We have a stored procedure which is running fine on a SQL server 2000 from Query Analyzer. However, when we try to execute the same stored procedure from ADO.NET in an executable, the execution is hung or takes extremely long. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about how it could happen and how to fix. thanks
I hav the following problem. I have written an stored procedure in sql server 2000 as the following CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.pa_rellena @pFechaInicio datetime
AS declare @pFechaFin datetime declare @auxcod_cen char(10)
--Borramos las tablas temporales si las hemos creado con anterioridad y no se han borrado if object_id('tmpCentros') is not null drop table tmpCentros
if object_id('tmpCentros2') is not null drop table tmpCentros2
if object_id('tmpMaxCajas') is not null drop table tmpMaxCajas
if object_id('tmpCajasCentro') is not null drop table tmpCajasCentro
if object_id('tmpVales') is not null drop table tmpVales
if object_id('tmpDiarioEfectivo') is not null drop table tmpDiarioEfectivo
if object_id('tmpDiarioTalones') is not null drop table tmpDiarioTalones
if object_id('tmpDiarioTarjetas') is not null drop table tmpDiarioTarjetas
if object_id('tmpDiarioSegundaForma') is not null drop table tmpDiarioSegundaForma
if object_id('tmpDiarioGastosTarjetas') is not null drop table tmpDiarioGastosTarjetas
if object_id('temp1') is not null drop table temp1
--Seleccionamos todos los centros de Salvador Bachiller select * into tmpCentros2 from centros where centros.tienda=1 order by cod_cen
--Seleccionamos el maximo de cajas por cada centro
select cod_cen, max(cod_caja) as cajas into tmpMaxCajas from cierrecaja where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin group by cod_cen order by cod_cen
--Mezclamos los centros con el maximo de cajas select c.cod_cen, c.Centro, c.Direccion, c.localidad, c.provincia, c.cpostal, c.telefono, m.cajas, operaciones, cajas_tot, tienda, franquicia into tmpCentros from tmpCentros2 as c left outer join tmpMaxCajas as m on c.cod_cen=m.cod_cen
--Cajas por centro select distinct cod_cen as cod_cen, cod_caja as cod_caja into tmpCajasCentro from cierrecaja where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin
--Los vales de cada centro select cod_cen,sum(importe) as imp1 into tmpVales from vales where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin group by cod_cen
--Efectivo de cada centro select cod_cen,'01' as vendedor,'EFECTIVO' as descripcion, (sum(diario.TotEuro)-Sum(Diario.Imppa2)) as importe1,0 as exp1, (sum(Diario.TotEuro)-sum(Diario.imppa2)) as importe2 into tmpDiarioEfectivo from diario where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin and cod_cen in (select cod_cen from tmpCentros) and cod_caja in (select cod_caja from tmpCajasCentro) and diario.cod_pago='01' group by cod_cen
--Talones por centro select centros.cod_cen,'02' as vendedor,'TALONES' as descripcion, sum(diario.TotEuro) as importe1,0 as exp1, sum(Diario.TotEuro) as importe2 into tmpDiarioTalones from centros inner join diario on centros.cod_cen=diario.cod_cen where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin and diario.cod_cen in (select cod_cen from tmpCentros) and cod_caja in (select cod_caja from tmpCajasCentro) and diario.cod_pago='02' group by centros.cod_cen
--Tarjetas por centro select cod_cen,'03' as vendedor,'TARJETAS' as descripcion, sum(diario.TotEuro) as importe1,0 as exp1, sum(Diario.TotEuro*(FPago.Descuento/100)) as importe2, sum(Diario.TotEuro) - sum(Diario.TotEuro*(FPago.Descuento/100)) as importe3 into tmpDiarioTarjetas from FPago left join Diario on fpago.Cod_pago=Diario.cod_pago where fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin and cod_cen in (select cod_cen from tmpCentros) and cod_caja in (select cod_caja from tmpCajasCentro) and Fpago.Descuento<>0 group by cod_cen
--Segunda Froma de Pago select cod_cen,'03' as vendedor,'TARJETAS' as descripcion,sum(diario.imppa2) as importe1 into tmpDiarioSegundaForma from fpago left join Diario on Fpago.cod_pago=diario.cod_pa1 where fPago.cod_pago<>'99' and fecha>=@pfechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin and cod_cen in (select cod_cen from tmpCentros) and cod_caja in (select cod_caja from tmpCajasCentro) and Fpago.Descuento<>0 group by cod_cen
