Stored Procedure - Insert With Table Name From Parameter

Jul 31, 2006

First of all hi for all,

I m trying to make insert stored procedure with parameters, i want to send table name and insert values with parameters, i m trying that below stored procedure but it gives syntax eror to me what shoul i do to correct it ?




ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[insertalepform]

-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

@type nvarchar(15), @talepbrmno int, @birimisteksayi bigint, @birimistektarih datetime,

@aciklama nvarchar(50), @onay int, @seviye int, @talepformno bigint, @taleptarih datetime




exec ('INSERT INTO [BelediyeWork].[dbo].['+@type+'TalepFormu]

([TalepBirimNo], [BirimistekSayısı], [BirimistekTarihi], [Acıklama], [Onay]

,[Seviye], [TalepFormNo], [TalepTarih])

VALUES ('+@talepbrmno+','+@birimisteksayi+','+@birimistektarih+','+@aciklama+'

,'+@onay+','+@seviye+','+@talepformno+','+@taleptarih+') ')


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Insert Stored Procedure With Output Parameter

Mar 2, 2007

Hello everyone.

I need a stored procedure that excecutes a INSERT sentence.
That's easy. Now, what I need is to return a the key value of the just inserted record.

Someone does know how to do this?

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Table Parameter In Stored Procedure?

Jun 2, 2012

I am Creating a Procedure in SQL2000 but founding an error.

@myfitemcode int,
@ttype char(1),
@myfyear char(9),
@mydatefrom2 datetime,


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Is It Possible To Use Table Output Parameter Of Stored Procedure? If Possible, How?

Jun 28, 2007

is it possible to use table output parameter of stored procedure? if possible, how?

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STORED PROCEDURE - Passing Table Name As A Parameter

Nov 29, 2005

I am trying to develop a stored procedure for an existing application thathas data stored in numerous tables, each with the same set of columns. Themain columns are Time and Value. There are literally hundreds of thesetables that are storing values at one minute intervals. I need to calculatethe value at the end of the current hour for any table. I am a little newto SQL Server, but I have some experience with other RDBMS.I get an error from SQL Server, complaining about needing to declare@TableName in the body of the procedure. Is there a better way to referencea table?SteveHere is the SQL for creating the procedure:IF EXISTS(SELECTROUTINE_NAMEFROMINFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINESWHEREROUTINE_TYPE='PROCEDURE'ANDROUTINE_NAME='udp_End_of_Hour_Estimate')DROP PROCEDURE udp_End_of_Hour_EstimateGOCREATE PROCEDURE udp_End_of_Hour_Estimate@TableName VarCharASDECLARE @CurrentTime DateTimeSET @CurrentTime = GetDate()SELECT(SELECTSum(Value)* DatePart(mi,@CurrentTime)/60 AS EmissonsFROM@TableNameWHERETime BETWEENDateAdd(mi,-DatePart(mi,@CurrentTime),@CurrentTime)AND@CurrentTime)+(SELECTAvg(Value)* (60-DatePart(mi,@CurrentTime))/60 AS EmissionsFROM@TableNameWHERETime BETWEENDateAdd(mi,-10,@CurrentTime)AND@CurrentTime)

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Stored Procedure : Create Table With Parameter ?

Jul 28, 2006

first of all hi all, my problem is, i want to create a table which name from my parameter

what should i do ?

here my code


-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

@ype nvarchar(15)




CREATE TABLE [dbo].[@ype](

[TeklifEM] [bigint] NOT NULL,

[Cinsi] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

[Adet] [int] NULL,

[Birim] [nchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

[BirimFiyat] [money] NULL,

[ToplamFiyat] [money] NULL,

[TeklifId] [bigint] NULL,



[TeklifEM] ASC





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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Stored Procedure To Truncate And Insert Values In Table 1 And Update And Insert Values In Table 2

Apr 30, 2015

table2 is intially populated (basically this will serve as historical table for view); temptable and table2 will are similar except that table2 has two extra columns which are insertdt and updatedt

1. get data from an existing view and insert in temptable
2. truncate/delete contents of table1
3. insert data in table1 by comparing temptable vs table2 (values that exists in temptable but not in table2 will be inserted)
4. insert data in table2 which are not yet present (comparing ID in t2 and temptable)
5. UPDATE table2 whose field/column VALUE is not equal with temptable. (meaning UNMATCHED VALUE)

* for #5 if a value from table2 (historical table) has changed compared to temptable (new result of view) this must be updated as well as the updateddt field value.

