Stored Credentials When Using Report Models?
Apr 17, 2007
I am have a few reports built in Report Builder and obviously using Report Models. All these report models are using a share data source. When I try enable to enable chache or creating subscription I get and error that "Credentials used not stored".
I thought well let me store the credentials for the data source used by the model used by the report on the server. I still get the same error.
I tried to create a custom data source for the report but there is not option for connection string to connect to Report Server Model. We have "Microsoft SQL SEVER", "OLE DB", "Microsoft SQL Analysis Services", "ORACLE", "ODBC", "XML", "SQP Netweaver BI" and "Hyperion Essabe"
if I understand this right to create cache or subscription I must store the credentials for each report making shared Data source concept redundant. Also I cannot create a connection string to connect to Report Server Model.
I would greatly appreciate if anyone can tell me how to enable cache or subscriptions for report that are built on report models using shared data source.
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Jan 23, 2007
Hi all,
When I create a new report subscription in report manager, I got this error
Credentials used to run this report are not stored
any idea?
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Apr 17, 2007
I created a report in SSRS, and deployed it. I have created security where when users run the on demand report, it will prompt them for a username and password. I went to the properties of the report then Execution, and tried to set up report execution snapshot and got an error 'Credentials used to run this report are not stored.' I get the same error if I go to History and try to select any of the options there.
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Dec 11, 2006
I am getting the standard "Subscriptions cannot be created because the credentials used to run the report are not stored -".I tried to store them in the Stored Data Source in the Visual Studio Project and then deployed. I cannot find in any documentation a reference where to go to STORE CREDENTIALS for a Report Server subscription. I would really appreciate any help on this. I did look at the existing threads, but they don't specifically address where to create the credentials. Thanks for any help you can provide.
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Jul 18, 2007
Is anyone using Report Builder via a Report Model generated from Analysis Services in production?
From what I have seen on the Forum people have done this from books, but it is not clear as to whether they have used it at work, in production. There do appear to be reports of some problems with the integration between the two, and with performance.
The attraction of Report Builder on top of Analysis Services is that we should only need to define measures, security, etc, once in the Cube, not twice, as we would if we had to use Report Builder on top of a relational source, alongside Cubes on Analysis Services.
What I would like to find out is:
1) If there is someone who has deployed Report Builder on top of both a relational data source and Analysis Services. If so, which has been taken up best by the users?
2) How does the navigation in Report Builder work with Cubes. It seems a little bizarre in that you can only drill down, never up. Is there any way around this. Do you need to design the Cube specifically to support the Report Model? If so how?
3) The generation of the report model is easy. However, is there any way to control this, or to edit it later?
4) We have had problems with Report Models on relational sources where changes have invalidated the Report Model and all reports built on it. Can similar problems arise, for example, if you change the Cube and then Re-Generate the Report Model?
5) Are there any other issues around Report Builder. The two I have found so far seem to be Hidden Dimensions showing up, and Report Builder not working if measures are defined as non-aggregatable.
6) Are there any other end-user adhoc reporting products which work better with Analysis Services?
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Jun 6, 2007
I have a Sharepoint integrated Reporting Services server. I have created Report models based on Data Sources. I then created Report Builder Reports to make some BI Charts and Graphs. They look great and work fine for a few days then all of a sudden I get a rsItemNotFound error saying it cannot find the Report Model which is clearly there.
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
The item 'IT Reports/PWPDB_Prod_Model.smdl' cannot be found. (rsItemNotFound)
If I open the Report Model from Report Builder it loads the data fields, but also fails to run reports with the same error
If I try to regenerate the model from the library I get an error stating that the model needs to be a generated model.
The model specified must be a generated model.
Even after rebooting all of the servers in the farm I get the same messages. I can regenerate a model from the data source and it doesn't work. I am seeing no errors in the logs of my app server at all regarding reporting services.
It looks as though I will have to de-integrate Reporting Services as it is not viable for a business critical application.
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Apr 16, 2007
Need a little help here. I would like to utilize the ad-hoc capabilities of Reporting Services to grant the users of one of my web apps the ability to create all sorts of crazy reports that I don't have to develop.
