Sql Error Identifier

Mar 15, 2008

Is there a field in the SQLException class that identifies what specific exception was thrown. I tried Number and ErrorCode but those seem to change randomly, they are not consistent. Thanks

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Multi-part Identifier Error

Sep 7, 2007


I have the following statement with multi-part identifier error :-

SELECT #t.vno,transact.vdesc,transact.acctno,transact.camt,transact.damt,transact.ccamt,transact.cdamt
into #main
FROM transact,(
WHERE YEAR = 2007 and batchno = 5
having sum(camt) <> sum(damt)
)as #t
WHERE (transact.YEAR = 2007)


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The Multi-part Identifier Error

May 16, 2008

Hi i am finding difficulty in adding updating the Last transaction Date of Materials Loaded Out.

The Master table has LoadID, LastLoadDate.
Child Table has MaterialID, LoadID, Weight1, Weight1DateTime, Weight2, Weight2DateTime

My Requirement is to update the Master.LastLoadDate field with the Highest date of the materials loaded out on different days.

I wrote the following query and it is getting me

" The multi-part identifier "#tblTemp.Mydate" could not be bound "

update table Tbl_LoadMaster set LastTransDate=(Select MAX(#tblTemp1.Mydate) as MaxDate from (

Select * from(

select Distinct Weight1DateTime as MyDate from Tbl_LoadMaterialDetails where LoadID=1 Union

select Distinct Weight2DateTime as MyDate from Tbl_LoadMaterialDetails where LoadInID=1

) #tblTemp1) #TblTemp2)

Please help me o find a solution for this situation. I am in a real hurry.

Thanks in Advance

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Error: Identifier 'stored Proc Name' Is Out Of Scope

Mar 10, 2005

Does anyone know what this error message is telling me.

Thanks in advance everyone.


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Error 'multi-part Identifier Could Not Be Bound' In CTE

Mar 24, 2008

I am trying to run a Common Table Expression (CTE) in SQL Server 2005 but I receive the error

'Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

The multi-part identifier "ep.ProjectUID" could not be bound'.

What does this error mean?

My SQL is:

Code Snippet
WITH Tasks (TaskParentUID, TaskUID, ProjectName, TaskName, Level)
SELECT et.TaskParentUID, TaskUID, ProjectName, TaskName,
0 AS Level
FROM dbo.MSP_EpmProject as ep
INNER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmTask as et
ON ep.ProjectUID = et.ProjectUID
WHERE et.TaskParentUID = et.TaskUID
SELECT et.TaskParentUID, et.TaskUID, ep.ProjectName, et.TaskName,
Level + 1
FROM dbo.MSP_EpmProject as ep
INNER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmTask as et
ON ep.ProjectUID = et.ProjectUID
ON et.TaskParentUID = t.TaskUID
SELECT t.TaskParentUID, t.TaskUID, ProjectName, t.TaskName, Level
FROM Tasks as t
INNER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmTask as et
ON Tasks.TaskParentUID = et.TaskParentUID
WHERE Level = 0

The TaskParentUID has data-type of UniqueIdentifier and it's child is TaskUID which is also a UniqueIdentifier type. My goal of this CTE is to list all child TaskUIDs for each TaskParentUID in a recursive fashion.

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Error Message(the Multi-part Identifier)

Mar 15, 2008

this error messages appear when i execute this trigger
please help me
i make my graduation project

CREATE TRIGGER Insert_Contribution
ON Contributions
declare @error1 int,@error2 inT
if(select Cash_OR_Account from Services,Contributions
where Services.S_ID=Inserted.S_ID)='A'
UPDATE Regular_Customers
SET Balance=Balance-inserted.amount
WHERE Services.Account_NO=Regular_Customers.Account_NO
AND Services.S_ID=Inserted.S_ID
SET @error1=@@ERROR
UPDATE Regular_Customers
SET Balance=Balance+inserted.amount
WHERE inserted.Account_NO=Regular_Customers.Account_NO
SET @error2=@@ERROR
IF @error1=0 AND @error2=0
PRINT'Transaction Completed successfully'

-- Insert statements for trigger here
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Insert_Contribution, Line 13
The multi-part identifier "Inserted.S_ID" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Insert_Contribution, Line 16
The multi-part identifier "Services.Account_NO" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Insert_Contribution, Line 16
The multi-part identifier "Services.S_ID" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Insert_Contribution, Line 16
The multi-part identifier "Inserted.S_ID" could not be bound.

