Starting Sql Server Agent Sql 2005

May 4, 2007

I am running windows 2003 and sql server 2005. i am following the directions in books online:

On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager.

In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand Services, and then click SQL Agent.

In the results pane, right-click any instance, and then click Start.

A green arrow on the icon next to the SQL Server Agent and on the toolbar indicates that SQL Server Agent started successfully.

Click OK.

the problem is i have nothing in Services. there is nothing to expand.
is it installed wrong?? or is there another step before this that i have to do??

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SQL Server Agent Is Not Starting

Jul 27, 2001

we have a SQL server 7.0 on windows 2000 m/c,from yesterday onwards suddenly sqlserver agent is not starting,till then it was working fine.
I tried to start SQL server agent manually and i got following message

"[241] Startup error: Unable to initialize error reporting system (reason: The specified module could not be found) "

Then i tried to start from services in controll panel,but i could't.

Then i checked event log ,found following error messages

Application log:

1) "The description for event ID(105) in soure(SQL Server Agent) can not be found.
The Localcomputer may not havethe nessary registry information or message DLL files to
display messagees from a remote computer.The following information is part of the event:
The handle is invalid."

Event ID: 105
Source : SQLServerAgent
Category: Disk

system log:

1)The Sql server agent service failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

can any one help me in this matter

Thanks in advance

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Sql Server Agent Not Starting...

Nov 9, 2000

Hi Folks,
Can anyone amongst u solve my problem..When i try to start the Sql Server Agent..i'm given the following error meassage..
Could not start Sql Server Agent.Error 2140.An Internal Windows NT error.
Please help me if anybody can.

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Sql Server Agent Not Starting

Jun 15, 2005

Hi have you guys seen this error when trying to start the sql agent?

SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: sqlserveragent must be able to connect to sqlserver as sysadmin, but '(unkown)' is not a member of the sysadmin rol.

What is this all about I can start the sql server service with the same account i'm trying to start the agent.

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Starting SQL Server Agent

Jun 21, 2001

When I am trying to start SQL Server Agent from Enterprise Manager I am getting:

" An Error 5 - (Access Denied) occured while performing this operation on SQLServerAgent. "

No sound explanation found in MSDN library.
How to resolve this matter, is there other than EM methods so start it?


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Starting The SQL Server Agent

Feb 26, 2006


How can we start the SQL Server Agent without having physical acess to the server, I mean i have access to the EM which is installed on another server. How to start the SQL Server Agent , the login i use has sa rights ,

Please help

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SQL Server Agent Not Starting Properly

Aug 15, 2000

Running SQL 7.0 on NT4.
When server boots the SQL Server Agent appears to start normally. NT Service starts, Event Viewer shows service is started, Service Control Manager shows service started.

However when I try to view a job or create a lob I get the following error:

Error 14258: Cannot perform this operation while SQLServerAgent is starting. Please try again later.

Has anyone seen this behaviour before??

Thanks in advance


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Sql Server Agent Errors Starting

Mar 24, 2005

Hi guys, I'm trying to figure out why i'm having issues with the SQL server agent trying to start.

the error i get is 14258 cannot perform this operation while sqlserveragent is starting. try again later. sql-dmo(odbc sqlstate:42000)

any ideas how to fix this. I start the service as a domain user that is an admin on the server. but when i run a job it gives me the above error.


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SQL Agent Is In Starting Status - But Not Starting

Mar 6, 2002

We have SQL 2000 (SP2) , Our SQL server agent showing green light as started from EM , It is succussfully restarting from NT Services too . But When I open the properties of the jobs from EM its gives error message SQL DMO error " SQl Agent is starting , try later " . And in EM Next run Date & Time not available .

MDDB database is accessable & in Log file its recovered fully

Thankx in Advance


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Access Denied Starting SQL Server Agent

Mar 5, 2007

I've been struggling to figure out how to set the "Log on as" login for a SQL Server agent that isn't a member of the Administrators group.

Is this even possible? No matter what policy settings I assign the the user, I get an access denied error when I try to start the SQL Server Agent service. If that user is part of the administrators group, there are no errors.

I have no problems with other services and "log on as" logins...

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SQL Server 2k Agent Service Stuck In Starting State

Mar 10, 2004

I have a Win 2003 server running 3 instances of SQL 2000 Enterprise.
The problem is I can only start 2 of the 3 Job Agents at a time, as the 3rd gets stuck in a starting state.
Has anyone struck this problem before?


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SQL 2012 :: Server Agent Shutting Down Minute After Starting

Aug 27, 2014

When I start SQL Server Agent it's shutting down minute after starting. I tried to set Alerts to send email. After I configured Database Mail ,I was able to send test email , however after that SQL Server Agent started to misbehave.