--Comisiones tarjetas de pago select cod_cen,'10' as vendedor, 'GASTOS (-)' as descripcion, sum(Diario.imppa2*(fPago.Descuento/100)) as importe2 into tmpDiarioGastosTarjetas from Fpago left join Diario on FPago.cod_pago= Diario.cod_pa1 where fPago.cod_pago<>'99' and fecha>=@pFechaInicio and fecha<@pFechaFin and cod_cen in (select cod_cen from tmpCentros) and cod_caja in (select cod_caja from tmpCajasCentro) and Fpago.Descuento<>0 group by cod_cen /* --Venta neta por centro declare cursortemporal cursor for select cod_cen from TmpCentros2
open cursortemporal delete detallecaja_aux fetch next from cursortemporal into @auxcod_cen while @@fetch_status=0 Begin select @importeVales=imp1 from tmpVales where cod_cen=@auxcod_Cen select @importeEfectivo=importe2 from tmpDiarioEfectivo where cod_cen=@auxcod_Cen select @importeTalones=importe2 from tmpDiarioTalones where cod_cen=@auxcod_cen select @importeTarjetas1=importe3 from tmpDiarioTarjetas where cod_cen=@auxcod_cen select @importeTarjetas2=importe1 from tmpDiarioSegundaForma where cod_cen=@auxcod_cen select @importeGastos=importe2 from tmpDiarioGastosTarjetas where cod_cen=@auxcod_cen
insert into detallecaja_aux (cod_cen,importe1) values(@auxcod_cen, @importeVales+@importeEfectivo+@ImporteTalones+@ImporteTarjetas1+@importeTarjetas2-@importeGastos) fetch next from cursortemporal into @auxcod_cen
When i execute a stored procedure it generally takes about half a second to run but sometimes it takes 20 to 30 seconds. I am the only one using the server so I know it is not due to other traffic. I have looked at Profiler and nothing looks out of the ordinary. Another observation is that the slow ones are always near eachother. I will have about 10 fast executions and then 3 slow ones and then back to fast ones. Has anyone seen anything like this before?
Is there anyway to write the following stored procedure without the loop so that it goes much faster? :confused:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- use MJ_ReportBase go if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where type='P' and name='sp_Periode') begin drop procedure sp_Periode end go create procedure sp_Periode @start int , @stop int as declare @x int
set @x = 0 set @x=@start
delete from tbl_periode
while (@x>=@stop) begin
-- --- -- --- -- Create table tbl_inout if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where type='U' and name='tbl_inout') begin drop table tbl_inout end
select datetimestamp,accname,badgeid,personname,inoutreg into tbl_inout from WinXS..x18 where convert(varchar,datetimestamp,120)+' '+ltrim(str(id))+' '+ltrim(str(badgeid)) in (select convert(varchar,max(datetimestamp),120)+' '+ltrim(str(max(id)))+' '+ltrim(str(badgeid)) as datetimestamp from WinXS..x18 where (accname='Kelder -1' or accname='Tnk Entree') and convert(varchar,datetimestamp,105)=convert(varchar ,getdate()-abs(@x),105) group by badgeid) and badgeid>0 order by personname
-- --- -- --- -- Create table tbl_result
if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where type='U' and name='tbl_result') begin drop table tbl_result end
-- --- -- ---
select convert(varchar,datetimestamp,105) 'DATUM' , badgeid 'PAS' , initials 'VOORNAAM' , personname 'NAAM' , convert(varchar,min(datetimestamp),108) 'MIN' , convert(varchar,max(datetimestamp),108) 'MAX' into tbl_result from WinXS..x18 where convert(varchar,datetimestamp,105)=convert(varchar ,getdate()-abs(@x),105) and accname in ('Kelder -1','Tnk Entree') and badgeid>0 group by convert(varchar,WinXS..x18.datetimestamp,105) , badgeid , initials , personname order by initials , personname asc , convert(varchar,datetimestamp,105) asc
-- --- -- --- -- Rapportage tabel
insert into tbl_periode select tbl_result.datum as DATUM , ltrim(ltrim(rtrim(tbl_result.naam))+' '+ltrim(rtrim(isnull(tbl_result.voornaam,' ')))) as NAAM , tbl_result.min as MIN , tbl_result.max as MAX , case tbl_inout.inoutreg when 1 then 'in' when 2 then 'out' else 'err' end as [IN/OUT] , substring('00000',1,5-len(tbl_result.pas))+ltrim(str(tbl_result.pas)) as PAS from tbl_inout,tbl_result where tbl_result.datum+' '+tbl_result.max+' '+ltrim(str(tbl_result.pas)) = convert(varchar,tbl_inout.datetimestamp,105)+' '+convert(varchar,tbl_inout.datetimestamp,108)+' '+ltrim(str(badgeid)) order by tbl_result.naam asc
I have a big problem with slow execution of stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 but I really don't understand the reason. I have a database with large table (about 400 million rows) and simple stored procedure to get data from that table (one select statement to select time and value columns).
