Space Occupied By SISS Raw File Is More

Oct 23, 2007

The system I had developed is having a data flow as following:

Source received as file, .dat file
For better performance I€™m doing little transformation between .dat file to SSIS Raw file then from Raw files doing Type2 and Type3 mappings to adhere the business rules and loading the data to destination tables.

The .dat file I receive (there are many file some where around 25 file) is dumped in a folder as €œsource€? and the Raw file are in other folder as €œSSIS files€?.

My concern is the source folder size is 6GB and the same files converted in SSIS raw files format present in SSIS FILE folder and the size of this folder is 10GB.

Why is that so? Where as there€™s no extra data and the transformations between source and SISS files are like substring for the different date format and data type conversion.

Any ideas, your help in this would be appreciated.

Thank you

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How Calculate Space That Occupied?

Jun 12, 2007

I want to know following memory space related question.1 . How can i get a Database Size by means of a SQL query?2. How can i Get a field size (not allocated space) .. ie. i amstoring some textual data to a field..after a insertion i want to know how much space has been occupied bythat particular field .ex sno product_name Description1 sample1 dfkjsdkfj kldsjfkdjksdkjdfskdjk vcmvxcvmcvnksdjfkdsn mHere i want know the space occupied by the field name "description"for the product id=1.Thanks in adavanceRegardsVisu.

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Unable To Release Space Occupied By A Dense Populated Table

Aug 22, 2007

Hi ,
I have a table let say TableA , which have a size of 22 GB.Due to its size i down size this table by deleting 40% rows.So ideally it should size to 15 GB but space is not released by TableA. How i can do it ? I tried shrink database, shrink data file wizards and DBCC command , Reorganize the index but all is in vain.

Any suggestion /solution?

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Size Occupied Of The Table In Database.

May 13, 2008

Hi all

How to find out size occupied of the table in Database in SQL Server2000

Help me reg.

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Shrink File Tool From EM Took All The Empty Space Allocated To Data File

Jul 20, 2005

I've production sql server 7 sp3 on windows NT. I had a 8GB data file ofwhich 5GB were used and 3GB were unused. I wanted to take back the unused3GB.So I did the following with EM GUI:1. I tried to "truncate fre space from end of the file". Didn't truncatethe file. I believe there was no empty space at the end of the file.2. Next I chose the option to "shrink file to 5GB". And to my horror thedata file instead of taking just 5GB took the empty spaces also and the sizeof the used data file went to 8GB.Any idea what's going on?TIA,SP

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How To Free The Memory Occupied By Blob In MS Sql Server

Apr 18, 2006

i'm working in microsoft sql server and i got following problem:

I have a text files Asia.txt in E: folder with some data in it as shown below


1, Mizuho, Fukushima, Tokyo
2, Minika, Pang, Taipei
3, Jen, Ambelang, India
4, Jiang, Hong, Shangai
5, Ada, Koo, HongKong

And I have a table Region, in the database Companies, as shown below.


I queried all the data from Asia.txt, using the OPENROWSET function.


it occupied some memory then i deleted this record using follwoing query


then it deletes the record successfully but memory is not getting freed

can anyone help me out on this problem

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SQL Server 2008 :: Log File Space Is 5 Times The Data File

Mar 16, 2015

one of my database data file is 100 GB and the log file is 500 GB.DB is in full recovery model and the transaction logs happen once in 6 hours.Even then, the Database log file isn't reducing in size.

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Log File - Out Of Space

Mar 5, 2008


I am trying to run SSIS project which is failing on one of the dataflow. This dataflow should create in Destination approximately 209,405,240 records. My flow is failing and the reason for it €“ size and log file.

This is the error I am getting.

An Ole db record is available. Source: €œMicrosoft SQL Native Client€? Hresult 0x80004005 Description: €œThe transaction log for database €˜tempdb€™ is full. To find
out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases.
An ole DB record is available. Source: €œMicrosoft SQL Native Client€? Hresult 0x80004005 Description: Could not allocate space for object €˜dbo.DataPoint€™. €˜PK_DataPoint€™ in database €˜DatabaseName€™ because the €˜primary€™ filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for eisting files in the filegroup.€?

