Sql Server && Java. Book Recommendation.

Jul 20, 2005

Greetings All, I would be much obliged if anyone can point me to a
good book on Java/JDBC and SQL Server.

Regards, Louis.

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Book Recommendation

Jul 20, 2005

Can someone please recommend a good book for SQL Server 2000 for aprogrammer(Powerbuilder), not a DBA.

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Book Recommendation

Jul 27, 2006

I have begun to try to break out of using Access db's (97!) and have been trying out SQL Server Express 2005 along with the SQL Management Studio Express. I am a little confused with it as I am trying to use the interface inside of VB.NET 2005 as well as the management studio and sometimes I can connect from one without the other.

Anyway this points to the fact that I have a lot to learn and I was looking for a recommendation for a book that could be a tutorial for using VB.NET 2005 with SQL Server Express. I really need something that starts from square one but hopefully builds fast. Right now it appears I need to understand connection strings (when do I put ".sqlexpress" and when do I use the server name followed by the instance for example?).

I have tried some of the books online for example and ran into a dead end with the simple tutorial (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms165732.aspx) when the headers didn't sort, I couldn't select any other pages and the edit button didn't work. I don't have a clue what happened as I followed the instructions.

Anyway if someone could recommend something that teaches using SQL Server Express while building an application with VB2005 that would be perfect.


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Specific Book Recommendation

Jul 23, 2005

I would like to locate a book that focuses on MSSQL administration fromthe command line. My background is in Informix, and I am used to doingthings from the prompt.Any recommendations?

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Book Recommendation On Performance

Jul 20, 2005

I have the Transact-SQL Programming book from O'Reilly. It waspublished in 1999. It states that "SELECT ... INTO" statements end uplocking the entire database of the target table. Since the tempdb isalso involved (in many cases), this creates major deadlocks for theentire database and all users. It suggests using the "INSERT ...SELECT" form instead.Considering that the book is somehow dated, is this recommendationstill valid, especially on target sizes of up to 5 million records?

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Looking For An SSIS Reference Book Recommendation

Apr 30, 2007

We are getting prepared to move from SQL Server 2000 to 2005. We have a lot of DTS's that will need to be converted to SSIS. Can you recommend a really good reference book or text book on SSIS that will help us out both with DTS conversions as well as SSIS development in general.


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Need Recommendation On Tool For SQL Server Development

Sep 12, 2000

Need Recommendation on Tool for SQL Server Development

I have inherited a SQL Server 7 database (actually a SQL Server 6.5 database running on SQL 7 in compatibility mode) with 1000s of objects with triggers and stored procedures with zero documentation; i need to make major changes to this database; are there any tools available that will allow me to quickly search through the database objects and code (like stored procedures, etc) for keywords and other useful criteria? Do you recommend any SQL Server specific tools that will help me learn this database in the shortest amount of time?

Thank you!


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New Server Setup And RAID Recommendation

May 18, 2006

I have a database that is around 2 to 4 GB.If I were to estimate some numbers like 4x growth oreven 10x, the database size could reach 40GB.The new server will be running SQL Server 2005.I am not sure which configuration option to take.I've gathered some information from different places:Configuration #1:OS - Raid1 2x36GBLogs - Raid1 2x36GBData - Raid 5 4x73GBConfiguration #2:OS - Raid1 2x36GBLogs - Raid5 (not sure how many drives)Data - Raid5 (not sure how many drives)Now if I am using a separate RAID array disksfor the database's transaction log, should I also put theTempDB in this RAID also?Here's the configuration I am thinking of right now.Please give me your comments:OS - Raid1 2x36GBLogs & TempDB - Raid5 3x36GB = 2x36GB usable spaceData - Raid5 3x73GB = 2x73GB usable spaceIf you have other configurations you recommend please letme know.Thank you

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Recommendation Os SQL Server Monitoring Tool

Aug 14, 2006

Our shop is expanding use of SQL Server, both 2000 and 2005. We haveLitespeed on some boxes to handle the backup/recovery jobs. Can I askwhat are considered the best tools for monitoring SQL Server, in termsof things like performance monitoring, tuning and auditing if it ispossible to get all of this functionality in one?What do you use and like?Thanks in advance.Gerry

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Recommendation Requests: Learning MS SQL Server For Sybase DBAs

Feb 14, 2006


I have been working as Sybase DBA for 5+ years, and I would very much like to add MS SQL Server to my resume. Given the common roots of the two RDBMS, it seems that the learning curve would not be as sharp as if I were going to learn Oracle or DB2. Can anyone out there know of any books that are geared toward learning MS SQL Server from a Sybase DBAs perspective?

