Stored Procedures / Dynamic Columns

Mar 23, 2006

I want to use parameters within a stored procedure to generate dynamic columns using SUSER_SNAME as the name for the column that I want to dynaically select (e.g. Select @SUSER_SNAME, First, Last, City FROM MyTable). I have been able to successfully use parameters in the WHERE clause within a stored procedure but haven't been able to find a way to use parameters for column names let alone to tie the parameter value back to SUSER_SNAME.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

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Stored Procedures VS Dynamic SQL

Mar 18, 2004


It seems dynamic SQL is just as efficient as stored procedures in terms SQL Server caching. Any comments?

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Dynamic Stored Procedures

Jun 9, 1999

I open a recordset using a string to call a stored procedure. In the stored
procedure I create a temporary table and use the exec function to fill the
table. I then select * the table and drop the temporary table. The problem
is the recordset will not even open. My script keeps getting a "The
operation requested by the application is not allowed if the object is
closed. " error when points to the line after rs.Open is called. This line
checks for rs.EOF. When I Response.Write the SQL statement and paste this
into an ISQL session I get the output I am looking for. The only difference
is above the records I get a "# row(s) affected" which maybe from the
Insert. Does anyone know what is wrong here?

David Stanek

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Help With Stored Procedures / Dynamic Queries

Jun 12, 2006

Hello, I'm trying to create a Stored Procedure who receives the table name as a parameter, then uses a cursor to obtain every column name and then builds a string like SELECT col1, col2, ... from TABLE

In fact that would be the same as SELECT * FROM table; but I can't do this, because I'll be using this stored procedure to loop through many tables that has different quantity of columns with a DTS, and if a specify the *, then the DTS wouldn't let me do the select with tables with different quantity of fields.

Could you help me please, because my code isn't working:

@tablename AS VARCHAR(50)


DECLARE @columnname varchar(50)
DECLARE @strsql Nvarchar(500)
DECLARE @query varchar(4000)


SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = @tablename
FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @columnname
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
IF (@strsql is null)
SET @strsql=@columnname
SET @strsql = @strsql + ',' + @columnname

FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @columnname

SELECT @query = 'SELECT ' + @strsql + ' FROM ' + @tablename
EXEC @query


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Security, Dynamic SQL, And CLR Stored Procedures

Aug 1, 2006

Okay, I have sort of a peculiar permissions question I am wondering if someone can help me with. I'm suspect there's a simple answer, but I'm unaware of it. Basically, here's the scenario...

I have a CLR stored procedure which does some dynamic SQL building based on values sent in via XML. It's a CLR stored procedure using XML because I want to build a parameterized statement (to guard against SQL Injection) based on a flexible number of parameters which are basically passed in the XML.

The dynamic SQL ends up reading from a table I'll call TableX and I actually discovered an (understandable) quirk with security.

Basically, the connection context is impersonating a low-privilaged Windows account ("UserX") coming from a .NET application. UserX has no permission to the table referenced in the dynamic SQL and because of the dyanmic nature of the query, the stored procedure apparently adopts the security context of UserX. Naturally, this throws a security exception saying UserX has no SELECT permission on TableX.

Now, I can give UserX read permission to the table in question to get things running, but one of the points of using stored procedures is to defer security to the procedure level vs. configuration for tables or columns.

So in striving toward my ideal of security at the procedure level, my question is what is the best way to allow minimum privilege in this case?

I thought about having the internals of the CLR stored procedure run under a different (low-privalaged) security context, but I am wondering if there's an alternate configuration that may use the same connection, and be as secure, but simpler.

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Dynamic Stored Procedures Uses Vars Only

Oct 7, 2006

Hi there,

I would like to know how to create Dynamic stored procedure which defines TableName as a Variable and return all fields from this Table.

And also how to Dynamicly create a sp_GetNameByID (for instance)

using vars only.


It would be very helpfull to me if you could give links of Dynamic SQL tutorials from which i can learn.