Strange thing is that if I call that stored procedure from .net application (native SqlDataProvider) it takes about 6 seconds to execute but if I call the same procedure with the same parameters from within SQL Server Management Studio it takes only 25 milliseconds to execute!
I've noticed that from .net, procedure is called with binary data and in Management Studio sql script is executed so I've copied/pasted the script from Management Studio to .net code and again the same thing happens (6 seconds from .net and 25ms from Management Studio). I traced executions with SQL Profiler and everything seems to be identical for both applications except it takes much longer time for .net application.
Both SQL Server Management Studio and .net application are on the same machine and SQL Server is on another.
This is the query that when executed in Management Studio takes 25ms:
At first I thought that Management Studio somehow caches results but if I change parameters of stored procedure it always takes less than 30ms to execute. I really don't understand this. Please, help!
Hi all, I have a webpage with a Datagrid that populates using a table adapter from a Stored procedure that exists in my SQL Database...If I run the Stored procedure in SQL Directly then it takes 20 Secs to return all records...If I run the webpage then it takes just over 20 Secs.. Great you say..But If I have the sorting option set in ASP.net and I click on a column to sort then off the page goes for another 20 secs to sort the data.. Is there a better way to do what I am doing here that will speed up the page load.. Ie..the data is returned once and then sorted... Is it Better / Quicker for me to create a table using the stored procedure and link to this from the website..Updating the table every couple of minutes ? Any advice please ? Ray..
I have developed a stored procedure that filters a view that is a union of several different tables. This provides status information for items across our warehouse management system. This system seems to work very well and normally processes results very quickly (< 3 seconds). However, occasionally (every few days) we begin to see timeouts on the query after 3 minutes of processing. I can watch this process in SQL Profiler and see that the query is timing out after 180 seconds, which is the timeout we have for the query within the DAL. When I copy the line from the SQL Profiler and execute it directly in SSMS, the query executes in less than 2 seconds. I first thought that somehow this had to do with execution plans, but when I try to reload the page again, which executes the query, it still times out. I did add a OPTION(KEEPFIXED PLAN) to the sproc, and that seemed to speed things up for the time, but I am not sure if this is even the problem and what the optimal solution would be. Any thoughts spring to mind? Thanks, Steve
I have a big table A_newHistory (more than 2 million rows) with primary key fund_id + date_price . This table has to be updated every 2 hours from XML. Every row in XML must be inserted or updated (if current id and date already exist in the table) in the A_newHistory. The following procedure works but very slow... How can I optimize that?
