SqlServer2005 Database Structure Alterations List

Mar 2, 2007

Arjang writes "Hi

As a developer I work on a development Database, and after adding fields to tables, altering SP's , Adding new tables etc. I need to apply the same exact changes to production database.

So far I have been doing this manually, but is it possible to get the list of all alteration from some date onwards as Sql Scripts and run them on the Production server?

Of course doing the alterations in Sql and keeping them in a file might seem like a solution , but it is a tedious process prone to human error.

Is it possible to turn on some database reporting feature that keeps track of modification's applied ?

Is there another way of visioning database structures and applying them?


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May 12, 2007



IP :::::



in this computer sqlserver express edition is installed, i want to remove this express becoz in configuration manager it show two SQLSERVER'S are running. when i browse from COMPUTER - 2 for network servers it show server name as HASH/SQLEXPRESS, but not the main SQLSERVER.





can anyone help me how to connect these two computers and remove this express edition

iam new to sqlserver configuration

thanks in advance

waiting for eager reply

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Generating Scripts For Table Alterations In SQLServer

Oct 24, 2006


I am using SQLServer and I would like to track changes or generate scripts for every change or alteration made to the table.. Please help me with any ideas..

Thank You,


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Access Control List (structure) Invalid - Updating Virtual Directory Information

Sep 26, 2005

Hi,I've just installed SQL server and then IIS and SQLCE tools.I created a virtual directory and was trying to update the NTFSpermissions from SQLServer Connectivity management when i got thefollowing error - Access Control List (structure) invalid.Has anyone come across this and if so, what did u do to fix it.ThanksLyn

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Sample Database About Sqlserver2005

Apr 26, 2005

I had installed the sample database " AdventureWorks ",but i couldn't find it in SQL Server Management Studio,and I noticed than it was installed into "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Samples" directory,but not "Microsoft SQL Server" directory,what can I do to find the datebase.
I am a beginner,and learning sqlserver by using tutorials,someone help me?
many many thanks.

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Activating Database Mail In Sqlserver2005

Jan 24, 2008

i am using sqlserver2005,in that i am not getting database mail even after enabling in surface area configuration of configaration tool.
what is the problem with my sqlserver.
Can any one help me ...

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Doubt At Retrieving Database In Sqlserver2005

Oct 5, 2006

here i had created a database named "books" and it contains 8tables in sql server 2005. now i want to take a copy of this "books" database in another system which also have sql server2005 as a back end to asp.net. so where i can get this "books". i.e in which folder it will be saved. is it possible to svae this databse or have to svae each queries by which i created tables?

One can never consent to creep,when one feels an impulse to soar

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Cache Database Structure (How To Detect If Database-design Has Changed..)

Feb 24, 2006

Hello everyone,I have a webcontrol that uses database-structures alot, it uses the system tables in SQL to read column information from tables. To ease the load of the SQL server I have a property that stores this information in a cache and everything works fine.I am doing some research to find if there are anyway to get information from the SQL server that the structure from a table has changed.I want to know if a column or table has changed any values, like datatype, name, properties, etc.Any suggestions out there ?!

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Copy Sqlce Database Structure To Sqlserver Database

Jan 6, 2008

I have a complicated sql server mobile database (.sdf) and need to create a SQL SERVER database with the same tables. How can I do it without scripting the whole thing? I thought of using the views.information_schema databases, but it is still a lot of coding.


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Database Structure

Sep 25, 2007

Hello I am a final year student and for my final year project I have decided to try and create a price comparison website due to the fact that i feel it would be a good project to work on and develop my technical skills in C# and microsoft sql server 2005, since these are mainly the two programs I would say i have more experience with. Basically I want to create a website such as www.pricerunner.com. At this point in time i have started playing around with how i feel the database will look, in terms of tables and columns, below is what i have produced;
 Website link
I am now stuck as how i will link each company with a product bearing in mind a company will stock different categories of products, also do you think i need any more columns in any of the above tables, as well as am i missing out on anything, I am hoping someone with more knowlegde than myself can shed some knowledge on my problem, thank you.

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Getting SQL Database Structure From Here To There

Aug 10, 2005

I'm sure there is a simple way to do this but I cannot think of it.I have an ASP.NET application that I am publishing to a webhost. I have chosen to use FTP to copy my files (aspx, etc.). They work as far as links etc. Now, the next step is to create my SQL database on their server as they instruct, which I have done in name only. (Oh, if it makes a difference, I access the hosting service using Plesk control panel.) Is there any simple way to get my database structure from my PC to the host server? All responses welcome. Thanks.