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Using Dynamic SQL With Trigger And Stored Procedures

Feb 13, 2008


I have an integration code write in T-SQL. It´s a TRIGGER that when some data is INSERTED on a specific table, verify the first caracter of a nvarchar on the column named "idCli", and depending on their value, call one specific stored procedure that will execute some data modifications to fit on other table on a diferent database.

Each client of mine can have only one table that start the trigger on APP1, but can have many instances of SQL for different codes.

Until now, what we do is:

Find how many different databases (and their names) a specific client have to APP2 and write a specific stored procedure for each database, using the names (that are always different...). We use a template of course, but this don't change the fact the we must correct many times the database name on the different stored procedures.

This increse the time and chance of errors on installing the system.

The first way we think for solve this question is using dinamic sql, like this code:

Code Snippet
ON [dbo].[table1]
-- some code that put values in @v1 and @V2...
IF @v1 = 1
EXEC fct ('DB1..Tabela1', @V2)
EXEC fct ('DB2..Tabela1', @V2)

CREATE PROCEDURE fct (@table_name nvarchar(50), @valor int)
EXEC ('INSERT INTO '+@table_name+' (valor) VALUES ('+@valor+')')

This type of code has the advantege (we think) to permit us change only the TRIGGER, and use always the same number of procedures on install.

Is there any security problem to do this type of code?
Even if the @table_name and @valor are determined by the program?

In case of yes, how can I do something like this, or, if this is not possible, how can I "automate" the creation of the procedures with a variable number of choices (like 2 different tables for client A, 5 for client B, etc)?

Thanks in advance

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SQL Reporting Services - Dynamic SQL Stored Procedures

May 7, 2004

Hi, all:

Kind of new to reporting services. I've been playing around with SQL Reporting Services and was wondering if anyone knows how to populate the fields from a dataset in the Report Designer from a stored procedure that uses dynamic SQL. I've had success with non-dynamic stored procedures and inline queries, but am unable to generate fields when the sp contains dynamic SQL. I've tried defining the fields manually, but when I execute the report I receive errors that the fields are undefined.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Isl Stored Procedures Are Really Fast Than Dynamic Query ?

Oct 17, 2007


I was in a confusion that is Stored Procedures are really fast ? I have a .NET application where I am using Stored Procedures. But recently I cam through this link which describes Stored Procedures are bad and it won't give any performance difference. What is the truth ? Will it give good performance that passing query from the application ?

Please make it clear

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Using Stored Procedures Are You Safe From Sql Injection If Your Not Using Dynamic Queries ?

Mar 12, 2008

Im reviewing my stored procedures for a new application and got to thinking about protecting against sql injection. I think im pretty safe since im using stored procedures and none of them use any 'exec' commands within them, but im not sure.
I was reading this article, and again all the examples that list a stored procedure, have an 'exec' command somewhere that is the culprit. So, in my case lets say I was doing something like this:

Im generally using regularexpression validation controls on the client side of the application and limiting the max length of the input there as well.

Am I safe, or do I need further input checking within the procedure ?

Code Snippet

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[get_Uploads]
@app varchar(50)
--Init variables
SET @error_number = 0

SELECT [Logid],[Filename],[Label],[UploadDate],[App]
FROM UploadLog au
WHERE [App]=@app
SET @error_number = -2

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External Columns From Sybase Stored Procedures

May 31, 2006

I need to execute several stored procedures on a Sybase server and copy the results to SQL Server 2005 tables. While using an ad-hoc sql statement the "Available External Columns" list is correct, however when using a stored procedure the list is empty. I've tried to work around this a couple of ways without success.

1) DelayedValidation.
I ran the sql from the stored procedure body in the OLE DB Source to set the column list, then turned on DelayValidation for the Data Flow component. When I switch to using a stored procedure it still connects to the Sybase database and removes the column list. Still does this even after turning on DelayedValidation for the sequence container and entire package (the OLE DB source itself does not have the option).

2) Using a variable that changes during runtime.
I copied the sql from the Sybase procedure into the default value of a variable. A script changes it to a procedure at runtime. This provides a column list in design mode but throws the error "The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The external metadata column xxxx needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection" and repeats for every column in the list. I know that the column names and data types are identical.