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Passing Table Name And Order By Parameter To Stored Procedure

Jul 27, 2007

can i pass the name of the table and the "order by" column name to stored procedure?
 i tried the simple way
(@tablename varchar and then "select * from @tablename)
but i get error massesges. the same for order by...
what is the right syntex for this task?

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.NET Framework :: CLR Stored Procedure With Table Data Type Parameter

May 27, 2015

I want to create a CLR Stored Procedure with a Table User Defined Type like this short example in SQL:

CREATE TYPE [dbo].[TypeTable] AS TABLE
[Id] [integer] NOT NULL,
[Value] [sysname] NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

I found some example in this link : CLR UDT

But I can't figure how to do the same with a User Defined Type Table.

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In Stored Procedure How To Loop Through Rows In Table And Pass Parameter To EXEC SP

Apr 26, 2008

I have a temporary table with multiple records and a Stored Procedure requiring a value. In a Stored Procedure, I want to loop through records in the table and use the value from each record read as input to another Stored Procedure. How do I do this?

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Stored Procedure For Insert Data From One Table To Another Table

Apr 25, 2006

     I am having 2 tables. One is main table and another is history table. Whenever I update the main table, I need to insert the all the main table data to History table, before updating the main table.
Overall it is like storing the history of the table updation.
How do i write a stored procedure for this?
Anybody has done this before?
Pls help me.

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Stored Procedure - Insert Many Rows From One Table To Another

Jun 24, 2005

Searched around for a sample, maybe I missed one?I have an insert statement....INSERT INTO objScores  (objID, studentId, courseId)  VALUES  (   @objID, @userId, @course)  This works fine, but problem is it reads only the first value from the tableDECLARE c_oId CURSOR FOR  SELECT objID  FROM objStructure  FOR READ ONLYThe userID and course will always be the same.But, the objID, there will be many in the table objStructure such as Lesson1, Lesson2..... Lesson19I need it to read all of them, 1 - 19 or whatever the count, could be 3 and insert all of them into the table.So, the insert needs to input Lesson1, userID, course ----- Lesson2, userId, course ----- Lesson3, userID, course ---- and so on.It must read the objID from the objStructure table and just tranfer all that is there that = the course.Links?  Suggestions?Thanks all,Zath

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Can I Insert Records Into A Table From A Stored Procedure

Oct 9, 2007

I have a long complicated storeed procedure that ends by returning the results of a select statement or dataset.

I use the logic in other sprocs too.

Can I Isert the returned dataset into a table variable or user table. sp_AddNamesList returns a list of names. For example something like....

INSERT INTO Insurance (Name)
Exec sp_AddNamesList



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Passing Multiple Parameters With Table Valued Parameter To Stored Procedure?

May 21, 2014

Can we Pass table valued parameters and normal params like integer,varchar a single stored procedure?

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How Can I Insert Id Field Automatic In Table By Stored Procedure

Sep 25, 2005

i have a  student table     and i created a  stored procedure   to insert a new student in this  table  but  student_id field  wich  i put it as  primary key got error  because  allready  record has same value  .how i can know  the last row's student_id value  and  input a new valid value    in one stored procedure thanks

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Insert Stored Procedure Result Into Temporary Table ?

Mar 21, 2006

I'm trying to insert the results of a stored procedure call into a temporary table, which is not working. It does work if I use a non-temporary table. Can anyone tell me if this is supported or what I am doing wrong.

