I am trying to put SQL Server Stored Procedures into Sourcesafe as per
the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 818368, but have run into a
The web server is SQL Server 2000 running on Windows 2003 Server. The
client dev environment is Visual Studio 2003 Enterprise Developer
I have carried out the following steps successfully:-
1. Installed Sourcesafe client tools on the Server (sourcesafe is on
another server)
2. Run the MSSQLServer service under a domain account that has Read
and Write access to the Sourcesafe database.
3. Added the above user to Sourcesafe using the Administrator tool.
4. Installed the VS6 Stored Procedure Version Control components on
the Server
5. Enabled Version Control for Stored Procedures on the client
However when I right-click on the Stored Proc node in Server explorer
I do not get any of the Sourcesafe menu options. They are not greyed
out, they are simply not there!
Any help would be appreciated.
Alternatively if anyone has recommendations for other strategies or
other tools to use for this purpose than Sourcesafe then this would
also be welcome
We have a large team working on applications to support our internal sales and our public dotcom site. In the process, as you can imagine, we generate a lot of stored procedures and sql scripts going to our dba's for our staging,qa and production environments- but we don't have a solid way to manage it yet. Some people use Source Safe? Does anyone have any successes in this area or recomendations?Thanks!s!Stephen Rylander
I have a very simple stored procedure that returns a list of employees. The procedure works fine. However, sometimes there is no records returned. In that case, I'd like to like the procedure to return a single record with predetermined values. I've added the YELLOW portion of the code to my existing proc to reflects the logic of what I am trying to accomplish.
@Sel_Country AS BEGIN
SELECT DISTINCT employee, hrid FROM emp_table WHERE country = @Sel_Country
SELECT 'No Country', 4444444444 ELSE
(send original results) END
I need to:
Query for the employee list
If the row count is zero/null then return fixed values
Else return the orginal data from Step 1. I'm guessing I need to use the OUTPUT command and configure some variables. But I'm not having much luck decoding BOL and I've not found any similar submissions to the forum.
Hi all, I have a several stored procedures that they are designed to do Update and Insert tasks and all of them after finishing the task will return the Inserted or Updated row. The problem is sometime I would need to call the stored procedure inside other ones and somehow i need to stop the inner stored procedures from producing resultsets. I don't find any SET options in SQL documentation which could control this behavior and block resultsets from being sent to the client.
Is there any way i could do this?
Exmaple: In following example as a result of dbo.AddressInsert being called within dbo.CustomerInsert, two resultsets are returned to the client!
Procedure dbo.AddressInsert(....) as BEGIN
Insert INTO Adress ....
SELECT * FROM AdressView WHERE AddressID = @@identity END
Procedure dbo.CustomerInsert(...) as begin -- transcation begin...
EXEC dbo.AddressInsert
INSERT INTO Customer....
-- end transcation
SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID = @@identity
I create StringBuilder type forconcating string to create a lot of stored procedure at once However When I use this command BEGIN TRANSACTIONBEGIN TRY--////////////////////// SQL COMMAND ///////////////////////// -------------------- This any command --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --COMMIT TRANEND TRYBEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;END CATCHIF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; on any command If I use Create a lot of Tablessuch as BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY --////////////////////// SQL COMMAND /////////////////////////CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1]( Column1 Int , Column2 varchar(50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table2]( Column1 Int , Column2 varchar(50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table3](
Column1 Int ,
Column2 varchar(50) NULL
) ON [PRIMARY] --/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --COMMIT TRAN END TRY
IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; It correctly works. But if I need create a lot of Stored procedure as the following code : BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY --////////////////////// SQL COMMAND ///////////////////////// CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DeleteItem1] @ProcId Int, @RowVersion Int AS BEGIN DELETE FROM [dbo].[ItemProcurement] WHERE [ProcId] = @ProcId AND [RowVersion] = @RowVersion END CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DeleteItem2]
@ProcId Int
DELETE FROM [dbo].[ItemProcurement]
[ProcId] = @ProcId
END CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DeleteItem3]
@ProcId Int
DELETE FROM [dbo].[ItemProcurement]
[ProcId] = @ProcId
--/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --COMMIT TRAN END TRY
IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION; It occurs Error ????? Please help me How should I solve them ?