3) Manually updated the external/output columns list.
Was very painful and gave me the same errors.

It seems that DelayedValidation is the route I'm supposed to take, but I don't see how it would be any different during runtime.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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Importing Excel Sheet Which Have Dynamic Column Name And Dynamic Number Of Columns

Aug 25, 2007

Hi Craig/Kamal,

I got your email address from your web cast. I really enjoyed the web cast and found it to be
very informative.

Our company is planning to use SSIS (VS 2005 / SQL Server 2005). I have a quick question
regarding the product. I have looked for the information on the web, but was not able to find
relevant information.

We are getting Source data from two of our client in the form of Excel Sheet. These Excel sheets
Are generated using reporting services. On examining the excel sheet, I found out that the name
Of the columns contain data itself, so the names are not static such as Jan 2007 Sales, Feb 2007 Sales etc etc.
And even the number of columns are not static. It depends upon the range of date selected by the user.

I wanted to know, if there is a way to import Excel sheet using Integration Services by defining the position
Of column, instead of column name and I am not sure if there is a way for me to import excel with dynamic
Number of columns.

Your help in this respect is highly appreciated!


Hi Anthony, I am glad the Web cast was helpful.

Kamal and I have both moved on to other teams in MSFT and I am a little rusty in that area, though in general dynamic numbers of columns in any format is always tricky. I am just assuming its not feasible for you to try and get the source for SSIS a little closer to home, e.g. rather than using Excel output from Reporting Services, use the same/some form of the query/data source that RS is using.

I suggest you post a question on the SSIS forum on MSDN and you should get some good answers.


Craig Guyer
SQL Server Reporting Services

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Add Inline TVF With Dynamic Columns From CRL Dynamic Pivot

Mar 9, 2015

I have tried building an Inline TVF, as I assume this is how it would be used on the DB; however, I am receiving the following error on my code, I must be missing a step somewhere, as I've never done this before. I'm lost on how to implement this clr function on my db?

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure clrDynamicPivot, Line 18
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'external'.
-- Add the parameters for the function here
@query nvarchar(4000),
@pivotColumn nvarchar(4000),


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Converting Row Values To Columns With Dynamic Columns

Jun 11, 2015

Basically, I'm given a daily schedule on two separate rows for shift 1 and shift 2 for the same employee, I'm trying to align both shifts in one row as shown below in 'My desired results' section.

Sample Data:

;WITH SampleData ([ColumnA], [ColumnB], [ColumnC], [ColumnD]) AS
SELECT 5060,'04/30/2015','05:30', '08:30'
UNION ALL SELECT 5060, '04/30/2015','13:30', '15:30'
UNION ALL SELECT 5060,'05/02/2015','05:30', '08:30'
UNION ALL SELECT 5060, '05/02/2015','13:30', '15:30'

[Code] ....

The results from the above are as follows:

columnAcolumnB SampleTitle1 SampleTitle2 SampleTitle3 SampleTitle4
506004/30/201505:30 NULL NULL NULL
506004/30/201513:30 15:30 NULL NULL
506005/02/201505:30 NULL NULL NULL
506005/02/201513:30 15:30 NULL NULL

My desired results with desired headers are as follows:

506004/30/2015 05:30 08:30 13:30 15:30
506005/02/2015 05:30 08:30 13:30 15:30

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Oracle Stored Procedures VERSUS SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!

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Stored Procedures 2005 Vs Stored Procedures 2000

Sep 30, 2006


This Might be a really simple thing, however we have just installed SQL server 2005 on a new server, and are having difficulties with the set up of the Store Procedures. Every time we try to modify an existing stored procedure it attempts to save it as an SQL file, unlike in 2000 where it saved it as part of the database itself.

Thank you in advance for any help on this matter

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Mixing Dynamic SQL With Non-Dynamic In Stored Proc

Mar 24, 2007

I have a Stored Procedure for processing a Bill of Material.