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Invalid Attribute/option Identifier (Error HY092)

Jan 21, 2004

I'm using a software called epi suite which is used to print id badges. The system is currently running on an access database and everything works according.

I am trying to migrate it off access to SQL 2k and have run into a problem when trying to insert data back into the system.

I can pull back data w/o any problems (to view and even print badges) but the minute I try to Save anything [New Image or change the card to unprinted], it comes back with the error:

Failed to save the card record.
Database error: Invalid attribute/option identifier

Error HY092[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]

Has anybody ran into this type of situation before? The problem is, the company will only support access and says that SQL is a use at your own risk type of deal.

I'm new to using MS SQL so I am unsure what the best solution would be to try and find the problem. Is it possible that the software is just sending some sort of malformed query over to the database? Anything I have found on that error [HY092] seems to point in that general direction.

Thanks for your help.

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Multi-part Identifier Could Not Be Bound Error In 2005

Mar 11, 2008

Hi,We moved our stored procedure from sql 2000 to sql 2005 and we're getting few weird errors:Msg 4104. multi-part identifier /table.column/ could not be bound.Do we have to change anything in the stored procedure in order to make it work for sql 2005? Errors point to lines 25 and 68:25: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GC_Contacts_Table]') AND type in (N'U'))68: ELSEBelow is the code. Thanks in advance.set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_refresh_GC_Contacts]ASDECLARE@dropSQL varchar(2000)BEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;--SET IDENTITY_INSERT GC_Contacts_Table ON-- drop the fulltext indexIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GC_Contacts]') AND name = N'pk_gc_contacts')DROP FULLTEXT INDEX ON [dbo].[GC_Contacts] -- drop the unique indexIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GC_Contacts]') AND name = N'pk_gc_contacts')DROP INDEX [pk_gc_contacts] ON [dbo].[GC_Contacts] WITH ( ONLINE = OFF )-- If table exists truncate itIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GC_Contacts_Table]') AND type in (N'U'))BEGIN TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[GC_Contacts_Table]INSERT INTO [dbo].[GC_Contacts_Table] --insert sql next lineSELECT Title, FirstName AS First_Name, MiddleName AS Middle_Name, LastName AS Last_Name,Suffix, Company, JobTitle AS Job_Title, Email, PrimaryPhoneNumber AS Primary_Phone_Number, PrimaryAddress1 AS Primary_Address_1, PrimaryAddress2 AS Primary_Address_2, PrimaryAddress3 AS Primary_Address_3, PrimaryCity AS Primary_City, PrimaryState AS Primary_State,PrimaryZip AS Primary_Zip, PrimaryCountry AS CPrimary_ountry, Notes, Alias, FullName AS Full_Name,dbo.Addresses.Type AS AddressType, dbo.Addresses.Address1 AS Address1,dbo.Addresses.Address2 AS Address2,dbo.Addresses.Address3 AS Address3, dbo.Addresses.City AS City, dbo.Addresses.State AS State,dbo.Addresses.Zip as Zipcode, dbo.Addresses.Country AS Country, dbo.Addresses.PhoneNumber AS PhoneNumber,dbo.Addresses.FaxNumber AS FaxNumber, SubAward_Only = CASE SubAwardOnlyWHEN 0 THEN 'No'WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'END,dbo.ContactsSTUDF.