I want to add Sql data dependency in GridView. Whenever any changes in database, same will be reflected in Grid. but this should work in both Sql server 2000 and sql server 2005. And when we click on "Pause" button it should stop refreshing.
First name
Last Name
Asdf, asdf
Sdsa, asad
Is there any way to fulfill this kind of requirement?
Please suggest me optimal solution to do this.
Mustakim Mansuri
I have a database in 3rd normalized form and want to export data and import it in a copy of that database. Is there a way for the import/export wizard to unload and reload the data in the right order, so that parent tables are loaded before child tables? If the import export wizard can't do that, what other options are available?
Hi, I am seeking a hopefully easy solution to spit back an error message when a user receives no results from a SQL server db with no results. My code looks like this What is in bold is the relevant subroutine for this problem I'm having. Partial Class collegedb_Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles submit.Click SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [college_db] WHERE [name] like '%" & textbox1.Text & "%'" SqlDataSource1.DataBind() If (SqlDataSource1 = System.DBNull) Then no_match.Text = "Your search returned no results, try looking manually." End If End Sub Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [college_db] ORDER BY [name]" SqlDataSource1.DataBind() End Sub Protected Sub reset_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles reset.Click SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [college_db] ORDER BY [name]" SqlDataSource1.DataBind() End SubEnd Class I'm probably doing this completely wrong, I'm a .net newb. Any help would be appreciated. Basically I have GridView spitting out info from a db upon Page Load, but i also have a search bar above that. The search function works, but when it returns nothing, I want an error message to be displayed. I have a label setup called "no_match" but I'm getting compiler errors. Also, next to the submit button, I also have another button (Protected sub reset) that I was hoping to be able to return all results back on the page, similar to if a user is just loading the page fresh. I'd think that my logic would be OK, by just repeating the source code from page_load, but that doens't work.The button just does nothing. One final question, unrelated. After I set this default.aspx page up, sorting by number on the bottom of gridview, ie. 1,2,3,4, etc, worked fine. But now that paging feature, as long with the sorting headers, don't work! I do notice on the status bar in the browser, that I receive an error that says, "error on page...and it referers to javascript:_doPostBack('GridView1, etc etc)...I have no clue why this happened. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I'm currently stuck with a table that has 350 mil records. Querying this table is insanely slow so I had a better look at existing yearly partitioning. I already managed to partition on a month level which increased the performance/querrying a lot. I did this on the staging table where I used an alter statement to split the 2015 partition by 12 months.
However, in our project we used Data Vault. This means that we have 4 tables (hub, sathub, link, satlink), all carrying 350 mil records. The problem is that altering the partition function does not work. The server cannot handle this action. What the best way is to do this, without having to drop/reload all tables.
i need to retrieve data from a particular field of the gridview according to the selected row to stored it into session .....what i had done so far as following: Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) DetailsView1.PageIndex = GridView1.SelectedIndex Session.Add("receiverName", GridView1.??????) End Sub????? is the part i am not sure what to code.... i tried different method by seems to have problem of convertion.
