The Column bDebit has either value '0' or value '1' in it ('0' being debit - positive amount, and '1' - credit, negative amount).
I would like it to show the net amount for each account. Therefore in plain English I would like to take all GLCodes that are the same (eg 6843000701) and sum all amounts that have debit value of '0' and subtract all amounts that have debit value '1'. Therefore I would only see '6843000701' code once, and the amount would be '0' becase 600 - 600 = 0.
The current query is:
SELECT dbo.tbGLTransactions.lLedgerCode, dbo.tbGLTransactions.sGLCode, dbo.tbGLTransactions.bDebit, SUM(curAmount)As TotalSum, dbo.tbLedgerCode.sGLDesc
FROM dbo.tbGLTransactions
INNER JOIN dbo.tbLedgerCode
on dbo.tbGLTransactions.lLedgerCode = dbo.tbLedgerCode.lLedgerCode
WHERE dbo.tbGLTransactions.lGLExtractRun = '452'
Group By dbo.tbGLTransactions.lLedgerCode, dbo.tbGLTransactions.sGLCode, dbo.tbGLTransactions.bDebit, dbo.tbLedgerCode.sGLDesc
Order By dbo.tbGLTransactions.bDebit, dbo.tbLedgerCode.sGLDesc
Is someone able to help me as to how i need to modify this query to get the desired result?
Hi experts,I am working on SQL server 2005 reporting services and i am getting aproblem in writting a query.Situation is given below.There is one table in database Named ChildNow i have to find the All childrens whoes Age is 13 years Base onSome given parameter.If User select Augus 2007 then It has to calculate the Childs who bornin August 1994 And if he select September Then queryshould show only those child Who born in September 1994 and soon..... And use can select another year month also likeAugust 2009 ...I am writting the following querySelect Child_Name, DOb from Childwhere ((CONVERT(DateTime, A.Date_Of_Birth, 103) >= @ Parameter1And (CONVERT(DateTime, A.Date_Of_Birth, 103) <= @Parameter2)If i know already month and year then i can write easily parameter1and parameter2 But since these are comming from user so i m notfinding how to handle this.Now please suggest me what i have to write in Where statement I thinka lot but not getting any idea about it.Any help wil be appriciated.RegardsDinesh
Hello experts! After surfing this forum and reading many articles in the web I still haven't succeeded with a certain calculation that I need to perform. Thus I wanted to address you to ask if you could help me on this one:
I have 3 tables in a SQL Server 2005 DB and want to carry out the following calaculation:
[sum of lmenge/lmenge]* [1/werksmassFM]*p_transpreis
However, whatever I attempt to do, it seems to fail! I am quite a newbe and was never focussed with such comprehensive statements before. I would appreciate any help!
My statement looks like this so far (without the calculation):
SELECT l.bestellnr, l.lfsnr, l.ziel, l.lfs_refnr, l.lfsGuid, CONVERT(NUMERIC(9, 3), l.werksmassFM) AS werksmassFM, ls.lmenge, ls.pguid_ref, p.punktName, p.holzart, CONVERT(NUMERIC(9, 2), p.laenge) AS laenge, CONVERT(NUMERIC(9, 2), p.p_transpreis) AS p_transpreis FROM dbo.lfs AS l INNER JOIN dbo.lfs_sub AS ls ON l.lfsGuid = ls.lfsGuid_ref INNER JOIN dbo.polter AS p ON ls.pguid_ref = p.pguid WHERE (l.lfsnr LIKE '%1253')
Now each table holds different measures e.g. 326, 229 & 278. I would like to subtract the measure_value of 229 from 278 and then add the measure_value from 278 from this. e.g
(326-229) + 278 = new measure_value.
This is for each id-product where the following 3 conditions meet:
the ID_PRODUCT, ID_MARKET AND ID_BUCKET match. Im lost, any help would be great.
p.s this what i have started with at the moment as a test however it dont work.
Situation: In this stored procedure, I have to calculate in some manner: Font, FontSize, BoldText, ShowBox and number of characters to see how many lines it will take on a Crystal Report. Wondering if you have seen some like this on Web or have an ideas? Measurements(length, width) and character count seem appropriate. How about a function?
Hello all, I am writing Stored Procedure to perform various kind of search on Database Tables. I having requirement like Exact Phrase,Any of the word,All Words and Refine search. I am using Full text Queries for this. I am stuck with "All Words" search query. Can anyone please guide me how to write query to perform this kind of search. Below is the little elaboration about All words search.
