Assuming you have a Full Text Catalog set up on the ProductDescription field, would you use Dynamic Sql or a Stored Procedure?
I'm wrestling with this because I haven't found a good way to either parse a parameter in SQL to make a stored procedure work with the same flexibility as Dynamic TSQL, and I would prefer not to have any direct access to the table from the application.
My other option (which to me isn't a great one) is to have a fairly large number of optional "keyword" parameters in the stored procedure and then parse them on the application side...this is less than favorable in that in theory someone could pass more keywords than I've allotted in my stored procedure.
1) users: users information 2) products: products available 3) purchases: has relationships to both the users and products tables.
How can I write a stored procedure that inserts to the Purchases table and populates to the other two tables. I was thinking that the records have to be populated first on the "users" and "products" table then when my INSERT is done on the "purchases" table it will refer to the other two tables. I tried query builder but it wouldn’t allow me to insert from one single INSERT statement to one table. Any advice that on how to approach this? Thanks you!
SQL SERVER 2000Hi allThis is my first attempt at writing a stored procedure. I have managed toget it working but its unlikely to be the best way of handling the problem.While writing it I found some things that I don't understand so if any onecould shed any light it would be much appreciated. I have posted these atthe end.Sorry about the length but I thought it might be worthwhile posting the codeThe purpose of the procedures is as follows : we have a view of lots of bitsof information that need automatically mailing to different people. eachelement of information has a name allocated against it. If we had 100 piecesof data, 50 could go to manager 1 25 could go to manager 2 and 25 to manager3 etc...Both SP's look at the same viewThe first SP generates a distinct list of managers and for each managercalls the second SPThe second SP filters the view for the data belonging to the selectedmanager, and builds an HTML mail. It then sends all the bits of informationbelonging to that manager off in an EMAIL to him/her. ( It uses a brilliantbit of code from to handle the mail)the first mail then repeats for all the managers in the listCODE ---- SP 1ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.PR_ADMIN_CLIENT_WEEKLY_NOTIFICATION_2ASbeginSET NOCOUNT ONdeclare @no_of_managers as intdeclare @current_record as intdeclare @manager_name as varchar(100)-- count how many distinct managers we need to send the mail toselect @no_of_managers = COUNT(DISTINCT manager_name) FROMdbo.vw_client_notification_email_1-- open a cursor to the same distinct listdeclare email_list cursor for select distinct manager_name fromdbo.vw_client_notification_email_1 dscopen email_list-- for each distinct manager get the managers name and pass it to the storedprocedure that generates the mail.set @current_record = 0while (@current_record) < @no_of_managersbeginfetch next from email_list into @manager_nameEXECUTE dbo.pr_admin_client_weekly_notification @manager_nameset @current_record = @current_record+1end-- close the cursorclose email_listdeallocate email_listendCODE ---- SP2ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.PR_ADMIN_CLIENT_WEEKLY_NOTIFICATION(@current_manager_name as varchar(100))-- a unique managers name is passed from the calling procedureas beginSET NOCOUNT ON-- declarations for use in the stored procedureDECLARE @to as varchar(100)DECLARE @entry varchar(500)DECLARE @region as varchar(100)DECLARE @type as varchar(100)DECLARE @site_ref as varchar(100)DECLARE @aborted as varchar(100)DECLARE @weblink as varchar(1000)DECLARE @manager_name as varchar(100)DECLARE @manager_email as varchar(100)DECLARE @body VARCHAR(8000)DECLARE @link varchar(150)DECLARE @web_base VARCHAR(150)-- set up a connection to the view that contains the details for the mailDECLARE email_contents cursor for select region,type,site_ref,aborted_visit,link,manager_name,manager_e mail fromvw_client_notification_email_1 where manager_name = @current_manager_nameopen email_contents--some initial textset @body = '<font color="#FF8040"><b>Reports W/E ' +convert(char(50),getdate()) + '</b></font><br><br> <a href = http://xxxx > Click here to logon to xxxxx </a><br><br> '--fetch the first matching record from the table and build the body of themessagefetch next from email_contents into@region,@type,@site_ref,@aborted,@link,@manager_na me,@manager_emailset @web_base = 'http://'set @weblink = @web_base + @linkif @aborted = 0 set @aborted = '' else set @aborted = 'ABORTED'set @body = @body + '<font size="2"><b> Region </b>' + @region+ ' <b>Type</b> ' + @type+ ' <b>Site Reference </b> <a href = "' + @weblink + '">' + @site_ref+'</a>'+ ' <b>Unique Report Reference </b>' + @link + '<br>'-- continue reading the records for this particular message and adding on tothe body of the textwhile(@@fetch_status = 0)beginfetch next from email_contents into@region,@type,@site_ref,@aborted,@link,@manager_na me,@manager_emailif @aborted = 0 set @aborted = '' else set @aborted = 'ABORTED'if (@@fetch_status = 0) set @body = @body + '<b> Region </b>' + @region+ ' <b>Type</b> ' + @type+ ' <b>Site Reference </b> <a href = "' + @weblink + '">' + @site_ref+'</a>'+ '<b>Unique Report Reference </b>' + @link + '<br>'end-- close the cursorset @body = @body + '</font>'close email_contentsdeallocate email_contents-- generate the mailDECLARE @rc int EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail@FROM = N'FROM ME',@TO = @manager_email,@server = N'server',@subject = N'Weekly Import',@message = @body,@type = N'text/html'endQuestionsis the way I've done it OK. I thought I would be able to do it in a singleSP but I really struggled nesting the cursor things.@@fetchstatus seems to be global, so if your using nested cursors, how doyou know which one you are refering to. If you have multiple calls to thesame SP how does it know which instance of the SP it refers to.When I first wrote it, I used a cursor in SP1 to call SP2, but I couldn'tget the while loop working - I have a feeling it was down to the @@fetchstatus in the 'calling' procedure being overwritten by the@@fetchstatus in the 'called' procedure.The whole @@fetchatus thing seems a bit odd. In the second procedure, I haveto fetch, then check, manipulate then fetch again, meaning that the samemanipulation code is written twice. thats why in the first procedure I usedthe select distint count to know how long the record set is so I only haveto run the manipulation code once. Is what I have done wrong?its possible that the body of the mail could be > 8K, is there anotherdatatype I can use to hold more than 8Kmany thanks for any help or adviceAndy
SP's are still not my forte, but getting there!I am trying to hit two tables in this one and return the values but keep getting the error code = 1 built into the sp and can't see why.CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.retrieveScores @studentId VARCHAR(20), @courseId VARCHAR(20), @lessonLocation VARCHAR(20) OUTPUT, @lessonStatus VARCHAR(20) OUTPUT, @lessonScoreRaw VARCHAR(10) OUTPUT, @lessonScoreMin VARCHAR(10) OUTPUT, @lessonScoreMax VARCHAR(10) OUTPUT, @objId VARCHAR(20) OUTPUT, @objStatus VARCHAR(20) OUTPUT, @objScoreRaw VARCHAR(10) OUTPUT, @objScoreMin VARCHAR(10) OUTPUT, @objScoreMax VARCHAR(10) OUTPUT ASBEGIN DECLARE @errCode INT DECLARE c_courseScores CURSOR FOR SELECT lessonLocation, lessonStatus, lessonScoreRaw, lessonScoreMin, lessonScoreMax FROM courseScores WHERE studentId = @studentId AND courseId = @courseId FOR READ ONLY OPEN c_courseScores FETCH c_courseScores INTO @lessonLocation, @lessonStatus, @lessonScoreRaw, @lessonScoreMin, @lessonScoreMax CLOSE c_courseScores DEALLOCATE c_courseScores DECLARE c_objScores CURSOR FOR SELECT objId, objStatus, objScoreRaw, objScoreMin, objScoreMax FROM objScores WHERE studentId = @studentId AND objId = @objId AND courseId = @courseId FOR READ ONLY OPEN c_objScores FETCH c_objScores INTO @objId, @objStatus, @objScoreRaw, @objScoreMin, @objScoreMax CLOSE c_objScores DEALLOCATE c_objScores
IF( @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 ) BEGIN SET @errCode = 1 GOTO HANDLE_APPERR END SET @errCode = 0 RETURN @errCode HANDLE_APPERR: IF( CURSOR_STATUS( 'local', 'c_courseScores' ) >= 0 ) BEGIN CLOSE c_courseScores DEALLOCATE c_courseScores END SET @errCode = 1 RETURN @errCodeENDGOSuggestions?Thanks all,Zath
userid logintime logouttime subject question answer correct status 1000 9/2/2007 12:10:10 chemistry 0 1000 chemistry 1 T 1 1000 chemistry 2 F 0 1000 chemistry 3 a 1 1000 chemistry 4 a 0 1000 chemistry 5 b 1 1000 9/2/2007 12:20:30 chemistry 1 3000 9/2/2007 12:40:00 Math 0 3000 Math 1 c 1 3000 Math 2 a 1 3000 Math 3 T 0 3000 Math 4 F 1 3000 Math 5 b 0 3000 9/2/2007 12:50:25 Math 1 2000 9/2/2007 12:10:10 Biology 0 2000 Biology 1 T 1 2000 Biology 2 F 0 2000 Biology 3 a 1
Logintime means time person started the test. Logouttime means time person stopped the test. Correct 1 means correct answer Correct 0 means wrong answer Status 0 means test is started. Status 1 means test is stopped. (Some time people don't stop test due to network failure. So that record got no status 1 or logouttime).
