SqlTransactions In A Multi-Threaded Environment
Nov 27, 2006
I am currently working on a project in which I am using SqlTransaction objects with their IsolationLevel set to Serializable. I am wondering what would be the effect if multiple threads were to call this code at the same time? Would the second transaction (created by the second thread on the same connection), for example, be queued until the first one (created by the first thread on the same connection) finishes? Or would an exception be thrown for the second transaction? In case an exception is thrown, would using the synchronization (locks) around critical sections solve the issue?
I guess it is easier to understand the scope of transactions in terms of multiple users, but it is confusing (for me) when I start thinking in terms of multiple threads. The underlying data is held in a single table and the scope of the transaction spans multiple SELECTs and an UPDATE or an INSERT.
I have been trying to find a feasible answer, and haven't found anything credible yet. Help!
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Jan 28, 2007
Hi All,
I have a problem in which I want the run an SSIS based on a file being dropped in a directory. I've tried the WMI event watcher as well as the File Task Watcher component. The problem that I'm seeing is that if the process is currently processing in the pipeline while another file dropped, the newly dropped file doesn't get picked up. Is there a way to create a FileWatcher Task in SSIS which will spawn a SSIS job and return immediately for watching files?
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Feb 10, 2007
Of all the Visual Basic.NET data access books that I have purchased and all the Internet site example code that I have reviewed, none have had any good examples of multi-threaded VB.NET code doing data access.
I am trying to avoid the non-responsiveness in a VB app while a simple data retrieval from SQL Server 2005 is in progress.
If anyone knows of any book titles or web sites that have example code (good or not) of multi-threaded VB.NET applications doing data access against Microsoft SQL Server (7, 2000, or 2005) or even against Microsoft Access(TM), it would be very much appreciated if you could provide the book title or URL to point me in the right direction.
The more examples the better.
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 23, 2014
Disaster Recovery Options based on the following criteria.
--Currently running SQL 2012 standard edition
--We have 18000 databases (same schema across databases)- majority of databases are less than 2gb-- across 64 instances approximately
--Recovery needs to happen within 1 hour (Not sure that this is realistic
-- We are building a new data center and building dr from the ground up.
What I have looked into is:
1. Transactional Replication: Too Much Data Not viable
2. AlwaysOn Availability Groups (Need enterprise) Again too many databases and would have to upgrade all instances
3. Log Shipping is a viable option and the only one I can come up with that would work right now. Might be a management nightmare but with this many databases probably all options with be a nightmare.
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Oct 1, 2007
We are currently managing about 75 SQL Server instances. Each instance contains jobs (backups, index work, admin, etc) which report back to a central instance for monitoring. This is working well, but each time I need to change one of the jobs, I am having to log into each instance to do so.
I have recently played with Multi-server Environment, using a master and target, to see if this might help. There is relatively little written about Multi-server in books-online, and I am left with a question.
All jobs appear to be exact duplicates. But I don't want exact duplicates. For example, on the various target servers, I would like for the backup jobs to run at different times, and write to different directories. How are the rest of you working around this situation, if you are using Multi-server Environment?
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Jan 6, 2004
My company uses a quad processor server connected to a SAN to load and summarize detail sales information from 2000 stores on a nightly basis. We poll and load around 5,000,000 rows of data each night. THis information is summarized up to various levels, then replicated to one or more secondary datamart servers for end user access via web reporting, BI tools like Proclarity/Analysis Services etc...
The initial data polling server is only touched by the development staff supporting the process (1-5 programmers) and is licensed for SQL server Enterprise using a CAL model. Each datamart server is licensed with MS SQL server processor licenses.
The question: We were told that the quad processor polling machine, which has no end user access allowed, must be licensed with processor licenses since it touchs the data ultimately consumed by end users. This makes no sense to me.
The Microsoft white papers discussing multi_tier environments don't seem to address this type of issue. They focus on applications that ultimately pass thru a data request to the SQL server machine. In this situation, user requests are handled by the datamart servers, which are licensed with processor SQL licenses.
