
Feb 3, 2006

How do you programmatically change the SQL select statement for the SelectCommand in a SqlDataSource?

For instance, if I had two buttons on a page, and for one button, I'd like it to change the select command to be "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE au_id > 100". Then for the second button, I'd like it to show "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE au_lname like S%".

Anybody know the code to do this? I was trying to type the code, but the intellisense didn't give me any options to pick from after I typed SqlDataSouce1.SelectCommand.

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How To Use Update Command At Sqldatasouce

Sep 24, 2007

 hello all..,i have problem in update sqldatasource,  my code like that:me.sqldatasource.updateparameter(index).defaultvalue=valueme.sqldatasource.update()it can not update data, why?but if i use insert or delete like:me.sqldatasource.insertparameter(index).defaultvalue=valueme.sqldatasource.insert()me.sqldatasource.deleteparameter(index).defaultvalue=valueme.sqldatasource.delete()it can work for insert and delete data...can anyone give me update command code in sqldatasouce? plsss...thx...  

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Looping Through SQLDataSouce In A Function

Feb 17, 2006

Hi All,
Thanks for looking at the post. Here is what I am trying to do:
Lets say I have dragged and dropped a new SqlDataSource onto the page and called it SQLDataSource2
Now, in a function that happens afterload:
Protected Sub Partners_afterLoad(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
I want to be able to loop through that SQLDataSource2, and pull a value to compare.
In classic ASP it would be something like:
'Move to the first recordSQLDatasource.MoveFirst'Loop through RecordsetWhile Not SQLDataSource2.Eof'Do compare of the Field MyValueIf SQLDataSource2("MyValue")=27 Then Reponse.Write "Hit on # 27"'Move to Next RecordSQLDatasource.MoveNext'End the loopWend
My questions are as follows:
1) Do I need to define the Datasource in the function, or can I use the one that VWD2005 helped me to define.
2) How can I loop throught that Datasource (Recordset) in a function.
Any and all help appreciated--Code examples will make me your best friend.

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How To Update When Dynamic Select SQL By Using SQLDatasouce In .net 2.0?

Apr 5, 2007

In Dot net 2.0 we change using SQLDataSource to Conect with SQLDB.
Now for My case ,the Select SQL is dynamic when differnece user and parameters to the page, So if I want to Update the data input by user,then I must give Update/insert/delelte SQL to SQLDatasource's InsertCommand /UpdateCommand/DeleteCommand . 
How to Generate the Insert/update/delete command for the SQLDataSource ? as in dot net 1.1 can use SQLCommandBuilder to generate it,but SQLCommandBuilder  just support DataAdeptor not for SQLDataSource, Could any body know how to do it when the SelectCommand is dynamic and need to update data back to DB after edit?
 thanks a lot.

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How To Access Underlaying DataView Of SQLDataSouce In It's Selected Event

Jun 30, 2006

I need access to the underlying DataView associated with a declaratively defined SQLDataSource. Ideally, I need this access in the SQLDataSource's Selected event. I know that I can use the SQLDataSouce.Select() method to return the underlying DataView object. But, there is a GridView control bound to the datasource so I don't want to explicity call Select() since it will end up being called again implicity by the gridview itself. I have seen that this can be done with an ObjectDataSouce as follows:
void odsDataSouce_Selected(object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) {  DataView oDV = (DataView)e.ReturnValue;}
Is there any way to accomplish the same thing with a SQLDataSouce?  It seems hard to believe that the query results are not exposed to the Selected event.

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Modified Sqldatasource.filterExpression While Sqldatasouce.selecting Event

Apr 25, 2008

I facing a problem when i want to modified the sqldatasource.filterExpression while trigger sqldatasource.selecting event.   1 Protected Sub SqlDsProduct_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs)
2 Dim SqlDsProduct As SqlDataSource = CType(CompleteGridView1.DetailRows(0).FindControl("SqlDsProduct"), SqlDataSource)
3 SqlDsProduct.FilterExpression = Session("filter") ' filter i add up after user press search button
4 End subActually i'm using the CompleteGridview, which i downloaded from the web. the "SqlDsProduct" i reffering to is inside the CompleteGridView1. I'm using complet grid view because i want the hierarchy look for the gridview. So please help me how i gonna change the filter expression of the 2nd sqldatasource inside detailsTemplate of the completeGridview. Thank you. best regardvince

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If Then In A SelectCommand

May 12, 2007

Hi all,
I want to do something like this, but I cannot get it working:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AFS_WAWI_DBConnectionString1 %>"<%If Session("my") = "123" thenSelectCommand="SELECT [nr1] FROM [Artikel]"ElseSelectCommand="SELECT [nr2] FROM [Artikel]"End if %></asp:SqlDataSource>
 Is that possible and how can I manage that?
Thanks for your answers, Chris.