Hi, I have an app where I am calling a stored procedure that runs and returns an integer. I would like to assign this integer to a control on the page. Here is a sample of code and below I will give the errors: Protected Sub NewButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewButton.Click Dim tempconnection As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("TestConnectionString").ConnectionString) Dim tempproc As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SP_FetchProviders", tempconnection) Dim tempparam As New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter tempproc.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure tempproc.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Agency_ID", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) tempproc.Parameters("@Agency_ID").Value = "8" 'Using a number just to test, will be populated by a session variable later tempparam = tempproc.CreateParameter() tempparam.ParameterName = "@OutValue" tempparam.Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.ReturnValue tempparam.SqlDbType = Data.SqlDbType.Int tempconnection.Open() tempproc.ExecuteNonQuery() Dim labelfill As String labelfill = tempproc.Parameters("@OutValue").Value tempconnection.Close() CType(Me.DetailsView1.FindControl("OmbudINSDDL"), DropDownList).Items.Add(labelfill) 'This is inside of a detailsview templatefield End Sub Here is the stored procedure set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER procedure [dbo].[SP_FetchProviders] @Agency_ID intas Select Name, ProviderSubUnit_ID From ProviderSubunit a join Ombudsman b on a.contractproviders_id=b.contractproviders_id Where b.agency_id = @Agency_ID Order by Name This takes the @Agency_ID as input variable, and has returns an integer (according to SQL management studio). When I try to run my code I get the error that an sqlparameter with parametername @OutValue is not contained by this sqlparametercollection. This may be a simple question, but does the outvalue have to be declared in the stored procedure? If so, can you provide the right syntax? If not, can you offer a suggestion to populate the dropdownlist with the returned value? Thanks in advance.
Hi, I've a ListBox Web Server Control where I select a list of citiesnow I would like to create a stored procedure with the selected values... please note that I use metods like these for execute my Stored procedure public DataSet Getgfdfgh(SqlConnection connection, String IDAttivitaTipo, DateTime DataInizio, DateTime DataFine) { ConnectionState currState = connection.State; if (((connection.State & ConnectionState.Open) != ConnectionState.Open)) connection.Open(); try { SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[3]; parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@IDAttivitaTipo", IDAttivitaTipo); parameters[1] = new SqlParameter("@DataInizio", DataInizio); parameters[2] = new SqlParameter("@DataFine", DataFine); SqlCommand cmd = CreateStoreProcedureCommand("Getfhdfh", connection, parameters); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(ds); return ds; } finally { if ((currState == ConnectionState.Closed)) connection.Close(); } } How Can I manage a list of values ??Thanks for help me!!
Wanted to know which among these options is better and why? Or if theircould be scenarios where we could opt for one of these.a) flags passed from code to control the execution of queries within astored procedure i.e. - where queries within a single stored procedureare controlled by flags passed to them.ORb) Break individual queries into separate stored procedure
I have defined a stored procedure with one parameter. With this parameter I'm able to controll which year of the sales amount data should be selected. This works fine.
Now I want to implement this stored procedure as the source of the partitions. But if I do this I get an error. The syntax-check says, that everything is fine. But if I want to calculate the partition with this command: "exec dst.fact_umsatz_year 0" get the following error (in German):
OLE DB-Fehler: OLE DB- oder ODBC-Fehler : Falsche Syntax in der Nähe von ')'.; 42000; Falsche Syntax in der Nähe des exec-Schlüsselworts.; 42000. Fehler im OLAP-Speichermodul: Fehler beim Verarbeiten der FACT Umsatz Pivot View-Partition der Anzahl Kunden-Measuregruppe für den Vertrieb-Cube aus der OLAP AS-Datenbank.