One column on the Assembly Table is a Function Name that contains some busniess rules.

OK, now I'm doing a Proof of Concept and I'm stumped.


I will ultimately have about 100 of these things. My plan was using Dynamic SQL to go execute the function.

Note: The function just returns a bit.

So; here's what I had in mind ...

if isnull(@FnNameYN,'') <> ''
exec spinb_CheckYN @FnNameYN, @InvLineID, @FnBit = @FnBit output

@FnNameYN varchar(50),
@InvLineID int,
@FnBit bit output

declare @SQL varchar(8000)

set @SQL = '
if dbo.' + @FnNameYN + ' (' + convert(varchar(31),@InvLineID) + ')) = 1
set @FnBit = 1
set @FnBit = 0'

exec (@SQL)

Obviously; @FnBit is not defined in @SQL so that execution will not work.
Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Must declare the variable '@FnBit'.
Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Must declare the variable '@FnBit'.

So; is there a way to get a value out of a Dynamic SQL piece of code and get that value INTO my OUTPUT variable?

My many thanks to anyone who can solve this riddle for me.
Thank You!

Sigh: For now, it looks like I'll have a huge string of "IF" statements for each business rule function, as follows:
Hopefully a better solution comes to light.

------ Vertical Build1 - Std Vanes -----------
if @FnNameYN = 'fnb_YN_B1_14'
if dbo.fnb_YN_B1_14 (convert(varchar(31),@InvLineID) ) = 1
set @FnBit = 1
set @FnBit = 0

------ Vertical Build1 - Scissor Vanes -----------
if @FnNameYN = 'fnb_YN_B1_15'
if dbo.fnb_YN_B1_15 (convert(varchar(31),@InvLineID) ) = 1
set @FnBit = 1
set @FnBit = 0

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All My Stored Procedures Are Getting Created As System Procedures!

Nov 6, 2007

Using SQL 2005, SP2. All of a sudden, whenever I create any stored procedures in the master database, they get created as system stored procedures. Doesn't matter what I name them, and what they do.

For example, even this simple little guy:





Gets created as a system stored procedure.

Any ideas what would cause that and/or how to fix it?


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Dynamic SQL In Retrun Table Procedures

May 22, 2007

I'm having problems with dynamic sql within a funtion that returns a table. Here's an example, it compiles but on running gives me an error allong the lines that calling sub procedures is not permitted. I'm assuming the problem is inserting into teh return table, can it be done? should I declare @MyTable as a parameter using the sp_executesql call? or have I completely missed something?



Example routine, not that far from what my actual code looks like.

@date DateTime
@MyTable TABLE
DECLARE @SQL Varchar(1000)
DECLARE @dayOfWeek int
DECLARE @fld varchar(10)
SET @dayOfWeek = DatePart( dw, @date )

if( @dayOfWeek = 1 )
@fld = "SUNDAY"
if( @dayOfWeek = 2 )
@fld = "MONDAY"

Set @SQL = N'Insert into @MyTable Select MyTestTable.ID from MyTestTable Where MyTestTable.' + @fld + ' > 0 '
Exec( @SQL )

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Dynamic Columns For Dynamic SQL

Mar 9, 2007

I have created a dynamic SQL program that returns a range of columns (1 -12) based on the date range the user may select. Each dynamic column is month based, however, the date range may overlap from one year to another. Thus, the beginning month for one selection may be October 2005, while another may have the beginning month of January 2007.

Basically, the dynamic SQL is a derived Pivot table. The problem that I need to resolve is how do I now use this dynamic result set in a Report. Please keep in mind that the name of the columns change based on the date range select.

I have come to understand that a dynamic anything is a moving target!

Please advise.

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Transact SQL :: Cursor To Create Multiple Dynamic Procedures

Jun 29, 2015

The requirement is create a sql script(1 proc or cursor) which will create multiple procedures dynamically.

Table A


For Example: If table A has 3 rows(distinct) so 3 procedures will be created dynamically.

3 PROC_C_charlie

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Dynamic Columns

Mar 18, 2004

Hi all, a quicky.