Hi, I am trying to set a default value for a date field in my update parameters:When I try an update with the DefaultValue="<% Now %>", I get this error:"String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."The updates work fine if no default value is set and it also works ok if I change the default value to a set string, such as "6/24/06". I've tried using different data sources and datasets, but no luck.Anyone have any ideas on this?Thanks! <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:db1ConnectionString %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:db1ConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [ID], [Name], [Date] FROM [Table1]" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Table1] WHERE [ID] = ?" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Table1] ([ID], [Name], [Date]) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Table1] SET [Name] = ?, [Date] = ? WHERE [ID] = ?"> <DeleteParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" /> </DeleteParameters> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="Name" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Date" Type="DateTime" DefaultValue="<% Now() %>" /> <asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" /> </UpdateParameters> <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Name" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Date" Type="DateTime" /> </InsertParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>
Hi,I’m new to SQL Express, but I have created a table and a stored proc to populate it.I have dragged the table into a form so I can view the data in a GridView.I have added a button to add new rows to the table. All the above works fine, except when I hit add, the data gets added, but the GridView doesn’t update and show the new data. Is there some code I can add to the add button that also refreshed the GridView? ThanksMike
I have a few Stored procedures that return values, some need parameters passing and others don't. Up to now to access that data in a Web App I have called this procedure using VB after seting up a data block etc. However I notice that the Web Developer express edition has some tools that look like they should help. I have used the in-built tools to create a SQL data source linked to a details view. I then specified that this should connect to my database (sql2005 hosted) and then specified Custom SQL or Stored procedure. From the drop down I can then select the SP that purely returns values. When I try to test this query I get an error to say that the query did not return any data tables. Is there a way to get values returned from a SP in this way? Regards Clive
one of my webpages uses the following sql query to allow the user to search through the database and present the qualifying data in gridview: SELECT * FROM [Table1] WHERE ([comments] LIKE '%' + ? + '%') how could i expand this so that the user can also search through the database but instead by searching through another column such as [type]? thanks in advance
I have a products table in a Sql Server 2005 database. One of the fields contains the products attributes in xml. The most commonly used attribute is color. An element of color is inventory. This is the only way I could think of to maintain inventory numbers of each color of each product using someone else's (opensource) code. An example of an attribute field would be <?xml version="1.0"?> <ArrayOfAttribute xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <Attribute> <Name>Color</Name> <Description>Shown in Black</Description> <Selections> <AttributeSelection> <FormattedValue>483 - Black</FormattedValue> <Value>483 - Black</Value> <Inventory>25</Inventory> </AttributeSelection> <AttributeSelection> <FormattedValue>484 - Lt. Tan</FormattedValue> <Value>484 - Lt. Tan</Value> <Inventory>15</Inventory> </AttributeSelection> <AttributeSelection> <FormattedValue>485 - Pink</FormattedValue> <Value>485 - Pink</Value> <Inventory>17</Inventory> </AttributeSelection> </Selections> <SelectionType>SingleSelection</SelectionType> </Attribute> </ArrayOfAttribute> How can I read this into the gridview control so that it makes sense to the user?Diane
I have a webform that I am wanting to display data from a database. Right now I am using the gridview but for future purposes when it comes to maintenance what would be the easiest way to do updates? For example, if I add a new record into the database I would like the webform to automatically update itself to show all the records including the new record I added. Do I need to use a "table" and somehow connect it to a database? Do any stored procedures need to be created? Suggestions/ideas/codes help help help would be verrrry much appreciated!!! Also I am using MS Server 2003 and C# as the programming language. Thank you!!!!
Hello all, I am trying to modify the output of a SELECT statement in a VB asp.net page that pulls data from a SQL DB. I only need to modify one column in the gridview, but I'm having some issues. Here is the situation:SELECT TOP 24 ID, RecID, Timestamp, Answered, Holds, Dropped, Waits, Voicemail, Busied, LiveWaitsFROM mTrafficORDER BY Timestamp DESC The Timestamp column returns a number value (i.e. 564566).In terms of a date, 564566 doesn't mean anything to the user, so I need to convert this number into a recognizable and accurate date. The formula I need to implement is Timestamp/1440 - 1 The following SELECT statement returns the number as a date, but makes all records the same date: SELECT TOP 24 ID, RecID, Convert(datetime, Timestamp/1440 + 1) as Timestamp, Answered, Holds, Dropped, Waits, Voicemail, Busied, LiveWaitsFROM mTrafficORDER BY Timestamp DESC What do I need to do to implement this function dynamically into my gridview? Thanks in advance!
