Stored Procedures On SQL 2000 Compared To Dotnet's

Jul 20, 2005

Has any one ever compared the performance of calling a DataTable's
Select method with a stored procedure doing the same thing?
My point is:
dataRows = DataTable.Select(filter) is better or
Passing paramters to stored procedure?
The datatable holds about 500-700 rows at any given time.

If I select one of the approaches the business logic will go into
respective layers.With dotnet in picture what would be a good approach
- Have the data in Datatable and do a filter on the data or call
stored procedures which has been the convention.
Can some one pl. suggest?

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Stored Procedures 2005 Vs Stored Procedures 2000

Sep 30, 2006


This Might be a really simple thing, however we have just installed SQL server 2005 on a new server, and are having difficulties with the set up of the Store Procedures. Every time we try to modify an existing stored procedure it attempts to save it as an SQL file, unlike in 2000 where it saved it as part of the database itself.

Thank you in advance for any help on this matter

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Sql 2000 Compared 2...

Apr 2, 2004

anyone know reasons why sql server 2000 is a better choose for db creation instead of say oracle and mc access???


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VERY Slow Generate Scripts On SQL 2005 Compared To SQL 2000

Aug 1, 2007

i was using sql 2000, the database contains 500+ tables, 3000+ sp.
i moved to sql 2005 and found problem on generating script (right click database -> tasks -> generate scripts).
i need to generate the table relations.... it is very very slow compared to sql 2000 which is done in about 30 seconds to few minutes.
i already tried many ways including set options to false which in my thought could speed up a lot...but still very slow.

average generate script time with sql 2005 (sp 2): 70-90 minutes.
average generate script time with sql 2000 (sp 4): 2-3 minutes.

can anyone tell why ? thx in advance.

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Using SELECT * In Stored Procedures

Apr 2, 2004


We use stored procedures to populate the properties of data layer objects. Is there any advantage or disadvantage (performance wise) of using "SELECT * FROM Table1" Vs


Using individual column names in the select store procedure is getting difficult to maintain for large number of columns or when columns are added or removed.


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SELECT ... WHERE X IN (101,102...) And Stored Procedures

Jul 5, 2005

Ok, I currently have a query which is basically doing the following:


WHERE x IN (101,102...)

I have a couple of questions:

Firstly would making this to a stored procedure really make much of a difference to performance considering the WHERE IN clause.

Secondly how can I pass this list of values to use in the WHERE IN clause to the stored procedure. I tried nVarChar but really wasn't surprised when it didn't work... and can't really think of another clear way.

Thanks in advance,


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Data Transfer From Lotus Notes Very Slow Compared To SQL 2000 DTS

Sep 7, 2006

To extract data from an ODBC source, try the following:

Add an ADO.Net Connection Manager.
Edit the Connection Manager editor and select the ODBC Data Provider
Configure the Connection Manager to use your DSN or connection string
Add a Data Flow Task to your package.
Add a Data Reader Source adapter to your data flow
Edit the Data Reader source adapter to use the ADO.Net connection manager that you added.
Edit the Data Reader source to query for the data you wish to extract.



Using the steps outlined above as described by Donald Farmer in another post on this forum, I have created an SSIS package which retrieves data from Lotus Notes 6.55. The DSN referenced by the ADO.Net Connection Manager connects to Lotus Notes via the NotesSQL ODBC driver 3.02g.

When I execute the dataflow, data is transferred from Lotus Notes, but the data transfer rate is extremely slow compared to SQL 2000 DTS. In SQL 2000 DTS, we can retrieve just under half a million records from Lotus Notes in about 13 minutes. Utilizing the same DSN on the same machine, SQL 2005 SSIS completes the transfer in about 57 minutes.

Is there anything that can be done to improve the performance in SSIS to retrieve data from Lotus Notes via ADO.Net ODBC?