Query should return all the results which contain all the words from search phrase irrespective of order. e.g. if i search am searhing "Green House Effect" phrase then query should return all the records which having these three words in any order. like Green fds dfasd House fdsd fdsdf Effect or House fds fds Green Fd fds Effect or Effect fsda fdsa Green fd fdsa HOuse. all the records selected by query must have all words exist in any order. Suggest me the logic or query or any SQL Server keyword which i can use for this. Please do the needful ASAP. Thanks.
Hi, I need a query to get the index names of particular tables. for eg.. i have some tables like emp_data,emp_job....etc..Now i want to find all indexe names for those tablenames that starts with emp........ Plz help me...
I have a Issue table which stores the below data for many issue. some issue are duplicate to other and they are stored in a field Duplicate_of
ID Duplicate_of State
77637 65702 Duplicate
65702 42217 Duplicate
42217 - Verified
i wanted to write a query or some stored procedure when passed 77637 should help me get 42217.
Hint : 77637 when passed has field Duplicate_of which point to 65702 and his state will be Duplicate, 65702 will be duplicate to 42217 and state will be duplicate and 44217 is not duplicate to anything and state will be other then Duplicate
i appreciate if somebody can help me think in some line to give me some idea.
I have a Issue table which stores the below data for many issue. some issue are duplicate to other and they are stored in a field Duplicate_of
ID Duplicate_of State
77637 65702 Duplicate
65702 42217 Duplicate
42217 - Verified
i wanted to write a query or some stored procedure when passed 77637 should help me get 42217.
Hint : 77637 when passed has field Duplicate_of which point to 65702 and his state will be Duplicate, 65702 will be duplicate to 42217 and state will be duplicate and 44217 is not duplicate to anything and state will be other then Duplicate
i appreciate if somebody can help me think in some line to give me some idea.
I have created calcalated measures in a SQL Server 2012 SSAS multi dimensional model by creating empty measures in the cube and use scope statements to fill the calculation.
(so I can use measure security on calculations
as explained here )
SCOPE [Measures].[C];
THIS = IIF([B]=0,0,[Measures].[A]/[Measures].[B]);
Hello Friends I have 3 tables 1) Product Id, ShortName 2) IncomingStockId, ProductId, Quantity, InDate 3) OutGoingStock Id, OutDate, ProductId, Quantity I need to get the results like thisProduct name, quantity in stock today the "quantity in stock today" = sum (quantity recieved) -sum (quantity sent) Thank you for your timeSara
how do i calculate something like this if I have the table with names and count? Name Count Percent Name1 27 4.69% Name2 2 0.35% .... Totals 576 100.00%
I'm trying to run a dyncamic query that returns all records within a specific distance of a certain point. The longitude and latitude of each record is stored in the database. The query is constructed from two dynamic variables $StartLatitude and $StartLongitude with represent the starting point.
It runs fine until I add the 'HAVING (Distance <= 150)' clause, in which I recieve the error: Invalid column name 'Distance' It seems that Distance cannot be referenced in the HAVING clause.
I was trying to calculate GPA and Commulative GPA (CGPA) for this student and the formula of GPA is SUM(Honor)/SUM(CREDIT) and the formula of the CGPA is the Average of the SUM(Honor)/SUM(CREDIT) grouped by semester and I wrote the below query which is calculating the GPA correctly but wrongly calculating the CGPA.
How to get the correct CGPA shown in the below desired result set table.
i have 3 question : 1. CAN MY MICROSOFT ACCESS Database imported to sql server 2005 ? 2. can i add field for queries with custom calculation like field 1*fiedld 2. like access can do? 3. is that any wizard to do no 1 and 2?
i have 3 question : 1. CAN MY MICROSOFT ACCESS Database imported to sql server 2005 ? 2. can i add field for queries with custom calculation like field 1*fiedld 2. like access can do? 3. is that any wizard to do no 1 and 2?
This is my syntax, and if I print the value that is stored in each variable @goodtries = 120 @badtries = 25 but when I run the syntax below it gives me 0.00
Declare @goodtries as int, @badtries as int select @goodtries = convert(decimal(18,4),count(userID)) from table1 WHERE logintype IN ('Valid', 'Success') select @badtries = convert(decimal(18,4),count(userID))
I'm really stumped on this one. I'm a self taught SQL guy, so there is probobly something I'm overlooking.
