Sp_executesql Silly Error

Jul 23, 2005


Here is what I ma trying to do. I have numeric expression stored in a
table column. for e.g. @a + @b + @c. I supply values to the variables
at run time and want them to be computed at run time as per the
expression in the column.
the stored procedure works fine but it gives a silly error.

Any help greatly appreciated. Below is the code.

--drop procedure proc_bkr
create procedure proc_bkr AS

declare @expr nvarchar(2000)
declare @sql nvarchar(2000)
declare @temp_exp nvarchar(3000)
declare @ans integer

declare @QFAAPAC02_1 integer
declare @QFAAPAC02_2 integer
declare @QFAAPAC02_3 integer
declare @QFAAPAC02_4 integer

-- Assigning values to variables -- Start
set @QFAAPAC02_1 = (Select QFAAPAC02_1 from fa_ap_stage where recordid
= 3)
set @QFAAPAC02_2 = (Select QFAAPAC02_2 from fa_ap_stage where recordid
= 3)
set @QFAAPAC02_3 = (Select QFAAPAC02_3 from fa_ap_stage where recordid
= 3)
set @QFAAPAC02_4 = (Select QFAAPAC02_4 from fa_ap_stage where recordid
= 3)
-- Assigning values to variables -- End

set @temp_exp = (select num from translation where processid = 'AP' and
label = 'C1')
-- This is how num looks: @QFAAPAC02_1 + @QFAAPAC02_2 + @QFAAPAC02_3 +

--select @expr = '@QFAAPAC02_1 + @QFAAPAC02_2 + @QFAAPAC02_3 +
-- Above line works fine but below one does not. though both are same.

select @expr = @temp_exp
select @sql = 'select @ans = ' + @expr

exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@QFAAPAC02_1 integer, @QFAAPAC02_2 integer,
@QFAAPAC02_3 integer, @QFAAPAC02_4 integer, @ans integer OUTPUT',

set @cc = @ans

Error Message: Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 1
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Must declare the
variable '@QFAAPAC02_'.

Thanks in Advance!


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Error Handling When Using SP_EXECUTESQL

Oct 30, 2000

I am using dynamica SQL in one of my stored procs That performs BULKINSERT
on few tables.
If there is a PK constraint violation, I wanted to write an error routine.
But once SP_EXECUTESQL gives an error, the stored proc just abends
not allowing me to ado anything else.
Can anyone help me with some information on how to perform error
handling when I am using Dynamic SQL?
I am also sending the the piece of code and the error message.

CODE: Assume that all variables are declared appropriately.

SET @string = 'BULK INSERT Tb_Manfg ' + char(13) +
'FROM '+ '''' + @path_tb_manfg + '''' + char(13) +
'WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = ' + '''' + '|=|'+ '''' + ',' + char(13) +
'ROWTERMINATOR = ' + '''' + '
' + '''' + ')'

IF @error = 0
This is where the stored proce abends.
The subsequent code is not executed at all.
PRINT 'ERROR IS.........'
IF @@ERROR = 2627
SET @error = @@ERROR
SET @error = @@ERROR

Server: Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__TB_Manfg__1FCDBCEB'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'TB_Manfg'.
The statement has been terminated.

Thanks a lot.

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Sp_executesql And Error Handling

May 22, 2007


I need to capture the error code while using sp_executesql

insert into #temp1
exec @status=sp_executesql @actn_id1

This @actn_id1 contains the proc name and the parameters. The problem now is when I get an error it’s not captured in the @status column, it always 0 and also tried @@error and was also 0.

Server: Msg 55118, Level 16, State 1, Procedure S_START_LUW, Line 383
info_upd_id =530129179546!, is using current subj_id.

This is a user defined error captured using raiserror inside a sub proc.

Can I capture this error number in the status column?

Thanks in advance for the help

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Invalid Column Error With Sp_executesql

Jun 13, 2005

Hey all,

Having some trouble with a Database email system I created. The system consists of two tables, DATA_ELEMENT and EMAIL_MESSAGE. So the email message body and recipient fields may contain substitution macros such as {![CUST_EMAIL]!}. The CUST_EMAIL data element row then stores the SELECT, FROM and WHERE clauses separately. There is a stored proc to search the message body and recipients for these substitution macros and replace them with the appropriate values from the DB.

