Source And Destination Connection Info Of A Dataflow Task.
Mar 29, 2007
Hello All,
I am trying to convert an application created using DTS classes to SSIS object model. I have found following code in the application.
For x As Integer = 1 To mTask.Properties.Count
If mTask.Properties.Item(x).Name = "SourceConnectionID" Then
CnID = mTask.Properties.Item(x).Value
Exit For
End If
For x As Integer = 1 To mPkg.DTSPackage.Connections.Count
If mPkg.DTSPackage.Connections.Item(x).ID = CnID Then
Return mPkg.DTSPackage.Connections.Item(x).Name
End If
Return mTask.Properties.Item("SourceObjectName").Value
How can I retrieve or Set "SourceConnectinId", "SourceObjectName" of a data flow task in SSIS
Please help me to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance
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Apr 18, 2008
I am having a Data flow task in For each loop which will gets 100 sourcetable names and 100 target table names...
am having a simpleData flow task which trasferes from OLEDBSource to OLEDBDestination.
I am repeating the Dataflow task which transfers from sourcetablename extracted from for loop to a destination table var.
The problem am gettting is for the first table it is able to transfer correcly because I did mapping for those tables at design time...but for the next coming sourcetable-desttable (which r having different no of cols,datatypes) its giving Validation failed...and...needs to refresh metadata....
is there any way to refresh the metadata of Data flow task (I set the property of OLEDBSource validate external meta to false then also same error is coming)
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Feb 12, 2008
I m totally new in SSIS Programming.
I want to transfer ABC.mdb table to my oit_imp_temp table.
Can you send me refrence with (above requiments) code that wroks for u !
thanks a lot !
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Feb 12, 2008
I m totally new in SSIS Programming.
I want to transfer ABC.mdb table to my oit_imp_temp table.
Can you send me refrence with (above requiments) code that wroks for u !
thanks a lot !
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Oct 10, 2006
I am trying to use an XML Source on xml data from an XML webservice, I am putting the document into a variable the trying to import the data from there with the XML Source, but I am getting an error telling me that truncation occured
The Error is "[XML Source [1]] Error: The "component "XML Source" (1)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "linking" (1579)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component."
The linking column mensioned in the error is sometime quite a long string but there is nowhere in the XML Source editor to change the size.
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Apr 4, 2008
I am using SQL Server2005 for SSIS. I want to change the source connection dynamicaly evertime.
Let me clear, I have to extract some column from excel to MS-Access. I am using Data Flow Task and able to successfully complete the job. But problem is that, whenever a new file comes , i must have to reconfigure my Excel Source.
All the time column in file are same, so no need to worry about mapping but how can my package select a file automatically.
I have a directory, suppose "C:dpak". I should able to pick the filename and sheet name from this directory every time when my package will execute.
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Jun 23, 2006
I have problem to extract data from DB2 table using SSIS dataflow task with OLEDB source selecting the data access mode with command. Here is the scenario.(Note:If I select the data access mode as a table then it works fine.)
If I use the data access mode as SQL Command then it is not working. i.e. the flow stays yellow in controlflow nothing happens in dataflow and I noticed the SQL dumper and proc completes. I couldn't find any log to verify the issue including the package execution results.Any of your thoughts will help me to resolve this issue.
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Jun 22, 2006
I have a Rounding error: Between flat file connection manager Source & OLE DB Connection Destination (SQL Server 2005) in my Dataflow.
File looks like this lets call column names Col A,B,C,D
70410000 RD1 1223631.92 196042.42
70329000 ICD 11025.84 3353.88
71167300 COL 104270.59 24676.96
flat file connection manager settings: first row Column names then Advanced tab Col A float , Col B float , Col C string ,Col D float ,
OLE DB Connection Destination (SQL Server 2005)
[PARTY_NO] [float] NULL,
[PARTY_NAME] [varchar](75) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[GENIABR] [float] NULL,
Problem: ColA (Source) Rounding error to PARTY_NO (Destination)
I have a field of text of in a flat file that the flat file connection manager Source picks up correctly €œ70000893€?
