Stop Execution

Feb 13, 2006

Can anybody tell me how to stop the execution of a T-SQL statement at once? I have tried Alt+Break but its taking a long time to stop.Whats the reason?Plz suggest....I am dealing with a database containing 24343000 data.

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Stop The Package Execution

Aug 2, 2006

Hello all

I want to cause the package to fail in DataFlow. I wanted use the script component for this purpose.

How I can do it?


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SQL Error Doesn't Stop Execution

May 25, 2006

I have some code that I inherited that I'm having an issue with.  It includes a class for database functionality.  At one point a call to a function, snippet below, results in a SQL error ('can't insert NULL into column MyColumn).  What is amazing and frustrating me is that it just Blows Right by the Error!  I thought it would raise the alarm bells, "hey!  I got a sql error."  I only see the error if I step through the code and look at the Exception that's caught.  I tried removing the catch statement entirely, thinking that would at least cause an unhandled exception error, but no go. 
How do I raise a big red flag to the user when SQL errors happen?  And how could it not be doing that automatically?  This is for an intranet site so I really don't care if they see ugly errors or not.
try{   sqlcommand = new SqlCommand();   sqlcommand.Connection = DBInterface.DBConnection;   sqlcommand.CommandText = strSQL;   sqlcommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;   nRowsAffected = sqlcommand.ExecuteNonQuery();}catch (Exception ex){   return -1;}

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How To Stop Execution Of DTS Package (during Loop)

Jan 16, 2007

I have a MSSQL DTS Package where it needs to loop/execute 3 times because the main task is to import data from 3 excel files (different location) into 1 SQL table. I used a global variable vCounter and I use an ActiveX Script.

ActiveX Script 1

Option Explicit

Function Main()

Dim vDate, vCounter, vBranchCode, vPath



IF vCounter<=3 THEN

IF vCounter=1 THEN
ELSEIF vCounter=2 THEN
ELSEIF vCounter=3 THEN

DTSGlobalVariables("gVarPath").Value=vPath & vDate & "_" & vBranchCode & ".xls"

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

<This is where i will initialize the global variable gVarCounter, so in the next execution..the value should be back to 1>
<DTS Process should stop is this?>

End Function

After excel to sql dts
ActiveX Script2

Function Main()

IF gVarCounter<=3 then
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

Thanks a lot.

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Stop Execution Of Shrink Database

Mar 22, 2006

Hello guys,

I need help, because i'm executing a shrink database file (file with 189 GBytes of size), and i need to stop before it finish. If I stop the shrink process exist any possible that data corruption occurred.


Best regards,
Fernando Costa

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How To Stop A SSIS Package Execution From Code?

Sep 13, 2006

Hi everyone,

After a Execute method I would need to stop a package but I don't know why:

sResultDts = pkg.Execute(Nothing, Nothing, EventsSSIS, Nothing, Nothing)

I have a Events class (EventSSIS) which implements IDTSEvents and have an OnQueryCancel event but without parameters, such so:

Function OnQueryCancel() As Boolean Implements IDTSEvents.OnQueryCancel

Return False

End Function

Let me know how to pass a boolean parameter because of I can't overloaded OnQueryCancel method


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How Can I Stop Or Continue Package Execution Based On Variable Value

Aug 1, 2006


I need to make my package check a variable value at the begining of the execution and depending on the value of that variable it decides either to continue or stop the package execution. How can i do that?



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How To Stop Execution Of Stored Procedure If Error Occurs In Try/catch Block

Mar 3, 2008

Hello, I have stored procedure that when executed it will check to see if a given name is found in the database, if the name is found, I would like to have it continue on to do its work, however if the name is not found, I would like it to raise an error and then stop execution at that point, however, the way it is currently working is, if the name is not found, it catches the error, raises it and then continues on and tries to do its work, which then it bombs out because it can't. I wasn't sure if there was a way to stop the execution of the procedure in the catch statement. I don't think I want to raise the error level to 20-25 because I don't want to drop the connection to the database per say, I just want to halt execution.

Here is a simple example of what I have:

Code Snippet
begin try

if not exists (select * from sys.database_principals where [name] = 'flea')

raiserror('flea not found', 16, 1)
end try
begin catch

declare @ErrorMessage nvarchar(4000);
declare @ErrorSeverity int;

@ErrorMessage = error_message(),
@ErrorSeverity = error_severity();
raiserror(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, 1);
end catch


print 'hello world'

At this point, if the user name (flea) is not found, I don't want it ever to get to the point of 'Hello World', I would like the error raised and the procedure to exit at this point. Any advice would be appreciated on how to best handle my situation!


