Storing SQL Server 2005 Objects And Queries In Perforce

Jan 29, 2007

We are trying to use source control to store our database objects and
queries in Perforce. The general idea is to produce scripts which
create all objects in the DB and then store the SQL in source control.
Has anyone done this before and can suggest some advice? Alternatively
if anyone has other methods for using source control on a database,
could you please let me know?

Also, is there any automated way of extracting individual scripts for
object creation from the database?

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Storing Objects In SQL Server 2005

Oct 24, 2006

Hi All,I am looking to store a DataSet into a Table in SQL Server 2005, or any object for that matter.   I cannot find any code to perform.  Can anyone help?Many Thanks,Peppa.   

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Storing MS Word /Excel Objects In SQl Server Database

May 1, 2001

Hi all,

Can it be done - say using image dtatype - and how


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SQL Server 2008 :: Storing Many Queries To Export Data?

Oct 7, 2015

One of my current responsibilities is to export data to 3rd party vendors. Each export can contain many csv files. The exports are all different in terms of what data is being sent.

The way I have it currently setup is each file that needs to be created is a view. An SSIS package gets the data from the view, writes to CSV, and then sftp to 3rd party vendor. This seemed like a good idea at first because the columns are static but the calculations might change. So all I have to do is ALTER VIEW and I don't have to change anything in the package.

Is there a better way of doing this? I was curious to see what other people are doing. What makes it challenging is that all the exports are so different. If they were similar I could have created generic views that cover all the exports instead of each export having its own view. Eventually I'm going to have 100's of views.

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Sqlserver Storing Objects

Jun 14, 2008

I want to serialize a dataset and store it in database.How can i do that.In sqlserver 2005 which data type i need to use for storing objects.
Please advice

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Storing ASP.NET 2.0 Profiles In SQL Server 2005

Oct 17, 2007

Hi Everyone,
I have an e-commerce site that uses Profiles in ASP.NET 2.0 to store items in a shopping cart.  The problem is that we are now using LDAP authentication, so we are getting rid of the ASPNETDB membership database that stores the profile values.  How can get the shopping cart functionalty to work with SQL Server 2005?  How can I store the profile object in a SQL Server instead of the ASP.NET memberships database?
Here is the profile field:
  <profile enabled="true">      <properties>        <add name="Cart" serializeAs="Binary" type="Commerce.ShoppingCart" allowAnonymous="true"/>      </properties>    </profile>
Thank you in Advance

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Storing Images In Sql Server 2005

Jun 5, 2006

Hi There

I have not had much luck finding info in BOL.

I have a directory with many images, i need to load these images into sql server.We want to staore them in the database instead of the file server.

What is the best way to do this? TSQL (i am hoping), .NET code or maybe even SSIS ?

I have been reading what i can find in BOL basically all i know so far is that image data type will be no more in the future and i should use a varbinary(max) data type.
Basically i need a good link or something that can demonstrate how one can go about loading images into Sql Server 2005.


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Storing A PDF File Into SQL Server 2005?

Jan 16, 2008

Does anyone know whats wrong with my code?
~Nothing wrong with my code, code is correct!

I let it run and it keeps saying that the file does not exist. Seem as though, the path of my file doesn't exist! Any suggestions on how to program the path of my file so I can be able to retreive it such as open the file and access the file?


Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.Sql

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

Imports System.Web

Imports System.Configuration

Imports System.Reflection

Imports System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission

Imports System.IO

Imports System.Collections

Imports System.Collections.Generic

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Imports System.Security.Permissions

Imports System.Windows.Forms.Form

'<Assembly: PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, Name:="Local Intranet")>

'<Assembly: PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.RequestOptional, Unrestricted:=True)>

Public Class Form1

Inherits Form

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim SQL As String

Dim rawData() As Byte

Dim RowsAffected As Integer

Dim filename As String

filename = "H:My Documentsabc.pdf"


If System.IO.File.Exists(filename) Then

Dim filePermission As New System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission(System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlActions.View, filename)



MessageBox.Show("file does not exist", "File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

End If

Dim fs As FileStream

fs = New FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)

Dim FileSize = Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length)

rawData = New Byte(FileSize) {}

fs.Read(rawData, 0, FileSize)

SQL = String.Format("INSERT INTO test_file_save(FILE_ID, FILE_NAME, FILE_SIZE, CREATE_FILE) VALUES({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})", _

1, filename, FileSize, rawData)