Basically, this web app is a flexible survey engine. My vision is to have the users select questions from a survey that they wish to generate statistics on. My application would create a view in the database that transposes the data into a tabular format. They would then get kicked over to the reporting services web client, where they can regenerate a report model, and then fire up report builder to create their crazy statiscal abomination. (Aren't users grand!)
This process sounds wonderful, but I'm not aware of any way to get the report model to regenerate and pickup any views. I can get it to pick up any new tables that are added as long as a primary key is created for them, but I want the automated dynamic data rendering that comes with a view. Hopefully, some of you out there have tried to do this already and have some ideas that may help me. Thanks!
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Apr 8, 2007
the database my app is using contains information from multiple user organisations, a sort of multi organisation database. I intend using the reprot builder to provide access to a user ine ach organisation. However the issue of who sees what info has popped up and i'm trying to think of a way to restict the user of report builder to only be able to see their own organisations information. This is a social services type application which is used by mutlitple service providers so organisations get twitchy about other organisations being able to see detailed client info. on the application the security stops this but at am a t a loss as to how to best restirct access to an organisation won client data.
any thoughts? is this somehting that can be configured through the reprt model and the report builder user account?
few ideas or advise would eb v helpful,
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May 29, 2007
I am having a problem deploying or manually uploading smdl files to reporting services. I can upload anyother type of file without a problem. (dsv, ds, etc.) However, when i try to upload a smdl file, I get
"The permissions granted to user '<me>' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)"
How do I fix this?
Thank you"
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Apr 30, 2007
How does the report model know what data source view to use? I could not find it defined anywhere in the .smdl file.
My problem is this. I have a Report Model project with two data sources, two data source views and multiple report models. When I try and bind a data source to an entity in the report model I do not get to choose which data source view to use to choose what table/view I want to bind the entity too and only the tables in one of my DSV's shows up. When I first created it, it worked fine. It automatically selected the correct view and table and was successfully created but now when I open the project, that correlation is lost.
Any suggestions or help is appreciated, thanks.
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Apr 30, 2007
When I open Report Builder I do not see any of the models that I've created. The "Select Site or Server" is blank and I cannot get to any of the models. I can't change the dropdown from "Recent Sites and Servers."
I am not sure what I did, because it used to work. I did install SP2 but that did not cause a problem originally.
I can create new models (on both the BIDS and the ReportServer site) and I see that they were created just not in Report Builder. At this point Report Builder is non-functional for me.
The other thing that may be related is that I've never been able to run Report Builder from the website. When I click the button nothing happens. I made a shortcut to ReportBuilder.exe to get around this.
Thank you for the help.
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Apr 11, 2007
I am having mucho difficulties deploying Report Models from my box.
I create a brand new report model project, I add a data source, a datasource view, and a report model. Everything builds fine. I setup the project to point to a valid SSRS Server (and I tried this on another person's box, everything worked fine), click deploy- enter the credentials, and the logon box just keeps popping back up instead of deploying.
When the credential box pops up, it has a "" in it. When I try this on another person's box, it works fine.
I just upgraded to SQL Server 2005 SP2, but I do not have Visual Studio 2005 SP1.
Could some of that be a problem?
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Nov 22, 2007
Hi i have created serveral reports in sql and uploaded it to report manager. We have an issue here. We have 5 departments at our place. Each of the department has 5 reports. We want the department for instance Administration to open/view only their reports and no others. How is this done "Credentials supplied by the user running the report" Basically if i give sa and sa as username and password, i will be able to enter any department reports but i want something like sa say 'admin' this user will only open his reports and no one else. there is also security for the folder. I could clump all the reports instead of type do it by department. So all admin reports in one folder and only admin should have access and no one else say if there is another user manager he cant access it. Do you have any idea on how to go abt this situation?
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Mar 6, 2008
I have implemented a ReportServerCredentials class in my code and the NetworkCredentials property is set up to pass a domain account. Usually this works fine but occasionaly the ReportViewer stops sending credentials to the report server resulting in the following error:
The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
The IIS logs on the ReportServer don't show any credentials being passed in on these requests.
