Store Currency And Volume In Database

Aug 22, 2007

We are creating an enterprise application for fuel, and I am fighting with my DBA about the proper way to store volume and currency in the database. We have 2 main arguments. The first argument is whether we should store costs in the database in $ and convert in the presentation layer, or to store the amount and currency in the database. We sell product from the US in dollar but depending on the customer we may invoice in Euro. Our second argument is the same, execept with volume and UOM. We often purchase product by BBL but sell/transfer by gallon, or Ton.

please tell us the best practice for our dilemma.

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High Volume Database Query Optimization

Dec 10, 2007

Hello every body

i am doing a research about high volume database treatment (maybe a database with tera bytes volume) , so is there any optimization or specialization for queries deal with such database? !!

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SQL 2005 And SQL 2008 Database Volume Capacity

Dec 1, 2007

Hi Everybody:

4 -5 years ago, I started my career as a translator translating the MetaTexis CAT (Computer Aided Translation Software).

It's amazing to see all the improvements that have been made until now, but recently I found some problems regarding

I heard that ACCESS databases volume is limited up to 2 GB and that SQL 2005 databases volume is limited up to 4 GB, but I think this information is wrong, or at least I was only able to import 10% of that amount.

Speaking in words, 2 GB doesn't represent a database with a volume of 125,000 segments/sentences (for ACCESS) and 4 GB a volume of 250,000 (for SQL 2005).

Concrete, my "mega.mxtm" database has "only" 359 MB and suddenly I refuses to import more sentences. Is that normal? (MICROSOFT SQL 2005)

Question: Is the new SQL 2008 also limited? Is there any way to "free" or increase the volume capacity?

Point 2: As I updated the SQL 2005 into 2008 I am not able to open the "old" "mega.mxtm" anymore... : (


De Sena Viegas

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Granting Permission To Object In X Database From A Store Procedure In Y Database

May 16, 2000

I need to grant select, insert, update, and delete permission to an object residing in Database "X" from a store procedure in database "Y". I have already tried USE database statement. Any suggestion.
Maroof Khan

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Volume Inserts

Jan 24, 2000

We have a 4 processor 350 Hz NT 4.0 SQL server. Currently we have an application
that is inserting rows one at a time, each row insert is a separate transaction.
Currenty we are averaging 2500 rows a second with each row ( 56 bytes wide).
The data and the log are on one string of Raid disk. We plan to get another controller
and raid string to separate the data and the log onto separate controllers.
The developer is modifying the application to insert the data in blocks. What is the
impact to the transaction log? He seems to think that by inserting page blocks on
rows there would be less data going into the transaction log. Why would this be so?
Does anyone have any information on practical limits for inserts and log truncation
with similar machine configurations. He would like to try to get around 150,000 rows a second.
Has anyone accomplished inserts at this rate? What type of machine configuration?

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High Volume I/O!!!

Feb 28, 2008

I have a summary table with a 9 field composite primary key. Every 10 minutes, my system generates 2 files of 500,000 to 750,000 rows to be summarized into this table. I first Bulk insert those into a temp table, and then trigger an inner-join update query to do the updates, followed by a left-outer join to do the inserts. As the day goes on, millions of rows in my summary table, this process is too slow. Any ideas about causes/solutions???


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Volume Distribution

Sep 11, 2006

Hi Guys

I Have not been able to solve this problem from quiete a while now.

I am using sql server 2005.

I have got a table which contains these columns - start date, end date and volumes
if the month in the start date is same as that of end date, the volume remains same, else if the months in the two dates are different, then i have to distribute the volume in such a way that some part will go in the first month and the rest in the other month.. i have to somehow calculate (or prorate) the volume according to the no of days in each month

I have to perform a query on this table so that I can group the volumes for different months and different years.

Hope I have made this quite clear.



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Mar 13, 2004

Hello I am a newbe to sql and i am shure my problem is simple but hope somone can help.