Please let me know what can I do about it? Should I change some properties? How do I make it work and have better performance?


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Schedule A SISS Package : Error

Apr 3, 2008

I am trying to schedule a SISS package by creating a new job but it is giving me error when the job executes.the error i find when i checked the error log it was the following error

Unable to find index entry in index ID 1, of table 2073058421, in database 'msdb'. The indicated index is corrupt or there is a problem with the current update plan. Run DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKTABLE. If the problem persists, contact product support. [SQLSTATE HY000] (ConnExecuteCachableOp)

Any help would be appriciated

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How To Pass Pre And Post Command In SISS

Nov 20, 2007

Hi All,
Can anyone tell me how i can do Pre Post Command in SSIS. Even If i want to Manipulate the File before running the Task with sum input values or Want to Do Post Command after Running to Task

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3rd Party Components/API Support In SISS

Jun 11, 2007


I was just getting through the features of SSIS, i wanted to confirm a few things

can i make my own dll in .net (version 2.0 or earlier) and use them im SISS via Execute Script?
thers is one thing i saw on msn that i can make my ssis packages reusable by adding them on mt tool box and drag drop use them on other ssis packages. correct?
can i use any other 3rd party components like APIs, or some other ETL tool's package in SISS ?


adnan shamim

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Inconsistand Execution Of SISS Package

Mar 1, 2006


Can someone please help??

I have a small package that makes an OLDB connection to my local 2005 SQL server then does some processing and places the results in a text file as XML

I have created a stored proc that uses xp_cmdshell to call the package and pass a paramter to it.

It all works fine when I call it from the command line or execute the stored proc from SQL Management Studio or if I call it as part of a SQL Agent job, but when it is called from C# from an ASP page then it fails with a timeout error.

Even stanger is the fact that when there is no data there for it to process it runs OK so I dont think it is permissions but the size of the output file only has to be a couple of k for it to fail from the ASP page.

If we comment out some of the functions in the package then it will execute OK from ASP

Help Whats going on ??

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SISS As Schedule Job Via SQL Agent, Got Error

Dec 20, 2007

I need to run SISS for example every day at 5pm, I run SQL Agent and created new job for my SISS package which store in SISS Package Store on SQL Server, but when this job run I go error:

Log Job History (Test SISS)
Step ID 1
Server ADMNBK-010S
Job Name Test SISS
Step Name Run SISS Mobius
Duration 00:00:02
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0
Executed as user: ADMNBK-010SSYSTEM. The package execution failed. The step failed.

if I run SISS package from SISS Package Store "by hands" it works...

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Slower Execution Of SISS Packages

Apr 6, 2006


I am experiencing that my SISS packages are executing faster during development from within the Sql Business Intelligence Development Studio environment than when I execute them with dtexecui after I have deployed them as either File System Or Sql Server deployments.

After deployment the packages run about twice a long as they do from within Sql Business Intelligence Development Studio (i.e they reference the same data and are executed on the same machine).

In short the packages import data, during this import stage the data is massaged certain calculations are performed thereon where after this massaged data is used to perform further calculations.

A summary of tools used in SISS are Execute Sql Task, Flat File Source, Oledb Destination, Data Conversion, Aggregate, Conditional Split, Merge, For Each Ado Enumerators, Script Tasks, Derived Columns and Recordset Destinations.

In terms of time from within Sql Business Intelligence Development Studio when the packages are executed for 1 month's data the total combined time is about 10 minutes and when deployed as either File System Or Sql Server deployments they run for about 20 minutes. My problem is when they are executed for a years data instead of running for 120 minutes they run for at least 240 minutes or longer.

Is this normal or am I missing some settings when building the package for deployment?


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Log File Space Usage

Feb 24, 2000

On SQL*Server7, is there a system table to find out the transaction log space used? DBCC SQLPERF (logspace) must be using a undocumented system table.

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How To Know The Space Used In The Data / Log File

Apr 10, 2008

I have 4 drives in my HDD namely C,D,E,F
On Each Drive, i have my Database Data, Log and Index File.

