Sort Expression As Store Procedure Parameter?

Jul 23, 2005

Can I pass a sort expression into a store procedure as a parameter? I
want to do sth like the following but do not know if it's possible.
Maybe I need some tricks to work around?

CREATE Procedure SelectAllRoles
@SortExpression varchar(20)

IF @SortExpression <> ''

SELECT Id, Name, Name2, LastUpdated
FROM [Role]
ORDER BY @SortExpression


SELECT Id, Name, Name2, LastUpdated
FROM [Role]


Zhu Ming

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Stored Procedure With A Sort Parameter

Apr 20, 2006

I have a SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure that takes a parameter to sort on:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetAllApplications_Sorted]

@sortType varchar(25)

SELECT aev.ApplicationID,
dbo.GetMaxEventLevelByApplicationID(aev.ApplicationID) AS maxEventLevel
FROM dbo.ApplicationEventView aev, dbo.EventLevelLookUp ellu
WHERE ellu.EventLevelID=dbo.GetMaxEventLevelByApplicationID(aev.ApplicationID)
AND aev.EventLevel=ellu.EventLevel
ORDER BY ellu.EventLevelID + ' ' + @sortType
Problem is I keep getting this error:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'desc' to data type int.
And I can't figure out why...

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Pass Sort Parameter In Stored Procedure

Oct 29, 2007

i searched a lot to find how to pass an orderBy parameter finally i used a case block in my code and it works now how can i add a second parameter for ascending and descending order(@sortAscOrDesc)
when i use it after the end of case statement i get error
here is my sp:CREATE PROCEDURE [userPhotos]
@userID int,@orderBy varchar(100)
ASSELECT ID,UserID,Photo,ALbumID,Title,views,date_added from userAlbumPic where userID=@userID and albumID=0 order by
case @orderBy
when 'date_added' then date_added
when 'views' then [views]
else date_added

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Stored Procedure Sort Parameter Doesnt Work

Jul 22, 2006

Hello, I am trying to make this.


@nmpersona int,

@sortorder varchar(20)



select nmpersona, dsprimernombre, dssegundonombre,

dsprimerapellido, dssegundoapellido

from personas

order by @sortorder


But I got this error. Please help

Msg 1008, Level 16, State 1, Procedure P_SEL_ALLPERSONAS, Line 13

The SELECT item identified by the ORDER BY number 1 contains a variable as part of the expression identifying a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression referencing a column name.

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Parameter Store Procedure Not Working

Aug 9, 2006

I have this select statement:
SELECT * FROM [enews] WHERE ([name_nws] LIKE '%" + strSearch + "%' OR
[title_nws] LIKE '%" + strSearch + "%'OR [sub_nws] LIKE '%" + strSearch
+ "%' OR [sum_nws] LIKE '%" + strSearch + "%' OR [content_nws] LIKE '%"
+ strSearch + "%')

This statement works fine but when I turned it into a store procedure,
it returns nothing. I created the store procedure as follows:
-- =============================================
-- Author:        <Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>
-- Description:    <Description,,>
-- =============================================
    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
    @strSearch varchar(250)
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.

    -- Insert statements for procedure here
    WHERE ([name_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%' OR
[title_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%'OR [sub_nws] LIKE '%" +
@strSearch + "%' OR [sum_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%' OR
[content_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%')

Help is appreciated.

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How Do I Call A Store Procedure With Parameter?

Aug 9, 2006

I have searched this forum for how to call a store procedure with
parameter and so far no result has answered my question yet. I have the
following store procedure:





-- =============================================

-- Author:        <Author,,Name>

-- Create date: <Create Date,,>

-- Description:    <Description,,>

-- =============================================


    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @strSearch varchar(250)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    WHERE ([name_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%' OR
[title_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%'OR [sub_nws] LIKE '%" +
@strSearch + "%' OR [sum_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%' OR
[content_nws] LIKE '%" + @strSearch + "%')



I got this far in my code on how to call the parameter store procedure.
string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(strConn); SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand(); sqlComm.Connection = sqlConn; sqlComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; sqlComm.CommandText = "sqlSearch"; sqlComm.Parameters.Add("@strSearch", SqlDbType.VarChar);  I don't know what do next.

Help is much appreciated.