However when it gets the OLE DB Connection Destination the data has changed to 70000896. That€™s before its even Written to the database.
The only clue that something is wrong in the middle is the great Data viewer shows the number as 7.000009E+07
Other clues looking at the data it appears there is a rounding error on only the number that dont end in 00
ColA (Source) PARTY_NO (Destination)
71167300 71167296
70329000 70329000
70410000 70410000
Any ideas people?
Thanks in advance
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Nov 12, 2007
I am using execute sql task to run a stored procedure in oracle database which returns a resultset. This works. Now I need to send the ouput to a destination table in a sql database. Should I use for each loop to pick the resultset and insert it into the destination one by one (which I dont think is a great idea) or is there a better way to accomplish this task (in data flow task) ?
When I use dataflow task instead of execute sql task, the main issue is I am not able to see the output columns when I execute an oracle stored procedure, but when I see the preview I can see the resultset . But I can see the output columns for a sql server stored procedure.
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May 6, 2015
I have implemented a package to load multiple files to a destination. Since the source was a txt file, i have created as flat file source. However now we are getting files in excel format as well.
Is there anyway the source gets changed dynamically based on the file extension, output of the foreach file enumerator? I can think one solution to have 2 dataflow tasks based on precedence constraining and expression one is for .txt and other one is for .xls.
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Nov 9, 2006
Inside a data flow task, i have a oledb source and destination. In my situation, I need to pull data from a table in the source, but also hard code some columns myself, which means my source is a blend of data from table, hard coded data, which will then have to be mapped to columns in oledb destination. Does anyone which option to choose in the oledb source dropdown for the data access mode. Keep in mind, i do need to run a a select query, as well as get data from a table. Is it possible to use multiple oledb sources and connect to one destination, because that is really what intend to do here. I am not sure how it will work, or even if its possible. Basically my source access mode needs to be a blend of sql command and table columns, how would that be implemented? Any help or advice is appreciated.
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Mar 7, 2008
Hi all,
I have a package that does simple exporting from an excel sheet to a table.
I used a Dataflow task with Excel Source and OLEDB Destination Components.
And i created Package configurations for Source and Destination Components.
After than when i execute the package i get the following error.
Information: 0x40016041 at ProductDetails_Import: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "D:TEST_ETLLPL_Config2.dtsConfig".
Information: 0x40016041 at ProductDetails_Import: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "D:TEST_ETLDBCon2.dtsConfig".
SSIS package "ProductDetails_Import.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0202009 at ProductDetails_Import, Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager": SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".
Error: 0xC020801C at Data Flow Task, Excel Source [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
Error: 0xC0047017 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "Excel Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
Error: 0xC004700C at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: One or more component failed validation.
Error: 0xC0024107 at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
SSIS package "ProductDetails_Import.dtsx" finished: Failure.
The program '[2416] ProductDetails_Import.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
I have been trying to troubleshoot the error message given below from last evening.
I have been trying to troubleshoot the error from last morning.
Counld not figure out what is causing this error to occur.
Please help!!!!
Any pointersSuggestions would be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
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Oct 18, 2015
We have a single generic SSIS package that is used to import several hundred iSeries tables into SQL. I am not looking to rewrite the process. But I am looking for ways to improve performance.
I have tried retain same connection, maximum insert commit size, lock table (tablock), removed some large columns, played with the log file location and size, and now I am working to tweak the defaultbuffermaxrows.
To describe the data flow task - there are six data flows tasks (dft)  working at the same time. Each dtf has their own list of iSeries tables and columns and the corresponding generic SQL table names. Each dtf determines their list of tables based on the number of columns to import. So there is dft30 (iSeries table has 1-30 columns to import), dtf60 (iSeries table has 31-60 columns to import), etc. The destination SQL tables are generically called Staging30, Staging60, etc. Each column in the generic Staging tables are varchar(100). The dtfs are comprised of an OLE DB Source and an OLE DB Destination.