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Sql Agent Not Starting Can We Reinstall Just Agent ?

Feb 7, 2002

SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server '(local)'; SQLServerAgent cannot start).

Is any has the same problem ?

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SQL Agent Not Starting

Feb 12, 2002

The SQLAgent service was modified to login as a domain account. SQLAgent would not start. I made sure that the account was in the Admin group on the server, I setup the account as a System Administrator in SQL. I made sure that the network protocols in Client Network Utiliity and Server Network Utility where the same as other servers using the domain account. The message I'm getting is...

SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server; SQLServerAgent cannot start).

I modified the properties for SQLAgent back to login as local account and I still get the same problem.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Sidney Ives
Database Administrator
Sentara Healthcare.

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SQL Agent Not Starting

Oct 27, 2000

For three months I have be starting the SQL Agent using the following bat file


Starting this week the agent is not starting. This is the error message

10/26/00 6:25:36 PM - ! [000] Password verification of the 'SQLAgentCmdExec' proxy account failed (reason: A required privilege is not held by the client)

What could have changed on the Server?

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SQL Agent Not Starting

May 31, 2002

When attempting to start SQL Server agent I get the following error:

"Error 1753 No End points available from Endpoint Mapper"

How can I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance for your time.

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SQL Agent Not Starting At All

Mar 28, 2007

I am unable to get SQL Agent service to run under the same domain name that my SQL Server service is running under. It will start and continue to run when Server and Agent are both ran under the Local Account. But once the services are switched over to the domain account, the Server starts, but the Agent fails. The domain user has administrative rights on the server, along with admin rights to the SQL instance.

Here is the event log.

Event Type: Error
Event Category: Service Control
Event ID: 103
Date: 3/28/2007
User: N/A
Computer: SQL2
Description: SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: SQLServerAgent must be able to connect to the SQL Server as SysAdmin, but '(Unknown)' is not a member of the SysAdmin role).

Any help would be greatly appreciated or links to threads with answers.

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SQL Agent Not Starting Properly

Sep 28, 1999

We have SQL Server 7.0 running on an NT 4.0 sp5 box. Whenever we stop the SQL Server Service, we get the message that SQL Agent will also be stopped. If we do this, all the services seem to stop fine, but when we try to start the SQL Server Agent Service back up, it won't let us. In order for it to restart, we have to reboot the server so that it starts 'automatically'. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is?

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SQL 7 Cluster - Starting SQL Agent

Sep 18, 2002

How do you start SQL Agent? MS states not to start thru Service Manager as it may corrupt registry. There is no Resource for SQL Agent in 7.0 cluster. The service is down, need to start to get jobs to run. I've just checked (enabled) the properties so Agent will start on O/S reboot or start after Unexpected stop. How do I get it start in the meantime?

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Agent Starting Error

Jun 5, 2002

Hi ,

Whenever I restart the Server , SQL server service is starting properly, but the agent is showing the green sign in EM ,agent Log also its showing its started. But in EM the jobs are not showing the next run time its showing ( Date and time not available). When I double click the jobs its showing the following error message
Micorsoft SQL - DMO ( ODBC Sql state 42000)
Error 14258 : can not perform this operation while SQL server agent is starting)
FYI :This server contain the databases of SMS too .

Thank you ,

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Urgent: I Have Problem In Starting More Than 8 Jobs Using SQL Agent

Mar 22, 2002

I am not able to run more than 8 jobs in SQL Server using SQL Agent JOB.

Any ideas and suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

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Delay Starting SSIS Package Via SQL Agent

Feb 20, 2008


All my SSIS packages consistently take 1 minute to start when they are scheduled via the SQL Agent.

For example, a package runs in 20 seconds in the BI Studio. I transfer it to the SQL server and store it in MSDB. I then run it manually from SSMS - Integration Services and it takes 20 seconds. I then schedule it via a job in the SQL Agent and it takes 1 minute 20 seconds.

I can see from some simple logging that there is consistently a delay of 1 minute between the job starting and the package starting.

I have also switched every occurrence possible of DelayValidation to TRUE in all my packages and tasks. All this did was reduce the package run time from 27 seconds to 20 - the 1 minute delay still exists.

This happens on all my packages on all my servers. Any ideas.....?


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Delay In Package Starting When Running From SQL Agent

Jul 19, 2006


I wonder if anybody can shed any light on this problem. I have a SQL Agent job which has three steps, each step runs an SSIS package.

The job is scheduled to start at 11.00 pm, which is does successfully. However, it has been taking between 2 and 3 hours to run, which is way longer than it should.