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Static Variables In A SQLCLR Stored Proc Seem To Get Reused From Execution To Execution Of The Sp

Aug 23, 2007

after moving off VS debugger and into management studio to exercise our SQLCLR sp, we notice that the 2nd execution gets an error suggesting that our static SqlCommand object is getting reused from the 1st execution (of the sp under mgt studio). If this is expected behavior, we have no problem limiting our statics to only completely reusable objects but would first like to know if this is expected? Is the fact that debugger doesnt show this behavior also expected?

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Execution Plans &<&> Proportionate Execution Times

Dec 7, 2005

Hi I am slowly getting to grips with SQL Server. As a part of this, I have been attempting to work on producing more efficient queries. This post is regarding what appears to be a discrepancy between the SQL Server execution plan and the actual time taken by a query to run. My brief is to produce an attendance system for an education establishment (I presume you know I'm not an A-Level student completing a project :p ). Circa 1.5m rows per annum, testing with ~3m rows currently. College_Year could strictly be inferred from the AttDateTime however it is included as a field because it a part of just about every PK this table is ever likely to be linked to. Indexes are not fully optimised yet. Table:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AttendanceDets] ([College_Year] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[Group_Code] [char] (12) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[Student_ID] [char] (8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[Session_Date] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[Start_Time] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[Att_Code] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]GO CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_AltPK_Clust_AttendanceDets] ON [dbo].[AttendanceDets]([College_Year], [Group_Code], [Student_ID], [Session_Date], [Att_Code]) ON [PRIMARY]GO CREATE INDEX [All] ON [dbo].[AttendanceDets]([College_Year], [Group_Code], [Student_ID], [Session_Date], [Start_Time], [Att_Code]) ON [PRIMARY]GO CREATE INDEX [IX_AttendanceDets] ON [dbo].[AttendanceDets]([Att_Code]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALL inserts are via an overnight sproc - data comes from a third party system. Group_Code is 12 chars (no more no less), student_ID 8 chars (no more no less). I have created a simple sproc. I am using this as a benchmark against which I am testing my options. I appreciate that this sproc is an inefficient jack of all trades - it has been designed as such so I can compare its performance to more specific sprocs and possibly some dynamic SQL. Sproc:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CAMsp_Att] @College_Year AS SmallInt,@Student_ID AS VarChar(8) = '________', @Group_Code AS VarChar(12) = '____________', @Start_Date AS DateTime = '1950/01/01', @End_Date as DateTime = '2020/01/01', @Att_Code AS VarChar(1) = '_' AS IF @Start_Date = '1950/01/01'SET @Start_Date = CAST(CAST(@College_Year AS Char(4)) + '/08/31' AS DateTime) IF @End_Date = '2020/01/01'SET @End_Date = CAST(CAST(@College_Year +1 AS Char(4)) + '/07/31' AS DateTime) SELECT College_Year, Group_Code, Student_ID, Session_Date, Start_Time, Att_Code FROM dbo.AttendanceDets WHERE College_Year = @College_YearAND Group_Code LIKE @Group_CodeAND Student_ID LIKE @Student_IDAND Session_Date <= @End_DateAND Session_Date >=@Start_DateAND Att_Code LIKE @Att_CodeGOMy confusion lies with running the below script with Show Execution Plan:--SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON--Go DECLARE @Time as DateTime Set @Time = GetDate() select College_Year, group_code, Student_ID, Session_Date, Start_Time, Att_Code from attendanceDetswhere College_Year = 2005 AND group_code LIKE '____________' AND Student_ID LIKE '________'AND Session_Date <= '2005-11-16' AND Session_Date >= '2005-11-16' AND Att_Code LIKE '_' Print 'First query took: ' + CAST(DATEDIFF(ms, @Time, GETDATE()) AS VarCHar(5)) + ' milli-Seconds' Set @Time = GetDate() EXEC CAMsp_Att @College_Year = 2005, @Start_Date = '2005-11-16', @End_Date = '2005-11-16' Print 'Second query took: ' + CAST(DATEDIFF(ms, @Time, GETDATE()) AS VarCHar(5)) + ' milli-Seconds'GO --SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT OFF--GOThe execution plan for the first query appears miles more costly than the sproc yet it is effectively the same query with no parameters. However, my understanding is the cached plan substitutes literals for parameters anyway. In any case - the first query cost is listed as 99.52% of the batch, the sproc 0.48% (comparing the IO, cpu costs etc support this). BUT the text output is:(10639 row(s) affected) First query took: 596 milli-Seconds (10639 row(s) affected) Second query took: 2856 milli-SecondsI appreciate that logical and physical performance are not one and the same but can why is there such a huge discrepancy between the two? They are tested on a dedicated test server, and repeated running and switching the order of the queries elicits the same results. Sample data can be provided if requested but I assumed it would not shed much light. BTW - I know that additional indexes can bring the plans and execution time closer together - my question is more about the concept. If you've made it this far - many thanks.If you can enlighten me - infinite thanks.