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Database Structure

Oct 9, 2001

Hi All,
I need to get some info on how I can get the script of the entire database stucture. I need to write a procedure to do this. I know in SQL Server I could get the script in a mouse click. But I need to write a procedure to do the task. Is there a package in SQL Server that I could use to accomplish this task?
Any thoughts will be of help.
Thanks in advance.

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New Database Structure

Sep 2, 1999

I am very new to SQL server, and am completely stumped here. I need to transfer the data from an old database to a new one (both SQL Server 6.5 DBs.) The only problem is that the database has been restructured, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the data imported. I am working on manually making all of the structure changes, but there must be a better way. Any ideas? Thank you SO much!


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Database Structure

Nov 1, 2004

This is a sort of database structure question that could I guess apply to any type of database...

Say I have 4 production lines and I want to log serial numbers on the start of every line and off the end of every line.

Is there any advantage in having a separate table for each Production Line and serial number logging point? (i.e. t_Line1Start, t_Line1End, t_Line2Start etc) or is it just the same as having one big table and having a LineNumber field and a StartEnd field?

Is SQL Server just as happy dealing with fewer transactions to several tables as it is to many transactions to one table?

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Database Structure

Apr 9, 2008

I have a question. I want to build a db for the following entities:

each driver nay has a car (NULL or carId)
each driver belongs to company
each car belongs to company

The db structure I built is:
car(carId, companyId)
driver(driverId, companyId, carId)

The problem is that in this structure driver from company a can have a car from company b.

but this situation is not possible.. How can I prevent such situation??


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SQL Database Structure

Jul 8, 2006

Is there a way I can copy my SQL 2000 database including procedures, views tec. the whole works but not the data in any table.

I want to share with a relative a copy of my application (web based) he has his own SQL 2000 server but I do not want to give my data just the database so the application will run and he can start inputting his own data.

How can I do this like a backup which has everything but with no data.

I tried scripting it using the EM but it did not give me everything just the system db's



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Database Structure Q:

Jan 11, 2008

I'm designing a web application that acts as business management software for many small autobody shops. This method was chosen because it creates a central point of administration for the software and I believe that a properly configured cluster of services will meet performance requirements. Using SQL Server 2k5 as my backend, I need to structure my DB(s) so that performance and size are kept to a minimum.

That being said, the first problem I encounter is in creating a structure that supports multiple businesses, each with their own unique dataset.

For example, each business will have work orders specific to their business. This necessitates a uniqueness constrained by businessID (hereafter titled "BizID") and WorkOrderID (WoID). The first solution I happened on was the simplest: A composite primary key composed of BizID (int) and WoID (int). The unfortunate consequence of this, as I soon realized, was that *every* table containing multiple business' data would need this composite key structure. The second problem with this method is that there is no such thing (to my knowledge) as a composite identity. I could identify WoID as the identity column, but it would not iterate WoID for BizID x properly if any other Biz added a work order to the table. (i.e. biz 1 adds three work orders (identitied 1, 2, 3), biz 2 adds one work order (would identity as 4) and Biz 1 adds another (would identity as 5), leaving us with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 across two businesses, rather than 1, 2, 3, 4 for biz 1 and 1 for Biz 2)

The second idea I considered was one DB per business. I didn't consider that for very long, since I assumed size considerations would be blown out of the water if I had 50 business and 50 DBs. I could be wrong, as I am decidedly a novice at this. It does benefit from not putting all my eggs in one basket though and makes backup/recovery/troubleshooting much simpler.

The third idea I considered was one table per business. This suffers from the same issues as #2 above with not as many of the benefits.

Both ideas 2 and 3 would need a master table relating logins to the DBs they belong to, which would not be hard to implement at all, but the implications of using this method are unknown to me.

So quite obviously, I'm a novice at this. Perhaps I took a project on that was too big for my britches, but just getting out of college puts me in a good place to take a risk and I will learn a great deal from putting a complex (is it so?) system like this into action.

I appreciate any and all responses, thanks in advance for your replies!


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How To Compare Structure Of Two Database ?

Oct 3, 2006

I have one databaseand I create new database by copy everything from first db I then alter some column on new database and now I would like to compare two databaseHow can I do it ? 