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SelectCommand Problem

Dec 7, 2006

for some reason the following code fails. I want to present all of the information of the CD (from table B)that inlcudes the song name the user types in the text box(table A).
Meaning the user types the name, it's located in table A, for each CD id in table A I want to present all the info from table B. Do I have to use DataRelation?:
private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter da=new SqlDataAdapter();
string str=TextBox1.Text;
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter sparam=new SqlParameter("@song",SqlDbType.NVarChar);
da.SelectCommand=new SqlCommand();
My Stored procedure is:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.CdInfoSP  (@song nvarchar)AS select cd_id,cd_name,year from song_cd_artist,cd_info where song_name like '%@song%' and cdofsong_id=cd_idGO
I hope someone can help me!
Thanks in advance!

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Apr 27, 2007

Hello everyone,
I would like to know if there is a way to know if a sqldatasource.selectcommand returns tables or not? I'm trying to make a If statement so that if the selectcommand isn't returning anything it will disable a checkbox.
Thank you.

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Custom SelectCommand

Jun 19, 2007

 If I hard code the select statement everything works fine.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceZip" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Station] WHERE ([ZipCode] = '80523' OR [ZipCode] = '80521' OR [ZipCode] = '80553' OR [ZipCode] = '80522' OR [ZipCode] = '80526' OR [ZipCode] = '80527' OR [ZipCode] = '80525' OR [ZipCode] = '80524' OR [ZipCode] = '80547' OR [ZipCode] = '80535' OR [ZipCode] = '80538' OR [ZipCode] = '80551' OR [ZipCode] = '80549' OR [ZipCode] = '80550' OR [ZipCode] = '80546' OR [ZipCode] = '80539' OR [ZipCode] = '80512' OR [ZipCode] = '80537' OR [ZipCode] = '80541' OR [ZipCode] = '80650' OR [ZipCode] = '80515' OR [ZipCode] = '80513' OR [ZipCode] = '80610' OR [ZipCode] = '80534' OR [ZipCode] = '80536' OR [ZipCode] = '80634' OR [ZipCode] = '80543' OR [ZipCode] = '80532' OR [ZipCode] = '80638' OR [ZipCode] = '80615' OR [ZipCode] = '80646' OR [ZipCode] = '80648' OR [ZipCode] = '80612' OR [ZipCode] = '80631' OR [ZipCode] = '80528')"> </asp:SqlDataSource>
 Want to use a label control to return data, but can't find anything that works.
<asp:Label ID="zipLabel" runat="server"></asp:Label>
[ZipCode] = '80523' OR [ZipCode] = '80521' OR [ZipCode] = '80553' OR [ZipCode] = '80522' OR [ZipCode] = '80526' OR [ZipCode] = '80527' OR [ZipCode] = '80525' OR [ZipCode] = '80524' OR [ZipCode] = '80547' OR [ZipCode] = '80535' OR [ZipCode] = '80538' OR [ZipCode] = '80551' OR [ZipCode] = '80549' OR [ZipCode] = '80550' OR [ZipCode] = '80546' OR [ZipCode] = '80539' OR [ZipCode] = '80512' OR [ZipCode] = '80537' OR [ZipCode] = '80541' OR [ZipCode] = '80650' OR [ZipCode] = '80515' OR [ZipCode] = '80513' OR [ZipCode] = '80610' OR [ZipCode] = '80534' OR [ZipCode] = '80536' OR [ZipCode] = '80634' OR [ZipCode] = '80543' OR [ZipCode] = '80532' OR [ZipCode] = '80638' OR [ZipCode] = '80615' OR [ZipCode] = '80646' OR [ZipCode] = '80648' OR [ZipCode] = '80612' OR [ZipCode] = '80631' OR [ZipCode] = '80528'
something like this, but it don't work.
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Station] WHERE (<%=zipLabel.Text%>)"> </asp:SqlDataSource>

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SqlDataSource - SelectCommand WHERE = A Value From

Nov 19, 2007

Hello, I'm new to ASP.NET (past 10 months) and am a little stuck. I will try to explain the best I can. I have a dropdown (ddNames) with a list of peoples names from my database and the value is their (staffID). When I select a name from the dropdown I want to get that Staff members details from my database. Everything works perfectly until I get to the
[[ WHERE staffID = "dropdown value??" ]] Can you help?

