OK, I've been looking and maybe there is an answer to this somewhere, but I haven't seen it.
I've got a database that has as its status "Shutdown, Normal". All the other DBs on my machine are "Normal" as status. The problem is that the one that is shutdown is the one I really need to be executing in. How do I start it?
When our rep distribution services time-out (several times a day) some dba's just restart the service while others restart the rep job which starts the service. Are there any differences between these two methods? Does restarting the service inherit any changes made to the job's attributes?
I would appreciate any help or suggesions on starting with database design for an asp.net site. I know this question maybe sounds silly but I feel stuck and don't know where to start.
Hi, I have a SQL2k STD with SP3 installed. Currently, only one database db_XYZ is there. The server has been started up since 07/03/2003 16:00 pm. But in the sql server current log: "Starting up database 'db_XYZ'." info is spreading from that time (16:00 pm) to this morning 10:00am at an interval from every 1 minute to 4 minutes.
Why need to 'Starting up' this database so much times? This reminds me that this 'Starting up' is kind of 'abused' in many other servers. Any idea?
OK, I am experienced in VB6 but new to SQL. And I want to use SQL for my database for some software I develop. I have understood the basic principles how to communicate with a data base using SQL. What I have not understood is how I start a new database for SQL, subject SQL as such is installed on the server. But how to initiate a new data base?
I've got a sitatuation where one of our sql databases appears to be frequently "starting". The log entry looks like:
Starting up database 'Database'.
And seems to occur at irregular intervals and does not seem to be inline with any other db activity....i.e. transaction log backups, insertions or reads.
This DB is fairly busy receving inserts from our PBX CTI software almost constantly.
Note this is the only DB on the server displaying this behaviour (we've got two named instances running with several databases in each).
The log for our SQL 2000 database shows constant "starting up database dbname" entires. Is there a option that causes the databases to constantly be starting or is this a new feature of SQL 2000.
We have SQL 2000 (SP2) , Our SQL server agent showing green light as started from EM , It is succussfully restarting from NT Services too . But When I open the properties of the jobs from EM its gives error message SQL DMO error " SQl Agent is starting , try later " . And in EM Next run Date & Time not available .
MDDB database is accessable & in Log file its recovered fully
The log for our SQL 2000 database shows constant "starting up database dbname" entires. Is there a option that causes the databases to constantly be starting or is this a new feature of SQL 2000.
SQL agent is using NT login with all permission & agent and sqlserver using the same NT username . SA password has not been changed for more than one year.
The SQL Server agent log is showing "waiting to recover database". What could be the reason ?
------------ Ray Miao at 6/5/2002 8:13:38 AM
Double check with sql service manager. Did you change sa pwd?
------------ Shaji at 6/5/2002 4:36:16 AM
Hi ,
Whenever I restart the Server , SQL server service is starting properly, but the agent is showing the green sign in EM ,agent Log also its showing its started. But in EM the jobs are not showing the next run time its showing ( Date and time not available). When I double click the jobs its showing the following error message Micorsoft SQL - DMO ( ODBC Sql state 42000) Error 14258 : can not perform this operation while SQL server agent is starting) FYI :This server contain the databases of SMS too .
I've read frequently how stored procedures we create shouldn't be named withsp_ since SQL Server will first check the master db before the current dbwhen trying to find the sp to execute. I always nodded and thought how Iwas glad I hadn't done that. For some reason it never clicked that UDFbehavior could be the same.I have several UDFs that start fn_... When I reference a UDF as dbo.fn_...does SQL Server check the master db for these and only upon not finding themcheck the current db? If so, is there a performance hit for this?TIA,John
I'm quite new to this forum. I've a fair experience in Databases and Programming. Now that I want to take a stride into Data Mining and Warehousing. Experts please suggest me where I can start from and any learning path ?
I am just starting out on SSIS, and have the following business challenge that I would like to solve utilizing SSIS. There are two SQL Server data stores, one would be the source, and other would be the destination. I need to grab some data from store 1, and insert that data into store 2. Here are my questions:
1) Before i move the data to store 2, i have to check some criterias by callin some sps, and then the end result would need to be inserted into the destination database. Can anyone tell me how would i setup the control flow, to accomodate that in SSIS?
2) Can someone email me a sample package that does something similar?
I just need a starting point so i can build the design of my package. Basically i need to call three sps during the process to move data. First one will compile a list of all the records to process. Second one, will pick those up, make some calls to set some other parameters, and then finally insert it into some staging tables. Third one should simply pick up the data from staging tables, to a replica of those tables in the actual destination db. I would really appreciate if I can get some response to this post soon. Also, I would appreciate if you can point me in the right direction in terms of how to design this using SSIS. Basically i need a starting point control flow design(rough) to understand what control flow items would be used in this case. Thanks.
The SQLAgent service was modified to login as a domain account. SQLAgent would not start. I made sure that the account was in the Admin group on the server, I setup the account as a System Administrator in SQL. I made sure that the network protocols in Client Network Utiliity and Server Network Utility where the same as other servers using the domain account. The message I'm getting is...
SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server; SQLServerAgent cannot start).
I modified the properties for SQLAgent back to login as local account and I still get the same problem.
When my system re-boots SQLServerAgent will no longer start. The following message is sent to the NT Event Log:
(Event ID 103) "SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server; SQLServerAgent cannot start)."