i need to find total score of correct answer.
Based on below table, i need to find who passed and who failed. Subject Total_Question Main_Question Pass_Score Math 5 3,5 3 Biology 5 4 4 Chemistry 5 1,2 5
i need to write a stored procedure to do i want to find the below result......
userid logintime logouttime Duration Subject Score Question_Missed Result 1000 9/2/2007 12:10:10 9/2/2007 12:20:30 10:20 Chemistry 2 2 Fail 3000 9/2/2007 12:40:00 9/2/2007 12:50:25 10:25 Math 3 3,5 Pass 2000 9/2/2007 12:10:10 Biology 2 4 Fail How can i combine both table and get this result?...Please help me. I need help.
Hi everyone, My hoster hosts but does not yet support sql 2005 only sql 2000 and access I want to use either of the starter kits. I am confused on what is needed to make the changes to make either sql 2000 or access work. I know enough that the connection strings will need to change my concern is code. Is there strings that I will need to find and change in the application. I sure would appreciate any and all advice. Thank you for your help. DKB
I€™d appreciate an advice about the following data mining scenario. A bank institution has customers and keeps tracks of the customer demographics data (e.g. income, age, etc). A customer could have purchased one or more products (checking, savings, CD, and other accounts). My task is to predict the likelihood for a customer to purchase a new product. For example, if the custom has checking and savings accounts, what€™s the likelihood for the customer to purchase a CD account so we can offer this product do the customer.
My questions:
What data mining task (segmentation, classification, etc) does this requirement represent? What algorithm(s) is best suited for this task? For a given customer, will I be able to predict the buy probability for all products or do I need to query the mining model to predict one product at the time?
Hey all, Can anyone tell me why this stored procedure doesn't work?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[RemoveLocation] @Id int, @Name varchar AS DELETE FROM Classifieds_Terminals WHERE [Id] = @Id and [Name] = @Name
I try exeuting it like this: USE [CLASSIFIEDSDB2.MDF] GO DECLARE @return_value int EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[RemoveLocation] @Id = 18, @Name = N'Terminal A' SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value GO
It returns 0 and nothing happens....???
Here is the table: id | Name 18 Terminal A18 Terminal B18 Terminal C
Hi, I have a stored procedure which returns a dataset after some intense calculations. It actually calculates the daily work hours (wages) for each employee in a month. I am using a temporary table where for each employee, a day's calculations are stored as a row. So if e.g. there are 2 employees, a total of 2 x 31 = 62 rows are saved in the temporary table. In the end i flip the temporary table horizontally (each employee row than displays daily calculations for upto 31 days possibly) to produce a monthly report. The problem is that as the data has grown alot, it takes a very very long time (more than a minute) to calculate these values. The actual time is consumed in flipping the table horizontally. User can select any montly from Jan-Dec. Can any expert given me some advice on redefining this stored procedure (to optimize for speed) where i can calculate monthly wedges (each day included in the report) for each employee (over 400). In short, we can look at all daily calculations (31 days possibly) in one row for each employee. Regards....
If I have a stored pocedure that just does one simple update command, do I need a commit after the update even if it is not part of a transaction. Or does it commit automatically? Thanks!
