Someone Can Give A Litgh? - Field Type

May 17, 2004

Hi Everybody,

In a table theres a field for store real values, the database, using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager
and execute query as 'select * from' and it return the value
'15,35' just like stored before, why using Delphi via an ADO conection
in my result set there is a '15,3500003814697' value if in the record time
the inputed value was '15,35'?
What I have doing wrong?
Thanks for attention

Leonardo Almeida

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Someone Can Give A Litgh?

May 17, 2004

Hi Everybody,

In a table theres a field for store real values, the database, using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager
and execute query as 'select * from' and it return the value
'15,35' just like stored before, why using Delphi via an ADO conection
in my result set there is a '15,3500003814697' value if in the record time
the inputed value was '15,35'?
What I have doing wrong?

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Create A Query That Will Give Result Set Containing Primary Order On Type

May 14, 2012

I have a table with plant types and plant names. Certain plants are grouped on a custom field, currently called Field. I am trying to create a query that will give me a result set containing the primary order on Type, but need items with the same 'Field' value grouped by each other.For example, the following shows a standard query result with "order by Type", ie select * from plants order by Type

ID Type Name Field
1 Type1Name1(group1)
2 Type2Name2(group2) -group2
3 Type3Name3(group3)
4 Type4Name4(group4)
5 Type5Name5(group2) -group2
6 Type6Name6(group6)

But I want it to look like this, with fields of the same value located next to each other in the result set (but still initially ordered by Type)

1 Type1Name1(group1)
2 Type2Name2(group2) -group2
5 Type5Name5(group2) -group2
3 Type3Name3(group3)
4 Type4Name4(group4)
6 Type6Name6(group6)

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Give The Dollar Or Euro Symbol For Amount Field

Apr 9, 2008


I have amount field in my table as decimal. I need a query to display the amount with dollar or euro symbol based on country selection. The country also in same table.

For example If country is US then Amount $1200, If country is UK then Amount €1200.

Thanks in advance.

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Integration Services :: Loading Datetime Field Give Wrong Dates In SSIS

May 30, 2015

I am using Sql Server 2012. I have a table which has a field as Datetime (it is a table in Dynamics CRM 2011 so I have no control of the data type). Say this field is called BisStartDate. If I run this query in management studio.

BisStartDate, BisStartDateutc
from myTable
where _bisnumber=10375

I will get:

BisStartDate                                             BisStartDateutc               

2014-07-29 00:00:00.000                      2014-07-29 05:00:00.000

*in CRM, datetime is saved in 2 fields, one is the current time, the other one is the utc time.

You can see the offset  between the datetime and utc is 5 hours.

However when the same statement was running inside a SSIS package on the server, the result returned is:

BisStartDate                                             BisStartDateutc               

2014-07-28 23:00:00.0000000            2014-07-29 05:00:00.000

And if I do


I will get -5 if I run it in ManagementStudio and -6 is running on server package(running inside VisualStudio will be -5, same as running a query in ManagementStudio).

I think when the record was saved, “date” is 5 hours offset to UTC time but now the system use the current utc offset which is 6 hours. I just want to use the BisStartDate as it is. How do I let the SSIS turn off the conversion.

The same datatime is saved in another system then we compare them to check the data entry. Now because of this one hour difference, sometime the Day will be different.

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How To Convert Datetime Field To A Date Field So Excel Recognize It As Data Type

May 17, 2015

I embedded a SQL query in excel that gets some datetime fields like "TASK_FINISH_DATE" .

How can I convert a datetime field to a date field in SQL in a way that excel will recognize it as a date type and not a text type?

I tried:

**all of the above returned text objectes in excel and not date objects.

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Informix Date Type Field To SQL Server Datetime Field Error

Oct 17, 2007

I am trying to drag data from Informix to Sql Server. When I kick off the package
using an OLE DB Source and a SQL Server Destination, I get DT_DBDATE to DT_DBTIMESTAMP
errors on two fields from Informix which are date data timestamp part

I tried a couple of things:

Created a view of the Informix table where I cast the date fields as datetime year to fraction(5), which failed.