Can anyone clarify?
Thanks, Mike
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Mar 27, 2007
My product is growing rapidly and currently I have a db for each client with identical schema. Of course maintenance is pretty hard. I was thinking of using a shared db but having a schema for each client (sql 2005) - I have almost 100 tables in the schema which means with just 10 clients the db would pass 1000 tables. My gut is telling me this ain't going to fly!any ideas? and if it does work ... any thoughts on updating the internal schemas for each client?thanks-c
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Feb 6, 2004
I am developing reporting application (access project) which will be used in multi user environment.
Here is what I have:
1 SQLServer database for many users
Each report will be based on:
stored procedure which creates a table filtered for specific dates predefined views will use the newly generated table to show results to the client. However, if more than 1 person runs reports results will not be accurate if each person specified different dates because they will look at the same table and results will match only for a user who called the stored procedure last.
what can you recommend - how to report in multi user environment?
Many thanks
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Apr 19, 2007
In my database I have all business logic in stored procedures. For example there are procedures: ReadBike and UpdateBike. Bike is business object stored in 4 tables.
On my system work 100 employees and we have one problem with this. The stroy is;
1. User A reads data about Bike1
2. User B reads data about Bike1
3. User A updates data about Bike1 (user B have old data)
4. User B updates data about Bike1
So user B don't know about chnages made by user A. How to solve that ptroblem?
It's probably solved in ADO, but I want use business login in procedures.
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Jan 20, 2007
I was wondering if you guys might give me some advice on how best to handle a particular scenario i'm struggling with.
I have a client that basically wants web-based-update access to their sql server database. Specifically, for a group of users to be able to access a page where they select a record for editing. the caveat is that no two users should be able to pull up the same record at the same time. Originally I would have thought there was some easier record-locking-mechanism I could exploit within sql server or ado.net itself, but I haven't been able to come up with anything.. so this is my current approach:
The page they use starts-out with basically a blank form. there are custom-built paging controls at the bottom of the screen. they click page-forward to begin and a stored procedure is ran to select a record and update a field on that record to indicate "in-process". when they finish editing the record - or page on to the next record without updating - another stored procedure is ran - updating/resetting the status field on the record appropriately.
The entire page is encapsulated within an ajax.net updatepanel.
The entire page has caching disabled. This works well in conjunction with the first page being blank. if they get out of the app and try to get back in by clicking the back button - all they can do is get to the first (blank) page.
A piece of javascript window.onunload clicks a button on the page that releases the record they currently have selected in the event of a re-direct, clicking back, etc.. it appears to work with everything except a window close. in that case, i have a stored procedure running periodically on the server that checks how long a record has been selected - and if it exceeds the time indicated - resets the record as to allow it to be re-selected later.
In the event of session timeout, they are redirected to another page that tells them their session has timed-out (and since the window.onunload fires - it takes care of releasing the record if they have one on the screen).
The concept seemed to be working well until I started multi-user testing. Now it seems as if two users time it perfectly - they are actually able to both select the same record. it happens pretty rarely, but it does seem to happen. I'm guessing this has to do with how my stored procedure is structured - possibly allowing a tiny-enough window between the record being selected for editing - and the update running to actually status the record as in-process (2 separate sql statements within the one stored procedure).
I believe I also have a found a second quirk in my approach where something is causing the window.onunload event to fire twice in some strange situations.. but that's more annoying/confusing from a logging standpoint than anything..
I've read where people say to ensure you dont update a record that's already been updated - that you should compare the fields before you actually perform the update and ensure they haven't changed since you selected it.. but to me that doesn't solve anything.. if two people select the same record and both spend time working on it - the person that tries to update last has just wasted their time.
I've also toyed with the idea of maintaining a separate table in the database to hold the keys to the currently selected records and use that to keep multiple people from selecting the same record - but honestly i dont know if that approach is any better than what i'm doing now.
anyway, I was just curious if you guys had any advice in regards to how you'd handle a request like this.. or if you see any obvious problems/fixes with my current approach..