Here is an example:

SELECT '1111' as col1, '2222' as col2

-- this call will fail with message Invalid object name '#tmpTable'.
INSERT INTO #tmpTable EXEC testProc

--- DROP TABLE testTable
CREATE TABLE testTable (col1 varchar(5), col2 varchar(5))

-- this call will succeed
INSERT INTO testTable EXEC testProc

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Use Stored Procedure Result To Insert Into Table

Mar 25, 2015

My stored procedure returns one row. I need to insert the result to a table. Can I right something like that:

Insert into table1
exec myProc '1/1/15', 3/1/15'

Or may be I can use Table-valued function insted of myProc?

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Select From Pivot Stored Procedure And Insert Into Table

Mar 10, 2008

hi need help
how to "select from pivot stored procedure and insert into table"
this line
INSERT INTO [nili].[dbo].[tb_pivot_edit]

Code Snippet

DECLARE @WantedDate SMALLDATETIME, -- Should be a parameter for SP
SELECT @WantedDate = '20080401', -- User supplied parameter value
@BaseDate = DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, '19000101', @WantedDate), '19000101'),
@NumDays = DATEDIFF(DAY, @BaseDate, DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @BaseDate))
IF @NumDays = 28

p.[1], p.[2], p.[3], p.[4], p.[5], p.[6], p.[7], p.[8], p.[9], p.[10], p.[11],
p.[12], p.[13], p.[14], p.[15], p.[16], p.[17], p.[18], p.[19], p.[20], p.[21],
p.[22], p.[23], p.[24], p.[25], p.[26], p.[27], p.[28]
DATEPART(DAY, Date) AS theDay,
FROM v_Employee
WHERE Date >= @BaseDate
AND Date < DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @BaseDate)
) AS y
COUNT(y.ShiftID) FOR y.theDay IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11],
[12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21],
[22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28])
) AS p
ELSE IF @Numdays = 30

SELECT p.ID,p.new_unit,p.mhlka_id,p.mhlka,
p.[1] , p.[2],p.[3], p.[4], p.[5], p.[6], p.[7], p.[8], p.[9], p.[10], p.[11],
p.[12], p.[13], p.[14], p.[15], p.[16], p.[17], p.[18], p.[19], p.[20], p.[21],
p.[22], p.[23], p.[24], p.[25], p.[26], p.[27], p.[28], p.[29], p.[30]

SELECT ID,new_unit,mhlka_id,mhlka,
DATEPART(DAY, Date) AS theDay,
FROM v_Employee
WHERE Date >= @BaseDate
AND Date < DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @BaseDate)
) AS y
min(y.ShiftID) FOR y.theDay IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7],[8] , [9], [10], [11],
[12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21],
[22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30])
) AS p
INSERT INTO [nili].[dbo].[tb_pivot_edit]


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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Insert One To Many Valued Parameters From A Stored Procedure Into A Table

Jan 14, 2015

I have a SP with Parameters as:


I need to insert into a table as below:


How can I get this?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Insert Stored Procedure Output To Table And Add Datetimestamp

Jun 22, 2015

I have a need to insert stored procedure output a table and in addition to that add a datetimestamp column.. For example, Below is the process to get sp_who output into Table_Test table. But I want to add one additional column in Table_test table with datetimestamp when the procedure was executed.

insert into Table_Test execute sp_who

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SQL Server 2014 :: Embed Parameter In Name Of Stored Procedure Called From Within Another Stored Procedure?

Jan 29, 2015

I have some code that I need to run every quarter. I have many that are similar to this one so I wanted to input two parameters rather than searching and replacing the values. I have another stored procedure that's executed from this one that I will also parameter-ize. The problem I'm having is in embedding a parameter in the name of the called procedure (exec statement at the end of the code). I tried it as I'm showing and it errored. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything related to this. Maybe I just don't have the right keywords. what is the syntax?

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[runDMQ3_2014LDLComplete]
@QQ_YYYY char(7),
@YYYYQQ char(8)
select [provider group],provider, NPI, [01-Total Patients with DM], [02-Total DM Patients with LDL],

[Code] ....