I'm trying to get information like this in to a report:
WO# -WO Line # --(Details) --Work Order Line Detail #1 --Work Order Line Detail #2 --Work Order Line Detail #3 --Work Order Line Detail #etc --(Parts) --Work Order Line Parts #1 --Work Order Line Parts #2 --Work Order Line Detail #etc WO# -WO Line # --(Details) --Work Order Line Detail #1 --Work Order Line Detail #2 --Work Order Line Detail #3 --Work Order Line Detail #etc --(Parts) --Work Order Line Parts #1 --Work Order Line Parts #2 --Work Order Line Parts #etc
I'm unable to get the grouping right on this. Since the line details and line parts both are children of the line #, how do you do "parallel groups"?
There are 4 tables:
Work Order Header Work Order Line Work Order Line Details Work Order Line Requisitions
The Header has a unique PK. The Line uses the Header and a Line # as foreign keys that together are unique. The Detail and requisition tables use the header and line #'s in addition to their own line number foreign keys. My queries ends up looking like this:
It probobly isn't best practice, but I'm kinda new so I need some guidance. I'd really appreciate any help! Here's my query:
SELECT [Work Order Header].No_ AS WO_No, [Work Order Line].[Line No_] AS WOL_No, [Work Order Requisition].[Line No_] AS WOLR_No, [Work Order Line Detail].[Line No_] AS WOLD_No FROM [Work Order Header] LEFT OUTER JOIN [Work Order Line] ON [Work Order Header].No_ = [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] LEFT OUTER JOIN [Work Order Line Detail] ON [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] = [Work Order Line Detail].[Work Order No_] AND [Work Order Line].[Line No_] = [Work Order Line Detail].[Work Order Line No_] LEFT OUTER JOIN [Work Order Requisition] ON [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] = [Work Order Requisition].[Work Order No_] AND [Work Order Line].[Line No_] = [Work Order Requisition].[Work Order Line No_]
i have marked in bold the query in question ..whch gives me the the runtime error mentioned at the below , i double checked everything all the table names and the field names are correct so whats the problem , please anyone??im really stumped! if (Radio_Btn_Book.Checked == true) { string book_query = "update Issue_Book_Reserve I set I.Issue_Book_Reserve_state = 1 where I.Book_Id = Books.Book_Id and Books.Book_Name = '" + Session["Book_name"].ToString()+"'"; SqlCommand Cmd_book = new SqlCommand(book_query, con); con.Open(); Cmd_book.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } ERROR: The column prefix 'Books' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.The column prefix 'Books' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
Hi, TABLES (Association CONTAINS COLUMNS AssociationID), (Group CONTAINS COLUMNS GroupID, GroupName, AssociationID), (GroupMembers CONTAINS COLUMNS GroupID, GroupMemberID, UserprofileID, DateCreated, DateRemoved), (UserProfiles CONTAINS COLUMNS UserProfileID, UserID), (AllUsers CONTAINS COLUMNS UserID, FirstName, LastName) I am trying to write a query to collect information about from the tables. I need to collect all the Users who are not members of Group A in Association I. Note that Users can belong to more than one group and have more than one profile. I would appreciate it if you could help me figure out how to deal with this logic. Thanks in Advance
Hi I have a function which returns the periodId from the period table and the function is as follows: ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_Quarter] (@Date datetime) RETURNS int AS
DECLARE @month int SET @month = Month(@Date) RETURN CASE WHEN @month BETWEEN 1 AND 3 THEN 5 WHEN @month BETWEEN 4 AND 6 THEN 6 WHEN @month BETWEEN 7 AND 9 THEN 7 WHEN @month BETWEEN 10 AND 12 THEN 8 END END Which works fine but i want to do the following with it. We produce quarterly statements.. So the user comes in jan or the begining of Feb to upload and process and order Statements from 10/31 to 12/31 the the 4 quarter data.. So Is there a way i can check if the user orders the statement in between jan and feb it has to reture PeriodId 5.
I have three parameters called @rsLengthofservice, @rsLengthofServicematch and @rsLenghtofservicePS. How do i check if all the three parameters have the same value.. Any help will be appreciated.. Regards, Karen
Hi, I have this query SELECT o.OrderId, o.OrderDate, o.CreatedByUserId, c.LoginId, o.Quantity, o.RequiredDeliveryDate, cp.PlanId, cp.ClientPlanId --cp.ClientId FROM [Order] o Inner Join Plan cp on o.PlanId = cp.PlanId and o.CreatedByUserId = cp.UserId Inner Join User c on o.CreatedByUserId = c.UserId WHERE --cp.ClientId = @ClientId --AND o.OrderDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate ORDER BY o.OrderId DESC Which gives the list of order from the start date to the end date..but it doesnt List the orders which are some mins apart. For eg. 16524/24/2008 10:48:05 AM4252840 16534/25/2008 10:15:42 AM378550 16544/25/2008 10:51:24 AM3147110 16614/25/2008 1:35:54 PM425045 16624/25/2008 2:30:43 PM4174387130 16634/25/2008 2:47:14 PM154825 16644/25/2008 2:49:10 PM265085 it listed order no. 1652 and 1654 but not 1653 and in the next 4 it didnt list 1663.. why is this happening.. I am using a reports in the report server. any help will be appreciated. Regards,Karen
my app contains one form (aspx) and it has different controls to be filled by user (textbox,radiobutton ..etc)it has one button which i want to use to pass values entered in these controls to other page and do some queries to sql server there (2nd page)Now the thing is controls can have NULL values user could enter just one parameter and hit button or user can fill 2 parameter and hit enter so on the other hand (2nd page) how should i query the database accordingly ....