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SqlDataSource SelectCommand

Dec 12, 2007

I am trying to set a select command in a VB script which is activated by a button and to display the data in a gridview
The script code is 
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT MemberID, Title, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, Password, DateTimeStamp, IPAddress, Description, Location, Position FROM Members, Careers WHERE " + Search.ToString() + " AND MemberID = CareerID"
and the grid view is<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True"AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="MemberID" ataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"BorderWidth="0" BorderColor="White"EmptyDataText="There are no data records to display." GridLines="None" ShowHeader="False" >
 this works fine until the next page button is pressed then the message "No data records" comes up even though there are plenty of records still to come. It works fine if I set AllowPaging to be False.
Can anyone help?

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SelectCommand With Like Parameter

Jan 15, 2008

Hi, I try to do a simple search:
<SelectCommand="SELECT color FROM mytable where color LIKE @PARAMETER1 ">
<asp:Parameter Name="PARAMETER1 " DefaultValue="%" Type="string"/>
have a code with CASE
Dim pColor As String = "%"
Case "All" I put to parameter   "%"Case "Equals to" I put to parameter  Me.TextBoxColor.Text
Case "Begins with" I put to parameter  Me.TextBoxColor.Text + "%"
Case "Contains" I put to parameter  "%" + Me.TextBoxColor.Text + "%"
Me.SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters("PARAMETER1 ").DefaultValue = pColor
Everything work find except my "Equal to case"  and I try SELECT color FROM mytable where color LIKE blue and is don't work (return nothing)???  and I don't want %color% because is return me blue sky, not just blue.
Thank for help me

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The Sqldatasource Selectcommand...

Apr 12, 2008


Do you guy's know if there is an upper limit on the length of the string that can go into the selectcommand of the sqldatasource? I'm getting strange behavior from the sqldatasource. I'm dynamically generating select strings in the business layer and then programmatically using them in a sqldatasource up in the website. I sometimes get really large select statements (whole pages of joins) and was wondering if there was a character limit to the selectcommand property.


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Sql Count And SelectCommand

May 14, 2008

I use the Count function to get the total from my SelectCommand. However, I need to get my selectcommands dynamically, so is there a way of writing like this somehow:
"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM (MypagesSqlDataSource.SelectCommand)
Thanks in advance,

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Please Help With Sqldatasource Selectcommand

May 25, 2006

Greetings all,
I am new to ASP, .NET, and VWD2005. My experience lies primarily with PHP.
I was impressed with how simple it was to create a datagrid view of a table in VWD, however, now I'm stuck and need some assistance.
I have an Access database, and have configured an SQL Data Source to it. (forgive me if my terminology is bad)
The code is:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"    ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"   ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>"    SelectCommand="SELECT phones.FirstName, phones.LastName, phones.Phone, Departments.DepartmentName      FROM (Departments INNER JOIN phones ON Departments.DEPT_ID = phones.DEPTID)      WHERE (phones.FirstName BETWEEN 'A' AND 'AZZZ')      ORDER BY phones.FirstName"></asp:SqlDataSource>
It works fine and returns all the names/phone numbers of people beginning with 'A' as anticipated.
My original intent was to create a sting variable "strQry" which contained the actualy Select statement above. The strQry would be programatically created to alter the WHERE statement accordingly for B,C,D,E - Z. My code would then be
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"    ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"   ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>"    SelectCommand=strQry></asp:SqlDataSource>
This did not work. What am I doing wrong?
I also tried programatically testing the condition of the desired letter (A-Z) and having it use a select case statement to call multiple occurences of the asp:SqlDataSource control. The problem I ran into there is that the ID "SqlDataSource1" is already in use on my subsequent occurences. (regardless, this would produce a huge bloated section of code having 26 instances of the control)
I need some help please. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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SqlDataSource.SelectCommand Problems

