I have an oscommerce database.
I uploaded my categories and products in english language.
I would like to write an SQL query that will copy all my categories (only the categories) from english to my other language.
FROM [Order Details] OD, Orders O, Products P, Categories C
WHERE OD.OrderID = O.OrderID
AND OD.ProductID = P.ProductID
AND P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
AND C.CategoryName = @CategoryName
AND SUBSTRING(CONVERT(nvarchar(22), O.OrderDate, 111), 1, 4) = @OrdYear
GROUP BY ProductName
ORDER BY ProductName
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// From an ADO.NET 2.0 book, I copied the code of ConnectionPoolingForm to my VB 2005 Express. The following is part of the code:
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class ConnectionPoolingForm
Dim _ProviderFactory As DbProviderFactory = SqlClientFactory.Instance
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
'Force app to be available for SqlClient perf counting
Using cn As New SqlConnection()
End Using
End Sub
Sub InitializeMinSize()
Me.MinimumSize = Me.Size
End Sub
Dim _SelectedConnection As DbConnection = Nothing
Sub lstConnections_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles lstConnections.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I executed the code successfully and I got a box which asked for "Enter the query string". I typed in the following: EXEC dbo.SalesByCategory @Seafood. I got the following box: Query attempt failed. Must declare the scalar variable "@Seafood". I am learning how to enter the string for the "SQL query programed in the subQuery_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnQuery.Click" (see the code statements listed above). Please help and tell me what I missed and what I should put into the query string to get the information of the "Seafood" category out.
I am trying to use the Import Wizard to setup a daily job to import new records based on an ID field (PK). The source database is remote and a replica. I am inserting new records to update my table called the same thing. Both are SQL Native Client
Code Snippet select * from [CommWireless].[dbo].[iQclerk_SaleInvoicesAndProducts] as S1 join [IQ_REPLICA].[dbo].[iQclerk_SaleInvoicesAndProducts] as S2 on S1.SaleInvoiceID = S2.SaleInvoiceID where S1.SaleInvoiceID > S2.SaleInvoiceID
When I parse the query, I keep getting an error message.
Deferred prepare could not be completed. Statement(s) could not be prepared. Invalid object name 'IQ_REPLICA.dbo.iQ_SaleInvoicesAndProducts'. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)
Anyone know an easy why to get this to work? Or should I add a create table to verify new records?
query to delete a single desired record among 100 identical records in sql server consider 2 ravi 2 ravi 2 ravi ............................... like that 100 records are there now how to delete 46th record from table
Is it possible to return the column names from the database using a SQL query, what i need to do is SELECT * FROM FEATURES WHERE 'VALUE' = 'YES'
i have a table which has a list of features and if they are selected i store the value yes, otherwise no . i want to be able to display a list of the features from the tables which have the value yes ! is this possible?
Hi,I'm creating a User Interface to display Sql database Properties, but I cannot find the right query to retrieved the info on database properties. The status that I get is "ONLINE", but it should be "NORMAL". Cannot find the right query to get the date of last database backup, last transaction log backup, and maintenance plan, etc.. Please help me [:'(]
I have written the following lines myConnection = New MySqlConnection("server=" + dbServer + "; user id=" + dbUserID + "; password=" + dbPassword + "; database=" + dbName + "; pooling=false;") strSQL = "SELECT * FROM user where type=1;" user table has name, tel, addr, id, type fieldsI would like to know how to use a string array to store the name in the result of strSQL?Thank you
In my database, in a few tables there are NULL values in some of the columns. This is okay, but I need to know how to query for nulls. For example I tried the following query but it did not work: select * from Employee where DateOfBirth =NULL This did not work so I also tried the following: select * from Employee where DateOfBirth ='NULL'
I have a database and would like to retrieve specific data via queries. This database is also connected to an ASP .Net 2.0 application to be the front end. Ive created the query in the database. Would you recommend i use parameter names to retrieve the data via code or should i have the query within my code to retrieve the data? Thanks
hi, How can I get the database size through query? How can I get the Size of the binary file(image file ) inserted in to the Image Data type of the SQL datatable?
How do you write a SQL SELECT statement for a cross-database query in ASP.NET (ADO.NET). I understand the server.database.owner.table structure, but the command runs under a connection. How do I run a query under two connections?
I am designing an ASP.NET app that can be used to keep track of attendance at office hours for a class. The purpose of this is that we need to know if a student is attending office hours by different people (so that we can flag them as "in trouble"). I don't know if I have chosen the best database design, and I'm lost as to how to accomplish a query I need.
I have a table HoursAttendance that has the following design.
Column_Name Data_Type Length Allow_Nulls TA char 4 n Date smalldatetime 4 n Start smallint 2 n End smallint 2 n Student1 bit 1 y Student2 bit 1 y Student3 bit 1 y Student4 bit 1 y Student5 bit 1 y
I chose to have the students as columns because the students don't change, and then you add rows of office hours. If students are the rows, then you would be adding columns as the semester continued which I thought was odder...? I'm completely open to suggestions on Database Design, because I really wasn't sure.
