Stored Procedure Results Differ In ISQL/W And Crystal Reports

Oct 29, 1998

We're having problems with a number of stored procedures we have written (we're all v. new to SQL Server). The typical scenario is :

sp executes spA,spB and spC
Each uses a cursor, spA,spB and spC out values that sp wants to output with some additional info.

In ISQL/W the output is fine. When the sp is executed from a Crystal Report we always get a single row of data (the 1st). We get the same problem if it is executed from the Access Upsizing Tool's SQL Server Browser utility.

We use SET NOCOUNT ON in sp (not in the others).
If we remove SET NOCOUNT ON we get now rows in Crystal.

I enclose an example (with 3 sub- SPs). Help. Martin

CREATE PROCEDURE coral.qryPayEmp8_newtmp @lQryCompanyNumber int,@dtQryPeriodFromDate datetime,@dtQryPeriodEndDate datetime,@dtQryPayrollYearStartDate datetime,@szQryCompanyTaxReference varchar(30) AS
--variables used for cursors
@lCCUniqueID INT,
@lUniqueID INT,
@lEmployeeNumber INT,
@szEmployeeSurname VARCHAR (20),
@szInitials VARCHAR (4),
@szDeptNo VARCHAR (6),
@dtDateLeft DATETIME,
@EdTotalGrossPayThis FLOAT,
@EdTaxableGrossPayThis FLOAT,
@EdTotalGrossPayPrevious FLOAT,
@EdTaxableGrossPayPrevious FLOAT,
@EdTaxPaidThis FLOAT,
@EdTaxPaidPrevious FLOAT,
@PdTotalGrossPayThis FLOAT,
@PdTaxableGrossPayThis FLOAT,
@PdTaxPaidThis FLOAT,
@szNICategory VARCHAR (1),

--output from qryEmployeesNIbyCat
@SumOfdNIablePay FLOAT,
@SumOfdEmployersNI FLOAT,
@SumOfdEmployeeNI FLOAT,
@SumOfdContractedOutEarnings FLOAT,
@SumOfdEmployeeNIContractedOut FLOAT,

--output from qryEmployeeNICHol
@SumOfdEmployersNICHoliday FLOAT


DECLARE employee_period CURSOR
SELECT tblEmployees.lUniqueID,
tblEmployees.dTaxPaidThis AS EdTaxPaidThis,
FROM tblEmployees
WHERE (tblEmployees.lCompanyNumber = @lQryCompanyNumber)

DECLARE employee_ni_categories SCROLL CURSOR
FROM tblEmployeePeriodDetails
WHERE ((tblEmployeePeriodDetails.lUniqueID = @lUniqueID) AND
(tblemployeePeriodDetails.dtPeriodEndDate >= @dtQryPayrollYearStartDate))

OPEN employee_period

FETCH NEXT FROM employee_period INTO

EXEC qryPayEmp8b @lUniqueID,
@SumOfdEmployersNICHoliday OUTPUT
EXEC qryPayEmp8c @lUniqueID,
@PdTotalGrossPayThis OUTPUT,
@PdTaxableGrossPayThis OUTPUT,
@PdTaxPaidThis OUTPUT,
OPEN employee_ni_categories
FETCH FIRST FROM employee_ni_categories INTO
EXEC qryPayEmp8a @lUniqueID,
@SumOfdNIablePay OUTPUT,
@SumOfdEmployersNI OUTPUT,
@SumOfdEmployeeNI OUTPUT,
@SumOfdContractedOutEarnings OUTPUT,
@SumOfdEmployeeNIContractedOut OUTPUT

