Storing 2 Instants Of Contact In A Seperate Table
May 25, 2007
Hi, this is my first post to this forum so thank you all in advance..
I am trying to design a database to store information about the Specification required by each customer. And the main problem I am having is how to store 2 instants of ContactID (from CustomerContacts table) in a seperate table called CustomerSpec.
For example each Customer has many contacts,(the Customer data is stored in a table called Customers which has a one to many relationship with the CustomerContacts table) each customer has one and only one Customer spec, and each customer spec needs to have 2 customer contacts, ie. one for Artwork and one production. (it should also be possible to have the same contact for both Artwork and production).
The problem is how to associate these contactId's with the customer spec...(if there was only one Contact per spec I could simply link the CustomerContacts table with the CustomerSpec table and drop ContactID into CustomerSpec as a foreign key.. But I am stuck to how to save more than one ID..
Can you help please..
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Sep 23, 2005
I'm new to SQL with 2 weeks under my, so this may be a simple edit:
When I run the following query, I can get a list of all dups in the contact field:
SELECT full_name,
COUNT(full_name) AS NumOccurrences
FROM contact
GROUP BY full_name
HAVING ( COUNT(full_name) > 1 )
I need to make sure I am de-activating (active = 0) only the contacts where they are listed more then once within the same company table (company.company_id) and the condition is that phone is NULL. I can't seem to make it work. Does anyone have any suggestions for an UPDATE I can use?
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May 10, 2008
I have 4 tables with the respective amount of records
1) 6755
2) 2021
3) 2021
4) 355
They all have the same columns. However, they need to be seperate, or at least when I query them. I'll be accessing this database via the web. i was first afraid that a large database would cause major slow down when accessing the db. So I broke it up into 4 tables. If I combined all 4 tables into one large table and just had a column that differentiated the 4, how significant would be the change in speed when accessing the table? It's not a big deal to keep them seperate, its just that when I have to add or remove a column from one table I have to remove it from all the tables. Furthermore, I'm using a module from DEVEXPRESS, don't know if anyone has heard of it, but when you use a gridview, it loads up the entire table even though your paging (which I think is retarded), so for that reason I was afraid it would slow up my access to the db. Any thoughts?
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Apr 13, 2007
I don't know if this could be done, but I will present this question...
I have an employee_table with empid, firstName, lastName, phExt columns.
I have another table called location_table that contains locationID, locationName, locPhext.
Here is the dataset from the 2 tables...
From Employee Table....
empid firstName lastName phExt
1 Ann Smith 1234
2 Barb Jones 4567
3 Jeff Teeves 8901
From Location Table
locationID locationName locPhext
1 Computer Room 3245
2 Board Room 1 8745
3 Conference Room 1 4564
Here is the data that I would like to pull in this format...
Ann Smith 1234
Barb Jones 4567
Board Room 1 8745
Computer Room 3245
Conference Room 1 4564
Jeff Teeves 8901
What SQL script could I use to produce the above results?
Thanks in advance
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Dec 11, 2004
Hi all,
I want to produce some output for Mainframe application. For that I want to insert values from multiple table as source to a single column (huge in size)of a different table (Destination table). There may be same related records in all of the source tables with the primary key. When I export values from the source tables , each related records should be insterted to the destination table's field (multiple entries for each table). Please advise.
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Dec 29, 2006
Hello there,I just want to ask if storing data in dbase is much better than storing it in the file system? Because for one, i am currenlty developing my thesis which uploads a blob.doc file to a web server (currently i'm using the localhost of ASP.NET) then retrieves it from the local hostAlso i want to know if im right at this, the localhost of ASP.NET is the same as the one of a natural web server on the net? Because i'm just thinking of uploading and downloading the files from a web server. Although our thesis defense didn't require us to really upload it on the net, we were advised to use a localhost on our PC's. I'll be just using my local server Is it ok to just use a web server for storing files than a database?