================================================== ======= CREATE PROCEDURE spSaveFundsAdjustedClose @XML ntext AS DECLARE @fund_id int DECLARE @date_price datetime DECLARE @adj_closed float DECLARE @XMLDoc int
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @XMLDoc OUTPUT, @XML
DECLARE MutualFunds_Cursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY FOR SELECT * FROM OPENXML (@XMLDoc , '/xml/a', 1) WITH ([id] INT,[date] datetime, price float) OPEN MutualFunds_Cursor FETCH NEXT FROM MutualFunds_Cursor INTO @fund_id, @date_price, @adj_closed
WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM A_newHistory WHERE id_fund = @fund_id AND date_price = @date_price) BEGIN UPDATE A_newHistory SET adj_close = @adj_closed WHERE id_fund = @fund_id AND date_price = @date_price END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO A_newHistory VALUES(@fund_id, @date_price, @adj_closed) END
FETCH NEXT FROM MutualFunds_Cursor INTO @fund_id, @date_price, @adj_closed END
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @XMLDoc CLOSE MutualFunds_Cursor DEALLOCATE MutualFunds_Cursor
COMMIT TRANSACTION SELECT 0 GO ================================================== =======
Hi,Plz, I need some info (SQL2000) :)A stored procedure is like this:"Select table1.id, table1.txt, (select table2.nr from table2 wheretable2.fk_table1=table1.id) as nr where table1.id<>10"The essence here is that "select table2.nr from table2 wheretable2.fk_table1=table1.id" returns either the integer in table2.nr, or NULLif there isnt a match. The whole sentence runs EXTREMELY slow...3-4 sec.What is wrong?"select table2.nr from table2 where table2.fk_table1=table1.id" runs quicklyoutside the stored procedure. The original sentence without the "nr" (Selecttable1.id, table1.txt where table1.id<>10) runs quickly too...But together it slows down dramatically..why? I should mention that thesub-query could return NULL if theres no match in table2...But i cant seewhy that should slow things down (remember - it runs fine outside the SP)?Thx,PipHans---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.518 / Virus Database: 316 - Release Date: 11-09-2003
I am trying to upload an excel file into a sql server database. I uploading the spreadsheet from an asp.net page and then running the dts froma stored procedure. But it doesn't work, I am totally lost on what I am doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Asp.net code;
Dim oCmd As SqlCommand
oCmd = New SqlCommand("exportData", rtConn) oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure rtConn.Open()
With oCmd .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure Response.write("CommandType.StoredProcedure") End With
Try oCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Response.write("ExecuteNonQuery") Finally rtConn.Close() End Try
CREATE PROCEDURE exportData AS Exec master..xp_cmdshell 'DTSRUN /local/DTS_ExamResults' GO
I'm having problems running a stored procedure, I'm getting an error that I don't understand. My procedure is this:
ALTER PROC sp_get_allowed_growers @GrowerList varchar(500) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON
DECLARE @SQL varchar(600)
SET @SQL = 'SELECT nu_code, nu_description, nu_master FROM nursery WHERE nu_master IN (' + @GrowerList + ') ORDER BY nu_code ASC'
and the code I'm using to execute the procedure is this:
public DataSet GetGrowers(string Username) { System.Text.StringBuilder UserRoles = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); UsersDB ps = new UsersDB(); SqlDataReader dr = ps.GetRolesByUser(Username); while(dr.Read()) { UserRoles.Append(dr["RoleName"]+","); } UserRoles.Remove(UserRoles.Length-1,1); //Create instance of Connection and Command objects SqlConnection transloadConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["connectionStringTARPS"]); SqlDataAdapter transloadCommand = new SqlDataAdapter("sp_get_allowed_growers",transloadConnection); //Create and fill the DataSet SqlParameter paramList = new SqlParameter("@GrowerList",SqlDbType.VarChar); paramList.Value = UserRoles.ToString(); transloadCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(paramList); DataSet dsGrowers = new DataSet(); transloadCommand.Fill(dsGrowers); return dsGrowers;
The UserRoles stringbuilder has an appropriate value when it is passed to the stored procedure. When I run the stored procedure in query analyser it runs just fine. However, when I step through the code above, I get the following error:
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'sp_get_allowed_growers'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'sp_get_allowed_growers'.
The MsgBox pops up indicating that the Stored Procedure has run, and there are no errors produced by either SQL Server or Access. However, when I inspect the results of the Stored Procedure, it has not processed all the records it should have. It appears to stop processing after between 6 and 11 records out of a total of 50. The wierd thing is that if I execute the procedure on the server manually, it works perfectly. HELP ME IF U CAN ! THANKS.
hi, i'm using SQL server 2000. i'm getting the below error when i run a store procedure. "Specified column precision 500 is greater than the maximum precision of 38." I have created a temporary table inside the stored procedure inserting the values by selecting the fields from other table. mostly i have given the column type as varchar(50) and some fields are numeric(50).
I'm not sure if this is really the right place for this but it is related to my earlier post. Please do say if you think I should move it.
I created a Stored procedure which I want to run from Visual basic (I am using 2008 Express with SQL Sever 2005 Express)
I have looked through many post and the explaination of the sqlConection class on the msdn site but I am now just confussed.
