SqlCeParameter.Size Limited To 255 Characters For Char Types

Jul 10, 2007

SqlCeParameter.Size seems to be limited to 255 characters for char types.


SqlCeParameter param = new SqlCeParameter();

param.ParameterName = parameter_name;

param.DbType = DbType.String;

param.Size = 260;

Now check the value of param.Size, it will be 255.

In the past this problem was avoidable by setting the size to 0. However, this cause a problem if you are re-using the same command and simply changing the parameters value.

Somewhere the system remembers the length of the first value and adjusts the max size to be limited to this length.

Thus for the following values:



The second one will error with something like "@param: String truncation: max = 4, len = 7, value = 'testing' "

Has anyone else come across this problem, or found a solution to it?

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SqlCEParameter With SQLDBType.Binary Won't Allow Size To Be Set &&> 510 Bytes

Nov 1, 2006

Here is my code:

Dim oParameter As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter("@pMyParameter", SqlDbType.Binary, 3000)

If you set a watch on this object, the size is set back to 510. I have tried resetting the size back to 3000 after construction using oParameter.Size, but it doesn't change from 510. If the command is executed using ExecNonQuery, this causes the bytes to get cut off at 510 bytes and returns the error: Byte array truncation to a length of 510.

Can I insert data into SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition, into a field of data type binary(3000) using .NET CF 2.0 via SqlServerCe objects?

Thanks for any help.


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VARCHAR Field Limited To 1024 Characters

Jul 28, 2005

Hello all,I have a field defined as VARCHAR(8000) yet it only accepts a maximum of 1024 characters. Does anyone know how I can save 8000 characters in a single field?Thanks,Bill.

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Is XML Variant Type's Size Is Limited? Or Anything Wrong?

Apr 3, 2008

Can anyone help on this?
In SQL 2005, I use a variant with XML type; it seems that its size is limited here. If I assign a big data to it, it appears not assigned at all. Here is the example:

Code Snippet
declare @xml xml
--cross two table to get many records returned, if nothing is abnormal, just cross more tables here
select * from master.sys.objects a, master.sys.objects b for xml RAW, ELEMENTS
set @xml=( select * from master.sys.objects a, master.sys.objects b for xml RAW, ELEMENTS )
select @xml
--no results here for var @xml

--use single table to get fewer records returned.
select * from master.sys.objects for xml RAW, ELEMENTS
set @xml=( select * from master.sys.objects for xml RAW, ELEMENTS )
select @xml
--results as normal.

Note:here I don't want to test SQL server, I just use XML type variant as oupput for a sproc, and come across the issue here.

Any reply will be appreciated!

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Data Types (char, Varchar, Nchar, Nvarchar, ...)

Jul 27, 2007

Could someone please help me by explaining which one is best to use and when?  For example, storing the word "Corona Del Mar" - which Data Type would be suggested?

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Selecting Rows From A Table Based On First 2 Characters Of 12 Char Column

Oct 21, 2013

I have to select rows from a table

if the first 2 characters of a 12 char column are

Select BFKEYC from table where

I have a hokey way of doing it but it looks embarrassing:

BFKEYC GT 'GA9999999999'

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At The End Of My Rope! Sql 6.5 On NT Type Size 255 Char Limit

Mar 27, 1999

I am so frustrated, I have upsized a data base from access to sql 6.5 and now had to clip data to fit into a 255 field? I have been looking for weeks to find a solution for this.

I am writing a discussion board very much like this one and need the message text to hold more than 255 chars. I have tried to create a table with a blob and text, The text will not allow me to specify the size when creating from a script (ASP) using create table. If I dont specify a size, it creates it as 16?

Been working on this for several weeks and cannot locate anyone that can answer this question, I want to create a column that will hold more than 255 chars.

IS there something in Sql 6.5 that I need to set to allow more than 255 on a text field? What am I doing wrong?

