Sorry, Quest #2: SQL Transfer

Dec 23, 1999

How exactly do you transfer data from one SQL Server to another?

Thanks again.

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Quest For Advanced Queries

Sep 7, 2006

I am pretty good at T-SQL as a .NET Application Developer, but now I need to take my skills of writing queries to the next level: the level required for Database Developers. I am sick and tired of writing simple inner join's with a couple of where's.

I have a few books ("SQL Server 2000 Bible" and "The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL"), and Books Online are always available, so I have no problems with finding the answers.

The problem is not with looking for answers, but with finding questions...

Could someone please recommend me some source of good SQL-related questions, which would require writing complex queries (not just a few inner joins)?

A book (perhaps, some university's textbook with lots of advanced exercises for DB developers) would be the best option.

I am looking for some source of mind-breaking questions for database developers. I am really not sure I can solve them right away, but that's the goal. :-)

Thanks a lot.

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A Tool Similar To SQL Impact From Quest?

Oct 4, 2006

I am looking for a tool that is similar to SQL Impact (Quest). Quest has discontinued the tool.

This tool should be able to detect all database object dependencies for SQL Server, Sybase and Oracle. The objects should include tables, views, stored procedures, indexes and other objects. This should also detect DB object dependencies in front end applications as well.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated...


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Red Gate SQL Backup Vs. Quest LiteSpeed

Oct 18, 2007

Anyone have experience with either of these products? Your thoughts?


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Spotlight From Quest - Unbiased Feedback Anyone?

Apr 2, 2008

I've been having Spotlight from Quest Software in the back of my mind for quite some time now, and now I just started in a new job where something like this could prove to be really handy. And from the looks of it it seems to be quite impressive but have any of you guys used it? What do you think?

"SELECT Rum, Coke, Lime, Ice FROM bar WHERE ClosingTime = 'Late' AND FemaleMaleRatio > 4"

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TSQL - Repeation Removal Related Quest.....

Oct 4, 2005

I need help using the TSQL Command.... I want to display car reviews by authors.... a car may be reviewed by multiple authors.... but the latest entry should be displayed... the older enteries will not be displayed....the following is the query </P><FONT color=#0000ff size=2>
<P><FONT color=#000000>SELECT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarReviews.Date AS Date, CarReviews.Company AS Company, CarReviews.Name AS Reviewer, CarMake.MakeName, CarModel.ModelName, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarModel.YearName, CarMake.KeyName + '/' + CarModel.Image AS Image, CarReviews.Id AS IdFROM&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarReviews INNER JOIN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarMake ON CarReviews.MakeId = CarMake.Id INNER JOIN&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarModel ON CarReviews.ModelId = CarModel.IdGROUP BY CarMake.MakeName, CarModel.ModelName, CarModel.YearName, CarMake.KeyName + '/' + CarModel.Image, CarReviews.Id, CarReviews.Name, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CarReviews.Company, CarReviews.DateORDER BY CarReviews.Date DESC</FONT></FONT></P><FONT color=#0000ff size=2>
<P>Results of above statement....
Date Company Reviewer MakeName ModelName YearName Image Id
----------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------
10/3/2005 5:12:25 PM Dan Neil MINI Cooper S 2005 RAJ-0122/RAJ-0122-82.jpg 8
10/3/2005 5:11:41 PM G. Chambers Williams III MINI Cooper S 2005 RAJ-0122/RAJ-0122-82.jpg 7
10/3/2005 4:51:31 PM Joe Wiesenfelder MINI Cooper S 2005 RAJ-0122/RAJ-0122-82.jpg 6
10/3/2005 4:49:22 PM Jim Flammang MINI Cooper S 2005 RAJ-0122/RAJ-0122-82.jpg 5
10/1/2005 4:19:25 PM Erphan Rajput Audi A4 (2005.5) 2005 RAJ-0089/RAJ-0089-80.jpg 3
10/1/2005 4:19:25 PM Jim Flammang Audi A4 (2005.5) 2005 RAJ-0089/RAJ-0089-80.jpg 4 Problem is repeation... In the above statement .... the statement should return only 2 records... but it is displaying 6 records....record one should be of MINI Cooper S 2005 & second should be of Audi A4 (2005.5) 2005Urgent reply will be highy appreciated...Thanks,Erphan Rajput..