Here is my SP
@BarTabID INT,
@DrinkID INT,
SELECT @ReturnBarItemID = barItemID
FROM [Bar Items]
WHERE (BarTabID = @BarTabID) AND (DrinkID = @DrinkID)
In VB I want to pass in the BarTabID and DrinkID varibles (Which Im grabbing from in as int variables) to find BarItemID in the same table and return it as an int.
What I dont understand is do I have to create a unique connection to my database because it is already liked with a dataset to my project with a number of BindingSources and TableAdapters.
Is there an easier way, could I dispense with SP and just use SQL with the VB code, I did think the SP would be neater.
HI all, I'd like to run a simple stored procedure on the Event of a button click, for which I don't need to pass any parameters, I am aware how to run a Stored Procedure with parameters, but I don't know how without, any help would be appreciated please.thanks.
I’m binding the distinct values from each of 9 columns to 9 drop-down-lists using a stored procedure. The SP accepts two parameters, one of which is the column name. I’m using the code below, which is opening and closing the database connection 9 times. Is there a more efficient way of doing this? newSqlCommand = New SqlCommand("getDistinctValues", newConn)newSqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure Dim ownrParam As New SqlParameter("@owner_id", SqlDbType.Int)Dim colParam As New SqlParameter("@column_name", SqlDbType.VarChar)newSqlCommand.Parameters.Add(ownrParam)newSqlCommand.Parameters.Add(colParam) ownrParam.Value = OwnerID colParam.Value = "Make"newConn.Open()ddlMake.DataSource = newSqlCommand.ExecuteReader()ddlMake.DataTextField = "distinct_result"ddlMake.DataBind()newConn.Close() colParam.Value = "Model"newConn.Open()ddlModel.DataSource = newSqlCommand.ExecuteReader()ddlModel.DataTextField = "distinct_result"ddlModel.DataBind()newConn.Close() and so on for 9 columns…
Hi, I'm running a CLR stored procedure through my web using table adapters as follows: res = BLL.contractRateAdviceAdapter.AutoGenCRA() 'with BLL being the business logic layer that hooks into the DAL containing the table adapters. The AutoGen stored procedure runs fine when executed directly from within Management Studio, but times out after 30 seconds when run from my application. It's quite a complex stored procedure and will often take longer than 30 seconds to complete. The stored procedure contains a number of queries and updates which all run as a single transaction. The transaction is defined as follows: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- options.IsolationLevel = Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommittedoptions.Timeout = New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0) Using scope As New TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options) 'Once we've opened this connection, we need to pass it through to just about every 'function so it can be used throughout. Opening and closing the same connection doesn't seem to work 'within a single transactionUsing conn As New SqlConnection("Context Connection=true") conn.Open() ProcessEffectedCRAs(dtTableInfo, arDateList, conn) scope.Complete() End Using End Using ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I said, the code encompassed within this transaction performs a number of database table operations, using the one connection. Each of these operations uses it's own instance of SQLCommand. For example: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim dt As DataTable Dim strSQL As StringDim cmd As New SqlCommand cmd.Connection = conn cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text cmd.CommandTimeout = 0Dim rdr As SqlDataReaderstrSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & Table cmd.CommandText = strSQL rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader SqlContext.Pipe.Send(rdr) rdr.Close() ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each instance of SQLCommand throughout the stored procedure specifies cmd.CommandTimeout = 0, which is supposed to be endless. And the fact that the stored procedure is successful when run directly from Management studio indicates to me that the stored procedure itself is fine. I also know from output messages that there is no issues with the database connection. I've set the ASP.Net configuration properties in IIS accordingly. Are there any other settings that I need to change? Can I set a timeout property when I'm calling the stored procedure in the first place? Any advice would be appreciated.
