Storing The Result In A Variable Resulting From A Dynamic TSQL Query

Aug 30, 2007

Hello all:

Here is a sample query:






SET @KeyValue = 'SELECT '+ @KeyCol + ' FROM HouseManagementFact WHERE HouseKey = ' + @KEYID +

' GROUP BY ' + @KeyCol + ' HAVING SUM(TotalClaimCount) > 0 OR SUM(HouseCount) > 0 '

The value resulting from Executing @KeyValue is an integer.

I want to store this value in a new variable say @VAR2

When I do this

SET @VAR2 = execute sp_executesql @KeyValue

its giving me an error.

can somebody let me know the correct form of storing the value resulting from @KeyValue in some variable ?

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Storing Values Into Variable From A Distributed Query Result

Mar 25, 2002


I am trying to store the column value to a variable from a distributed query.

The query is formed on the fly.

i need to accomplish something like this

declare @id int
declare @columnval varchar(50)
declare @query varchar(1024)
@Query = "select @columnval = Name from server.database.dbo.table where id ="+convert(varchar,@ID)
exec (@query)
print @Columnname


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Can We Set Result Of Dynamic Query To Variable?

Dec 13, 2007

Is this possible as given below

declare @Qry as varchar(8000)
declare @Cnt as int
set @Qry = 'select @Cnt=count(*) from ' + @TableName
exec @Qry
select @Cnt

But its not working....

can any one help me out in this.....



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Is It Possible To Store The Result Of A Dynamic Query In A Local Variable

Dec 19, 2000

I have a dynamic query which returns me a result and I want to capture that value to make further use of it in the same code. Is that possible??
exec ('select col_nm from table_name'). i want the result of this query to be captured.

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Assing Dynamic Query Result To A Local Variable....

Jul 9, 2004


Is there a way to assign a dynamic query result to a local variable?

declre @sqlString nvarchar(4000),
@minEventDate datetime,
@databaseName varchar(25)
selct @databaseName = 'customer_12345'
(actually, a cursor loop will assign the database name dynamically, here just to simplify the situation)

select @sqlString =
'select ' + @minEventDate + '= (select min(eventDate) from ' + @databaseName + '.dbo.tblABC)'
exec sql_executesql @sqlString
print '@minEventDate: ' + cast(@minEventDate as varchar(19))

Though the select min(eventDate) from customer_12345.dbo.tblABC
returns a date, ex. '02/01/2004 12:35 pm', however, the printed @minEventDate is always with Null value. It mean, the value was never correctly assigned to the local variable.

As an alternate way, I am using temp table to insert it with the query result and then assign to the local variable. Since I have many local variables to try to get the min, max, count for around 10 fields, perfer a way to direct assign to the local variable instead of 10 temp tables.


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Storing The Result Into A Variable W/o Cursor

Feb 1, 2007

Hello All,

A select statement returns one column with more than one rows.Is there a way to store it in sql Variable without using a Cursor.

Thank you in advance

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Storing The Result Of A Select TOP 1 Into A Variable

Sep 7, 2007


Does anybody know how to store the result of a select top 1 into a variable??

I have this code:
Select @status = Select top 1 status from venta where Origin ='Pedido Autos nuevos' order by fdate desc

And also this:
Select @status = top 1 status from venta where Origin ='Pedido Autos nuevos' order by fdate desc

But none of them work

Any ideas??

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Executing Dynamic Query And Storing Resultset