SELECT @lUniqueID AS lUniqueID,
@lEmployeeNumber AS lEmployeeNumber,
@szEmployeeSurname AS szSurname,
@szInitials AS szInitials,
@szDeptNo AS szDeptNo,
@dtDateLeft AS dtDateLeft,
@EdTotalGrossPayThis AS EdTotalGrossPayThis,
@EdTaxableGrossPayThis AS EdTaxableGrossPayThis,
@EdTotalGrossPayPrevious AS EdTotalGrossPayPrevious,
@EdTaxableGrossPayPrevious AS EdTaxableGrossPayPrevious,
@EdTaxPaidThis AS EdTaxPaidThis,
@EdTaxPaidPrevious AS EdTaxPaidPrevious,
@EdSMPPaidToDate AS EdSMPPaidToDate,
@EdSSPPaidToDate AS EdSSPPaidToDate,
@SumOfdEmployersNICHoliday AS SumOfdEmployersNICHoliday,
@PdTotalGrossPayThis AS PdTotalGrossPayThis,
@PdTaxableGrossPayThis AS PdTaxableGrossPayThis,
@PdTaxPaidThis AS PdTaxPaidThis,
@PdSMPPaid AS PdSMPPaid,
@PdSSPPaid AS PdSSPPaid,
@szNICategory AS szNICategory,
@SumOfdNIablePay AS SumOfdNIablePay,
@SumOfdEmployersNI AS SumOfdEmployersNI,
@SumOfdEmployeeNI AS SumOfdEmployeeNI,
@SumOfdContractedOutEarnings AS SumOfdContractedOutEarnings,
@SumOfdEmployeeNIContractedOut AS SumOfdEmployeeNIContractedOut

FETCH NEXT FROM employee_ni_categories INTO
SELECT @lUniqueID AS lUniqueID,
@lEmployeeNumber AS lEmployeeNumber,
@szEmployeeSurname AS szSurname,
@szInitials AS szInitials,
@szDeptNo AS szDeptNo,
@dtDateLeft AS dtDateLeft,
@EdTotalGrossPayThis AS EdTotalGrossPayThis,
@EdTaxableGrossPayThis AS EdTaxableGrossPayThis,
@EdTotalGrossPayPrevious AS EdTotalGrossPayPrevious,
@EdTaxableGrossPayPrevious AS EdTaxableGrossPayPrevious,
@EdTaxPaidThis AS EdTaxPaidThis,
@EdTaxPaidPrevious AS EdTaxPaidPrevious,
@EdSMPPaidToDate AS EdSMPPaidToDate,
@EdSSPPaidToDate AS EdSSPPaidToDate,
@SumOfdEmployersNICHoliday AS SumOfdEmployersNICHoliday,
@PdTotalGrossPayThis AS PdTotalGrossPayThis,
@PdTaxableGrossPayThis AS PdTaxableGrossPayThis,
@PdTaxPaidThis AS PdTaxPaidThis,
@PdSMPPaid AS PdSMPPaid,
CLOSE employee_ni_categories
FETCH NEXT FROM employee_period INTO

CLOSE employee_period
DEALLOCATE employee_period

DEALLOCATE employee_ni_categories


CREATE PROCEDURE coral.qryPayEmp8a
@lUniqueID INT = 1,
@szNICategory VARCHAR (1) = 'A',
@dtPayrollYearStartDate DATETIME = '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000',
@SumOfdEmployersNI FLOAT OUTPUT,
@SumOfdContractedOutEarnings FLOAT OUTPUT,
@SumOfdEmployeeNIContractedOut FLOAT OUTPUT
@SumOfdNIablePay = Sum(tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dNIablePay),
@SumOfdEmployersNI = Sum(tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dEmployersNI),
@SumOfdEmployeeNI = Sum(tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dEmployeeNI),
@SumOfdContractedOutEarnings = Sum(tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dContractedOutEarning s),
@SumOfdEmployeeNIContractedOut = Sum(tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dEmployeeNIContracted Out)
FROM tblEmployeePeriodDetails
WHERE ((tblEmployeePeriodDetails.lUniqueID = @lUniqueID) AND
(tblEmployeePeriodDetails.cNICategory = @szNICategory) AND
(tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dtPeriodEndDate >= @dtPayrollYearStartDate))
GROUP BY tblEmployeePeriodDetails.lUniqueID, tblEmployeePeriodDetails.cNICategory