Please respond. Thank you.
(you can see this board here www.454ss.com)

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Data Types Size Question

Mar 25, 2008

Hi all,

little background,
When I need an amount column I usually declare a numeric(9,2). Anything bigger then that ends up taking 9 bytes instead of 5 bytes and for the most part (9,2) is more then enough. Also I usually don't use (5, 2), (6, 2), etc... since they end up taking the same space as a (9,2), that is unless I want to specifically restrict the amount value to something smaller. Occasionally I will use smallmoney for smaller amounts, however I pretty much never use money data type since it's 8 bytes... that is unless I need more digits after the dot...

so enough background, here is the question,
Let's say you've got a numeric(5, 2) and a numeric(9, 2), as far performance goes are the two fields the same? Both columns have a size of 5 bytes so I assume that as far storage and I/O goes there is no performance difference.... Fair assumption?
But what about CPU and other things, are there any performance gain in using a smaller numeric column?

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SQL 2012 :: Replication Data Types - Size Limitation?

Sep 9, 2014

Does sql server 2012 support varbinary data type for replication (Merge or transaction)?

And if so, is there a limitation of data size?

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Size Limit On CLR Extension User Defined Types

Jun 10, 2006

Why is there a limit of 8000 bytes on CLR Extension user defined types in SQl Server 2005?

We now have varchar(max), varbinary(max) and XML data types that are unlimited in size, byt UDT's are limited to 8000 bytes!.

This limitation is ruining a key project of mine!

Any ideas that MS may lift this limit?



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Error:max Row Size Can Not Be More Than 8060 Characters In Sql-server2000

Jun 5, 2006


I am getting following error during executing a insert query.

Error Message : Cannot create a worktable row larger than allowable maximum.

Resubmit your query with the ROBUST PLAN hint.

1. The max rowsize for a table in SQL Server 2000 is 8060 characters.

2. The query was working fine for data below the limit, it failed

for the data above the limit.

3. I had tested the UPDATE query with option (ROBUST PLAN ), but it didn€™t work.

if any one have clue to solve this problem plzz reply soon.

-thanks in advance

--dharmendra singh

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Can I Make The Size Of The Field Greater Than 1023 Characters?

Dec 17, 2001

is there any way i can make a field in a table accomodate more than 1023 charcters? i used the 'varchar' datatype and used a length of 2500, but still, I can't fill up a field with more than 1023 characters. Is there any way to change it?
Also, is there any way to used a symbol or special character in a field? Can SQL server identify such a character? like the alpha or beta symbol...

Thank you...

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Why For SQL 2000 Max Row Size Can Not Be More Than 8060 Characters (Japanese) Nvarchar(4000)

Feb 7, 2007

I want the reason for the above statement where I user nvarchar(4000)
to insert the japanese text it give the same error , why we cannot have
maximum size ? if we can have maximum size than 8060 what is the

Please help me ..

Thanks in anticipation

Ashish Tahasildar

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Passing A List Of Numbers To A Stored Procudure, Having A Size More Than 8000 Characters

Aug 1, 2007


I m working on MS SQL Server 2000.
I am trying to pass a list of numbers to a stored procedure to be used with 'IN()' statement.

I was doing something like..

Create Procedure proc


@Items varchar(100) --- List of numbers
AS Begin

Declare @SQL varchar(8000)
Set @SQL =
Select Query......
Where products IN (' + @items + ') '
Exec (@SQL)

This stored procedure is working fine, but when i m adding more required stuff to that, the size exceeds 8000, & it gives the error "Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals add, type equals text."

Can any1 please help me out with this ASAP??

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SqlCeParameter Error

Feb 12, 2007

I have a function thats inserts data to a table with a SqlCeCommand with 42 Parameters.
It had always worked perfectly with WMobile 2003 and WMobile 5 devices until now.

Recently I got 2 new pdas (both Phone Edition) which crash in that function with de following error:
Exception An SqlCeParameter with ParameterName '@totallinesamountwithlinediscounts' is not contained by this SqlCeParameterCollection.

I tried putting a shorter name on the param and it worked (well, it failed because another long name param).
To make sure it was a length problem it changed the long name with a dummy long name (@a234567890b234567890c234567890d23) and amazingly it worked.

After some tries I got that the failing parameters were:

I thought it could be caused because the parameters have similar names but when I replaced the params with:
It worked properly, and they have similar name also.

I've tried the same binaries and database on other devices and their work properly with the correct names.

I can make it work with this weird names but I would like to know the source of the problem to avoid future errors.

Does anyone have an idea of what may be the problem?
Is there any known issue about problems with SqlCeParameters and different versions of Windows Mobile?