Following this message are two messages from MSSQLServer that read:
(Event ID 19020) "RPC Net-Library listening on: ncalrpc:USBGRSYSTST1[WMSG0000009A.00000001]."
So is this a timing issues? Is MSSQLServer taking too long to completely start before SQLServerAgent is started? If so, is there a way (without hacking through the registry) to make the SQLServerAgent service dependant on the MSSQLServer service?
This startup issue did not exist until an application was installed on the machine that also has several services that auto-start. I noticed that many of these new services are starting at the same time the MSSQLServer service is starting.
For three months I have be starting the SQL Agent using the following bat file
Starting this week the agent is not starting. This is the error message
10/26/00 6:25:36 PM - ! [000] Password verification of the 'SQLAgentCmdExec' proxy account failed (reason: A required privilege is not held by the client)
I've installed sql server 7.0 on winnt. Later i've changed my system name. Due to this SQL SERVER is not running and i'm getting the following error. "Your SQL Server installation is either corrupt or has been tampered with (unkown package id). Please rerun setup.". I've changed my system name back to the original one and sql server is running again.
Is there any way to change my system name and sql server running??
I am using MS SQL 6.5 SP5, NT4.0. running Tivoli Service Desk. Two of the four agents on the Applications server were not running so I recycled the server and now NONE of the agents are coming up. Generally the agents show up on the application server control panel but they have not started. The status of the server is 'initializing' and the Watchdog has started but only the 'dispatcher'started. I have hard booted the aps server and recycled the aps and db servers both. I know that there is a way to suspend the agents but that has not been done and the 'resume' button is not available to use. I tried restarting the dispatcher but it didn't do anything. I have also gone into 'config' on the control panel and it shows that '4' agents are set to start up.
We run a Web version also so I have my help desk analysts using it but they cannot refer back to tickets that they have just opened, etc.
ANY SUGGESTIONS - I have been waiting on Tivoli to call me back for almost an hour and a half.
My SQL server is not sarting, Its giving me an error 2140 - An internal Windows NT error occured. I checked the Microsoft site found an article ran all the options to check if it works but invain.
I am stuck, its a production DB i have to get it up and running in the next hour
SQL 2000 was run in Windows NT4 under non-system account. If this account belongs Administrator's group then SQL Server starts successfully otherwise the error message "NETLIB SuperSocket info: Failed to get Exclusive port use(MSAFD Tcpip [TCP/IP]) : Error 10013. " is displayed. Could you please help me to solve the problem.
The SQLAgent service was modified to login as a domain account. SQLAgent would not start. I made sure that the account was in the Admin group on the server, I setup the account as a System Administrator in SQL. I made sure that the network protocols in Client Network Utiliity and Server Network Utility where the same as other servers using the domain account. The message I'm getting is...
SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server; SQLServerAgent cannot start).
I modified the properties for SQLAgent back to login as local account and I still get the same problem.
wanted to start the sql server agent and i got this error : An Error 1069 - (The service did not start due to logon faliure ) occured wile performing this service operation on SQLServerAgent servcice.
I feel extremly happy today and let me share with this wonderful forum why.
SQL is awesome and I'm really learning that theres alot of resources out there and coding is not that hard once you understand what your doing. Just took awhile for things to sink in. I still have a long ways to go but I'm really enjoying using sql. I practically live in our SQL Server 2000 at work and I'm learning more and more about it everyday.
Thank YOu so much guys I really appreciate all the help you've given me Now I'm gonna study for the sql cert
hello - i have this problem: i am able to use bulk insert script like "bulk insert demodb..table1 from 'c:filename.ext' with (formatfile = 'c:cp.fmt')" to import a binary file into sql server. table1 has 4 columns, noted column is number 2, type image, here's my format file: 8.0 1 1 SQLIMAGE 0 100184 "" 2 logo "" i import only the binary file. however when trying to do the same using bcp with the same format file, it just says "starting copy..." and goes to sleep ! any idea what i should do? i created a temp table with just an IMAGE column and then the bcp method works, but i rather need it with my current setup - table with 4 columns
I am unable to get SQL Agent service to run under the same domain name that my SQL Server service is running under. It will start and continue to run when Server and Agent are both ran under the Local Account. But once the services are switched over to the domain account, the Server starts, but the Agent fails. The domain user has administrative rights on the server, along with admin rights to the SQL instance.
Here is the event log.
Event Type: Error Event Source: SQLSERVERAGENT Event Category: Service Control Event ID: 103 Date: 3/28/2007 User: N/A Computer: SQL2 Description: SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: SQLServerAgent must be able to connect to the SQL Server as SysAdmin, but '(Unknown)' is not a member of the SysAdmin role).
Any help would be greatly appreciated or links to threads with answers.
I can't get a script to run that's supposed to generate a QueryParameters dialogue to take inputs and then run the query - forexample, the following.. . .and fl.flow_name = [[TRUE][FLOW NAME][@?]].. . .generates SQL Query Analyzer exceptions about "Incorrect syntax near'FLOW NAME'.Suggestions?
Hello,if there are tables with names starting with a # I canīt look into them,e.g. by doing "select * from tempdb.sys.tables". What is the reason for suchtables, who creates them and how I can see their content?thanks and regardsMark
hi. i'm starting out with SQL server integration with visual studio.i used the data connection wizard on adding a new connection to my sql server. but i have no idea on how to open/access it like the usual way wherein i use:
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionstring); myConnection.Open();
how do i go about doing these things with the new connection that i made via the connection wizard? thanks in advance