My Total comes out like $20.00 and i want it to come out like 20.00�

Simple but frustraiting

Any help apprieciated


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How Do I Move The Transaction Log To Another Volume?

Jul 17, 2007

I just noticed that; although my server has 2 physical volumes my log files and DB are on the same one. How do I do it?It's SQL Server 2000 running on Windows 2000 Server.As a side note: Why does the database's Properties display in EM allow definition of multiple log files?Thank you!

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Mssql2000 On Emc Mirrorview Volume

Jul 20, 2005

Hello!Does anybody know whether mssql2000 and emc mirrorvew _certified_ forjoint work?(Mirrorview is a fc-based remote mirroring solution)I mean is it supported from the MS point of view to put mssqldatafiles on emc mirrorview volumes?For example Oracle corp. has "Oracle Compatible Remote MirroringTechnologies" certification.But what about MS?

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Volume Size Recommendations

Apr 24, 2007

We have an application that was built and testing using SQL Server Express. One of our clients is deploying it using SQL Server Standard and plans to put the data files and log files on separate disk volumes.

In allocating the available disks to the volumes, they are looking for a recommendation on how big the log file volume versus the data file volume should be. Over time there will several years worth of data in the data files. I assume the log files need to be at least big enough to log all the changes between back-ups. Are there any general rules of thumb? Or whitepapers that discuss the trade-offs?

Thanks in advance...

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Installing SQLServer In A Raw Volume

Jan 29, 2007

Hi All
I would like to know whether SQLServer can be installed in a raw volume or not..... Is there best practice guide for this. .

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SQL Formatting A SUM As Currency

Jan 24, 2007

I need to show my SUM of the 2 columns added in the query below formatted as currency. Is this possible?
 I tried:
But this does not format it as currency. Any input would be helpful.

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Currency Problem

Sep 8, 2004

I have a currency that needs to go into the Database. The column in the database is of type money.
When i try ctype or convert into integer, desimal or even sqlmoney type i get an error. Cannot convert data type nvarchar to data type money.

Can anyone help me with this Please.
Here is the code...

sqlcom = New SqlCommand("insert MeasureQuantities(MeasureQuantityName,MeasureQuantityDescrip,MeasureQuantityPrice) values(@MeasureQuantityName,@MeasureQuantityPrice,@MeasureQuantityDescrip)", ocnn)
Dim decPrice As System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney
decPrice = CType(MeasureQuantityPriceAdd.Text, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney)
sqlcom.Parameters.Add("@MeasureQuantityName", MeasureQuantityNameAdd.Text)
sqlcom.Parameters.Add("@MeasureQuantityPrice", decPrice) 'MeasureQuantityPriceAdd.Text, System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney))
sqlcom.Parameters.Add("@MeasureQuantityDescrip", MeasureQuantityDescripAdd.Text)

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Currency Conversion

Apr 10, 2008

Hi i need to apply a currency conversion in my view now i don't have any table which holds the currency value at the moment its hard codes. I can build a tale with the currecnty but am not sure how i would apply this in my view.. without nothing to references it.

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Format Currency

May 28, 2008

How do I get data that looks like 200,000 returned as a currency format?

Here is what I have in my select statement it doesn't work and can't seem to find an example that works or maybe I just have it set up wrong?

'$' + convert(Sum(OrderHeader.SubTotal)as money) as 'Total Sales'

Ultimately I have a field that is returned and it exists on a reporting services report. I can't find a way just to format the field as currency through the properties either would that be the better way to do it if there is a way?

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Mar 25, 2007

Hi all. Is there a way in SQL to convert the integer to currency format? just for example....
4000 convert to 4,000
1312500 convert to 1,312,500
30000 convert to 30,000

Most of you will say "Do it in your front end"... but the problem is I don't know how to do it in my Report(Business Intelligence Project). If anyone of you knows, tell me please... Thanks. :)


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String To Currency

Sep 28, 2007

Hello forum,
I am quering a datebase table from an asp page, comparing values that the user input in a form, value is a string 1000000 and the field in the database that i am compparing from is a currency type, i am getting an error saying that i need to convert to currency, type mistmatch. i am using the following to convert but it does not work, any suggestions.

here is my query:
"SELECT STotalAllocation FROM tabletoquery where STotalAllocation >='" & CCur(Session("plusMillion")) & "' "

'Session("plusMillion") is equal to 1000000

this is the error:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E07)
Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'SiteDetail7CMaster', column 'STotalAllocation'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
search_report.asp, line 136

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Currency Format.

