Statement To Delete All Dependencies Data.

Feb 6, 2008

Is there a SQL statement that will delete the primary key data and data in the other tables that depend on that primary key?

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SQL Data Source Delete Statement

Feb 3, 2008

Hey everyone,
Currently I have a problem that with a gridview delete command because the database I currently want to delete from is a PK to 1 other table.  So how can I delete from that "Membership" table before I use the gridview to delete from the "Events" table?  Here is a very shortened version of the tables
EventID (PK)
EventID (FK)
UserID (FK)
I have to delete ALL the members from the event in the membership table first before I can delete the actual Event...So how can I do that when the gridview only allows you to delete from 1 table, if I understand this correctly.
 Here is the sqldatasource delete command as of right now.
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Events_Events] WHERE [EventID] = @original_EventID"
Obviously I am getting a error because of the FK.

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How To Write Query For Add Dependencies And Remove Dependencies?

Dec 1, 2007

 I need to write a code for remove dependencies between Table1.Prikey and Table2.Idand  add dependencies between Table1.Prikey and Table3.Id how to write the code? please help .. thank you very much 

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Data Access :: Delete Statement Blocking Insert Statements

Jul 17, 2015

We are using MS SQL Server 2008. I am running a batch job which deletes 21 days older records(6-7 million records). But daily we have transaction is going on in the database. When the delete occurs, all the insert statements got blocked and waits till the delete statement to complete. May I know why the blocking occurs? 

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Data Transfer And FK Dependencies

Aug 8, 2001

I want to write a query that lists all table names in the order (based on foreign key dependencies to the other tables) that the tables need to be loaded. Using DTS to transfer the data, the tables seem to be loaded in alphabetical order, which causes the load to fail on databases with heavy use of foreign keys. Can anyone offer some help?

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One DELETE Sql Statement To Delete From Two Tables

Aug 12, 2007

I am trying to write one sql statement that deletes from two tables. Is it possible ? If yes, any thoughts ?

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Help With Delete Statement/converting This Select Statement.

Aug 10, 2006

I have 3 tables, with this relation:
tblChats.WebsiteID = tblWebsite.ID
tblWebsite.AccountID = tblAccount.ID

I need to delete rows within tblChats where tblChats.StartTime - GETDATE() < 180 and where they are apart of @AccountID. I have this select statement that works fine, but I am having trouble converting it to a delete statement:

SELECT * FROM tblChats c
LEFT JOIN tblWebsites sites ON sites.ID = c.WebsiteID
LEFT JOIN tblAccounts accounts on accounts.ID = sites.AccountID
WHERE accounts.ID = 16 AND GETDATE() - c.StartTime > 180

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Master Data Services :: Hard Delete All Soft Delete Records (members) In Database

May 19, 2012

I am using Master Data Service for couple of months now. I can load, update, merge and soft delete data in MDS. Occasionally we even have to hard delete data from MDS. If we keep on soft deleting records in a MDS table eventually there will be huge number of soft deleted records. Is there an easy way to hard delete all the soft deleted records from all MDS tables in a specific Model.

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Delete Statement

Apr 11, 2007

Hi,I would like to delete a record from a table on the condition that a corresponding ID is located in another table, ie. deleting an email message if the user ID is listed as a recipient in a recipient table etc. Here is my SQL statement: DELETE FROM id_email_message WHERE (id_message IN (SELECT id_message FROM recipients
WHERE id_user = 324) AND message.id_message_status = 2) OR (id_message IN
(SELECT id_message FROM message WHERE id_owner = 324 and id_message_status = 2)) The problem is the multiple select statements paired with the delete statement is too much overhead for the server and I always get a timeout server error (at least that's what I'm guessing, the error page and tracing isn't much helpful). Is there a more efficient way to do this?Thanks.Eitan 