The system is working well except I have one particular substitution macro called VENUE_NAME_BY_PPPID which is causing a problem.

Quote: Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 3
Invalid column name 'PARTNER_PRODUCT_PRIZE_ID'.

And here's the query which is creates this error (without the escaped single quotes):



And just after this print statement, the query is executed with sp_executesql()

Any advice is greatly appreciated as this query runs fine when I execute from the query window. However, if I escape all the necessary quotes, I can't get it to run when I put the string inside of sp_executesql().


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Sp_executesql Error From SSIS OLE DB Command

Jul 20, 2006


I've got an SSIS package, I'm in a Data Flow step that has a OLE DB Command Data Flow Transformation.

The SQLCommand in the OLD DB Command is:
UPDATE Employment_Episode_Dim
SET Commence_Serv_Date = ?
WHERE AGS_Number = ?

The package will run through successfully, but I don't see any updates
in Employment_Episode_Dim. I ran a trace, and this is a sample of the
SQL that is being executed:

WHERE (AGS_NUMBER = @P2)',N'@P1 datetime,@P2 int',''2005-01-27

If I take that SQL and execute it in a query window, it fails due to
two single quotation marks placed around the date parameter being used
as @P1.

Why does SQL/SSIS put two singles around the date? It's outside of the
string to be executed, so it doesn't seem to need to have the double.

Can anyone please help?


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Sp_executesql Bug? - @@error = 0 When @statement Is Null

Aug 22, 2007

Example code:

declare @somesql nvarchar(20)
execute sp_executesql @somesql, N'@lnCurrRow int', @lnCurrRow = 1

@@Error returns 0, which is seems incorrect since @somesql is null. If you substitute @somesql for the constant NULL then an error is fired. The above also executes successfully with @@error = 0 if you set @somesql = '' (empty string).

EXEC behaves the same way.

It makes sense that executing an empty string should be fine, but NULL? Is there a SET option available that will cause an error to be raised if sp_executesql attempts to execute a nvarchar variable that's set to NULL?


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Exec Sp_executesql Vs. Sp_executesql And Performance

Jul 23, 2005

This is a odd problem where a bad plan was chosen again and again, butthen not.Using the profiler, I identified an application-issued statement thatperformed poorly. It took this form:exec sp_executesql N'SELECT col1, col2 FROM t1 WHERE (t2= @Parm1)',N'@Parm1 int', @Parm1 = 8609t2 is a foreign key column, and is indexed.I took the statement into query analyzer and executed it there. Thequery plan showed that it was doing a scan of the primary key index,which is clustered. That's a bad choice.I then fiddled with it to see what would result in a good plan.1) I changed it to hard code the query value (but with the parmdefinition still in place. )It performed well, using the correct index.Here's how it looked.exec sp_executesql N'SELECT cbord.cbo1013p_AZItemElement.AZEl_Intid AS[Oid], cbord.cbo1013p_AZItemElement.incomplete_flag AS [IsIncomplete],cbord.cbo1013p_AZItemElement.traceflag AS [IsTraceAmount],cbord.cbo1013p_AZItemElement.standardqty AS [StandardAmount],cbord.cbo1013p_AZItemElement.Uitem_intid AS [NutritionItemOid],cbord.cbo1013p_AZItemElement.AZeldef_intid AS [AnalysisElementOid] FROMcbord.cbo1013p_AZItemElement WHERE (Uitem_intid= 8609)', N'@Parm1 int',@Parm1 = 8609After doing this, re-executing the original form still gave badresults.2) I restored the use of the parm, but removed the 'exec' from thestart.It performed well.After that (surprise!) it also performed well in the original form.What's going on here?

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Report Error Using Stored Procedure With Exec Sp_executesql

Feb 13, 2008


Our report is working fine with data loaded from a stored procedure (#1) that contains a fairly simple Select statement. We need the same report to work with a dataset loaded from a stored procedure (#2) that uses 'Exec sp_executesql @queryString'. Unfortunately, attempts to call the latter cause an error in the report. From everything that I've read, there should be no difference between datasets created using either method. Any ideas what could be getting in the way of the latter?

I have doublechecked that the dynamic query is returning a valid dataset and that all the columns are in the same format as sp #1. The designer shows the dataset and the report with the data loaded, but the live system produces an error.