Hi every experts I have a exist Stored Procedure in SQL 2005 Server, the stored procedure contain few output parameter, I have no problem to get result from output parameter to display using label control by using SqlCommand in Visual Studio 2003. Now new in Visual Studio 2005, I can't use sqlcommand wizard anymore, therefore I try to use the new sqldatasource control. When I Configure Datasource in Sqldatasource wizard, I assign select field using exist stored procedure, the wizard control return all parameter in the list with auto assign the direction type(input/ouput....), after that, whatever I try, I click on Test Query Button at last part, I always get error message The Query did not return any data table. My Question is How can I setup sqldatasource to access Stored Procedure which contain output parameter, and after that How can I assign the output parameter value to bind to the label control's Text field to show on web? Thanks anyone, who can give me any advice. Satoshi
Hi, I'm reasonably new to ASP.NET 2.0 I'm in my wizard_FinishButtonClick event, and from here, I want to take data from the form and some session variables and put it into my database via a stored procedure. I also want the stored procedure to return an output value. I do not need to perform a select or a delete. For the life of me, I can't find a single example online or in my reference books that tells me how to accomplish this task using a SqlDataSource control. I can find lots of examples on sqldatasources that have a select statements (I don't need one) and use insert and update sql statements instead of stored procedures (I use stored procedures). I desperately need the syntax to: a) create the SqlDataSource with the appropriate syntax for calling a stored procedure to update and/or insert (again, this design side of VS2005 won't let me configure this datasource without including a select statement...which I don't need). b) syntax on how to create the parameters that will be sent to the stored procedure for this sqldatasource (including output parameters). c) syntax on how to set the values for these parameters (again...coming from form controls and session variables) d) syntax on how to execute, in the code-behind, the stored procedure via the sqldatasource. If anybody has sample code or a link or two, I would be most appreciative. Thank you in advance for any help!
I need to create users in my database from an Excel file source. I have an Excel source with user name and email.
I would like to use SSIS to go though the Excel file and execute a store procedure (create_user @name @email @password OUTPUT) for each row and then create an output file with the new created password (a random password is created for each user and the stored procedure has an output @password)
I tried to "plug" an "Excel source" to an "Execute SQL task" which execute my store procedure. But as a SSIS beginner I don't really understand how to pass the parameters (name and email in the Excel file) to my stored procedure. There is the concept of variable a for each loop thing... but i dont really know how to start.
I would be greatfull if someone could tell me a solution to my problem.
at first... Yes, I have seen this post http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=366077&SiteID=1 and yes, my Stored Procedure contains a "Set nocount on"... :-)
My Stored Procedure contains variable SQL-Code to check a table (given by parameter) against some masterdata tables and I would like to write the result of the check to a flatfile to be able to send it via mail.
but evoking the Stored procedure brings up no meta data for the Flatfile Destination - the preview works...
any other hints? except for doing the ckeck completely in SSIS? :-P
I am trying to use a stored procedure in the OLE DB source, I am using the SQL Command for the Data Access mode. It returns values when using the preview but when I test the package I receive the error, "A rowset based on the SQL command was not returned by the OLE DB provider."
Is it possible to use a stored procedure in a Data Source View? When I use the wizard to create the Datasource View, all it lets me choose is tables and views in the database. Am I missing something, or trying to do something that is impossible?
(I have searched this forum extensively, but still can't find the solution to this problem)
Here it is:
I have step in my ETL process that gets facts from another database. Here is how I set it up:
1) I have to package variables called User::startDate and User::endDate of data type datetime
2) Two separate Execute SQL Tasks populate those variables with appropriate dates (this works fine)
3) Then I have a Data Flow Task with OLE DB source that uses a call to a sproc of the form "exec ETL_GetMyData @startDate = ?, @endDate = ?" with parameters mapped accordingly (0 -> User::startDate, 1 -> User::endDate)
When I run this I get an error 0xC0207014: "The SQL command requires a parameter named "@startDate", which is not found in the parameter mapping."
