 table so I have created a sproc and it's syntax is OK How can I check it on sql query analyzer? this sql server 2000 Also How can I use that in select statement?
here is my select statement which I have to use sproc inside select custid,ordernum,sku,amount, dbo.get_rownums (custid,ordernum,sku ) ??? from tp_cod cod
here is my sproc: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[get_rownums] @custid as varchar(10),@ordernum as varchar(5),@sku as varchar(10) , @i as int output AS BEGIN DECLARE @SkuID as varchar(10) --DECLARE @i as int DECLARE got_sku CURSOR FOR Select sku from tp_cod where custid=@custid and ordernum=@ordernum set nocount on set @i=0 OPEN got_sku FETCH NEXT FROM got_sku INTO @SkuID WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN Set @i =@i + 1 if @SkuID=@sku begin return @i end else begin FETCH NEXT FROM got_sku INTO @SkuID end END CLOSE got_sku DEALLOCATE got_sku END GO
Greetings! I am writing a proof of concept ASP.net application for my employer and I have run into a couple perplexing issues. First off, In my Page_Load event I have the following code. txOTHrs.Attributes["onBlur"] = "return calculateTotal(this)"; The onblur event handler is coded as follows function calculateTotal(tb) { var regHrs = document.getElementById ("txRegHrs").value; var otHrs = document.getElementById("txOtHrs").value; var rate = document.getElementById("txRate").value; var regAmt = rate * regHrs; var otAmt= rate * ( otHrs * 1.5 ); var total = otAmt + regAmt; document.getElementById("txTotal").value = total; } Everything seems to work fine. The onBlur event is handled and, as I expect the value in the txTotal text box is updated correctly. The problem occurs when I try to access that value in the codebehind page. When ever I look at txTotal.Text in the debugger it is always blank. This has left me scratching my head as I can clearly see a value on the web page. Have I missed some step where I have to notify the server that a value in the control has changed ?
My second question is, I hope a very easy one to answer. In WinForms when I have a dataset I can access the individual rows ( in an untyped dataset ) by speficying dataset.tables["tableName"].Rows[index]. Is there any similar mechanism for accessing the individual rows, and fields in the SqlDataSource object in ASP.net ?
Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated!!
Lets say I want to create several flat files - one file for each row returned by a sql query. Source data resides in SQL.
In short, my problem is a "reverse" of the many examples out there where data originates from multiple flat files into a SQL database. I want to go from SQL to multiple flat files.
I suppose this means I need a dynamic flat file connection string ... but I'm really stuck. Please help.
I'm writing a very basic SSIS job using VS2005, SQL2005 SP2
The job consists of 2 control flow items an XML Transfer which works fine, and an Execute SQL Task which performs the following: Update DVD.Library Set Title = CASE When Title like 'The %' THEN (SUBSTRING(Title, 5, 255) + ', The') When Title like 'An %' THEN (SUBSTRING(Title, 4, 255) + ', An') When Title like 'A %' THEN (SUBSTRING(Title, 3, 255) + ', A') Else Title END;
The error is: [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "" failed with the following error: "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {7816B7A3-CD60-4539-BD38-C35AFC61F200} failed due to the following error: 80040154.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
The book from which I've taken the sample says nothing about setting the Resultset, connection or parameters properties. Any guidance would be appreciated.
I am looking for feedback, I am an evil DBA comfortable with DTS and currently using SSIS, but looking to use SSIS to it full potential. I am in serious need of a book that details VB or C#.
I do not want to use the old methods from 2000. Appreciate any suggestions.
Currently have WROX 'Professional SQL Server 2005 Integration Services', but alas limited VB use. I have a need to understand the background operations taht only VB or C# could provide.
I am using SAS Dataset and loading in to SQL server 2005.Now i want to delete columns which have 0 values and null values.Can anyone guide me how to do this?thank you.
I was wondering if anyone know how to do Dynamic Properties Tasks in SSIS? And, does anyone know how to create a global database in SSIS so I won't have to change all of the database names in my package? I'm sorry, I'm new to SSIS and I'm just really frustrated. Thank you.
I realize that I am confused about SSIS and security.