When I've looked at the logging, I've found that the although the job starts at 11.00 pm, the first package (in job step 1) does not start executing until about 11.30. It finishes in about 5 minutes, there is then about an hour delay before the second package (in job step 2) starts. This finishes in about 10 minutes, then there is another hour delay before the third package (in job step 3) starts.

I've tried configuring the steps as SSIS jobs, and also as cmd jobs using dtexec, both exhibit the same behaviour.

Any ideas about what could be causing this delay? The packages are stored in msdb on the same server as the SQL Agent job, if that makes any difference.



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Agent Starting Error- Waiting To Recover Database

Jun 5, 2002

SQL agent is using NT login with all permission & agent and sqlserver using the same NT username . SA password has not been changed for more than one year.

The SQL Server agent log is showing "waiting to recover database". What could be the reason ?

Ray Miao at 6/5/2002 8:13:38 AM

Double check with sql service manager. Did you change sa pwd?

Shaji at 6/5/2002 4:36:16 AM

Hi ,

Whenever I restart the Server , SQL server service is starting properly, but the agent is showing the green sign in EM ,agent Log also its showing its started. But in EM the jobs are not showing the next run time its showing ( Date and time not available). When I double click the jobs its showing the following error message
Micorsoft SQL - DMO ( ODBC Sql state 42000)
Error 14258 : can not perform this operation while SQL server agent is starting)
FYI :This server contain the databases of SMS too .

Thank you ,

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SQL Server 2005 Not Starting Up

Feb 25, 2008

Hi everyone.

I have a pc running as an SQL Server 2005 express server. Last week, the RAID 1 array failed for some reason, both HD still work correctly and the raid utility simply mirrored everything back.

So after starting this pc the day after, SQL server stopped working. This is the error log:

Code Snippet
2008-02-19 17:37:20.50 Server Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00 (Intel X86)
Apr 14 2006 01:12:25
Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation
Express Edition with Advanced Services on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
2008-02-19 17:37:20.50 Server (c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation.
2008-02-19 17:37:20.50 Server All rights reserved.
2008-02-19 17:37:20.50 Server Server process ID is 2676.
2008-02-19 17:37:20.50 Server Logging SQL Server messages in file 'c:Archivos de programaMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG'.
2008-02-19 17:37:20.50 Server This instance of SQL Server last reported using a process ID of 2968 at 19/02/2008 17:26:54 (local) 19/02/2008 23:26:54 (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
2008-02-19 17:37:20.50 Server Registry startup parameters:
2008-02-19 17:37:20.50 Server -d c:Archivos de programaMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAmaster.mdf
2008-02-19 17:37:20.50 Server -e c:Archivos de programaMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG
2008-02-19 17:37:20.50 Server -l c:Archivos de programaMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAmastlog.ldf
2008-02-19 17:37:20.53 Server SQL Server is starting at normal priority base (=7). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-02-19 17:37:20.53 Server Detected 2 CPUs. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
2008-02-19 17:37:21.20 Server Using dynamic lock allocation. Initial allocation of 2500 Lock blocks and 5000 Lock Owner blocks per node. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-02-19 17:37:21.26 Server Database mirroring has been enabled on this instance of SQL Server.
2008-02-19 17:37:21.26 spid5s Starting up database 'master'.
2008-02-19 17:37:21.42 spid5s SQL Trace ID 1 was started by login "sa".
2008-02-19 17:37:21.46 spid5s Starting up database 'mssqlsystemresource'.
2008-02-19 17:37:21.51 spid5s The resource database build version is 9.00.2047. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-02-19 17:37:21.57 spid5s Error: 9004, Severity: 21, State: 1.
2008-02-19 17:37:21.57 spid5s An error occurred while processing the log for database 'mssqlsystemresource'. If possible, restore from backup. If a backup is not available, it might be necessary to rebuild the log.
2008-02-19 17:37:21.57 spid5s Error: 945, Severity: 14, State: 2.
2008-02-19 17:37:21.57 spid5s Database 'mssqlsystemresource' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space. See the SQL Server errorlog for details.
2008-02-19 17:37:21.57 spid5s SQL Trace was stopped due to server shutdown. Trace ID = '1'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.

I have been reading in this forum and other places, but I've had no luck fixing this. I already backed up all the mdf database files and logs just in case. The mssqlsystemresource database and logs are in the same location, and they have read/write access.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Sql Server 2005 Not Starting

Oct 13, 2005


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Starting To Use SQL Server 2005 Exp

May 21, 2006


I want to start to use SQL Server 200 Express but have no idea where to enter the SQL queries and view the results.

I installed SQL Express and under Start > Programs > SQL Server 2005 I only have Configuration Tools which has Configuration Manager, Error and Usage Reporting and Surface Area Configuration.

SQL Server and SQL Server Browser Services are running but I have no clue of from to start creating my database, tables, etc etc.