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May 26, 2008
I have this page that upload's PFD's to a table. In principle this works fine.
Until I try to upload large files (3 to 4 MB)I need to even upload larger files than that. (Don't really know as of yet what users are going to come up with) I get TimeOut problems. Now some people say it is not possible to exceed a limit of about 4 MB. But that there is a workaround by changing something to the web.config file.Can somebody give me info about that, (I am quite a novice really)I tried to change it like this, but to no avail:
<system.web><httpRuntime maxRequestLength="102400"enable = "True"requestLengthDiskThreshold="102400" useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="True"executionTimeout="102400"/></system.web>
Thanks for any help!
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Jul 16, 2002
Is it possible to store a .wav file in a SQL Server table? I have looked in books online and on the web... to no avail. Any info would help.
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Mar 24, 2008
is there a way to store superscript or sub script in a table like chemical names H20 or O2. i have a table with datatype as nvarchar.
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Apr 17, 2014
I have a file that is automatically generated by an external process that will always have the same name + a date stamp.I will say test_(Datestamp).txt
what i am trying to do is use sql to bulk insert this file but i will not know the full file name as the date stamp is also includes time. What my script is doing is taking this file everyday storing its contents temporarily in a table where i then use a trigger to edit and repopulate the table and kick out a new file that another external process uses.
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Jun 30, 2007
in my aspx page, user enters multiple email ids separated by comma. i want to store all this email ids in one table under the field "PresenterEmail".
can anybody help me out?
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Apr 23, 2015
I am storing xml in an xml datatype field in a table. But when I am generating physical file from the xml field, '&' in the xml field is getting converted into '&' in the physical file. But I want '&' to be intact.
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Feb 13, 2007
I want to (and succeeded) read information from one table in my database ([services] in this case) and display them in a table with an additional column with a textbox so that I can enter volumes in it. So far so good, this works fine. But I now want to store all the volumes together with the ID's in a seperate table ([service_volume]) by clicking the Submit button.
Does anyone know how to achieve this?
<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<script runat="server">
<html xmlns="" >
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<title>Show Services</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<table border="1" width="100%">
<th>Service ID</th>
<th>Service Name</th>
<td><asp:Label id="lblService_ID" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("service_id")%>'></asp:Label></td>
<td><asp:Label id="lblService_Name" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("service_name")%>'></asp:Label></td>
<asp:TextBox id="intVolume" Runat="server" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="btnStoreInfo" />
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [service_id], [service_name] FROM [services]">
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Jan 14, 2002
Hi ... I need to read rows from a large source file , check if the data selected already exists in the destination and if it does, upate the destination , else insert a new row . Now i could use a sp, but that means i have to call it for each row in the text file ...
any ideeas on what kind of package can be created /
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Sep 12, 2006
hi all
i am displaying some information in a datagrid as part of shopping cart.i want to store the informations which i displayed and some informations
which the user enters in a temporary table, so that i can perform manipulations based on that.
how can i do that?
how to load those informations into a temporary table during runtime
can anyone explain me in detail? please
thanks in advance
i am using sqlserver2000
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Apr 5, 2007
I have a database which has contact column eg. Mr Peter Smith
I am writing a new database which is to have three seperate columns.. saluation, first name and surname. What would be the best way to split the column up?? I was thinking on concentrating on the spaces??
Note: some conacts may not have saluation inc in the contact column, and in this case the saluation column should be blank...
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm trying to write a SQL that stores a result from a stored-procedureinto a temporary table.Is there any way of doing this?
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Feb 14, 2007
hey all you database guru's hopefully someone can lend some insight as to a little table design problem I have.