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Stored Procedure Not Inserting Into Linking Table Properly - Two Tables - Two Insert Statements

Dec 9, 2007

Hi can anyone help me with the format of my stored procedure below.
I have two tables (Publication and PublicationAuthors). PublicaitonAuthors is the linking table containing foreign keys PublicaitonID and AuthorID. Seeming as one Publication can have many authors associated with it, i need the stored procedure to create the a single row in the publication table and then recognise that multiple authors need to be inserted into the linking table for that single PublicationID. For this i have a listbox with multiple selection =true.
At the moment with the storedprocedure below it is creating two rows in PublicaitonID, and then inserting two rows into PublicationAuthors with only the first selected Author from the listbox??? Can anyone help???ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedureTest2
@publicationID Int=null,@typeID smallint=null,
@title nvarchar(MAX)=null,@authorID smallint=null
--Create a new publication entry
INSERT INTO Publication (typeID, title)
VALUES (@typeID, @title)
--Obtain the ID of the created publication
SET @publicationID = @@IDENTITY
--Create new entry in linking table PublicationAuthors
INSERT INTO PublicationAuthors (publicationID, authorID)
VALUES (@publicationID, @authorID)
IF (@ERROR<>0)

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Stored Procedure Not Inserting Into Linking Table Properly - Two Tables - Two Insert Statements

Dec 9, 2007

Hi can anyone help me with the format of my stored procedure below.
I have two tables (Publication and PublicationAuthors). PublicaitonAuthors is the linking table containing foreign keys PublicaitonID and AuthorID. Seeming as one Publication can have many authors associated with it, i need the stored procedure to create the a single row in the publication table and then recognise that multiple authors need to be inserted into the linking table for that single PublicationID. For this i have a listbox with multiple selection =true.
At the moment with the storedprocedure below it is creating two rows in PublicaitonID, and then inserting two rows into PublicationAuthors with only the first selected Author from the listbox??? Can anyone help???ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedureTest2
@publicationID Int=null,@typeID smallint=null,
@title nvarchar(MAX)=null,@authorID smallint=null
--Create a new publication entry
INSERT INTO Publication (typeID, title)
VALUES (@typeID, @title)
--Obtain the ID of the created publication
SET @publicationID = @@IDENTITY
--Create new entry in linking table PublicationAuthors
INSERT INTO PublicationAuthors (publicationID, authorID)
VALUES (@publicationID, @authorID)
IF (@ERROR<>0)

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RS 2005: Stored Procedure With Parameter It Runs In The Data Tab But The Report Parameter Is Not Passed To It

Feb 19, 2007

since a couple of days I'm fighting with RS 2005 and the Stored Procedure.

I have to display the result of a parameterized query and I created a SP that based in the parameter does something:

CREATE PROCEDURE [schema].[spCreateReportTest]
@Name nvarchar(20)= ''


declare @slqSelectQuery nvarchar(MAX);

set @slqSelectQuery = N'SELECT field1,field2,field3 from table'
if (@Name <> '')
set @slqSelectQuery = @slqSelectQuery + ' where field2=''' + @Name + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @slqSelectQuery

Inside my business Intelligence Project I created:
-the shared data source with the connection String
- a data set :
CommandType = Stored Procedure
Query String = schema.spCreateReportTest
When I run the Query by mean of the "!" icon, the parameter is Prompted and based on the value I provide the proper result set is displayed.

Now I move to "Layout" and my undertanding is that I have to create a report Paramater which values is passed to the SP's parameter...
So inside"Layout" tab, I added the parameter: Name
allow blank value is checked and is non-queried

the problem is that when I move to Preview -> I set the value into the parameter field automatically created but when I click on "View Report" nothing has been generated!!

What is wrong? What I forgot??

Thankx for any help!
Marina B.

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Stored Procedure With User!UserID As Parameter, As Report Parameter?