Feb 21, 2008


I have money value of 56.0000.I want it to only give me the last two decimal places,56.00.I used this one to come up to that result:cast(round(sum(total),2)as int)but my result is this 56.Am i on the right track?


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Currency Variables?

Oct 20, 2006

Starting in my control flow, I execute a data flow that populates a recordset via SQL 2005 Stored Proc. One of the columns in source table is a currency type.

Back to the control flow, I have a for each container that includes an execute sql task that updates or inserts records into another table. I get precision or data type issues since I can not assign the package variable to a currency data type. The only way I can get this to work is if I convert the currency column in my data flow to a string and then cast the variable in my update/insert sql task. Any suggestions?


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Currency Format

Dec 14, 2006

The $ must appears only on certain total levels and has to be in the same position in the column regardless of the value for financial reporting. In other words, I don't want the $ to float next the most significant digit in the value. See the example below from Excel. Using an IIF statement I can concatenate the $ to the string when it is a certain group level. However, I have tried many various formatting strings but can't find one that results in a fixed number of characters so that the $ will always appears in the same position in the column.

Anyone have a way to do this?

General Government
$ 405,590,654

Public Buildings

Other Facilities

Property Acquisition

Grand Total
$ 20,507,977,298

I did get this to work by adding a column to the grouping. That somehow causes the heading size to increase (??) and takes much more time than coding a format code in an expression (I have many reports to do).

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Decimal Vs Currency....

Jun 19, 2006

It seems that the "decimal" type allows more flexibility but also uses more storage than "money". On the other hand, does "money" have any special t-sql functions that understand its unquie nature? (e.g. adding two money values together with no cents round-off error).

For example, would the number 12345.12 be declared as a decimal(7,2) or currency?


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Currency Conversion

May 30, 2008

I have a situation where I have three tables in the source i.e.

1. Currency
2. Currency ExchangeRate
3. ExchangeRateType

I understand the conversion of 1:M, M:1 and M:M currency conversion in the Analysis Services by modeling Currency as a Dim and Exchange Rate as a Fact Table with Time Key for semi-additive aggregation. Same as the way Exchange Rate works in the Adventure Works.

Now the problem we have, there is no one Exchange Rate, we have different Exchange Rate Types. So different Exchange Rate will be applied to different Currency conversion for Calculations.

How to materlized these 3 sources table into a dimensional model in a right way, so it answers all the scanerio.

Thank You

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Summing Volume By Date Range

Jun 16, 2008

I have a question on how to sum data by a certain date range. Here is the data I'm looking at. I have volume measured usually (but not always) every day. I want to sum the volume from the 2nd of the month to the first of the next month. I want to do this for every month. I have the columns of my data listed below. Can anyone help me with this? I've been trying to read up on it, but I'm not finding anything.

Entity Date Measured Volume
1 4/01/2008 5
1 4/02/2008 4
1 4/03/2008 6
1 4/04/2008 5
1 4/08/2008 7
1 4/12/2008 8
1 4/13/2008 5
1 4/14/2008 7
1 4/25/2008 8
1 4/30/2008 9
1 5/01/2008 6
1 5/02/2008 8

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Handling High Volume Data

Apr 18, 2007

Hi Guys,

I am facing problems with concurrent access in SQL Server 2000,The scenario is that the DB contains one huge de-normalized table containing 40 million records.

The application frequently queries this table to populate other derived tables,the sql queries take a long time to return results.

So if one query is in execution the other user's query goes into a
wait mode.Please suggest how I can better this.