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Transfer Manager Does Not Transfer Stored Procedures

Oct 22, 1998

I am using transfer manager in SQL 6.5 to copy a database and
all objects with data to another server. Transfer manager is not recreating all stored procedures. This even happens when I used it to another database on the same server. Any ideas??

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Transfer Data To New Table Then Transfer Indexes

May 30, 2008

Is it possible/advisable when transfering very large amounts of data from server to server to:
trasnfer the data to a new table first
second alter new table adding indexes, defaults, ets based on original table

if it is what flow item would be used to transfer/alter the indexes and defaults?

I'm very new to ssis so the more detail you can give the better.


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Transfer Manager Transfer Dying?

Feb 16, 1999


I have been trying to run transfer manager to transfer all of the data
from the production database on one server to a test database on another
server(to refresh it). In order to make sure it runs on the server, I have
been scheduling it under EM to do so and I am pointing to the log on the
destination server on the EM Transfer panel.

For some reason, I am getting the following message in the destination
server error log:

99/02/16 10:24:41.42 ods Error : 17824, Severity: 10, State: 0
99/02/16 10:24:41.42 ods Unable to write to ListenOn connection
'.pipesqlquery', loginname 'sa', hostname 'TEMP09'.
99/02/16 10:24:41.42 ods OS Error : 232, The pipe is being closed.
99/02/16 10:24:41.42 spid17 Error : 1608, Severity: 21, State: 2
99/02/16 10:24:41.42 spid17 A network error was encountered while sending
results to the front end. Check the SQL Server errorlog for more

I checked the event viewer error log and see no messages for today.

Can any one advise me what I need to do for this to run successfully?

Thanks. Any information furnished will be greatly appreciated.

David Spaisman

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SQL 2012 :: Log File Data Transfer Amount (MB) Versus Data File Transfer Amount (MB)

Mar 19, 2014

In the full recovery model, if i run a transaction that inserts 10MB of data into a table, then 10 MB of data is moved in the data file. Does this mean then that the log file will grow by exactly 10MB as well?

I understand that all transactions are logged to the log file to enable rollback and point in time recovery, but what is actually physically stored in the log file for this transactions record? Is it the text of the command from the transaction or the actual physical data from that transaction?

I ask because say if I have two drives, one with 5MB/s write speed for the log file and one with 10MB/s write speed for the data file, if I start trying to insert 10 MB of data per second into the table, am I going to be limited to 5MB/s by the log file drive, or is SQL server not going to try and log all 10 MB each second to the log file?