Thank you,

- Chris Merz

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Java Against SQL Server

Jul 23, 2005

Anyone have any tips for using Java against SQL Server? Our ITdirector is thinking of making us a Java shop, but I really would liketo stay with SQL Server as our RDBMS. We have Oracle Financials butour in-house development (currently VB6 client-server, soon to bereplaced by a service-oriented architecture based around Sonic andincluding SalesForce, both of which are Java) has been against SQLServer. He says five years ago at his old company Java/SQL Server hadlousy performance. I vaguely remember that since then Microsoft cameout with their own JDBC driver for SQL Server... Anyone have experiencewith this? Any performance tips will be hugely appreciated.TIA

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Feb 6, 2007

What r the pros and conditions of using MSsql server ?

what the effect of data on the performance in case of MS SQL server?is it good enough tohandle data overloads?

how good the java ms sql server combo works in comparison to other databases !!

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SQL Server Connection Using Java

May 24, 2007


I want to connect to sql server using java and want retrive data.

I am getting following exception:

[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Unable to connect. Invalid URL.

My url

String url = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://servername:6013/databasename";

please let me know if any thing wrong in my url.


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Accessing Java Within SQL Server

Aug 21, 2007

have a Java Class that I want to be able to access from within a SQL Server Stored procedure. I know we can access C# and other .NET Framework code, but how can you access a Java Class?

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Java With Named Instance Of Sql Server

Feb 18, 2004

How to connect to the named instance of SQL Server using Java?
I had the following code working fine(but with the default instance only)

SET JAVA_HOME=D:Program FilesJavaSoftJRE1.3.1_03

"D:Program FilesJavaSoftJRE1.3.1_03injava" -classpath Launcher.jar;Sprinta2000.jar;log4j.jar;activation. jar;mail.jar Launcher -Ddatabase -Uuser -Ppassword -Sserver:1433 -hlocalhost -p9900 -TTrue -VFalse -QK -QS

But the same code is failing with the named instance:
SET JAVA_HOME=D:Program FilesJavaSoftJRE1.3.1_03

"D:Program FilesJavaSoftJRE1.3.1_03injava" -classpath Launcher.jar;Sprinta2000.jar;log4j.jar;activation. jar;mail.jar Launcher -Ddatabase -Uuser -Ppassword -Sserverinstance:1434 -hlocalhost -p9900 -TTrue -VFalse -QK -QS

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Named Instance Of SQL Server In Java

Feb 19, 2004

I have a java compiled jar file, which accept the connection string as follows: -Uusername -Ppassword -Sservername:port

This string works fine with the default instance of SQL Server, I mean as long as you supply the name of the SQL Server as 'SQLServer', but if I want to run it against the named instance of SQL Server like 'SQLSERVERNamedInstance' then the connection is failing, giving me the unknown host error. Any idea why?

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Java And SQL Server Compact Edition

Oct 23, 2007

Hi, Is there a special jdbc driver for SQL Server Compact Edition (2005) available? I'm getting error messages when trying to run java application on Pocket PC (Mobile 5.0):

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: java/sql/DriverManager.getCallerClassLoader()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)...


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Accessing A Java Class From Within SQL Server

Aug 21, 2007

I have a Java Class that I want to be able to access from within a SQL Server Stored procedure. I know you can access C# and other .Net code, but can you also access a regular Java class this way?

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Using Java To Connect A Sql Server 2005 Database.

Aug 6, 2007

Hi, guys. It's the first time I connect a database.

My OS is windows XP.

I downloaded the sqljdbc on microsoft website and unzipped it.
Copy the sqljdbc_1.1 to the directory C:Program Files.

Modified the system variables:
classpath=.;%JAVA_HOME%libdt.jar;%JAVA_HOME%lib ools.jar;
JAVA_HOME=D:Program FilesJavajdk1.5.0_10
ProgramFiles=C:Program Files

I installed the sqlserver 2005and created a sqlserver db engine with windows authentification by default.

Using the management studio I created a database named BudgetAuthorization.
After that I created a user:
USE BudgetAuthorization
CREATE USER aaron792

Now I want to write a java application to access the database.
The application and the database are on the same computer.

I started the TCP/IP service, using the configuration manager.

Then use the eclipse to write the java application:

import java.sql.*;
public class TestJDBC
public static void main(String[] srg)
String driverName
= "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"; // Start JDBC
String dbURL = "jdbcqlserver://localhost:1433;
DatabaseName=BudgetAuthorization"; // Connect the server and the database
//String userName = "Administrator"; // windows user
//String userPwd = "password"; // windows login password
String userName="aaron792";
String userPwd="12345";
Connection dbConn;
dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,userName,userPwd);
System.out.println("Connection Successful!");
// if successful print Connection Successful!
catch (Exception e)

But it cann't be done!
The error information is:
Login failed for user 'aaron792'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

I also tried the windows user, still failed.
What's wrong? Can anyone help?
Many thanks!

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Java Stored Procedures Support In Sql Server

May 9, 2008

As in some of the databases stored procedures can be written in java. Java stored procedures run into inbuilt JVM of database.Does SQL server provides any support for writing stored procedures in java.Is there any inbuilt JVM in SQL server.