It is true that the sproc in fact requires @startDate and @endDate parameters, so next thing I tried to do is call the sproc the following way: "exec ETL_GetMyData @startDate = ?, @endDate = ?"
To no avail. It gives me the same error. Incidentally, when I hard code both dates like "exec ETL_GetMyData '2006-04-01', '2006-04-02'" everything works well.
Also, I want to mention that in the first two cases, I get an error right in the editor. When I try to parse the statement it gives me "Invalid parameter number" message.
This has been such a pain in my neck. I've waisted the whole day trying to monkey with the various parts of package/statements to get this to work and it still doesn't. I dont' want to say anything about Integration Services design right now, but you probably know what I'm thinking...
This seems to be much more difficult than it was in DTS (or perhaps I just need to adjust to the new way of doing things).
Eventually I found that I needed to use "SQL command from variable" and using two other variables as input parameters. The expresion for the command is
This previews correctly and the resulting columns are available for mapping to a destination. So far so good.
By the way, is this the best way to call a stored procedure with parameters?
I have pasted the stored procedure at the end of this posting because I have come accross a puzzling problem. The query as shown below works correctlly but if I un-comment the delete statement, the preview still works and the columns are still avilable for mapping but I get the following errors when the package is executed.
Error: 0xC02092B4 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source [1]: A rowset based on the SQL command was not returned by the OLE DB provider.
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC02092B4.
I realise that I could execute the delete query in a separate SSIS package step but I am curious as to why there is a problem with the way I tried to do it.
At one stage the stored procedure used a temp table and later I also experimented with a table variable. In both cases I got similar errors at execution time. In the case of the temp table there was another problem in that, while the preview worked, there were no columns available for mapping. Using a table variable seemed to overcome this problem but I still got the run time error. eventually I found a way to avoid using either a temp table or a table variable and the package then worked correctly, copying the data into the desitnation table.
It seems to me that if there is any complexity at all to the stored procedure, these errors seem to occur. Can anyone enlighten me as to what the "rules of engagement" are in this regard? Is one solution to use a wrapper stored procedure that simply calls the more complex one?
ALTER procedure [dbo].[usp_ValveStatusForDay]
@dateTime DateTime,
@reportName VarChar(100)
DECLARE @day VarChar(10)
DECLARE @month VarChar(10)
DECLARE @year VarChar(10)
DECLARE @start VarChar(25)
DECLARE @end VarChar(25)
SET @day = Convert(Varchar(10),DatePart(day, @dateTime))
SET @month = Convert(VarChar(10), DatePart(month, @dateTime))
SET @year = Convert(VarChar(10), DatePart(year, @dateTime))
The goal is to address visual source safe database on the network. We have the srcsafe.ini in the network as \ipaddrsrcsafe.ini. Now I create a new VSSDatabase object and call its OpenDb. Well for simple consle app or winform it is ok. But I was running it under Sql server Stored Procedure. It failed for I cannot access the source safe path throgh the COM object.
I know it is because of Windows identity. So I add the following code before I want to open the database, changing the to the WindowsIdentity: WindowsIdentity impersonId = SqlContext.WindowsIdentity; WindowsImpersonationContext orgCtx = null; try { orgCtx = impersonId.Impersonate(); VSS_Database = new MVSI.VSSDatabase(); // VSS_Database.ImpersonateCaller = true; VSS_Database.Open(Path, UserName, PassWord); } catch (Exception err) {
Without the commented line "// VSS_Database.ImpersonateCaller = true", this does not work at all. It just behave like no changes to the windows identity. However if I add this code, well, OpenDb will result in a No-response query. The Sql server is running the query with no responses. Have you ever met that before? I am really frustrated. Thanks
I have a package that hangs in the designer after I change the sql statement in a DataReader Source from a 'select' to a 'call stored procedure'. The stored procedure takes 2 date parameters. I use an expression to build the 'call stored proc' statement and the 2 date strings. The data reader source uses an ADO.Net connection manager. The ADO.Net connection manager uses the provider for MySQL (Connector/.Net 5.1) which I installed from MySQL.com (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/net/5.1.html). Before creating the stored procedure I had been using an expression to build a 'select' statement with two date variables as follows:
The sql for the data reader source is set via the sql command property of the data flow component.