*-- IDENTITY(int, 1,1) AS GC_Contact_ID-- INTO dbo.GC_Contacts_TableFROM dbo.Contacts LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ContactAddresses ON dboContacts.ID = dboContactAddresses.ContactIDLEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Addresses ON dbo.Addresses.ID = dboContactAddresses.AddressIDLEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ContactsSTUDF ON dbo.Contacts.ID = dbo.ContactsSTUDF.EntityIDENDELSE BEGIN-- create the table from the querySELECT Title, FirstName AS First_Name, MiddleName AS Middle_Name, LastName AS Last_Name, Suffix, Company,JobTitle AS Job_Title, Email, PrimaryPhoneNumber AS Primary_Phone_Number, PrimaryAddress1 AS Primary_Address_1, PrimaryAddress2 AS Primary_Address_2, PrimaryAddress3 AS Primary_Address_3, PrimaryCity AS Primary_City, PrimaryState AS Primary_State, PrimaryZip AS Primary_Zip, PrimaryCountry AS CPrimary_ountry, Notes, Alias, FullName AS Full_Name,dbo.Addresses.Type AS AddressType, dbo.Addresses.Address2 AS Address2,dbo.Addresses.Address3 AS Address3, dbo.Addresses.City AS City, dbo.Addresses.State AS State,dbo.Addresses.Zip as Zipcode, dbo.Addresses.Country AS Country, dbo.Addresses.PhoneNumber AS PhoneNumber,dbo.Addresses.FaxNumber AS FaxNumber, SubAward_Only = CASE SubAwardOnlyWHEN 0 THEN 'No'WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'END,dbo.ContactsSTUDF.*,IDENTITY(int, 1,1) AS GC_Contact_IDINTO dbo.GC_Contacts_TableFROM dbo.Contacts LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ContactAddresses ON dboContacts.ID = dboContactAddresses.ContactIDLEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Addresses ON dbo.Addresses.ID = dboContactAddresses.AddressIDLEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ContactsSTUDF ON dbo.Contacts.ID = dbo.ContactsSTUDF.EntityIDEND SET IDENTITY_INSERT GC_Contacts_table OFFSET ARITHABORT ONSET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ONSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_PADDING ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF/****** Object: Index [pk_gc_contacts] Script Date: 10/11/2007 15:34:28 ******/CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [pk_gc_contacts] ON [dbo].[GC_Contacts] ([GC_contact_id] ASC)WITH (SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]-- add the fulltext indexCREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON GC_Contacts([Title],[First_Name],[Middle_Name],[Last_Name],[Suffix],[Company],[Job_Title],[Email],[Primary_Phone_Number],[Primary_Address_1],[Primary_Address_2],[Primary_Address_3],[Primary_City],[Primary_State],[CPrimary_ountry],[Notes],[Alias],[Full_Name],[AddressType],[Address1],[Address2],[Address3],[City],[State],[Country],[PhoneNumber],[FaxNumber],[SubAward_Only])KEY INDEX pk_gc_contacts ON GCInquiryCatalogWITH CHANGE_TRACKING AUTOEND

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Error While Data Migration From Oracle Row ID To Unique Identifier

Oct 12, 2015

I am doing migration from oracle11g to SQL server2012. Facing error while data migration from Oracle rowid dat typeto SQL uniqueidentifier using SSMA6.0

Errors: The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type uniqueidentifier of the specified target column.

Refer above error.

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Left Outer Join / Multi-part Identifier Error

Jul 22, 2014

I'm writing a query where I have multiple left-outer joins but I keep getting multi-part identifier error. See the query below?

SELECT gl.seg5 Natural
,gl.seg2 Office
,gl.seg3 Dept
,gl.seg4 Team
,gl.seg6 Sub
,gl.seg7 Tkpr
,gl.seg1 Comp
,'CHK' Source

[Code] ....


Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 68
The multi-part identifier "csddt.baid" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 68
The multi-part identifier "csddt.cknum" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 68
The multi-part identifier "csddt.ckline" could not be bound.