Altered the view to convert the date fields to char(10) with the hopes that SQL Server would implicitly cast them
as datetime but it failed.

What options do I have that will work?

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What Should B The Field Type

Nov 7, 2004

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 on windows 2000 Professional OS.

I want to make a field having capacity of 100,000 characters. What datatype should be best for this requirement.

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About SQL Field Type

Jul 23, 2005

Hi FriendsI have question.I connected oracle and MS access tables(via Delphi7).I wanna get type of field in indicated table. For example if it isinteger or boolean e.t.cPlease tell me the SQL function or whatever that retrievs type of field.Thanks*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Sum Of A Field That Has A Type Varchar

Mar 28, 2007

Hi guys
        I need immediate help with a query that I am trying to write. I want to sum the values in a query but the field has a type of varchar and it has decimal numbers too. So if I do the query something like that, that converts the field to int, I get the error message.
I tried converting it into real or float but I get error message on that too. I need help with adding the calculatedValues and getting there sum. I would appreciate any help with that.
Select SUM(Convert(int, calculatedValue))
from monitor.dbo.monHistory
where LocalTimeWithoutDst > '8/26/06' and LocalTimeWithoutDst < '8/28/06'
This is the error message I recieve:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '274.2' to data type int.

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Updating A Field Of Type Bit

Aug 4, 2004

I want to update a field in my table whose value is a 0, to a value 1. This field is of type bit and here is the SP that I wrote to achieve this. Somhow, its giving some error when I tried executing it in the Query Analyzer. What am I doing wrong here??

@SiteCode smallint,
@YearMonth int

DECLARE @Active bit
IF ( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CabsSchedule WHERE YearMonth = @YearMonth AND SiteCode = @SiteCode) > 0 )
UPDATE CabsSchedule
SET Active=1
WHERE SiteCode=@SiteCode AND YearMonth=@YearMonth


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Contains Keyword For Integer Field Type

Feb 17, 2007

I have a field ID of type integer, I want to put two numbers in that field: 3 and 7, so what I do is just store the number 37.Now, is there a command in SQL server which checks if the ID field contains a number I look for, say 7.Something like a CONTAINS keyword...If there is, could someone please tell me what it is AND tell me a bit more about it :memory usage, (dis)advantages etc.

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Save SQL XML Field Type To A Xml File

Jul 14, 2007

Hi, I have a table which holds raw xml in a field with type XML. How do I export that XML field to an XML file? Thanks Bones 

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SQL Datetime Field Type Command Help??

Jan 15, 2008

I am new to, C#, and sql server, coming from php and ODBC/Access background (trying to leave all that behind) Anyway, I have a textbox that will be used to INSERT a date into a SQL datetime field. The date coming from the textbox will be formatted like "MM/dd/yyyy". For my purposes the day, month, and year are all that I require, the time is irrelevant. Then from a different page in the site I will be using a variable containing the current date derived from "DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")" to select records with a matching date. Is there anyone that has an example showing both inserting into a datetime field and extracting records based off the date format that I have specified? Would it be better to use a different format? In the past I have stored dates as a julian in an int field type but I would rather learn to use the datetime field type in sql. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Duration Data Field Type

Mar 17, 2008

Hi, I want to store a time duration such as 1:30 (mm:ss), 1:00, or 1:23 in a SQL 2005 database.  What is the best data field type for this data?  DateTime or TimeStamp?  Thanks 

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Word Doc In Image Field Type

Feb 25, 2005


I was wondering if someone can help me with is problem.

I have uploaded word docs to the db which is fine. The problem is viewing. I can view then as word documents but the boss does not want the files opened in word.

Is it possable to retrieve the file from from the db and put into say a textbox or lable.