Any help is much appreciated.

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'Syntax Error Converting Datetime From Character String' With Sp_executesql

Jul 20, 2005

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Synchronization_GetNewRecords(@item varchar(50),@last datetime)ASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)SET @sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + @item + ' WHERE LastUpdated >' + @lastEXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@Type varchar(50), @Last datetime', @item, @lastThis is my SP. Very simple. But it is throwing the error in the subject line.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Sp_executesql - Error Converting Data Type Varchar To Datetime

Oct 13, 2006


I am havin problems with the following giving a message

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 4, Line 0

Error converting data type varchar to datetime.

exec sp_executesql


SET [REQUEST] = @19, [DISC_EXPRY] = @28, [GROUP1] = @29, [GROUP2] = @31, [PR_LEVEL] = @48, [MOD_DATE] = @55, [MEM_CODE] = @63, [MEM_DATE] = @64, [HO_MOD] = @66, [LASTUPDATE] = @78

WHERE [ID] = @Old_1'

, @params=N'@19 nvarchar(4),@28 DateTime,@29 nvarchar(5),@31 nvarchar(5),@48 nvarchar(1),@55 DateTime,@63 nvarchar(7),@64 DateTime,@66 Integer,@78 Float,@Old_1 Integer',

@19= 'NRMA',@28= '1752-09-14',@29= 'ALBUM',@31= 'FRAME',@48= 'A',@55= '2006-10-10',@63= '1003.50',@64= '2006-10-10',@66= 3,@78= 39000.190633,@Old_1= 454636

however, as soon as I remove the datetime fields it works

exec sp_executesql


SET [REQUEST] = @19, [GROUP1] = @29, [GROUP2] = @31, [PR_LEVEL] = @48, [MEM_CODE] = @63, [HO_MOD] = @66, [LASTUPDATE] = @78

WHERE [ID] = @Old_1'

, @params=N'@19 nvarchar(4),@29 nvarchar(5),@31 nvarchar(5),@48 nvarchar(1),@63 nvarchar(7),@66 Integer,@78 Float,@Old_1 Integer',

@19= 'NRMA',@29= 'ALBUM',@31= 'FRAME',@48= 'A',@63= '1003.50',@66= 3,@78= 39000.190633,@Old_1= 454636

what am I doing wrong with the datetime parameters?


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This Is So Silly

Jul 1, 2004

I Imported a table over to sql 2000 server(through the DTS), then I exported the table to access 2000. After creating my forms my users were trying ot add data but couldnt, they kept getting an error message saying these records are not updateable. After some research I found that I never appointed a primary key, so after doing so the records became updateable. constant learning process adn I love it :)

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Silly BAcKUp Log Is Too Big

Jun 11, 2001

Is there a way to restore just the data.mdf file and accept an existing log?

Current state: A client has a backup where the data file is 400mb and the log is 4.99gb. The avaiable hhd space is 6gb.

Restoring the backup to a test database fails.

Objective: Check the calendar file for missing data, and if found, update the live calendar with the missing items.

We don't need the database to be fully operational, we only need a particular table. I'll write a cursor if needed to update the live cal from the restored backup.

I suspect that the available diskspace is causing the retore to fail.


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I've Done A Very Silly Thing And Need Help

Mar 25, 2003

After being put in a position where I had to deal with a SQL problem without very little SQL knowledge I have screwed a clients main database up.

I backed up the transaction log and then deleted the log. The database is shown as suspect and won't let me restore.

Am I F&%ked?

Any help in sorting this out will be rewarded with much kudos and thanks

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This Is Probably A Silly Question

Jul 8, 2004

I wanted to create a table with an exsisting table, then create a relationship between the two. The table being created needs a DocID autonumbered primary key, is that possible to create through sql. An autonumber like access has, through a query or something. should I just have a insert into query or something?? how would I go about doing that.

Goodmorning Guys :)

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Silly Question

Jul 22, 2004

I can execute a stored procedure I created in the Enterprise manager cant I??

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Silly Question Here

Jan 23, 2006

Yes this is a silly question, but I don't know the answer!

I have developed a database using SQL Server 2K. I am now upgrading to SQL Server 2005. Can I still use my current database files in SQL Server 2005? If I can, do u have any idea how I can make SQL Server 2005 load up the old files and start working?