Hello everyone. I've attached a copy of my recently created stored procedure but now I want to expound on it by creating synatx within it that will allow me to create a 'weighting' type of scenario based on pre-determined weight/ranking classifications (example: a selection of skill '1' would grant the user 2 points toward their ranking, a selection of skill '2' might grant the user 4 pts., etc.) In the end, the users would be tallied and sorted based on the highest ranking (in pts) to the lowest. The business I'm in is that we develop a web site interface for recruiters and potential job seekers to post resumes, develop a career plan and rank their current work status against the open market. In short, does anyone out there know how I can implement a "ranking" type system into the syntax provided below? I've considered the CASE statement but was not clear on how it would work. Any suggestions would be great.
set nocount on select @jobcity = city, @jobposition = position_id, @jobrelocate = relocate_assist, @jobtravel = travel_id, @jobstate = state, @jobyears = position_yrs from t_job_order where job_id = @job_id
select @totcount = count(*) from t_job_vstat where job_id = @job_id
select @totcount = @totcount + 3
select candidate_id, key_skill_desc, strongest from t_cand_vstat, t_key_skill where t_cand_vstat.key_skill_id in (select key_skill_id from t_job_vstat where job_id = @job_id) and t_cand_vstat.key_skill_id = t_key_skill.key_skill_id order by candidate_id
CREATE TABLE #ReturnTemp ( candidateid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, displayid int, city varchar(50), state varchar(2), Industry varchar(50), travel varchar(50), position varchar(50), hitcount smallint, tpercent numeric, ks1 varchar(50), ks2 varchar(50), ks3 varchar(50), ks4 varchar(50), ks5 varchar(50) )
OPEN Cand_Cursor
declare @candidate_id uniqueidentifier
FETCH NEXT FROM Cand_Cursor into @candidate_id, @key_skill_desc, @strongest select @holdid = @candidate_id
if @candidate_id <> @holdid begin select @icount = @icount + 1 if @match = 1 update #ReturnTemp set hitcount = @icount, tpercent = (@icount/@totcount * 100), ks1 = @ks1, ks2 = @ks2, ks3 = @ks3, ks4 = @ks4, ks5 = @ks5 where candidateid = @holdid select @match = 1 select @ks1 = "" select @ks2 = "" select @ks3 = "" select @ks4 = "" select @ks5 = "" select @holdid = @candidate_id select @icount = 1 select @candrelocate = relocate, @candtravel = travel_id from t_cand_pref where candidate_id = @candidate_id select @candcity = city, @candstate = state, @displayid = display_id from t_candidate1 where candidate_id = @candidate_id select @candposition = position_id, @candyears = position_yrs, @candindustry = cat_sub_cat_id from t_cand_seek where candidate_id = @candidate_id if @candposition = @jobposition select @icount = @icount + 10 if @candyears = @jobyears select @icount = @icount + 8 if @candtravel = @jobtravel begin select @icount = @icount + 2 end
else if @jobtravel <> '91C858C8-4A46-4FD8-9B73-87FEE00F799E' begin if @candtravel = '91C858C8-4A46-4FD8-9B73-87FEE00F799E' begin select @match = 0 end else begin
select @icount = @icount + 1 end end
select distinct city, state from t_cand_pref_city_state C, t_city_state S where c.city_state = s.city_state and C.candidate_id = @candidate_id
OPEN City_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM City_Cursor into @prefcity, @prefstate
FETCH NEXT FROM City_cursor into @prefcity, @prefstate select @citymatch = 0 if ((@prefcity = @jobcity) and (@prefstate = @jobstate)) begin --do nothing select @citymatch = 1 select @icount = @icount + 1 end
CLOSE City_Cursor
if @citymatch = 0 select @match = 0
if @candindustry <> @jobindustry select @match = 0 if @strongest = 1 begin if @ks1 = "" select @ks1 = @key_skill_desc else if @ks2 = "" select @ks2 = @key_skill_desc else if @ks3 = "" select @ks3 = @key_skill_desc else if @ks4 = "" select @ks4 = @key_skill_desc else if @ks5 = "" select @ks5 = @key_skill_desc end if @match = 1 begin
select @candIndustrydesc = cat_sub_desc from t_cat_sub_cat where cat_sub_cat_id = @candIndustry select @candPositiondesc = position_desc from t_position where position_id = @candPosition select @candTraveldesc = travel_desc from t_travel where travel_id = @candtravel
INSERT INTO #ReturnTemp(Candidateid, displayid, city, state, Industry, travel, position, hitcount)
Hello, I'm new to SQL. I wrote this Stored Procedure but it does not work. When I'm executing it I get these errors:
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 12 Line 12: Incorrect syntax near '='. Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 15 Line 15: Incorrect syntax near ')'. Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 19 Line 19: Incorrect syntax near '='. Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 24 Line 24: Incorrect syntax near '='
Can anyone please help me with that? Thank you in advance.
