Status Field In Management - Jobs
Apr 20, 2007
I am trying get the status field from the list of jobs in management. I have a activex script that queries system tables to find out if a job has failed and sends the report via e-mail.
Currently I use this query to get the names of jobs failed...
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs A, msdb.dbo.sysjobservers B WHERE A.job_id = B.job_id AND B.last_run_outcome = 0
I need to add some criteria around the status field to get the appropriate results.
Cheers :beer:
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Oct 27, 2006
I am a Junior DBA and i have to checks the various jobs on different servers.Please help me with a T-SQL way by which i can check the Job status through a Query.
Thanks in Advance
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Aug 12, 2015
I wrote a bat file to start a sql job using dos command
osql -S “[SQL SERVER NAME]” -E -Q”exec msdb.dbo.sp_start_job ‘[SQL JOB NAME]'”
now this bat file only start the job, does not wait for it completion or send us the success or failure message.Now i want to check the value of LastRunStatus for this job using BAT file?? Is is possible to fetch the LastRunStatus of sql job using bat file.However i have achieved the same using vbscript that starts a job using vbscript start method and then looping through al the jobs at server and displaying the LastRunStatus. However i wanted to achieve this uisng bat file only.
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Feb 22, 2008
Replace the <<job name>> with the actual job name
---Last n RUN status of the job------
,'Run date : ' +
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,run_date)),102),'.','-')+' '+
SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,run_time),6),1,2)+':'+SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,run_time),6),3,2)+':'+SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,run_time),6),5,2) 'Start Date Time'
,SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,run_duration),6),1,2)+':'+SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,run_duration),6),3,2)+':'+SUBSTRING(RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar,run_duration),6),5,2) 'Duration'
,CASE run_status WHEN 1 THEN '1-SUCCESS' WHEN 0 THEN '0-FAILED' ELSE CONVERT(varchar,run_status) END AS 'Status'
FROM MSDB..SysJobHistory SJH
ON SJ.Job_Id = SJH.job_id
WHERE LIKE '%<<job name>>%'
AND Step_ID = 0 --Comments this line if you want to see the status of each step of the job
ORDER BY run_date DESC, run_time DESC, step_ID DESC
---Last n RUN status of the job---------
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Oct 14, 2014
I am following website link:
I require to gather status details about all the SQL Agent jobs in the environment on multiple SQL Servers.
I tried to edit the script using:
$sqlServerName = 'localhostdeveloper'
$sqlServer = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($sqlServerName)
foreach($job in $sqlServer.JobServer.Jobs)
$job | select Name, OwnerLoginName, IsEnabled, LastRunDate, LastRunOutcome, DateCReated, DateLastModified
but SQL Agent jobs are not reflecting in the mail output...
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Mar 14, 2007
We have development and user acceptance (UA) servers. When I start a job on the development server, on the management studio, Start Jobs window and Job activity windows indicate "Executing" until the end of the job and finish with "success" or "failure"
But on the UA server, second after I start a job, Start Jobs window comes up with "success" or failure" and Job activity monitor says "idle" but Job continues to log without any error message and updates the tables. So these two windows are not reliable at all. I have to add that I have only job operator rights on the UA server.
Does anybody know what the reason is ?
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Apr 30, 2008
We are in the process of setting up a test server for reporting services in which the reporting server is on a seperate IIS server as the SQL Database. I was able to resolve a previous error I was receiving when connecting to reporting services using SQL server management studio and within SQL Surface Area Configuration (HTTP Status 404: Not Found. ((Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)) by editing the URLRoot in the rsreportserver.config file. But now whenever we try to connect using SQL Management Tool from other than on the server we receive this new error:
TITLE: Connect to Server
The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)
Any Thoughts?
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Dec 11, 2007
Is there a way to display and manage Jobs in SQL Server Management Studio at the same level of detail as existed in Enterprise Manager?
In Enterprise Manager, when I clicked on Jobs, it displayed Name, Category, Enabled, Status, Next Run Date, etc. All very useful when managing many jobs. I particularly used the ability to sort my jobs by category.
In Management Studio, I click on Jobs in Object Explorer, and all I see in Object Explorer Details is Name and Status, with an icon that has a tiny read arrow that is almost invisible that apparently tells me if the job is not enabled.
I can right-click on Jobs and Manage Job Categories, which allows me to View Jobs, but that doesn't help me much unless I do a screen print so that I can go back to Object Explorer and manage the jobs that I want.
Perhaps I am missing something, but this is just one of several areas where it feels like Microsoft has made my job more difficult with this tool rather than easier.
Thanks for any suggestions that may help make this easier. Otherwise I am to the point where I'm going to have to rename all of my jobs beginning with the category so I can use the alphabetical sort.