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Input Parameter To Store Procedure

Jan 26, 2004

I am using a ListBox where a user can choose multiple lines.
The index of the selected items are then used in a stored procedure.

I wan´t to use the ID´s in this statement:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyID IN (1,2,4,9)

But how can I do this?
If I pass them as a string, then I can´t use them as above.
Can I separate the string '1,2,4,9' so I can use them in the statement above?
Or can I send the values as a array to the stored procedure?


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Wont Execute Store Procedure With Parameter

Oct 4, 2007

Am trying execute a store procedure with a date parameter than simply get back ever record after this todays date. It wont except the value i give. I can just do it in the store procedure as it will passed other values later on.
It works fine if I take the parameter out, of both store procedure and code. It must be a syntax thing but im stuck sorry --- the error i get is: Incorrect syntax near 'GetAppointmentSessions'.
here is my code: ' build calendar for appointment sessions
Dim Today As Date = Date.Now
Dim ConnStr As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnString").ConnectionString
Dim Conn As New SqlConnection(ConnStr)

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("GetAppointmentSessions", Conn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("InputDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = CType(Today, DateTime)
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)

Dim dt As New DataTable


Dim row As DataRow
 Here is the SQL:ALTER procedure [dbo].[GetAppointmentSessions]

@InputDate Datetime

SELECT TOP (5) uidAppointmentSession, dtmDate,
(SELECT strRoomName
FROM tblRooms
WHERE (uidRoom = tblAppointmentSessions.fkRoom)) AS Room,
(SELECT strName
FROM tblHMResources
WHERE (uidHMResources = tblAppointmentSessions.fkHMResource)) AS Clinician,
dtmStartBusinessHours, dtmEndBusinessHours
FROM tblAppointmentSessions

dtmDate > @InputDate

Order By dtmDate  

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Passing Column Name As Parameter To Sql Store Procedure

Dec 21, 2007

i am using 2005 with sql server 2005. in my database table contains
Table Name : Page_Content



(@lang_code varchar(max))    
begin declare @a as varchar(max)set @a = @lang_code
Select page_id,@a From page_content
Here in this above store procedure i want to pass 101 to @lang_code
here is my output, but this is wrong output



 but i want following output




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Creating A Store Procedure With Output Parameter

Oct 22, 2005

Hi all,Could someone give me an example on how to create and execute the store procedure with using output parameter?In normal, I create the store procedure without using output parameter, and I did it as follow:CREATE PROC NewEmployee (ID int(9), Name Varchar (30), hiredate DateTime, etc...)ASBEGIN      //my codeENDGOWhen i executed it, I would said: Execute NewEmployee 123456789, 'peter mailler', getDate(), etc....For output parameter:CREATE PROC NewEmployee (ID int(9), Name Varchar (30), hiredate DateTime, @message Varchar(40) out)ASBEGIN      insert into Employee ......      //if error encountered      set @message = "Insertion failure"ENDGOExec NewEmployee 123456789, 'peter mailler', getDate(), do I need to input something for the output parameter here?Anyone could give me an example on how to handle the output parameter within the store procedure coz I am not sure how to handle it?Many thanks.

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Want To Write Store Procedure That Takes Parameter In SQL

Mar 5, 2008

Some one please tell me how do I write store procedure that receives/takes parameter values
I want to write store procedure which takes ID as a parameter

some one tell me how do I write store procedure that takes parameter
if possibel please show me example of it

iam new to this


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SQL Server 2012 :: Input Parameter For Store Procedure Like In Statement Value 1 / Value 2

Jun 20, 2014

How can I input parameter for Store Procedure like In ('Value1','Value2')

Example :
Create procedure GetUsers
@Users nvarchar(200)
Select * from Users where UserID in (@Users)

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Creating Store Procedure Accepting Customer ID As Input Parameter

Nov 12, 2015

Display based on customerid display max of item they purchased on a order display only number like cust id pursed 12 items in 3rd order so when i enter customerid it should display 12.

using row number in sql server 2012.creating storeprocedure accepting customer id as input parameter.

cid        oid       items
1           1            10
1           2          12
1          3           3
1        4               4

so if we enter 1 as custid it got to give us 12 as the result..

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Reporting Services :: Pass Selected Parameter To Store Procedure Used To Populate Filter

May 12, 2015

I am working on a report where some customization is need to be delivered.. situation is , i have some parameter in report @USER_ID , @Report_Type where i am proving selection to user to select Report Type (Pending Or Completed) and passing USER_ID auto matically from URL string of user login(C# code).