View 5 Replies View Related

Error: The Multi-part Identifier Alias.field Could Not Be Bound

Jan 17, 2007

Im trying to execute following update SQL:

UPDATE Property SET ImageList = U.ImageList

FROM Property M

INNER JOIN RETS.dbo._Updates U ON M.ListingID = U.ListingID AND M.FeedID
= U.FeedID

WHERE M.FeedID = ?

But following error:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query " UPDATE Property SET
ImageList = U.ImageList FROM Property
M INNER JOIN RETS.dbo._Updates U ON M.ListingID = U.ListingID
AND M.FeedID = U.FeedID WHERE M.FeedID = ?" failed with
the following error: "The multi-part identifier "M.FeedID" could
not be bound.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query,
"ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly,
or connection not established correctly.

ByPassPrepare is set to TRUE and ParameterName = 0 to variable User::Feed_ID

HOWEVER - following query executes fine:


ImageList = U.ImageList

FROM Property M

INNER JOIN RETS.dbo._Updates U ON M.ListingID = U.ListingID AND M.FeedID
= U.FeedID

WHERE M.FeedID = 11

Beats me - any help with explaining this to me

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Reporting Services :: Unrecognized Identifier Error In Custom Code?

Sep 11, 2013

I've made a Report porting from SS2008 to SS2008.

In a textbox I use a:

Number -> Custom Format

like these:


but gives me the "Unrecognized identifier" red squiggle.

My FormatString function (in the rdl file) is this:

Public Shared Function FormatString(ByVal Decimals as object) As String
  dim format = "N0"
  if not (Decimals is nothing or Decimals is System.DBNull.Value) then
    dim decs as integer
    decs = Convert.ToInt32(Decimals)
    if decs>0 then
      format = "N"+decs.ToString()
    end if
  end if
  return format
End Function

What's wrong with this?

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Advanced Parameter Tutorial, Lesson 5, Multipart Identifier Error

Jan 3, 2007


Hope I'm asking this question in the correct forum.

I'm a newbie in Reporting Services and currently working my way through the tutorials with AdventureWorks. Came across this error while doing the MSDN tutorial for Advanced Features, lesson 5 - user defined functions.


Created a new report, copied the following to the query screen:

SELECT udf.ContactID, udf.FirstName + N' ' + udf.LastName AS Name,
c.Phone, c.EmailAddress, udf.JobTitle, udf.ContactType
FROM ufnGetContactInformation(@ContactID) udf
JOIN Person.Contact c ON ufn.ContactID = c.ContactID

I'm following the directions to the letter, and consistently get the following error:

"The multi-part identifier "ufn.ContactID" could not be bound."

"The multip-part identifier "ufn.ContactID" could not be bound. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 4104)"

I'm running SQL 2005 Enterprise on Windows XP.

Any help you can give will be much appreciated! Thank you.

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Error While Using OUTPUT Clause - The Multi-part Identifier Could Not Be Bound

Jun 2, 2006

I was trying to copy child records of one parent record into another, and wanted to report back new child record id and corresponding child record id that was used to create it. I ran into run-time error with OUTPUT clause. Following is a script that will duplicate the situation I ran into:
      ParentName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL)
      ParentID INT NOT NULL REFERENCES Parent(ParentID),
      ChildName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL)
INSERT INTO Parent(ParentName) VALUES('Parent 1')
INSERT INTO Parent(ParentName) VALUES('Parent 2')
INSERT INTO Child(ParentID, ChildName) VALUES(1, 'Child 1')
INSERT INTO Child(ParentID, ChildName) VALUES(1, 'Child 2')
At this stage, there Child table looks like:






Child 1



Child 2
What I want to do is copy Parent 1€™s children to Parent 2, and report back which source ChildID that was used to create the new child records. So I wrote the query:
DECLARE @LinkTable TABLE (FromChildID INT, ToChildID INT)
INSERT INTO Child(ParentID, ChildName)
OUTPUT c.ChildID, inserted.ChildID INTO @LinkTable
      SELECT 2, c.ChildName
      FROM Child c
      WHERE c.ParentID = 1
SELECT * FROM @LinkTable
In the end I was expecting Child table to look like:






Child 1



Child 2



Child 1



Child 2
and OUTPUT clause to return me:






Child record with ID 3 was created using ID of 1.