I would greatly appreciate any info you could provide-
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Oct 19, 2006
Is it possible to install/configure SQL-Server 2005 on a multi-processor machine so that the relational DB utilizes a given subset of processors while Analysis Services utilizes another subset?
- Paul
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Aug 17, 2015
I am setting up sharepoint and sql server integration environment. I am considering the following topology: PowerPivot for SharePoint 2013 and Reporting Services in SharePoint mode Two Server Deployment
I am looking to follow the topology example by the letter, which involves installing PowerPivot for SharePoint (aka SSAS in SharePoint mode) in the same server as my SQL, and installing SSRS in SharePoint (SP) integrated mode in the same server as SharePoint.
I understand, however, that if I wanted to install SSRS in SP mode in the same server as SQL, I could but only if the server contains the SP Object Model.
My first question is, what would involve having the SP Object Model in the SQL Server?
Would only installing SP binaries be enough; or Do I need to do a minimal install of SP in the SQL server enough for it to joing the SP farm? And most importantly, what would be the licensing implications for SP in case I want proceed down this route and have SSRS in SharePoint mode installed in the same server as the SQL?
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Mar 31, 2006
I am using the exactly same sample code on http://msdn2.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/microsoft.sqlserver.replication.mergesynchronizationagent.synchronize(SQL.90).aspx to synchronize a push subscription and get this error while executing the statement:
I even added a [STAThread] attribute on the method but still no luck, anybody can share a light on it? Thanks!
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Nov 16, 2005
I have finished a change request from our client. I need to update clients' database with the one in developments.Here is the changes i made to database:Added/Changed some tablesAdded/Changed some stored proceduresAdded data to some dictionary tableThe data in clients' current database MUST be kept. So how can I merge the changed information to clients' database?
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Aug 17, 2015
More often than not, I typically don't touch DTC on clusters anymore; however on a project where the vendor states that it's required. So a couple things here.
1) Do you really need DTC per instance or one for all?
2) Should DTC be in its own resource group or within the instance's group?
2a) If in it's own resource group, how do you tie an instance to an outside resource group? tmMappingSet right?
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Feb 4, 2008
the stored procedure don't delete all the records
need help
Code Snippet
DECLARE @empid varchar(500)
set @empid ='55329429,58830803,309128726,55696314'
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0
UPDATE [empList]
SET StartDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1900-01-01 00:00:00', 102), val_ok = 0
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0
UPDATE [empList]
SET StartDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1900-01-01 00:00:00', 102), val_ok = 0
WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[empid])+',',','+@empid+',') > 0
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello,I am trying to construct a query across 5 tables but primarily 3tables. Plan, Provider, ProviderLocation are the three primary tablesthe other tables are lookup tables for values the other tables.PlanID is the primary in Plan andPlanProviderProviderLocationLookups---------------------------------------------PlanIDProviderIDProviderIDLookupTypePlanNamePlanIDProviderStatusLookupKeyRegionIDLastName...LookupValue....FirstName...Given a PlanID I want all the Providers with a ProviderStatus = 0I can get the query to work just fine if there are records but what Iwant is if there are no records then I at least want one record withthe Plan information. Here is a sample of the Query:SELECT pln.PlanName, pln.PlanID, l3.LookupValue as Region,p.ProviderID, p.SSNEIN, pl.DisplayLocationOnPCP,pl.NoDisplayDate, pl.ProviderStatus, pl.InvalidDate,l1.LookupValue as ReasonMain, l2.LookupValue as ReasonSub,pl.InvalidDataFROM Plans plnINNER JOIN Lookups l3 ON l3.LookupType = 'REGN'AND pln.RegionID = l3.Lookupkeyleft outer JOIN Provider p ON pln.PlanID = p.PlanIDleft outer JOIN ProviderLocation pl ON p.ProviderID = pl.ProviderIDleft outer JOIN Lookups l1 ON l1.LookupType = 'PLRM'AND pl.ReasonMain = l1.LookupKeyleft outer JOIN Lookups l2 ON l2.LookupType = 'PLX1'AND pl.ReasonSub = l2.LookupkeyWHERE pln.PlanID = '123456789' AND pl.ProviderStatus = 0ORDER BY p.PlanID, p.ProviderID, pl.SiteLocationNumI know the problew the ProviderStatus on the Where clause is keepingany records from being returned but I'm not good enough at this toanother select.Can anybody give me some suggestions?ThanksDavid