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Issue With SqlCeParameter (SqlCE 3.1)

May 7, 2007

I have a simple query as follows:


Where @pPID=16700130,@pCID=43000000,@pCMD=€?=€?, and
@pObj=€?the cecum, identified by appendiceal orifice & IC valve€?

The filed OBJECT in AI_DTREE is of nvarchar(30)(of course the length of @pObj is more than 30 in my current query).

I have build the SqlCeCommand sccmd object with the above sql text and the parameters.

returnval = sccmd.ExecuteScalar();
When I execute the above statement I am getting the following error:

ex.Message = "@pObj : String truncation: max=30, len=55, value='the cecum, identified by appendiceal orifice & IC valve'."

But when I execute the same in Sql Server Management Studio against SqlCE db, it works fine and the result returnval =0.

How to overcome this SqlCeParameter issue?, for me it is difficult to messure the length of the filed before I exeuting the command.


G Sreenaiah

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System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand Has A Bug Related To SqlCeParameter Order That Causes Exceptions.

Jan 11, 2008

I came across a frustrating bug last week. Basically, whenever I tried to execute almost any sql query with unnamed parameters (i.e. using "?" instead of "@param_name" in the SQL text), an exception would be thrown.

After trying lots and lots of things and navigating my way through the internals of System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll, I discovered that the method System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.CreateParameterAccessor(...) has a bug.

The bug is that the private arrays "parameters" and "metadata" are ordered differently, yet at one point in CreateParameterAccessor(...) they are compared using the same index. Here are the two lines:
p = this.parameters[ i ];
MetaData info = metadata[ i ]
and then the column data types of "info" & "p" are incorrectly compared in a later method, ValidateDataConversion(...).

So take a step back... how are they ordered differently? From observation, I concluded the following:
The "parameters" array is ordered exactly in the order that the DbParameter's were added to the DbCommand object.
The "metadata" array is ordered according to the column order of the table in the database.

So what causes the exception? Well, CreateParameterAccessor(...) passes data types from two different columns (one type taken from parameters[ i ] and the other from metadata[ i ]) on to SqlCeType.ValidateDataConversion(...). And, of course, if they differ (e.g. one column is of type DateTime and the other is a SmallInt), an exception is thrown.
I've found two workarounds, and both seem to work well.
The first is to name the SqlCeParameters (e.g. "SELECT ... WHERE id=@id"). This causes the buggy branch of code to be completely bypassed.

The second is to add the SqlCeParameters in the exact same order as the columns exist in the table you are accessing. Note, I do *not* mean the order that you select the columns (e.g. "SELECT column1, column2, ..."). I mean the actual order of the columns in the database.

I've included my setup and a stack trace below to help if it can.

My setup is:
.Net CF 3.5
SqlServer CE 3.5
Visual Studio 2008
Deployed to Pocket PC 2003

Here is the stack trace (note the variables passed to ValidateDataConversion):

System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll!System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeType.ValidateDataConversion(System.Data.SqlDbType expectedType = DateTime, System.Data.SqlDbType actualType = SmallInt) + 0x4a bytes
System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll!System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.CreateParameterAccessor(System.Data.SqlServerCe.MetaData[] metadata = {System.Data.SqlServerCe.MetaData[34]}) + 0x89 bytes
System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll!System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.CreateDataBindings() + 0x5e bytes
System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll!System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.CompileQueryPlan() + 0x16f bytes
System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll!System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.ExecuteCommand(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior = Default, string method = "ExecuteNonQuery", System.Data.SqlServerCe.ResultSetOptions options = None) + 0xa7 bytes
System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll!System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() + 0x7 bytes

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Sql Types - Simple SQL Server Queries/handling Variable Types

May 26, 2005

SQL Server 2000, ASP.Net 1.1

I've been writing this stuff for a while, and can't seem to come to the
conclusion of how I should be retrieving data and assigning this data
to variables.

Since i'm using SQL Server, I'm convinced that I should be using the
datareaders GetSqlDouble (or whatever) function, but this would mean i
need my local variables to be one of the SQL types.  The problem
with that is, that there will have to be lots of conversions done by me
to be able to use a SQL type in my application.