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Help With DELETE Statement

Nov 13, 2007

Hello there... I'm creating a Web Application and storing all my data in SQL database.I'm trying to create a Stored Procedure to Delete info from a table:- I have 3 tables: A, B and C:   A's primary key is aID and has no foreign key   B's primary key is bID and has 1 foreign key: aID (linking this table to table A);   C's primary key is cID and has 1 foreign key: bID (linking this table to table B);- As you can see, all 3 tables are linked (A to B and B to C)I want to be able to DELETE all info from C only by giving aID, is this possible in SQL? I can retrieve the info easily through a SELECT statement and using an INNER JOIN (*). I also know how to do solve this by coding it in C# but I'd have to create some unnecessary variables and more than 1 Stored Procedure when it's probably possible to do all in one!* SELECT cID FROM C     INNER JOIN B     ON B.bID = C.bIDWHERE A.aID= whateverIf anyone knows the solution to my problem, please don't hesitate :p Thanks,SuperJB 

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Sql Delete Statement

Sep 15, 2004

hi, i want to delete some records from my table if there is more then 150 records (it should always be max 150records, it can be less and then it shouldent delete anything),
so when it goes over to 151 records i want to delete the oldest record, so i get the new record + 149 old records, is there a simple way to do this?

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DELETE Statement

Dec 14, 2001

When does the DELETE statement physically deletes the records? For example, if I execute the DELETE statement and in the middle of the execution I understand that it is wrong. What will happen if I stop it? Will it delete the records partially? I think the deletion happens when the full statement is done but need an expert answer. Thank you.

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SQL Delete Statement

Oct 2, 2006

Hi what do i need to add to this stmt to delete the result ?
select ct_cust1_text01,ct_address,ct_cust1_text09,count(*)from TABLE_NAME group by ct_cust1_text01,ct_address,ct_cust1_text09 having count(*) > 1

i have tried delete * from TABLE_NAME where (select...)

not great at SQL appreciate any help...

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DELETE Statement Conflicted

Dec 6, 2006

I am trying to delete a row from one table and I expected it to also be removed from the subsequent child tables, linked via foreign and primary keys.
However, when I tried to delete a row in the first table I saw this error:
DELETE FROM [dbo].[Names_DB]WHERE [LName_Name]=N'andrews'
Error: Query(1/1) DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK_LName_Name'. The conflict occurred in database 'MainDB', table 'Category_A', column 'LName_Name'.
I went to the very last table in the sequence and I was able to delete the row without problems, but it did not effect any of the other tables.
Please advise.
I need to make many changes in these tables, should I use a trigger instead, if so what is the code to trigger each table? I am new to triggers.

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Trigger On Delete Statement

Sep 26, 2007

Hi! I am deleting some records from the database and at the same time inserting them into a new table. I am doing all this with sql querries. How can that be done with triggers. Basically on the delete, i'd like to insert the affected records. Thanks!

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Only One Of My SQL Delete Statement Are Firing

Mar 12, 2006

Hey guys...
I am trying to tidy up my code a bit and have one SQL command (Sub class) to call when needing to insert, update, delete and select.
I have got one class I am testing with that delete from a table support_ticket and then calls RunSQL() again to delete the corresponding tickets in Support_Reply.
however it only seems to want to delete from one table at a i commented out the first sql and it worked and the second fires...but if the first one is active it doesnt fire.
Do anyone on the forum know why this has happened?
Sub DeleteUserTicket(sender as Object, e as EventArgs)
Dim strSQL1 = "DELETE FROM Support_Ticket WHERE (TicketID = " & txtticketID & ")"
strSQL1 = "DELETE FROM Support_Reply WHERE (TicketID = " & txtticketID & ")"
End Sub
'One class to run the sql statements for the entire page this will reduce in repetitve code as well as reduce code size
Sub RunSQL(strSQL)
Dim objCmd As SqlCommand
Dim sqlConn = New SqlConnection(strConn)
objCmd = New SQLCommand(strSQL, sqlConn)
'Check that the rows can be deleted if not then return a error.