I am new to ASP.NET so please excuse what may seem like a dumb question. I have a stored procedure that I need to run when the user clicks on our submit button. I am using Visual Studio 2005 and thought I could use the SqlDataSOurce Control. IS it possible to us the control or do I need to create a connection and call the stored procedure in the the button_click sub? Thanks in advance MF
Hi all, I wonder if you can help me with this. Basically, Visual Web Developer doesn't like this part of my code despite the fact that the stored procedure has been created in MS SQL. It just won't accept that bold line in the code below and even when I comment it just to cheat, it still gives me an error about the Stored Procedure. Here's the line of code: // Define data objects SqlConnection conn; SqlCommand comm; // Initialize connection string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[ "pay"].ConnectionString; // Initialize connection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); // Create command comm = new SqlCommand("UpdatePaymentDetails", conn); //comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Add command parameters comm.Parameters.Add("PaymentID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int); comm.Parameters["PaymentID"].Value = paymentID; comm.Parameters.Add("NewPayment", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); comm.Parameters["NewPayment"].Value = newPayment; comm.Parameters.Add("NewInvoice", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); comm.Parameters["NewInvoice"].Value = newInvoice; comm.Parameters.Add("NewAmount", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money); comm.Parameters["NewAmount"].Value = newAmount; comm.Parameters.Add("NewMargin", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); comm.Parameters["NewMargin"].Value = newMargin; comm.Parameters.Add("NewProfit", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money); comm.Parameters["NewProfit"].Value = newProfit; comm.Parameters.Add("NewEditDate", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime); comm.Parameters["NewEditDate"].Value = newEditDate; comm.Parameters.Add("NewQStatus", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); comm.Parameters["NewQStatus"].Value = newQStatus; comm.Parameters.Add("NewStatus", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); comm.Parameters["NewStatus"].Value = newStatus; // Enclose database code in Try-Catch-Finally try { conn.Open(); comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
I have a table with information about a mobile account in one table, a table for mobile plans, and a table for planfeatures. Each mobile account is associated with a planid, and may be associated with any combination of the features associated with that plan. The plan features are stored in a bridgetable which contains 'invoicedate' (date stamped on the invoice in question), 'subaccountnumber' (the cell phone number), 'planid', and 'featureid'. I've tested the UpdateMobileFeature sp directly from the SQL Profiler--it works fine on it's own. I use a stored procedure to fill the mobile table (called from aspx page), and since I use three of the four columns written above for both the mobilesub and the mobilefeature tables, I tried just adding the parameter which holds the featureid's to the sp to update the mobilesub table. Then I call the UpdateMobileFeature sp from the updatemobile sp. (The code in mobilesub that is not calling UpdateMobileDetail works well). All seems to work fine--nothing crashes or anything, but nothing is being added to the mobilefeature table. Here is the code:CREATE procedure usp_updatemobile( @InvoiceDate smalldatetime, @SubaccountNumber varchar(50), @PlanId int, @FeatureList varchar(500) --added for UpdateMobileFeatures. In the form of a comma-seperated list, to imitate an array. --***irrelevant parameters removed***--) as exec dbo.UpdateMobileFeature '@InvoiceDate','@SubaccountNumber','@PlanId','@FeatureList' --the apparently nonfunctional call if exists ( //select for the mobile row in question ) Begin //update row End Else Begin //insert new row End GOCREATE PROC dbo.UpdateMobileFeatures( @InvoiceDate smalldatetime, @SubaccountNumber varchar(50), @PlanID int, @FeatureList varchar(500))ASBEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON CREATE TABLE #TempList ( InvoiceDate smalldatetime, SubaccountNumber varchar(50), PlanID int, FeatureID int ) DECLARE @FeatureID varchar(10), @Pos int SET @FeatureList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@FeatureList))+ ',' SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @FeatureList, 1) IF REPLACE(@FeatureList, ',', '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Pos > 0 BEGIN SET @FeatureID = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@FeatureList, @Pos - 1))) IF @FeatureID <> '' BEGIN INSERT INTO #TempList (InvoiceDate, SubaccountNumber, PlanID, FeatureID) VALUES (@InvoiceDate, @SubaccountNumber, @PlanID, CAST(@FeatureID AS int)) --Use Appropriate conversion END SET @FeatureList = RIGHT(@FeatureList, LEN(@FeatureList) - @Pos) SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @FeatureList, 1) END END --SELECT o.FeatureID, CustomerID, EmployeeID, FeatureDate --FROM dbo.Features AS o -- JOIN -- #TempList t -- ON o.FeatureID = t.FeatureID
Insert Into MobileFeatures Select InvoiceDate, SubaccountNumber, PlanID, FeatureID From #TempList ENDGOHere is the method I used to call the first sp: (also with irrelevant stuff removed)public void saveCurrentMobile() { calculateTotals(); InvoiceDataSet dataset = InvoiceDataSet.GetInstance(); SqlConnection conn = (SqlConnection)Session["connection"]; SqlCommand cmdUpdateMobile; cmdUpdateMobile = new SqlCommand("usp_updatemobile", conn); cmdUpdateMobile.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter invoicedate = cmdUpdateMobile.Parameters.Add("@InvoiceDate", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime); invoicedate.Value = DateTime.Parse(Request.Params["InvoiceDate"].ToString()); SqlParameter cellnumber = cmdUpdateMobile.Parameters.Add("@SubaccountNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50); cellnumber.Value = txtCellNumber.Text.Trim(); SqlParameter plan = cmdUpdateMobile.Parameters.Add("@PlanId", SqlDbType.Int); plan.Value = planid; SqlParameter featurelist = cmdUpdateMobile.Parameters.Add("@FeatureList", SqlDbType.VarChar, 500); featurelist.Value = planform.FeatureList;
//Response.Write(isthirdparty.ToString()); Response.Write(thirdpartycompany); SqlParameter cycle = cmdUpdateMobile.Parameters.Add("@Cycle", SqlDbType.Int); cycle.Value = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["Cycle"]); int returnvalue = runStoredProcedure(cmdUpdateMobile); //the sp is called within this method.