Using Conn As New SqlConnection("server=1234;" _

& "uid=F_User;" _

& "pwd=password;" _

& "database=Database")

Using Cmd As New SqlCommand("sp_InsertPDF", Conn)

Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@FILE_ID", 1))

Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@FILE_NAME", filename))

Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@FILE_SIZE", FileSize))

Cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@CREATE_FILE", rawData))



RowsAffected = Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

End Using

End Using

MessageBox.Show("File Inserted into database successfully!", _

"Success!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk)

Catch ex As Exception

MessageBox.Show("There was an error: " & ex.Message, "Error", _

MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

End Try

End Sub

End Class

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Storing Arabic Data In Db(sql Server 2005)

Oct 1, 2007

How to insert or store arabic data into a table in sql server 2005, also i want to retrieve it as arabic format.But now it insert  (?????) like this.Please help me to find a solution. 
Sabna S

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Storing Large Files In The SQL Server 2005

Feb 9, 2006

I have a table that I'm inserting a file into and using the Image data type to store the binary object.  Now the code below works fine for files around 1.5 MB, but anything larger and it's like the code won't even execute and I get a Page Not found error.
I'm in the process of running some traces to find out what's going on in the backend, but I'm assuming there's something amiss with my code.  The Image data type should handle files that size with no problem but for some reason it isn't.
Does anyone see anything wrong?
Dim iLength As Integer = CType(File1.PostedFile.InputStream.Length, Integer)
If iLength = 0 Then Exit Sub 'not a valid file
Dim sContentType As String = File1.PostedFile.ContentType
Dim sFileName As String, i As Integer
Dim bytContent As Byte()
ReDim bytContent(iLength) 'byte array, set to file size

'strip the path off the filename
i = InStrRev(File1.PostedFile.FileName.Trim, "")
If i = 0 Then
sFileName = File1.PostedFile.FileName.Trim
sFileName = Right(File1.PostedFile.FileName.Trim, Len(File1.PostedFile.FileName.Trim) - i)
End If
conn = New SqlConnection(eco)
cmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO ECO_Attachments (ECOID, FromType, DocName,OldRev,NewRev,NtLogin,DisplayName, FileName, FileSize, FileData, ContentType) VALUES (@ECOID, @FromType,@DocName,@OldRev,@NewRev,@NtLogin,@DisplayName, @FileName, @FileSize, @FileData, @ContentType) ")
cmd.Connection = conn
File1.PostedFile.InputStream.Read(bytContent, 0, iLength)
With cmd
.Parameters.Add("@ECOID", SqlDbType.Int)
.Parameters.Add("@FromType", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)
.Parameters.Add("@DocName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
.Parameters.Add("@OldRev", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)
.Parameters.Add("@NewRev", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)
.Parameters.Add("@NTLogin", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100)
.Parameters.Add("@DisplayName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200)
.Parameters.Add("@FileName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255)
.Parameters.Add("@FileSize", SqlDbType.Real)
.Parameters.Add("@FileData", SqlDbType.Image)
.Parameters.Add("@ContentType", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)
.Parameters("@ECOID").Value = ECOID
.Parameters("@FromType").Value = From
.Parameters("@DocName").Value = DocName
.Parameters("@OldRev").Value = OldRev
.Parameters("@NewRev").Value = NewRev
.Parameters("@NTLogin").Value = NTLogon
.Parameters("@DisplayName").Value = DisplayName
.Parameters("@FileName").Value = sFileName
.Parameters("@FileSize").Value = iLength
.Parameters("@FileData").Value = bytContent
.Parameters("@ContentType").Value = sContentType
End With
Catch ex As Exception
'Handle your database error here
End Try

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Scripting Objects In Sql Server 2005

Apr 7, 2006

ok...this (going on eight years now) sql server user has a seeminglyvery simple problem with his new developers edition of sql server 2005.I'm trying to script multiple tables and indexes in the mmc...and usingthe usual control/shift keys to select multiple objects isn't working.Is this a bug in the mmc, or am I losing my mind or is there somethingI haven't yet seen in bol?thanks in advance...

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SQL Server 2005 Objects Question

Nov 28, 2006

Hi guys,I am pretty happy with the new system views in SQL 2005 but there isone thing I could not figure out: What is the view that let you seewhat object belongs to what DB? Sorry for the simple question, Cheers,G.

