Stored Procedure Waiting For CXPACKET And Never Completes.
Jan 28, 2008
I hope to get some help with a stored procedure that never stops executing when run from Reporting Services development environment.
The server: SQL Server 2005 SP2 x86, 2 gig ram, 2 processor cores.
The stored procedure I execute is simple, it declares and sets some variables and then a executes a select statement
with 6 joins.
If I execute the stored procedure from Management Studio the query runs and returns about 50 000 rows in ~2 seconds. No problems!
The problems arises when I execute the stored procedure from visual studio (testing my reporting services report). The query will never complete its execution!?
I checked the activity monitor and can verify I have NO processses with any information in the blocked by or blocking column.
The strange thing is I got 3 rows for process id 64, only one row (row 1) printing the executing user.
Row 1: Stutus suspenden, Wait Type CXPACKET
Row 2 and 3 are pending between runnable and suspended and wait typoe pageiolatch_ex and no wait type at all when I refresh. These are probably parallell threads executed in the query.
The strange thing here is that this process never completes and if I do a trace the last command executed is select statement. I don´t understand what the problem is, sql server bug? Parellelism problem (in this case, why?)
I have a Stored Procedure which Ideally should run when a Customer Logs in, the Procedure will check the available stock and create a Temp Table for the Information, which allows many other Queries in the site to run a lot faster, (due to no joins). The Query has taken as much as 30seconds (Lots of Records and 1/2 dozen Joins) to run upon log in and causing a Timeout for the web application.
I want the procedure to run as it is, but for the login method to not be dependent on the Process tried this in .NET cmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery() (cmd=SQLCOmmand) which doesn't do what I want it just allows me to run heaps of QUeries at the same time.
Can anyone help me with getting this procedure to run and not hold up the Web application? Not sure whether I need to do this in .NET, or whether I can get .NET to run a Batch File or something, but someone must have had a similiar problem, please help.
I am running an update that is taking far too long, and i see quite a few waittypes of "cxpacket" in Enterprise Manager. I cannot find any documentation on this in BOL, so does anyone here have any insight? i am the only user on this entire sql server, and i'm wondering if this is the result of a hardware malfunction or something equally sinister. thanks.
I have a server with 300Gb+ of disk space on a SAN, with a database 55Gb for data and 15Gb for tranx log. SQL Server 2000 w/SP3 is installed. Whenever I run any query (simple, complex, short, long, using indexes or not) the server current activity shows many instances of NETWORKIO, PAGELATCH_EX, CXPACKET and other wait types on several processes. In Profiler, 500,000+ events were recorded within a 60 second timeframe. Someone else is responsible for "infrastructure" so before I go with recommendations to fix my issues, I would like as much accurate info as possible about the cause. This is supposed to be a relatively low-activity server. My understanding is serious disk subsystem issues would cause all these wait types together. But why would this happen when running a "select x, y, z from table" where the table contains < 250000 records and x,y,z make up a covering index. Additionally, I ran a relatively simple query, two tables, inner join, with properly defined indexes and went home to let it run. I returned and it had been running for 18 hours - I finally ran out of patience and stopped it. Any ideas?
CXPACKET wait type current makes up 63% of all the wait types which is causing latency. I need to identify the specific workloads responsible for waits so I can optimise or MAXDOP them. I already know how to retreived the top IO, CPU, Memory consuming queries but how do I identify the statements and order them by wait time?
Can someone point me in the direction of a command, DMV or will the top CPU list be adequate?
While MOM processes are running at some point, a process goes into deadlock and uses up all existing CPUs.
Sysprocesses shows this it opened up 4 threads and program name is Microsoft® Reliability Analysis Service.
Profiler doesn't show which command it was trying to execute, but last notable command which has started was MRAS_pcLoad EXECUTE @i_Return_Code = sp_getapplock @Resource = N'MOM.Datawarehousing.DTSPackageGenerator.exe', @LockMode = N'Exclusive', @LockOwner = N'Session', @LockTimeout =
Can you please help us, what could be the problem. It has been running fine till couple of days back.