In BIDS, I work on and modify my packages. That part I understand. Then, I want to build my project, then deploy to SQL Server 2005. I know how to do that too (for the most part, please see below):
My confusion arises around the "Protection Level" options in the package properties. Right now I have everything set to "EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey". My understanding is that I need to change this in order to run my packages from SQL Server jobs, because only the creator of the package can currently run the job.
So my question is, since I want to deploy to SQL Server, don't I want to change the "Protection Level" to "ServerStorage"?
However, it will not let me change the protection level to ServerStorage. It says "The protection level, ServerStorage, cannot be used when saving to this destination"... presumably because it is attempting to save to the file system.
However, even when I built out my packages and saved to SQL Server, I could not change the protection level either.
Which is why I am really confused... Once you save your packages to SQL Server, how do you make changes to the packages, so that the changes are reflected in the packages stored on SQL Server?
There is some concept I am not understanding here.
Please write YES/NO against point number in your answer i.e. for example:
1) YES, 2) YES, 3) NO, 4) YES etc.
We have source SQL Server 200 databases in one instance and target SQL Server 2005 in another instance both being on different windows 2000 server systems.
Target OLAP DB design is derived from source OLTP.
Most master & transaction tables are as is but some target tables are a result of merging source tables.
We need to do SSIS packages based migration using data flow task based on column mapping & queries using Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). There are no transformations required.
1) Can I group packages under project into sub-groups i.e. super packages?
2) Can I execute a set of packages together which are logically/physically grouped?
3) Can we execute set of ordered packages/individual packages from command line and even stored procedure?
4) Can we maintain transaction integrity across the entire set of ordered packages we execute?
5) Can we send a mail to mail id(s) in case of events like OnError etc.
6) Can we schedule the packages?
7) Does SSIS provide via BIDS a way to compare data in source with target to decide what got inserted/deleted/updated and based on that do the necessary?
8) Can SSIS packages be developed including code for data encryption?
9) Can we pass parameters to packages that get called from stored procedure?
10) Can we call stored procedure/function in SSIS package?
I am using SSIS with Transaction, and I met a lot of questions as below:
1.IF DTC doesn't support ADO.NET Connection?
Please check the ADO.net Connection's property, it has a property named like: DTCTrancactionSupport. But it's always set to False and unable to edit.
IF the answer is NO, HOW could I bound all my Tasks into one Transaction? You know, I have some Tasks with SQL connection, and I have also some Script Tasks, witch need the ADO.net connection.
2.IF DTC required to run in both the Destination Server and the Source Server?
I have a Dataflow Task, and take some data from a table in a Source Server to a Destination Server. The DTC doesn't run on the Source Server. I found the Dataflow Task hangs when I use the SSIS Transaction(just set the Task's transactionOpion to Required, Only one Task in the Package).
3.IF DTC doesn't support RetainSameConnection?
Many people say that. Really?
4.When a DTC transaction is running, if the table in it could not be modified by process outside of the transaction? For example, a package with a DTC transaction, and there is a SQL Task inside, when it is running, could I modified the same table's data manually(in the Sql Sever Management Studio)?
The following is a list of questions that I have not been able to obtain concrete answers. I am probably missing something: 1) ReadWriteVariables -- can the updated value for a ReadWriteVariable be accessed within the same data flow? It appears not as I think the PostExecute() fires at the completion of the data flow not the end of the Script Component. Secondarily, the Script Component is a non-blocking transformation so the component does not "see" the end of the pipeline prior to sending data down stream.
2) Record Count -- Because of #1 above, How could you calculate a record count for a data stream? It does not appear that one can calculate the number of records for a data stream within a data flow and then access the count from within the same data flow.
3) FinishOutputs() -- Is the concept of FinishOutputs() applicable to Script Component Destinations? Asked another way, is FinishOutputs() executed at the end of the data stream regardless of whether there are "real" outputs for the component? I can create a "Dummy" output to create FinishOutputs() but is this ok?
4) Script Component -- It appears that the Script Component Source, Transformation or Destination are really defined based on the columns defined in "Inputs and Outputs". Can you convert an Source script component to a transformation script component by simply adding an Output?
Sorry for these basic questions but I am not getting it completely. As you can tell...