What is wrong with:

@DateFrom datetime,
@DateTo datetime
declare @days as int
declare @price as smallint
declare @daycolumn as nvarchar(6)

set @price = 0

set @days = DATEDIFF(day, @DateFrom, @DateTo)

set @daycolumn = 'Day_' + CAST(@days AS nvarchar(2))

set @price = (SELECT @daycolumn FROM pasPriceTable)

return @price

Problem is:
Syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'Day_10' to a column of data type smallint

How do I set a variable to a result from a query?
/ j0rge

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Dynamic Columns

Sep 6, 2007

Hi all again,I need an output like :|----|----|----|---|------||row1|row2|row3|...|row(n)||----|----|----|---|------|is possible to create output like that, without querying manuallycause too many dynamic columns in my application.sorry if my question a bit weird cause i'm a newbie in MSSQL.Cheers.

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Dynamic Columns

Sep 20, 2007

My report has a large number of rows in the details section, This wastes a lot of space. I'd like to spread these rows across multiple columns in the details section of my table.

What i'm currently getting...

What I'd like to see...

---ROW1---------- ---ROW2---------- ---ROW3----------
---ROW4---------- ---ROW5---------- ---ROW6----------
---ROW7---------- ---ROW8---------- ---ROW9----------

Is this possible, if so, how??

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Are Dynamic Columns Possible ?

Mar 19, 2007

Hi folks

I'm trying to roll out / createcolumns dynamically, based on a parameter selection, which in turn can calculate the number of columns to be inserted.

For example, if my parameter selects the first Option viz. Business Unit, I need to find out how many standard business units exist (un-specified and depending on the client) and have that many standard width columns generated and have each populated with a column header label + appropriate value.

the columns have to be dynamic and the same information is preferred if it is NOT presented in a drill down format (row-wise).

Thanks for any inputs coming in :)


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Dynamic Number Of Columns

Jun 2, 2005

when using sorred procedure to create a temporary table is it possable to base the number of columns in that table on another variable?

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Dynamic Columns Returned

Sep 6, 2006

I need to write a query that will return an unknown number of columns. Here's the problem:

Let's say you've got a database tracking applications to different university study abroad programs. There may be a dozen or more programs, and the application could be used at any number of different schools, each with different programs. So you have a programs table with ProgramName and ProgramID.

Each program could require a different set things submitted during the application process. So you have a Submissions table, with SubmissionItem and SubmissionID to list the names of each required submission, a Program_Submissions table, with ProgramID and SubmissionID to link Programs to required application items, a SubmittedItems table, that accepts documents uploaded by a user to fullfill the submission requirements, and of course a users table.

I'm not very concerned at the moment about the last two tables. What I need to do is create a report (query) where the first column is the program name, and the other columns are determined by the contents of the Submissions table- if Program_Submissions record exists linking a program to a submission, place a value of 'Y' in that cell, otherwise leave it blank. Any thoughts on how to accomplish this?

I need to do this in a single query that a I can dump into a report builder application to save as a template to give to several people that have been asking for it, and to complicate matters even more, the description above is a little simple, as there are couple different kinds of submissions, with a different table for each.

Any help appreciated. I give rep for good answers!

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Selecting Dynamic Columns

Jul 12, 2004

I have the following Tables:

Table1: Row1
Name Gary
Garbage1 A
Garbage2 B

Table2: Row1 Row2 Row3
Name Gary Gary Gary
Value 1 2 3
Desc Day Afternoon Night

Table1 has a 1 to Many relationship with Table2

Id Like to have the select statement Return the data as follows:


not like this:
Gary A,B,Day,1
Gary A,B,Afternoon,2
Gary A,B,Night,3

Any Ideas?

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Pivot On Dynamic Columns

May 11, 2006

I have a table with 40k terms and I need to map these to a set of objects where each object is represented as a column(tinyint). The object/column name is represented as a guid and columns are added/removed dynamically to support new objects for a set of terms.