Also my hosting provider has NOT upgraded to SQL Server 2005. He will only accept the old SQL Server 2K files. Can SQL Server 2005 save files that will work on a SQL Server 2K server?

Thank you!!!

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Silly Question

Mar 16, 2007

Hi all. I think its a silly question to ask. What is better to use? I mean in terms of performance.
c.* or c.field1, c.field2, c.field3, c.lastfield..... ?


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Silly Question

Jul 20, 2005

HiI've not used SQL Server for a while, and I've forgotten how you hide allthose system procedures (beginning with dt_) in Enterprise Manager.Could some kind person please refresh my memory?ThanksCaptain Nemo

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May Be A Silly Question,but.....

Mar 3, 2008

In a situation when you have a power cut, and then sometime later 'most' of your sql servers come back on line, is it better to leave them all down unless they all come back online, or is it better to let some of them come back up knowing that the ones that do come up will have job failure issues with the ones that are down. I pose this question purely from the perspective of scheduled job problem as we do not have people on site when we have intermittent power cuts at weekends. What would scheduled jobs which are due to run , but miss their run time as we leave the servers down after a power cut till we get back in on Mondays do when we do actually re-power them up, would they just resume from their next scheduled point, or would they try to run as often as they should have run?


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Silly Question...

Apr 24, 2007

Hi everyone,

Inside a Script Task I€™ve got this line:

Dts.Variables("Var1").Value = Dts.Variables("Var2").ToString

After that, I get this value for Var1:
"Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Variable" {String}
String: "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Variable"

Does anyone have any idea about the hell is happening here?

Both of them has been defined at the same scope and own String as data type

Thanks in advance and regards,

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Silly Sql Problem

Oct 11, 2007

I will give you the simplest version of this I know if.

I have 3 tables.

Person Table
PersonID, Forename, Surname

Event Table
EventID, EventName

Involvment Table
PersonID, EventID

In this, the Person table's primary key is PersonID, the Event table's primary key is EventID and the Involvment table's primary key is PersonID, EventID.
There is also a foreign key constrant between Person.PersonID and Involvment.PersonID and a foreign key constraint between Event.EventID and Involvment.EventID.

The sql to create this would be

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person](

[PersonID] [int] NOT NULL,

[Forename] [nchar](30) NOT NULL,

[Surname] [nchar](30) NOT NULL,



[PersonID] ASC



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Event](

[EventID] [int] NOT NULL,

[EventName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,



[EventID] ASC



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Involvment](

[PersonID] [int] NOT NULL,

[EventID] [int] NOT NULL,



[PersonID] ASC,

[EventID] ASC




ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Involvment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Involvment_Event] FOREIGN KEY([EventID])

REFERENCES [dbo].[Event] ([EventID])


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Involvment] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Involvment_Event]


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Involvment] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Involvment_Person] FOREIGN KEY([PersonID])

REFERENCES [dbo].[Person] ([PersonID])


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Involvment] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Involvment_Person]

As so obviously stolen from SSMS.

Now what I am having problems with is if someone is involved with more than one event, then I only want them to get listed once.

If we have the following in the Person table.



the following in the events table



and this in the Involvment table




then when doing any select using the Involvment to get name and event information from their respective tables, there will be two entries for John Doe. I don't want this if it is possible. Although the same event multiple times is ok in this case.

So, if someone could help with this then it will be greatly appreciated. I'm still not that great with SQL so this is a problem which has been annoying me.

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Is This A Silly Way To Use SSIS?

Mar 1, 2006

I have typically done any ETL style manipulations I needed to do to data stored in SQL Server in VB.NET. I would use the IMPORT?EXPORT DTS wizard to import flat files, or mabe something from ACCESS every now and then.

I am looking at a situation in my current contract where I will be pulling flat files from a mainframe and quasi relational stuff from a DB2 instance via an ODBC connection. I will be using this stuff to build a datawarehouse for a manufacturing client.

My question is this. Is there really enough good stuff in SSIS for what I will be doing to justify my learning it or if I'm comfortable doing the manipulations in VB.NET will that work just as well for my client? After all, I can schedule VB.NET apps to write results to log files and to run at specified times, etc. It just sort of always seemed to me that DTS was for people that needed to manipulate data without necessarily having to know a lot about programming per se.