I wanted to know the Allocated Space / space used in the Database Data / Log or Index File.

What if i am not able to login to Database then how will i determine the used space / free space in the DB File or Log File or Index File.

Thanks in advance.
-- Chetan

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Free Space In DB File.

Apr 19, 2007

How to check the free space in a DB file using TSQL?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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How Much Space Used In Each Transaction Log File

Mar 22, 2007

Is there a way to know how much space is free in each transaction log file of the same database?


A database with 3, 1GB files for transaction log: A, B and C created in this sequence.

From what I have read, since SQL Server 2005 writes to a single transaction log only, I guess if the transaction log is using 2.5GB than A and B are full and B is only half full. Is this correct?


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Documented T-sql For File Space ?

Jun 27, 2006

Hi There

I would like to write sql to check that space used by any given data file in SS2000.

sp_spaceused only returns the total space used by the DB or object in the DB, not for a specific data file.

DBCC SHOWFILESTATS does give me this information , but it is not documented in BOL, i would prefer not to use an undocumented command to ensure future use in later versions. Is DBCC SHOWFILESTATS an undocumented T-SQL command ? If so what documented t-sql command will provide me with this information ?

I could query system table's and work this out , but as mentioned this may not not work in future versions of SS.


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Additional Threads IN SISS Script Tasks

May 12, 2008

Are there any draw backs to spawning additional threads inside of the script tasks for SISS packages?

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How To Make SISS Using CRM 3.0 As External Data Source

Jan 8, 2008

Hi All,

I have a knowledge of SISS and CRM 3.0 but don't get any proper steps to create such Integration Service in SQL Server 2005 using CRM 3.0 as external data source.

I don't get any option of external data source for CRM.

So if anybody know about this then let me know steps to do that.

Thanx in advance.

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Error While Creting A Job To Schedule A DTS /SISS PAckage

Apr 7, 2008

I am trying to schedule a SISS package by creating a new job but it is giving me error when the job executes.the error i find when i checked the error log it was the following error

Unable to find index entry in index ID 1, of table 2073058421, in database 'msdb'. The indicated index is corrupt or there is a problem with the current update plan. Run DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKTABLE. If the problem persists, contact product support. [SQLSTATE HY000] (ConnExecuteCachableOp)

Any help would be appriciated

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Obtain Version 7 Log File Space Used Using T-SQL

Mar 14, 2000

I need to be able to obtain the storage space used for database log files through T-SQL commands.
I can do this in version 6.5 but have been unable to accomplish this in version 7.0.
Does anyone have a suggestion?

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Database File And Disk Space

Dec 3, 2007

Hi All,

One of the drives that stores the database file is close to running out of space. The chance of me getting more space added to this drive any time soon are really low. What are other options I have?


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Database File And Disk Space

Dec 3, 2007

Hi All,

One of the drives that stores the database file is close to running out of space. The chance of me getting more space added to this drive any time soon are really low. What are other options I have?


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File Group Space Error

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Received the following error during index creation of the tables. Thedata & log files are set to 'unrestricted growth' and enough spaceavailable on the disk. Any reasons?___________Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (80040e14): Could not allocatenew page for database 'Ultimareports'. There are no more pages availablein filegroup PRIMARY. Space can be created by dropping objects, addingadditional files, or allowing file growth___________ThanksJohn Jayaseelan*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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File Group Is Running Out Of Space?

Jul 21, 2015

I am currently SQL admin since our ordinary SQL folks are at summer vacation.

Yesterday SCOM alerted that File Group is running out of space on one not so critical database "The file group "PRIMARY" for the database "loganalys" in SQL instance "MSSQLSERVER" on computer "sqlserver2" is running out of space".

I logged in to the SQL server and checked the database in question. It is a very large DB with a size  of 577 GB.The storage on which the database files resides has 123 GB free space so that isn't the issue.

The database is set to autogrowth 1 MB at a time (unrestricted) so that doesn't seem to be the issue either.However, in the database properties under General, it says Space avaliable: 570 MB.