AND (TableTest.DOCINDEX2 Is NULL or TableTest.DOCINDEX2 ='' OR TableTEst.DOCINDEX3 Is NULL or TableTest.DOCINDEX3 ='' or TableTest.DOCINDEX4 is NULL or TableTEst.DOCINDEX4 = '');
IF (@@ERROR <> 0) GOTO on_error
COMMIT TRANSACTION -- return 0 to signal success RETURN (0)
on_error: ROLLBACK TRANSACTION -- return 1 to signal failure RETURN (1) GO
I need some advice on a project that I am working on... First, here is what I am trying to achieve: A Web Form with two controls: A DropDownList with two items added at design time (Fruits and Vegetables) and an empty ListBox. When the user chooses a "category" from the DropDownList, the ListBox will be populated with a list of either "Fruits" or "Vegetables" retrieved from a SQL database. (Note: Since the data in the SQL database must be converted and formatted programatically, simply databinding the ListBox will not work here.) I believe that I can do this with the following code (stolen from an MSDN article):'Create ADO.NET objects. Private myConn As SqlConnection Private myCmd As SqlCommand Private myReader As SqlDataReader Private results As String
'Create a Connection object. myConn = New SqlConnection("Initial Catalog=Northwind;" & _ "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;")
'Create a Command object. myCmd = myConn.CreateCommand myCmd.CommandText = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees"
'Open the connection. myConn.Open()
myReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader()
'Concatenate the query result into a string. Do While myReader.Read() results = results & myReader.GetString(0) & vbTab & _ myReader.GetString(1) & vbLf Loop 'Display results. MsgBox(results)
'Close the reader and the database connection. myReader.Close() myConn.Close() Now here is the part that I am not sure about: Is the FormLoad event the best place to put this code? If I do, is this not a lot of overhead (creating, opening and closing a connection) everytime there is a page refresh/PostBack? Would I be better off putting this code in the DropDownList SelectedIndexChanged event? Although that seems like it could make the process of selecting a category take a fairly long time. Finally, if the is a better way of doing this, I am certainly open to suggestions. All advice is greatly appreciated.
Our backups run using a stored proceedure called sp_fullbackup. This takes a dump of every database to a device each night. The only problem is that it overwrites the previous nights backup, due to the way it has been written:
How do I change the syntax so that it will retain the previous 3 backups?
I could use some sound advice regarding replication. (Or a better avenue to take if available)
I have a production server and a *live* server. 90% of the updates are done on my production server. When needed I update the live server by completing overwriting everything with the data on the local machine. (This is because there has been numerous changes to the database design as well as the data but this should no longer be the case.)
Now updates are taking place on both servers meaning they should both be identical.
The problem I see is that something like a snapshot or merge replication could never be done. Since the same id's can be created on both machines I see no way that the software can tell them apart.
So is it best to update one server and then send the request to the other to update the same record (or insert/delete etc) or is it better to use something like DTS or transactional replication to accomplish the same task?
I dunno, kinda in the dark at present but any advice on the subject would be very helpful.
We are developing a software for a logistic company, which will have around 1000 branches, and we need to synchronize the database(SQL Server) between all the branches using the database at web server, i.e the branches can get the new data from the web server,as well as push the data at the web server, please tell us how can we accomplish this task,
Dear GroupA while ago I've asked how paging is possible and have read the articles Great work, esp. the speed comparison of all the differenttechniques. Thank you to everyone who has responded to my post. SomewhowGoogle didn't let me reply to the thread!All of the methods described work perfectly fine until I'm trying toimplement a WHERE or ORDER BY DESC on a particular field. E.g. Create allpages but sort on a date field DESC doesn't start with the lowest date onthe first page and the highest date on the last page but all dates mixed up.As a workaround I'm at first using a cursor to populate a temporary tablee.g. SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyField1 = Condition ORDER BY MyField2which only contains the data I would like to use to create the pages. I'musing a cursor since I read that a normal SELECT to poulate the temporarytable doesn't always guarantee that rows are inserted in the correct order.Next I'm creating the individual pages with the Count and Page.Rank methodoff the temporary table.This method is not the best in performance and I'm sure there must beanotherway to perform paging with filtering and sorting. I'm grateful for any tippsyou have.Thanks for your time & efforts!Martin
I'm hoping somebody can help me here as i'm struggling to find any information elsewhere on the net. We have recently purchased a new server, the rough specs are:
2 X Quad-Core Xeon E7320 2.13GHz 4Mb Cache 32Gb PC2-5300 DDR II RAM
We are planning to install the 64 Bit version of SQL Server 2005. We want to use the server for a number of purposes.