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Stored Procedures (SELECT Then Use Results)

Jun 17, 2004


I need to keep track of the number of hits on a particular page. Im using a stored Procedure

What I want to do is get the number of hits and increment it by one :)

ie: Sub Procedure should be like below

SELECT noOfHits WHERE pageName = 'bla bla'

noOfHits = noOfHits + 1 etc.

Also, some of the pages will be added and deleted all the time, so before I increment the noOfHits variable I need to check that the pageName 'bla bla' exists. AND if it doesnt I need to create a pageName called 'bla bla'

What I need to do in essence is:

1. Check that a particular row exists. if it doesnt create it.
2. Increment a value (by one) to a column in this particular row.

Phew. Hope you got that. Any ideas much appreciated,



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Use Stored Procedures In Select Query

Nov 5, 2004

i want use stored procedures in select query.
for example :
select * from table where (... run a stored procedure ....)
or update from table set a=@a where (... run a stored procedure ....)

how can i do it ?

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Stored Procedures In Sql 2005 Vs. 2000

Jun 11, 2007

I use sql 2005 express on my computer for testing. The server that hosts my site is a sql 2000 server. Therefore I tuned the one database I use down to sql 8.
 When I create stored procedures from web developer express, to the local sql 8 database I have in my sql express, it works nice. But when I copy all my files and my stored procedure to the webhost, it doesn't work.
Do you guys have any suggestions?
 Thanks in advance.

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SELECT Data: Stored Procedures Or View?

May 10, 2007

Hi, I'm developing a fresh SQL DB which is result of a deep analysis of an old Access DB. THe thing is, this old one had very complex consultations to the Access tables, and some consultations were using another consultations as way to select some specific data. THe ideia in SQL is to avoid that too, however, there are some data that may serve exactly the same to some bigger stored procedures. This way, I have three options I guess: 1. Create every stored procedure making select queries directly to the table and it's done!2. Create auxiliary stored procedures which will select the redundant data, and when it is needed, another stored procedures call this one and use its returned data. (is this possible anyway?).3. I create a view to this redundant data, and the greater depth stored procedures access this data of the view when needed. I've heard, however, that a select to a view is slower than directly to the table, once the view adds an extra query to the process.. What is your guess on this issue of mine?I'm almost sure that option 1 is the best, however, I'd love to hear from you guys your opinion on this. The greater issue above this all is just one - performance. Thanks a lot! 

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Stored Procedures To Limit SELECT Access

Sep 17, 2007

Hi there,
I have a database table with a field to specify the username of records that particular user is allowed to access (read only).  I want to be certain the user does not have access to any other records.  So I'm using a stored procedure to query the table with "WHERE dbuser = USER".
My problem is that the stored procedure is returning an error that the table I'm querying cannot be found, and I suspect it is because the user does not have proper permissions to see those tables, even through the stored procedure.
So my question is, how do I grant the user sufficient access for this stored procedure to work without outright granting them select permission on the tables?
Much appreciated! 

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Calling Stored Procedures In A Select Statement

Feb 26, 2004

I am trying to call a stored procedure inside a SQL SELECT statement. Has anybody had to do this in the past? I have a SELECT statement in a Microsoft Access database and I need that SELECT statement to call the stored procedure in the SQL server. Any help would be appreciated

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Select Statements And Nested Stored Procedures

Mar 21, 2008

I have nested a Stored Procedure within a stored procedure. The nested stored procedure ends in a select statement. What I'd like to do is either capture the results of the select statement (it will be 1 row with 3 columns, I only need the contents of first column), or suppress the select statement from displaying in the final results of the Stored Procedure it is nested in.

Is there any way to do either of those?

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Scheduling Stored Procedures For MS SQL Server 2000

Mar 31, 2005

Is there any way to make MS SQL Server 2000 to perform some stored procedures, say 3 times a day? If so, how? Thanks.

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Creating Stored Procedures In SQL Server 2000

Dec 12, 2006

sivanantham writes "How to create Stored Procedures in SQL Server 2000?

also give me samples with Cursors and all


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How To Transfer Stored Procedures To 2005 To 2000

Feb 16, 2007

Hi gurus

i have a assignment on hands to transfer store procedures of 2005 to 2000. I have tryed by scripting SPs and then runing them in 2000 QA, but it gives me error every time ....... so please help me to resolve this problem.