I guess that this may be the issue, that this is under some treshold for SCOM to alert on.I have looked at the other databases and they have everything between 0,25MB to 270MB space avaliable (they are all set to autogrowth 1 MB, unrestricted).

I am not sure what this means and if I have to do something about it?

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Check All Databases For File Space Used

Aug 29, 2006

Hi There

As part of monitoring i want to hourly check the data file percentage used for each database, to monitor growth and know in advance when a data file will be full.

However i do not want to write a job for ever single database , this instance may have up to 100 databases that = 100 jobs.

So i want to write a job that checks the percentage space used for all databases.

My first dilema is that i cannot loop through databases dynamically, by that i mean if i use a cursor that loops through database names, and i dynamically build sql the say 'USE @DBNAME' and execute it the cursor context stays local you do not actually change database context.

So how do i loop though databases, i have found

sp_msforeachdb, however this is undocumented in BOL.

Secondly how do i check the percentage of space used for the data file or files for a database, i could use DBCC SHOWFILESTATS, however this is also not documented in BOL.

Obviously i would rather use documented methods.

So bottom line what tsql could i use to check the percentage of file space use for all databases?


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Log File Too Big To Restore Not Enough Drive Space. Now What?

Mar 5, 2008

Hello all

as indicated by my stupid question, I am very new to sql. our vrsion is 2000 and I'm talking about in enterprise manager, the database that was created is not showing up in the list of db. Although I can see the file in explorer.

The problem I€™m having is when I try to attach the database €œmailarchive3Q2007_data.mdf€? it is also looking for the log file €œmailarchive3Q2007_log.ldf€? . The log file was removed by someone else off our system. I have a backup of the file but it is too large to restore now (160 gig) when the system was first set up the recovery model was not set to simple so the log just grew till it filled up our drive. I no longer have the drive space necessary to restore the log file and shrink it. So what do I do now? I need some kind of €œmailarchive3Q2007_log.ldf€? file to attach the database in enterprise manager.

Hope sombody can help.



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File Group Free Space--urgent

May 23, 2000

In sql 7.0 , i would like to create a database with the size of 10Gb, in my server couple of databases already exist.
How do i know how much free space is there in File group.
we are having only one file group i.e PRIMARY.
Could anyone pls tell me about this.
Thank u.


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Log File Alert And Negative Free Space!?

Sep 24, 2007

We've got an alert setup on our production database to warn us when the log file(s) exceeds 7 gigs. The Alert is triggering:

"The SQL Server performance counter 'Log File(s) Size (KB)' (instance 'Lexus') of object 'SQLServer:Databases' is now above the threshold of 7000000.00 (the current value is 7057656.00)."

However, according to the file system, the database properties screen files, and properties tabs, the log files combined are at under 5 gigs so this alert should not be going off.

The scary part is, when going to right-click on the database, choosing "tasks" and going to "Shrink > Files", the "Free Space" shows negative numbers for the first log file:

Log 1
Currently Allocated space: 118.69 MB
Available Free Space: -5323.24 MB (-4485%)

Log 2
Currently Allocated space: 4853.13 MB
Available Free Space: 411.20 MB (7%)

Has anybody ever run into this? Should I be worried that there is a bigger issue at hand?


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Log File Shrink Not Releasing The Space On Disk

Oct 4, 2007

Hi all

My Transactional log size increased to 39GB, it is in full recovery mode,

To regain the space, i have done the following
But not able to regain the space in the hard disk.

No Transactional backups to truncate the log file were setup.

Can you please tell me why the space was released and what should i do further to clean up the sapce

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File Group Is Running Out Of Space Frequently

Sep 1, 2015

We are receiving following alerts frequently about 1:40 AM in the morning. We have backups running on 11:00 PM everyday and rebuild job running at 2:00 AM. Not sure the exact cause of this error.

The file group "PRIMARY"  for the database "tempdb" in SQL instance "MSSQLSERVER" on computer "XYZ" is running out of space. 
tempdev Initial size : 133,100 MB Growth: By 10 percent, Limited to 140000 MB 
templog  Initial Size : 5,475 MB    Growth: By 10 percent, Unlimited

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