I can get the rows needed:


I think I need to then convert this set of rows to a table which I can join to the object runtime table to start these objects if the column has a count/sum greater than 0. This is the table I think I need in order to join on guids to the runtime table:

NAME Count

I don't know how to construct this table for the former table. I think it may be a pivot table, but I don't know. I have the column names:


NAME is a sysname, which doesn't seem to cast into a guid, also a problem when joining the runtime table with this #Temp table.

I also don't want to use a cursor to construct a table.

Thanks for any help,

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Report With Dynamic Columns

Jun 10, 2008

I'm trying to create a report with dynamic columns. I mean that the user is able to select if he wants to see a double drill report with client group and product group, or agents with clients, or everything else he needs. I tried to insert some variables in the query that extracts data from report, and using that variables like parameters, but Reporting Services always get the parameter default value and not the correct value i give him.
How can I solve my problem? There is another way to obtain dynamic reports?

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Dynamic Columns In .net Reporting.

Oct 18, 2007

Hi all,
I have a problem making columns dynamic in a report. I' m using reporting. I was using a flag to determine wheather a column should be made visible or hidden using
IIF(instr(Fields!numrows.value="a")>0,True,false) in the column I want to make dynamic. I do this by setting this expression in the visibility property of the column.
I have 7 columns which are to be made dynamic so I used the same condition in all the columns with a different string to compare ("a","b","c" etc) . I got the columns to be visible dynamically but the condition was not working properly so, I shifted from fields to report parameters and used IIF(parameters!fieldsDisplay1.value=true,true,false). I can get this to work. The problem I have now is if user selects col1 ,col3,col 5 among(col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7) then the report shows up like this.... col1, ,col3, ,col5. Meaning the alternate columns are empty because I' m hiding the visibility when I use the above expressions. I want the report to show all columns one after the other example col1,col3,col5 so that the report doesn't have any empty columns.
I found a link online which explains the same in crystal reports, Can anyone tell me if this is possible using Microsoft reporting? If yes, how do I accomplish this?
Any help would be appreciated.

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How Can I Write A Sproc For Dynamic Columns

Nov 27, 2007

Is it possible to eliminate values from a select statements if they are NULL or Blank..
the reason i have use cast as decimals is because that value is a varchar in my database... and i want to eliminate those values from my Final select statement that dont is blank so that i will have a data set which may be only 1 - 10 long...
 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[rpt_ParticipantPlanPeriodInvActivity]
@PlanId int,
@ParticipantId int,
@PeriodId int

DECLARE @tbl table
tblId smallint IDENTITY(1,1),
ParticipantId int,
LoanId int,
Name1 char(2),
NDesc1 char(30),
TotAct1 decimal(19,4),
Name2 char(2),
NDesc2 char(30),
TotAct2 decimal(19,4),
Name3 char(2),
NDesc3 char(30),
TotAct3 decimal(19,4),
Name4 Char(2),
NDesc4 char(30),
TotAct4 decimal(19,4),
Name5 char(2),
NDesc5 char(30),
TotAct5 decimal(19,4),
Name6 char(2),
NDesc6 char(30),
TotAct6 decimal(19,4),
Name7 char(2),
NDesc7 char(30),
TotAct7 decimal(19,4),
Name8 char(2),
NDesc8 char(30),
TotAct8 decimal(19,4),
Name9 char(2),
NDesc9 char(30),
TotAct9 decimal(19,4),
Name10 char(2),
NDesc10 char(30),
TotAct10 decimal(19,4),
Name11 char(2),
NDesc11 char(30),
TotAct11 decimal(19,4),
Name12 char(2),
NDesc12 char(30),
TotAct12 decimal(19,4),
Name13 char(2),
NDesc13 char(30),
TotAct13 decimal(19,4),
Name14 char(2),
NDesc14 char(30),
TotAct14 decimal(19,4),
Name15 char(2),
NDesc15 char(30),
TotAct15 decimal(19,4),
Name16 char(2),
NDesc16 char(30),
TotAct16 decimal(19,4),
Name17 char(2),
NDesc17 char(30),
TotAct17 decimal(19,4),
Name18 char(2),
NDesc18 char(30),
TotAct18 decimal(19,4),
Name19 char(2),
NDesc19 char(30),
TotAct19 decimal(19,4),
Name20 char(2),
NDesc20 char(30),
TotAct20 decimal(19,4)