Message.InnerHtml = "<b>Ticket " & txtticketID & " Closed</b> <br/>"
Catch ex As SqlException
If ex.Number = 2627 Then
Message.InnerHtml = "ERROR: A record already exists with " _
& "the same primary key"

Message.InnerHtml = "ERROR: Could not update record, please " _
& "ensure the fields are correctly filled out <br>" & ex.Message & " " & ex.Number
Message.Style("color") = "red"
End If
End Try
sqlConn = nothing
objcmd = nothing
End Sub

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Recover After Delete Statement

Sep 6, 2001

One of our developers just deleted a ton of records- is there any way we can recover this data? (we can't use a backup since a ton of changes were made since we last backed up)



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Delete Statement Won&#39;t Work!!

Feb 1, 2001

i am having problem running a simple delete statement against a table. it just hangs is there anything i should look at? the table has 4 primary keys and the index makes up of the 4 keys and ideas?

i viewed the delete statement with the execusion plan and this is what i saw.

delete -> index delete/delete -> sorting the input -> table delete/delete -> Top -> Index scan.

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Delete Statement Very Slow

Dec 12, 2005


I've got a table with about 500 000 records and growing monthly by about 40 000 records

When I perform the following query:

DELETE from [myTable] WHERE Month = '07' AND Year='2005'

This query will take about 10 minutes to execute. Columns Month & Year are both indexed.

Surely MSSQL can't be this slow on only 500 000 records.

Must I do some other database optimization ???


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Please Help Me With A Complex DELETE Statement

Jan 27, 2005

Hello, currently I have a query like this:

PHP Code:

 SELECT     *
FROM         relations INNER JOIN
                      paths ON relations.path = paths.path_id
                      (paths.links = '161') AND (relations.node1 = 162) OR
                      (paths.links = '161') AND (relations.node2 = 162) OR
                      (paths.links = '162') AND (relations.node1 = 161) OR
                      (paths.links = '162') AND (relations.node2 = 161) OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '162%') AND (relations.node1 = 161) OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '%162') AND (relations.node2 = 161) OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '161%') AND (relations.node1 = 162) OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '%161') AND (relations.node2 = 162) OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '%161;162%') OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '%162;161%')
ORDER BY relations.node1 

Don't pay attention to the 161 and 162 things, is just test data, now my problem is that I want to transform that into a DELETE statement, but I can't find the right way to do it, so far I managed to do something like:

PHP Code:

 DELETE relations
FROM         relations INNER JOIN
                      paths ON relations.path = paths.path_id
                      (paths.links = '161') AND (relations.node1 = 162) OR
                      (paths.links = '161') AND (relations.node2 = 162) OR
                      (paths.links = '162') AND (relations.node1 = 161) OR
                      (paths.links = '162') AND (relations.node2 = 161) OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '162%') AND (relations.node1 = 161) OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '%162') AND (relations.node2 = 161) OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '161%') AND (relations.node1 = 162) OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '%161') AND (relations.node2 = 162) OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '%161;162%') OR
                      (paths.links LIKE '%162;161%') 

But that would delete only from the relations table and not from the paths table. I need to delete from both tables.

Can anyone help me please? Its kinda urgent.


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Tuning A Delete Statement

Oct 26, 2004


I need to delete the following records (from enrollment_fact):

"dbo"."LOCATION_DIM" c
on c."LOC_SID" = a."LOC_SID"
b."LOC_KEY" = c."LOC_KEY"
a."DATE_SID" between b."MIN_DATE" and b."MAX_DATE"

This is the approach (excuse the misuse of the concat function, but you get the idea)

IN (
"dbo"."LOCATION_DIM" c
ON c."LOC_SID" = a."LOC_SID"

comments? better way? (without using an sp)


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Delete Statement Using A Join Plz Help

Mar 2, 2005

well i have 2 table one name detcom and another entcom stored in DB1 the key for both to join on is lets say A, B, C . I need to check if there are records based on the key A, B, C of both table where C EQUALS to '80_300_113' and if there are delete them and then grab data from another
database named DB2 on same server (same instance) wich contains the same tables entcom and detcom and insert all the data from those tables into the same tables in DB1 based on the key and where C = '80_300_113'

PLZ help

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Question About Delete Statement

Nov 4, 2007

Hi,My question is :
c3 DECIMAL(15,0 ))
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 2, 3.0)
How can i define a SQL commend will cause C1 to be decremented each time a row is deleted from the T2 table?
Thanks !