Ok, so now I need useful queries. The one that I am stuck on (and also the first one besides select * from HoursAttendance) is that I want the names of Students who have attended more than x office hours. So I need something like
select <column name> from HoursAttendance where count(sum(<column name>)) > x
Granted a better table design could help with this. I'm relatively new to design, so constructive criticism is desired please
hi, i've got problem on how to query my two tables:Table statuslogFIELDS: row1 row2ActId : 1 2ActDate : 2005-9-19 2005-9-18PIN(employee) : P120 P120ProjCode : 1234 123ActCode : B IMap# : map1 kd145RegHrs : 0.5 7.0OtHrs : 0 2.0Status(%) : 20 100 Table DalsDataNewFIELDS: row1 row2ID : 24 25Date : 2005-9-19 2005-9-18PIN(employee) : P120 P120ProjCode : 1234 123ActCode : B IActMedium : W(PC) W(PC)Map# : map1 kd145RegHrs : 0.5 7.0OtHrs : 0 2.0Flag : 0 1Approved by : P084 P083 if you will notice some fields of my tables have same value. these are: Date,ProjectCode,ActCode,RegHrs,OtHours what i would like my output(data) to be in my datagrid:ActId,ID,Date,ProjectCode,ActCode,ActMedium,RegHrs,OTHrs,Status,Flag,Approved by i have this query in 1 table only."SELECT * FROM statuslog WHERE statuslog.Pin = '"+Session("user")+"' and statuslog.ActDate >= '"+DateFirst+"' and statuslog.ActDate <= '"+DateEnd+"' ORDER BY statuslog.ActDate DESC" but what i would do now is to query the two tables and same where clause in the query above.
Can anyone tell me if SQL Server 6.5 has anything similiar to linked tables in MS Access? I need to query two tables simultaneously that reside in separate SQL databases. Is this possible, or must the tables reside in the same database?
For example, I have two databases db1 and db2. Table1 is in db1 and Table2 is in db2. I want to query something like this:
"SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE fieldname1 in (SELECT fieldname2 FROM db2.Table2 WHERE...)
Pardon the possibly senseless question - I have been an NT Administrator for some years, and have just gotten thrown into picking up some SQL DBA work and I'm still feeling my way around.
Is it possible to query the Master database for the setup information (etc) on the other databases? Several have been marked suspect due to a hard drive failure and I am trying to figure out what the original setup of the databases was.
I've been asked to provide some information about databases on an sql server.
I can use the following query to provide the names of all the databases:
select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases
What I'm also looking to provide is the current "size" of the database. I'm trying to find a table that I can link to that would provide the database size. I can manually find this number by right clicking on the database from enterprise manager, selecting "properties" and picking it up from the general tab.
I am building a website some what like B2B portal using asp.net and access database. I want to provide a search facility to the user through which they can search products in our database.
Can you provide me a strong SQL Query for that. Or is there any other way of doing that.
I work for an organisation that uses a bespoke document imaging system, thedatabase of which is an MS sql server.We have MS Access and already use it for some querying of the database.The database comprises a large number of distinct cases, which aredifferentiated by case reference numbers, in one field (table?) of thedatabase. Each of these cases may have many documents associated with it,denoted by the reference number, and these documents may be "new", "pending"or "complete" shown in another data field.We need to know how many cases have work outstanding on them.Our problem is that our bespoke software will only count the number ofdocuments of each status, and not the cases.Is it possible to design an MS Access query which will count the number ofdifferent reference numbers which have any "new" documents associated, butwont count each case more than once?I am reasonably computer-savvy, I just don't know Access or SQL..If I know it is possible, I don't mind putting in the effort to find outhow. I just don't want to waste time barking up the wrong tree ;-)Of course any advice about how this would be achieved, such as pointers tothe right parts of the MS Access helpfiles, or to relevant websites would begreatly appreciated. Some quick code would be even better...Also, if there is any 3rd-party software which could easily do this, I needhelp discovering it...I have looked long and hard, but don't know enoughabout what I am looking for.Yours in hope..--anthonyberetPlease reply in the groups, as my Usenet email address is not working at themoment.
Is there any query to list all tables,column name,datatype,size,total record in each tables for particular database ex Database:Northwind Tables:categories,(categoryid varchar(50),Category name varchar(50)...............),1023kb ,25 records like this i think there is no such a simple query... Atleast tell How to get all column names and datatype of particular table and size of table
I have installed win2003 R2 and SQL Express 2005 with SSMSEE SP2. I made test database and test table. When I try to select from database I get error message: unknown error "-l". But when I try do select with SQLCMD then I have no problem. Someone knows what may by a problem.
I have Two databases e.g. PDC,STB(has a table named "user" and fields of the table is "name","time_of_login").i want to create a stored procedure in PDC database which will insert data into STB's "user" table.
how to run query from QueryAnalyzer by setting database from combobox at top as PDC and run select * from STB.user;
in oracle we can connect via one user and can select the tables of another user. like connect internal/oracle select * from scott.emp;
What are some basic commands to query information about a CE database schema. I'd like to see my foreign keys etc. Where can I find this information in BOL?