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Stroing C# Objects In SQL Server 2005

Aug 17, 2006


I need to knwo if its possible to easily store / retrieve c# objects in SQL Server 2005 as user defined data types or some other type. We need to be able to store collections of simple objects as a single value and be able to and recreate the c# object. For example one type would be a hashtable of objects that just have 2 public members Date and Value

Any help apprecitaed


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Storing Image In Sql Server 2005 In Binary Format?

Nov 1, 2006

please mail me at

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Storing/Retrieving Flash Files In/from Sql Server 2005

Dec 17, 2007

Hi There,
Can I store flash files in the database. I have a table with one of the columns as varbinary datatype. Previously, I was saving images (as filebytes) into this column. But now I need to implement something to store the flash file. So, is it possible to store flash files in the database and retrieve them and display them in an page?
Thanks a lot for your suggestion!!

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Storing IEEE 754 Floats In SQL Server 2005 (NaN, +/- Infinity)

Nov 17, 2006

Hi all,

Is there a way to get SQL Server 2005 to store NaN and Positive and Negative infinity values for double precision floats? It used to work fine under SQL 2000 and works great under MS Access, but we are updating our scientific application, and really need to be able to store this information efficiently under SQL Server 2005. We really want to dump Access because of database storage limitations.

It really amazes me that there is not more support for this as the limitation really makes it hard to store a lot of our simulation data. I guess SQL Server is more geared for financial data then scientific data. I know that Oracle supports this but we rather stick with SQL Server if we can.

We really want to avoid having to have an extra column to store this, that would be disastrous. NaN could be stored as null values. And, no, we cannot map +/- Infinity to Min and Max double values. We definitely need the distinction there.

Another post I read talked about custom user types€¦ but I€™m not sure how well that will work with our analysts pulling the data into other tools, like Excel.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. It just boggles the mind that SQL Server does not seem to handle true IEEE 754 doubles. How is Microsoft going to deal with C# 3.0 and DLinq support? The issue must show up there.


Thanks much.

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Storing Time-series Data In SQL Server 2005

May 1, 2007

Hi all,

I'm wondering what is the best way to store time-series data in an SQL database?? I've done a bit of investigating on the rrdtool (round robin database tool) that is used in a lot of nix based solutions for monitoring network equipment. I have a need to collect performance data from servers and routers and then produces some nice graphs from that data. I'm just not sure who i should store that data without the database growing to some huge size.

Any suggestions?

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2005 Copy Database Objects From One Server To Another

Jan 12, 2007

I just upgraded to SQLServer 2005 Standard. I do development in adatabase on one server. When a solution is completely tested, I moveit to the operational database on a different server. With SQLServer2000, I could just open the .adp file and do File->Get ExternalData->Import to move the objects. That does not work with 2005.What is the recommended method for moving objects from one database toanother? Obviously, the objects that changed will not be the sameevery time.Thanks!Jer

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Need Help With Taking Data From A Card Reader And Storing It Into SQL Server 2005

Feb 7, 2007

I'm using a Hemisphere West MSR-152 card reader. I need to take data from the reader and store it into SQL Server 2005 Express. Can anyone give ideas on how to do this (sample code recommendations). I'm using visual studio 2005 express and I code with VB.NET.

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Error While Storing A Zip File With Size More Than 1MB In MS SQL Server 2005 Express

Aug 9, 2007

I want to store a Zip file as a BLOB, but I get an error:
"File 'C:<path of mdf file> ' appears to have been truncated by the operating system. Expected size is 2560KB but actual size is 1536KB "
whenever the BLOB exceeds 1MB.

Any suggestions? How can I store larger .ZIP files to the Database?
I am using MS SQL 2005 Express and the data type that I gave for the column to store Blob is "varbinary(MAX)".

I am inserting byte array in to this field.
It works fine for a zip file less than 1MB but as soon as the zipped file size increases beyond 1MB, lots of error pop-up and then the database is not readable. Its says that, the data in the data base may have been corrupted...

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Removing Unused Objects - SQL Server 2000 Or 2005

Jan 22, 2008

Sometimes at the end of a project you'll end up with unused Tables,Stored Procs, Functions, and Views.Since there is not something like a 'SELECT' trigger ... what is thebest way for telling what is not being used by your solution? To turnon some kind of tracing?Any ideas?Thanks,Kelly GreerJoin Bytes!change nospam to yahoo

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Data From XML - Objects Within Objects?