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Very Tricky Delete Statement

Apr 29, 2008

I have a rather tricky SQL delete query I’m trying to perform, preferably without cursors. I have the following data set, where I want each of the first changes to the status.


So given the above data set I would want to delete the following IDs: 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8. As they not the first in order. The problem is that while I can get isolate and save first instance of each status (in this case 1, 2, and 4), I can’t get the what I want. Is there a SQL way of accomplishing this.

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Writing Delete Statement

Jul 30, 2013

i have problem to discuss regarding delete statement. Due to the bad design of application i have added some duplicate values in table. i have fixed the issue for new insert but how to delete my old bad id. i have table having three column,

101 2 3
102 2 3
103 2 4
104 3 4

in my case first two record are duplicate i want to keep first one and delete the other.

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How To Delete Row Number On Where Statement

Nov 7, 2013

I have duplicate rows of data with the exact same data, for multiple sets of data.For example,

1 Fred Flintstone
1 Fred Flintstone
2 Barney Rubble
2 Barney Rubble

If I use the delete and where command, it will delete both rows and I want to keep one of them. I don't want to copy down each one and re insert as there are too many columns for each one and there are too many rows also.I was thinking of a delete row-number command in a where statement. but tried multiple forums and its not working.

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How To Add Subquery To Delete Statement

Apr 28, 2015

I have to write a delete statement that deletes all customers that have not put in an order I must use a subquery in the exist operator.

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Delete Statement In Function

Jul 19, 2006

Is it possible to create a function that deletes records from a table ?

returns int
delete from ts_imported
return 0

This throws error like this:
Invalid use of side-effecting or time-dependent operator in 'DELETE' within a function.

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Insert And Delete In One Statement

Jan 2, 2007

i am creating an insert based on a select statement -- i need to delete the row from the select statment table after it has been inserted

something like

insert into table_insert(value1, value2)
(select table_exclude_id, value1, value2 from table exclude)
delete from table_exclude where table_exclude_id in "the select statement"

can you do this?

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Delete Statement Question

Mar 1, 2008

I have a simple database program which uses the following statement to delete rows by a date range. In testing the SQL statement, it worked, but when using it in the VB program, it says it worked, but doesn't remove the row. I am using a local database. Please help.

cmdDeletePayments.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text

cmdDeletePayments.CommandText = "DELETE Payments WHERE (CheckDate BETWEEN @BeginningDate AND @EndingDate)"

cmdDeletePayments.Parameters("@BeginningDate").Value = CType(dtpBeginning.Text, Date)

cmdDeletePayments.Parameters("@EndingDate").Value = CType(dtpEnding.Text, Date)



iRows = cmdDeletePayments.ExecuteNonQuery()


Catch ex As Exception

MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

End Try

MessageBox.Show(iRows.ToString + " records deleted.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

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512 Error In Delete Statement

Mar 1, 2008

I have a piece of code that uses the db-library with sql server 2000/2005 and runs the following delete statement:

DELETE FROM TABLE1 WHERE COL1 IN( 'Some Val1' ) AND COL2 IN( 'Some Val2' ) AND Col3 IN( integer1 ) AND Col4 IN( integer2 ) AND Col5 IN( 'Some Val3' )

on TABLE1, uploads data into TABLE1 through bulk loading, calls a stored procedure that uses the data, and then deletes the data through the SAME delete statement with EXACTLY the same parameter values. The first delete statement is always successful, but the second statement intermittently gives the following error:

0,0,MS SQL Server Message :
SQL Server message 512, state 1, severity 16:
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
SQL Server message 3621, state 0, severity 0:
The statement has been terminated.

Note: I was initially using the equality operator instead of the IN operator in the query but that gave the same results.

Can somebody tell me whats going wrong here? I can easily ignore this error because my work is done after the stored proc but I fear amassing a lot of useless data in the table over time. Also talks about a case where the delete statement is actually successful but still causes an error when using ADO.