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SQL Server 2000 SP4 Not Importing Stored Procedures

Jan 22, 2007

HiI'm running a Windows 2000 SP4 Server which has SQL Server 2000 SP4running.My problem is whenever i try to import a database over from one serverto the other the tables/data etc imports but the stored procedures andviews are not imported over and when i try to select these to importthey do not appear in the list. Any ideas on whats up?Many Thanks in advanceT

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Breakpoints In Stored Procedures SQLSERVER 2000

Nov 28, 2007

When i want to debug the stored procedure in SQLServer2000 query analyzer
the stepInto button gets disabled so it executes sp rather than debug.
Exec sp_sdidebug 'legacy_on' is not working.
Thanx in advance

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Processing Results Of SELECT Statements In Stored Procedures

May 7, 2008

In my SPs, I commonly have a situation, where a SELECT statement gets a single scalar value (e.g. SELECT Name FROM Employee WHERE id=@id) from a table.

Because the result is still a relation, I cannot process it directly or assign the result to a variable
(like set @name = SELECT Name FROM Employee WHERE id=@id)

So, how can I process the results of the statement in this case.

In some other cases, the result is actually a relation. And I want to iterate over all rows, processing each row's columns.
(I know this smells of ADO.NET, but how can I help it if I am coming from that background)...

The point is I want to do all this in T-Sql on server side!!!

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Multiple Datatable Select In C# And Sql?

May 10, 2008

I have 2 diffrent tables in the database, is it possible to select both of those back to c# on the same time?
I DONT want to combine the tables, just select them into 2 diffrent datatables in one select statement?
At the moment, i have something like:
function XXOpenDBCon();mCom.Parameters.Clear();mCom.CommandText = "Stuff_GetMovieCategories";myAdap = new SqlDataAdapter();myTable = new DataTable();myAdap.SelectCommand = mCom;myAdap.Fill(myTable);CloseDBCon();return myTable;
Can i ask the database to perhaos retrieve Stuff_GetMovieCategories and on the same time retrieve Stuff_MostViewedMovies?
So the SP does 2 select statements and returns them, i get in the function above 2 datatables with the information, one datatable with Categories and one table with MostViewedMovies.
Is this possible?

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Oct 12, 2006


Can I use "like" in method??


Dim exp As String = "c.cDesc like " & txtSearch.Text & " + N'%' "
Dim rows() As DataRow = dtCenters.Select(exp)

knowing that txtSearch.text has unicode characters

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Restored SQL 2000 Backup, Stored Procedures Don't Work

May 6, 2006

I have restored a SQL 2000 backup of my database, ever since my web applications are unable to use any of the stored procedures.
I get the following error:
Could not find stored procedure 'xxx'.

If I use enterprise manager and go to the procedures tab the procedure appears there.

Any ideas what is up?

PS: The username has been changed, before the backup it was "user1" now its something else. For some reason it still shows that the procedure object is owned by "user1". Could this be the problem?

Thanks in advance.

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Performance Of Extended Stored Procedures In SQL Server 2000

Jul 23, 2005

What is the overhead of using extended stored procedures?I created a table with 500,000 rows.1) I ran a select on two columns and it runs in about 5 seconds.2) I ran a select on one column and called an UDF (it returns aconstant string) and it takes 10 seconds.3) I ran a select on one column and called a UDF that calls an extendedstored procedure that returns a string and it takes 65 seconds.I also tried running test 3 with 4 concurrent clients and each clienttakes about 120 seconds.

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What System Stored Procedures Have Changed Between SQL 2000 And SQL 2005?

Aug 2, 2006

What system stored procedures have changed between SQL 2000 and SQL 2005?

