Stored Procedure Not Updating Database (no Errors Appearing)
Dec 1, 2003
Hi All,
I have a stored procedure (works form the SQL side). It is supposed to update a table, however it is not working, please help. What is supposed to happen is I have a delete statement deleting a payment from the payment table. When the delete button is pushed a trigger deletes the payment from the payment table and transfers it to the PaymentDeleted table. The stored procedure is supposed to update the PaymentDeleted table with the empID and reason for deleting, the delete and transfer work fine, however these 2 fields are not updated. Below is the sp and below that is the vb code. Thanks, Karen
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.PaymentDeletedInfoTrail (@EmpID_WhoDeleted varchar(10), @Reason_Deleted varchar(255), @PmtDeletedID int)
UPDATE dbo.PaymentDeleted
SET EmpID_WhoDeleted = @EmpID_WhoDeleted
WHERE PmtDeletedID = @PmtDeletedID
UPDATE dbo.PaymentDeleted
SET Reason_Deleted = @Reason_Deleted
WHERE PmtDeletedID = @PmtDeletedID
Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSubmit.Click
If Me.IsValid Then
Dim DR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim strPmtID As String
strPmtID = lblPmtIDDel.Text
Dim MySQL As String
MySQL = "DELETE From Payment WHERE PmtID = '" & strPmtID & "'"
Dim MyCmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(MySQL, SqlConnection1)
DR = MyCmd.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Dim strDeletePmt As String
strDeletePmt = lblPmtIDDel.Text
Dim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("PaymentDeletedInfoTrail", SqlConnection1)
I have created an SQL Server instance in SQL Server Management Studio. I have a few databases, and stored procedures in them. When I right click on the stored procedure, I have the menu for "New Stored Procedure, Modify, Script Procedure as, and so on". But, I could not see the "Execute Stored Procedure" item.
Could any one help to find out what could be the problem and solve it?
I have 4 sets of select queries under 1 stored proc, now on the report calling the stored proc via dataset. when i run the dataset the only first set of the select query related fields appearing under the dataset.
But on the back end sql server, if i execute the same stored proc, i get 4 resultsets in one single executioln.
i am not seeing the remaingin 3 resultsets, on the reports dataset.
Is it possible on the reports or not.
In the project i was able to use that kind of stored procedures whcih has multiple select statements in 1 procedure., i use to refer 0,1,2,3 tables under a dataset.
I am using execute sql task to run a stored procedure in oracle database which returns a resultset. This works. Now I need to send the ouput to a destination table in a sql database. Should I use for each loop to pick the resultset and insert it into the destination one by one (which I dont think is a great idea) or is there a better way to accomplish this task (in data flow task) ?
When I use dataflow task instead of execute sql task, the main issue is I am not able to see the output columns when I execute an oracle stored procedure, but when I see the preview I can see the resultset . But I can see the output columns for a sql server stored procedure.
I executed them and got the following results in SSMSE: TopSixAnalytes Unit AnalyteName 1 222.10 ug/Kg Acetone 2 220.30 ug/Kg Acetone 3 211.90 ug/Kg Acetone 4 140.30 ug/L Acetone 5 120.70 ug/L Acetone 6 90.70 ug/L Acetone ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Now, I try to use this Stored Procedure in my ADO.NET-VB 2005 Express programming: //////////////////--spTopSixAnalytes.vb--///////////
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security = SSPI; Initial Catalog = ssmsExpressDB;")
Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdaptor("[spTopSixAnalytes]", sqlConnection)
'Pass the name of the DataSet through the overloaded contructor
'of the DataSet class.
Dim dataSet As DataSet ("ssmsExpressDB")
End Sub
End Class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
I executed the above code and I got the following 4 errors: Error #1: Type 'SqlConnection' is not defined (in Form1.vb) Error #2: Type 'SqlDataAdapter' is not defined (in Form1.vb) Error #3: Array bounds cannot appear in type specifiers (in Form1.vb) Error #4: 'DataSet' is not a type and cannot be used as an expression (in Form1)
Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance, Scott Chang
More Information for you to know: I have the "ssmsExpressDB" database in the Database Expolorer of VB 2005 Express. But I do not know how to get the SqlConnection and the SqlDataAdapter into the Form1. I do not know how to get the Fill Method implemented properly. I try to learn "Working with SELECT Statement in a Stored Procedure" for printing the 6 rows that are selected - they are not parameterized.