Jun 27, 2006

Hallo,Why doesnt  SelectCommand have problems with angle brackates if I place = insted of <> then it works fine??? Also do I have to convert a Session datetime dtdate like this to select from SQL2000?SelectCommand = "SELECT (SELECT PICTUREID FROM PICTURE WHERE TYPE = 1 AND HOTELID = HOTEL.HOTELID) AS PictureID, dbo.Hotel.HotelID, dbo.Hotel.Name AS HName, dbo.Hotel.Star, dbo.Loc.GLoc, dbo.Loc.NameCZ, dbo.Loc.NameCZ2, MIN(dbo.HSRSeason.Price) AS LowestPrice FROM dbo.Hotel INNER JOIN dbo.HSR ON dbo.Hotel.HotelID = dbo.HSR.HotelID INNER JOIN dbo.HSRSeason ON dbo.HSR.HSRID = dbo.HSRSeason.HSRID INNER JOIN dbo.Room ON dbo.HSR.RoomID = dbo.Room.RoomID INNER JOIN dbo.HSeason ON dbo.Hotel.HotelID = dbo.HSeason.HotelID INNER JOIN dbo.Loc ON dbo.Hotel.LocID = dbo.Loc.LocID WHERE (dbo.Room.Name <> 'Extra Bed') AND (dbo.HSeason.[From] <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + @dtdate1 + "', 104)) AND (dbo.HSeason.[To] >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + @dtdate1 + "', 104)) GROUP BY dbo.Hotel.HotelID, dbo.Hotel.Name, dbo.Hotel.Star, dbo.Loc.GLoc, dbo.Loc.NameCZ, dbo.Loc.NameCZ2, dbo.Hotel.Com ORDER BY Com DESC" 

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SQLDataSource: SelectCommand With Label

Nov 17, 2006

This is my SQLDataSource for my gridview
<asp:SQLDataSource ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Pubs %>" id="sqlProducts" Runat="Server" SelectCommand=' "Select *  from adressen INNER JOIN Adressoort ON adressen.AD_ID = Adressoort.AD_ID where " & lblsql.Text '  ></asp:SQLDataSource>
the label is something like : adressoort.AD_soort = '3' or adressoort.AD_soort = '1'  
I keep on getting the error sever tag not well formed 

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Using Textbox Value In GridView SelectCommand

Sep 6, 2007

I'm trying to create a simple search against a SQL Database.  I setup a TextBox and a GridView, I simply need the contents of the textbox to be used on databind() in my SQL select statement.  Seems like it should be a simple thing to do, any guidance is appreciated!  Here is my code:
<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" Title="IP Tracker - Search" EnableSessionState="True" %>
<script runat=server>Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MasterContent" Runat="Server">
<br />
<strong>Search for IP</strong><br />
<br />
<input id="SearchBox" type="text" /><br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Please Work..." onclick="Button1_Click"/><br />
<br />
&nbsp;<asp:GridView ID="Search_GridView" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" EmptyDataText="No Records Match">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:IP_TrackerConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [AddressTable] WHERE ([IPAddress] LIKE '%' + SearchBox.text + '%')">
<asp:FormParameter FormField="SearchBox" Name="IPAddress" Type="String" />

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Another SelectCommand Distinct Problem

Oct 9, 2007

why i type the select command like below the disctinct doesnt work???  the query stil show all the Category i hav so how do i fix it??
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT Category, ID FROM Notes WHERE (UserName LIKE '%' + @UserName + '%') ORDER BY ID DESC">
<asp:SessionParameter Name="UserName" SessionField="UserName" Type="String" />

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Question About Selectcommand When Using Sqldatasource

Nov 10, 2007

I'm try to achieve the following ;
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="CardDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString = "my connection SelectCommand = "String.Format("Select * from cards where active not like '0' or active is NULL and (card like ' {0}%' or card like '{0}%')", Request.QueryString("db"))" />
I'm trying to pass a value into my query from the sqldatasource, but I'm having trouble properly using the string. This code used to be in a vb code, but theres a considerable performance difference when I have it load from my vb file and when I front load it here.
Anyone know what i would have to add or remove to make the above script work? Do I have my single/double quotes mixed up?

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Problem With Selectcommand Of Sqldatasource.

Mar 6, 2008

I would like to set the selectcommand property of the sqldatasource at runtime.
how to do that? 
can somebody help me out? 

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Construct A SelectCommand From Three VB Variables In ASP.NET 2.0