Child record with ID 4 was created using ID of 2.
But infact I€™m getting following error:
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 9
The multi-part identifier "c.ChildID" could not be bound.
Any ideas on how to fix the OUTPUT clause in the query to return me the expected output?

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SQL HELP! Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 - The Multi-part Identifier Error

Sep 7, 2006

Hi chaps,

I have the following SQL query (SQL 2005).
Its basically retrieving some values using simple joins.
However there appears to be a problem with the LEFT OUTER JOIN:
"LEFT OUTER JOIN DDDispatchedOrder ON (OrderLineItemTransaction.OrderLineItemTransaction ID = DDDispatchedOrder.OrderItemTransactionID)
When I try to compile the code i Get :
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "OrderLineItemTransaction.OrderLineItemTransactionI D" could not be bound.

Any help would be appreciated.


cc.forename + ' ' + cc.surname person,
deladdr.housenameno + ' ' + deladdr.addressLine1 + ' ' + deladdr.addressLine2 + ' ' + deladdr.city + ' ' + deladdr.postcode + ' ' + deladdr.county + ' ' + deladdr.country deladdress
product prod,
OrderLineItem oli,
[Order] ord,
OrderTransaction ordT,
OrderLineItemTransaction oliT,
CustomerContact cc,
Customer cust,
DDDispatchedOrder dd,
address deladdr,
address invaddr
LEFT OUTER JOIN DDDispatchedOrder ON (OrderLineItemTransaction.OrderLineItemTransaction ID = DDDispatchedOrder.OrderItemTransactionID)
prod.productID = oli.productID:eek:
AND ord.orderID = oli.orderID
AND ord.orderID = ordT.orderID
AND oliT.orderlineitemID = oli.orderlineitemID
AND cc.customercontactID = ord.customercontactID
AND cc.customerID = cust.customerID
AND ord.invoiceaddressID = invaddr.addressID
AND ord.deliveryaddressID = deladdr.addressID
AND ordT.dispatchTypeID = 2

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SQL Server 2008 :: Statement Error Out Due To Source Field Being Unique Identifier

Sep 22, 2015

I have a field I am trying to bring into a SQL statement

,ISNULL(Convert(nvarchar(50),OPP1.OriginatingLeadId),'') AS 'OriginatingLeadId'

I get this error message

Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.

the field specs' originatingleadid is attached ....

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Reporting Services :: Report Cannot Find Custom Code - Unrecognized Identifier Error

Nov 18, 2008

I wrong a custom code in my report - Public shared Function Myfunc and in the header textbox - I tried to reference this code = Code.Myfunc.... the Myfunc gives an error Unrecognized identifier.The code is written in the report properties = Code Tab.

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Row Identifier

Aug 19, 1998

Does anyone know the column name for the system row identifier. For example Informix uses rowid, for Ingres its tid, in
MS SQL server its _______ (fill in the blank).

Thanks again in advance.

Levi Akers

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Quoted Identifier

May 14, 2003

During Index Rebuild, I get the following error:

"DBCC failed because the following set options have incorrect settings: 'Quoted_Identifier'"

Any ideas what might be causing this?

Ken Nicholson

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Unique Identifier

Jan 19, 2005

I'm trying to create a unique identifier number that meets the following criteria. The unique identifier needs to be a concatenation of two values submitted from a form and the identity value (primary key) for the new record that is inserted into the database.

So, if the first field is the year and the second field is a objnumber, the unique identifier number would have the format: ("YR" + "objnumber" + primary key value), where the year and object number are what the user selected in the form.

I have a stored procedure that I use to handle the insert, which also returns @@identity for the purpose of passing that value into another stored procedure that inserts child records.

So, within my stored procedure, is there a way I can create the unique identifier number and return that value back to the application? I'm not sure how to accomplish this?