I have a batch input system consisting of two tables which I've simplified below.
(Batch Table)BatchID IntBatchTotal Decimal(18.2) (BatchTran Table)BatchTranID IntBatchTranHeaderID Int This links to BatchID BatchTranValue Decimal(18.2)BatchTranAccountNo Int
When the batch is complete I want to move the details from the Batch files and transfer them to the relevant Accounts files.
I want to be able to run a stored procedure which selects all Batches and Transactions with a reference passed to the stored procedure (@BatchID) and create the entries in the AccountTran Table INSERT INTO AccountTran(AccountTranBatchID, AccountTranBatchRef, AccountTranAmount) SELECT BatchTranId, BatchTranHeaderID, BatchTranValue FROM BatchTran WHERE BatchTranHeaderID=@BatchID No problems so far, the details are created perfectly.
What I want to do next is to take the values in BatchTranValue (which have been passed into AccountTranAmount) and add it to AccountTotal field My question is can this be completed in one stored procedure if so can you guide me as to how I achieve this?
Using VS.Net 2003 and C# Why won't this update the table? public bool changeVisibility( string Id, bool visibility ) { using( SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( @SQLHelper.CONN_STRING ) ) { using( SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand( "changeVisibility", conn ) ) { command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.Add( "@Id", Id ); command.Parameters.Add( "@visibility", visibility ); <snip> And then the stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.changeVisibility @Id VARCHAR(20), @visibility BIT ASBEGIN BEGIN TRAN UPDATE courseStructure SET visible = @visibility WHERE Id = @Id COMMIT TRAN ENDGO The @visibility seems to be the problem. I set it in the code as boolean. And it goes into the sp as a BIT. This should work but doesn't. If I change the SET visible = 0 it works ok, but not with @visibility. Thanks, Zath
Hi everyone: I need to use the "SET ROWCOUNT" statement to limit the amount of data returned to the application in a query, I know that if "SET ROWCOUNT = 0" is not specified at the end of this stored proc all the next queries will return only the amount of records specified in the initial "SET ROWCOUNT" call, so I would like to know if a I can have something like the TRY-CATCH-FINALLY statement (in SQL-92 for SQL Server 2000, not in SQL 2005) to make sure the "SET ROWCOUNT = 0" is sent at the end even if an error is raised. Can it be done? Thanks for any help.
Is there any way to prevent unimportant errors in a stored procedure from causing exceptions in my C# code? This is preventing the SqlAdapter from filling the query results into my DataSet.
The Setup:
I have a Stored Procedure in Sql Server 2000 which has a text parameter called @Xml. I send in an Xml document to process. This document contains several "records" to process. The format of the xml really isn't important.
I create a temporary table called #Results to hold the results of processing each record in the xml.
To process the xml I have a Cursor which loops over a SELECT from the xml.
For each record, the sproc attempts to make a series of INSERTs and UPDATEs inside of a transaction. Any one of these commands may fail because of constraint violations or attempts to insert NULL into non-null columns, or such. After each command I check @@ERROR. If it is not zero, I stop processing the record and rollback the transaction. The cursor loops around and tries the next record. Each time the success or failure of the transaction is recorded into the #Results table.
When the cursor is done looping I 'SELECT * FROM #Results'.
I've tested this many times in the Query Analyzer and each time, regardless of any errors, I can see the result set from the SELECT of the #Results table in the Grids tab. The Messages tab shows each of the errors that occurred.
I try to call this stored procedure using the following code:
The value of c will always be zero, if there were any errors during the execution of the stored procedure. The DataSet does not get filled, even though the stored procedure is returning a result set. This is a problem for me because I expect errors to occur, and I need to know which records from the Xml caused those errors.
Is there any way to clear the errors in my stored procedure so that they don't turn into exceptions in my code? Or, is there anyway to get the Adapter to fill the DataSet regardless of any errors that were encountered?
I've also tried this with a SqlDataReader. The reader never gets assigned to because SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() throws an exception.