Jun 18, 2008

Dear Group,
I'm upgrading a "classic" ASP app to ASP.NET 2.0.  The database is stored on a SQL Server box in-house.  I'm looking to inject a bit of flexibility into the SQLDataSource SelectCommand property.
What I mean is this: depending on a selection a user makes in the form, I'd like to present a GridView object that displays data filtered by the user's selection.
So I took the original long query string from ASP and broke it in two pieces.  The first piece contains the bulk of the query and it ends just after the WHERE clause.  The second piece is the ORDER BY clause.  I'd like to have the ability to inject an additional term at the end of the WHERE clause (using AND).  That would be the filter.
For example,SELECT LastName, FirstName, InOut, TimeEntered, PhoneExt
FROM TimeClock
WHERE TimeEntered > '6/17/2008'
AND EmploymentState > ''
ORDER BY LastName, FirstName
So, in between the "AND State > '' " and the ORDER BY clause I'd like to insert something like this:AND Department = 'Production'
I'd like the SelectCommand of the SQLDataSource to look like this:SelectCommand="<%= (sql1 & " AND Department = 'Production' " & sql2) %>"
sql1 and sql2 are defined in a <script runat="server"></script> block in the page <head>. The following errors occur even if I have a single variable containing the whole SQL query string (i.e., SelectCommand="<%= sql1 %>").
When I try to run the page I get this error:Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '<'.
If I remove the quotation marks from around the SelectCommand statement I get:Parser Error Message: Server tags cannot contain <% ... %> constructs.
What's funny about this is that the ConnectionString property of the SQLDataSource looks like this:ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:PersonnelDatabaseConnectionString %>"
No complaints from the compiler about the ConnectionString.
Any ideas? Am I simply going to be unable to construct a SelectCommand on-the-fly?

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SqlDataSource And Dynamic SelectCommand

Jan 16, 2006

Good morning.I'm writing an application that allows users to generate Personal Leave requests and route them to their managers.I'm using the integrated Windows Authentication, so I'm able to get the user's username from HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.How do I dynamically generate the SelectCommand?  Right now, I do:Dim strQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM [tblPLRequest] WHERE employee = '" & strUsername & "'"to get the query I want, but when I set my SelectCommand to that, it thinks it's a stored procedure (and can't find it).Am I going about this in the completely wrong way?Thanks.

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How To Execute A Selectcommand On Button Click?

Jan 9, 2007

Hello friends
Can anyone tell me the means by which I can populate a label or a datagrid by executing a selectcommand statement on the form of my webpage. And what is the best way to retrieve data from a SQL datasource, is it by using separate sqldatasources for each different parts of a page that requires different data from different tables in the same database or by using a tableadapter to retrieve the data for the best performance?
Thanks for replying for my previous questions. It was helpful and great in my program implementation.
Thank you

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Beginner's SqlDataSource SelectCommand Question

Feb 28, 2007

Hi folks,I'm having problems using the SqlDataSource to return certain values from a SQL database. I have two DropDownLists. When the first DDL's selected index is changed, I need to take the value (an int id) from the field, use the value to look up a string in a different colum in the table for that record id, which should then be used to automatically select a value from the second DDL. I think my problem is I'm not sure how to get the SelectCommand to actually return the value, let alone in string form!Here is my code:{        string selectedProject = ProjectDDL.SelectedValue;               SqlDataSource temp = new SqlDataSource();        temp.ConnectionString = rootWebConfig.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings["DBConnectionString"].ToString();                       temp.SelectParameters.Add("id", selectedProject);        temp.SelectCommand = "SELECT [username] FROM dbo.projects WHERE id = @id";                       //temp.Select(); ?        //AssigneeField.SelectedValue = string returned from Select Statement!}  I'd appreciate it if somone could point me in the right direction? Thanks,Ally 

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How To Pass String Into Sqldatssource Selectcommand?

Mar 13, 2007

Help!  I'm trying to figure out how to pass a string variable to my sqldatasource's "selectcommand" attribute.  I'm trying to construct my SQL dynamically to adjust some things.  My code is something like this, 
<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="report.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default"    EnableEventValidation="false" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head id="Head1" runat="server"></head><body style="font-family: Arial,Verdana; font-size: 8">    <%          Dim selectCommandVar as String = "select column from mytable"    %>
<form runat="server"> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlChild" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:mynnectionString %>"        ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:gmConnectionString.ProviderName %>" selectcommand="selectCommandVar">        </asp:SqlDataSource></form></body></html>
What's the best way to get the contents of my selectCommandVar variable into the SelectCommand attribute of my sqldatasource?  The above syntax doesn't work and I've tried several permutations that do not work either.  The examples of sqldatasource I keep finding have the SQL statement hardcoded in the <asp:sqldatasource> section, which won't work for me.  HELP!