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Advice On Database Structure

Jun 4, 2007

 I am thinking of doing a fake PC company site for my ASP project. so
what they will have is a chat, products with reviews, and users can
have "Buddies".So my DB so far (Tables):ProductPC - ID, Processor, RAM, HDD, Graphics, LCD ...ProductHardware
- ID, Title (Like "Intel C2D E6600"), Description, Price, Rating (0-5
stars, so integer), Category (CPU, HDD, Graphics)ProductSoftware - ID, Title (eg. "Adobe CS3"), Description, Price, Rating, Category (eg. Design, Programming)Reviews - ID, ProductID, Title, Content, DateChat - ID, TopicID, Title, Content, DateUsers - ID, Username, Password,The problem, how do i connect Reviews to the products since they are from diff tables.How do i get the "buddy" system workingChat i think its not as simple as thatBut i just need a simple ASP project, so no need to get too complex, but i still hope to learn as much.

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Webzine Database Structure

Nov 26, 2007

 I havent been working with databases for quite a while but now im in charge of creating a rather powerful website with webzine (online magazine) among other things. Within this magazine there are several different categories of articles such as concerts, album reviews, interviews, product reviews etc etc which obviously recquire rather differently structured tables. Multiple images are going to be uploaded to all articles and users are going to be able to comment on all the articles. Since the comments and image tables dont differ between the articles i would much rather store all comments for example in the same table, but wont i get relationship problems? Perhaps I could have a column referring to a certain kind of article, and then a second column with the id of that specific article? Or is the best way simply to have a seperate image and comment table for each set of articles?

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Database Table Structure

Jan 29, 2008

Hi i have a student table and also an societies table,  and a student can belong to as many societies as possible, for example student John Taylor belongs to the Football society, rugby societey and dance society, where as student Jim Jenkins belongs to the Football society, rugby society, arts society and graphics society.
My tables so far look like this;
STUDENTS; student_id, student_name
SOCIETIES;  society_id, society_name
My question is how can i make the scenario above reflect in my table structure, would i need to create another table, if so what fields or columns should i place in this new table, thank you.

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Database Structure Question

Mar 31, 2008

Hello all!
I'm working on an application that requires a bit of tricky database development, and I was hoping to get some advice from you.
The best way to describe the application, is to use an example, and the best I can think of is Facebooks news feed, where you can see if any of your friends have become friends with other members, or joined any groups, if your friends have completed quizs, attended any meetups, got arrested at the weekend etc etc..
My application is similar, but requires a lot less features. It will only tell show you if any of your friends have become friends with other members, or joined any groups (example: your friend Dave is friends with Jane).
Currently in my database, I have... users table (that holds a list of registered users) friends table (that links users who have decided to become friends with other users)groups table (that holds different groups)user_joined_groups table (that links users to groups they have decided to join).
Its simple and it works fine.
So to get around the newsfeed problem, I thought of doing this, creating 2 new tables. The first table will hold the news type and give it an ID...
NewsTypeTable============NewsTypeID       NewsType1                       NewFriend2                       JoinedGroup
The next table will be FriendsNewsTable, and everytime a user joins a group, or makes a friend with another user, details are added in here...
FriendsNewsTable=============NewsID        NewsTypeID     FriendID       newFriendID         newGroupID         datecreated1                       1                   225                 156 2                       2                   95                                              52
Ok, so above in the FriendsNewsTable, the first record shows that the user has made friends with someone, and the second record shows that a user has joined a group. I though that this approach might work. but then I though... If I have 20 friends, that means I am going to have to search with each one through FriendsNewsTable, which could contain 30,000 records (wishful thinking!) So this is bound to make the page crawl to say the least.
So does anyone have any advice how I should go about this?

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Database Code Structure

Apr 26, 2008

What method would you suggest is the best way to deal with a website?

Say for example, writing SQL. Am I better using Stored Procedures and adding methods for accessing there or just writing the SQL inline. What do you think about this? Is it totally overkill to use stored procedures in a small website?  

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Database Structure And Presentation

May 14, 2008

I'm trying to design a site for parent conference scheduling.
Usually we have a couple of days appointment time, for example 5/8/2008, and 5/9/2008. and the time usally start at 7:00 and ends at 9:00. one appointment time lasts about 20 minutes.
I would put a page something like this, after parent or student login, 1. they are asked to choose a date, 2.after the date is chosen, show available teacher names, 3, after the teachers are selected, for each teacher, it will show a list of radio buttons for parents to select the time period open, For example: 
 teacher: John smith. time: 7:00; radio button        7:20 radio button        7:40 Booked...............        8:40  radio button       
4, the student choose the available time, and then enter student name, then submit.
I would like to know how to setup the database table and present to the users. Currently for this scheduling part I have tables like teachertable, scheduling table, Appointment table.
Teacher table: teacherID, name, email, course,Scheduling table: appointD, TeacherID, room, appt date
I think I will prepopulate the two tabels before conference time.
 and after user submit the selection, insert into Appointment table the other fields like scheduling ID, appoint time, and studentname.
The things confuse me, is how can I deal with the appointment time fields, shall I add another table for appt time? should this field be prepopulatd to the table and pull from the table for student to select or something else?
HOw can I do with this: if a teacher not available after 8, how can I excluded the time period for the teacher?