Here is my stored procedure:

@ddo varchar(50) = null,
@requestor varchar(100) = null,
@dt datetime = null,
@abrtype varchar(20) = null,
@subject varchar(250) = null,
@description varchar(500) = null,
@review char(10) = null,
@ay char(4) = null,
@origallo varchar(50) = null,
@reqallo varchar(50) = null,
@logl_del_dt datetime = null,
@phys_del_dt datetime = null
Insert into dbo.DIM_ABR_REQ_HDR (ABR_ddo, ABR_requestor, ABR_dt, ABR_type, ABR_subject, ABR_description, ABR_review, ABR_AY, ABR_orig_fund_allo, ABR_req_fund_allo, ABR_LOGL_DEL_DT, ABR_PHYS_DEL_DT)
values (UPPER(@ddo), UPPER(@requestor), @dt, UPPER(@abrtype), UPPER(@subject), UPPER(@description), UPPER(@review), @ay, convert(money, @origallo), convert(money, @reqallo), @logl_del_dt, @phys_del_dt)
return @@identity

I would be using @ay and @ddo as the first two parts of the unique identifier number. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you,

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Unique Identifier

Jan 31, 2004

How can i get a numer for using it as unique identifier in two related tables?

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Identifier Too Long

Oct 14, 2006

hi there, i have following code

DECLARE @sTableDiff varchar(1000)
SET @sTableDiff= " ""C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90COM ablediff"" -sourceserver ""VSNET1"" -sourceuser ""sa"" -sourcepassword ""sa2345"" -sourcedatabase ""PMSTEMP"" -sourcetable ""DEMAT"" -destinationserver ""VSNET1"" -destinationuser ""sa"" -destinationpassword ""sa2345"" -destinationdatabase ""PMSRESTORE"" -destinationtable ""DEMAT"" -f ""c:Diff"""
PRINT @sTableDiff

When i execute it, throws error as

Msg 103, Level 15, State 4, Line 3
The identifier that starts with ' "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90COM ablediff" -sourceserver "VSNET1" -sourceuser "sa" -sourcepassword "sysadm" -sour' is too long. Maximum length is 128.

When i split the Identifier as

DECLARE @sFull varchar(1000)
DECLARE @s1 varchar(1000)
DECLARE @s2 varchar(1000)
DECLARE @s3 varchar(1000)
DECLARE @s4 varchar(1000)
SET @s1= '""C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90COM ablediff""'
SET @s2= ' -sourceserver "VSNET1" -sourceuser "sa" -sourcepassword "sysadm" -sourcedatabase "PMSTEMP" '
SET @s3=' -sourcetable "DEMAT" -destinationserver "VSNET1" -destinationuser "sa" -destinationpassword '
SET @s4=' "sysadm" -destinationdatabase "PMSRESTORE" -destinationtable "DEMAT" -f "c:Diff"'
SET @sFull = @s1 +@s2 + @s3 + @s4

this executes fine but the optput is as

The input line is too long.

What is this?
how could i execute such long commad using CMDSHELL?

Gurpreet S. Gill

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Uniqie Identifier

Sep 23, 2006


I have an salesorders table and products table.

products table (PK) is productid , it is uniqueIdentifier

I added a field to salesorders table to keep the productid and I made INT

so, now I go to vb.net, data connections, diagrams

when I try and relate this two field (salesorders.productid with products.productid) I get an error and it says, data type, size doesn't match.

Could you please help me with this issue.


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Unique Identifier Or Int For Table ID

Feb 29, 2008

I am working on some tables and would like to know which is best way to go when deciding what Type to use for Unique ID in my tables please. Int  Or uniqueIdentifier? Or is it all the same??