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DTS Transfer

Mar 1, 2007

 I have the following method which transfers data SQL to SQL on the same server but when I try to change the destination server it won't transfer the data. The method runs through as expected with no exceptions or errors but with no data transfered.
Private Sub TransferSQLData(ByVal SourceDetails As Admin_upload.EnvironmentDetails, ByVal DestinationDetails As Admin_upload.EnvironmentDetails)
'Transfer database from source to destination.
Dim oPackage As New DTS.Package2
Dim oConnection As DTS.Connection2
Dim oStep As DTS.Step2
Dim oTask As DTS.Task
Dim oCustomTask As DTS.TransferObjectsTask2
oStep = oPackage.Steps.New
oTask = oPackage.Tasks.New("DTSTransferObjectsTask")
oCustomTask = oTask.CustomTask
oPackage.FailOnError = False
With oStep
.Name = "Copy Database design and data"
.ExecuteInMainThread = True
End With
With oTask
.Name = "GenericPkgTask"
End With
With oCustomTask
.Name = "DTSTransferObjectsTask"
.SourceServer = "MYSERVER"
.SourceUseTrustedConnection = True
.SourceDatabase = SourceDetails.MetaDB
.SourceLogin = SourceDetails.MetaUser
.SourcePassword = SourceDetails.MetaPWD
.DestinationServer = "MYSERVER"
.DestinationUseTrustedConnection = True
.DestinationDatabase = DestinationDetails.MetaDB
.DestinationLogin = DestinationDetails.MetaUser
.DestinationPassword = DestinationDetails.MetaPWD
.CopyAllObjects = True
.IncludeDependencies = False
.IncludeLogins = False
.IncludeUsers = False
.DropDestinationObjectsFirst = True
.CopySchema = True
.CopyData = DTS.DTSTransfer_CopyDataOption.DTSTransfer_ReplaceData
End With
oStep.TaskName = oCustomTask.Name
Catch ex As Exception
LabelUploadMeta.Text = "Failed to Upload MetaData: " & ex.Message
Throw ex
oConnection = Nothing
oCustomTask = Nothing
oTask = Nothing
oStep = Nothing
If Not (oPackage Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
This works fine but when I set the following within the method:
.DestinationServer = "ANOTHERSERVER"
It won't transfer the data.
I can access the remote server and read and write data to it.
 Any ideas? 

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Transfer From 65 To 70

Jun 16, 2000

Hi ,
Can anyone suggest me to transfer a database from 65 to 70.
I trasfer a database using DTS, but i am only getting data. I need my users , views, stored procedures, permissions.
I need to upgrade three databases from 65 to another 70 server.
i also generated a script from 65, but which is showing errors.
Could u pls give any suggestions.
thank u.


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Db Transfer

Oct 8, 1999

I recently transferred a db from our production machine to a test machine. After the transfer was complete I realized that all copied logins were copied with blank passwords. Is this default behavior? Can I set the transfer to include passwords?

Dave King

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DTS Transfer

Sep 13, 2005


stupid question but i have forgotten how to transfer a DTS package between servers, its been so long since i last had to!!!


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SQL Transfer

Feb 4, 1999

Hi Everybody...

I have recently tried to transfer my database over from one machine to another, but failed to do so because it gets jammed on 30%. I am just wondering if there is any other ways I can take to migrate the database over.

I am currently running sql server 6.5 in concurrent with iis 4 and nt4. I am trying to seperate the iis to a new server machine and sql server to another server.

Please advise me which route to take if you have any suggestions and your solution is important to me. Thanks!


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Transfer From One Db To Other

Oct 19, 2007


I want to transfer rows from one database to another.
Source My Source tables in database 'Staging'



CustomersEng and CustomersSpanish contains a replica..only difference being that 'Name' in the CustomerSpanish table is written in spanish language. The Stcode, citycode and Internalid together makes the row unique.

Code BlockSample script
Create table #CustomersEng (name nvarchar(20),age int, st_code int,
citycode int, internalid int)
Insert into #CustomersEng values('Aron',23,1,1,12);
Insert into #CustomersEng values('Cathy',28,1,1,13);
Insert into #CustomersEng values('Zarog',33,1,1,14);
Insert into #CustomersEng values('Michale',25,1,2,12);
Insert into #CustomersEng values('Linda',43,1,2,13);
Insert into #CustomersEng values('Burt',53,1,2,14);

Create table #CustomersSpanish (name nvarchar(20),age int, st_code int,
citycode int, internalid int)
Insert into #CustomersSpanish values('Arona',23,1,1,12);
Insert into #CustomersSpanish values('Cathylo',28,1,1,13);
Insert into #CustomersSpanish values('Zarogo',33,1,1,14);
Insert into #CustomersSpanish values('Michalo',25,1,2,12);
Insert into #CustomersSpanish values('Lindalo',43,1,2,13);
Insert into #CustomersSpanish values('Burto',53,1,2,14);