Apr 13, 2007

Hi All,

I am really in a great trouble. My requirement is quite complex, as I feel, it may be quite simple for some of you.
Here is my problem -
Actually I am doing a project, where client has a specific requirement. i.e. he want's to build a query on runtime for selecting particular record he wants, so that we have provided a user interface where he can select any datasource e.g. SQL, Oracle, Excel etc. He also specifies the database name. He is displayed all the tables and columns under those tables. He selects columns from those table boxes and write the query he wants, with where clause, if required.
I am saving these query in a table, storing column names in another table where we map those oringinal column names with columns of another table, wehre we want to store actual result set of the prepared query by the user.
for examaple ..
if user preapare query like - 'SELECT CUST_ID, CUST_NAME FROM CUSTOMER
In case of above query I will store CUST_ID in column COL1 of table TAB1 and CUST_NAME in COL2 of table TAB1, like that we have such fifty columns in that table. Now question is here every thing is dynamic data provider, database, tables, columns and where clause, then how can get the result set out of those queries and store that query output in the that storage table with columns col1, col2 and so on, upto 50 columns.
Please help me on this, as it is so urgent.
I will be very much thankful to you people.

Thanks & regards,

Praveen Kadam

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Storing Query Results In A Variable

Mar 28, 2001

Can someone tell me how to store the results of a multi-row query in a text or varchar variable so that I might do something like this:

declare @var1 text

select @var1 = {results of select date, count(*) from testtable2 group by date)



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SQL Server 2008 :: Storing Dynamic Query Output In Temp Table

Apr 6, 2015

I have a dynamic sql which uses Pivot and returns "technically" variable no. of columns.

Is there a way to store the dynamic sql's output in to a temp table? I don't want to create a temp table with the structure of the output and limit no. of columns hence changing the SP every time I get new Pivot column!!

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Query Result In A Variable

Sep 5, 2006

Hello Again, did you miss me?

ok now i have this problem. I need to make a query that return one single data. I need to store this data in a variable. Something like that:


@A=SELECT mycolumn FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn = 'Something'

There is a form to do it?

Thanks Friends

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Obtain The Result Of Dynamic Query With Openrowset

Oct 5, 2006

im running a dynamic query with open rowset in it




This pseudocode dipplay the result of @return

the problem:

capture @return into @myvalue outside the dynamic sql scope

something like

Select @myvalue=exec(@cmd)

I don't wanna run on ditributed transaction like this

insert mytable



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Simplest Way To Get A Query Result Into A Variable

May 25, 2004


I am interested in what the simplest was to get a query result that will only ever have one result (ie One column, one row) into a variable. An ugly way is to use a cursor that simply fetches the first row but that seems to be a horrible way to do it and it has sometimes major drawbacks sometimes (mainly if I have to dynamically choose the table). Surely there is a better way?

What do you think? A simple example would be nice.


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Apply The Result Of A Query That Includes Variable

Jun 19, 2008

The following query is failing when trying to apply the
to the variable @max
Note the x is represented by the string variable @stri

declare @i int
declare @stri varchar(10)
declare @max int
set @i = 18
set @max = 0
while @i < 49
set @i = @i + 1
set @stri = cast(@i as varchar(10))
select @max = MAX(field_ + @stri + _ORDER) FROM table_name WHERE field_ + @stri + IS NOT NULL -- error: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IS'.
exec ('UPDATE display_1a SET field_' + @stri + '_order = field_' + @stri + '_order ' + @max + 'WHERE field_' + @stri + ' IS NULL')

I have also tried:
select MAX(field_ + @stri + _ORDER) INTO @max = FROM display_1a WHERE field_ + @stri + IS NOT NULL -- error: Incorrect syntax near '@max'.

select @max = ('SELECT MAX(field_' + @stri + '_ORDER) FROM display_1a WHERE field_' + @stri + ' IS NOT NULL') -- error: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'SELECT MAX(field_19_ORDER) FROM display_1a WHERE field_19 IS NOT NULL' to data type int.



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Setting A Value Of The Query Result To Scalar Variable

Mar 26, 2006


Is it possible to set a query result (scalar) to scalar variable. I would like to set a qery result (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable) to a scalar variable:

DECLARE @temp int

SET @temp = query result...

Is it possible? I couldn't find the way to do that...

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Naming Query Column Name Of Resulting Table Name From Query

Oct 23, 2014

I need to name make the name of a column the same as the name of a table from the result of a sql query.. here is the assignment question below..I can't figure out how to get the name of the table to be inputed as the column name..