REATE PROCEDURE coral.qryPayEmp8b
@lQryUniqueID INT = 1,
@dtQryPayrollYearStartDate DATETIME = '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000',
@SumOfdEmployersNICHoliday FLOAT OUTPUT
@SumOfdEmployersNICHoliday = Sum(tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dEmployersNIforNICHol iday)
FROM tblEmployeePeriodDetails
WHERE ((tblEmployeePeriodDetails.lUniqueID = @lQryUniqueID) AND
(tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dtPeriodEndDate >= @dtQryPayrollYearStartDate))



CREATE PROCEDURE coral.qryPayEmp8c
@lQryUniqueID INT = 1,
@dtQryPeriodEndDate DATETIME = '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000',
@PdTaxableGrossPayThis FLOAT OUTPUT,
@PdTotalGrossPayThis FLOAT OUTPUT,
SELECT @PdTotalGrossPayThis = tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dTotalGrossPayThis,
@PdTaxableGrossPayThis = tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dTaxableGrossPayThis ,
@PdTaxPaidThis = tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dTaxPaidThis,
@PdSMPPaid = tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dSMPPaid,
@PdSSPPaid = tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dSSPPaid

FROM tblEmployeePeriodDetails
WHERE ((tblEmployeePeriodDetails.lUniqueID = @lQryUniqueID) AND
(tblEmployeePeriodDetails.dtPeriodEndDate = @dtQryPeriodEndDate))


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SQL Stored Procedure And Crystal Reports 8.5

Jan 27, 2005

Hi guys!

I am new in Crystal reports so please help me on this one.

I have to create a report that will bring back the TOP 20 customers per Sales Rep. My SQL stored procedure needs a parameter @SalesRep to execute. My stored procedure links between 2 tables. How do I get this stored procedure executed in Crysal Reports to give me results. The SP works fine.


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Adding Field To Stored Procedure For Crystal Reports

Jul 20, 2005

Hello:I have a stored procedure for generating our invoices in CrystalReports. I have added a new field to the SP, but when I try to add thefield to my Crystal Report invoice, the field isn't available in thelist. However, if I create a new, blank report using the same storedprocedure as the datasource, the field is available. I've seeminglytried every iteration of "Verify Database" to no avail.The obvious answer would be to simply drop the sp from my existingreport and then re-add it. However, if you do this, all your fields onthe report are dropped.Any ideas?Thanks,Scott

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1 To 1, 1 To Many. Create One Stored Procedure For Crystal Reports(CR). For Any CR Users Also.

Jul 12, 2007

Situation: If possible, create one stored procedure for Crystal Reports(CR). For any CR users ou
there, looking for coding suggestion also. Thank you for your assistance.

Currently, CR has a header(Report Header) coming from 1 to 1 tables, there is a parameter
which is passed in, allowing it to retrieve one record for the header(report header or RH).

The CR then has 4 subreports in which each has its own stored procedure. This I believe happens
because the Report Header records relationship to the subreport is 1 to many. The 3 remaining
subreports relationship to the Report Header is also a 1 to many. The main problem is the
subreports is that there may or may not have any records based on this, the subreport is
suppressed within CR and thus there can be alot of unused white space on the 1st page and one
of the subreports prints on a 2nd page when it could have been on the 1st page.


Main Stored Procedure(sp)
RH Tables: aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd are 1 to 1 record tables and have a @xyz parameter.

Results of subreports and their associated procedure are varchar(8000) decriptions. Each line
should be counted in some manner in the stored procedure(sp) and then should be counted in CR
to avoid excess white space. To complicate matters subreport 2 to has font, bold, showbox but
can have different font sizes. These variations could cause different line space requirements.
Any ideas?

Each line should be counted in some manner in the stored procedure and then should be counted
in CR. There is a count of records for each the main stored procedure.

RH has 1 record to many records in subreport 1 with same @xyz parameter.
RH has 1 record to many records in subreport 2 with same @xyz parameter.
RH has 1 record to many records in subreport 3 with same @xyz parameter.
RH has 1 record to many reords in subreport 4 with same @xyz parameter.