Insert Into @tbl
pf.FundId as LoanId,
--CASE When FundName Is Null Then ShortName ELSE FundName END as FundNames,
Act1 as Name1,
a.Description as NDesc1,
cast(TotAct1 as decimal(19,4)) ,
Act2 as Name2,
b.Description as NDesc2,
Cast(TotAct2 as decimal(19,4)),
Act3 as Name3,
c.Description as NDesc3,
Cast(TotAct3 as decimal(19,4)),
Act4 as Name4,
d.Description as NDesc4,
Cast(TotAct4 as decimal(19,4)),
Act5 as Name5,
e.Description as NDesc5,
Cast(TotAct5 as decimal(19,4)),
Act6 as Name6,
fi.Description as NDesc6,
Cast(TotAct6 as decimal(19,4)),
Act7 as Name7,
g.Description as NDesc7,
Cast(TotAct7 as decimal(19,4)),
Act8 as Name8,
h.Description as NDesc8,
Cast(TotAct8 as decimal(19,4)),
Act9 as Name9,
i.Description as NDesc9,
Cast(TotAct9 as decimal(19,4)),
Act10 as Name10,
j.Description as NDesc10,
Cast(TotAct10 as decimal(19,4)),
Act11 as Name11,
k.Description as NDesc11,
Cast(TotAct11 as decimal(19,4)),
Act12 as Name12,
l.Description as NDesc12,
Cast(TotAct12 as decimal(19,4)),
Act13 as Name13,
m.Description as NDesc13,
Cast(TotAct13 as decimal(19,4)),
Act14 as Name14,
n.Description as NDesc14,
Cast(TotAct14 as decimal(19,4)),
Act15 as Name15,
o.Description as NDesc15,
Cast(TotAct15 as decimal(19,4)),
Act16 as Name16,
p1.Description as NDesc16,
Cast(TotAct16 as decimal(19,4)),
Act17 as Name17,
q.Description as NDesc17,
Cast(TotAct17 as decimal(19,4)),
Act18 as Name18,
r.Description as NDesc18,
Cast(TotAct18 as decimal(19,4)),
Act19 as Name19,
s.Description as NDesc19,
Cast(TotAct19 as decimal(19,4)),
Act20 as Name20,
t.Description as NDesc20,
Cast(TotAct20 as decimal(19,4))

ParticipantPlanFundBalances1 pf
Left Outer JOIN Fund f
On f.FundId = pf.FundId
LEFT Join PlanPortfolio p
On pf.PortfolioId = p.PortfolioId
Left outer Join AscActCodes a
on pf.Act1 = a.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes b
on pf.Act2 = b.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes c
on pf.Act3 = c.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes d
on pf.Act4 = d.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes e
on pf.Act5 = e.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes fi
on pf.Act6 = fi.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes g
on pf.Act7 = g.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes h
on pf.Act8 = h.Name
left Outer Join AscActCodes i
on pf.Act9 = i.Name
left Outer Join AscActCodes j
on pf.Act10 = j.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes k
on pf.Act11 = k.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes l
on pf.Act12 = l.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes m
on pf.Act13 = m.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes n
on pf.Act14 = n.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes o
on pf.Act15 = o.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes p1
on pf.Act16 = p1.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes q
on pf.Act17 = q.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes r
on pf.Act18 = r.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes s
on pf.Act19 = s.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes t
on pf.Act20 = t.Name
pf.FundId = 0
PeriodId = @PeriodId
pf.PlanId = @PlanId
pf.ParticipantId = @ParticipantId

--Get the Fund information for the report and combine it with the Loan information
-- in the table variable...