Basically I've got a system in place to authorize users to access a website typical username password stuff. The table contains a list of users and there passwords plus the auth level and a few other tid bits that aren't really important enough to into detail about them here. What I want to do is add a messaging system to this, I think I could probably figure out a way to do this half decent if I setup a seperate table for each user to add a row to the table for every message entry than in my code have it delete everything but the last 10 entries every time a user logs on. However I would much prefer a way that I didn't have to setup a whole new table for each user just for messaging purposes, maybe store something like a list in one of the database cell's kind of like .nets generic.list or better yet generic.queue, I would also like a way if it's possible without too much work to have the table automatically delete the oldest message every time a new message is received if there's already 10 messages existing for the user.
Anyways hopefully someone has some experience in setting up a system like this, I don't really require any code samples I can code it all myself (other than the database code to automatically remove entry's, I'm not a database guy) if someone could just explain a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do, or if someone has a different more convenient way of doing this I would be up for suggestions
Thanks in advance for any help offered, I do appreciate it
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Oct 5, 2006
I need a resolution of the following issue:
Following SQL is to be inserted in an audit table :
@P_LOAD_ID, @P_LOAD_STATUS, @P_START_TIME, @P_END_TIME are the 4 parameters mapped to global variables (At package Level) which store values mapped in a previous SQL Task in my control flow.
Following Error Message is thrown on executing the SQL Task:
Invalid object name 'GLOBAL_VARIABLE_LOAD'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Can anyone guide me as to how should I go about saving values in global variables and inserting them in a table.
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 28, 2008
I'm trying to store the results of my store procedure in a temp table. when I try it, I got the error saying...
"Insert exec cannot be nested"
I suspsect this is because I have a Insert Exec statement inside my stored procedure...
Is there any way to come over this issue ?
syntax of my code...
create table #Temp1 (ID int)
insert into #Temp1
when I try to run the above code I get the error "Insert exec cannot be nested"
SP syntax :
Create Procedure SP1
create table #Temp2
Insert into #temp2
exec SP<Name>
staments.. cont...
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Apr 17, 2007
Been learning web dev for five months in c#.
The problem I have is that some weeks ago I moved my application to a new folder in my
hard drive. All seemed ok but now my connection strings to insert data no longer work and
throw exception saying...Object referance not set to an instance of an object.
I dug into the new folder and it has created a new sql server ( I think) in app .data
how do I connect to this new server and how do I find its connection strings.
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Feb 8, 2007
I have a contact table and a customer table. The two tables will contain columns like
First name
Last Name,
Date of Birth
Post Code,
House Number
Street Name
I would like to find the different combinations in which I can relate the customer and contact data.
Like its is possible that the first name and last name are same but date of birth is different. This indicates that the contact and customer is the same. Now I do not know these combinations and I would like to have this set generated for me.
From Integration Service (Sql Server 2005) I get the data and I would like to know the patterns in which data will differ. Is there any way of achieving this?
I am very new to Data Mining and would like to have some direction as to how to progress with this.
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Jun 8, 2006
I downloaded Business Contact Manager. With the download an SQL server is part of the download. When I rebooted my machine. The SQL server is not connected.
It's asking for:
How is this process completed to operate correctly?
Thank you,
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Feb 25, 2015
I want to store Images as binary data in SQL table and compare it each time with a image file I am getting. I've tried below approach but getting error:
TestID int IDENTITY(1,1),
BLOBName varChar(50),
BLOBData varBinary(MAX)
[Code] ....
Error: Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
Cannot bulk load because the file "C:Files12656.jpg" could not be opened. Operating system error code 3(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105).
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Aug 4, 2015
I have created procedure that creates a temptable with the users from a certain business unit.
I need to save the output from the username field to my variable @TheUsers as I will be using this variable in ssrs.
[Code] ....
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Jul 20, 2005
What is the way we could implement a business logic from a Table bystoring it statemnnets in a colums and defining an execute sql toexecute it.Some legal requirements make it diffcult for us to createmodify stored procdures so Iwant to have a process where we create newrows in a table and execute it to execute business logic.All views are welcome.Havin g one table two tables different approaches to store ststementsand execute them....Case logic how to implement it?Flags in the tble colums in the tablesetcThanksAjay Garg
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Jul 13, 2007
I have a table called geofence. It has a primary key geofence_id. Each geofence consists of a set of latitudes and latitudes.