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Execution Procedure Stored During Execution Of The Report .

Aug 3, 2007

Hello :

How to execute a procedure stored during execution of the report, that is before the poster the data.

Thnak you.

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Execution In Scheduled Job Vs Direct Execution

Nov 29, 2004

Here's my case, I have written a stored procedure which will perform the following:
1. Grab data from a table using cursor,
2. Process data,
3. Write the result into another table

If I execute the stored procedure directly (thru VS.NET, or Query Analyser), it will run, but when I tried to execute it via a scheduled job, it fails.

I used the same record, same parameters, and the same statements to call the stored procedure.

Any idea?

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Net Stop....

Mar 11, 2002

Hi All,
I'd like to remotly stop an instance of SQL Server
but this command does not seem to work....

net stop mssql$<server name> (eg. net stop mssql$prod)

...any ideas? I'll want to start this sql server again too.


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Jan 30, 2008

Is there any way to stop SQL CLR on database apart from using

sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1

I want to stop this functionality on database...any idea...

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Actual Execution Plan Vs Estimated Execution Plan

Jul 7, 2006

The benefit of the actual execution plan is that you can see the actual number of rows passing through each step - compared to the estimated number of rows.But what about the "cost percentages" ?I believe I've read somewhere that these percentages is still just an estimate and is not based on the real execution.Does anyone know this and preferable have a link to something that documents it?Thanks

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SQL Autoincrement Id STOP

Apr 10, 2008

 Hi  All        I am using SQL server Database in one of my table there is a column which is set to Identity=Yes i.e., The ID is increment by one on every insert and if  the insertion failed then the id generated goes off then in the next generation it uses new id ..........EXfirst insertion id=1 then in the second insertion if while adding data to other rows if i get some error  then the id 2 is not used and when i correct the error and insert it then id=3? can any one give me the solution for this and NextWhen i delete the datafrom the table see the ids are upto 20 and i delete all the records from the table after insertion of new  record the id will be 21plese help me in this  

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How Do I Stop These Duplicates

Feb 25, 2004

I have these two tables and I cant prevent duplicates.


And I get something like:ItemID Item CategoryID
1 item1 1
3 item3 1
1 item1 2 <---duplicate
1 item1 3 <---duplicate
2 item2 3
4 item4 3
Thanks in advance

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Stop Replication

Apr 29, 2002

I have a snapshot replication is running and now I want to stop the replication for a while. Is it possible to do that? If it is then where I can set to stop it? Please help.

Thanks for Help!

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Net Use Start/stop Sql

Apr 25, 2000


Does any one know how I can start and stop the sql services with the net use command?


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Cant Stop SQL Server

Sep 1, 1998

I use EM to handle 2 SQL servers. One I can `stop`; the other I can`t. (except I think I used to be able to do so).

When I select the `stop` I get the following message from EM:

"An error 1051 - (A stop control has bee sent to a service which other running services are dependent on) occurred while performing the service operation on the MSSQLServer service."

How do I track down what this other running service is? How do I stop SQL?

All help greatly appreciated.


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Start/Stop SQL From Far Away

May 10, 2002

I need to remotely start and stop SQL from another machine from a program or command line. Thanks in advance.

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How To Stop Replication

Aug 29, 2002

I wanted to remove my Northwind database. But that database is currently used for replication. I'll have to stop the replication first before I can remove it.

So how to stop the replication?



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Why Would This Stop Working

Sep 7, 2007


I have a statement that has been running great for the past hour but now it will not pull the info any longer and just gives me a null

SELECT @Text = COALESCE(@Text + '', '') + x.memotext
FROM (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT memotext FROM customermemoheader WHERE memonumber = 'TERMS' and customernumber = '0009' ORDER BY seqnumber) AS x

SELECT @Text AS MemoText

I have verified in the tables that the info is there by running the select statement from within the (). It has worked for 8000 records and now it no longer works. Any help would be much appreciated.


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Stop Preparing My SQL!

Nov 30, 2007

I have a performance issue with a Cognos report against SQL Server 2005.
The total running time of the report is 1 minute 15, and using SQL Profiler I found out that 1m13 is spent preparing SQL. Execution and generating the report takes up 2 seconds; no problem there.
The SQL is the same every time I run the report, yet SQL Server spends 1m13 preparing it every single time! I'm no DBA, but as far as I understand that's not what's supposed to happen; once prepared, the SQL should execute quickly every time.

Is there a way to stop SQL from preparing the statement every time?