The OLE DB Source uses a SQL Command from Variable to build a SELECT statement. The OLE DB Source uses a connection manager that uses an IBM iAccess IBMDA400 provider. The SQL Command ends up looking like this for the dtf30. This specific example is importing from the iSeries table TDACLR and it only has two columns so it will be copied to the Staging30 table.
select TCREAS AS C1,TCDESC AS C2,0 AS C3,0 AS C4,0 AS C5,0 AS C6,0 AS C7,0 AS C8,0 AS C9,0 AS C10,0 AS C11,0 AS C12,0 AS C13,0 AS C14,0 AS C15,0 AS C16,0 AS C17,0 AS C18,0 AS C19,0 AS C20,0 AS C21,0 AS C22,0 AS C23,0 AS C24,0 AS C25,0 AS C26,0 AS C27,0 AS
C28,0 AS C29,0 AS C30,''TDACLR'' AS T0 from Store01.TDACLR
The OLD DB Source variable value looks like the following, but I am not showing the full 30 columns
select cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C1,cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C2,cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C3,cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C4,cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C5, ... cast(0 AS varchar(100)) AS C30.
The OLE DB Destination uses OpenRowSet Using FastLoad From Variable. The insert into Staging30Â ends up looking like this.
insert bulk STAGE30([C1] varchar(100) ,[C2] varchar(100) ,[C3] varchar(100) ,[C4] varchar(100) ,[C5] varchar(100) , ... ,[C30] varchar(100) ,[T0] varchar(20)
Of course we then copy and transform the Staging30 data to the SQL table that equals T0.
But back to defaultbuffermaxrows. Previously the dtfs had default values of 10000 for DefaultBufferMaxRows and 10485760 for DefaultBufferSize. I added a SQL task to SUM the iSeries column sizes, TCREAS and TCDESC in this example, and set the DefaultBufferMaxRows by dividing the SUM of the columns max_length into 10485760. But I did not see a performance improvement. Do you think that redefining the columns as varchar(100) for the insert is significant? Should I possibly SUM the actual number of columns (2) as 2x100 or SUM the 30x100?
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Jul 4, 2005
SQL Server 2005 - June CTP
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Jun 21, 2007
OK. I give up and need help. Hopefully it's something minor ...
I have a dataflow which returns email addresses to a recordset.
I pass this recordset into a ForEachLoop configuring the enumerator as (Foreach ADO Enumerator). I also map the email address as a variable with index 0.
I then have a Execute SQL task which receives this email address as a varchar variable (parameter 0) which I then use in my SQL command to limit the rows returned. I have commented out the where clause and returned all rows regardless of email address to try to troubleshoot this problem. In either event, I then use a resultset to store the query result of type object and result name 0.
I then pass this resultset into a script variable to start parsing the sql rows returned as type object. ( I assume this is the correct way to do this from other prior posts ...).
The script appears to throw an exception at the following line. I assume it's because I'm either not passing in the values properly or the query doesn't return anything. However, I am certain the query works as it executes just fine at the command prompt.
ds = CType(Dts.Variables("VP_EMAIL_RESULTS_RS").Value, DataSet)
My intent is to email the query results to each email address with the following type of data by passing the parsed data from the script to a send mail task. Email works fine and sends out messages but the content is empty. I pass the parsed data as string values to the messagesource and define the messagesourcetype as a variable in the mail task.
part number leadtime
x 5
y 9
Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?
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Mar 16, 2007
I allowed the SQL Destination Editor to design my table from Output of
a flat text file. Everything was varchar(50), but that was cool,
because I got to see the data in the new staging tables it created. I
went back and tweaked the data types and sizes for various columns to
be more appropriate through the table designer in SQL Server Management
After doing so I get an error trying to edit the package, specifically
parts of the destination in the data flow. I get the error "An error
occurred due to no connection. A connection is required when requesting
metadata... blah blah". I pick the TEST CONNECTION in the Connection
Manager, and it works fine.