After testing the sql, I created a stored proc from this sql and then changed the expression (using the sql command property of the the data flow component) to build the 'call stored proc' statement, like this.
then when I tried to switch to the data flow tab, the editor froze, with the status bar saying "validating datareader source". The data flow tab says "Loading...". I don't know how to troubleshoot this. Each time I have tried I have had to kill the application. Any ideas/suggestions?
I have created a stored procedure on the iSeries that creates a cursor and opens it. I am trying to write my report to use the stored procedure. I cannot get the data source to work. How do I create my data source so that it uses the stored procedure? My SP has three parameters I am trying to pass from the report. The parms are created in the layout.
hi gurus, I am working on creating a new project in asp.net and was having problem in locating the sqldatasource and gridview control objects in the data toolbox. Can anybody help me in adding these controls to the toolbox? OS=Windows XP Server =Sql Server 2005 Visual studio 2003
I noticed the other day the option to use source control in SQL Server management studio. My question is how do I add sln to existing databases in order to add them to source control??
I'm in need of a source control system that integrates with the Management Studio so that every time i want to modify a table, view, procedure etc I have to check it out from the object explorer and then check it back in again. I have used Visual Source Safe before but never with a database...is it fully integrated with SSMS? What can I do to make this work as smoothly as possible?
Is there any other IDE that handles this better than SSMS?
-- Lumbago "Real programmers don't document, if it was hard to write it should be hard to understand"
Why can't another developer check out SSIS packages from source control in TFS. I have given the developer all the permissions out there. I was the one who had created an SSIS solution/project local on my machine and then added to source control in TFS under the teamproject. The developer can do everything except in the source control explorer, everything is grayed out. I know you can set up permissions in source control explorer, and I have done that. but still no luck. Can it be related to workspace. When I open the Souce control explorer, in the workspace, I see the name of my local machine. should it be different. or is something else an issue.
I was having one package which uses a source query in OLEDB Source Control and fetches the record and a couple of lookups and then an oledb command to insert/update the records in the table using as SP. I changed the source query(Infact the package) and removed in lookup and a different SP was called similar to the old one. But my problem is the package which was before taking only minutes to update 50,000 records is now taking more than 2 hrs. The problem is the number of records it is fetching from the source each time is very less.. its fetching hardly 500 records a time compared to nearly 2500 records before. Where am i going wrong? Any suggestion greatly appreciated.
</asp:sqldatasource> I abouve code txtFromDate and txtToDate are marked as readonly so sqldatasource is not able to get value from these controls. How is it possible? Please help me..
Hi guys'n'girls... I currently work for a company where we develop several large ASP.NET applications which are VERY data centric. But lately we have run into a problem on our developer DB... On the project I am working on we currenctly have approx. 10 developers working concurrently on the database. That means that we often run into errors caused by two developers working on the same stored procedure, function or trigger so the developer who adds his changes last, overwrites the modifications done by the other developer. The obvious answer is source control for the db, but as far as I can tell this is only available for stored procedures and not for functions or triggers... And even the stored procedure solution isn't very safe because it only works if every developer is editing the procedures through VS. So what do we do? There must be some solution to this problem... And I'm pretty convinced that we are not the first company to face this problem. Are we doing it the wrong way or do you know another solution? Thanks in advance!
Hi, We use a lot of stored procedures within our project and I am looking for a source code/versioning control software that can be used with SQL Server 7.0 to track any changes to these stored procedures. Does anyone have any suggestions?