(Cognos 8 against SQL Server 2005 through OLEDB. Oh, and this query takes about a second when run in EM.)

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How To Stop Replication

Jun 29, 2015

How do you stop Replication?It is causing blocking. URLs....

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Do We Have A STOP Command

Feb 26, 2008

Hey Guys, I have a question. I know you can put a 'STOP' command in VBA code. Is there something like that for SQL Server Stored Procedures?

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How To Stop Logging

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am doing some resource hungry tasks (some extraction and loadingthrough DTS), for which each time the SQL Server Log files gets filledup!Is there any way to stop the logging (like as during restore)?Thanks in advance.-surajit

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How To Stop Mssql

Jul 20, 2005

Hi.I need to stop mssql service via command row.How can I do?Tnk,Luca

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My Database Will Be Stop ????

Oct 31, 2007


i'm desperate! I have a application in my SQL Express and only one database for it. But right now it have 3,97gb, without log file.
i'm already buying a SQL Enterprise to upgrade this, take some days, but my question is: when this size came to 4,00gb my application will be stop working ? my business stop ???


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There Must Be A Way To Tell SSIS Don't Stop; Keep Going

Apr 22, 2008

Here are some production error messages:

Error: 0xC0047039 at Load work$$MyDataFile from flat file, DTS.Pipeline:
Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating.
The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.
There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Load work$$MyDataFile from flat file, DTS.Pipeline:
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.
There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

I did not request a shutdown!
Someone please give me a global switch to tell SSIS to keep going.
Why should I not load 20,00 records because of one bad record?

I have tediously changed every field on every tool to "Ignore Error".
Why should I still have to do this? I mean why does SSIS default to failure?
Is there some switch I could change in the XML that would change this default behaviour?

The problem with the data in this case: a NewLine character was missing so it looked to the data flow as one very long line.

Hoping for a solution,

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How To Stop A Package

May 26, 2006


In one of my packages, I have a script component to do a transformation and I am inserting the output to table. Within that script component, if the data does not match my requirement, I have to stop the job. For that, I am using 'componentmetadata.fireError' to raise an error. The problem is, now even when an error is raised, the job completes by loading the remaining records and then aborts. But I want to abort the job as soon it raises an error. How to do this?


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Synchronization Stop At 0%

Aug 6, 2007

I create a publication with 1 article with a parameterized filter. Empty table without records. Then i went to create a snapshot through snapshot agent. After snapshot was created, data are inserted with "Insert Into..Select" SQL statement. A total of 20 millions records (10GB) are inserted. When i try to sync with a SQL compact edition, the synchronization % stop at 0 for more than 1 hour. Does that mean it is not working?

Thank you and have a nice day.

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Stop Using Dynamic Sql

Jun 9, 2006

The following stored procedure (SP) is using a dynamic sql to build the query.
How can this be written using a standard sql. i.e. NOT dynamically being built.
Initially I thought I can have something like the following query but it does not seem to be working for when the where caluse parameters are not passed.
So I ended up using the dynamic sql as it returns the correct data.
Can you see how the SP can be altered please?

------------------------this query does not return the correct data where the where parameters are not passed.------------

([Year] is null or [Year] = @Year)
(YearPeriod is null or YearPeriod = @YearPeriod)
(AreaCode is null or AreaCode = @AreaCode)


create procedure usp_PatientManagementAdminGet

@Year int = null,
@YearPeriod int = null,
@AreaCode varchar(3) = null


declare @sql varchar(1000)

set @sql = 'select'
set @sql = @sql + ' ID'
set @sql = @sql + ' ,AreaCode'
set @sql = @sql + ' ,Year'
set @sql = @sql + ' ,YearPeriod'
set @sql = @sql + ' ,A1=A2+A3'
set @sql = @sql + ' ,A2,A3'
set @sql = @sql + ' ,B1=B2+B3'
set @sql = @sql + ' ,X1=convert(int, ((B2+B3)*1.0/(A2+A3))*100)'
set @sql = @sql + ' from'
set @sql = @sql + ' tbl_Management'
set @sql = @sql + ' where'

if (@Year > 0)
set @sql = @sql + ' [Year] = ' + convert(varchar(4), @Year)
set @sql = @sql + ' AND'
if (@YearPeriod > 0)
set @sql = @sql + ' YearPeriod = ' + convert(varchar(2), @YearPeriod)
set @sql = @sql + ' AND'
if (@ProgrammeAreaCode is not null)
set @sql = @sql + ' AreaCode = ''' + convert(varchar(3), @AreaCode) + ''''
set @sql = @sql + ' AND'

--trim off the last AND...
set @sql = left(@sql, len(@sql) - 3)

exec sp_sqlexec @sql

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