Hi there,I am converting a large PL/SQL project into Transact-SQL and have hitan issue as follows:I have a PL/SQL procedure that converts a string to a date. Theprocedure does not know the format of the date in the string so ittries loads of formats in converting the string to a date until itsucceeds.After trying each potential format it uses the Oracle 'EXCEPTION WHENOTHERS' construct to trap the failure so it can try another format.Is it possible to do this with SQLServer ? If I do a CONVERT and it isnot one of the standard formats it fails. This is part of a backgroundscheduled process and I cannot afford the procedure to bomb out.I suspect the answer is I cannot do this and will need to impose somecontrol over the string being received (from various externalsystems!!) to ensure it is a specific known format. Even if I know itwill be one of the known SQLServer formats this will not be enoughsince if the first one I try is not correct the process will crash.Any ideas ?Thanks
create proc dbo.sp_GetInvitationsHistoryDetails(@ExecID int, @OrgID int) as IF (@OrgID = 0) BEGIN select E.EventID,E.Description as Event,E.EventDate as Date I.Attending as [Att'g],NotAttending as [Not att'g],I.Bootcamp as [Maybe] I.Attended FROM Invitations I INNER JOIN Events E on I.EventID=E.EventID WHERE I.MemberID=@ExecID and NotForStats=0 ORDER BY E.EventDate DESC END ELSE BEGIN select E.EventID,E.Description as Event,E.EventDate as Date count(*) as Invited,SUM(CONVERT(smallint,I.Attended)) AS Attended FROM Invitations I INNER JOIN Events E on I.EventID=E.EventID WHERE I.MemberID IN (select ID FROM Executives WHERE OrganisationID=OrgID GROUP BY E.EventID,E.Description,E.EventDate ORDER BY E.EventDate DESC END
and i'm getting the following syntax errors when i check it -
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_GetInvitationsHistoryDetails, Line 10
Incorrect syntax near 'I'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_GetInvitationsHistoryDetails, Line 19
Incorrect syntax near 'count'.
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_GetInvitationsHistoryDetails, Line 23
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'.
Originally i just ran this sql from C# and it worked, obviously added the @ to the variables but it's basically the same.
Hi i have a page in which a user fills out info on a page, the problem i am getting is that when the save button is clicked all text box values apart from one are saving to the database this field is the "constructor_ID" field. The save button performs a stored procedure, however there is a view which is doing something as well, would it be possible to write a stored procedure which would update the view at the same time? CREATE PROCEDURE sp_SurveyMainDetails_Update @Constructor_ID int,@SurveyorName_ID int,@Survey_Date char(10),@Survey_Time char (10),@AbortiveCall bit,@Notes text,@Survey_ID int,@User_ID int,@Tstamp timestamp out AS
DECLARE @CHANGED_Tstamp timestampDECLARE @ActionDone char(6)SET @ActionDone = 'Insert' SET @CHANGED_Tstamp = (SELECT Tstamp FROM tblSurvey WHERE Survey_ID = @Survey_ID)IF @Tstamp <> @CHANGED_Tstamp --AND @@ROWCOUNT =0 BEGIN SET @Tstamp = @CHANGED_Tstamp RAISERROR('This survey has already been updated since you opened this record',16,1) RETURN 14 ENDELSE BEGIN SELECT * FROM tblSurvey WHERE Constructor_ID = @Constructor_ID AND --Contractor_ID = @Contractor_ID AND Survey_DateTime = Convert(DateTime,@Survey_Date + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(@Survey_Time)), 103) AND IsAbortiveCall = @AbortiveCall IF @@ROWCOUNT>0 SET @ActionDone = 'Update' UPDATE tblSurvey SET Constructor_ID = @Constructor_ID , SurveyorName_ID = @SurveyorName_ID , Survey_DateTime = Convert(DateTime,@Survey_Date + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(@Survey_Time)), 103) , IsAbortiveCall = @AbortiveCall , Note = @Notes WHERE Survey_ID = @Survey_ID AND Tstamp = @Tstamp IF @@error = 0 begin exec dhoc_ChangeLog_Insert 'tblSurvey', @Survey_ID, @User_ID, @ActionDone, 'Main Details', @Survey_ID end else BEGIN RAISERROR ('The request has not been proessed, it might have been modifieid since you last opened it, please try again',16,1) RETURN 10 END SELECT * FROM tblSurvey WHERE Survey_ID=@Survey_ID END --Make sure this has saved, if not return 10 as this is unexpected error --SELECT * FROM tblSurvey DECLARE @RETURN_VALUE tinyintIF @@error <>0 RETURN @@errorGO This is the view; CREATE VIEW dbo.vw_Property_FetchASSELECT dbo.tblPropertyPeriod.Property_Period, dbo.tblPropertyType.Property_Type, dbo.tblPropertyYear.Property_Year, dbo.tblProperty.Add1, dbo.tblProperty.Add2, dbo.tblProperty.Add3, dbo.tblProperty.Town, dbo.tblProperty.PostCode, dbo.tblProperty.Block_Code, dbo.tblProperty.Estate_Code, dbo.tblProperty.UPRN, dbo.tblProperty.Tstamp, dbo.tblProperty.Property_ID, dbo.tblProperty.PropertyStatus_ID, dbo.tblProperty.PropertyType_ID, dbo.tblProperty.Correspondence_Add4, dbo.tblProperty.Correspondence_Add3, dbo.tblProperty.Correspondence_Add2, dbo.tblProperty.Correspondence_Add1, dbo.tblProperty.Correspondence_Phone, dbo.tblProperty.Correspondence_Name, dbo.tblPropertyStatus.Property_Status, dbo.tblProperty.Floor_Num, dbo.tblProperty.Num_Beds, dbo.vw_LastSurveyDate.Last_Survey_Date, dbo.tblProperty_Year_Period.Constructor_ID, dbo.tblProperty_Year_Period.PropertyPeriod_ID, dbo.tblProperty_Year_Period.PropertyYear_ID, LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(dbo.tblProperty.Add1, ''))) + ', ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(dbo.tblProperty.Add2, ''))) + ', ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(dbo.tblProperty.Add3, ''))) + ', ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(ISNULL(dbo.tblProperty.PostCode, ''))) AS Address, dbo.tblProperty.TenureFROM dbo.tblPropertyType RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblProperty LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblProperty_Year_Period ON dbo.tblProperty.Property_ID = dbo.tblProperty_Year_Period.Property_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.vw_LastSurveyDate ON dbo.tblProperty.Property_ID = dbo.vw_LastSurveyDate.Property_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblPropertyStatus ON dbo.tblProperty.Status_ID = dbo.tblPropertyStatus.PropertyStatus_ID ON dbo.tblPropertyType.PropertyType_ID = dbo.tblProperty.PropertyType_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblPropertyPeriod ON dbo.tblProperty.PropertyPeriod_ID = dbo.tblPropertyPeriod.PropertyPeriod_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblPropertyYear ON dbo.tblProperty.PropertyYear_ID = dbo.tblPropertyYear.PropertyYear_ID
Hello,I'm working on a grant management database for a project in my databases class and I'm having some issues updating grants into the database.Here is my situation:How this page works is, it gets a query string from a search_grant.aspx page. In this query string, it gets the grant ID of the grant the user wants to edit. If the grant id is a valid grant, it then, upon page_load in C#:1.) Creates an Sql connection set to a viewGrant stored procedure,2.) Adds in all the necessary parameters as output variables3.) Sets private members declared inside of the partial class to those values it gets from the stored procedure4.) Sets textbox controls on the page to those values5.) Displays the page with all the populated data from the stored procedureThat part works fine. I was having an issue where clicking the update button would not grab the new values that the user input into the textboxes. I later realized that the Page_Load code was being re-executed BEFORE the button was being clicked (kind of dumb but...whatever). To fix it, I placed all of the code to do the above statements inside of a: if (!Page.IsPostBack){ // Do code here}That works fine. The problem, however, is that it's STILL not updating. The stored procedure works just fine inside of the management studio, but not in the ASP Page. The code is similar to that of my new_grant.aspx page, which creates a grant into the database. Why that works and this doesn't, I don't know. Even when I hard code the values into the parameters in C#, it's not updating the data! There are no errors that are being returned, so this has really boggled my mind.Any help is greatly appreciated! Here is some sample code of what I'm doing:protected void Update_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ // Create SQL connection to update Grant string ConnectionString = "connection string which works fine"; SqlConnection sqlConnection2 = new SqlConnection(); try { sqlConnection2.ConnectionString = ConnectionString; sqlConnection2.Open(); } catch (Exception Ex) { if (sqlConnection2 != null) { sqlConnection2.Dispose(); } SQLErrorLabel.Text = Ex.Message; SQLErrorLabel.Visible = true; return; } // ------------------ Update values into database ------------------- // Create the statement to use on the database SqlCommand editGrant = new SqlCommand("editGrant", sqlConnection2); editGrant.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; editGrant.Connection = sqlConnection2; // Set our values for each variable GrantName = GrantName_input.Text; ProjectDescription = ProjDesBox.Text; ReportingYear = Int32.Parse(ReportYearBox.SelectedItem.ToString()); ActivityStarted = Activity_Date.Text; DateSubmitted = Date_Submitted.Text; Audit = chkAudit.Checked; TypeID = Type_ID_input.SelectedValue; FunderID = Funder_List.SelectedValue; StatusID = Status_ID_input.SelectedValue; AcademicDepartmentID = AcademicID_List.SelectedValue; PIID = PI_List.SelectedValue; ContractNumber = txtContractNum.Text; ESUAccountNumber = txtESUAccountNum.Text; AmountAwarded = txtAmount.Text; AwardDate = Award_Date.Text; DateContractSigned = txtDateSigned.Text; ReportingNotes = ReportingNotesbox.Text; NotesNotes = GrantNotesbox.Text; string ReportingTimestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string ReportingWho = Membership.GetUser().ToString(); string NotesTimestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string NotesWho = Membership.GetUser().ToString(); #region insertParams // Add our parameters that SQL will be using editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GrantID", GID); editGrant.Parameters["@GrantID"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GrantName", GrantName); editGrant.Parameters["@GrantName"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProjectDescription", ProjectDescription); editGrant.Parameters["@ProjectDescription"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportingYear", ReportingYear); editGrant.Parameters["@ReportingYear"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ActivityStarted", ActivityStarted); editGrant.Parameters["@ActivityStarted"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateSubmitted", DateSubmitted); editGrant.Parameters["@DateSubmitted"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Audit", Audit); editGrant.Parameters["@Audit"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TypeID", TypeID); editGrant.Parameters["@TypeID"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StatusID", StatusID); editGrant.Parameters["@StatusID"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FunderID", FunderID); editGrant.Parameters["@FunderID"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AcademicDepartmentID", AcademicDepartmentID); editGrant.Parameters["@AcademicDepartmentID"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PIID", PIID); editGrant.Parameters["@PIID"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContractNumber", ContractNumber); editGrant.Parameters["@ContractNumber"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ESUAccountNumber", ESUAccountNumber); editGrant.Parameters["@ESUAccountNumber"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AmountAwarded", AmountAwarded); editGrant.Parameters["@AmountAwarded"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@AwardDate", AwardDate); editGrant.Parameters["@AwardDate"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateContractSigned", DateContractSigned); editGrant.Parameters["@DateContractSigned"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportingNotes", ReportingNotes); editGrant.Parameters["@ReportingNotes"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportingTimestamp", ReportingTimestamp); editGrant.Parameters["@ReportingTimestamp"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportingWho", ReportingWho); editGrant.Parameters["@ReportingWho"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NotesNotes", NotesNotes); editGrant.Parameters["@NotesNotes"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NotesTimestamp", NotesTimestamp); editGrant.Parameters["@NotesTimestamp"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; editGrant.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NotesWho", NotesWho); editGrant.Parameters["@NotesWho"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; #endregion // Execute the UPDATE statement to Grant editGrant.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection2.Close(); sqlConnection2.Dispose(); Response.Redirect("editedGrant.aspx?id=" + GrantIDBox.Text);}EDIT: Problem Solved! Problem was the that the GrantID wasn't being properly set.
I have a table Patient_Registration with columns Patient_ID,Registration_Date,RENEWAL_DATE_D
After billing This table will get updated every time , when there is any new patient registered or any old patient got renewed there account.
For New patient registration the service code is 1. and for renewed patient the service code is 293.
Hello,I have a CLR stored procedure which send some values to an external URL by using the webclient, but for some reason I am getting this error.A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "sp_LeadSend": System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. System.Security.SecurityException: at System.Net.WebClient.UploadValues can anyone please advice how to resolve this one...I am really having a hard luck....... thanks.
Hi guys, I have a table with following columns and records. Empid Empname Phone Flag 14 Rajan 2143 116 Balan 4321 122 Nalini 3456 023 Ganesh 9543 0 Now i need to create a stored procedure which will convert the flag values to vice versa since it is a bit datatype. That is if execute the stored procedure it should convert all the flag values to 1 if it zero and zero's to 1. How? Pls provide me the full coding for the stored procedure. Thanx.
I have two tables: Category and Product. CategoryID is the Foreign Key of Product table. I want to update those tables at the same time using stored procedure.
It will work like this. If I update the Display column of Category table to have the value of 0, it will also update any records in the Product table -that has the same CategoryID- to have the value of 0 in its Display column.