I have a stored procedure being called from Visual Cafe 4.0 that takes over 30 minutes to run. Is there any way to backround this so that control returns to the browser that the JFC Applet is running in? The result set is saved to local disk and an email message sent to the user on completion. Thanks, Dave.
I wrote a Stored Procedure I wish to run as a job. It inserts data to a linked server. The stored procedure runs fine from the sql query analyzer but fails as a job. There are no permissions assigned to this stored procedure as I beleive it runs under the context of sa which has default access granted.
Can someone give me some insite why this stored procedure won't run as a scheduled job?
ALTER PROCEDURE tsul_insertintolinkedserver AS DECLARE @srvname varChar(20) SELECT @srvname = @@servername insert into THOMAS.tsnet.dbo.usagelog select id, tsgroup, account, error, failedpin, type, servername, ipbrowser, cid, logintime, expand , msgspresent, msgslistened, @srvname from usagelog where id > ( select max(id) from THOMAS.tsnet.dbo.usagelog where hostserver = @srvname )
I've come a huge ways with your help and things are getting more and more complicated, but i'm able to figure out a lot of things on my own now thanks to you guys! But now I'm REALLY stuck.
I've created a hierarchal listbox form that drills down From
Product - Colour - Year.
based on the selection from the previous listbox. i want to be able to populate a Grid displaying availability of the selected product based on the selections from the listboxes.
So i've written a stored procedure that selects the final product Id as an INPUT/OUTPUT based on the parameters PRODUCT ID - COLOUR ID - and YEAR ID. This outputs a PRODUCT NUMBER.
I want that product number to be used to populate the grid view. Is there away for me to do this?
I have created a stored procedure for a routine task to be performed periodically in my application. Say, i want to execute my stored procedure at 12:00 AM daily.
How can I add my stored procedure to the SQL server agent jobs??
I am running a stored procedure as a job step and in the stored procedure I use return to pass one of several possible values when there is an error in processing (not an system error) so that the job step will fail. However, even when I return a non-zero value using return the job step completes as successful. What should I be doing so that the job step picks up the non-zero value and then indicates the step failed?
I have a stored procedure in SQL 2005 that purges data, and may take a few minutes to run. I'd like to report back to the client with status messages as the sp executes, using PRINT statements or something similar. I imagine something similar to BACKUP DATABASE, where it reports on percentage complete as the backup is executing.
I can't seem to find any information on how to do this. All posts on this subject state that it's not possible; that PRINT data is returned after the procedure executes. However it would seem possible since BACKUP DATABASE, for example, does this.
Is there any way to send status type messages to the client as the sp is executing??
Hi, I need to write a select query that will run all returned results through a separate stored procedure before returning them to me. Something like.... SELECT TOP 10 userid,url,first name FROM USERS ORDER by NEWID() ......and run all the selected userids through a stored procedure like..... CREATE PROCEDURE AddUserToLog (@UserID int ) AS INSERT INTO SelectedUsers (UserID,SelectedOn) VALUES (@UserID,getdate()) Can anyone help me to get these working togethsr in the same qurey?