I have another parameter @USER_IDS which is multiple selection for user and it will be filled with the users which lie under passed @USER_ID means i just need to add dataset with the query to select users from mapper table where reporting_head =@USER_ID, simple, but i have requirement to populate the underlined users with the selection of @USER_ID and @Report_Type and it need some TSQL code to populate so i am using Another store procedure and using same parameter as my main store procedure has .

Now i am using dataset with this store procedure  to fill my @USER_IDS  parameter 

Both parameters value will be passed from main report parameters now , when i am previewing a report i am getting error

and i also tried to write exec statement in dataset query with the main repport paramters but exec is not supported ..

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Sort Expression - Custom Code

Apr 28, 2008

I have a report that needs sorting on a column that is calculated. however, the calculation is so complex (iterative calculations) i've had to do that within my custom code. I am getting the results back well and good but i cannot perform a sort based on that.
My problem is: how do i write a custom sort expression function that will direct the column to sort my table based on say the value(s) returned from that function. I want for example:

Code Snippet
Public Function mySortExpression(byVal myIDorWhatever as Something) as CustomSortableExpression

' Perform some calculation
' Return some value(s)/array or anything that the column can appreciate and sort the table accordingly with
End Function

then in say the Interactive Sort Sort Expression, i'll have the code:

Code Snippet

I hope i've made myself clear enough.

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How To Sort A Table With A Parameter

Jan 8, 2007

I have a "Sales shipments" report with several colums. I want a parameter for the user so he choose how to sort. I have two colums in my report I want to sort on: ItemNumber and DeliveryDate.

I added a Report Parameter UserSort with two labels (and values): Item (ItemNumer) and Date (DeliveryDate).

Then I tried to set the sorting

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Pass A Parameter For Sort Order

Jan 4, 2005

Is there a way to pass a parameter into a stored procedure to set the sort order.

I have tried things like

ORDER by EmployeeID @direction

where @direction is a varchar with a value of 'desc' and I get an error.

I do not want to dynamically create the sql and use sp_executesql.
I have already done it this was but I am looking for a better solution.

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Sort Displayed Multi Parameter

Jul 25, 2007

Hi all,

Is it possible to sort the values in a multi-paramter.

Notice, i'm am working with a model.

For the moment my multivalue selectionbox looks like this







And of course i would like it to be







Is there a way to do this ?

Any help is welcome.


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Sort Order Via Parameter-now Security Issue

Mar 19, 2007

we are firing this from my asp page, what i can't work out how to do is pass a sort order via parameter to my stored procedure.
Any Help appreciated


set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") MM_fc_conn_STRING

sql = "EXEC Sproc_01020_Select_WebUser" & " @UserLoginName='" & Request.Form("Username") & "'"

set Recordset1 = conn.execute(sql)

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Call Store Procedure From Another Store Procedure

Nov 13, 2006

I know I can call store procedure from store procedure but i want to take the value that the store procedure returned and to use it:

I want to create a table and to insert the result of the store procedure to it.

This is the code: Pay attention to the underlined sentence!

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[test]





CREATE TABLE tbl1 (first_name int ,last_name nvarchar(10) )

INSERT INTO tbl1 (first_name,last_name)

VALUES (exec total_cash '8/12/2006 12:00:00 AM' '8/12/2006 12:00:00 AM' 'gilad' ,'cohen')


PLEASE HELP!!!! and God will repay you in kind!


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Parameter Expression Error

Mar 12, 2008

I'm getting this invalid expression error (#error) when I try to return the following in a text box. Is there syntax error?


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Toggle Expression Based On Parameter

Apr 30, 2007

Hi, I have a matrix report containing a parameter.The count of groups may change based on the parameter's value.Also these groups are connected to each other with toggle property.
For example;
--If the parameter's value is "year", the report have three (year, month, day) groups.Day is connected to month and month is connected to year with toggle property.
--If the parameter's value is "month", the report have two (month, day) groups.Day is connected to month with toggle property.
--If the parameter's value is "day", the report have one (day) group.There will be no toggle property.

The question is:
I wrote expressions for this report and set the visibility properties of the groups, but when I select the "day" or "month" value for the parameter, no groups are shown.I think the reason is "being connected to each other with toggle property".