Write a script that uses dynamic SQL to return a single column that represents the number of rows in the first table in the current database. The script should automatically choose the table that appears first alphabetically, and it should exclude tables named dtproperties and sysdiagrams. [highlight=#ffff11]Name the column CountOfTable, where Table is the chosen table name.[/highlight]
Hint: Use the sys.tables catalog view.

I can figure out the rest. and actually have alredy done it, but i cannot figure out how to do the part that is highlighted above. I looked at lots of things on google to figure it out but no luck..Can some just give me some directlon or an example..

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Analysis :: Dynamic Declaration Of Variable In MDX Query?

May 27, 2015

Is there a way to write such a query where we can declare the variable dynamically ? Currently I am using the query as shown below :

declare @pYear_Internal as NVarchar(100)
set @pYear_Internal = [D FISCALPERIOD].[FP CODE].[FP CODE]
SET LAST5YEARS AS STRTOMEMBER(@pYear_Internal).Lag(4) : STRTOMEMBER(@pYear_Internal)


While executing the above query, getting the error - Query (1, 9) Parser: The syntax for '@pYear_Internal' is incorrect.  It looks like it doesn't recognize DECLARE keyword as it does with SQL queries.  I just want a query that runs directly against the server. 

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Insert With 1 Value Resulting From Another Query

Oct 22, 2007

I'm not exactly sure how to do this in MS SQL. Here is my current (broken) MSSQL insert statement:


cmd2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO User_Courses ('course_id','register_date','credit_date','userid') VALUES (" +
"@classID,@regdate,@creditDate," +
"(SELECT userid FROM Users WHERE guid=@guid2))";

Of course this doesn't work, as the SELECT statement might contain more than one value (which it doesn't, guid is a unique hash).

How do I execute this statment without breaking it into a separate command?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Table Variable In Dynamic Query?

Jul 2, 2015

I have started working with dynamic queries recently. I am using a table variable and need to add a join in query dynamically.

For Eg- @TableVariable

SET @query_from = @query_from + CHAR(10) + ' JOIN @TableVariable on ABC.ID = @TableVariable.ID '

BUt it gives an error that @TableVariable must be declared

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Dynamic Query, Local Cursor Variable And Global Cursors

Oct 3, 2006

Hi all.

I am stuck in a bit of a conundrum for quite a while now, and I hope someone here will help me figure this one out.

So, first things first: let me explain what I need to do. I am
designing a web application that will allow users to consult info
available in a SQL2000 database. The user will enter the search
criterea, and hopefully the web page will show matching results.

The problem is the results shown aren't available per se in the DB, I
need to process the data a bit. I decided to do so on the SQL Server
side, though the use of cursors. So, when a user defines his search
criteria, I run a stored procedure that begins by building a dynamic
sql query and creating a cursor for it. I used a global cursor in order
to do so. It looked something like this:

SET @sqlQuery = ... (build the dinamic sql query)

SET @cursorQuery = 'DECLARE myCursor CURSOR GLOBAL FAST_FORWARD FOR ' + @sqlQuery

EXEC @cursorQuery

OPEN myCursor


CLOSE myCursor


This works fine, if there's only one instance of the
stored procedure running at a time. Should another user connect to the
site and run a search while someone's at it, it'll fail due to the
atempt to create a cursor with the same name.

My first thought was to make the cursor name unique, which led me to:


SET @cursorName = 'myCursor' + @uniqueUserID

SET @cursorQuery = 'DECLARE '+ @cursorName + 'CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR ' + @sqlQuery

EXEC @cursorQuery


The problem with this is that I can't do a FETCH NEXT FROM @cursorName since
@cursorName is a char variable holding the cursor name, and not a
cursor variable. So to enforce this unique name method the only option
I have is to keep creating dynamic sql queries and exucting them. And
this makes the sp a bitch to develop and maintain, and I'm guessing it
doesn't make it very performant.