For instance, I have a class where i'm retrieving dates.  In order
to retrieve them correctly (Null values included), I need to retrieve
them with GetSqlDateTime(), then when it comes time to display the date
in a table, i must first check for nulls, then convert to a
string.  This seems to be very cumbersome.  Would I be better
off just using GetDateTime(), and the .ToString method, and ignoring
Sql Types all together?

so, basically, how are you guys using your sql server data?  with
the supplied sql types, and doing all of the post-processing work
manually?  I feel like i'm having trouble conveying my
issue...hopefully someone knows what i mean....i'd just like some
direction to save trouble in the long run, since i feel like there's
got to be a better way...



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How To Substring From 12 Char To 8 Char Itemid

Jun 19, 2008


alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[PPUpdateIWDetails]

@CompanyID NVARCHAR(36),
@DivisionID NVARCHAR(36),
@DepartmentID NVARCHAR(36),
@OrderNo NVARCHAR(36),
@LineNo NVARCHAR(36),
@TAllotedQty Numeric,
@EmployeeID NVARCHAR(36),
@Trndate datetime
By default iam passing 12 char itemid as parameter...

Here iam selecting the itemid from InventoryLedger -if it is 8 char than this query should be executed
IF EXISTS(SELECT ItemID FROM InventoryLedger WHERE TransDate=@Trndate AND ItemID=@ItemID AND ILLineNumber =@LineNo AND TransNumber=@OrderNo AND TransactionType='Production' AND CompanyID=@CompanyID AND DivisionID= @DivisionID AND DepartmentID=@DepartmentID)


select @Qty =QUANTITY from inventoryledger WHERE TransDate=@Trndate AND ItemID=@ItemID AND ILLineNumber =@LineNo AND TransNumber=@OrderNo AND TransactionType='Production' AND CompanyID=@CompanyID AND DivisionID= @DivisionID AND DepartmentID=@DepartmentID
select qtyonhand=qtyonhand+@Qty from InventoryByWareHouse where ItemID=@ItemID

Here iam selecting the itemid from InventoryLedger -if it is 12 char than this query should be executed(both queries are same)
IF EXISTS(SELECT ItemID FROM InventoryLedger WHERE TransDate=@Trndate AND ItemID=@ItemID AND ILLineNumber =@LineNo AND TransNumber=@OrderNo AND TransactionType='Production' AND CompanyID=@CompanyID AND DivisionID= @DivisionID AND DepartmentID=@DepartmentID)


select @Qty =QUANTITY from inventoryledger WHERE TransDate=@Trndate AND ItemID=@ItemID AND ILLineNumber =@LineNo AND TransNumber=@OrderNo AND TransactionType='Production' AND CompanyID=@CompanyID AND DivisionID= @DivisionID AND DepartmentID=@DepartmentID
select qtyonhand=qtyonhand+@Qty from InventoryByWareHouse where ItemID=@ItemID

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SQL 2005 Resize Initial Log Size: MODIFY FILE Failed. Specified Size Is Less Than Current Size.

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I€™m using€?


And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn€™t keep the changes.

Any help with this process?

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How Can I Store Over 16000 Characters To Sql Table Field With Language Specific Characters?

Feb 19, 2008

In my application I must store over 16000 character in a sql table field . When I split into more than 1 field it gives "unclosed quotation mark" message.
How can I store over 16000 characters to sql table field (only one field) with language specific characters?

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Separate Lowercase Characters From Uppercase Characters

Mar 5, 2008

Hi everybody,
I would like to know if there is any property in sql2000 database to separate lowercase characters from uppercase characters. I mean not to take the values €˜child€™ and €˜Child€™ as to be the same. We are transferring our ingres database into sqlserver. In ingres we have these values but we consider them as different values. Can we have it in sqlserver too?


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Char(1) And Char(2) Take Same Space?

Aug 21, 2007

I create two tables:

create table table1
col1 char(1)


create table table2
col2 char(2)


I add some records to two tables after createing operation completed.

Then i use dbcc page command to oversee the structures of data page in two tables.
I found some interest things:
The rows in two tabes take up same space:9 bytes

You can see the "9" on top of the data, for example:Slot 0, Offset 0x60, Length 9, DumpStyle BYTE
or calculate from the offset array

Any suggestions?

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One Or More Columns Do Not Have Supported Data Types, Or Their Data Types Do Not Match.