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Mar 27, 2007
I am new to Reporting Services and hope that what I am looking to do is within capabilities :-)
I have many identical schema databases residing on a number of data servers. These support individual clients accessing them via a web interface. What I need to be able to do is run reports across all of the databases. So the layout is:
Dataserver A
Database A1
Database A2
Database A3
Dataserver B
Database B1
Database B2
Dataserver C
Database C1
Database C2
Database C3
I would like to run a report that pulls table data from A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1, C2, C3
Now the actual number of servers is 7 and the number of databases is close to 1000. All servers are running SQL2005.
Is this something that Reporting Services is able to handle or do I need to look at some other solution?
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Jul 20, 2005
Greetings,We are trying to set up a set of "Leading Practices" for ourdevelopers, as well as ourselves, and hope some gentle reader canrecommend some documentation in favor of what appears to be the rightposition to take.We do not allow third party applications to run on our SQL Servers. Wewant to include DTS Packages under the definition of third partyapplications, insisting instead that the developers save theirpackages as COM Formatted files into their source code control systemsand run them from their app servers. The devlopers would like to hearthis from someone besides ourselves.While strong recomendations to remove guest access to MSDB altogetherabound, I have been unable to find a straight forward discussion ofthe advantages of structured file storage and app server off load ofDTS packages.Can anyone suggest any articles, white papers, rants, etc attemptingto formulate a solution to the benefits of taking msdb away fromguest, with the advantages of running DTS from an App server orworkstation platform, with the packages protected in source codecontrol?Thank youJohn Pollinsjpollins @ eqt . com
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Jun 12, 2007
Good morning,
I am a DBA and my boss recently recommended that we change our QA environment so that we don't have any databases on it unless they are actively being tested. This would be to save hardware costs.
The only issue I can think of at this point is that promotion to our QA environment would take up to 2 hours for some of our larger databases if we have to restore production databases to qa for every QA run.
Is this a good idea? How do you run your QA (full or partial copy of prod)? Any input appreciated.
Thank you.
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Dec 5, 2007
I work on a company where we today have one SQL Server Standard Edition and Reporting Services (SSRS) and Analysis Services (SSAS) installed on the same server.
Now we want to install SQL Server Enterprise Edition, but still have the Standard Edition installed.
We are gonna invest in one more server.
I wonder if its possible to install the database engine for both versions on one server and then install instances of SSRS and SSAS on the other server?
Can Standars Edition have SSRS and SSAS on another server than the Database Engine?
And is it different versions of SSRS and SSAS between SQL SE and SQL EE, or does SSRS and SSAS get the SQL EE benefits if the database engine is SQL EE?
Thanks in advance!
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Sep 29, 1999
I have about 23 SQL servers running 6.5 SP3 or SP5a in a 24 hour environment. Most of the activity takes place between 6am and 11pm, with few transaction after 11pm. What is best to do with the main DB's transaction log, have the truncate at checkpoint option checked OR back up the transaction log a couple times a week? The Database is backed up every 6-8 hours.
Thanks in advance for your opinions/help.
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Nov 21, 2005
I have about 40 DTS packages that I want to run against three different databases on the same server. Can someone suggest an easy way to run these jobs and differentiate each time which SQL or INI file to use.
John Shaening
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Jan 14, 2004
Hello, everyone:
What is difference between testing environment and product environments for MS SQL Server? Thanks a lot.