Destination tables in database 'CMO'

CustomerId (identity) (pk)

CustomerDetails [customerid and languagecode together are primary keys]
CustomerId (fk)

languagecode (pk)

Code Block
Create table #CustomerMaster (customerid int identity(1,1), st_code int,
citycode int, internalid int)

Create table #CustomerDetails (customerid int,name nvarchar(20),age int,
languagecode int)

Create table #CustLanguage (languagecode int, languagename varchar(10))
Insert into #CustLanguage VALUES (1,'English')
Insert into #CustLanguage VALUES (2,'Spanish')

1 1 1 12
2 1 1 13
3 1 1 14
4 1 2 12
5 1 2 13
6 1 2 14

1 Aron 23 1
1 Arona 23 2
2 Cathy 28 1
2 Cathylo 28 2
3 Zarog 33 1
3 Zarogo 33 2
4 Michale 25 1
4 Michalo 25 2
5 Linda 43 1
5 Lindalo 43 2
6 Burt 53 1
6 Burto 53 2

How can i write t-sql for this?


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User Transfer

Feb 23, 2007

Hi All;
I know that in the SQL Server, the logins are not contained in the database (thanks to Kevin Yu) but I don't know where are they stored. For example if I want to transfer to another server I'll have to backup users too; but HOW?
In order to be more clear: When I simply take a backup from my server and restore it to my computer I can not login again with the user login information which is created on the server; However even if I make some changes; after backing the DB up from my computer and restoring to the server the logins are working (with re-mapping)

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Transfer Database

Mar 26, 2007

I had Sql Server 2005 installed on my machine, with that I am working on Visual Studio 2005. I just need to add an existing database into the app_data folder. The database is existing in the Sql server, it contains 180 tables so I cannot manually copy that tables in the app_data folder. for that is there any another way to copy all the tables into the database into the folder app_data with the data in the table.
Thanks & Regards
Girish Nehte

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SQL Error After Db Transfer

Apr 16, 2004

I recently transferred my SQL DB from one server to another, I backed the DB up, copied across and restored it into the new location, the problem is that I get the following error.

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'Table Name'

I have created a new user for this database and changed my code accordingly.

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>

<Script Runat="Server">
Sub Page_Load

Dim conPubs As SqlConnection
Dim cmdSelectContacts As SqlCommand
Dim dtrContacts As SqlDataReader

conPubs = New SqlConnection("Server=Treebeard;UID=Intranet;Pwd=glglgl;Database=Contacts")
cmdSelectContacts = New SqlCommand ("Select * From Clientdata", ConPubs)

dtrContacts = cmdSelectContacts.ExecuteReader()

While dtrContacts.Read()
Response.Write( "<li>" )
Response.Write( dtrContacts( "c_forename" ))
End While


End Sub


Any Ideas?

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Help With Data Transfer

Aug 22, 2005

Hi everyone,I need some help transfering my database(SQL2005) to the host's server.In SQL 2000 I had the Management tools > DTS or ImportExport tools.SQL2005 lacks this, all I've got is Express Manager > can't connect to multiple databases.Can connect to one database and has a screen to excute TSQL commands.I don't want to have to recreate the whole database on the server.....This would be crazy... 150 stored procedures and 30 tables. Not to mention all the individual settings for each column.I know there is SQL Studio Management tools for the full version of SQL 2005. Anyone got any idea's ?Any input/suggestions is greatly appreciated.Thanks,JShep

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How To Transfer Database

Jan 16, 2006

I am trying to transfer my database from my computer where built it to another computer.  I have microsoft SQL server 2005 CTP on my computer and the other computer has Microsoft SQL server. 
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this???  I cannot find much info on SQL server 2005 CTP.   I have found some info about the copy database wizzard, but I cannot find that in CTP. 
Please any ideas or info would be wonderful

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DTS Transfer SQL Object

Mar 1, 2002

If I’m using the DTS Transfer SQL Object to move all objects and data from one server to another server and I make a schema change to source server, why is the dts package failing the next time I run it? Do I have to do some sort of refresh?