So I moved on to my second idea: local cursor variables. The problem with
this is that if I create a local cursor variable by executing a dynamic
query, I can't extract it from the EXEC (or sp_executesql) context, as
it offers no output variable.

I guess my concrete questions are:

Is it possible to execute a dynamic sql query and extract a (cursor) variable from it?Is it possible to populate a local cursor variable with a global cursor, by providing the global cursor's name?Can I create a local cursor variable for a dynamic sql query? How?

Anybody sees another way arround this?Thanks in advance,


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Set Variable Based On Result Of Procedure OR Update Columns Fromsproc Result

Jul 20, 2005

I need to send the result of a procedure to an update statement.Basically updating the column of one table with the result of aquery in a stored procedure. It only returns one value, if it didnt Icould see why it would not work, but it only returns a count.Lets say I have a sproc like so:create proc sp_countclients@datecreated datetimeasset nocount onselect count(clientid) as countfrom clientstablewhere datecreated > @datecreatedThen, I want to update another table with that value:Declare @dc datetimeset @dc = '2003-09-30'update anothertableset ClientCount = (exec sp_countclients @dc) -- this line errorswhere id_ = @@identityOR, I could try this, but still gives me error:declare @c intset @c = exec sp_countclients @dcWhat should I do?Thanks in advance!Greg

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Problem Assigning SQL Task Result To A Variable - Select Count(*) Result From Oracle Connection

Dec 26, 2007

I have an Execute SQL Task that executes "select count(*) as Row_Count from xyztable" from an Oracle Server. I'm trying to assign the result to a variable. However when I try to execute I get an error:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "RowCount": "Unsupported data type on result set binding Row_Count.".

Which data type should I use for the variable, RowCount? I've tried Int16, Int32, Int64.


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Evaluate Logic Output As Resulting Field From Query

Nov 25, 2005

have a SQL2K/VB.NET05 -based website that uses a complex search query, whose results will contain additional logic to be evaluated. There are thousands of records and growing, so it is not feasible to code this within the must be evaluated inline or after the query, and it is also not feasible to set up additional fields and tables to handle the logic.

For a very general example: In the .NET code, the following variables are recognized:

One of the query result fields will contain the additional logic to evaluate and another will tell the type of expression..

BOOL Sex='F' and Paid/Outstanding < 27.50
BOOL Sex='M' and Paid/Outstanding < 38 or Sex='F'
INT Paid*52.33

In other words..the thousands of records being returned have their own additional logic to evaluate. Is there a way this can be done by importing the variable into SQL server and testing it during the query?

If not, is there a way that I can run the code in the middle of .NET? I know I could run scripted code while in ASP, but ASP.NET is compiled, so I dont know if it can be done there....

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Storing The Result Of Stored Procedure...

Jan 24, 2008

Hi All,
I have to execute one of the stored procedure within another stored procedure.
And have to store it into some table variable...
How to do that.pls give me the syntax...
Thanks and reagards

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Storing Result Set From RESTORE HEADERONLY

Dec 13, 1999

Could anyone please tell me whether and how I can store the result set from the RESTORE HEADERONLY ?


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SQL 2012 :: Batch File And Storing Result

Sep 29, 2015

I have to use sql cmd and run diagnostic queries.

I need to run multiple dmvs as a batch file and storing the dmv result to some place.

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Aug 29, 2007

Here is the sample query:






EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL1

Now when I execute this SP it gives me error invalid colunm name. I figure out that its because of the variable @VALUE. Eventually I found out that I need to single quote the value of this dynamically feeded variable @ VALUE

is there any way I can do this; give quotes to @value like @ COL + '=" + ' @VALUE'

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Storing A Stored-proc's Result Into A Temp Table

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to write a SQL that stores a result from a stored-procedureinto a temporary table.Is there any way of doing this?