Why would I see high CXPACKET waits on a database instance with only one CPU? Since the server only has 1 CPU parallelism can't be used, or are I'm missing something here!?
SQL version Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5058.0 (X64) May 14 2014 18:34:29 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 <X64> (Build 9600: ) (Hypervisor)
Hi all - I'm trying to optimized my stored procedures to be a bit easier to maintain, and am sure this is possible, not am very unclear on the syntax to doing this correctly. For example, I have a simple stored procedure that takes a string as a parameter, and returns its resolved index that corresponds to a record in my database. ie exec dbo.DeriveStatusID 'Created' returns an int value as 1 (performed by "SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName= 'Created') but I also have a second stored procedure that needs to make reference to this procedure first, in order to resolve an id - ie: exec dbo.AddProduct_Insert 'widget1' which currently performs:SET @statusID = (SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName='Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID) I want to simply the insert to perform (in one sproc): SET @statusID = EXEC deriveStatusID ('Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID) This works fine if I call this stored procedure in code first, then pass it to the second stored procedure, but NOT if it is reference in the second stored procedure directly (I end up with an empty value for @statusID in this example). My actual "Insert" stored procedures are far more complicated, but I am working towards lightening the business logic in my application ( it shouldn't have to pre-vet the data prior to executing a valid insert). Hopefully this makes some sense - it doesn't seem right to me that this is impossible, and am fairly sure I'm just missing some simple syntax - can anyone assist?
I executed them and got the following results in SSMSE: TopSixAnalytes Unit AnalyteName 1 222.10 ug/Kg Acetone 2 220.30 ug/Kg Acetone 3 211.90 ug/Kg Acetone 4 140.30 ug/L Acetone 5 120.70 ug/L Acetone 6 90.70 ug/L Acetone ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Now, I try to use this Stored Procedure in my ADO.NET-VB 2005 Express programming: //////////////////--spTopSixAnalytes.vb--///////////
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sqlConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source = .SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security = SSPI; Initial Catalog = ssmsExpressDB;")
Dim sqlDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdaptor("[spTopSixAnalytes]", sqlConnection)
'Pass the name of the DataSet through the overloaded contructor
'of the DataSet class.
Dim dataSet As DataSet ("ssmsExpressDB")
End Sub
End Class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
I executed the above code and I got the following 4 errors: Error #1: Type 'SqlConnection' is not defined (in Form1.vb) Error #2: Type 'SqlDataAdapter' is not defined (in Form1.vb) Error #3: Array bounds cannot appear in type specifiers (in Form1.vb) Error #4: 'DataSet' is not a type and cannot be used as an expression (in Form1)
Please help and advise.
Thanks in advance, Scott Chang
More Information for you to know: I have the "ssmsExpressDB" database in the Database Expolorer of VB 2005 Express. But I do not know how to get the SqlConnection and the SqlDataAdapter into the Form1. I do not know how to get the Fill Method implemented properly. I try to learn "Working with SELECT Statement in a Stored Procedure" for printing the 6 rows that are selected - they are not parameterized.
I've got an issue where a join takes about 3 minutes to run on a development server (2 X 1.4 GHz/ 2GB / Win2K3SP1 / SQL2KSP4 (8.00.2187) standard) and does not finish (even after 10 Hours!) on a monster (8 X ? GHz/ 12GB / Win2K3SP1 / SQL2KSP4 (8.00.2187) clustered Enterprise) data center test machine.
This is a join between a table with 360K rows and another with 5.6 Mil rows. Identical data, schema, indexes, auto-stats, etc. between the two boxes. I see no CXPackets, so the parallel processing issue doesn't seem to apply.