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Problems With Connecting To Sql Server 2005 From Java Application, HELP!

May 27, 2007

Hello, Everybody.

Help me please with one problem which I'm facing with while deploying java server application on my computer (this java app is jBilling). I have configured it as it was said in docs, I have added environment variable CLASPATH as Microsoft documentation said. I'm using SQL Server JDBC driver 1.2 by Microsoft. The result is that I find this message in log file:

2007-05-27 17:21:41,906 WARN [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.JBossManagedConnectionPool] Throwable while attempting to get a new connection: null
org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not create connection; - nested throwable: (org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Failed to register driver for: com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver; - nested throwable: (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver))
at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.local.LocalManagedConnectionFactory.createManagedConnection(LocalManagedConnectionFactory.java:168)
... and so on.

I have copied sqljdbc.jar to lib folder of the server. That's how I specified connection string:


Can not think out what to do else. Maybe somebody knows what to do about it?

Many thanks

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Java App Connecting To SQL Server 2005 Express Database

Oct 4, 2006

Hey All,

I am having a problem connecting to a database I have with a java app I am creating for my senior project. I am using the latest MS JDBC for connecting to the SQL Server.

Below is the code I am trying to run:

try {

con =ds.getConnection();
} catch (Exception ex) {

The ds and con variables are declared and initialized correctly. The error I am getting now is this:
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Cannot open database "*databasename*" requested by the login. The login failed.

Any suggestions on what I could be doing wrong?

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SQL Server Book

Jun 23, 2006

Hi mates,

My company has just started in the SQL Server's world and we are going to buy books

on this software. Our systems will run on SQL Server Standard Ed. 2000.

The question is: should I buy books on SQL Server 2005 ? Or 2000?

I'm not quite sure what kind of material to buy nor the differences between them.

Could anyone give me a hand with this?



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SQL Server 2000 Book

Feb 18, 2007

Hi,I am looking for a book on SQL Server 2000. One that covers enterprise manager, query profiler, stored procedure syntax etc.I have about intermediate knowledge of both SQL and SQL Server 2000 but want to expand my knowledge for work etc. as I will be using it more and more for work.

I will predominately be using SQL Server as a backend for web and software applications, programming in .NET.Any recommendations? 

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Beginning SQL Server Book?

Jul 23, 2005

Greetings:I would like to ask for recommendations for a good beginning book onSQL Server. My web host offers a 100MB SQL Server database as part ofthe package, and I'd like to use the feature to learn.I am proficient in Access and familiar with basic connectivity to itvia ASP. I don't have my own license for SQL Server (and currentlycan't afford one) so all development will need to be done byinterfacing with the remote database. As such, I won't need a lot ofexplanation regarding installation and software setup.Does anyone here know of a good study resource for someone in thisscenario?Many thanks in advance,Kay

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Book On SQL Server 2000

Jun 14, 2007


I have been using SQL Server 2000 for sometime now but I am still not very familiar with some of the functionalities.

Just wondering if anyone can recommend me some "must have" SQL Server 2000 reference books.

Thank you.


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Book For SQL SERVER 2005

Nov 29, 2007

We are currently have SQLS ERVER 2000 . We are planning to upgrade to SQL SERVER 2005 Next month. I believe DTSPkgs have changed significantly in 2005.. I have not used SQLS ERVER 2005 a whole lot yet. Can you pl recommend me aa GOOD Book that I can read, to get a GOOD understanding of SQL SERVER 2005.

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A Book For Report Server

May 24, 2007

Dear all

Please can u suggest a good reference book available to study report server..



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Recommended SQL-server Book?

Feb 19, 2008


Could anyone recommend a good book on the SQL-Server, please? I need to understand how to retrieve data with select statements and commands. It is urgent!


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SQL Server 7.0 Cert Book Question

May 28, 1999

I am looking for a set of books that realy cover the SQL
7.0 cert exams. Do you have any comments on the
following and or any suggestions.

Microsoft Sql Server 7.0 System Administration Training Kit
Microsoft Sql Server 7.0 Database Implementation Training Kit

Thank You,

Andy Robbins
Sr. Dba at Aurora Loan Services

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About Inside SQL Server 2005 E-book

Jan 8, 2007

Dear all,

Can you please help me to get Inside SQL Server 2005 e-book.
Where i can download this book?


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Transact SQL :: Encrypt Java Code Using With Encryption Clause From Server Stored Procedure Or Function

Nov 3, 2015

How to encrypt the java application code using the 'with encryption' clause from sql server stored procedure or function.

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Sql Server Stored Procedure Book Or Tutorial?

Jul 26, 2005

hi,are there any good books or tutorials anyone can recommend to someone who wants to get more into stored proc in sql server?  i'm already good with sql, use it everyday at work, but want to start learning more about stored proc, know just a little, how to write simple ones to retrieve and insert/update, but want to get more into them.  a book for beginners to advanced, thanks. 

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