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Mar 12, 2007
Jimmy writes "We use a software that stores its database in SQL. We currently have a server box running Windows 2000 Server with SP4 and SQL Server 2005 with SP2 which holds the database. The server is wired in but we have several other stations that connect to the database wirelessly.
The problem is with our wireless stations.
When a wireless client travels from one access point to a repeater, it'll drop the connection for that moment. Once it picks up the wireless connection again, it requires closing out of the software and going back into it so it reestablishes the SQL connection to the server.
Is there a solution for a seamless reconnection with SQL for our wireless clients? Is this a problem with our software or SQL? Please advise. Thank you."
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Nov 6, 2007
Hi Guys,
Im new to SQL Server 2005.
In our organization, I was tasked to implement and maintain
MS SQL 2005 database.
We have several system developer and they are using MS SQL 2005
as a backend database.
Currenty, they are responsible for designing their own databases required by their application.
My concern is that I want to restrict access to my SQL server that only the DB administrator can access the
database server.
My question is that, how they can design their databases without accessing the database server. Is it
possible for them to access SQL Server with some restriction? I mean, I want to impose some security measures
that they can only access objects within their scope.
Our current scenario is that they have MS SQL Express version installed in their pc and from that terminal
they can design and test their application and after everything is in place, Its me who will migrate their
respective databases for production in MS SQL 2005 server.
Hoping you can provide me the best alterntive to this query.
Thanks a lot.
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Jul 20, 2005
Trying to figure out what development enviroment we need in order todo the following:- develop a non-native SQL server stored procedure;- call a web service or java program from the stored procedure;- return static values;- call the stored procedure from a view.How do I get a hold of the right tools and what do I need to put thepieces together?Obviously, I've not used SQL server and I'm looking for the basicstarting point.Thanks!
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Aug 23, 2007
I'm currently using the setup below for my RDA testing. Is there any problem with this setup?
connected connected
Client Apps (SQLCE 3.0) -----------------> Windows Server 2003 (Web server) ----------------> Windows XP (SQL2005)
previously was using windows XP to act as web server and have SQL server reside inside the same machine but having 10 connection limitation from windows xp where only 10 client can connect to the machine. The current setup moves the web server out to windows server 2003 and i believe it solves the 10 concurrent connection limitation but how about the SQL server? is it limited to 10 connection from windows server 2003 also? (Windows XP is my testing server, Windows Server 2003 contains important test data for the whole company) . I tried with concurrent RDA pull for 40 client concurrently with 1 pc having 10 client apps but obtain not really satisfying results. Pulling one table (20Mb) needs 1 to 2 mins through LAN networks but pulling concurrently with 40 clients takes up to 20 - 30 mins.
Any advice? Thank you and have a nice day.
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May 5, 2006
Novice SQL Express User...
Now that I've installed SQL 2005 Express Advanced, shouldn't there be a DB Environment I can work with? There must be a configuration mistake because I can't see the "container?" Prior to SP1 I had SQL 2005 Express installed and I could open and use SQL; however, once I loaded SP1 that stopped. I thought if I load the "Advanced" I would be "back in business."
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Sep 25, 2007
i am working in hospital environment. i am a novice in SQL. i have an urgent issue to answer which is around numbering the order of theatre event for the same patient based on the into theatre time. Patients can go to theatres several times in the single hospitalisation. we need to order as 1, 2, 3 and so on based on the into theatre time which is date/time format. your help is much appreciated. thanks.
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Jul 17, 2006
can you show me how to get the value of an environment variable from a script task?
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Dec 12, 2007
I have a SSIS package. Right now its doing a data flow task from flat file to an OLEDB destination.
Now If i have to move to a new environment , I have the exactly the same tables but the server name is different.
Is there any way i can configure this from .NET CODE.
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Nov 11, 2002
Do you guys know how to fix this error?
windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temp profile? how do you get around this? Thanks.
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