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Jul 10, 2006
I'm working on a backup solution for my company. Right now we have three servers in three locations running SQL Server 2000. For testing purposes, I created a scheduled job on one of these servers. It worked fine but I'd like to tweak the job some, tinker with the timing and save locations. I'm using Management Studio Express on my laptop to remotely work with these databases but I can't seem to find a decent way to work with existing jobs. Am I missing something or does SSMSE lack the "manage jobs" functionality?
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Dec 21, 2006
I know that another thread dealt with this error message before but after trying all the suggestions of that thread without success, I thought my problem may be different.
I have SSRS 2005 installed on my local machine (TAH112) and it worked flawlessly for months. Suddenly it stopped working today. The Reporting Services Configuration tool shows everything is normal (green buttons all the way except for encryption keys button that is blue and Execution Account button that is yellow).
When I try to connect to the server with SSMS, I got the following error:
TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to http://tah112/reportserver.
The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)
I cannot connect to the reports from a browser either (locally or remotely).
Could anyone offer some clue to fix this?
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Apr 2, 2015
Is there anyway we could retrieve the job history for all the jobs in all the sql server using Central Management Server?
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Mar 1, 2007
I have a database design question. I want to store a status in a table. In the ASP.NET interface for the user this status will be adapted to the language of the user.
This is how it would look like:
StatusID 1 = "yes" for English, "oui" for French, "ja" for DutchStatusID 2 = "no" for English, "non" for French, "neen" for DutchStatusID 3 = "error" for English, "erreur" for French, "fout" for Dutch
I don't want to do the translation in ASP.NET and it should be done in one query.
How would it look like in the database design.
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May 2, 2006
Dear All
Within the sysusers table there is a field named status... All the users has this field set to 2. However there is a particular user and the status for this user is set to 14. Does anyone knows what this means... i.e. why the status field is not set to 2 as it is for the other users?
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Feb 22, 2008
We are trying to test for a field in our 'setup' table and no matter what we do it's has a personality of its own. It's the wackiest thing. The field has two steps in this update script - first we are checking to make sure the field 'set_fsm' is still in the table, if so then we are blanking out the field by updating the value to a pair of ' '. Next, after the field now has just a blank value we are going to change the data type from char(10) to a bit field. However, when we try to check the code the first time it works but every other time the update script runs it doesn't work. The code below are two approaches that we have tried with our general update tools that is run on each version / product release we have. Assistance is greatly appreciated.
The record doesnt exit yet it still falls into the BEGIN.
IF exists (select * from dbo.syscolumns where name = 'set_fsm'
and id = (select id from dbo.sysobjects where name = 'setup'))
PRINT I am here
UPDATE setup SET set_fsm = ''
It wont print the I am here? but still tries to update the table!!!
Heres the results:
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid column name 'set_fsm'.
Someone else said try this
FROM sysobjects o
JOIN syscolumns c on =
WHERE = 'setup'
and = 'set_fsm'
and o.xtype = 'U') -- because index columns are also stored in the sysobjects table
print 'Found column'
update setup set set_fsm = ''
print 'set_fsm column not found in table setup'
Same results:
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid column name 'set_fsm'.
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Mar 26, 2007
Consider the following tableCustomercustId char(10)accountExpiryDate datetimeaccountStatus bitNow, I want to update the accountStatus to False as soon as thecurrent date becomes accountExpiryDate.I think it can be done using "SQL Agent" but my webhost doesnt provideme access to that. I have access only to the Query Analyzer.ThanksShane
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May 11, 2015
I have table in which month & year are stored, Like this
Month Year
10 2014
11 2014
12 2014
1 2015
2 2015
3 2015
4 2015
I wanted a query in which it should return the value in a status field which has latest year & month.
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Feb 23, 2008
I get this error message when I try to connect to Reporting Services via the Management Studio.
I can see my machine listed in the Server Name > Browse For More > Local Servers dialogue. But no luck,
Ive tried:
Servername: localhost
Servername: DED1774 (the machine name)
Servername: localhost/reportserver
Servername: DED1774/reportserver
Servername: http://ded1774/reportserver (from the rsreportserver.config file
I've Googled the error message and found postings for solutions, but none of these helped. Can anyone suggest some simple steps I can take to try to find the issue and get the connection working?
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Aug 28, 2007
Hello experts
I'm trying to enter some data into a table to run some tests. Whenever I open the table, I can enter data into all my fields *except* for the fields that I defined as Binary data types. I've tried to enter 0, 1, true, false... I always get the same error...
"Invalid value for cell...
The changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid.
Error Message: You cannot use the Result pane to set this Field data to values other than NULL"
Any ideas on this? I thought Binary was True or False? Is it the way I'm trying to enter data? I'm not familiar with SQL code and I just need to get a few rows filled up with data so I can test using gridview to pull the data onto a webpage.
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Oct 9, 2006
Is it possible to run both Sql Server Management Studio: Express and full blown side by side?
I am developing with the full blown product but would like to test Management Studio Express on the same box.
Is this possible?