Jul 2, 2007

I had thought that this was possible but I can't seem to figure out the syntax. Essentially I have a report where one of the parameters is populated by a stored procedure.

Right now this is easily accomplished by using "exec <storedprocname>" as the query string for the report parameter. However I am not clear if it is possible to now incorporate User!UserID as parameter to the stored procedure. Is it? Thanks

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Procedure Or Function 'stored Procedure Name' Expects Parameter Which Was Not Supplied

Mar 26, 2007

Has anyone encountered this before?
Procedure or Function 'stored procedure name' expects parameter '@parameter', which was not supplied.
It seems that my code is not passing the parameter to the stored procedure.
When I click this hyperlink:
NavigateUrl='<%# "../Division.aspx?CountryID=" + Eval("CountryID")%>'
Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>'
ToolTip='<%# Eval("Description") %>'
CssClass='<%# Eval("CountryID").ToString() == Request.QueryString["CountryID"] ? "CountrySelected" : "CountryUnselected" %>'>
it is suppose to get the country name and description, based on the country id.
I am passing the country id like this.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void PopulateControls()
string countryId = Request.QueryString["CountryID"];
if (countryId != null)
CountryDetails cd = DivisionAccess.GetCountryDetails(countryId);
divisionNameLabel.Text = cd.Name;
divisionDescriptionLabel.Text = cd.Description;
To my app code like this:
public struct CountryDetails
public string Name;
public string Description;
public static class DivisionAccess
static DivisionAccess()
public static DataTable GetCountry()
DbCommand comm = GenericDataAccess.CreateCommand();
comm.CommandText = "GetCountry";
return GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(comm);
public static CountryDetails GetCountryDetails(string cId)
DbCommand comm = GenericDataAccess.CreateCommand();
comm.CommandText = "GetCountryDetails";
DbParameter param = comm.CreateParameter();
param.ParameterName = "@CountryID";
param.Value = 2;
param.DbType = DbType.Int32;
DataTable table = GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(comm);
CountryDetails details = new CountryDetails();
if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
details.Name = table.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
details.Description = table.Rows[0]["Description"].ToString();
return details;
As you can see I have two stored procedures I am calling, one does not have a parameter and the other does. The getcountry stored procedure returns the list of countries in a menu that I can click to see the details of that country. That is where my problem is when I click the country name I get
Procedure or Function 'GetCountryDetails' expects parameter '@CountryID', which was not supplied
Someone please help!
Thanks Nickdel68

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Having Difficulty With FormView, Stored Procedures And Insert Parameter

Feb 17, 2005

I setup the databse and Visual Web Developer to use
stored procedures when the insert command is used. The
database also uses the field UserName that I pass using a
SessionParameter within the InserParameter block from the
Membership.GetUser.Username from the aspnet_ tables.

My difficulty is when using the "Formview" as the body to
with which to insert (I wanted the design versatility of
FormView) I get an error: "system.formatExpression: Input
string was not in a correct format" when I leave the
textboxes empty and invoke the insert command. I first
assumed that the bound textboxes are not being converted
correctly when left blank, so I used the
ConvertEmptyStringToNull=True, with no success. I then
coupled that with the Type=[correct format] still with
the same error. Alas, my final attempt was to set
defaults in the "ALTER PROCEDURE" within the stored
procedure itself.

Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.

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Stored Procedure Not Getting A Parameter

Feb 12, 2008

I have this update procedure that updates and encrypts a credit card column. I added the pass phrase to a table and now I'm trying to use that pass phrase in my update procedure.
When I run the update from the app the error is that the procedure is not getting the @Phrase parameter.
 Can anyone see why this might be?ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdatePayment]

@paymentID int,
@PaymentDate datetime,
@TenderTypeID int,
@PaymentAmount money,
@CreditCardType int,
@ExpirationDate datetime,
@ccNumber nvarchar(50),
@Phrase nvarchar(25)

SET @Phrase = (SELECT Phrase FROM tblSpecialStuff)

UPDATE tblReceipts SET

ccNumber = (CASE
WHEN @CreditCardType > 0 THEN
ELSE @ccNumber

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Using A Parameter In A Stored Procedure

Dec 23, 2003


i need to run a stored procedure from an asp page that will import data into a temporary table.

i am having trouble with passing the parameter from the Exec command (currently developing in QA). It works ok where i want to use a value such as 'PC', or 'printer' or 'laptop' where the import sql has a where clause of '... = <<parameter>>...'.