So I defined two columns latitude and longitude and their type is varchar. I want to store all latitude/longitude values as a comma separated values in latitude/longitude columns
So in general how do people implement these types of requirements in relational databases?
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Sep 19, 2013
I am trying to figure out the availability of a contact by comparing their available flag to the current day of the week. IE, the contact has 7 BIT fields in the table,1 for each day of the week, being T or F depending on if they are available. I'm trying to figure out how to read the correct field based on the day of the week to see if their available (T) that day for a notification. Each field name in the table is as such: mon, tue, wed, etc. I can get the current DOW from sql and trim it to the same length and case of the field names to try and figure out which one I need to check whether that fields contents are true or not.
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Apr 6, 2015
I have a dynamic sql which uses Pivot and returns "technically" variable no. of columns.
Is there a way to store the dynamic sql's output in to a temp table? I don't want to create a temp table with the structure of the output and limit no. of columns hence changing the SP every time I get new Pivot column!!
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May 26, 2000
I am looking for SQL Server contact management software options. Our company is currently looking at GoldMine Sales & Marketing, but we would be interested in knowing about options that may be a little more intuitive/user-friendly. Please let me know if you have some leads.
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Feb 20, 2012
I am trying to find out the the Average number of contact hours per student. in Reporting Services 2005. The contact hours is the in the Totaltime field
Is this formula correct
=Sum(Fields!TotalTime.Value)/Avg(Fields!TotalTime.Value) is in the =Fields!StateServices.Value Group
My groups are
SELECT Student_ind.[Student ID], ParticipantActivity.ActivityDate, School_tbl.[Studentschool Id], School_tbl.schoolID, ParticipantActivity.TotalTime,
ParticipantActivity.Services, ParticipantActivity.Activity, Student_ind.SSID, ParticipantActivity.StateCategory, ParticipantActivity.StateServices
FROM ParticipantActivity INNER JOIN
School_tbl INNER JOIN
Student_ind ON School_tbl.[Student ID] = Student_ind.[Student ID] ON ParticipantActivity.[Student ID] = Student_ind.[Student ID]
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May 22, 2015
I have a large data set with 10s of millions of rows of contact information. The data is in CSV format and contains 48 columns of information (First name, MI, last name, 4 part address, 10+ demographic points, etc.) and I'm struggling with how I should design the database and normalize this data, or if I should normalize this data.
My 2 thoughts for design were either:
Break the columns into logical categorical tables (i.e. BasicContactInfo, Demographics, Financials, Interests, etc.) Keep the entire row in one table, and pull out the "Objects" into another table (i.e. ContactInformation, States, ZIPCodes, EmployementStatus, EthnicityCodes, etc.)
The data will be immutable for the most part, and when I get new data, I'll just create a new database and replace the old one.
The reason I like option 1 is because it makes importing easier, since I can just insert the appropriate columns from each row into the appropriate tables. Option number 2 feels like it would be faster to get metrics on the data, like how many contacts live in which states, or what is the total number of unique occupations in the data set. Plus I'll be able to make relationships between the tables, like which state is tied to which zipcode, which city is tied with which county, etc. Importing that data might be more tricky, since I don't think SQL Bulk Copy will allow for inserting into normalized tables like that.
The primary use for this data is to allow our sales force to create custom lists of contact information based on a faceted search page. The sales person would create the filter, and then I will provide them with the resulting data so they can start making business contacts. Search performance needs to be good. Insert, update, and deletes won't happen once the data has been imported.
What should I look for in designing this database? Any good articles on designing tables around wide data sets like my contact information?
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Aug 14, 2007
Is there any web sit or weblog for contacting SQL Serve Database Engine Team?
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