When this happens in debug mode in Visual Studio, I usually have to create a new project and migrate my code into it to get it to start working again. When it happens on the web server, it seems to correct itself after a while.
It seems like this must be a bug in the ReportViewer or perhaps in IIS. Does anyone know of a work around or a patch?
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Apr 16, 2007
I never got an answer on this so I am reposting this issue. Also, please note that I have consistently reproduced this issue on multiple perspectives within and accross multiple cubes on 3 different SQL Server Instances. I have also had no problem with perspectives within Report Models that were not generated from an SSAS Cube.
I have created a simple cube in BI Studio against an Oracle Relational Data Warehouse. In this cube I have created a perspective in which I have selected (included) only a small subset of measures and dimension. When I view this perspective on the Browse Tab of BI Studio, only the entities that were included in the perspective were available for report construction as was expected.
Next, I generated a model for this cube in Report Manager. Now here is the problem, I then opended the model in Report Builder and selected the same perspective from above, but all of the Entities in the cube were displayed including the fields I explicitely did not include in the perspective. I then looked at the .smdl file describing the Model and it looked like in the Perspective description section all of the cube's entities were included, even the ones that should not have been included. It seems as if the problem is ocurring durring the model generation. I also tried generating the model in Management Studio and it seems to be doing the same thing.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Could I be doing something wrong(probably)? I have to give a presentation soon and this is a big deal for the Project Stakeholders.
By the way, I am using the 180 Day Evaluation of Sql Server 2005 with SP2 CTP installed.
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Jan 3, 2008
I am new to SSRS. I am doing some report models for Ad-hoc reports. Im my database i have some users and their roles according to my requirement. User should only see the particular reports if he have privilege. how to customize...
User will access Report Builder to do adhoc report.
For example
I have 5 report Models
In my data base there are 3 users.
user1 have privilege to view rptModel1, rptModel3
user2 have privilege to view rptModel4, rptModel5
user3 have privilege to view rptModel2, rptModel5
When Particular user access the report builder, There i want to show only that particular Report models...
is there any posibilities to do this please Help me.
Thanks in Advance...
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Feb 1, 2006
I've been working on an application that uploads an RDL to Reporting Services (through the SOAP webservice method CreateReport) programmatically. I'm having difficulty setting up the data source properties for my uploaded report. In particular the Data Source Credentials property.
The datasource for my report doesn't require credentials. By default after I upload the report to Reporting Services, the Data Source Credentials property is set to "Credentials supplied by the user running the report". How do I go about setting the Data Source Credentials property to "Credentials are not required" programmatically through the webservice?
Thanks in advance
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Apr 22, 2008
For credentials, I have a Shared Data Source that "uses a specific user name and password".
When I open the data source's RDS file, I observed that the credentials are not stored in the RDS file.
Where are the credentials for the data sources stored?
It has to be stored somewhere. When I close and reopen the solution, the credentials for the data source are still intact.
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Jun 11, 2007
I have a database script that uses the extended stored procedures sp_OACreate and sp_OCMethod to execute an .exe file. The .exe file is located on the same machine as the SQL Server. At this time it does nothing but log the name of the user calling it.
When I execute the script from Management Studio (logged in as myself) the user being logged as the caller of the .exe is still NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. I don't know why NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM is the caller, cause the SQL Server service runs under another domain account.
I have tried playing around with EXECUTE AS USER but no matter what, the caller of the .exe is always logged as NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM.
Are there any way I can pass my credentials to the executable that I am calling from the T-SQL script?
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Apr 11, 2007
I can't seem to get this to work and have to resort to a custom connection for each report in Server Manager. The problem with that is that I have to re-do it every time I re-deploy the reports. Is there a secret to this that I have not found yet?
Dick Campbell
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Jan 5, 2007
I'm trying to use stored credentials to enable caching. I've created a special windows user account with minimum permissions for just this task, and once set up, it works great (almost).