I am sure this is probably a basic issue of mechanics of use that I
don't yet know because I am completely new to SSIS. Can someone please
provide a hint, perhaps what I did wrong, and also, if you can see it
how to redeem the error. Thanks!
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Dec 6, 2005
I have a dataflow task that reads a large amount of data from a textfile source. At the same time i load a mainbook which holds totals for each segment. In the end of that dataflow task i check for difference with a conditional split ([amountmainbook] - [amountsource]) > 1 which points to rowcount task that writes to a variable.
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Mar 7, 2007
1 :Control Flow Excute SQL task: Truncate Table
2: Dataflow Task: Datareader--Script componant--OLE DB Destination (SQL Server 2005--a single table --always around 600,000 rows)
How do I set up a transaction where if there is a failure the Truncate Table command will roll back---and the OLE Destination (A single SQL Server table) will be left the same as before the load started.
Another question with that volume of data --600,000 rows will a truncate table be pratical in a transaction
Any ides welcome
thanks in advance
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Jun 12, 2007
An Execute SQL task takes 1 min to run a statement "insert into Mytable select * from view_using_joins"
Output: 10,225 rows affected.
But a Dataflow task configured to fetch data from the same view_using_joins into MyTable takes hours to do the same.
Could you please explain why is it so ?
Subhash Subramanyam
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Jul 10, 2007
I created a data flow with complaicated SQL. There is "type" field in the output column.
I would like to created excel files for each "type" value
E.g. If there is 3 "type" values (A, B, C), I would like to create 3 excel files to store type A, type B, and type C data respectively.
Since the number of possibe value of "type" field is various, how can I create the xls destination dynamic and move the correct type to the corresponding excel file?
The conditional split has fixed conditions, it is not suitable for by dynamic number of value
For Loop condition is not a good choice because I need to run the complicated SQL for many time.
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Dec 8, 2005
I was wondering what has worked for all of you in regards to using a sproc as a source within a dataflow. I have had limited success doing this, but maybe there is a workaround I'm unaware of. Basically, using a SQL command in an OLE DB Source, I run an EXEC statement that returns a resultset from a stored procedure. I've noticed that depending on how the sproc is structured, I will either get metadata info in the columns tab of the OLE DB Source or not. Without this metadata of course I can not link it with a destination, since the destination believes that no data is being returned, even if this is not the case. This all seems to depend on the "final" select statement in the sproc being at the very top of the sproc. If it is not at the top, the columns tab will not be populated. Has anyone else had similar issues? Is there a workaround other than populating a temp table outside of the dataflow?
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Feb 27, 2008
Has anyone in here had luck using AD as a datasource? Big picture, we have an input file with unique identifiers (employee clock numbers) and I need to associate a clock number with an email address. The only place we have those two together is in Active Directory.
Currently, we have a lookup task with an OLE DB connection to our AD and a query that looks like
Code Snippet
SELECT mail, clockNumber
FROM 'LDAP://DC=company,DC=com'
I've mapped my input to the clockNumber in AD and all is well and good. I then go to thinking, perhaps it'd be better if I used that query as a source in an OLE DB component and used a Merge Join to make the link between the two. I paste that same query into a source component and boom
Code Snippet
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Error at Create extracts [OLE DB Source [1226]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x00000000.
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202009 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
Is this just not something that a person can do or is there something I've set up incorrectly? I'd be lucky to be considered a novice with AD so I'm fine if someone has a better suggestion for retrieving this data, this was just something I'd cobbled together out of some forum postings.
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Oct 14, 2007
I want to create pckg with two data source,
the pckg will know to take data from the right DS after IF will check if getdate() returned endweekday it will take from DS1 else DS2.
any suggestion how to do it??