Or do I need to upgrade to 2005.


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High Volume DB Performance Problems

Mar 19, 2008

Hello ,i am a master student and i am making a seminar about high volume DB performance problems ,example : if i have a table with length of 1000000 record and this length is growing exponentially by the time,what the problems may i face in insertion ,deletion , search,in such table?? and what the problems in processing such DB in general

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Loading Huge Volume Data

May 31, 2007

Hi Good morning to all,

My day started with loading huge volume of data and my data flow task failed to do so.

My data flow has a flat file connected to a OLEDB target. This is a one to one mapping. My source file contains 50 lac records and it is of 500 MB in size.

I'm processing the data with all the default buffer settings. I have 4 CPUs in my server.

the system process DTSDebug.exe is utilizing more than 2GB page size. My average CPU usage being 70% when one of those CPU s is hitting 100% utilization.

I'm very new to SSIS. So, please provide me some info how do i set my buffers and do we have any PDF for performance and tuning in SSIS ?

Do we have any bulk load transformation in SSIS to load into DB2UDB ?

If so how do i get it installed?

Thanks in advance,

Suresh N

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Transaction/Data Volume Vs SQL Edition

Nov 15, 2007

I am in the process of choosing between either SQL Workgroup or Standard Edition. I see the differences in features on the comparison table, but do not see any references to the differing capabilities in handling transactions.

Is there any differences between Workgroup and Standard in terms of handling transaction/data capabilities? i.e. Does Standard have the superior capability in handling X times more TPMs than Workgroup?

If not, am I correct to assume that this is totally determined by hardware configuration (# of CPUs, processor speed, HD speed, RAM) ?

If the data volume / transactions handling is solely determined by hardware configuration, and I know the # of transactions and amount of R/W per second, .......where would be a good reference to know what kind of hardware configuration I need (ideally, once I know the hardware configuration, I guess I would be able to determine I need Workgroup or Standard)

Thanks in advance,

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Service Broker Volume Question

Apr 5, 2007

Not really a question. Just looking for people with experience with SB in a highly transaction env. with passing a lot of messages. What kind of challenges have you ran into when you are processing the messages. I am currently writing a SB application for a large financial institution, and want to get some ideas of challenges that I might face when volume gets really high (couple of million transactions per day).

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Currency Exchange As A Dimesnion

Dec 22, 2004

I have a fact table with amounts, all in a single currncy. I would like to be able to process the cube where I can select the currency from a dimension.

The format of the currency exchange dimension must include date, currency code, and exchange rate, where the native exchange rate (the currency that the amounts are in) is defined as 1.000.

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Formatting Currency In TSQL

Aug 9, 2002

How can I get the money datatype to return only two decimals instead of four?

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ASP, SQL Server And Currency Datatype...

May 13, 2005


I've just created an ecommerce website using ASP and SQL Server 2000 - on my development machine (WinXP Pro, IIS, SQL Server 2000) the SQL Server datatype for the price field is Money - however, the datatype on my hosts SQL Server is Currency (there is no Money datatype available??)

Now, the problem is this: on my local machine I enter a price of say 99.99 - this shows up on the front-end & in the admin area as 99.99, no problem. Now, on the live server when I enter 99.99 it is somehow converted to 9999 - if I enter 99,99 (with a comma) it shows correctly as 99.99 - however, when I go to edit the price it reverts to 9999...does anyone know what is going on here? Why is it converting 99.99 to 9999??

Please let me know if you need more clarification of the above.

Many thanks,

Paliz Design

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Convert Data To Currency

Feb 23, 2007

I have a column - datatype 'money' and my price variable is (for instance)
how do I put this value into the money column without getting this error?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Disallowed implicit conversion from data type varchar to data type money, table 'db196009544.dbo196009544.vehicles', column 'price'. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

ASP VBScript
I am using this syntax:

price = Upload.Form("price") '---this gives 8450---

SQL="UPDATE vehicles SET price='" & price & "' WHERE id=" & request.queryString("linkID") & ""


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