I can see the letter P using this code

Dim Doc() As Byte = New Byte(Convert.ToInt32(0)) {}
Dim bytesReceived As Long = DBContent.GetBytes(0, 0, Doc, 0, Doc.Length)

Dim encoding As ASCIIEncoding = New ASCIIEncoding
lblTest.Text = encoding.GetString(Doc, 0, Convert.ToInt32(bytesReceived)).ToString

Can any help


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About The Type Field : Datetime And Smalldatetime

Feb 4, 2006

hi all, the field type :datetime and smalldatetime,  i still can't understand.everytime when i inserted the data to the db, i also get the error message "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value."i must change the field type to string, so that i can insert data my codetxt_datetime.text = '5/2/2006'insert into datetime (datetime) values ('"& txt_datetime.text & "')"can anybody tell me the reason???thank you!!

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Table Field Data Type

Jul 9, 2004

I have a field with exam scores. 77, 89.5 ect. range :0-100

What datatype shall I use?

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SQL Server Field Type Designation

Dec 29, 2004

Is there a data type in SQL Server for entering hyperlinks to websites? MS Access has a hyperlink data type but I can't find a corresponding SQL Server data type which I can use.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Case For Field Type

Jun 7, 2014

Is there an easy way to send back to my C# program the pascal case of a field type? If you get the parameters or columns for a table or procedure the type is in all lowercase (varchar instead of VarChar). But in C#, it is in an enum (SqlDbType) that has the variables as mixed case so you can't compare them and just pass the type. You need to figure out what the case should be - varchar should be VarChar and bigint should be BigInt.

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What Should Be Data Type Of Password Field

Sep 8, 2013

What should be data type of password field?

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Zipped Data In Sql Field: What Type?

Jan 31, 2007

I want to zip up some HTML and store it a field. 2 questions:

1: Are there any sample scripts available for this, I haven't found any?

2: What Type should the storage field be for that?



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Data Type For Comments Field?

Mar 3, 2007


I am using SQL Server 2005 Express. I am creating a table, which will have a comments field. Whats an appropriate data type that should be used for a "comments" field? So far, I have unlimited text and characters can be entered, but that a limitation can be placed.





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How To Specify Data Type For XMLDatasSource Field?

Apr 11, 2007

I'm using XmlDataSource to build reports based on WebService output (as plain XML text). (SSRS2005)

I have several fields which contain Float/Decimal/Integer value, but RS reads them as text and I have to use CDbl() to convert text to numeric value.
In MSDN I found some info about "Type" attribute(?) for XmlElement.
My xml is:
...<Field1 Type="Float">34567.89</Field1>...

But RS still reads data from this field as text.

Is there any way to specify field's (xmlelement's) data type instead of using CDbl() function everywhere?

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Testing For Field Type/Status

Feb 22, 2008


We are trying to test for a field in our 'setup' table and no matter what we do it's has a personality of its own. It's the wackiest thing. The field has two steps in this update script - first we are checking to make sure the field 'set_fsm' is still in the table, if so then we are blanking out the field by updating the value to a pair of ' '. Next, after the field now has just a blank value we are going to change the data type from char(10) to a bit field. However, when we try to check the code the first time it works but every other time the update script runs it doesn't work. The code below are two approaches that we have tried with our general update tools that is run on each version / product release we have. Assistance is greatly appreciated.

The record doesnt exit yet it still falls into the BEGIN.

IF exists (select * from dbo.syscolumns where name = 'set_fsm'
and id = (select id from dbo.sysobjects where name = 'setup'))
PRINT I am here
UPDATE setup SET set_fsm = ''

It wont print the I am here? but still tries to update the table!!!

Heres the results:
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid column name 'set_fsm'.

Someone else said try this

FROM sysobjects o
JOIN syscolumns c on =
WHERE = 'setup'
and = 'set_fsm'
and o.xtype = 'U') -- because index columns are also stored in the sysobjects table
print 'Found column'
update setup set set_fsm = ''
print 'set_fsm column not found in table setup'

Same results:
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid column name 'set_fsm'.