I'm looking for opinions from people that know SSIS well. Is there enough meat to make cooking the SSIS meal worth the trouble?

Thanks in advance for any info.

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Silly Question Please Help

May 7, 2007

As i am inserting data from textfile to sql server database i happened to have space Like a square appears in front of data for certain columns.How do i remove that????I use Trim(column) for all incoming columns but it does not work.

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A Silly Question!

Oct 19, 2007

What is the function of SQL Server Manager Studio Express?
Create Database and tables?
It seems that Visual Studio is already including the functions.
We can create database and table in Visual Studio 2005.

I am a new to SQL, sorry for the silly question.

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Silly Question - What Is This 'YUKON ??

Nov 25, 2004


I have come across this term (YUKON or something like that). Is this the 'code name' for the next version of SQL server which is yet to be launced??? Can someone help me provide links to some articles on it.

Many TIA.

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Help Needed On A Silly Query :P

Aug 26, 2004

hi ...
i m a new member
i want a help on this query(new user of sql :D )
yaa and the query is

create a rule and attach it to the service_code(column) of airline_service(Table) alow only the values 'cc','n' and 'wc' to be entered into the column

plz tell mee... :confused: ..i wlll be gr8 fulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ;)

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Silly Question - What Is 'YUKON'?

Nov 25, 2004


I have come across this term (YUKON) or something like that and assume that this is the "code name" of thenext version of SQL server (i.e. 2005) thatis yet to belaunched. Isthis correct? If not, can someone please explain what YUKON means/stands for.


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Simple And Silly SQL Puzzle

Mar 31, 2004

Hello SQL Gurus,

I want to dynamically add a column to a select statement who must contain the line number.

Example :

Some table has 3 columns (id,field1,field2)

SELECT top 3 *,[lineNumber] as lineOrder FROM someTable

must produce

id | field1 | field 2 | lineOrder
1 abc def 1
23 def ghi 2
7 ghi jkl 3

and so on... Possible ?

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Excuse Me For This Silly Question?

Nov 27, 2007

Hi all
As far as i know there is no diffrence between the two followings
Sql Statements:

1) Select * from Pubs.dbo.authors
2) Select * From Pubs..authors

i just want to be extra sure about this issue that whan we omit
the OWNER section, sqlserver use the CURRENT USER? am i right?

Thanks in advance.

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Silly Question About BIDS

Sep 29, 2006

Hi guys,

When you get an warning from, i.e, OleDb Destination you see an exclamation mark in yellow and then, when you move the mouse over you can't see never the whole message (If long)

Is there any way to see the entire tooltiptext?

Thanks in advance and have a good weekend!

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Silly Query Question

Sep 3, 2006

I have been rewritting one of our applications to use SQL Express instead of Access. I am having a small issue that I cannot seem to resolve and have searched the forum thoroughly. My code is as follows:

SearchPONo = Me.txtSearch.Text

Set rs55 = New Recordset
rs55.CursorLocation = adUseClient

'SQLSearchQuery = "SELECT * FROM POInfo WHERE PONumber LIKE '%SearchPONo%' "
rs55.Open SQLSearchQuery, cn55, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
Goto GetRecord

If rs55.RecordCount() > 0 Then

Me.DataGrid55.Enabled = True
Set DataGrid55.DataSource = rs55

I am trying to get a PONumber from a user input textbox and if I replace the %SearchPoNo% with a partial of a PO Number I can see my result. However, if I use the user input, then of course I get no results.

What am I doing wrong?



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The Silly Question Of The Day: Stored Procedures

Jun 28, 2007

Dear world,
In my new installation of MS SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, i open the DB i want, then i go to Programmability/Stored Procedures i click right button "New Stored Procedure".
I can write a stored procedure but when i save it does not record the sp in the dababase but in the file system without any relation with the database!
The database was originally created with SQL Server 2000 and now attached to a 2005 version (may be is something to do with it)
 What am i doing wrong???
Thank you in advance

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:p Silly Question! MS SQL = Microsoft Access?

Oct 6, 2005

is it ms sql stand for microsoft access???

i am currently do a project.
i am headaching .about the database adn the asp.

so far all i knw is only asp, other no .. any suggestion ??
asp to MySQL ? will it work ????

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