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Database Menu Structure

Sep 30, 2005

Hello,I am upgrading my (simple) cms from one menu layer to two layers. So i have two tables in de my DB- table_mainmenu- table_submenuThe submenu records are linked to the mainmenu records on the mainmenu id. So far so good. Heres my problem, i cant figure out how to change the order of the pages...!? What is the theory behind recording the stacking order of the menu items? How can i record this information in the DB?I just need the theory, i can figure out the details for myself. Thanks in advance!Corstiaanp.s. is the the right forum to post this?

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Logging Changes To The Database Structure

Dec 27, 2000

Hi all!

I have a friend who is a contract developer working remotely for a company on a SQL Server + VB project. He is having difficulty because someone at the company is making changes to the database tables without informing him, and of course then there are numerous application errors. This has happened far too many times for him to dismiss it. Examples of these changes are changing field names, deleting fields, changing datatypes, even changing the server name. My question is does SQL Server automatically log changes to the database, and if so, how can this log be read?



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Copy Database Structure

Apr 13, 2000

Can anyone tell me;

Is there anyway to copy an entire database structure (layout of column definitions and character formatting)?

Or do I have to delete the relationship, then the child first?

For testing purposes, if I screw one up, I would like to be able to start with another copy.


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Copy Database Structure

Nov 1, 1999

Hi all,

I want to copy a production database schema to an archiving database, only
the structure : tables, views, defaults, rules,UDTs. For achieving that
I am trying to use SQL/DMO functions, "CopyAllTables" for example. My script works with no error but unfortunately the destination database
contains no objects. Why, have I missed something ?
Does anyone know how to do that?

Many thanks for your help



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SQL Database Structure Question

Jul 23, 2005

Hi.We have a .NET programmer using our SQL server. The database is roughly8GB at this point, full of all of our inventory, payroll data, etc. forrunning reports.This is on a dual-xeon 3.2Ghz, 4GB DDR, 3x15k RPM SCSI RAID-5, gigabitethernet, etc server.Yet, every once in a while it slows to an absolute crawl. IIS6 is thefront-end, and its limited to a web garden with 4 threads. However,sometimes only 1 processor does any real work, even when multiplepeople are running reports.Blocking is NOT a problem, however I've seen 300,000+ locks/secrequested occasionally (not waiting or anything like that, justopened).Cache hit ratios are roughly 99%.One issue that I suspect is that the programmer is using varchar(50)for EVERY column in EVERY table (except unique keys).My question: In this configuration, would varchar(50)s be the cause ofthe awful slowdowns?I know its all cached in memory, but on these older xeons (533fsb,DDR266) the memory subsystem could be better. If we are pulling THATmuch excessive data on an already congested bus (since its dualintels), would it cause a dramatic slowdown?The reports we run are highly intensive, but usually do not take afraction of the time that they do when the server exhibits thesebehaviors.I really could use anyone's input on the matter. I've read onlineguides, 2 performance optimization books, and seemingly created optimalindexes, but none of that has led me to a real solution.ThanksMortrek

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Export Database Structure

Feb 15, 2007

Hi,is there a way of exporting database structure not the data in it?Thanks.

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Copying Structure To Another Database

Jan 25, 2008

Hi all,

Is there a way to copy a structure of one database (tables and fields) to another database WITHOUT copying the data??
Someway to do that with replication??

any help is very appreciated!

Thank you,

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Store Locator; Database Structure

Dec 29, 2007

Hi i am creating a web page which will return the results of products, the store name and the distance of the store from the postcode which the user has put into a text box. My first question is how would my database structure look, below is what it looks like at the moment;
Company; companyID, companyName, companyAddressLine1, companyAddressLine2, companyPostcode.
Products;  productID, productName, companyID, price.
In order to achieve the proximity search how would i alter the "Company" table, as in what columns will need to be added or removed, thank you. 

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Accessing Data Structure Of A MS SQL Database

Mar 19, 2008

I have written 5 content-management systems and am getting a little bored writing a lot of the same functionality and tweaking it for different datamodels.  Is there a way within .NET to have visibility of a database's structure (ie, data type, column names, foreign keys etc)?  I'd like to write up a dynamically generated form for any given table, displaying appropriate form controls based on data type and foreign keys.

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