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Identity Or Unique Identifier

Aug 1, 2005

Hi there,I'm new to sql server. I've created a table which can be updated through an aspx form. However coming from an access background I don't know how to generate an auto number. I've read through a number of the threads on here and keep coming across Identity or unique identifier. However I can't actually find out how to implement these.Any help would be greatCheersStu

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UserID -&> Unique Identifier

Nov 25, 2005

Hello!I work with oracle, mySQL but im completely new to SQLserver.How can i set a auto-increment unique variable for userID ?After deleted user, the userID should be never used again on a new user.Thank you,

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Multi-part Identifier

Jun 18, 2008

use projectserver2003
wherew.WWORK_TYPE = 1 -- actual work
anda.WRES_ID = r.WRES_ID

This statement is returning the following errors:

Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The multi-part identifier "r.WPROJ_ID" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The multi-part identifier "r.WPROJ_ID" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The multi-part identifier "r.WPROJ_ID" could not be bound.

I have all tables identified; however unclear as to why it cannot be bound.

Please help.

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How To Return Unique Identifier In SP

Oct 18, 2013

I have trouble to get the uniqueidentifier I just inserted out.

@LAST_NAME AS nvarchar(60)
,@FIRST_NAME AS nvarchar(60)
,@NewID uniqueidentifier output

[Code] ....

The new data went into the table, and the print @myErr shows 0.

But print @myID shows nothing.

---here is the part of the table

[USER_ID] [uniqueidentifier] DEFAULT NEWID() NOT NULL,...

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The Multi-part Identifier

Apr 4, 2006

if exists (select 'x' from obj where new_obj.key1 = obj.key1 and new_obj.class = obj.class)
set @temp_old_ref = (select obj.rowid from obj where new_obj.key1 = obj.key1 and new_obj.class = obj.class)
insert into new_obj(rid, key1, class, is_searchable, is_deleted, is_loaded, old_rid, old_ref) select rid, key1, class, is_searchable, is_deleted, is_loaded, old_rid, @temp_old_reffrom new_obj
delete from new_obj where old_ref != @temp_old_ref

while running it i m getting this error

Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure mergeChanges, Line 35
The multi-part identifier "new_obj.key1" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure mergeChanges, Line 35
The multi-part identifier "new_obj.class" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure mergeChanges, Line 37
The multi-part identifier "new_obj.key1" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure mergeChanges, Line 37
The multi-part identifier "new_obj.class" could not be bound.

any thoughts

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Another Multipart-identifier Problem

Mar 20, 2008

Hey everyone,

I've found lot of other people experiencing the same problem I'm having, but I can't get any of their solutions to work for me. I have two tables with the exact same structure Today and Yesterday. I'm trying to compare a price column from Yesterday's column against Today's and I'm getting the 'The multi-part identifier '' could not be bound' error. Here's the code I'm using:

DECLARE @ProgramName varchar(100)
SET @ProgramName = 'AffiliateName'

SELECT CJ_RawImport_Today.* FROM CJ_RawImport_Today
WHERE (CJ_RawImport_Today.ProgramName = @ProgramName) AND (CJ_RawImport_Today.RetailPrice < CJ_RawImport_Yesterday.Price)

Anyone have a suggestion?

Thanks in advance!


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Unique Identifier Of A Database?

Jul 25, 2007


Does anyone know if there is a read-only unique identifier of a database in a given server instance? E.g. a value stored somewhere in the database meta data that is generated during CREATE DATABASE...

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Multi Part Identifier

Nov 7, 2007

Can anyone explain why i get the folling error.

Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure rpt_getChildren, Line 33

The multi-part identifier "c.childID" could not be bound.

Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure rpt_getChildren, Line 33

The multi-part identifier "c.siteID" could not be bound.

Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure rpt_getChildren, Line 33

The multi-part identifier "c.siteID" could not be bound.