I have some code that I need to run every quarter. I have many that are similar to this one so I wanted to input two parameters rather than searching and replacing the values. I have another stored procedure that's executed from this one that I will also parameter-ize. The problem I'm having is in embedding a parameter in the name of the called procedure (exec statement at the end of the code). I tried it as I'm showing and it errored. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything related to this. Maybe I just don't have the right keywords. what is the syntax?
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[runDMQ3_2014LDLComplete] @QQ_YYYY char(7), @YYYYQQ char(8) AS begin SET NOCOUNT ON; select [provider group],provider, NPI, [01-Total Patients with DM], [02-Total DM Patients with LDL],
I have an FTP task that once the file is loaded a script task is activated and then a data flow process starts. I can connect to the FTP server with the Test connection and I can see the file in the remote directory "/HRData.txt" however even with the Delay validation set to true it does not download the file.
I have a package that has three control flow items - an Execute SQL task, a Data Flow task and another Execute SQL task - linked in sequence by On Success constraints and contained by a Sequence container. I want any of the three contained tasks that fails to cause the Seuqence container to be rolled back and write a checkpoint.
I've configured the package to use Checkpoints, set the TransactionOption to Required and the FailPackageOnFailure to True ion the Sequence container and set the TransactionOption to Supported and the FailParentOnFailure to True on each of the three contained tasks.
When I attempt to run the package in debug mode, the first Execute SQL task executes fine but validation of the Data Flow task never finishes. If I switch the TransactionOption of the Sequence container to Supported instead of Required, the package executes fine.
I have had problems in the past where MSDTC was not running but that causes an error and I've checked that it's running and it is.
I have a sub that passes values from my form to my stored procedure. The stored procedure passes back an @@IDENTITY but I'm not sure how to grab that in my asp page and then pass that to my next called procedure from my aspx page. Here's where I'm stuck: Public Sub InsertOrder() Conn.Open() cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_NewOrder", Conn) cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure ' pass customer info to stored proc cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", txtFName.Text) cmd.Parameters.Add("@LastName", txtLName.Text) cmd.Parameters.Add("@AddressLine1", txtStreet.Text) cmd.Parameters.Add("@CityID", dropdown_city.SelectedValue) cmd.Parameters.Add("@Zip", intZip.Text) cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailPrefix", txtEmailPre.Text) cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailSuffix", txtEmailSuf.Text) cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneAreaCode", txtPhoneArea.Text) cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhonePrefix", txtPhonePre.Text) cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneSuffix", txtPhoneSuf.Text) ' pass order info to stored proc cmd.Parameters.Add("@NumberOfPeopleID", dropdown_people.SelectedValue) cmd.Parameters.Add("@BeanOptionID", dropdown_beans.SelectedValue) cmd.Parameters.Add("@TortillaOptionID", dropdown_tortilla.SelectedValue) 'Session.Add("FirstName", txtFName.Text) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_EntreeItems", Conn) cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.Parameters.Add("@CateringOrderID", get identity from previous stored proc) <------------------------- Dim li As ListItem Dim p As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@EntreeID", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar) For Each li In chbxl_entrees.Items If li.Selected Then p.Value = li.Value cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() End If Next Conn.Close()I want to somehow grab the @CateringOrderID that was created as an end product of my first called stored procedure (Add_NewOrder) and pass that to my second stored procedure (Add_EntreeItems)
I have a stored procedure and in that I will be calling a stored procedure. Now, based on the parameter value I will get stored procedure name to be executed. how to execute dynamic sp in a stored rocedure
at present it is like EXECUTE usp_print_list_full @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT
I want to do like EXECUTE @SpName @ID, @TNumber, @ErrMsg OUTPUT
I have an issue with Sql Server 2012 and Datastage which extracts the table(just select * from table) and loads into one file without any transformation in between. Source table has around 45million rows. Datastage Process extracts upto 22million rows and then it stalls forever(running state). I had investigated into the Database and i could see the transaction runs on database for some time(runnable and suspended state) for sometime and it disappears suddenly. I am surprised to see Datastage Process still shows rows are being extracted even after transaction is disappears and Datastage process up to 22million rows and then do nothing.