Good Day, Please help me, I have a database that looks like this, Building No. Floor No. Room No. Customer Name Appliances Appliances Codea 1 01 John TV 12a 1 02 //up tob 20 10 james Ref. 22b 20 10 joe Microwave 15 //and soon so if you would notice some rooms are vacant, as it usually happens, the buildings, floors and rooms are fixed except for the customers and the appliances. so at first i made this gridview and display this data in this manner:Customer Location (Building + floor) total rooms Used Rooms Available rooms A1 2 1 1 B2010 2 2 0 so if you would look at the table above, it just SUM up all tenants in a specific Location then Group it by Customer location,but i need to add the appliances in a different format like this: Customer Location (Building + floor) total rooms Used Rooms Available rooms TV Ref Microwave A1 2 1 1 tick B2010 2 2 0 tick tick so this is what i need to show, i already have done the first table (w'o appliances) but how can i make this second table?? please help me, SALAMAT PO.,Thanks
I have a GridView that gets data from an SqlDataSource. It works fine, but now when I want to filter the results and add more parameters to my sql query, nothing happens. My initial select statement in the SqlDataSource contains only 2 parameters, so now when a user clicks a Button, onclick I call a function that is supposed to change the select statement of the SqlDataSource, add 2 more parameters taken from 2 controls, and then update the GridView. This is what I use: dataSource.SelectCommand = "new select command here"; dataSource.SelectParameters.Add("State", txtState.Text); dataSource.SelectParameters.Add("City", txtCity.Text); grid.DataBind(); It compiles, but when I click the button to filter the results, the GridView always looks the same as if nothing happened. I do not know if this is the right way to do it, or am I on the wrong track? Help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The function that is supposed to delete a row, is not working. The function is called, and the windows is refreshed, but the row is not deleted.Can anyone see anything wrong with this code:public static void DeleteBlog(int original_BlogID) { string insertCommand = "DELETE FROM Blog WHERE BlogID = @BlogID"; SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(Blog.ConnectionString); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(insertCommand, myConnection); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BlogID", original_BlogID)); myConnection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); myConnection.Close();}
Hi, I think the title explains it all really. I cannot configure the SqlDataSource to add Insert, Update and Delete statements - not through the wizard anyway. The view combines two tables, each containing 3 columns. I have tried using different combinations of columns, and ended up selecting all of them (making sure the foreign key column of the first table was given a different alias to the primary key column of the second table) but I still cannot enable editing. Cheers, Patrick
Hello, i currently have a gridview that is populated with data from a SQLServer datasource. I have put an output mask in the select statement, so the date and time attributes are displayed in the format i prefer them to be in. SELECT PatientNo, ConsultantName, HospitalName, CONVERT (varchar, Date, 101), CONVERT (varchar, Time, 8) FROM [Appointment]; However when i click the 'edit' link for a record in the gridview, i am unable to edit the date/time attributes and when i click update to confirm any changes to the other attributes, the values in the date/time attributes are emptied. How can i solve this update problem. I'm guessing i need to configure my SQL UPDATE statement, but bit stuck how i do this. Please help! Thanks, James
Here is the Stored procedure ALTER procedure [dbo].[ActAuditInfo](@IndustryName nvarchar(50) output,@CompanyName nvarchar(50) output,@PlantName nvarchar(50) output,@GroupName nvarchar(50) output,@UserName nvarchar(50) output )asbegindeclare @AuidtID as varchar(30)Select @IndustryName=Industry_Name from Industry whereIndustry.Ind_Id_PK =(Select Audit_Industry from Audits whereAd_ID_PK=@AuidtID)Select @CompanyName=Company_Name from Company whereCompany.Cmp_ID_PK =(Select Audit_Company from Audits whereAd_ID_PK=@AuidtID)Select @PlantName=Plant_Name from Plant where Plant.Pl_ID_PK=(Select Audit_Plant from Audits where Ad_ID_PK=@AuidtID)Select @GroupName=Groups_Name from Groups whereGroups.G_ID_PK =(Select Audit_Group from Audits whereAd_ID_PK=@AuidtID)Select @UserName=Login_Uname from RegistrationDetails whereRegistrationDetails.UID_PK =(Select Audit_Created_By fromAudits where Ad_ID_PK=@AuidtID)SELECT Ad_ID_PK, Audit_Name, @IndustryName, @CompanyName, @PlantName,@GroupName, Audit_Started_On, Audit_Scheduledto, @UserName FROMAudits where Audit_Status='Active'end U can see here different parameters,my requirement is that iam havingID's of Industry,company,plant,group,username stored in a table calledPcra_Audits and i must display their related names in the front end.so this is the query iam using for that. Data in the database:Commercial83312 2 2 2 1 1 InactiveHere u can see 2,2,2,1,1 these are the IDs ofindustry,company,plant,group and username and Commercial83312 is tehaudit ID.now i want to display this data in teh front end as i cannot displaythe IDs i am retrieving the names of the particular IDs from therelated tables.Like iam getting name of the IndustryID from Industry Table,in thesame way others too.when iam running this procedure iam getting the gridview blank.iam passing the output parameters:@IndustryName nvarchar(50) output,@CompanyName nvarchar(50) output,@PlantName nvarchar(50) output,@GroupName nvarchar(50) output,@UserName nvarchar(50) outputinto the function in the frontend and iam calling that into the pageload method.please help me with this.