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Aug 25, 2007
Dear Friends,
I have to import dBASE files to SQL Server. For this I have created one ODBC connection manager for those dBASE files. This I have to set for DataReader Source. But I am unable to configure the DataReader Source.
So, Please tell me how to configure DataReader Source for ODBC connection Manager.
Eagerly waiting for your valuable reply............
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Feb 27, 2007
I need to extract data from tables in a database that I can only access via ODBC.
I have successfully created a connection in Connection Manager (ConnectionManagerType = ODBC) for this database.
However I€™m unable to add this connection as a Data Flow Source. There is no ODBC Source option in the Toolbox.
This is a major because we have been using the system dsn Microsoft Visual Foxpro Driver to access free table directory .dbf files under ODBC with DTS for years. To install a new Microsoft OLEDB driver for foxpro is out of the question on a production system as it would cost many thousands of dollars to go through our BAT testing process
How do I extract data from tables in a database via ODBC?
Thanks in advance
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Dec 24, 2007
Hi Pals,
Here is my scenario in my ETL process, I have one DataFlow task.
Assuming that i have 10 clean records in my source database and i need to load all the 10 recs into my target table.
IS there any means of cross checking the no of rows from source table and number of rows loaded into my target table.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards.
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Jan 18, 2007
I am getting the following error when I start debugging my Package, I am not sure what this is related to, but basically, input (datatype is a int, and its mapped to a column which is also int), so I am not sure whats happening here. The input column is actually a derived column, and its set as a 4 byte un-signed int, please advice on where should I start looking to troubleshoot this issue. This loanapplicationid is actually a user variable that is utilized by other tasks in my control flow as well:
Error: 0xC020901C at InsertApplicationCL5, OLE DB Destination [16]: There was an error with input column "LoanApplicationID" (1161) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (29). The column status returned was: "The value violated the integrity constraints for the column.".
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Jun 21, 2007
Hello all,
I got a text file with two columns. and I need to generate a integer key automatically with the row number (or any distinct number, I thought row number will be OK). and when I make the data flow task to import this text file into a raw file I need to get the unique rownumber as Id.
How can I make this in the data flow tak??
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Sep 28, 2007
I written a SSIS package to import a table from one database to another database. I used dataflow task with oledb source and oledb destination with fastload. For 2 million records its taking 5 min . The same import using DTS I am getting in 2 mins. DTS package is more faster than SSIS package ?. any reasons why SSIS is taking more time?
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Nov 21, 2006
Need help regarding ssis dataflow task
I need to create a ssis package. I want to import the data from a flat file to a table.
Lets say, the table has 5 columns -- col1, col2, col3, col4 , col5.(Assume that all columns can be NULLABLE) The datafile contains the data related to only three columns say col1, col2, col3. So when I use dataflow task to import the data from the file to the table, I will only get three columns, col1, col2, col3. Columns col4, col5 will be NULL.
However, I want to populate columns col4, col5 with some values which are stored in the variable.
IS there any way to do this??
Any help would be appreciated.
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Feb 13, 2007
I want to be able to loop through a view and execute a dataflow task for each record. I would like to pass the value of a column to the dataflow task to be used as a parameter in a data reader.
How can I do this?
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Jan 10, 2007
I am getting data from an external source. External data has a column called "Type". I have a variable in my package which contains the list of types as shown below:
Filtered_type_List = 2,4,8,10,11
If this variable(Filtered_type_List) is blank, then I need all the data from the external source and if it is not blank then I only need the records matching to his list. How can I implement this in DataFlow Task?
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Jan 29, 2007
In the control flow I have an "Execute SQL Task" that executes a stored procedure. The stored procedure returns a result set of about 2000 rows of data into a package variable that has been typed as Object to contain the data.
What I have not been able to figure out is how to access the rows of data (in the package variable) from within a data flow task. There does not seem to be a data flow source task to perform that operation.
What am I missing that would make this easy?
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