Building and weekly processing of 2 complex data marts (approx size is 1Tb each)
Processing and querying of 2 Analysis Services databases that will be built from these data marts. These will be queried by no more than about 15 users (no more than about 5 simultaneously).
Relational querying of the data marts themselves (same users as above) My problem is that I am not sure of the best way to configure SQL Server. Should I use 2 separate instances? How should the processors/memory be shared between SQL Server/Analysis Services? My main priority is the performance of the OLAP querying. However, I also want the weekly processing and any ad-hoc SQL querys run against the marts to be efficient.
This message is similar to a previous post, but no one seems to have an answer to it so I thought I should try to solve my problem in another way.
I have to use a pass through query to access db2. I cannot get the four-part name to work.
I want to simplify things for the developers. I can't figure out how to make one stored procedure or view to handle all the columns the developers may need to filter by or return. Is the best practice to just make multiple views or stored procedures to in each database to handle each query needed?
I am writing a report in RS and my query is supposed to pull transactional records from a certain date (yesterday).
The table I am querying contains roughly 1.5 million records. This is on an AS400 dB2 system. Mostly I use ODBC with no problems, however this query ran for about two hours and was still running before I killed it.
I am thinking of using SSIS to copy the records into SQL. If I go this approach (which should be much faster), is there a way to just copy over differential records each day?
Or does anybody have any other suggestions? What is Linking a Server?
hi, iam thinking of changing my ajax slideshow so that it gets the data from the databse. currently i am finding it hard to add text functianlity the way i want with the slide show. what my query is, that if i to using a datalist can i add javasscript functionality to the data being retrived. for example, currently i have written some javascript so that a series of text is diplayed one after the other in a sequence from just one button click. so if im pulling data out of a databse can i still add this javascript functionality to it? i hope this makes sense, if it doesnt then i am willing to elaborate. please can any one offer any advice or examples or any suggestions on how i can do this. any help is much appricated as i am struggling to find a solution as i orinally wanted to be able to add this javascript functionality with the play button of the slide show but i couldnt find a solution.also i think its better to use some kind of database as i can use the editing funtions visual web developer offers thank you
I can't connect to any instance of MSDE on my laptop using my web app. I duplicate the whole process on another local machine and have no problems. I'm using DNN, but it's not a problem with a connection string.
Over the last week I've had to rebuild this laptop - reformating and all. I'm running win xp pro, vs'03. I've tried this on msde2000sp3a & msde2000rela. Everthing is fully patched, updated, and current.
I'm working on two pcs at the same time with identical environments, doing one step on one keyboard and then the other: I take one set of fresh DNN files and install them on each pc. create a new db, user with dbo rights. create a new virtual directory in iis. alter the dotnetnuke.sln, dotnetnuke.vbproj.webinfo to reflect the path to the local site. alter the web.config file with the connection string. browse to the website (this is how dnn launches, creating the db from scripts, etc.)
At this point my desktop pc works great and I've got a new instance of DNN.
My laptop does launch dnn, but it can't connect to the db and says there's a problem with the connection string - but the only difference in the strings is the instance name - which isn't spelled wrong!!!!
So I'm led to believe that there is something wrong with the setup on the laptop which was just rebuilt.
It's got .net 1.1, msde2000sp3a, winxppro sp1. I've uninstalled and reinstalled all the components I can think of.
What would you do??? I'm completely out of ideas on this.
Do I format the hd and start again? That would hurt, but I've tried everthing else I can think of.
Oh, here's the other rub. I can create a system dsn, test the connection - and it works! I know that point's toward dnn, but like I've said I believe I've ruled that out.
Hi, hoping I can get a few view on a question I have relating to the above.