Nov 20, 2013

passing serialised objects to a stored procedure for the purpose of data inserts. I see this as being a way to handle multiple row inserts efficiently.

However, in my limited use of XML data I am not so sure how to link the data when I have a dependency on another "object" within the serialised XML.

Below is a code snippet showing what I have so far.

The first insert statement works fine - but how to retrieve the identifier created by the DB - I want to use an SQL statement that finds the record in the table based on the XML representation (of the PluginInfo), allowing me to insert the ConfigurationInfo with the correct reference to the PluginInfo

DECLARE @TransactionCount AS INT
SELECT @Config = '
<ConfigurationDirectory >
<ConfigurationInfo groupKey="Notifications" sectionKey="App.Customization.PluginInfo"


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Migrating Oracle PL/SQL Objects And Collection Types Into SQL Server 2005

Mar 7, 2008


Can anyone help me out in migrating Oracle stored procedures & Functions which contains collection types (user-defined datatypes like VARRAYS) into SQL Server 2005. How to achieve this taks? This is very important for me and it's very urgent. Please someone help me.

Thanks & Regards
K P Kumar

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How To Encrypt My Password Or Sensitive Data Before Storing Them In A Database , Using SQL Server 2005?[urgent Plz Help]

Jan 7, 2007

Hi there ,1. i have a database and i want to encrypt my passwords before storing my records in a database plus i will later on would require to  authenticate my user so again i have to encrypt the string provided by him to compare it with my encrypted password in database below is my code , i dont know how to do it , plz help 2. one thing more i am storing IP addresses of my users as a "varchar" is there a better method to do it , if yes plz help me    try        {            SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection();            myConnection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["projectConnectionString"].ConnectionString;            SqlDataAdapter myAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT *From User_Info", myConnection);            SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(myAdapter);            DataSet myDataset = new DataSet();            myAdapter.Fill(myDataset, "User_Info");            //Adding New Row in User_Info Table               DataRow myRow = myDataset.Tables["User_Info"].NewRow();            myRow["user_name"] = this.user_name.Text;            myRow["password"] = this.password.Text; // shoule be encrypted             //not known till now how to do it                       myRow["name"] =;            myRow["ip_address"] = this.ip_address.Text;                        myDataset.Tables["User_Info"].Rows.Add(myRow);            myAdapter.Update(myDataset, "User_Info");            myConnection.Close();            myConnection.Dispose();        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            this.error.Text = "Error ocurred in Creating User : " + ex.Message;        }  

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Database Diagram Support Objects Cannot... Attaching Sql 2000 Db To Sql Server 2005

Jan 3, 2006


I've seen threads concerning this problem. I have followed the prescribed steps to fix the problem. I've set the db owner to sa, I've set compatibility to 2005. Still I can't get the diagram to function.

Can anyone out there help me?

Thanks, Bill

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Best Practice To Pull Data From Sql Server 2000 To Sql Server 2005 With Dynamic Queries

May 3, 2007

Hi There,

I need to pull data using input from one table in sql server 2005. I have to query against the sql server 2000 database and pull data into sql server 2005. I have a list of ids that I have to pass to a query to get the desired data. What is the best practice for this. Can I use SSIS or do I need to build an app in C#? Can somebody please reply back?

Thanks a lot!!

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SQL Server 2005 Driver For PHP - Parameterized Queries

Mar 14, 2008

I've setup a parameterised query in PHP correctly and achieved the results I wanted from a basic view.

I then developed the application to use a Table-valued Function to be able to simplify the PHP code.

SELECT * FROM [CDBF].[dbo].[webOrganisation] ('w%',5,11)

This query works fine within the code.

/* Define the query. */
$tsql = "SELECT * FROM webOrganisation ('w%',5,11)";

/* Execute the query. */
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $connection, $tsql);
if ( ! $stmt )
echo "Error in statement 2 execution in display_search().";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Iterate through the resultset printing a row of data upon each iteration.*/
while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC))

// Display results (this bit works fine!)

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);

However when I try to parameterise it, I get errors.

Error in statement 2 execution in display_search(). Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 07009 [SQLSTATE] => 07009 [1] => 0 [code] => 0 [2] => [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid Descriptor Index [message] => [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid Descriptor Index ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 07009 [SQLSTATE] => 07009 [1] => 0 [code] => 0 [2] => [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid parameter number [message] => [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid parameter number ) )

/* Define the query. */
$tsql = "SELECT * FROM webOrganisation ( ? , ? , ? )";

/* Execute the query. */
$start = 5;
$finish = 11;
$params = array($search.'%',$start,$finish);
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $connection, $tsql, $params);
if ( ! $stmt )

All other parts of the code remain the same.