Because of the relationships, its seems impossible to create one stored procedure which give
in one select statement with all the 1 to 1, 1 to many relationsips, as stated above. I thought
concatinating i.e. 3 records together and then parsing it out some how in CR, along with
utilizing the i.e. 3 record count to help count lines. Thought of some how creating a temporary
table matrix for 8pt - 28pt for line and spacing considerations.

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Creating Stored Procedure To Use With Crystal Reports - Table Join

Dec 30, 2014

I am a newbie to SQL and I am trying to create a stored procedure to use with Crystal Reports.

I don't understand why I am having trouble joining tables to the Member table. These table joins have worked in the past.

Create Proc rpmb_FamilyPortraitDirectoryP1Test
@ChurchId int,
@StartFamilyName varchar(50),
@EndFamilyName varchar(50),
@MemberTypeId varchar(max) = Null,

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Find List Of Stored Procedure Used By Crystal Reports

Jul 1, 2015

We have more that 500 crystal reports and we would like to find out list of stored procedure used by crystal reports. Can we find out ?

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Comparison Of SQL Server Reporting Services To Access Reports, Crystal Reports, Cognos Or Other Options

Nov 5, 2007

Hello SQL Server Experts, Data Analysts, and Report Writers et al:

re: Reporting Options with SQL Server

I wanted to propose an offshoot to the pryor thread:

Would anyone take a stab at comparing Access Reports, Crystal Reports,
Cognos or other options to all the Reporting Services and its components offered as part ofSQL Server, especially as to extracting data from SQL Server into a report format?

I guess this is a far as capabilites, ease of use, limitations, and especially formatting
or presentation of the end report product?

Thank you to all, and I hope this is a beneficial discussion to others.



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SQL Stored Procedure To Populate Crystal Report

Mar 15, 2004

I'm working on a stored procedure to populate a Crystal report. My company insists that we put the report parameters in the stored procedure instead of in that the SQL server (rather than the desktop)does the work of restricting the data. Is there anything I can do on the SQL side(possibly User Defined Data Type) to get Crystal to prompt me for a date WITHOUT the time? I started with this:

CREATE proc uspReportData @BeginDate datetime, @EndDate datetime

When Crstal prompts me for the parameters, I can type the date or use the calendar to pick a date, but I AM FORCED to enter a time. I know I could choose to ignore the time in the stored procedure, but the users don't want to see the time section of the parameter. Apparently SQL doesn't have a plain "date" parameter without a time.

I've also considered this:

CREATE proc uspReportData @BeginDate char(10), @EndDate char(10)

However if I do it this way, I can't seem to find a way to make sure a valid date is entered when Crystal prompts the user for the dates.

If using char(10) turns out to be the best method, is there a way I can pre-populate the Crystal prompts like this:
@BeginDate = 1st day of the current month
@EndDate = the current system date

Crystal seems to allow hard coded default values, but I can't find a way to do calculated default values.

I'm open to suggestions.

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Calling A Stored Procedure From Crystal Report

Aug 7, 2007

I've tried to find this documented on the Internet and found Crystal Reports User's Guid online documentation (582 pages of it!) It looks like it will be helpful for my other questions, but what I'm trying to do right now is call a stored procedure from my crystal report. So in Field Explorer under Database Fields my stored procedure is there with the three columns it selects. How do I put these three columns on my report? I try dragging them to Section 3 details and they're there but when I preview the report all I get are the headers, not the records. Is there something else I need to do? It requires an input parameter which I am not getting prompted for - maybe that is my problem, without an input parameter it can't successfully run the stored procedure, so how do I make it prompt me?

Thanks for helping me with my first Crystal Report!

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Changing Stored Procedure Freezes Crystal

Aug 18, 2006

After I change a fairly complex stored procedure and I run a reportagainst it, crystal hangs at "assesing database". I have verified thedatabase. When I run a trace on SQL is shows repeated cachemiss overand over. I let it run for 30 minutes and nothing.Anyone?