I am new to Stored Procedures and Triggers and I am trying to understand 'best practice' a little better. Here is my question: If I have a table that stores information, and when any field in that table is updated (and changes) I would like to inactive the row, prior to change and then add the change by way of a new, active row. This way I can see what it was before and that it's inactive, and what the active value is.
Hope this makes sense, if this is the wrong way to manage change history any suggestions would be appreciated.
A second question I have is as follows: If I have a table that stores a number, based on that number, what would be the best way to create new records in a different table that pulls from the first table. Where the number stored in table 1 represents how many times the record is to be created in the second table.
Thanks. If anyone needs more data, please feel free to ask, I will help as best as I can and appreciate any advice & comments that you can give.
Hello!I'm seeking advice on a rather complex type of query I need to buildin an Access ADP (SQL-Server 7). There are four tables:tblPeopleID(PK)PRENAME---------------1Thomas2Frank3ChristblInventoryClassesID(PK)INVENTORYCLASS----------------------1Car2PhonetblInventoryItemsID(PK)relInvClass(FK)ITEM-----------------------------------11Dodge Viper21Chrysler32Nokia42SamsungtblPeopleInventoryID(PK)relPeople(FK)relInvItem(FK)--------------------------------------112213321423534In this example the last table tells me thatThomas owns a Chrysler (class Car) and a Nokia (class Phone).Can someone tell me how to write a query or a stored procedure whichproduces a resultset like this:qryOwnersPeopleCarPhone-----------------------------ThomasChryslerNokiaFrankDodge ViperNokiaChris[NULL]SamsungThe main idea is that I need to be able to iterate such a collection.It is guranteed that one "People" only owns one or zero "Car" and oneor zero "Phone".I guess that it might be impossible to design a stored procedure withsuch a variable amount of columns (in this case, each item fromtblInventoryClasses would mean another column).Ary there any possibilities in accomplishing this without creatingtemporary tables?Any help would be really appreciated ;-)Greetings,Christoph Bisping
Hello Specialists !Please help me - i need advice in importing textual data to SQL Server.I am using DTS with a simple process : Text(source)->Connection.I want to increase speed of importing because i have to import 4GB (1000char lines lenght) of data.Do you have any tips for me ?Best regards,Manu
Hello, I have the following stored procedure and the following aspx page. I am trying to connect this aspx page to the stored procedure using the SqlDataSource. When the user enters a branch number in textbox1, the autonumber generated by the database is returned in textbox2. I am not quite sure what to do to get this to execute. Can someone provide me assistance? Will I need to use some code behind? Stored ProcedureCREATE PROCEDURE InsertNearMiss @Branch Int, @Identity int OUT ASINSERT INTO NearMiss (Branch)VALUES (@Branch) SET @Identity = SCOPE_IDENTITY() GO
Hi,Is there a programmatic wasy to convert the results of a sql data set to xls, csv, etc. Ideally a user would be able to make a selection to view the data (result set has, E.g. make, model, year, condition viewed in a datagrid or similar control) and then be able to export the file to the format they choose, and have a download box popup from the browser to download the file.E.g. Export this data to: __ XLS __ CSV __TXT . I know DTS can do this but any advice on how to encapsulate this in a C# web app woudl be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
HI, I'm still on the steep side of the learning curve with ASP.NET. I've looked through a number of threads on this forum, and have gotten pieces of the answer, but need help getting past a roadblock.
I haven't been able to get a simple test application to connect to the Pubs database loaded on my system running MSDE. The only control in the application is a WebDataForm created by the Wizard. Everything works well (even the Preview Data form the Data menu loads and displays the correct data), except when the form is viewed in a browser. Click the load button and an error:Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.
Similar stories are common on this forum, and I tried to address the problem. I'm quite sure it's a autherization or authentication problem. I have Windows Server 2003 (with IIS 6.0), VS.NET 03 and MSDE as the SQL server on the same box. The MSDE server is using Windows Security mode. I Created a new user called ASPNET on the Windows Server. I added a login to the SQL Server 'WinServerNameASPNET' using windows auth. Still get the same login failed message.
Is there something I'm missing? Do I have to add a new user to IIS?
For the record, what users/settings do I need to have in Windows, SQL-Server and IIS, get past this login problem.
Thanks for answering this basic question - one more time.
I'm very green with SQL so I could do with some advice please.