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Jan 7, 2008
Hi Experts,
I am extracting data from SQL Server 2005 to flat file destination. I am using SQL Command to specify the data selection query. One of my query uses Replicate function to derive a column value. When I execute this package it fails with the error "Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "value" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page".
The reason for the problem is that, it is taking the InputColumnWidth of the flat file destination as 8000 and I specified the OutputColumnWidth as 4.
If I change the OutputColumnWidth to 8000, it is working without any error but resulting in the column width of 8000.
I tried using DerivedColumn Transformation's Type cast and DataConversion Transformation but still I am getting the same error in the respective Transformation components.
Can anyone suggest how to solve this issue.
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Apr 5, 2007
I have recently installed the SQL Server Management Studio Express but I do not find Management Tools in order to create scheduled backups and shrinking of the databases. I was under the impression that this should be included in the Management Studio. I use the SQL 2005 Express for smaller customers who run the SQL on a desktop unit. I need a way to backup the data to a server machine for backup purposes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail.
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May 3, 2005
Returning "completed" when status = 1 and "not completed when status = 0
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Aug 25, 2015
I'm new to SQL and I'm trying to write a statement to satisfy the following:
If [Field1] contains text from [Field2] then return [Field3] as [Field4].
I had two tables where there were no matching keys. I did a cross apply and am now trying to parse out the description to build the key.
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May 4, 2006
Good morning...
I begin with SQL, I would like to add a field that will be date like 21/01/2000.
Actually i find just "datetime" format but give me the format 21/01/2000 01:01:20.
How to do for having date and time in two different field.
Sorry for my english....
A newbie
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Aug 28, 2002
SQL7, sp3, NT4...
Unless I grant a developer "system admin" role, they are unable to see whether or not any job *not* owned by themselves is running?
EX: Developer A can't see whether Developer B's job is executing? Why? I've granted them both db_owner in msdb, and all permissions possible in msdb. Is there an extended sp I can look for?
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Mar 4, 2004
Hi Gurus,
can any one help me to get the job status of a sql job.
My requirement is as under
ordinary user (not SA) will query pass job name as argument to stored procedure and sp has to give me the job status.
Thanks in advance
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a table with columns c1, c2, c3, c4.if all nulls or blanks. Status = 0if c1 assigned but no c2, c3, and c4, then status = 1if c2 assigned but no c3 and c4, then status = 2if c3 .. then ..if c4 .. then ..I want to have one SQL to get the status like (ignored checking forblanks here for demo)SELECT Status = (if not c4 is null then 4else not c3 is null then 3else not c2 is null then 2else not c1 is null then 1else 0)FROM mytable.Thought of using CASE ... WHEN ... but it is only on one colum.Any better idea.ThanksJohn
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Sep 25, 2006
In SQL 2000, go to Management, than Jobs, you will see a list of all jobs and their running status. I would like to programmatically display the same on my web page. I can call sysjobs table to get the jobs and use sysjobschedules to determine whether it's been scheduled or not. Then use sysjobhistory to obtain their running history. But how and where do I get the Next Run Date information? Is this calculated or stored somewhere?Can anyone give me some help on how to work with sysjobs, sysjobschedules, and sysjobhistory tables? All I am trying to do is to build a web-based app that does the same thing as the Enterprise Manager is doing - create and schedule a job, and monitor the job status.Thanks a lot!Penn
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Sep 1, 2007
Hi all - am having trouble working out what would be the best way to do this (most efficient)I have written an order, despatch and accounts system. To get a list of orders ready for despatch, I have written a query which calculates the amount of items ordered against the amount of items despatched from that order. If there are any outstanding items, then this order is in the list of orders which are outstanding for despatch.
I am having trouble working out how to go about creating a list of orders ready do be invoiced... Orders that are ready to be invoiced can be completely despatched orders or part despatched orders. That is to say that if an order is only half despatched, my client still wants to be able to raise an invoice against that part of the order. I envisage creating a query which checks my orderline table to see if the item has been invoiced and creating the list from there. But as the application is used more and more, this query will take longer to run? ANy ideas?
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Jul 9, 2001
Can anyone guide me to monitor whether Production Sql server is up and running and would e-mail or page me if by chance it has stopped.
Any help is appreciated.
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Jun 24, 2000
is there any way to make the status of a package execution to be success without caring about failure of certain steps in the package?
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Sep 26, 2002
I need to know the meaning of the status bit in sysdatabases because BOL only reports some of them.
For SQL 7.0 SP1 I have some database with a status bit equal to 0 (zero) and equal to 12.
For SQL 2000 SP2 I have some database with a status bit equal to 0 (zero),24,20 and 1073741840.
So I would really appreciate if someone can explain the meaning of these status bits.
Thank you very much.
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Apr 14, 2003
Is there any way to update the status bar in Query Analyzer.
Suppose I am running a script which updates data to a file. I want to know the status showing the percentage it completed.
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