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Running Scheduled Stored Procedures MSSQL 2000/2005

Jul 15, 2007

 Hi allI am looking for the best method to automate a website's database management. Lets say I have a user registration database and the users register. This sends an automated email to the user with a link to activate the users registration. If the user does not register within 24 hours, his registration must be automatically deleted from the database using a stored procedure.I know how to do this using the global.aspx file, however there must be an alternative way of doing this, especially if the database is an SQL database. I do not know how much MSSQL server access is given to a developer by an as ISP who hosts the website.Can anyone tell me what would be the best method to use.ThxWarren 

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HOW To Pull Merge Subscriptions In SQL Server 2000 Using Stored Procedures ??? (URGENT)

Dec 15, 2005

I've successfully carried out pull subscription using Wizard in SQL server 2000.

But NOW its the time to deploy the project & I've to do it programatically........

i tried to use the default stored procedures like "sp_addmergepullsubscription ", "sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent  ", "sp_reinitmergepullsubscription ", with respective parameters.

Then using replmerge.exe i tried to execute the batch file But could not succeed......

Can anyone guide me from the Basics ??? (i knw the Replication Architecture its heirarchy....but have NO idea of performing it Programatically......!!!!!!!!)

by BASICS, i should i execute the resp. stored procedures with what parametes & the order i should follow in order to successfully pull a merge subscription in SQL server 2000.


if a Sample code is mentioned as example, would be better for me to understand....


Thanking all of you in anticipation...........




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SQL 2012 :: Generate Stored Procedures For Select / Insert / Update / Delete On Certain Tables?

Apr 3, 2015

Is there a way in SQL server that can generate stored procedures for select, insert, update, delete on certain tables?

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DataTable And Stored Procedure Insertion

Apr 29, 2007

How can I insert a DataTable as a whole into the Database (into an existing table) using a stored procedure?
can I just send the DataTable as a parameter to the procedure?
how can I do it?

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Call To Stored Proc Returning Null Datatable

Jun 6, 2007

I have a stored proc which should be returning a datatable.  When I execute it manually it returns all requested results. However, when I call it via code (C#) it is returning a null table which leads me to believe the problem is in my code.  I'm not getting any errors during runtime.  Any help at all would be a BIG help!
private void PopulateControls()    {        DataTable table = CartAccess.getCart();    }
public static DataTable getCart() {        DbCommand comm = GenericDataAccess.CreateCommand();        comm.CommandText = "sp_cartGetCart";
        DbParameter param = comm.CreateParameter();        param.ParameterName = "@CartID";        param.Value = cartID;        param.DbType = DbType.String;        param.Size = 36;        comm.Parameters.Add(param);
        DataTable table = (GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSelectCommand(comm));        return table; }
public static DataTable ExecuteSelectCommand(DbCommand command)    {        // The DataTable to be returned         DataTable table;        // Execute the command making sure the connection gets closed in the end        try        {            // Open the data connection             command.Connection.Open();            // Execute the command and save the results in a DataTable            DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();            table = new DataTable();            table.Load(reader);            // Close the reader             reader.Close();        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            Utilities.SendErrorLogEmail(ex);            throw ex;        }        finally        {            // Close the connection            command.Connection.Close();        }        return table;    }

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Filling A DataTable From SqlQuery : If SqlQuery Returns Null Values Problem Ocurrs With DataTable

Sep 3, 2007

Filling a DataTable from SqlQuery : If SqlQuery returns some null values problem ocurrs with DataTable.
Is it possible using DataTable with some null values in it?

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Oracle Stored Procedures VERSUS SQL Server Stored Procedures

Jul 23, 2005

I want to know the differences between SQL Server 2000 storedprocedures and oracle stored procedures? Do they have differentsyntax? The concept should be the same that the stored proceduresexecute in the database server with better performance?Please advise good references for Oracle stored procedures also.thanks!!

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Cannot Find Select Stored Procedure Wizard In SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

I was using the SQL 2000 stored procedure wizard to create storedprocedures. I can create insert, delete and update SPs however I amnot able to create the select SP. The wizard does not offer the optionof selecting "select" type SP. thank you for your replyscompraj

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