Error 0x80070005 while loading package file "Package.dtsx". Access is denied. .
The package is executed from the main package via an 'Execute Package Task'. The strange thing is that the error comes after 'Package.dtsx' has run successfully. I am logging the PackageStart/PackageEnd and error events and I see that Package.dtsx ends successfully and then the "Access is denied" error occurs. The main package is launched by executing dtsexec via a SQL Server Agent Job. The packages have 'SaveCheckpoints' set to True. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks.
I was just debugging a stored procedure visual studio and I was surprised with what I was watching.
I'm running SQL 2005 and visual studio 2005. I have a set of nested try/catch blocks.
It fails on the first try and drops into the catch block just as it should. Within the catch block a dynamic sql statement is created. A try block begins and attempts to exec(@sql). It then drops to the catch block. However, I copy the statement into SQL Management Studio and it runs without error everytime.
Why is it dropping into the catch block? Logically it should just complete executing the statement continue without going into the catch block.
Do I have to reset the raiserror values between try blocks or something?
We are having a problem with an SSIS package. The package gets stuck when it runs a data flow component that reads data from 5 large tables, performs a union on the data, does a conversion on one field and then writes the data to another table. This all happens in the same database and the ssis package runs on the same server as the database.
When I look at the waiting tasks on the sql server I always see the following type of scenario. It is always the ASYNC_NETWORK_IO that is causing the others to wait.
SPID Wait type duration Waiting Address Blocking Address
In some cases the duration column goes up to several hours until we finally just kill the package. At the same time, we also see that session 118 is consuming very large amounts of memory (in sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants). However, when we look at the dtexec process that is running the package on the server it only has a working set of about 100Mb. We've tried rewriting the dataflow task as a simple stored procedure and this goes through smoothly.
Can anyone shed some light on what is going on and how to avoid this type of locking situation (other than just using plain old T-SQL).
I have a stored procedure that calls a msdb stored procedure internally. I granted the login execute rights on the outer sproc but it still vomits when it tries to execute the inner. Says I don't have the privileges, which makes sense.
How can I grant permissions to a login to execute msdb.dbo.sp_update_schedule()? Or is there a way I can impersonate the sysadmin user for the call by using Execute As sysadmin some how?
Has anyone encountered cases in which a proc executed by DTS has the following behavior: 1) underperforms the same proc when executed in DTS as opposed to SQL Server Managemet Studio 2) underperforms an ad-hoc version of the same query (UPDATE) executed in SQL Server Managemet Studio
What could explain this?
All three scenarios are executed against the same database and hit the exact same tables and indices.
Query plans show that one step, a Clustered Index Seek, consumes most of the resources (57%) and for that the estimated rows = 1 and actual rows is 10 of 1000's time higher. (~ 23000).
The DTS execution effectively never finishes even after many hours (10+) The Stored procedure execution will finish in 6 minutes (executed after the update ad-hoc query) The Update ad-hoc query will finish in 2 minutes
Greetings, I have setup a FormView which functions as it should but after the user input is updated, the table record stays unchanged, and when I trap the FormView1_ItemUpdated and look at the SqlDataSource1.UpdateCommand, it shows this: UPDATE [aspnet_test] SET first_name = '', last_name = '', email = '' WHERE id = @original_ID Here is most of the code I am using:<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataKeyNames="id, first_name, last_name" OnItemUpdating="FormView1_ItemUpdating" OnItemUpdated="FormView1_ItemUpdated" > .. // my ItemEditTempate is here.</asp:FormView> <EditItemTemplate>First Name: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("first_name") %>' runat="server" ID="author_name" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br />Last Name: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("last_name") %>' runat="server" ID="TextBox1" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br />E-mail: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("email") %>' runat="server" ID="TextBox2" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br /><br /><asp:Button ID="UpdateButton" runat="server" Text="Update" CommandName="Update" /><asp:Button ID="CancelButton" runat="server" Text="Cancel" CommandName="Cancel" /> </EditItemTemplate> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDBConnectionString1 %>" SelectCommand="SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email FROM aspnet_test where id = 1"UpdateCommand="UPDATE [aspnet_test] SET first_name = '<%# first_name %>', last_name = '<%# last_name %>', email = '<%# email %>' WHERE id = @original_ID "> <UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="original_ID" Type="Int32" /></UpdateParameters></asp:SqlDataSource> Any idea where the @original_ID is supposed to get its value from, or why does the SQL command shows blank fields?Thanks Eric.