I have some data that looks like this: field1(pk) field2 field3 563136 199535840A D2119562408 199615461C D2119562806 199748610A D2119547463 199748610A D2368562278 200255598A D2368562286 200255598A D2468 Field2 can have the same value. What I need is to return all records where field3 is not 'D2468' ever for field2. So with the above data, I'd want the first 4 records returned, but not 5 and 6 because for those field2 is the same value and in 6, field3 is 'D2468'. So, I can't simply say: SELECT a.field2FROM table1 a inner join table2 b on a.field2 = b.field2 and a.field5 = b.field5where a.field3 not like 'D2468' because it will still return record 5. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you!
I need help here. I have two queries one on each server and one does not work the way it should be. Can some help me here in figuring out if both these queries are same or no. If there is any difference, what is causing that difference. Thanks
Query1: SELECT Shipment.CountryCd, Shipment.City, Shipment.State, Shipment.CountyName,Shipment.Zip, Shipment.WarehouseCd, Phone FROM Orders INNER JOIN ((NewWarehouse INNER JOIN Shipment ON NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = Shipment.WarehouseCd) INNER JOIN WarehouseCurrency ON NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = WarehouseCurrency.WarehouseCd) INNER JOIN Warehouse ON (Shipment.CountryCd = Warehouse.CountryCd) AND (NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = Warehouse.WarehouseCd)) ON Orders.OrderNum = Shipment.OrderNum WHERE BE = 5 AND AddressTy = 1 AND WarehouseCurrency.CurrencyCd ='USD' AND Active = -1 GROUP BY Shipment.CountryCd, Shipment.City, Shipment.State, Shipment.CountyName, Shipment.Zip, Shipment.WarehouseCd, Phone ORDER BY Min(Shipment.OrderNum) DESC)
Query 2: (This is working) SELECT Shipment.CountryCd, Shipment.City, Shipment.State, Shipment.Zip, Shipment.WarehouseCd, Shipment.Phone, Shipment.CountyName FROM ((Orders INNER JOIN (NewWarehouse
INNER JOIN Shipment ON NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = Shipment.WarehouseCd) ON Orders.OrderNum = Shipment.OrderNum) INNER JOIN WarehouseCurrency ON NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = WarehouseCurrency.WarehouseCd) INNER JOIN Warehouse ON (NewWarehouse.WarehouseCd = Warehouse.WarehouseCd) AND (Shipment.CountryCd = Warehouse.CountryCd) WHERE (((Orders.BE)=5) AND ((Shipment.AddressTy)=1) AND ((WarehouseCurrency.CurrencyCd)='USD') AND ((NewWarehouse.Active)=-1)) GROUP BY Shipment.CountryCd, Shipment.City, Shipment.State, Shipment.Zip, Shipment.WarehouseCd, Shipment.Phone, Shipment.CountyName ORDER BY Min(Shipment.OrderNum) DESC
I am sorry I am not that good in sql as some of you may be. Thanks.
I have 2 tables: Table1 has a field [Description](varchar) 100 Table2 has a field [IDDescription] int and field [Description] varchar(100)
In table 2 I have IDDescription store but some time also description wich is not store in table2 I need to pull all description (if it is from table2 or table1). How do I do this?
I have a query that need to do something like this.
About the data: --------------- I have a rules table which has got all the rules, and a log table that has the logs which says whether the rules are satisfied or not over a point of time.
select rules, sum(decode(status,'pass','1')) as passed, sum(decode(status,'fail',1)) as failed from rulestable,logstable where
Lets say i have 2 tables. One called 'Leads' and the other called 'Sales_Reps'. When a new lead comes in would like to assign it to the sales rep who has the least number of active leads. If there is a tie, I'll just assign it alphabetically between the sales reps who are tied with the least.
Can someone point me in the right direction here? I would assume I'd need to do some sort of select count, but I'm not sure how to begin.