Hi all,I have a gridview that bound to a SqlDataSource called SqlDataSourceGridView. I have enabled Edit in my GridView, but I do all the updating in code behind with stored procedure (using onRowUpdating). Now each time when I click "Update", the update went through and all the data got updated, but I received this error: Updating is not supported by data source 'SqlDataSourceGridView' unless UpdateCommand is specified.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NotSupportedException: Updating is not supported by data source 'SqlDataSourceGridView' unless UpdateCommand is specified. What do I need to do to fix this problem?Thanks a lot.
i have a search page having four text boxes like name,accountnumber,ssn..etc we have to search the database by these values. but even if we give value in one text box keeping the others null the stored procedure have to serach and get the values. and we display it using gridview control.
here is the stored procedure i wrote.but its not working.its not giving any erros...but its not showing any values.
AS BEGIN if(@name!=null AND @ssn!=null AND @accountnumber!=null) select * from Userinfo where name=@name AND ssn=@ssn AND accountnumber=@accountnumber else if(@name=null AND @ssn!=null AND @accountnumber!=null) select * from Userinfo where ssn=@ssn AND accountnumber=@accountnumber else if(@name=null AND @ssn=null AND @accountnumber!=null) select * from Userinfo where accountnumber=@accountnumber else if(@name!=null AND @ssn=null AND @accountnumber!=null) select * from Userinfo where accountnumber=@accountnumber AND name=@name else if(@name!=null AND @ssn=null AND @accountnumber=null) select * from Userinfo where name=@name else if(@name!=null AND @ssn!=null AND @accountnumber=null) select * from Userinfo where name=@name AND ssn=@ssn else if(@name=null AND @ssn!=null AND @accountnumber=null) select * from Userinfo where ssn=@ssn
table name is userinfo
please help me with this. its very urgent. thanx for your help in advance.
Hello, I have caching enabled in my application and I am using SqlCacheDependency to cache my tables. Well, the cache works fine but when the table is updated the information in my cache does not update. I DO have the broker service started and running but not sure what else i am missing. I am using sql server 2005.
Hello all.. i'm having a major issue with my Sql Express 2005 database :( I'm using wicked code sitemap to allows for a sitemap to be stored in a database.. it uses sql cache dependency to invalidated the cache bla bla Problem: After i update a record / add new record the database generates a SqlQueryNotificationStoredProcedure But it never gets executed. I've done tests on the code it's calling everything accordingly so i'm assuming the problem lies in a configuration setting of the database done alot of searching around the net and i've found this GRANT SUBSCRIBE QUERY NOTIFICATIONS TO username i'm using Windows Authentication how do i run this and will this solve the problem
I'm working off of the example shown here: http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/mosessaur/sqlcachedependency01292006135138PM/sqlcachedependency.aspx?ArticleID=3caa7d32-dce0-44dc-8769-77f8448e76bc
The tutorial shows that an entry must be made in web.config for a sqlCacheDependency node in web.config. When a dependency is added, they set an attributed called "connectionStringName" that references a connectionString established earlier in the web.config. My question is twofold: 1). First, I tried setting up my connection string using the connectionStrings node (my other apps use the AppSettings node), but when I try to extract the value in my code using the following syntax: connStr = Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["devConnStr"].ConnectionString); I get the following compilation error: "ConfigurationManager does not exist in the class or namespace System.Configuration"; Am I extracting it with the wrong code? Does that setup exists in .NET v 1.4? No, I cannot use .NET v 2.0 for various reasons.