I need to pull some data from a table based on the year portion of a datetime field, so far I've got this...
USE MfgSys803
SELECT orderdate, ordernum FROM orderhed
... the field 'orderdate' is the datetime. The purpose of the WHERE statement is to get the current year fromt he system and then compare this to the current year of the field 'orderdate'.
Unfortunately I get the error...
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 3 Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
... the 'SELECT CONVERT' portions of the WHERE work fine on thier own but I can't use them together.
We have a couple of MS SQL Server 2000/2005 databases with a bunch of..NET clients written in C#, but may want to replace the dbserver withpostgres instead. The clients will still run on Windows, hopefully withas few changes as possible.We don't have any stored procedures or triggers, so all we need to portare the tables/index definitions.What are the most common issues/problems people run into on the clientside? My guesses are stuff like- identity columns- transaction handling(autocommited vs. implicit)- date and datetime- general error handling and error codesAnything else?I've googled for migration guides and howto's, but without success.Pointers to such are appreciated.Boa
I have a situation where my Visual C# application presents a number of fields. In order to update a student object, I wish to call a stored proc. 1 or more fields can be updated... And If one is left null, then I don't want to update it, but instead I want to keep the old value.
I am really wondering if I am approaching this the right way. The following stored proc does what I want it to do, however I'm thinking there may be a faster way...
Here it is:
-- Update a student, by ID.
DROP PROCEDURE p_UpdateStudent
@NewFName VARCHAR(25),
@NewOName VARCHAR(25),
@NewLName VARCHAR(25),
@NewENumber VARCHAR(10),
@NewContactAID INT,
@NewContactBID INT
-- Get all of the old values
SELECT @FName = FName FROM TBL_Student WHERE ID = 10000
SELECT @OName = OName FROM TBL_Student WHERE ID = 10000
SELECT @LName = LName FROM TBL_Student WHERE ID = 10000
SELECT @ENumber = ENumber FROM TBL_Student WHERE ID = 10000
SELECT @ContactAID = ContactAID FROM TBL_Student WHERE ID = 10000
SELECT @ContactBID = ContactBID FROM TBL_Student WHERE ID = 10000
-- USE ISNULL to set all of the new parameters to the provided values only if they are not null
-- Keep the old ones otherwise.
SET @NewFName = ISNULL(@NewFName, @FName)
SET @NewOName = ISNULL(@NewOName, @OName)
SET @NewLName = ISNULL(@NewLName, @LName)
SET @NewENumber = ISNULL(@NewENumber, @ENumber)
SET @NewContactAID = ISNULL(@NewContactAID, @ContactAID)
SET @NewContactBID = ISNULL(@NewContactBID, @ContactBID)
-- Do the update
SET FName = @NewFName,
OName = @NewOName,
LName = @NewLName,
DOB = @NewDOB,
ENumber = @NewENumber,
ContactAID = @NewContactAID,
ContactBID = @NewContactBID
ID = @ID
So yeah it works. But As you can see I wish to keep an old copy of the values to perform checks pre update....
Is there any faster way, or am I on the right track? I need a pro's advice :) (before i write all of my procs!!)
Details : Reporting Services 2000, SQL 2000 database, Visual Studio . Net 2003
In Report Design view
In "Data" tab, I can see records for column 'sRCName' returned from the stored procedure(usp_GetRouteCodeData) after clicking '!' icon. When I moved to "Preview" tab, I am getting below error message. "The value expression for the textbox €˜sRCName€™ refers to the field €˜sRCName€™. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope."
Observation : there is no value returned from the dataset on 'Fields' panel. The SP is accessing a table called tblRCM. If I go to the Data--> Dataset --> Query, change the "Command Type" from 'Stored Procedure' to 'Text' and entered select * from tblRCM at Query string area, the report is running fine.
Issue: This issue only happens at my laptop, my team member can create the same report using the same stored procedure without any error. The database is sitting on a server.
In the troubleshooting process, I tried to create a simple report by calling a stored procedure(CustOrderHist) from NorthWind DB in my local SQL server, I am able to see the data/value in 'Fields' panel and sucessfully view the data in 'Preview' tab. Looks like the issue only happen on my machine, for a report that using stored procedure to access a DB sitting on a server.
I hope to hear from anyone who have encountered the similiar issue before, or, have any clue to resolve the issue.