Oct 20, 2007


I´m exporting an ms-excel file, then I use a lookup transformation to get a field from a SQL Server 2005 table. The Lookup transformation editor, after selecting the table, shows a warning that says:

at least one mapping between a column from available input columns ans a column from available lookup columns must be defined on the columns page.

So I try to make a relationship in the Lookup transformation editor's column tab where I find the Available input columns and the available lookup columns but I get the following error:

The following columns cannot be mapped:
[Department, DEP_CLEGALCODE]
One or more columns do not have supported data types, or their data types do not match.

The field in SLQ Server is varchar(10) and the input field is a derived column transformation; I have tried different Data Types but I always have the same error.

The DataFlow is: ExcelSource --> Derived Column --> Lookup --> Flat file destination


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Limited Resultset Without SP

Sep 22, 2006

I have a search query on my page. However, since the resultset may be very large, I want to retreive only those results that are currently shown on the gridview page.Often a user won't browse through more than a couple of pages, so it's b-*** to send all the records to the client.I know that with a sp you can define that you want to retrieve the first or second x records, but I want to do this with SQL...is that possible?

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Limited User

Feb 19, 2007

I'd like to create a limited user on SQL Server 2005 to minimize any possible problems with my ASP.NET 2.0 website. My question is how limited can I make that user? What exactly does it need to be able to do?
(In case it makes a difference, my site utilizes membership, profiles, and roles, as well as some custom tables and stored procedures that I created.)
Thanks in advance for any advice! :-)

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What&#39;s Limited Columns That MS SQL 7.0?

Feb 19, 2001

Dear all,

When I try to add the columns to 300,
But still can not over 300 column.
What's limited columns that MS SQL 7.0?

Thank you very much..


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Iliminating Characters From Set Of Integers And Characters

Jul 19, 2006

Good day experts,

I wonder if i got an answer for this.
How can i iliminate a letters from a set of integers and characters using a SQL Statement

for ex:


is that possible?
is there a function that i can use to iliminate them?

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Un Limited Data Storage

Aug 29, 2005

hi all,
I have a field which name is Information
and it type is Varchar (8000),but some time data access than 8000 character, my client told me,make this field to store Unlimited data.
So how can i achive this task, i m using VS 2003 (ASP.NET with VB.NET) with SQL 2000.

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Users Limited Access By IP

Sep 25, 2007

Hiya - this might be a bit of a simple question but please bear with me! I have looked reasonably hard for this but can not find an answer:

I have an MSSQL 2000 server running on PC-A and would like to limit certain users (e.g. admin) to be only able to logon when using the actual PC-A machine.

I am aware that you can acheive this in MySQL with the "insert into user (host, user, password) values (localhost, username, password);" command. Is there an equivalent way to do this in MSSQL?

Thanks for your help,


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Limited User Rights

Nov 16, 2005

Hi All,

How can I give the user view rights only?

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DB Updates When Limited To Bak/trn Files Only

May 21, 2007

I couldn't make a clear title without writing 2 lines.

My problem (I tried to find out through the archives):
this scenario will be used for several DBs on severals servers.

The remotes servers are not mine, I have only access to the backups files, I have no rights to setup a replication relationship.

I'm using a repository server with SQL 2005, and daily, I need to get the latest Full backup from an SQL2000 server, copy it to the repository server, restore it then delete the .bak file.
This is possible by using many different scripts (like .vbs to copy and rename the latest Full backups) then I use SQL job for daily restore.
Process is too long and the time estimated to start next task (and the backup keep growing).

Is there a way to do everything via SQL2005 script (job)?

Initially, the problem is that I have to do this with the Full backups every days (around 5 Dbs 8 Go in average). So if I can use the latest transaction log files (that would eliminate my first question).
The best way is to use log shipping as well but sql2005 is needed on both sides.

Hope I'm clear.

Thanks for any help!

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Limited Connections Per Login?

Jan 21, 2008

I created a login in SQL Server 2005 for SQL Server Reporting Service training purpose. It seemed the login exceed the connection limit. There were 9 people in the training and some people got the connection errors. Sometimes the connection error went away after the user re-established the connection. Is there a default limit per login? If so, what is the default? Can I change it to unlimited? And how?


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