Any help!

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SQL 7.0 Transfer To Another Server

May 11, 2001

I have a corrupt master db due to a rogue script that inserted lots of information into it. I have two SQL servers, and I could use some advice on the best way to copy the files over to the second server, then back after a reload of the first server. My main concern is the DTS packages I have built- I can't afford to lose those.

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Jul 26, 2000

I am in the process of upgrading database in sql server 6.5 to 7.0.
For that i am following one computer upgrade.
For creating dev environment in my computer i am using Transfer/Objects in 6.5
for transferring database from remote(production) computer to my computer.

Do i need only to transfer Userdatabase alone or do i need to Transfer Master and other ?
Or Is it better to restore dump ?


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Transfer Logins

Jul 12, 2000

If i transfer logins from one server to another server using dts, I am getting all the logins and permissions... How will i get passwords too..

-thank u.


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Logins Transfer

Sep 18, 2000

Does anyone have a sample SQL DMO script to transfer SQL Server logins from one server to another including the passwords ? any pointers will be greatly appreciated

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Transfer DB From One SQL 7 Server To Another

Jul 30, 2000

Hello. Firstly apologies for what might appear as a basic question, but being a newbie and all :-). .

I have a SQL 7 DB, loads of sp, vw, tables etc. I want to copy this DB to another server so that all the DB and sp permissions stay current, all the sql logins come across etc etc.

I have tried restoring a backup to the new server (which worked fine), but then I appear to have lost the permissions for the tables and sp's.

I have then tried taking a copy of the original SQL master table and restoring this to the new server - but no luck.

Can anyone advise a sure method of copying an entire table and related entries (meaning sql logins etc) to a new server.

Appreciate any comments.


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Data Transfer

Aug 3, 2000

can any body can tell how data trnsfer from oracle database to sql server database. what is the methods i can use? is it required to write scripts.
if scripts required, can anybody can give me sample scipt.

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Transfer Sqlserver

Apr 6, 2000

Does anyone know whats the best to transfer sqlserver to new server but maintain the same Sqlserver name. The reason for this is that we have thousands of users out in the field and it would be too much trouble to identify these users and update the odbc entry to point to new sqlserver.

Thanks in advance for all your help.

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DTS Won&#39;t Transfer DB2 Timestamps

Nov 10, 2000

When i try to load tables from DB2 OS390 Via DTS and DB2 ODBC it
give me an error with the timestamp field. Its (DTS) says the timestamp
field on SQL is marked read only.

Is there anyway around this problem?

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DTS Data Transfer - V7.0

Nov 16, 2000

SQL v7.0 - DTS
Tying to transfer all object info, sp's, constraints and data in to a fresh new database in the same instance, but it's hit and miss when it comes to getting everything transferred. Followed step by step instructions (GUI/Scripts) and sometimes the table structure will transfer without PK's, as well as some data and if you're lucky, some constraints. Stored proc's have a tendency to show up 20 minutes later. I'm testing this on a machine with IE 5, SP2 and fresh new Dll's (just in case something was corrupted). Is there a priority as far as what to transfer first? For example, tables only 1st, then constraints on down to records parent to child? I am assumming you should be able to transfer all at the same time since it's built in to the utility. Or, does it come down to something in the schema? If anyone out there has experienced something similar and found a solution, please advise.

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Can&#39;t Transfer NT User

Jan 3, 2000

Does anyone know why you get an error while trying to transfer a database with the DTS?

Thanks in advance


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Data Transfer From 65 To 70

Jun 14, 2000

I am having two servers one is 6.5 and another is 7.0.
I would like to export a one database from 6.5 to 7.0.
when i was trying to transfer the data it is saying u have to upgrade the server of 6.5.
pls tell me how i have to transfer data from 65 to 7.0
without bcp.


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