How can I solve this?

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How Can I Set Default Value Of Parameter That Come From Dataset By Using Expression?

Feb 27, 2008


Now I can query dataset and bind to report parameter. But I have some problem about setting default value. I don't know, how to select max value from dataset by using expression.

Example, I query disticnt year from my table. The result has 2 years "2007" and "2008"
select distinct year(mytime) as myyear from mytable.

I set available parameter by using this dataset. Then, I set default value for this parameter by the other dataset ...

select max (distinct year(mytime)) as maxyear from mytable.

I want to select max value by using expression, not select max by using dataset.

How can I do?

Thank you very much.

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Time Parameter Expression Needed

May 30, 2007

Hello All,

I am trying to set parameter in reporting services that lets the user select "All Hours" or "Cour Hours" of the day in a given date range.

Core hours would filter the transactions (and aggregations) that happened between 6am and 10pm on certain days and another range of hours on some days. The days that the core hours exist will be static. i.e. every day the core hours are 6am to 10pm but on Mondays the core hours are Midnight to 2am and then 6am to 11:59:59.

I am trying to figure out what that code would look like. Any help is appreciated.

- Clint

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Reporting Services :: Page Break Based On Sort Parameter Value In SSRS 2008

Nov 19, 2015

I have a SSRS report with data in below format.

ID       Name    Date
1           A         null
2           B        01/01/2012
3           C        01/02/2013

Also, I have a sort parameter @sort and values are (Name, ID, Date)

I want to apply page break whenever @sort=Name. There should be no page break when user selects @sort = ID or Date. Page break should happen only when @sort value = Name

it should be like this...

Page 1:
ID       Name    Date
1           A         null
Page 2:
ID       Name    Date
2          B         01/01/2012
Page 3:
ID       Name    Date
3           C        01/02/2013

I need achieving the above task.

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Reporting Services Parameter([rsFieldReference] The Value Expression For The...)

Aug 1, 2007

@StartDate is a report parameter and CustomerNo is the field I want to render on the report,I want to combine the sql ,but it display the error message below when I preview the report.If I query in the design form and input the value of the parameter ,it run correctly .
Data sql:
declare @sql nvarchar(4000)
declare @sqlWhere nvarchar(4000)
set @sql='select CustomerNo from table1 '
set @sqlWhere=''

if @StartDate<>''
set @sqlWhere =@sqlWhere + ' StartDate=''' +@StartDate + ''''
if ltrim(rtrim(@sqlWhere))<>''
set @sqlWhere =' where ' + @sqlWhere
set @sql=@sql+@sqlWhere

exec sp_executeSQL @sql
Error message:
[rsFieldReference] The Value expression for the textbox €˜CustomerNo€™ refers to the field €˜CustomerNo€™. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope.

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Expression Problem Using A Multi-Select Parameter

Apr 24, 2007

I have a rectangle region in a report that contains a graph and a table. I want to display that list region only when the user selects a "Select All" from a multi-select report parameter. This rectangle region is used only to display summary data for All Agencies.

My report also contains a list region with graphs and tables, where I display data for each agency (my detail group), and page-break on each agency.

The problem I am experiencing occurs when using the Expression Builder for the Visibility property for my rectangle and list regions. Since a multi-select parameter is an array, I am forced to select an element in my paramater such as =Parameters!Agency.Value(0). When the user chooses "(Select All)", the first element is the first agency in the list. I don't want that.

How can I get Reporting Services to display a rectangle or list region when "Select All" is chosen, and to hide that rectangle or list region when one or more agencies are chosen from a multi-select parameter?

I have tried using Agency.Label and I've tried other expressions such as Parameters!Agency.Count = Count(Agency.Value), etc, without success.

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Multi-value, Non-queried, Report Parameter Expression Problem

Nov 30, 2007

I need to use a non-queried report parameter to filter a dataset for a report.

The dataset column I'm filtering is numeric. The dataset is not a sproc, it's a table in SQL Server that I am querying.

The Non-queried parameter values (Multi-value) are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, >=6.

Selecting the >=6 throws the error: "Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric."

Which sucks.

Because...when I go straight into my dataset I can filter my numeric column with the exact same values (=1 or =3 or >=6) and everything works fine. The error is only raised when I use the @Parameter in the dataset.