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Syntax For Passing A String To SelectCommand

Sep 15, 2007

 Hey,I've inherited a project from my office and am stuck.I'm trying to take input from multiple souces (DropDownLists, TextBoxes, etc) and depending on which ones are used, update a SELECT string with additional AND statements.   <script language=VB runat=server>
Dim resultsql As String
Public Sub Button_Click(ByVal client As String, ByVal state As String)
Dim dv As String
resultsql = resultsql & "SELECT ClientName, Address1, City, State FROM tblClient"
dv &= ""
If (StrComp(client, dv) <> 0) Then
resultsql &= "AND ClientName = " & client
End If
If (StrComp(state, dv) <> 0) Then
resultsql &= "AND State = " & state
End If
resultsql &= " ORDER BY ClientName ASC"
End Sub
</script>Now when I got to display the results of this new string in a GridView I am recieving errors trying to pass my variable "resultsql" into SelectCommand. <asp:GridView ID="Results" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="ClientNumber"
<asp:BoundField DataField="ClientName" HeaderText="ClientName" SortExpression="ClientName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Address1" HeaderText="Address1" SortExpression="Address1" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="City" HeaderText="City" SortExpression="City" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="State" HeaderText="State" SortExpression="State" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SQLConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand=resultsql> </asp:SqlDataSource> I've scoured the web without any success. Any suggestions are appreciated.

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SelectCommand Multi Text Boxes

Nov 7, 2007

I would like a form that has 3 text boxes. These 3 boxes are going to be used for entering search criteria. The first box is for searching a field called CasePK. The second is for searching a field called LinePK and the third is for searching a field called DOS. DOS is a date field. The other two are text fields.I am using a SQLDATASOURCE and a Gridview. What will the SelectCommand look like so that I can search the 3 fields using the data from the textboxes?

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Dynamically Change The SelectCommand Property

Nov 8, 2007

I have a gridview that I use on a products page, my problems is certain products have different attributes that I would like to display.
Therefore what I would like to do is change the SelectCommand property to my SQLDatasource depending on the querystring that is passed.
For instance in my page load event I would have a CASE statement with numerous SQLString Variables.
Here is the current coding for my datasource
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"

SelectCommand="SELECT PS.ProductSizeMM AS [Coupling Size], PS.ProductWallThickness AS [To Suit], PS.Cost AS [Price], PS.Sold_By AS [Sold by] FROM tblProduct AS P INNER JOIN tblProductSize AS PS ON P.ProductCode = PS.ProductCode WHERE (P.ProductDescription = @ProductDescription) ORDER BY PS.Sorter">
     <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="ProductDescription" QueryStringField="ProductDescription" />
</asp:SqlDataSource>I have tried declaring a string variable in my page load event (SQLString) then setting the
SelectCommand="SQLString" but this causes a syntax error
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near 'SQLString'.
Any help would be greatly appreicated!!

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Session Var As Table Name In SQLDataSource Selectcommand?

Mar 12, 2008

Hi Everyone,
I set the session("MyTable") with the user's name as contents when the user logs in, then I copy a new table name with session("MyTable") , I set PK and this all works, but I can't seem to figure out how to use the session var as table name SQLDataSource Selectcommand? I try a bunch of different stuff, putting it into a key in the web.config. Seems like this should be a piece of cake.
Im getting ~ "Session variable is not a valid datasource item" etc. Below is one of the things I have tried.<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Connectio String %>" SelectCommand="Select * From [" + Session("MyTable") + "] Where ID = @ID">

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SqlDataSource SelectCommand - Dynamically Setting The Name Of The Table?

May 7, 2007

Can you dynamically set the name of the table in the SelectCommand section of the SqlDataSource? (If it is relevant, I code in C#)
 For example,
<asp:SqlDataSource runat="server" ID="SqlDataSource1" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Test-MySQL %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Test-MySQL.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM TestTable">
I would like to replace 'TestTable' with the name of a table that is extracted from a string array in the code-behind.

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Prevent SelectCommand From Running On Initial Load

Jan 31, 2008

I'm just getting started with ASP.NET and I've created a query page that displays the user’s results in a gridview.  The user can then edit, delete or sort the results.  I use two text boxes for the user to supply the query criteria (Lname and Year).  The user can provide one, both, or neither items.  When no criteria are supplied the SQL query returns all records (this is the desired result).  Here's the problem.  On the initial load the page returns all records because it is submitting the Selectcommand with the query fields blank.  Can I prevent this from happening on the initial page load but permit it on all other reloads.  I initially removed the Selectcommand from the Gridview and created a codebehind for the query button that submits the query.  The problem with this was that the selectcommand is required for all other gridview operations (i.e. if the user sorts the results or edit a record, when the page reloads no records are displayed in the gridview).  I then started to use codebehind for all possible Gridview events but this got very unwieldy.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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