Msg 1011, Level 16, State 1, Procedure rpt_getChildren, Line 33

The correlation name 'sg' is specified multiple times in a FROM clause.

create procedure rpt_getChildren

@cmb1 as varchar(100)



set dateformat YMD

set datefirst 7

CREATE TABLE #ChildSessions (

siteid integer null

,childid integer null

,sessionid integer null

,sun integer default 0

,mon integer default 0

,tue integer default 0

,wed integer default 0

,thr integer default 0

,fri integer default 0

,sat integer default 0)

declare @firstofweek as datetime

declare @lastofweek as datetime

select @firstofweek=cast(floor(cast(dateadd(day,(-1*datepart(dw,getdate())+1),getdate()) as float)) as datetime)

select @lastofweek=dateadd(minute,-1,dateadd(day,7,@firstofweek))

declare @myday integer

set @myday=0

while @myday<7


INSERT INTO #ChildSessions





,case @myday WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 end

,case @myday WHEN 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 end

,case @myday WHEN 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 end

,case @myday WHEN 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 end

,case @myday WHEN 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 end

,case @myday WHEN 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 end

,case @myday WHEN 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 end


Child c

,sessionAttendance sa

,session s

,sessiongroup sg


SessionAttendance sa

ON c.childID = sa.childID


Session s

ON c.siteID = s.siteID



ON c.siteID = s.siteID


SessionGroup sg

ON c.siteID = sg.siteID


c.childID = sa.childid

AND c.siteid = sa.siteid

AND c.active = 1

AND c.potential = 0

AND s.identityid = sa.identityid

AND s.siteid = sa.siteid

AND sg.sessionid = s.sessionID

AND sg.siteid = s.siteid

--AND site.sitename = @cmb1

AND s.dayofweek = @myday

AND @firstofweek <= sa.dateTo

AND @lastofweek >= sa.dateFrom

SET @myday=@myday+1







CASE (sum(sun)) WHEN 0 THEN ' ' ELSE 'X' END as sun,

CASE (sum(mon)) WHEN 0 THEN ' ' ELSE 'X' END as mon,

CASE (sum(tue)) WHEN 0 THEN ' ' ELSE 'X' END as tue,

CASE (sum(wed)) WHEN 0 THEN ' ' ELSE 'X' END as wed,

CASE (sum(thr)) WHEN 0 THEN ' ' ELSE 'X' END as thr,

CASE (sum(fri)) WHEN 0 THEN ' ' ELSE 'X' END as fri,

CASE (sum(sat)) WHEN 0 THEN ' ' ELSE 'X' END as sat,

case when datepart(day,c.dob)<=datepart(day,getdate())

then cast((datediff(month,c.dob,getdate())/12) as varchar(3)) + ' Yr '

+ cast((datediff(month,c.dob,getdate())% 12) as varchar(2)) + ' Mnth'

when datepart(day,c.dob)>datepart(day,getdate())

then cast(((datediff(month,c.dob,getdate())-1)/12) as varchar(3)) + ' Yr '

+ cast(((datediff(month,c.dob,getdate())-1)% 12) as varchar(2)) + ' Mnth' end as Child_Age

FROM child c,sessiongroup sg, site, #childsessions cs

WHERE c.childid=cs.childid

AND c.siteid=cs.siteid

AND sg.sessionid=cs.sessionid

AND sg.siteid=cs.siteid

--AND s.sitename = @cmb1

GROUP BY c.forename,c.surname,sg.sessionname,c.dob,c.childid

ORDER BY sg.sessionname,c.forename,c.surname

DROP TABLE #ChildSessions



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Database Catalog Unique Identifier

Jan 4, 2007

I need to develop a strong licensing solution based on the database accessed...
Currently our solution is easily hackable because the the license information is kept in the database of your choice and is not dependant on some static information, the current encryption key is static and kept in the software so it can be hacked easily. What i want to do to change this is simple in nature but i don't know how to get that one particular info i need.
I want to get some kind of unique identifier for a database (catalog) that sql server could generate. This info must be static and must not be movable. If for example, someone would backup and restore, this information would not be transfered with the backup. Thus, a user that backups his database and restores it on another database server or another database catalog even on the same server would corrupt his license since the Unique ID returned by the SQL Server would be different; the hashing code would change and thus the decryption would fail.
Is there any such info i can query using SQL that will not require admin rights?

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