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Does The IDENTITY Field Type In SQL Have A Maximum Size To It?

Mar 11, 2007

Does the IDENTITY field type in SQL have a maximum size to it?
You know like int only goes so high up,

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Filling Image Data Type Field

Mar 18, 2008

I am currently working on an application that uses a stored procedure to retrieve data from a database and then display it in a web page.  My problem is that some of the data in the database will be images, I am currently putting in test data to test my code/procedures my problem is how do I put in test data for images, when I am finished I am going to add an admin section that will allow me to add images that way but how do I go about adding them to the database until then? I have set the field to the image data type but have no idea how to relate this to an image on my server?
Thanks, Adam

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What Type Of Field Should I Use To Store An Array Or Datatable?

Feb 25, 2005

Hi - I'm using Session variables to store information (sort of webshop).

The sessions are a mix of the usual straightforward strings, wich are no problem - but I also have a DataTable which I store in a session variable, and I also have an array, which I store in a session variable eg. session("day")(x) where x is the item in the array.

I want to give my users the ability to store the items they've selected in my database, but have no idea of what type of field I should use for the datatable and array session variable. Should I use a TEXT field, or is there another more appropriate one'?

I'm using SQL Server 2000.

Thanks for any help,


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How To Update An Empty Date-type Field

May 23, 2006

I have update function that updating sql database table.
In the table I have fields like: name, address, phone, …, install_date
updateScreen(txtSName.text, txtSLocation.text, txtSPhone.text, txtSAddress.text, txtSPostal.text, ddSCity.SelectedItem.text, ddSCountry.SelectedItem.text, txtSOwner.text, txtSInstall.text )
The function work fine except the part whent install_date field is empty then I have the following message:
System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid.
Ii would like to use the same update function to make an updates even when date field is empty.
If someone has any idea how make it work, I would appreciate that

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How Do I Make The Field A Number Data Type?

Feb 8, 2007

Hi there!
I'm using a Switch statement in my SQL as follows:


SELECT symbol,
Switch(timestamp Is Null,Null,
timestamp <= 005959, 0,
timestamp<=235959,23) AS period
INTO averageprice
FROM stocktrades;

Now here's my problem. The Data Type stored in the 'period' field of this new table I've created, dubbed averageprice, is a Text field and I want it to be a Number field. I've tried my best to figure this out and I'm still looking so any helpful hints or solution would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

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2 Structural Questions For Picking Field Type

Jul 25, 2006

Hi all,

Hi am creating a new database not sure which way is the best way to go. Here are the questions

I have a history table which has its an identity field and an identification field which shows what type of history field it is. As in payment, printout, change and so on.... For this field should i use
Full text which has the payment, printout, change and so on and make it easy on the eye and for queries and coded to use the same text all the time
have varchar(2) type of field which holds an understandable field PR, PO, CH and a reference table for it as in PR= PAYMENT, PO = Printout, CH as in change and so on
or have a integer field as in 1, 2, 3 and ref. table 1=payment, 2 = printout, 3=change and so on
I have a address table which holds multiple types of addresses which are really limited count maybe upto 4 different types
have a integer field which links to a reference table as above
have bit fields which can be used to check if it gets in one of the group types
have a full text option like above
Im open for any type of suggestions and i would love to hear the reasons why its picked TY

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Select Decimal Type Field

Feb 2, 2015

I have a table with fields:

Id int
Pay numeric(19,3)

value records:

id pay
1 1.000
2 2.250
3 3.445
4 6.000

I want select of table to form:

id pay
1 1
2 2.25
3 3.445
4 6

if value decimal pay field Greater of zero then

value select= value field
delete value decimal and show

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Only 2 Decimal Places In Field Of Type Money

Mar 29, 2007

I have a table in SQL 2005 with a field that has a value of type 'money'. When values are added, the field has 4 decimal places. Is there a way that I can make it only have 2 decimal places right away? Thanks!!!

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