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TSQL UNION, But Get The Differance In Dollar Amount In The Result

May 26, 2006

Category Name SubCategory Name Amount
Construction Construction 2,877.00
Design Design 0.00
Soft Cost Inspection 0.00

Category Name SubCategory Name Amount
Construction Construction 2,800.00
Construction Contingency 300.00
Design Design 500.00
Soft Cost Inspection 980.00
Soft Cost Survey 145.00
Soft Cost Testing 720.00
Soft Cost Management 1000.00
Soft Cost Other Costs 10,000.00

How could I UNION the two result sets together and where the Category Name and SubCategory Name are equal for GridView1 and GridView2, show the difference in the Amount column.

This is the result I am looking for.

Category Name SubCategory Name DIFFERANCE
Construction Construction 77.00 = (GridView1 - GridView2)
Construction Contingency 300.00
Design Design 500.00
Soft Cost Inspection 980.00
Soft Cost Survey 145.00
Soft Cost Testing 720.00
Soft Cost Management 1000.00
Soft Cost Other Costs 10,000.00

I am trying to do it on the back end. Though, if you have a clever way to produce a resulting gridview in C# with the results I need, I am all game!
This is what I have so far: (TSQL code)






tblEstimatesLineItems, tblCategories, tblSubCategories


tblEstimatesLineItems.lngzEstimateId = 24 AND --@lngzEstimateId_Compare1

tblEstimatesLineItems.lngzCategoryId = tblCategories.idsCategoryId AND

tblEstimatesLineitems.lngzSubCategoryId = tblSubCategories.idsSubCategoryId

union all






tblEstimatesLineItems, tblCategories, tblSubCategories


tblEstimatesLineItems.lngzEstimateId = 25 AND --@lngzEstimateId_Compare1

tblEstimatesLineItems.lngzCategoryId = tblCategories.idsCategoryId AND

tblEstimatesLineitems.lngzSubCategoryId = tblSubCategories.idsSubCategoryId

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Use DBName In Dynamic TSQL...

Dec 11, 2001

Is there a way to 'extend' the use of 'Use DatabaseName' sql statement?
I want to build an dynamic sql string such as
'Use '+ @serverName+ '.Master', but it won't accept serverName. just for database within the same server...


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Dynamic TSQL Question...

May 22, 2001

I am trying (but so far unable) to build a table with dynamic fields using TSQL.

For example:

returns "A", "B", "C" and "D".

from this recordset I want to create those fields in a this:

CREATE TABLE inclusive {
ID int

...some kind of a loop to add @accessType...


...any ideas?

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Sep 4, 2007

Here is the query..
@ENTITY, @ FIELD, @KEYID, @VALUE comes dynamically using cursor. Here in this example I have took one sample and assigned it a value to do sanity check.

DECLARE @ENTITY nvarchar (100)

SET @ENTITY ='AccidentDimension'

DECLARE @FIELD nvarchar (100)

SET @FIELD = 'UHReceivedDate'

DECLARE @KEYID nvarchar (100)

SET @KEYID = '1074958'

DECLARE @VALUE varchar (100)

SET @VALUE = '10JAN2020'







SET @SQL1 = ' SET @KeyValueOUT = Select '+ @KeyName + ' FROM ClaimManagementFact WHERE ClaimKey = ' + @KEYID +

' GROUP BY ' + @KeyName + ' HAVING SUM(TotalClaimCount) > 0 OR SUM(IncidentOnlyClaimCount) > 0 )'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL1, @KeyValueOUT INT OUTPUT;

@KeyValue= @KeyValueOUT OUTPUT;

Select @KeyValue

A) What i want to do is store the value resulting from select statemenet by executing @SQL1 which is INT to @KeyValue. In previous thread I tried various thing but resulting in errors.

Thanks in advance for help

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Storing A Dynamic File Name Table

Apr 17, 2014

I have a file that is automatically generated by an external process that will always have the same name + a date stamp.I will say test_(Datestamp).txt

what i am trying to do is use sql to bulk insert this file but i will not know the full file name as the date stamp is also includes time. What my script is doing is taking this file everyday storing its contents temporarily in a table where i then use a trigger to edit and repopulate the table and kick out a new file that another external process uses.

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