pf.FundId LoanFundId,
CASE When FundName Is Null Then ShortName ELSE FundName END as FundNames,
Act1 as Name1,
a.Description as NDesc1,
Cast(TotAct1 as decimal(19,4)),
Act2 as Name2,
b.Description as NDesc2,
Cast(TotAct2 as decimal(19,4)),
Act3 as Name3,
c.Description as NDesc3,
Cast(TotAct3 as decimal(19,4)),
Act4 as Name4,
d.Description as NDesc4,
Cast(TotAct4 as decimal(19,4)),
Act5 as Name5,
e.Description as NDesc5,
Cast(TotAct5 as decimal(19,4)),
Act6 as Name6,
fi.Description as NDesc6,
Cast(TotAct6 as decimal(19,4)),
Act7 as Name7,
g.Description as NDesc7,
Cast(TotAct7 as decimal(19,4)),
Act8 as Name8,
h.Description as NDesc8,
Cast(TotAct8 as decimal(19,4)),
Act9 as Name9,
i.Description as NDesc9,
Cast(TotAct9 as decimal(19,4)),
Act10 as Name10,
j.Description as NDesc10,
Cast(TotAct10 as decimal(19,4)),
Act11 as Name11,
k.Description as NDesc11,
Cast(TotAct11 as decimal(19,4)),
Act12 as Name12,
l.Description as NDesc12,
Cast(TotAct12 as decimal(19,4)),
Act13 as Name13,
m.Description as NDesc13,
Cast(TotAct13 as decimal(19,4)),
Act14 as Name14,
n.Description as NDesc14,
Cast(TotAct14 as decimal(19,4)),
Act15 as Name15,
o.Description as NDesc15,
Cast(TotAct15 as decimal(19,4)),
Act16 as Name16,
p1.Description as NDesc16,
Cast(TotAct16 as decimal(19,4)),
Act17 as Name17,
q.Description as NDesc17,
Cast(TotAct17 as decimal(19,4)),
Act18 as Name18,
r.Description as NDesc18,
Cast(TotAct18 as decimal(19,4)),
Act19 as Name19,
s.Description as NDesc19,
Cast(TotAct19 as decimal(19,4)),
Act20 as Name20,
t.Description as NDesc20,
Cast(TotAct20 as decimal(19,4))


ParticipantPlanFundBalances1 pf
Left Outer JOIN Fund f
On f.FundId = pf.FundId
LEFT Join PlanPortfolio p
On pf.PortfolioId = p.PortfolioId
Left outer Join AscActCodes a
on pf.Act1 = a.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes b
on pf.Act2 = b.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes c
on pf.Act3 = c.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes d
on pf.Act4 = d.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes e
on pf.Act5 = e.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes fi
on pf.Act6 = fi.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes g
on pf.Act7 = g.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes h
on pf.Act8 = h.Name
left Outer Join AscActCodes i
on pf.Act9 = i.Name
left Outer Join AscActCodes j
on pf.Act10 = j.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes k
on pf.Act11 = k.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes l
on pf.Act12 = l.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes m
on pf.Act13 = m.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes n
on pf.Act14 = n.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes o
on pf.Act15 = o.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes p1
on pf.Act16 = p1.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes q
on pf.Act17 = q.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes r
on pf.Act18 = r.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes s
on pf.Act19 = s.Name
left outer Join AscActCodes t
on pf.Act20 = t.Name
pf.FundId <> 0
PeriodId = @PeriodId
pf.PlanId = @PlanId
ParticipantId = @ParticipantId


'Loan ' + cast(tblId as char(1)),
Cast(TotAct1 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct2 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct3 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct4 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct5 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct6 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct7 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct8 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct9 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct10 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct11 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct12 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct13 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct14 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct15 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct16 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct17 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct18 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct19 as decimal(19,4)),
Cast(TotAct20 as decimal(19,4))
FROM @tbl

Any help will be appreciated. 

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Dynamic Columns In SSRS Reports

May 29, 2012

I have 100+ columns and I want to create a SSRS report which has to have dynamic columns and data. The source tables looks as below:

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Pen 1001 Pencil 100

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