I can update the shared data source using SQL Mgt Studio or directly via the Report Manager to use a set of -windows- stored credentials. But I don't seem to be able to do the same via VS.NET 2005. I can only store -SQL- credentials, which I have no need to enable and no desire to add to my surface area.
The problem lies that every time I deploy any report that using that data source (which is nearly all of them), the data source is re-published, which wipes out the stored credentials and caching immediately stops.
I've tried messing with the XML directly, with no luck, and changing assorted advanced settings, but nothing seems to stick.
Obviously I can manually update the credentials each time I deploy something, but surely it seems that there must be a better way. Is there a way to either set the DS to use stored windows credentials, or just plain prevent the deployment of the DS every time a dependent report is published?
P.S. SQL 2005 Standard Ed SP1 32-bit
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Jun 2, 2015
I want to create a datasource but the credentials I want to use will be based on the user running the report rater than hard coded.
I have tried using Windows Integrated Security but all i can is cant log in as NTAnonymous User?
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Mar 10, 2006
Sid writes "Hi,
can anybody plz provide me the stored procedure for checking the credentials(uid,Pwd) of a login page in sqlserver.
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Jan 10, 2007
Hi all ,
this is my first post here hope i will find help.
I'm facing problems in understanding some topics .. and i searched on the net but every time i read an article i find new things and topics.
i think i need just a good way to start from the following topics.
-recovery models (full,simple,..).
-fullback and differntial back up.
waiting for your help or even links to external articles may also help.
thanks in adavance
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Jul 6, 2001
Any one knows if the recovery models in SQL7.0 same as in SQL2000, if not the same do you know them and which one is the default.
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Apr 12, 2006
If I'm using a transactional replication and the publisher's recovery model is se to FULL, can the subscribers use simple recovery model?
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Dec 5, 2007
Hello Everybody , I have Some questions and I am sure that this is the best place for them to not be questions any more.
Here are My Questions:
What is the difference between full recovery model and simple recovery model?
My database has an mdf file about 400mb and a log file about 5GB.
Is this caused because of full recovery model?
What can I do in order to make my log file smaller?
Which recovery Model Do you Suggest for Use and Why?
Thank you So Very Much
I sell my mother in law.Is anybody interested?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi.Does anyone know any web site with common database models presented andexplained.Database models like calendar, adressbook, storehouse...Thnx in advance
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Jan 25, 2007
I am using the Excel 2007 data mining add-in, and don't have write perms on the Analysis Services server. Can I store datamining models in an alternate location?
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May 10, 2007
I've created models with Decision Tree and Neural Network algorithms that predict continous target. But I don't know how to interpret scores that occure under scatter accuracy plot. How should I interpret scores under scatter accuracy plot?
How can I estimate occuracy of model created with Time Series? How can I compare accuracy of model created with Time Series with models created with Decision Trees and Neural Network algorithms?
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 19, 2006
Hi .Net Guru’s,I have an urgent requirement for my project; the issue is mentioned below;Using .Net(C#/VB.Net) I need to generate/created Database objects from XML schemas.I don't have any sample xml schema file to give you. You just imagine you have a sample .xsd file and this .xsd file will be used to create database tables.Please let me know if you have any queries. Thanks,nick
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May 16, 2008
hi help me as soon , i need know ,i get for my teacher
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Jul 16, 2007
Hi, guys,
Thanks for your kind attention.
Just want to make things perfectly work and make the most of our fantastic SQL Server 2005 Data Mining Engine. Can any of you here give me some super advices on the validation of the mining models. As we always see, the 3 aspects of a mining model are: Score, Population correct, and Predict Probability. So the question is: How can we combine these three aspects to best judge the mining models by being able to tell which model is the best one? And to what extent can we really trust these mining models?
These are very important before we can actually bring the models into work to convince other people who have no ideas what are going on with these models. Yes, we just want to convince them with the results of these models and make the most of them and best help them getting the most from their business operations etc.
By the way please can you explain a bit details on each of these aspects? Thanks again.
I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly and thanks bunch for your help.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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