I have a background of MySQL and used MySQL's command line tool and phpMyAdmin, so SQL is not a problem.


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SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Not Starting

Oct 11, 2007

Service cannot be started. System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.Global' threw an exception. ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Configuration system failed to initialize ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the site administrator has locked access to this section using <location allowOverride="false"> from an inherited configuration file. (C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesReportServerinReportingServicesService.exe.config line 5)
at System.Configuration.ConfigurationSchemaErrors.ThrowIfErrors(Boolean ignoreLocal)
at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.ThrowIfParseErrors(ConfigurationSchemaErrors schemaErrors)
at System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem.EnsureInit(String configKey)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem.EnsureInit(String con...

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Any tips would hugely help. I checked this config file and have not seen this info in the file.

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Problem Starting MS SQL Server 2005 Service

Sep 25, 2006


Anybody kindly help me.

We have windows server 2000 and sql server 2005 on the same machine with 15 clients. There was a power failure. The sql server is automatically stopped. When we tried to start the service we are getting the error as action failed please check application event log for errors.

This has happened for the 2 times, kindly tell me why this happens and what precaution we can take and is there any setting we are missing. Since I am newbie to sql server and windows server I am unable to solve this problem.


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SQL Server 2005 Not Starting At Boot, Windows 2000

Aug 15, 2006

Please feel free to redirect me if this has been previously addressed. I've read through the FAQ post and searched the forums, and as yet haven't found anything relevant on Google so I'm hoping you folks can help.

I am using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition on a fully patched Windows 2000 Server, and for some reason the database just will not start up when the machine starts or reboots. The service starts fine if I go start it by hand though. This is obnoxious because it prevents me from running fully automated updates to the box since that reboots it at least once a week on "patch Tuesday".

Here are what my related services and their startup types look like:

SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) Automatic
SQL Server Active Directory Helper Disabled
SQL Server Browser Disabled
SQL Server VSS Writer Manual

This is a production machine so I'd prefer not to run any services I don't have to. All this database needs to do is sit there and get hit by a local Cold Fusion instance that talks to it by TCP/IP. Any administration on it I tend to do locally with Management Studio Express by remotely logging into the server on it's internal IP.

The really weird thing is, I have these services configured exactly the same on development environments I've created in Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition. This seems to be specific to Windows 2000 Server, and I just can't figure it out...

Any advice much appreciated!

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Error Starting Reporting Services In SQL Server 2005

Jun 21, 2007

Hi ,

I am trying to connect to Reporting Services through SSMS using the following parameters:

Server_Type: Reporting Services

Server Name : <Server_Name>

Authentication: Windows Authentication

Got the following error message:

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to <Server_Name>


Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'.
The request failed with the error message:
<html><head><title>Server Application Error</title></head>
<h1>Server Application Error</h1>The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the processing of your request.
Please refer to the event log for more detail information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.</body></html>
--. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)

Any help would be deeply appreciated,

Thanks a lot for your Time,



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SQL Server 2005 Upgrade To SP2 - SQL Server Service Not Starting - SOLUTION

Mar 15, 2007

I upgraded my SQL 2005 Workgroup 2005 to SP2 and subsequently could not get the SQL Server service running. Turns out this was a problem because I had created separate folders for my data and log files. The distmdl.mdf and mssqlsystemresource.mdf files were in my data folder and distmdl.ldf and mssqlsystemresource.ldf were in my log folder. During SP2 upgrade a new distmdl.ldf and mssqlsystemresource.ldf were created in my data folder. I deleted the distmdl.ldf and mssqlsystemresource.ldf files in my log folder and then moved the newly created ones in my data folder into the log folder and all is well now.

Just a heads up!


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Problem Remotely Stopping And Starting Services In SQL Server 2005

Sep 11, 2007

Hi guys

I've been dealing with a few problems with SQL Server 2005.

We don't want to give our DBA's local administrator access to the servers so we had a problem with SSIS which I managed to resolve by adding their global group into the local DCOm group and modifying the security properties of MsDtsServer.

Another problem I've come across is when you log into Management Studio as an account that has local administrator access to the server you have the Green symbol next to the registered server, you can then right click and Stop, Restart services etc.

If I log into Management Studio with an account that has full SQL sysadmin rights but not local administrator rights to the server then the Green symbol doesn't appear and the Stop, restart options are all greyed out - all other functionality appears okay, they just seem to lose the ability to remotely stop and start services.

All of the above is with Windows Firewall turned off, if the user has local administrator rights but the SQL Server has the Windows Firewall switched on they are unable to remotely stop and restart services.

Port 1433 is open on the firewall and program execptions are there for sqlbrowse.exe

Anyone come across this particular problem before?

Any help would be appreciated.



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