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CLR Stored Procedure Not Visible In Crystal Report XI

Jun 29, 2007

Hi guys

i am developing a Performance Management System for my organisation and reports are quite complex. so i thought to create a CLR stored procedure and then use this in Crystal Report.

The problem I am facing is that the CLR stored procedures I create using Visual Studio 2005 are not visible from Crystal Reports XI come with Visual Studio 2005. I can create stored procedures using standard transact sql and these are visible, but the CLR stored procedures are not.

I Simply create a CLR store procedure in Visual Basic and debug it. This CLR procedure then appeares under stored procedure node in SQL Server 2005.

I've noticed when I browse the stored procedures in my SQL Management Studio that the image of the stored procedure has a padlock shown in the icon, as if they are locked?

Do I have to explicitly enable a security attribute on CLR stored procedures to make them visible?

any help would be highly appretiated.

best regards


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Converting Crystal Reports To SSRS Reports

Mar 27, 2008

My issue is with converting multi-value parameters:

In Crystal Reports, you can set a parameter to accept multiple vales (Discrete, Range or Discrete and Range).

As an example:

I have a database table with a column called ID.
I can create a parameter called param_id and set the options of the parameter to "Allow multiple range values".

With this setup, I can limit the result set of the report by comparing the param_id parameter to the ID column in the database. Because param_id is a multi-value range parameter, I can pass it the following data:
1 - 50
60 - 80
150 - 127

This will only return results within those ranges.

Does anyone know if SSRS provides this kind of functionality?


Patrick Conway

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Crystal Reports/SQL 7

May 3, 2001

A long shot but someone may have experienced same problem. We are using Crystal Info to run reports against a SQL 7 database. Reports that usually take 1 or 2 minutes to run are taking up to 15 minutes to run. The database is fine ie you run the query through the query analyser and it runs in 1 or 2 minutes. Any ideas... I've spoken to Seagate but not making much progress.
Thanks in advance..

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Crystal Reports

Sep 6, 2000

Can any one tell me where can I find good online help for Crystal Reports for learning?

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Crystal Reports

Apr 19, 2006

I am working on creating Crystal Reports from a SQL database.

In CR you can define a multiple range parameter i.e. 1-10, 100-200, 300-400 and Cr will filer records that satisfy this criteria.

How can I transfer this functionality using a stored procedure?

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Crystal Reports

Mar 6, 2006

I am new to crystal reports.

I need to change the database connection in the reports to different sql server database and use the same report layout.

Any help is appreciated.

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SQL In Crystal Reports

Mar 20, 2007

I'm new to SQL but have quite happily been using Crystal Reports without it until now.

I am creating a letter template and it has the name at the top then the address



There is always an address 1, but maybe not a 3 or a 4, and aparently we dont want any line gaps to show, so I figured i should use an isnull to eliminate the line and to move the other address line up?

Not sure what to put though, any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help :o)

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Sep 27, 2007



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Crystal Reports &&amp; Pdf

May 17, 2007


I have a question. How can i fill a report made in CrystalReports in .net

Thanks in advance

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Crystal Reports

Mar 14, 2008

what are the good resources for crystal reports.
Also is it something which is difficult to work with ? Suggestion, experiences and notes please.

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Connecting With Crystal Reports

Feb 2, 2006

I'm very new to SQL Server, I'm coming from an Oracle background.
I've set up a server with windows authentication but I'm having no luck connectiong to it with Crystal Reports XI.
Can anybody go through the basics with me?

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Sql Server && Crystal Reports

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'm semi-new to crystal reports & sql server and what i want is toextract data from a sql server file. I've been able to connect to sqlserver directly and get the info. i need but is there a way to just openthe data file (in crystal reports) without making a server connection?TIA

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Crystal Reports And Sql Server 2k

Jul 23, 2005

Has anyone had any luck getting Crystal Reports 8.5 to work with theSql Server 2000?I keep getting a "Unable to open Database" error. I've tried openingwith either the .Connect property and the LogOnServer method and getthe same message from either approach.I am using the OCX control.Does this version work with Ms Sql?Any thoughts and suggestions would be most appreciated.Thanks.-Dave

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Numbers And Crystal Reports 9

Jul 23, 2005

I exported a column of type float to SQL Server using DTS. In Crystalreports, it 'sees' the column as a string! Is 'float' the best type touse? Must I create a formula field in CR to 'correct' for this?