2). If I cannot use ConnectionStrings in that way and must use AppSettings, how do I set up SqlCacheDependency node to recognize that connection string?
I've problem in replicating data thru SNAPSHOT as I've the tables with Foreign Keys at subscriber end. The Truncate table is not working because these tables were referenced by a FK. Even for recreating table during snapshot is also same problem. Any suggestions?
I am under the impression that either there are deficiencies in the way SQLServer 2000 is keeping track of depedencies or perhaps the dependenciessimply need to be re-evaulated / recompiled.What is the best and/or easiest way to ensure that the dependency info isaccurate?Is there a way to tell MSSQL to rebuild/reexamine them all?Thanks in advance to the MVPs and other generous and knowledgable posterswho have helped me recently.Chad
I am attempting to duplicate a nifty feature that one of my colleagues used:
We have parameters where a user can select a client or an individual account. There are available values for each parameter from two queries. I tried to have the available values in the account list dependent on the user's selection in the client list by passing the client parameter's value to the query for the account data set and using it in a where clause, but I get a "forward dependency" error.
The weird thing is that my colleague tried the same strategy and it worked. We together tried to set my report up the same as his, but cannot find why his works and mine doesn't. Any ideas?
His report works when deployed from my machine, so there must be something in the actual report that is different...
We have a Windows Service running on 30 server that is using SQLDependency on 10 different tables to recieve data change notifications. We have noticed that when a data change occurs not all 30 servers recieve the notification. Any help that you can provide to troubleshoot this issue would be greatly appereciated.
I've got a Decision Tree model and I'm trying to browse the dependency network. Apparently, there are too many nodes and they don't all show up in the view. I know that I can find hidden nodes, but is there a way to show all w/o having to add them one by one to view? How does the UI determine which ones to filter out?
It's now quite some time that one particular behaviour of SSIS is really frustrating me and I would like to know if I'm the only one experiencing this problem or if other people have the same problem. The issue I'm talking about is SSIS 'dependency on what is written in the XML files describing the flows. Particularly with the Data Types of columns. I'm explaining myself: Imagine your are developping a flow containing several numeric(18,0) columns... During the flow you have to perform a lookup on an Integer Field.... Of course this operation is not allowed as a numeric is not mappable with an Integer... (This is, in my opinion, a nonsense as an implicit conversion has to be possible). as a result of this behaviour, I decide to change the datatype (numeric) from my source query to an integer and use it in the Lookup which of course succeeds but now I have a second problem: each lookup in my flow has an error handling branch which I'm joining back using a Union transform. and there we have the second irritation: the Union transform doesn't replicate the Data Type changes that occured upwards in the flow... worse: it even has no interface to let you modify the data types like the advanced editor of some transforms or data sources. (I've just lost a complete dataflow while trying to modify it manually in the xml file directly :-( for those who are considering modifying directly the XML, don't!! You are asking for trouble and a lot of frustration when you'll switch back to the designer to see the effects ) My question is now: Am I misusing SSIS?? Is there somewhere an option to activate in order to get this behaviour fixed?? Has anyone else experienced this problem?? How are you solving this?? Are there any plans in the future to loose this dependency on the datatypes or at least add some implicit conversions??
Thanks in advance for your replies, suggestions,questions and other thaughts about this subject :-)
I have been trying to run the DependencyAnalyzer and it does not seem to be working correctly. The most that I can get it to do is just list the packages. I am trying to use it against packages that are stored as files and not in SQLServer. Has anyone had any luck with this executable? I don't know if it is because I don't have the full Visual Studio's installed on my machine. When I try to open the project, the DependencyAnalyzer and DependencyViewer are showing some errors. But I was able to run the msbuild to generate an executable with the path that is listed in the readme.txt file. Maybe, it is compiling ok but it is lacking the proper references.