I've tried eveything, researched everywhere online and I can't find any guidance anywhere.

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Store Pocedure And Parameter

Jan 30, 2008

hello guy...i have a problem with my coding....i have store procedure that already create in mssql server 2005...that store procedure have a parameter....
Store procedure code

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Users_login]
@username varchar(50),
@password varchar(50)
SELECT User_application_id, User_fname, User_lname, User_last_activity
FROM Users U
WHERE U.User_name = @username AND U.User_password=@password
END this is my code Dim connLog As New SqlConnection
Dim cmdlog As New SqlCommand
Dim readerLog As SqlDataReader

connLog.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("PVMCCon").ToString()
With cmdlog
.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
.CommandText = "[Users_login]"
.Connection = connLog
.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, userTxt.Text.ToString())
.Parameters.Add("@password", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, passTxt.Text.ToString())
End With
readerLog = cmdlog.ExecuteReader()
If readerLog.HasRows Then
While readerLog.Read
usernameStatusLabel.Text = readerLog("User_fname").ToString() & " " & readerLog("User_lname").ToString()
lastActivityLabel.Text = readerLog("User_last_activity").ToString()
Session("AuthenticatedID") = readerLog("User_application_id").ToString()
End While
PanelLoginSuccess.Visible = True
PanelLoginView.Visible = False
End If
Catch ex As Exception
loginStatusLabel.Text = ex.ToString
End Try
End Sub so the problem can using the store procedure that already have a parameter and how i want to set the parameter value in my code?????

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Using A Stored Procedure With A FilterExpression ? How To Sort ?

Jun 12, 2007

I have a Repeater control getting data from a SqlDataSource.The SqlDataSource uses a stored procedure which accepts a input parameter with the name "sort" (@sort).
How do I use the FilterExpression with FilterParameter for defining the input value for the stored procedure ?The input value comes from an asp:QueryStringParameter.Or can the FilterExpression only be used with SQL Statements defined directly (as for defining the where clause) ?
I guess the best way is to use the FilterExpression soo the data is cached in the Dataset which is needed/required when using FilterExpression.Alternativly I could use the SelectParameter instead FilterParameters, but I guess the data wont be cached then.Anyone who can help me and guide me in the right direction ?
Best regardsMartin

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RS 2005: Stored Procedure With Parameter It Runs In The Data Tab But The Report Parameter Is Not Passed To It

Feb 19, 2007

since a couple of days I'm fighting with RS 2005 and the Stored Procedure.

I have to display the result of a parameterized query and I created a SP that based in the parameter does something:

CREATE PROCEDURE [schema].[spCreateReportTest]
@Name nvarchar(20)= ''


declare @slqSelectQuery nvarchar(MAX);

set @slqSelectQuery = N'SELECT field1,field2,field3 from table'
if (@Name <> '')
set @slqSelectQuery = @slqSelectQuery + ' where field2=''' + @Name + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @slqSelectQuery

Inside my business Intelligence Project I created:
-the shared data source with the connection String
- a data set :
CommandType = Stored Procedure
Query String = schema.spCreateReportTest
When I run the Query by mean of the "!" icon, the parameter is Prompted and based on the value I provide the proper result set is displayed.

Now I move to "Layout" and my undertanding is that I have to create a report Paramater which values is passed to the SP's parameter...
So inside"Layout" tab, I added the parameter: Name
allow blank value is checked and is non-queried

the problem is that when I move to Preview -> I set the value into the parameter field automatically created but when I click on "View Report" nothing has been generated!!

What is wrong? What I forgot??

Thankx for any help!
Marina B.

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Stored Procedure With User!UserID As Parameter, As Report Parameter?

Jul 2, 2007

I had thought that this was possible but I can't seem to figure out the syntax. Essentially I have a report where one of the parameters is populated by a stored procedure.

Right now this is easily accomplished by using "exec <storedprocname>" as the query string for the report parameter. However I am not clear if it is possible to now incorporate User!UserID as parameter to the stored procedure. Is it? Thanks

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SQL Server 2012 :: Store Multi Values In One Parameter?

Sep 29, 2015

i design SP for insert data in 2 tables i need to store list of array in one parameter to complete my query i try the table value but it`s not good for me because table value is readonly and i need to insert data with list of array .....

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