Where am I going wrong

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Concurrent Queries In SQL Server 2005 Express

Nov 9, 2006

If applicable, what's the limit on concurrent queries supported by SQL Server 2005 Express? Also, if there's a limit, does next connection after the max errors out or merely queues up?



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SQL Server 2005 Slows Down After A Large Number Of Queries

Jul 4, 2007


We are running SQL Server 2005 Ent Edition with SP2 on a Windows 2003 Ent. Server SP2 with Intel E6600 Dual core CPU and 4GB of RAM. We have an C# application which perform a large number of calculation that run in a loop. The application first load transactions that needs to be updated and then goes to each one of the rows, query another table get some values and update the transaction.

I have set a limit of 2GB of RAM for SQL server and when I run the application, it performs 5 records update (the process described above) per second. After roughly 10,000 records, the application slows down to about 1 record per second. I have tried to examine the activity monitor however I can't find anything that might indicate what's causing this.

I have read that there are some known issues with Hyper-Threaded CPUs however since my CPU is Dual-core, I do not know if the issue applies to those CPUs too and I have no one to disable one core in the bios.

The only thing that I have noticed is that if I change the Max Degree of Parallelism when the server slows down (I.e. From 0 to 1 and then back to 0), the server speeds up for another 10,000 records update and then slows down. Does anyone has an idea of what's causing it? What does the property change do that make the server speed up again?

If there is no solution for this problem, does anyone know if there is a stored procedure or anything else than can be used programmatically to speed up the server when it slows down? (This is not the optimal solution however I will use it as a workaround)

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


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SQL Server 2000/2005 Tutorial For Complex And Real Life Queries

Dec 13, 2007

I am not very good in queries. Could you please suggest me some web site/Tutorial/Artical where i can get Study Material for complex and real life queries. I know the syntexes, I just need to practice queries to enhance my skills

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Sql Server 2005 Queries Start Timing Out Because Sa Is Acquriing And Releasing Locks

Oct 23, 2007

I have a co-worker whose sql server 2005 is exhibiting strange behavior. We have already re-installed sql server 2005 and service packed it to SP2 to try and see if the behavior stops but it has not.

Every so often during the day sql server 2005 will start to slow down to the point that my co-worker's queries begin to time out. He turned on profiler to look at what was going on behind the scenes.

We see where sa is releasing and acquring locks to the tune of 180,000 rows in a fifteen minute span when this behavior starts so does his time outs. He has reporting options and analysis services installed but not configured. His only connection is to his local database. Occasionally, you see a number like - (03000d8f0ecc) appear in the Text Data column in profiler for sa. I read something about reporting options using sa for clean up but I don't think that is what is happening here.

Does someone have a clue as to what is happening and a way we can prevent the behavior? It is affecting his ability to work on his application.


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Sending Uploaded Image To Data Access Class When Storing Image In SQL Server 2005

Apr 20, 2007

I am using the 3-tiered architecture design (presentation, business laws, and data acess layers). I am stuck on how to send the image the user selects in the upload file control to the BLL and then to the DAL because the DAL does all the inserts into the database. I would like to be able to check the file type in the BLL to make sure the file being uploaded is indeed a picture. Is there a way I can send the location of the file to the BLL, check the filetype, then upload the file and have the DAL insert the image into the database? I have seen examples where people use streams to upload the file directly from their presentation layer, but I would like to keep everything seperated in the three classes if possible. I also wasn't sure what variable type the image would be in the function in the BLL that receive the image from the PL. If there are any examples or tips anyone can give me that would be appreciated.

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Which Is Better? Storing Data In The Database OR Storing It In The File System

Dec 29, 2006

Hello there,I just want to ask if storing data in dbase is much better than storing it in the file system? Because for one, i am currenlty developing my thesis which uploads a blob.doc file to a web server (currently i'm using the localhost of ASP.NET) then retrieves it from the local hostAlso i want to know if im right at this, the localhost of ASP.NET is the same as the one of a natural web server on the net? Because i'm just thinking of uploading and downloading the files from a web server. Although our thesis defense didn't require us to really upload it on the net, we were advised to use a localhost on our PC's. I'll be just using my local server Is it ok to just use a web server for storing files than a database?    

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