I just read something about trigger and bit gives me idea that I might use it for this case, but don't know how to write the SQL.
Hello,I am having a problem when using access xp as a frontend for sql server2000.I have been trying to update a number of stored procedures (Just simpleadding fields etc) which results in access crashing with event ID 1000 and1001.Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be the problem?Thanks in advance..
I have a stored procedure that dynamically bulk loads several tables from several text files. If I encounter an error bulk loading a table in the stored procedure, all I get is the last error code produced, but if I run the actual bulk load commands through SQL Management Studio, it gives much more usable errors, which can include the column that failed to load. We have tables that exceed 150 columns (don't ask), and having this information cuts troubleshooting load errors from hours down to minutes. Onto my question..., is there any way to capture all of the errors produced by the bulk load from within a stored procedure (see examples below)?
Running this...
FROM 'c: estcustomers.txt'
WITH (TabLock, MaxErrors = 0, ErrorFile = 'c: estcustomers.txt.err')
Produces this (notice column name at the end of the first error)...
Msg 4864, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 1 (CustId).
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".
Running this (similar to code in my stored procedure)...
FROM 'c: estcustomers.txt'
WITH (TabLock, MaxErrors = 0, ErrorFile = 'c: estcustomers.txt.err')
ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber,
ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity,
ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState,
ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure,
ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine,
ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage;
Produces something similar to this (which is useless)... ...Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".
I currently have a stored procedure that is defined as follows:
@TableName char(100),
@LastSyncDateTime datetime,
@ErrorState int OUTPUT
I am using an execute sql task to call this procedure. The connectiontype is ADO .NET and the SQLSourceType is DirectInput. The IsQueryStoredProcedure setting is false, and the following is my SQL Statement I have entered:
Result set is set to None, as this query returns NO results (i.e. has no select statements in it that returns results).
I have two variables in this SSIS package. CurrentDateTime, and ErrorStateVal. CurrentDateTime is of Data type DateTime, the ErrorStateVal is of type Int32
The error I am getting when running this execute sql task is as follows:
Error: 0xC001F009 at AS400 to SQL Full Repopulation Sync: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::ErrorStateVal" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec UpdateSyncLog 'myTestTable', @LastSyncDateTime, @ErrorState" failed with the following error: "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::ErrorStateVal" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: Execute SQL Task
This makes no sense to me, both the SSIS variable ErrorStateVal is Int32, as well as the parameter declaration in the Execute SQL task is Int32 with direction of OUTPUT, and my stored procedure definition has @ErrorState as an integer as well.
I have a question. I know its possible to create a dynamic query and do an exec @dynamicquery. Question: Is there a simpler way to update specific columns in a table at run time without doing if else for each column to determine which is null and which has a value because i'm running into a design dilemna on how to go about it.
FYI: All columns in the table design are set to null by default.
I've got a weird one here. I'm running a DTS package on SQL Server2005. It copies a bunch of stored procedures. I renamed them on theoriginating server and ran the DTS again.The came over with the old name and code!I deleted the DTS and built it from scratch, and the same thinghappened.I ran SELECT * FROM sys.objects where type = 'P' on the source serverand the names were correctI'm explicitly checking which sp to copy rather than using Copy all. Ican see the sp namesI've deleted and recreated the sp on the source server using scriptsI've checked the source server nameI've Refreshed everywhereNothing worksWhy is up_Department_GetAllBySchool trying to be be pulled over whenit doesn't exist?Why is up_Department_GetBySchool not being pulled over when it doesexist?I've heard that SQL 2005 pre-SP2 has a problem where renaming anobject that has a text definition (like sprocs, functions, triggers,views) doesn't update the definition. So if you pull that objectdefinition and run it into your new database, it will use the originalscript, which has the original name.I ransp_helptext 'up_Department_GetBySchool'and checked the CREATE statement at the top. Sure enough, it had theold textI asked our NetAdmin to install SP2 on our server. Then I ransp_refreshsqlmodule 'up_Department_GetForSchool'and got this error:Invalid object name 'up_Department_GetAllForSchool'.So even the code which was supposed to fix it, doesn't. Has anyoneelse had this problem, and managed to fix it?--John Hunter
We are trying to create a TVF that executes a CLR Stored Procedure we wrote to use the results from the SP and transform them for the purposes of returning to the user as a table.