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MSSql And Crystal Reports

Jun 27, 2007

I am just exploring options for setting up online databases to permit input by clients and output in the form of Crystal reports. Am I barking up the wrong tree or on the right track?

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Crystal Reports Conversion

Apr 19, 2007


Im new to reporting services but experianced in crystal reports

Im trying to convert some crystal reports into sql 2005 reporting services.

I have this formula in crystal reports which I cannot seem to replicate in Reporting services

if {TABLE1.TYPEID} = 1 then (0 - (

({TABLE3.TOTALVALUE})-{@line total}))
{@Gross Profit} / {TABLE4.EXCHANGERATE} else {@Gross Profit}

I have already created the formulas for @line total and @gross profit

Can any one please put me into the right direction

Thanks for your help

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SSRS Or Crystal Reports

Feb 19, 2008

Hello all ...

I want to know which would be the best for reporting in either of the above two. I am working on with SSRS but don't have any idea about crystal reports. So you all please suggest the best one would be for me espcially for web based reporting.


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SSRS Vs. Crystal Reports

Jul 13, 2007

Hi, all. Does Microsoft provide a document comparing SSRS against Crystal Reports? Thanks.

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Comparison With Crystal Reports

Feb 21, 2007

I showed my boss the functionality of ad hoc reporting in SRSS and he likes it. He asked me if we could completely move away from Crystal Reports (CR) to SRSS.

Does anyone have any issues with SRSS that didnt exist in CR.

One question i have is programmability capabilities. Some time back i had to make a very complex report in CR. I create a table in the dataset. Designed the report to pull data from that table and the table was being populated through some VB.NET code. So the users will open a GUI and hit RUN, which is when i will populate the table and show the report. You can assume that populating the table required complex programming and couldnt have been done through user defined functions in a report.

I dont suppose stuff like this can be done in SRSS?

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Problem In Crystal Reports

Oct 12, 2007


i have a problem in crystal report, i want to dispaly data from MYSql data base to crystal report through my application
I have'nt work on crystall report before this
please help me.....
thanks in advance

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MS Reporting Services And Crystal Reports

Aug 23, 2004

Can anyone tell me if MS Reporting Services can import/read a Crystal Reports file as it can an Access report file?

I've seen a few posts out on other boards that there are some companies charging fees for converting Crystal Reports over to MS Reporting Services.

Is there any easier way? Are there any tools out there that can do it?

Perhaps Microsoft should produce such a tool for converting...

Thanks in advance for any help!!

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Crystal Reports Running Slow ??

Nov 9, 2004


I have been tapped to help with fixing a reporting tool. We have a Sql Server database/crystal reports(10) setup. I havent had the chance to look at the tables in the DB yet, but I was told that aggregate tables were used. In my past experience with crystal reports, we used database views to feed crystal reports (in Oracle). I was thinking that I could somehow use views instead of tables and then try to re-index the base tables and compile satitics (if theres such a thing with Sql Server). I was also going to look into bottlenecking and locking (table locking as opposed to row or page locking for the lookup reduce overhead on the main tables) but, I'm not sure if it'll make a difference since this is just a demo server with no major traffic hitting it yet.

The question is, does anyone have any experience with crystal reports running slow with Sql Server, what should I look out for??


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Urgent: Crystal Reports In .NET 2003

Jan 16, 2004

Hi all,

I have been trying to create an application for Pocket PC. I want to provide some report writer to the database in SQL Server CE. But, whenI select smart device application, the Crystal Report component is not available in the Tool Box. Even when I try to add the component, Crystal Report viewer component is not seen. How can I add Crystal Reports in my application? Can anybody help me?


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