I want however to be able to pass it a value such as ['printer','laptop','pc']so that the procedure will collect the data into the temp table with an ' <<parameter>>'

this falls over and retrieves zero rows. the parameter is passed to the sp correctly as i have used a print command to display it, it comes back as 'pc',printer','laptop'. It appears to be the ' in ' that is not parsing the parameter.

can anyone help please?


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Parameter To Stored Procedure

Sep 3, 1999


I have a problem when i want to construct a stored procedure. I want to pass a parameter with customerid's. The problem is that I don´t know how many customerId's I send to the stored procedure, because the user select the customerId's from a selectbox. The SQL string I want to excute looks like this

SELECT CustomerName FROM Customer WHERE CustomerId IN (199, 301, 408... )

How should I create the stored procedure so I put the customerId values in a parameter, like the procedure below? (I know that this not will work)

CREATE PROCEDURE rpt_PM2000_test(@SCustomerId varChar)
SELECT Customer
FROM Customer
WHERE CustomerId IN (@sCustomerId)


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Stored Procedure Parameter

Apr 22, 2007

In the Create portion of a stored procedure, does the line in bold mean
that if the parameter @RegoDate is not provided, then use the current datetime?

@Owner nvarchar(20),
@RegoDate datetime = getdate
AS ...

Thanks in advance,

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Stored Procedure Parameter

Mar 4, 2004


I have an Access front end/MSDE2000 backend system. There is a form that has a subform which is based on the results of a stored procedure. Both my subform and mainform contain intOrderID ( which is the field i want to link both of them with ).

I would like to have the subform's data updated when changing records in the mainform. In Access, this was simple ( link child and master fields ), but not with MSDE2000 as a back end ( ADO connection thing...)

I think i have to create something to filter the results of the stored procedure, but i dont like the fact the the entire dataset needs to be transmitted over the network ( most of the time, users will only be creating new records, or reviewing recently created ones )

I'm really not sure as to how to accomplish this... Any ideas?


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Parameter For Stored Procedure

Jun 16, 2007

HiI'm trying to alter my stored procedure to take a parameter for theDatabase Name, but as usual the syntax is killing me.Thanks for any helpDennis'--------------------------------------------------------------------------*--------------------------------Before - This Works without a paramater'--------------------------------------------------------------------------*--------------------------------set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_CreateNewClientDb]ASCREATE DATABASE [MyClientDatabase] ON PRIMARY( NAME = N'MyClientDatabase',FILENAME = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDATAMyClientDatabase.mdf' ,SIZE = 11264KB ,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )LOG ON( NAME = N'MyClientDatabase_log',FILENAME = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDATAMyClientDatabase_log.ldf' ,SIZE = 1024KB ,MAXSIZE = 2048GB ,FILEGROWTH = 10%)COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'--------------------------------------------------------------------------*--------------------------------After - This Doesn't work with a parameter'--------------------------------------------------------------------------*--------------------------------set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_CreateNewClientDb]ASCREATE DATABASE @ClientDBName ON PRIMARY( NAME = N@ClientDBName,FILENAME = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDATA@ClientDBName' + '.mdf' ,SIZE = 11264KB ,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )LOG ON( NAME = N'@ClientDBName' + '_log',FILENAME = N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLDATA@ClientDBName' + '_log.ldf' ,SIZE = 1024KB ,MAXSIZE = 2048GB ,FILEGROWTH = 10%)COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASMsg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_CreateNewClientDb, Line 4Incorrect syntax near '@ClientDBName'.

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