Code Snippet
[SqlFunction ( FillRowMethodName = "FillRow",
TableDefinition = "CustomerID nvarchar(MAX)",
SystemDataAccess = SystemDataAccessKind.Read,
DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read,
public static IEnumerable GetWishlist () {
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection ( "Context Connection=true" )) {
using ( SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader ( System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleRow )) {
if (reader.Read ()) {
myList.Add ( reader[0] as string );
return (IEnumerable)myList;
When command.ExecuteReader is called, I am getting an "Object not defined" error. However, the stored procedure can be used in SQL Management Studio just fine.
I try to learn "How to Access Stored Procedures with ADO.NET 2.0 - VB 2005 Express: (1) Handling the Input and Output Parameters and (2) Reporting their Values in VB Forms". I found a good article "Calling Stored Procedures from ADO.NET" by John Paul Cook in I downloaded the source code into my VB 2005 Express:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Public Class Form_Cook
Inherits System.Windows.Form.Form
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "
Public Sub New()
'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
End Sub
'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If disposing Then
If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
Friend WithEvents GroupBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
Friend WithEvents labelPAF As System.Windows.Forms.Label
Friend WithEvents labelNbrPrices As System.Windows.Forms.Label
Friend WithEvents UpdatePrices As System.Windows.Forms.Button
Friend WithEvents textBoxPAF As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Friend WithEvents TenMostExpensive As System.Windows.Forms.Button
Friend WithEvents grdNorthwind As System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid
Friend WithEvents groupBox2 As System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
Me.GroupBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
Me.labelPAF = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
Me.labelNbrPrices = New System.Windows.Forms.Label()
Me.textBoxPAF = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
Me.UpdatePrices = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
Me.groupBox2 = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox()
Me.TenMostExpensive = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
Me.grdNorthwind = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid()
Is it possible to execute a stored procedure in one database, which thenitself executes a stored procedure from another database? We have decide tosplit our data into a tree structure (DB1) and data blobs (DB2) (we areusing MSDE and we have a 2gb limit with each DB so we've done it this wayfor that reason). I would like to, say, execute a stored procedure in DB1,passing in the data blob and other details, DB1 will create a tree node inDB1 and then add the blob record to DB2. DB1 will wrap in a transaction ofcourse, as will DB2 when it adds the blob. Is this possible?
I have a stored procedure that calls a msdb stored procedure internally. I granted the login execute rights on the outer sproc but it still vomits when it tries to execute the inner. Says I don't have the privileges, which makes sense.
How can I grant permissions to a login to execute msdb.dbo.sp_update_schedule()? Or is there a way I can impersonate the sysadmin user for the call by using Execute As sysadmin some how?
I'm writing a Windows application (Visual Studio 2005, c#) utilizing a local SQLExpress database. It consists of about 10 tables and I've created about 15 Stored Procedures to address various functions... I can run the update Stored Procedures interactively within the designer and the data tables update as designed. However, if I run the update Stored Procedures from within my windows application is where they fail. I get no error messages, if I return a rowcount variable from the Stored Procedure it tells me that one row was updated (SELECT @RtnVal == @@rowcount)... but when I open the subject table in the designer, there is no new data.
My update queries address both insert and update functions, so if it is new row of data, it performs the insert action, otherwise it updates an existing row.
I can query the data using my stored procedures to load default values into my windows form, I can search and find client records to display in the form... I just can't update records. I'm of the opinion that it is a rights issue, but I can't find any resources that address user access accounts with SQLExpress and windows apps. The current connection string for my local database is set for Integrated Security = true; User Instance = true
I've tried two approaches... one utilizes my stored procedure....
Both fail... which points to the only common point in both approaches, the connection string and user rights... but I can't find any place to address user accounts or configurations for windows apps.
I have created a job which executes a procedure which executes and creates logs of StartTime and EndTime and records affected. The last step of the job sends mails to recipients from the logs table. Though I get the info correctly I get all annoying dashes for 4-5 lines between each line of message. How to remove the dashes.
Below is the code i use to send mails.
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='SQL Mail Service', @recipients='', @copy_recipients='', @subject='SOFT SCRUB Completed for LiveDB',
I have MSSQL 2005. On earlier versions of MSSQL saving a stored procedure wasn't a confusing action. However, every time I try to save my completed stored procedure (parsed successfully ) I'm prompted to save it as a query on the hard drive.
How do I cause the 'Save' action to add the new stored procedure to my database's list of stored procedures?