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Update And Delete Statement Issues

Oct 7, 2007

I'm working on a address book where customers can add, edit and delete address book entries. For the life of me I can't figure out what I'm messing up with the Update and Delete statements of this feature. Can someone please help me.Here's my code:   <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues"                        ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:kalistadbConnectionString %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Address] WHERE [AddID] = @original_AddID AND [AddNick] = @original_AddNick AND [AddFN] = @original_AddFN AND [AddLN] = @original_AddLN AND [AddCompany] = @original_AddCompany AND [AddAddress] = @original_AddAddress AND [AddCity] = @original_AddCity AND [AddProv_State] = @original_AddProv_State AND [AddPostal_Zip] = @original_AddPostal_Zip AND [AddCountry] = @original_AddCountry AND [AddPhone] = @original_AddPhone AND [CustID] = @original_CustID"                        InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Address] ([AddNick], [AddFN], [AddLN], [AddCompany], [AddAddress], [AddCity], [AddProv_State], [AddPostal_Zip], [AddCountry], [AddPhone], [CustID]) VALUES (@AddNick, @AddFN, @AddLN, @AddCompany, @AddAddress, @AddCity, @AddProv_State, @AddPostal_Zip, @AddCountry, @AddPhone, @CustID)"                        OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" onselecting="SqlDataSource1_Selecting"                        OnInserting="SqlDataSource1_Inserting" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Address] WHERE ([CustID] = @CustID)"                        UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Address] SET [AddNick] = @AddNick, [AddFN] = @AddFN, [AddLN] = @AddLN, [AddCompany] = @AddCompany, [AddAddress] = @AddAddress, [AddCity] = @AddCity, [AddProv_State] = @AddProv_State, [AddPostal_Zip] = @AddPostal_Zip, [AddCountry] = @AddCountry, [AddPhone] = @AddPhone, [CustID] = @CustID WHERE [AddID] = @original_AddID AND [AddNick] = @original_AddNick AND [AddFN] = @original_AddFN AND [AddLN] = @original_AddLN AND [AddCompany] = @original_AddCompany AND [AddAddress] = @original_AddAddress AND [AddCity] = @original_AddCity AND [AddProv_State] = @original_AddProv_State AND [AddPostal_Zip] = @original_AddPostal_Zip AND [AddCountry] = @original_AddCountry AND [AddPhone] = @original_AddPhone AND [CustID] = @original_CustID">                        <SelectParameters>                            <asp:Parameter Name="CustID" />                        </SelectParameters>                        <DeleteParameters>                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddID" Type="Int64" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddNick" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddFN" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddLN" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddCompany" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddAddress" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddCity" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddProv_State" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddPostal_Zip" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddCountry" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddPhone" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_CustID" />                        </DeleteParameters>                        <UpdateParameters>                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddNick" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddFN" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddLN" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddCompany" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddAddress" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddCity" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddProv_State" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddPostal_Zip" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddCountry" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddPhone" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="CustID" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddID" Type="Int64" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddNick" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddFN" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddLN" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddCompany" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddAddress" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddCity" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddProv_State" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddPostal_Zip" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddCountry" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_AddPhone" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="original_CustID" />                        </UpdateParameters>                        <InsertParameters>                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddNick" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddFN" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddLN" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddCompany" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddAddress" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddCity" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddProv_State" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddPostal_Zip" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddCountry" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="AddPhone" Type="String" />                            <asp:Parameter Name="CustID" />                        </InsertParameters>                    </asp:SqlDataSource>

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Is The Sql Delete Statement Case Sensitive?

Mar 23, 2008

I need to delete a record from a SQL server database table. I need to target a specific column with a query that looks like the following:
delete from NameTable where Name = 'Barbosa'
The problem is that their are two other records with the name spelled similarly, only differing by case sensitivity. Like as follows:
Is sql case sensitive? Will my Sql delete statement only delete the record with the word 'Barbosa' in that column. Or will it delete all of the records with the names

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