I have a source table which I'm splitting 3 ways based on a column value, but the target is the same OLE DB destination table. One conditional path is to a Multi-Cast two way split to same OLE DB gestination table. The default split is to a flat file for logging unknown record types. For a test I have data for only the 3 column values I want, but I'm having trouble with the process completing. If I pre-filter the data going into the source table by one or two values I can get the process to complete even if one split is to the multicast. If I include all three data types in the source table, I get different results depending on the order in which the conditions are specified - sometimes only two split paths are executed; other times all three are executed, but in some cases only one path of the multicast split is executed. In any case, when the three source data types are used in the test, the process never competes - the pathes are in a yellow condition and never complete.
Am I creating some kind of deadlock situation by having the source data directed to the same target table via 4 splits? Any help you can provide is appreciated. Thanks.
Error 0x80070005 while loading package file "E:SSISPackagesPackage1.dtsx". Access is denied. .
The package is executed from the main package via an 'Execute Package Task' that is within a 'For Each Loop' container. The 'For each loop' goes through a single iteration as expected. The strange thing is that the error comes after 'Package1' has run successfully. I am logging the PackageStart/PackageEnd and error events and I see that Package1 ends successfully and then the "Access is denied" error occurs. The main package is launched by executing dtsexec via Process.Start() from a web page. The packages have 'SaveCheckpoints' set to True. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks.
We are using SSIS to load some 100k records from flat file to Oracle Destination. We are using Oracle 10g client. But during the execution after some 5hrs or 6hr with 900k records upload we are getting the message Package execution completed. In the Execution results there is no message related to success or failure and the tasks in the Data Flow where yellow in color. What might be the problem? Any information regarding this case will be helpful for us.
I am trying to debug stored procedure using visual studio. I right click on connection and checked 'Allow SQL/CLR debugging' .. the store procedure is not local and is on sql server.
Whenever I tried to right click stored procedure and select step into store procedure> i get following error
"User 'Unknown user' could not execute stored procedure 'master.dbo.sp_enable_sql_debug' on SQL server XXXXX. Click Help for more information"
I am not sure what needs to be done on sql server side
We tried to search for sp_enable_sql_debug but I could not find this stored procedure under master.
Some web page I came accross says that "I must have an administratorial rights to debug" but I am not sure what does that mean?
We have a two node cluster running W2K and SQL2000. The agent starts, but we cannot access any of the jobs. It gives us the 14258 Agent is starting, try again later... error message. We know that this is not the case, we have waited several hours without it "starting". The SQL Agent log indicates that the agent is waiting on SQL Server to recover databases, but all of our databases are up. It is almost as if during startup a flag did not get set to indicate that a database was recovered.
Has anyone run across this before? If so, did you ever figure out how to fix it?
Does anybody know what might cause the following message to show up inthe SQL Server Error Log?:Time out occurred while waiting for buffer latch type 2, bp0x12260f80, page (5:77914), stat 0x40d, object ID 7:421576540:0,waittime 500. Continuing to wait.I've read several articles about what to do about this situation onSQL Server 2000, but I'm running SQL Server 7.0. Specifically, I'mrunning version 7.00.842. Is there a way to resolve this problemwithout upgrading to some flavor of SQL Server 2000?